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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the, the, the pakistan cavities audited for it to strike against the really into red tray, with bloss confirmed by a local official. also a head on the news are the, the us bombs further as sites in the m, enough to the quotes. the rabble troops targets of american ship in the red sea. speaking exclusively to our to south africa's topic, definitely not breaks down her countries lawsuit against israel, of the electric genocide of gases. there is a terrible, terrible smell to that is underway in gaza. people unprotected, the innocent of being killed, women and children,
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public institutions that should provide support in health, just being decimated. the russian military, you say it's kills more than 6. the pardon mercenaries, mostly french nationals with a high precision strike in the crate. the, it's thursday, january the 18th, at 8 am here in law school. welcome to the goldman hughes round up on our team. we begin with breaking news pakistan has carried, i'd strikes against the re indian territory as lama bob said. targeted quote, terrorist cells in the neighboring country, this on verified funded circulating on line reportedly shows the aftermath of the strike. the deputy governor of the south east region of around us, confirmed bloss in the area saying that 3 women and 4 children who are not
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a reunion. died in an expulsion comes after, and they're really an army colonel was killed in an attack near the pakistani border on wednesday, the reading and authority set a group of militants open fire on his vehicle ortiz use of to allow he in to around texas through the development on the wrong, southeastern border as quickly hide and get the change. what i have now responded to it was tuesday, the bombing of the groups positions in fact, is that virginia has taken responsibility for feeling good. on the gc, official diversity of several funds, in se one, new york jersey has announced that terminal jose dropped off the bat was returning from an administrative measure. and on wednesday, when he was shot dead on the wash and dry down the road, the gc member was about to be exact along with 2 of his body guards. as a result of which those 2 bodyguards weren't here. it's investigating the sort of
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breakdown and vowed to punish the perpetrators the assault to place a day after it wants to use procedures miss all the drums does try, can destroyed choose chronicles of injury shown on pakistan. southwestern battle, just on the progress is what said the attack on its territory, killed 2 children and warranty, one of serious consequences. this warranty attacks as unprovoked violation of its aerospace. why you run it down to one side. it's always targeted white calls which doris august. one of the package, the nationals attack is bad, one killed and as far as you want, also said that the air rate was an actual free advantage to the we sensors and additional attacks against the one you border boss. she's talking about a just on call. it's jason on has a history of attacks against the walls armed forces last month. they took
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responsibility for me to check point to the city of last is east on about just ongoing border bars and 6 others. jason are or do you already have justice is known? anyone has changed to more the army of injustice that is designated here as a tourist organization. jason, i've is actually a separate his own group that operates on both sides of the border with the stated goal of separating it was the sign in but of just on the promise from the country which neighbors pakistan a just to out developed a day earlier or run confirmed it had conducted a missile strike against a higher risk group in pocket. stem to robin says that it respects pakistan. sovereignty and carried. i'd be attacked on a group posing a direct threat to around something small about itself has demanded proof of pockets done earlier in the cold. it's impossible or from a run after denouncing choose this deadlock, false border strike last nights,
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unprovoked, and blatant preach of buckets done so. rented by iran is a violation of international law and the purposes and principles of the charter of the united nations. this a legal act is completely unacceptable and has no justification whatsoever focused on reserves, the right to respond to this illegal act and their responsibility for the consequences relies clearly with 8 on we have conveyed this message to the government i'll feed on. we have also informed them that bach hassan has decided to recall if some best to do from here on. and that the iranian ambassador, too focused on who's going into visiting here on may not return for the time being . and we have also decided to suspend all high level visits,
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which were ongoing. our work planned between focused on ended on in the coming days boxed on goes to bob. but according to local pakistani authorities for missiles were fired by uranium forces last night on a residential area in the baluchistan province. according to that information, the attack was on january 16th, around 8 pm. there were rumors about casualties, but today a statement verified the 2 children were killed and 4 girls were severely wounded. their house and the nearby moscow were also damaged. the area targeted by reading and forces is in the mountainous region, about 80 kilometers from pon, score, or reading and authorities claims that they targeted try you all to hide out with missiles and drones, for pakistan, for an officer strongly condemned the attack. instead, it's a completely unacceptable violation of pakistan's sovereignty,
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and there will be serious consequences. such unilateral acts are not in compliance with good neighborly relations and can seriously undermine bilateral trust and confidence. additionally, the rainy and charged, the affairs has been called to the pakistani for ministry, so the government can convey its strongest condemnation. parks pakistan has also expelled the uranium and basset, or in protest and has asked pakistan's investor and t ron to return to his lama. but meanwhile, pakistan's military leadership was summoned to review the situation. here in pond score, military troops of corded off the area and the media has not been given access. well, in addition to strikes on pakistan around, also palm, the rocks autonomous region of curtis done on witness they, they are really and revelation regard said it attacked is really spice lights there . the u. k. house claimed, as a brother, citizen was killed in that strike,
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really and politician alpha cat product de believes the us issue are the same for the escalation. and the reason that speculation to the political level as well, even has been showing a great amount of restraints in the previous weeks months. um, as being all these, these things happening in the theme garza and then the assassinations of the individuals belonging to you on itself to has the law to how much ma'am, allowed to have all these things you on has been showing the strange. many people claim that this terrorist attack this happened in claremont. this was, i'm tired out by i see. but the fact is, the isis is not a group that will be able to carry on these types of attacks on h o. everyone knows that isis has be back, whether directly or directly by nature or by the americans. they have a, you know,
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they have even contrast based themselves. so on and right now when all of these things are happening in the region, we know that there has been support by israel, by the most side, for this type of operation. isis would not being able to and they would not have any intention of kind of such an expensive attack inside the radiant territory. so basically, iran views everything interconnected. so everything that's happening in the region, including the terrace attacking term on they are related to each other. so be what they call the resistance of axis has to act. so showing restraints has its own limits. well, in another escalation, in the region this thursday morning, us forces have launched a fresh round of strikes on the who the rebels in yemen. the
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while, according to washington, the suits the ms. lawrence sights were targeted pensions and they've been smiling since january 12th when us and u. k. forces begun forming multiple areas held by the many rebel group, president finding, describe the strikes of retaliation for attacks. and the red suite of the pentagon said the goal is to weaken in our assessment. we hit what we intended to hit with good effects. again, the objective here was to disrupt and degrade who the capabilities to conduct the tax. and we believe that overall in terms of the scope and the number of strikes that we took, we have degraded their ability to attack. clearly they maintain some capability and we anticipated that after any action there would likely be some retaliatory strikes . latest us strikes on yemen, come shortly after the who t's attacked an american own vessel in the red sea. the
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2nd such incident this week, when the, you have any group claims to be targeting ships affiliated with israel and its allies in a show of support for gals who tease, also one of a swift response to any further attacks on human in the naval personnel. what was it? yeah, many armed forces have carried out to talking to an alteration i gazed, the old c obtain cold pick of the in the gulf of hayden, using the knob of suitable missiles. the heads most precise and direct the many on forces will not hesitate to tell him it also so. so for us in delray be and the right sees as part of all legitimate voice to defend our beloved homeland. the many armed forces emphasize that the response to american and bruce officers is inevitably coming and in you all funds will not remain without their response and punishments, the media and forces. i show the navigation in bold, there may be an amber, etc. so we'll continue to all destinations that are on the world except the ports
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of occupied tell us time will appoint to know just the hours before bombing the who teach this thursday morning. washington to officially re added the many group to its terrorist list. the who takes had previously been branded as such during the trump presidency, but joe biden, the list of the group shortly after he took over the oval office in 2021. washington has said it's prepared to reverse the latest decision once again. but only if the who the stop a talking shipped to the red sea today in response to these continuing threats and attacks the united states announced the designation of answer i'll also known as the who would fees as a specially designated global terrorist. this designation is an important tool to impede terrorist funding to the who fees further restrict or access to financial markets and hold them accountable for their actions. if the who sees, sees their attacks and the red sea and gulf of aid in the united states will
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immediately re evaluate this designation. a little background to all this the fruits he sees the country's capital of send a decade ago. up the, i'd set up the civil war in the m and the rebel group post and survive. years of a saw the lead bombing campaign that failed to dislodge its gains are to charlotte to been skate. takes a closer look know what, who the, who these are, and what they're seeking in the us and u. k. have attacked young men, the path of western will. power has struck cruise. the positions in the country saying the group has terrorized the key in to national trade route of its shores. we will make sure that we respond but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea. and that's why i made the decision without all eyes to take what i believe to be necessary,
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proportionate and talk through the action against military targets, to degrade and disrupt capability. we wouldn't hesitate to protect life and ensure the safety of commercial shipping. these have said they would not step back and any of the us attack would trigger an even greater response in the american and british enemy bass, full responsibility for its criminal address and against all. yeah, many people, it will not go on that search and unpunished. this isn't the 1st time america has attempted to bring those who fees down it previously backed saudi arabia, which tried for almost a decade to fight the great but failed time and time again. so who are the who sees the group? it takes its name from the so name of it's really lead to this is who saying i'll, who's the of the detroit a crate into prominence following a civil war in him. and that the term on in the country eventually led to the
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removal of precedence law. that was back in 2011. now he was replaced by a new government which was backed by saudi arabia and the us. but the new president had the i'm good money with plans to change the way the funds were being dvd up across. yeah, many regions the opposite sion groups including this phase claimed this would see the country's oil welf, confined to the 2 least populated provinces. the who's explained that the government was corrupt and this managing the country. it took control of the capital son forcing president harvey to fleet and read and only thing a civil war. we are forming a revolutionary committee and the transitional national council, which will replace the now the solve the house of representatives and the office of the president in transitional phase. things started to really heats up with saudi
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arabia and the us got even more involved now as the, who's these power expanded, the gain control over nearly all of the countries north. and as you can see, this land bowed his head with saudi arabia, the kingdom and other countries in the gulf corp counsel offered that backing to president hottie. the security and stability of the admin have been shaken by cooled. the who is the malicious, carried out against the legitimate authorities. these developments also constituted a major threat to the security and stability of the region and the threat to international peace on security over h is the savvy lead campaign. initially launched with the monica operation decisive stool boomed, areas of young men held by the crew fees. it was supported with the us logistics and intelligence. while an array of western countries provided weapons to saudi arabia, the intervention helped push him in to the brink. what followed was
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a humanitarian disaster. human remains the world's worst humanitarian crisis, an estimated 4500000 people are currently displaced. the risk of a large scale famine in the country has never been more acute. it was costly for the saudis to, it's estimated that the kingdom was spending of some $200000000.00 per day to sustain the at ground in c opperation. but despise it. all. the saudis failed to make a dent on whose these power and its military bases now in 2022 a ceasefire. it was agreed to receive, have since consolidated holding control of much of the west. and also the newest of him and the business went up to 80 percent of the country's population lives in these lands. and yet,
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despite the clear failure of the saudi light of ration over many years, and one that was back to the health by weapons from the west. hey, we all again, western countries, giving it a 2nd shot and seemingly unable to learn the lessons from the past. and just staying with this story exiled? yeah, many lawmaker her needs. oh, how mar told us the western strikes on human are a part of the is really palestinian conflict? what's the name? it is just positive. what's going on there and, and kind of the many people out i like what's to be out of the city nations. they would be a part of cds, and nowadays this might just be out of and most of the countries we see a lot of support to support that. i have to find this, these to have the freedom around the world. we see that supports the united states
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and some of these lead yeah, really supporting the is that i eighty's they have to did you have any weapons? they have been munitions. they are clearly taking decisions in the congress to support the attack cutter, which is, is that i only am and one of the city is also the continues attack of over these are these again, this video action which is needed to stop everything is called the water as it is to city the tennessee, there still be within back to the lines and all of these things a little bit with this. okay, let's take you now to southern gals were at least 16 civilians, including children have reported. they've been killed overnights of israel bomb the city of or off up again. that brings the enclave death tools over $24000.00 since
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october 7, according to palestinian officials. footage from the scene shows, moments after the late to strike at a residential house, which had been full of people locals. molly's to rescue a girl from the revel. reports say the 2 small children, one of them just 2 years old, were killed. the size of the enclave which had previously you may recall being deemed the safe zone. now hosts are on too many displaced palestinians. the south africa is seeking to find israel guilty of committing a genocide in gaza. the international court of justice is currently mulling over pictorials lawsuit to the end. for more on the highly charged case, we spoke exclusively with south africa's foreign minister. indeed, there is a terrible, terrible slaughter that is underway in gaza. and despite to a whole host of promised protections of the civilian population,
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that is innocent of the home that was done by hum us people unprotected, the innocence of being killed, women and children, public institutions that should provide support and help just being decimated. and we felt as a country and as a signal tree to a range of international uh, conventions that time we make conventions work for the good of ordinary people. and that we could not idly as a member states of the u. s. s. as by and watch this as though it's a full that we needed to step up. and the drawer to the world's attention. that a genocide is under way, you know, a view and let the world besides through the international court of justice.
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whether it is merits in finding that the is genocide underway and whether they could provide provisional measures to at least offer protection to the palestinian people essentially. being aware of oppression, disposition, and home of the oppressed, we felt we could not sit by. i don't think anybody should be surprised as to who is supporting israel. these are countries that over the years have sustain israel's occupation of palestine and it's illegal settlement on the land of palestinian people and their disposition. so i don't think so. we should be surprised that was, what should worry us is that these are countries that hold on all of us to observe democracy, to respect international human rights will to respect all the frameworks that
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govern a global institutions. so it has them in fact, who should be a holding a convention such as the convention on the punishment of the crime of genocide. so it's a pity that countries that often led to us about how we must observe democracy, international law, and other important instruments of the very ones that are now saying, do not use these. we are concerned that the debt such as a result of the how mazda attack, and were concerned that the situation of hostages would continue to be held by how much i mean one these to be released. but this must be accompanied by a genuine attempts to resolve the oppression of the people of palestine. really emphasizing the needs for a cease fire. and also the tremendous area needs must reach those people who need
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it. so really i think what the movement is, is south africa assuming that these values on engagement, negotiation of respect for human rights are values that we should talk to about about the values that we should make practical. well, let's turn attention to africa itself. and jerry were, after decades of trouble business on environmental issues, u. k. energy, john cheryl has agreed to sell off. it's on shore oil and gas operations. here's how the company explain the boost in this agreement marks an important milestone for shall in nigeria, aligning without previously announced intent to exit on show royal production in the media delta. simplifying our portfolio and focusing future disciplined investment in nigeria on the pool to an integrated gas positions. british oil giant
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south pioneer to my tiers, oil and gas business, starting in the 1933 decades before the country of gain independence from britain. but after nearly assigned to a parade in sheer cell on teams, they announced sales of its own shore assets with consolidation of many local companies. for $2400000000.00 shelves, head of upstream. so we generally set the sales agreement marks, unemployment milestone for the companies bid. just simplify its appraisals in the less challenging offshore businesses. but the move is part of a broader step back from nigeria by west an energy companies in recent years, in a beach to make more profit for decades, shell has struggled with hondas of on so always feels result in from appraisal failures, sabotage. in fact, the frequent problems led so expensive running costs and attracted many lawsuits against the company shell says the new owner renaissance will assume responsibility
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for the actual assets, as well as the best deals fact as sabotage. however, the sales will reply, i'll be approve of my journal fridays for reach to be completed on tuesday, schumann writes group, i'm to see it and also said south must not be allowed to transfer ownership on seal authorities carry out a comprehensive review of their operations and the damages they left behind in a post and asked the groups that night, genocide is, must request a full assessment of existing pollution from show and for state of its infrastructure before approving the sales to you are a spell, it has cost depth and effect that farming and recent industries in nigeria is nyja, down to region. life expectancy in the region is 41 years, 10 years low up and the national average. the center of the problem is in the albany land, where an estimate of 2000000 barrels of oil spewed between 19761991
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. timothy b. u. r t. a border materia. well, according to shell, it's spelled more than 17000000 liters of crude and over a 1000 separate incidents in nigeria since 2011. as a result, 13000 locals have file lawsuit seeking compensation. we spoke with the director of the this, the international and g o. in nigeria. he blames the energy behemoths for the vast majority of oil spills in the country. southern region. over the many, many years shall, hasn't been operated in that region. the people of that region have been impacted negatively, the bottom in the will of being there, water and the leaky to continue finding for livelihood. so this is an area that is nice at delta where there was my c on access to level of when students say it is i'm about to be 2. so comes on the
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slide show that there was a pause for many years at the point when this, when skills for the school. but i shouldn't deny the an attribute to the uh, you must have looked at all of that. but uh for the investigation shows that chevy the soon as possible of so many of this wind speeds missing the has been documented in the bus station. i see it is out of the o n a exploration by show in the magenta for so maybe yes, we have done a lot of reports in the last year. we haven't done a report which look at so many instances. this will meaning, to the extent that kind of would be able to we have the kids of the photo, which is very well known, which was, you know,
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contaminated as new event avoids feeding from the pipelines of shape. where even the point me in the teeth took shelter port on the water and there are many, many, many, it is very difficult to get it. and that was why some, yes, it will mean that the nation's environmental agency directed that the should be legal because the damage is too much turning to the ukraine conflict where russia say's its military has killed at least 6. the foreign mercenaries, mostly french nationals in a high precision strike, are senior correspondent, broadcast the of takes us through what's known. so this is the latest strike asked strike on a building or a base. where for much is why did you create the a nationalist of staying had quoted in over the last several weeks then be the get
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a few of such strikes will, but we will be paid off to the 1st few months of uh, of this conflict. when bought most of the most of these items, are you kidding me, that you had loved the lesser they, they tried not to place too many people in one place at the same time, evidently here they had gotten neither complaisant or lazy. this comes on the heels of a state, but by the administration to prep for its president, divide your macro and saying that they have to put a huge new arms package for you. great. and even as the united states and other european nations pulled back on a full stop, it completely canyon ford administered retreat clear, but in a very characteristic fashion who's been on a, a dramatic p. all campaign to convince western countries to provide ukraine with more weapons with more i mean nation saying that if need be ukrainians would fight with.


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