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tv   News  RT  January 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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the, the top headlines right now here on oxy 2 children are killed and 3 others wounded as iran strikes targets in tak as dawn. it comes just the day after, at last the missile by roger terrorist and a most that spies center and syria and iran. the us and u. k, reportedly conducting new stripes on who the positions and yemen allegedly positing and to ship mis style facilities to these folks boats and told me to watch exclusively size the suspect or escalation. this may lead to a major disaster by turning the red sea into a military arena that could threaten international navigation which will lead to the expansion of the conflict outside the scope of the red sea type of southern images from kansas city. where a doctor is forced to perform
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a leg amputation on his own nice home without anesthetic. we heard from the doctor himself, one of the kind of surgery i did notice that i take no instruments to use whatever i had in the kitchen, a knife and says is for 5 days i stayed with hired my niece until the is ready for us. has left us the quote with us are many hot spots in the world today with the correspondence positioned across them. there's lots to talk about in this ours, my board cost here or not. so i guess don says 2 children have been killed and 3 others wounded iranian missile strike. that's our honest as it was targeting to strongholds of a sunni militant group, unconfirmed images showing the scale of disruption less softer this you can see the target building there. it is right there as well as the surrounding area. it's all about his wall and it could seriously undermine the relationship between the
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country or do the lower bar. blackest on strongly condemns the unprovoked violation of its air space by iran. and the strike inside pakistani territory, which resulted in the death of 2 innocent children while injuring 3 girls. this violation of pakistan's sovereignty is completely unacceptable and can have serious consequences. pakistan has always said, terrorism is a common threat to all countries in the region that requires coordinated action. such a unilateral acts are not in conformity with good neighborly relations and can seriously undermine bilateral trust and confidence. the serious errors trying to make sure spaces my initial the
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which are the balances area or the control and the diesel version force or radius. the g for largest and los which way december last year, your boss to be really was waiting to the
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source on tuesday. iran also headquartered side well tara targets in iraq and syria, taking a math in the alleged most side spice center as well. i'm drawing footage are showing the extent of the destruction in the north and iraq, the city of bill. you'll have to look pretty closely the entire onset. it launched a ballistic missiles to destroy what a cold israel spy headquarters in iraq and anti iranian terror groups. as well as i still link locations in syria about god condemn the strikes while the us described them as quote, reckless. well, the director general of the pack is still enough. got us on us for a most solving job ed believe there are some parties who are interested in actually spreading violets across the middle east. probably this attack alone is the kind of grab that the telephone and uh, probably the, some of those stakeholders are reasonable audit studies. notes would want to entangle, is not on the at, on and box. and but also one is on into
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a vicious cycle of another car, the kid of conflicts and would want to take that conflict further towards middle eastern and restoration countries. there was a visit of that on the and special to invite towards the sun for towards bucksta. and they met with the special ed in way of of center where they want to send this to a message to us. we do not need anybody else submitted the, the for acting for mr. de. any. so the joint statement of the consent that came out of was about that essentially is which of right now of operating our training from a one is done or you know, they obviously don't want us to and the board, the invoice and the board, the good offer shows the vote that they will be having a drive effort to get you over to operations or activities or some other uh, you know, different categories and elements which would, which would, you know, push a neighboring countries to a thought or the status, the elements inside their tracking, but unfortunately after that, the stripe,
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what's going on inside the dropbox on reaching this opportunity offer ops on and now this is a turning into an ugly, you know, a side of the story because from barclays, sorry. no, it is being taken as an act of aggression. how far the single difference come within a couple of days, been bucks on the bill. you're not gonna clear it says punches and various options to be around and strikes con, this tensions rise throughout the region and enough father escalate. tory move america and the u. k. repeatedly conducting new attacks overnight on with the positions in yemen. it's at least the 3rd round of such strikes with us military saying this time it destroyed and t shit. and ballistic missiles on monday, the who, the struck in american condo vessel in response to attacks against his forces. and yep, and vice political analyst who's saying album, height, the news of mild a shed there, on the latest developments will these attacks, they seem to be targeting humans,
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air defense system. they seem to be targeting radar sites. they seem to be targeting ballistic miss. decide watching sites, and this has been the case since they started these us and k, british military operations and human law 6 days ago. the only data that exists in the red sea is because of the military manifestation and the military reinforcement by the west. and the british government, they basically turn the rest seem to a war zone into a battle arena. and that's because they're not there to secure the international shipping route. they're there to secure is really shipments. i think visit 11 for them. uh the. but if you assess that, i can add that to that they didn't actually so, but yeah, many photos is what will my thought get in? is it a link simple tips heading toward the is it i, but actually after the u. k. and you as an attack against him and the menu item has expand the attack by targeting commerce and ship belongings to the united states, the united states and new cases as well. and that you have many has been under
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attack on. so the aggression and the night data image with the support, the view. okay. and you as for over the age years, what was the result? yeah, many has become a strong god with the u. k. and united states. they always say what them and have to do with by less time, just thousands of my and 4 of them and they took the day when i said i knew ok came thousands of miles towards the side. is a lot of ways that aly via many will continue with the attacks and they will do whatever it takes to stop genocide, i guess by listing who is the spokes person told us here a dotsie. the military action by western allies simply will not change the groups cool. a this reliable minded behavior attack on him and by the us is unjustified. and we consider it to be a bleeding violation of how many sovereignty and an act of aggression against the. yeah, many people the many army targets because really ships heading to israel and has not intercepted any other vessels including american and british ships. therefore,
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we consider that the militarization of the red sea represents a blatant violation of you have many sovereignty and a major shift in the conflict. this may lead to a major disaster by turning the red sea into a military arena that could threaten international navigation, which will lead to the expansion of the conflicts outside the scope of the red sea . look, the many operations did not cause any human harm, but rather representative economic pressure. even on a material level, the losses were very limited. for example, the galaxy leadership, which was taken to the port of today a doc did not suffer any casualties and did not contain any goods. but what america did was shed blood and turn the conflict into a bloody one that requires a response. therefore, the one who should be worried is the aggressor whose hands are stained with the many blood without any justification. the strikes which have occurred more than once, have no impact on their decisions at all. we still adhere to our firm position on
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palestine. that position is to prevent is really ships or those heading to occupied palestine from crossing the many armed forces decision to prevent american and british ships from crossing. the red sea is a response to their arrogant and aggressive attacks. against again, many people with the who these are valid to continue the strikes against the red sea shipping until the blockade of kaiser was lifted. the un secretary general warning of the car and instability across the middle east could soon spiraled completely out of control. big rocks up for you waiting right now. what else we thought. com, the. so we're looking at a while now. i'm a few days more than a 100 days into the complex and mandatory in groups. say that situation in gaza has never been more dia, with an almost total lot of supplies doctors that are having to perform live saving surgeries wherever and using whatever they can. i should warn you. there are
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disturbing images about to come your way and your screens right now will show you what the doctor named need sale and performing a leg deputation on his 16 year old niece. the procedure taking place at his home on the dining room table without the necessary medical equipment or even the anesthetic. we have this done is ready tights or a forklift surrounding the area at the time of the surgery. and we spoke to that doctor. this is what me. yes i my name is dr. honey busy. i am its homeless search. and once you get a sheet for hospital, i want to tell you what happened to me and my niece. unfortunately, 4 weeks ago during the operation weaver surrounded by his ready forces to bump the house and my niece had to have a leg invitation without having his by take. i had no choice but to get around what sort of do the invitation without time dispatching or to leave her to die. i had to do the operation. of course, it's very hard. that was very hard to do it without proper instruments and without time, as that takes bus, i did it, i didn't have much time because the hospital was about a 5 minute walk from
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a font from my house. and i couldn't walk to the hospital to do the operation. that's because the tanks were near us. that's one thing. second, be the hospitals in gauze when working because everything around them was bomb, did it was hard to get to the after the kind of surgery i did no anesthetic, no instruments. i use whatever i had in the kitchen, a knife and says is for 5 days i stayed with hired my niece until the is ready for us has left us. when they left us, i went to the hospital and we continued her treatment. that was about garza, there's nothing that now no hospitals, no medical supplies. people are dying because there's no medicine. no, don't. as many doctors were forced to go to the south. so now we have very few doctors here in garza. i'm, by the way, my wife has moved over and so i speak russian and i studied in russia. i went to odessa and mosca in the ninety's and specialized and just now in moultrie. but of course i'm not going anywhere. i think my homeland is cause, of course i love russia, russia is my 2nd homeland, but my 1st homeland is garza and palestine. people need me cause it is my homeland
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and people need me. imagine what would happen if i wasn't in garza this go. my niece would just die and i moving to west central ga. so now with the idea has actually withdrawn from the areas of l as a way to an hour because even what it said was a quote maneuvering stage of its offensive. locals describe what's left with less than of the area. basically, this thing is like a synonymy went through the all because a refugee camp is uh, being a place of refuge for the hundreds of thousands feeding the destruction. and we spoke with some of them know how to set up these really forces withdrew from salo, dean, i was a wider and oh my god. see, after turning the area into a scorched land were factories and buildings were destroyed. as if assumed nami, it's all all dean, that you are unable to determine your location. if you are in a house farm, i'll live press factory or any other place. everything in the l as a way to and all of my gauzy was demolished, including buildings, factories,
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olive presses, cars and high rise buildings. as your camry can see, sol, how dean was subjected to destruction affecting stone trees, humans and everything. but i cannot tell the monthly this area was one of the most vibrant errors and the destination for old people in the barracks surrounding us were full of tents and displaced. people. praise be to god, but one night they rated us and we fled all the 80 people were killed in overnight as ready as drives across casa, including the main southern city of con eunice. these are the latest are casualty figures released by the gaza ministry of health video showing the mind with the strikes started facing the city. hundreds of people on the streets of a time. according to reporters on the ground, at the time of the attack, several civilian homes were destroyed and they'll come and yet from is riley forces . and while israel, so is it so scaling down the 1st phase of its military operation in northern gaza. it remains concern how boss will attempt to seize back the area. that's according
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to reports from is riley on the radio. often more than $100.00 days of wal mart to the north and being clave is just in ruin. local journalists much, somebody filed this report from the ground and then asked city and about so from the last point we raised on mass, the streets and goes to the city. this bustling commercial streets is renowned for its vitality, hosting dozens of diverse shops with various goods and products. the street has enjoyed significant damage from his ready war planes. recognizance at croft and artillery for the more expensive destruction followed is where the tanks had bumped through the area, as evidenced by the off them off the base ready volt machinery. on another note, this street has time to several healthcare facilities such as the victory children's hospital. they run cc cans, the hospital for children. they in hospital and the clinic affiliated with the you and relief. and what agency for palestine gregory, geez, yeah. additionally, there are numerous government schools and others operated by the un relief and
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works agency for pun assigned, refugees. discussing this exceptionally likely street, which says both residential and commercial purposes and disclose the deliberate targeting, buys, ready for us, is all publish the new life. there is evident targeting of commercial livelihoods and economic aspects in casa in medina, smalley is prepared to go to war with the eeoc to stop the country, recognizing the breakaway territory of some of the land. that's the warning from a senior advisor to the some of the president. the arab for ministers are set to hold an emergency meeting on the situation to get him on his brewing crisis with the phone guy. a lot of upside administers or fits, you can v urgency via a virtual conference to address the ramifications of a controversial memorandum of understanding between ethiopia and a brief way somali reach and known as somebody land. the meeting comes off to land, locked at the opium, signed a deal with some on demand for port axis as put the deal if you will,
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recognize the self governing to achieve of somebody land in exchange for c access in the military base. so marty land having made independence from somebody a 9 tonight to one, but lacking broad international recognition for that has no issues whatsoever. what this new deal for had one or 200? yeah, we're police to announce and once express gratitude to the prime minister in the field. and according to our agreement recently here, that will give 20 kilometers subsea. and that will recognize us to a political change. so it was created by the pact with somebody land could exacerbates the opiates, problems, and those off the region in general. but despite the risk, both sides believe they have much more to gain the step ahead in the right direction for these and generations to come. federal democratic republican visa signed a memorandum with some of the land for partnership and cooperation, which paved the way for accessing a lease to military base on the red sea at the okay,
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i did find the pos to access the portal, fit better. i and some of the land through a slide that will deal between the u. a. d. if you'll add somebody land. the current deal is a bilateral agreement that does not include the u. a. e. the agreement is expected to diversify. ip is access points for the c and listen, it's overall me dependence on boutique for international trade. but it also has potential to 3. got a conflict on land so much so that somalia has reacted strongly to the deal and will be under pressure to do something. as a government, we have condemned and rejected the illegal infringement of ethiopia into our national sovereignty and territorial integrity yesterday. not an inch of somalia can or will be signed away by anybody. so malia belongs to the somali people. this is final, the arab legs. the bridges immediately requested by somebody as supported by 12
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hour countries will be said by morocco. the deal has potential to feel uncertainty and instability, and they already tablets, continental and maritime space of the home of africa. sedan is in the goods of the devastating civil war field here is recovering from its 3 year long civil war. and there is no in these sites for the current rules in gaza, the opiates emissions for regional primacy add another dimension to this evolving strategic dynamic. we've heard from the managing director of a somali were searches association. he told us that if the diplomatic negotiations failed, will, will be inevitable. the tomatti and the so the neighboring countries. bob of the i b, i. now most of the have signed the m, o you between the 2 countries. somebody that i know is sylvia. the diplomatic role between the 2 countries, it's almost the end. now somebody has already called the bus adar,
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and it's still been on the left of the country. so it just shows that there is no mall degree. i'm not technician, but the, the 2 countries of calls us on monday, i believe, is that the, all that being target and that being interpreted, this affinity. so somebody has taken a different or 2 steps on. they just do like confidential international audit and the communicating with the youth and of the guy you knew you got out of league, so oh, i see this guy vicky on. so somebody are trying to show their concern. is it in the national harbor? and so now i think of leaving offices strong, it says they've been called for the field the to the 3. it's somebody presidential stuff from me. it is the household. it is the glad i gave it to you. is that the not take all negotiations?
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food, i think there's only one also does it a wall, so it will be a now there's a quick think about the visual of some of the other. otherwise somebody is willing to good support for them to jump out to get support for a better 3 a where the think is good was on the was the son of libby is for my data should be immediately released from prison as the cold by human rights watch to lebanon, where hannibal capacity is being held in pre trial detention for the last 8. hannibal gadhafi as a parent, arbitrary detention on spurious charges, after spending 8 years and pre trial detention, makes a mockery of lebanon's already strained judicial system. the authorities have long since exhausted any justification for continuing to detain him and should drop all charges and release him. but for most folks personally for the libyan government, at most able to he misread his views on the political motivations behind the case.
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this is a very silly case, any one with the fair, high 7 fair mind looking at it with just basically law. so i can go what is going on here? this is a guy who was 2 years old, a child a baby. when this supposed a crime happened in the seventy's. took name that's he holds to information about such a cry later on a life. because he knew that the parents from his father, who is supposedly responsible for this, disappeared in so be a shot email is a stretch of accusation. and many, many people would see this as a way for the i'm an admin bishop of vicious go 11, no known for its black mailing tactics since the, in the eighty's to extort some exact some money from the conductor you family,
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or they get that the supporters honey bag was in a different times visited by dignity. it is by some diplomats, some human rights activists. and every time he was visited, uh people, uh, responsible people, uh, reported to the international and media that was a so was a fraud giant mine tortured poorly fed, poorly treated without any legal rights are forwarded to him. much of the legal information about the use case is withheld by the lead benny's authorities, even his family and he's very own liberties. lawyers, i cannot get to his files, the exact accusations, the evidence against them. don't even know when it needs to be taken to a judge when they get w family and the lawyers they side to cause that someone and they everybody's
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governmental. believe that anybody's lead to good systems traditionally, everyone says, oh, this is much so even though not me, i'm not responsible for this. go talk to, that's 5 to you or the best and he himself, and he's going and don't know which one is exactly responsible for holding him for a year. so of course, we know that the m as move them industry heights militia group is the main part involved. i'm the pennies of state it is just under its control. unfortunately, the moscow has denounced the removal in germany of a memorial to civilians killed in a devastating allied bombing of the city of dresden and during world war 2. rushes far administrator cried the move as an act of vandalism. yet another act of historical vandalism is taking place right now in germany's dressed in. the german
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democratic republic remembered the bombing victims of dresden after the unification of germany. this fact became inconvenient for the relations of nato allies. and now the nato clock is decided that it is time to replace all memory of the victims of this crime from the face of the earth. the most monstrous thing about this is that the germans are using their own hands to do it. well, the inscription wasn't memory of the civilians killed in the air raids towards the end of the war and 1945 local authorities say that memorial was a dismantled this part of a city wide. we generation plan a british and american forces are believed to have dropped more than $3000.00 tons of bottoms on the city. at least 25000 people were federal being killed. some people estimated as 250000, said he was old but destroyed. social media, huge eyes were quick to condemn. the removal of the monument in germany removes the
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plaque commemorating the victims of the allied bombings of the city of dressed in a total insult to its own people and a mockery of the victim's interest in the memorial. inscription about the bombing of the city by the us and british air force is in february 1945 was removed. so history doesn't matter what the annual correspondence, how much roper says that by his actions the german governments trying to erase parts of the country's history. well as people just stand idly by it's a quite interesting thing because this was supposed to be contrasting catastrophe. and as far as i see, the authorities tried to lower the official number of wheat cams by several measures. and now the even, yeah, taking away the one you've been. so i from what i don't understand why the germans, i'm not trying to, to remember these kind of war crimes booming city. what parts of cities, what this was um yeah,
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stand out and in order for to jump to show committee many times this is a business fact, but nobody mesh mentions of the the crime is the valid data when they bombed to civil targets in german cities everywhere now that was in a commission some time ago who tried to figure out the officer shall number a weakness, which is not something that 25000. we have to remember that what hundreds of saw thousands of people in the city including a tennis 10. so maybe even also understand thousands of refugees coming from from the eastern part of germany that time on the bombing this city to days with this kind of bombs from my understanding shore to the cost of. busy 24 or 5000 winters. so there should be an open discussion about this. hopefully when they bought the reason for this funding, why did it took place then bought the the number of the victims this much to discuss about of the drums try. yeah. summer to of what this product the a,
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probably a wise move by the way is apparently skipping the world economic form in switzerland because it doesn't have reportedly agree with the organizers. pro is railey stops. media reports. i told you guys later off his finance minister who was set to lead the country's delegation, not as to attend president. other one has long been a staunch critic of televi tv's approach to gaza. you don't visit the davos for them since 2009. when he left off for a fiery debate about the inc clay with his rails president of the time, and you are a political expert, a golf natalie believes the top us forum surprise, surprise, lux neutrality, them doable. it is essential to acknowledge that photos likes the world economy in such a big event, such a big gathering for the, for the economy, for the most of the, the officials out of it. they play a crucial role in shaping global economy. going political agenda box. this kind of fluids we use to reflect on all kinds of, most of the international,
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literally work to run governments want to take on the inductors, run the economy for facial to data. it's international. most people, it cannot be into the international anymore. they prefer to be an expression office, the colors, and so to me, i agree all the which it is for reserves. moving. this involves the minds. it's due to global corporation. welcome to sidelines, critical voices and perspectives. particularly adults from the developing that does it come through the villages east and west thirty's, as little as junction because of the oppressed and has been able to get for peace or somebody to be just and i just say that's 13. this is an update on those will be meaningful enough as well. yeah. the, well, the kind of like for him is the one world government defend where the world's richest on most board politicians talk about helping the poor. but they're not, they're actually trying to enforce the global ideological agenda of w e. f henchmen, klaus schwab,
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part of which is to have every major will government usher and state controlled crypto currencies. why? because they know that free of money will crash student off and they intend to keep control of the money and the people to stay with us here at all the international and make sure you question more of the day. most grip is the mouthpiece of these maggard corporations that are basically playing nation states off against each other and using international crises to consolidate power. the same people that come to have covered 19 and released it. now that causes world wide log downs and, and then rolled out the experimental shots so so da, boss is now basically a meeting of the public masters and the washer and all the guards that control much of europe, the united kingdom in the united states. and so instead of presenting a piece, deal to russia of course are trying to present.


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