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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EST

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the cost of everything the, the bucket start and tardies are tit for tat strikes against are really into are $3.00 with local officials saying 7 civilians helping pills also ahead the, the us palms. further sites in the admin after the who's the rebel through the target, send american ship in the red sea. speaking exclusively to our
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to south africa is chocolate and diplomatic breaks down her countries lawsuit against israel over the legit genocide public council. the is a terrible, terrible smell to that is underway in gaza. people unprotected, the innocent of being killed, women and children, public institutions that should provide support in health, just being decimated the midnight in salt lake city, mid day, and test cant and 10 in this thursday here in moscow. welcome to the news our on our to are developing, breaking news story this thursday morning. pack us down house confirm that it probably died strikes against are really in territory. this on verified flooded circulating online, reportedly shows the aftermath of the bloss local officials in the southeast region
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of around the confirmed explosions in the area as well as the death of for, for children on spring. women who authority state are not really slow. i'm about to say is it's targeted quote, terrorist cells in the neighboring countries. this morning, pakistan under took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision. military strikes against terror is tied out in the c, as in obe, elude just on province of iran, as well then join in the city and all by archie correspondence. charlotte do been c morning to you, charlotte? yeah, lots of developments leading up to these latest deadly events take us through the, the chain of, of it will. of course, this is a retaliatory strike that. so pakistan has described it for the strikes that are rolling made on it soil just 2 days ago on january, the 16th it has inflamed relations between the 2 states. pocket stone says it was hating terrorist high doubts in iran, and that's what it's attacks with targeting pucks down
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a prime minister has interrupted his visit to dallas in switzerland at the moment to try to deal with this. and we have had a press conference in the last tough now with the packet stony foreign minister has been talking about wrong, saying that with friends with the wrong, we don't want any escalation of this conflict. we want this to settle down. we're waiting to over to get response to that from a wrong up for the rain and point of view. they have a 7 individual stead move injured. this includes 3 women is $3.00 and $4.00 children were killed and this attack and they had described this as being either horror or full. they want me to explanation from pocket stone and it doesn't appear as if that's something we've received from that foreign ministry briefing. there are of course communication channels between the 2 countries, and you can imagine that both the scrambling at the moment to try and calm this done. that's exactly what the bucket standing. 4 minutes to his cool, cool. i'm boxed on his side. it fully respects the suffering t of
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a wrong. what it was doing in these attacks was targeting specific sites where it believes that terrorist cells were operating. and it was also wanting to show. and this is from a statement from the last few hours, unflinching results to protect and defend its national security. of course, coming to days of the strikes by a rough on those strikes on january 16th, killed to add children in not injured, others a wrong set at the time. these were precise strikes. again, it says it was targeting terrorist cells within pockets done. this is a terrorist group, it themes terrace group, a sony group, which is carried out many attacks in a row and over the past few years. just in fact, the cost a month, a police station on the border between pucks down in the wrong was attacked. and just a few hours off of those, a rainy and missile strikes on january 16th,
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a colonel was killed in a row and who was heading towards the pockets. tony bowed to adopt a sunni group around the school. i'm just being a terrorist organization at claimed responsibility for killing of the colonel. the wrong side was simply on his way from mission that involved cultural activities. so they're all the tensions being risen flane's coming up. but what we hearing from the pac sony foreign minister is that they want to talk to a wrong, and they want to find a way to, you know, ease things down at the moment of charlotte, the overall picture. you've got several of washington's allies on folders now firing away at each other across at the region. give us a sense of the u. s. role in watson full day. well, there's actually been a lot of talk about the us acting as a destabilizing force across the middle east of us has had its tentacles within middle east and policy for many, many years with about 20 years who enough guy was done with that. so who was in the
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wrong, but obviously the us is a big backup of as well. and the issues in the region really were ramped up following the attack on as well. on october the 7th by hospice militants. and then is well staffing. it's world garza and the system slain, the whole set of issues with the region. i just want to talk you through some of it . of course we've had flights in the red sea canal. this is because the us says, but to see the militants, which is essentially the defective government to me, i mean, i've seen a hacking ships in call go within the red sea. so we've had the strikes in the admin by the us and the u. k. we've had the flu season striking back. they say that they are looking to get focused on what's happening goals and they want is woke to stop. it's booming, campaigning goals, but they say that's why they carry out the strikes. but the us has taken that
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action further. we've also had a string of assassinations across the middle east, but the us has been involved in with as well, this increase members of hamas hezbollah. also the reigning revolution regarding these attacks and assassinations have taken place in the lab. and on a new role in syria. we have seen the bullying of several sites in syria and iraq over the last few months. we've had a report that the us apparently has been touring plans for washington to respond to militarily, even stronger on multiple funds for the situation. that's really very tense in the meet least at the moment. and also that if we look white to the region, we have those accusations. the us was involved in the removal of the former prime minister focused on him run call. and he's currently in jail at the moment on what he described as being trumped up corruption charges. but there was a lot of evidence such as suggests that the us and she said get rid of con,
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and we will support you again focused on. so a lot of the tentacles in the region. a lot of accusations that the us policy in the middle east has completely failed that it's destabilize the region and a lot of quotes right now for washington and the bite and administration to perhaps recalibrate to look at the mess. some people say that it's made. okay, with a 3rd a breakdown there on all of that are too short of to been special a thank you. at something charlotte broke off there. another escalation in the region this thursday morning. us forces launching a fresh strand of strikes on the who t rebels in yemen. the good, according to washington, who to ms. lawrence sights were target attentions in the region, helping spiraling since january 12th. that's when us and
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u. k. forces began forming multiple areas held by the many rebels with press. ringback 5 and describe the strikes as retaliation for attacks and the red sea. and the pentagon said the goal is to weaken the future. in our assessment, we hit what we intended to hit with good effects. again, the objective here was to disrupt and degrade who the capabilities to conduct the tax. and we believe that overall in terms of the scope and the number of strikes that we took, we have degraded their ability to attack. clearly they maintain some capability and we anticipated that after any action there would likely be some retaliatory strikes . well, the latest us strikes on yemen, come shortly after the who t's attacked, an american owned vessel in the red sea. in the 2nd such incident this week, the many group claims to be charging ships affiliated with israel and its allies in a show of support for gas and other who tease, also warrant of
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a swift response to any further attacks on human. the, the naval personnel do you have any of the forces have carried out to talk to no peroration against the us on ship. jane can pick a day in the gulf of aidan using and on both suitable missiles. the heat was precise and direct. the images on forces will not hesitate to target all sources. so perhaps in delray be and read. c says paul depaul legitimate right to defend all bill all with homeland. the many armed forces emphasized that the response to american embrace health fences is inevitably coming and any new or fans will not remain without the response and punishments. the human and all the forces assure the navigation and both the baby and red seas will continue to all destinations around the world except the ports of occupies palestine. with just hours before, bombing the who teased this thursday, morning, washington officially re added the yemeni group to its terrorist list. the hood
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things had previously been grounded as such during the trump presidency, but joe biden, the less that the route shortly after he took over the white house in 2021, washington has said its prepared to reverse the latest decision once more. but only if the who to stop attacking ships in the red sea today in response to these continuing threats and attacks the united states and now so designation of answer i'll also known as the who would fees as a specially designated global terrorist. this designation is an important tool to impede terrorist funding to the who fees further restrict their access to financial markets and hold them accountable for their actions. if the who sees, sees their attacks and the red sea and gulf of aid in the united states will immediately re evaluate this designation. while in 30 day is it will go into effect . and essentially, this is the highest level of sanction that the united states government can put on
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an organization. i will essentially become very serious crimes with any way aid them provide them with financial support or cooperate with us. now at this point, according to the united nations boot organization, the food relief organization of the un, roughly 21300000 people in yemen are in danger of mound nutrition. and that's in a country that only has 31500000 people in the entire country. so there's a huge humanitarian situation there with many people are worried about where their food could come from. and now the united states has designated them as terrorist size designated the who, the movement that controls the area where the bulk of the population lives. i designated them as terrace. now this designation. busy make it much more difficult to negotiate a piece resolution. we have forces in the country that are aligned to saudi arabia . the don't recognize that with the movement there's been a truce that's been declared, but it's still not
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a single unified government for the entire country. now the whole situation, the red sea started a few months ago, where in response to his rails, continued bombardment of gaza, we had the who's the move, but i'm sure a lot stopping ships in the red sea, essentially a picket line and forcing a boy in, in the red sea demanding that israel stop bombing garza. well the united states and the united kingdom think this is unacceptable. they say violates freedom of navigation, maritime trade. and rather than putting any pressure on his rail to stop their bombing, they have now taken military action against you, how many force. so what's interesting is that joe biden, at the time that he lifted the designation of on this or a lot with the movement as terrorist. he also said that he was going to and the war and yeah, but now it seems pretty clear the buying has done the opposite. yes, escalated the were in yemen by getting the united states and britain directly
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involved to and many look on and say this is united states really showing how fully committed it is to enabling israel to continue its bombardment. because not only are they protecting israel app, the united nation, they are going as far as bombing, those with block is really ships in protest. it was really activities. and now the forces that have blocked the ships are designated as terrorists will staying with this story exiled? yeah, many lawmaker homage outcome mar, told us the western strikes and yemen are the parts of b as really posting in conflict, but will not disrupt the widespread art of support for a guest. what's going on in your mind is just part of what's going on there and, and kind of started at the many people out. i like most of the items listed in nations, they would be proud of cds nowadays, this might just be out of and most of the countries we see a lot of them supported us for that. i have to find
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a theme is to have the freedom around the world. we see only that supports which the united states and some of the countries of fleet. yeah. he lives in these supporting the uh, is that i these, they have the uh, yeah, new weapons, they have road then munitions. they are clearly taking the sieges in the congress to support the attack, which is that i the attack only and what city is all of the continues at that go for over the is that i either need this video action, which is me, the desktop, everything is the order as it is to become a cds has to be within, back to the lines and these things really okay. returning to our top story, those of the pocket spend the strikes on
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a run this i'm about has struck several quotes of their calling. terrorist targets on its neighbors sold following a similar cross border attack by to run. let's discuss events with retired pakistani for a forced risk captain stilton met food. how late sir? you're most welcome to the program. thank you for your time today. yet another dangerous escalation for the region which seems to be increasing the on fire at the moment. your assessment of these latest developments as well. it's very unfortunate and frankly speaking on guard far of it and leave it not expecting you down to activate it did 2 days back. and although diplomatic actions are taken the withdrawal of 70 bucks on the invest, if i'm there on and declaring the iranian investor parcel, no, no, i'm glad to from bucks. then we were expecting that probably it on is going to render an apology, but instead it was insisting that data already and targeted terrorist. and although
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we know by now that 2 children were killed and 3 of those as wounded. so we were expecting an apology from 8 on a non game and it left no choice for box on due to retaliation because after optics of it and he was hurt at an as well as the the know that you see what is good for what a saw so i think it was a sauce with that and gotten to so the terrace on the other side of the border and they had to be back a little bit. and this given an opportunity for bucks not to, to attended on the point both around and pack a some say they have targeted terrorist groups in their mutual border zone. is there one particular terrace group? are there many who are they of it's actually unclear if the things come out of in a certain terrorist group that takes credit for the targeted attacks. but uh, the,
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the region i meant to be fair both and say it's done as well as inbox ends. but not just on the deadline is such that a number of the gorilla groups can hide there can carry out dentist attacks. and in the near bost, a number of groups has it much. but this particular group for which was is the likelihood docketed by is around a josh of the other. they used to go by the name of july to 2010 minutes lead of the complimentary cricket was captured and tried and hanged by it on and under. it must into a new roof call the injection of the but i'm sure, and i know that there are a number of other groups so time and again catty out attacks and times that they can credit at times that that remain quite and same is true for the groups which operating from the indians, with historically relations between pockets down and around who share a sizable border being generally strong. they've been good. are these current
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strains of black or potentially something more long lasting? of the uh actually the relationship between iran and bucks on has been checked. the people who are not active and boxed on products, independence around with the 1st country to have recognized bucks on the very day that box then gorgeous independence and incense. since then, there have been excellent relations bucks, that a mentor with india and 19651971. and iran actually physically had sparks done by sending it's uh, it's oft items and equipment. but after that, there things started sobbing a little bit, especially during busy a era in which it that you should, i mean, i'm sure you're aware that the box that is majority is sunday and it is a majority shift. and there is a kind of a dichotomy, and at times that it does so this tension escalated during the soviet and
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invasion of uh, of got us done in the near past. uh, we have had a better relations, but still that have intentions. and mostly because of this debt or the tax, which in my belief could have been resolved by talking to each other by pulling the services and making it targeted and approached against the dentist. because what is happening now, we are playing into the hands of the dentist who pointed that the 2 countries i should have bad relations. okay, well thank you very much for coming and pro and sharing your thoughts. retired pakistani or force groups. compton soup out and met mood probably now uh say you're most likely aware. so it's africa has been speaking to find israel guilty of committing a genocide in gus at the international court of justice is currently mulling over predatory as lawsuit to that. and for more on the highly charged case,
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we spoke exclusively with south africa as far administered the lady thunder. there is a terrible, terrible slaughter that is underway in gaza. and despite to a whole host of promised protections of the civilian population, that is innocent of the home that was done by hum us people unprotected, the innocence of being killed, women and children, public institutions that should provide support in health. i just being decimated and we felt as a country and as a signal treat to a range of international uh, conventions. that is time we make conventions work for the good of ordinary people and that we could not idly as a member states of the u. s. s as by and watch this as though it's
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a full that we needed to step up. and a drill to the world's attention. that a genocide is under way, you know, view, and let the world decides through the international court of justice. whether there's merits in finding that the is genocide and the way and whether they could provide provisional measures to at least offer protection to the palestinian people. essentially a being aware of oppression, disposition, and home of the oppressed. we felt we could not sit by. i don't think anybody should be surprised at so who is supporting israel a these are countries that over the years have sustained israel's occupation of palestine and its illegal settlements on the land of palestinian people and the
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disposition. so i don't think we should be surprised, mentor. what should worry us is that these are countries that call and all of us to observe democracy, to respect international uh, human rights role, to respect all the frameworks that govern a global institutions. so it has them, in fact, who should be a holding a convention such as the convention on the punishment of the crime of genocide. so it's a pity that countries that often electra us about how we must observe democracy, international law and other important instruments. and the very ones that are now saying, do not use these are we all concerned that the dates that to result of the how much the attack and we're concerned that the situation of hostages will continue to be
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held by how much time you want these to be released, but this must be accompanied by a genuine attempts to resolve the oppression of the people of palestine. really emphasizing the need for a ceasefire, and also that human to terry in a must reach those people who need it. so really i think what the movement is, is south africa affirming that these values of engagement of negotiation of respect for human rights are values that we should not talk about, but values that we should make practical. well, let's speak all not forget self. and nigeria, what, after decades of trouble business on environmental issues, you k energy joined, shall as a great the sell off its own short oil and gas operations. here's how the company explain them. if in this agreement smocks an important milestone for shall in
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nigeria, aligning without previously announced intent to exit on shore oil production in the media delta. simplifying our portfolio and focusing future disciplined investment in nigeria on our deep will to an integrated gas positions. british oil giant, south pioneer night jurors oil and gas business starting in the 1933 decades before the countries, games, independents from region, but also nearly assigned to operate in here. so on teams they announced sales of its on show assets with consortium of many local companies for $2400000000.00 sales head of upstream. so we generally said that sales agreement marks unimportant milestone for the company's bid. just simplify its appraisals in the less challenging offshore businesses. but the move is part of a broader step back from nigeria by western energy companies in recent years, in a beach to make more profit for decades. shelf has struggled with hondas of on so
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always feels resulting from appraising of failures, sabotage. in fact, the frequent problems led so expensive running costs and attracted many lawsuits against the company. just as the new owner renaissance will assume responsibility for the on. so assets as well as a dispute except as sabotage. however, the sales. busy reply i'll be approve of night, june or fridays for reach to be completed on tuesday, schumann writes group, i'm to see it and also said south must not be allowed to transfer ownership on seal authorities carry out a comprehensive review of their operations and the damages they left behind in a post and asked the groups at my turn of fridays, must request a full assessment of existing pollution from show and for state of its infrastructure before approving the sales to our spillage has cost depth. and the fact that farming and fishing industries in my dearest niger delta region,
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life expectancy in the region is 41 years, 10 years low up and the national average. the, at the center of the problem is in the albany land, where an estimate of 2000000 barrels of oil spewed between 19761991 timothy b. u. r t. a border. materia will show admitted that it spelled more than 17000000 liters of crude and over a 1000 separate incidents in nigeria since 2011. as a result, 13000 locals have 5 law suited seeking compensation for the unwanted on uninhabitable conditions. the government saves the reality. could be even worse. we spoke with the director of the on this, the international n g o in nigeria. he blamed shell for the vast majority of oil spills in the nations waters. over the many, many ace show hasn't been operated in that region. the people of that region have been impacted negatively the bottom in the way of being there,
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water and the leaky to continue finding for livelihood. so this is an area that is nice at delta, where now what my c a on acceptable level of where the students say it is of activity. so come send me a slide show that there was back and forth for many years at the point when all this, when skills, so at the school. but she did not eat an attribute to the uh, you must have looked at all of that. but uh for the investigation shows that shouldn't be so that's possible of so many of this wind speeds missing the has been documented in the bus station. i see it is out of the o n a exploration by show in the night just in time for so many years. we have done
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a lot of reports. even in the last year, we haven't done a report which looked at so many instances as well. meaning to the s and the kind of be able to we have the kids of the photo, which is very well known, which was, you know, contaminated as a rental for is feeding for pipelines, share where even the community took shelter port on the world. and there are many, many, many, it is very difficult to get it. and that was why some, yes, eval united nations environmental agency data dates that they, i should be legal because the damage is too much to the ukraine conflict. russia say's its military has killed at least 6. the foreign mercenaries most of the french national to the high precision strike, or senior correspondent iraq custody of texas through what's known. so this is the
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latest strike strike on a building or a base where 4 months is, what did you create the a nationalist of staying have go to the over the last several weeks. then be the get a few of such strikes will, but we will be grading off to the 1st few months of uh, of this conflict. when ford must be the most res, i'm you could imagery had loved the lesser they, they tried not to place too many people in one place at the same time, evidently here they had gotten neither complacent or lazy. this comes on the heels of a state, but by the administration to prep for its president, divide your macro on, saying that they have to put a huge new arms package for you. great. and even as the united states and other european nations pulled back on a full stop, it completely the pinion foreign minister retreat.


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