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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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the, the, the practice, the tardy side. tit for tat strikes against the really entire tree with local official saying 7 civilians have been killed. also ahead the us bombs further sites in yemen. tough to the hoops, the rebels group, the target, some american ship, and the red sea. speaking exclusively to our, to south africa's top of the diplomatic tasks why western countries are turning a blind eye to what victoria calls at genocide and gals it while they preach to the rest of the world. so pretty that countries that often electra us about how we must hopes of democracy,
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international and important instruments. and the very one that announcing don't use the, the wherever you're catching the news our from across the world today. welcome to moscow to arching international or developing breaking news story this thursday morning. pakistan has confirmed that it's carried, i'd strikes against the really entire tree, as i'm about to say, is it targeted quote, terrorist cells in the neighboring country. this on verified for the district living a line, reportedly shows the aftermath solve the blast, the deputy security chief solve the site. the eastern indian region has said that 7 civilians. i think it was that the today we became aware that an explosion happens in a village near serve and city at 4 30 am. after the analysis,
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we have determined that the explosion happens at a village. 3 color matters from the border. that was in this incidents, 3 women and 4 children were killed. we understand that the victims are not uranium citizens, as of the cases under investigation, and we will inform the public of our border patrols the i r g c and our friends in the army are now securing the borders and there are no concerns regarding security . there what i'm showing now in the studio by r t correspondence. charlotte dubin ski. charlotte a lots of developments leading up to these latest deadly strikes tickets through if you will, the chain of events. well, this will, these strikes on the wrong come just to days of the strikes that are wrong, made or boxed on on january 16th in those strikes, which are wrong, says with precision strikes. they were striking militants, a tyro group. they say on pockets down the soil,
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we know the 2 children were killed, pockets don says it is retaliating and said that pretty much straight off to those strikes on its own. so i was saying it would be and this was a quote, unflinching in its results. to protect its national security, we saw a colonel, a new brand new colonel who was attacked then near the pox stony boot. we understand that a sunni alleged have a group by a wrong. i took responsibility for that. but now obviously we've seen these strikes on the south east of iran, no union just to give you some information about that. this is apparently the 1st missed saw attack. that's hate, a rainy. and so since the end of the around a rock flew back in 1988 to decades of no missiles attacking uranium. so this really will have a big sort of a seismic reaction. you can imagine in a role and that the moments know ron's state need to says it has some and
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a highest for much in a role. and at the moment that's from the pocket stone the a team. this is because the facet that was withdrawn by pockets on this being to take photoshop's thoughts. in fact the on void 2 is alma pods is also being a band. so i'm going that he's back in to around the moment and has been tow fi pucks down the officials, the falls, the coming back. so it really feels as if the tensions are escalating. however, in the last few hours, we have had a press conference. this is with the spokes person of the practice donate for ministry who is cold for an easing of tension. let's have a listen to what was said. focused on we'll continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret. a soccer son fully respects the silver empty, intentionally the integrity of the stomach republic of fear,
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on the sole objective of today's act. was in pursuit of focused on its own security and national interest, which is that amount and cannot be compromised. now both sides have said that they respect the suffering t of each other country, but the reality is these attacks which are pet alleged, terra cells have both now pockets down on january 16th. and then of course, in the wrong overnight, to have seen civilian casualties in iran, winston, but they have been 7 casualties. many wouldn't, didn't know if those who died were 3 women and 4 children. so that's something that, you know, many people will be at shooting over the fact that again, civilians dying as a result of these attacks. now, of course, as being reaction internationally to pockets on attack on iran, i don't see that the tit for tat has been going on with will powers cooling for an easing of relations causing according for restraint. here's what china have to
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say in the often most of a runs attack on pockets don't we believe that the run impact us on our close neighbors and both our major summit countries will go on both sides to exercise restraint, and we're taking actions that may escalate tensions and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. now, of course i, you know, many people be watching what's going on at the moment and hoping that this seemingly escalation of tensions and them at least doesn't receive any further. we know that both around impacts don't do have something communication channels, and i'm sure that they will be busily discussing with each other how to perhaps ease these tensions at the moment. charlotte, several of washington's allies and foes are now i find their way to each other across the region. give us a sense of perhaps the us rule in walks on the full day. well, i think what we have to look at is the past few decades. the u. s. involvement in
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the middle east and how it's being accused of destabilizing the fabric of many countries. i mean, you could start going back with the early 19 nineties, and the 1st a rock was of course it was a 2nd. who in a rock then, which took down the government which so that hundreds of thousands of civilians dying and that we had 20 years of us were enough dentist on again toppling the government at the time. and then only in the last few years, the us pulling out because they felt they couldn't control the situation any longer . and again, destroying the 5 brit calls the society that we've had strikes in libya as that sort of ended up with the liter mohammed, little duffy being a total bower, and eventually killed. we've seen strikes in syria. so time and time again, what we see going on is for us, essentially destabilizing country with strikes. recently we've had the us packing
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the saudi coalition of strikes in yemen. almost a decade of strikes on cruces, which is essentially the fact the gulf and now in young men, it controls the area with almost 80 percent of the population. you know, despite all of those strikes with that huge west and backing at the continued to survive prospect and take upa. more areas. and again, even more recently than not, we have the accusations by the form of pakistan, the 5 minutes, the immune con, that he was toppled as a result of us interference impacts dani politics. so really you see these tentacles of the us and stabilizing force the region. now the us might say it, we see ourselves as being the police force of the world. but for many in the middle east, they see it as being the terrorizing force of the weld shawna. thanks very much for taking us to that, to our, to charlotte, to been see no rushes at top,
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diploma. circular profit is now addressing the media, summing up the foreign policy results of the past year on the outlining priorities for 2024. he's just begun speaking. let's listen. so, for those enough respect, it works even consider entries. this principle of silver and equality of states, big and small regardless of their values. religion or traditions in the us be pretty fish, conforms in us in our foreign policy, should we have clearly defined our guiding principles for the development of relations with those who are ready to have the equal, mutually respect to respecting relations via frank, dynamic and can go see ations in order to find a balance of interest, we should rather than make some decisions that will only serve someone's narrow
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self serving lands. as it happens in the vast majority of cases, when discussions involve the west headed by the united states, he does it because of 2023 has shown that such matters more than a typical of the western who german name was since it is so that rely on their own, self serve and interests disregard everyone else's interest. evident z room the world for almost 500 years and did not have any competition with the probable exception of the soviet period. they did not have any serious competitors throughout that period. and probably that made them complacent. they got to used to
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being, they had gem and however, life is going forward. there are imagine and strengthening incentives of economic growth centers of financial power. political incidence. it is these centers surpassing the united states and other western countries in their development. it still is nice. i'm sure that you are aware of our assessment of the situation in their relations with the people's republic of china. the fastest growing economy in the world together with india, our relations with china, and leaving through the best period in the history, it is particularly valuable that since president,
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she didn't pains paid his 1st visit after his re election to moscow in the march 2023 inches turn, president fulton also visited china in october at 2223 to participate in the belt end road for him to use the use of our relations of strategic and privileged partnership with india are consistently developing. we maintain regular context contacts on the highest level. we also have contacts between our foreign policy agencies and author and ministries and to agencies. speaking of our immediate neighbors and close minded, our like minded countries in the middle east region, including the united arab emirates, cotter iran and other countries of the region of interest. and we are interested in
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cooperation with individual countries and regional strategies, structures and like the gulf corporation counsel, the arab league, i see on the african union set loc and all the organizations are something that we cooperate with with. as for african countries, we are elevating our talking to shift to a strategic level, something that was confirmed. this 2nd rush effort assignment is that took place in saint petersburg in july 20 to 23. an important step in development of our relations with the latin american continent was the into parliamentary conference between russia and latin america that was held in autumn 2023. those africa and latin america just like the above mentioned, asian countries are emerging independent centers of the multiple,
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the world. we have been actively working at the united nations. the group of friends in defense of the un chunk tub was established a few years ago and is working successfully. these group adults joined statements on the principles mattress related to global development. this group is actively galvanizing the united nations general assembly by promoting joint initiatives include in russia's initiatives and we like weis support. the initiatives were both by all of partners in these group of friends. i would also like to highlight in those are important events. so the fact is that the u. n. g, a cost is us and nasir resolution on in admissibility of glorification of not
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susan, something that has become a regular occurrence. despite the west machinations it was adopted by a landslide. and i would like to point out that for the 2nd time in a row, germany, italy and japan voted against these document. the access countries that back in the day after being defeated it in the 2nd world forest is publicly expressed. their repentance for the crimes committed during the 2nd world war to see that in the day they were assuring everyone that such crimes with an offer to repeat it. however, in recent years we see these countries voting against these resolution, demanding that nazi is not to be revived. and it makes one wonder in what direction to assist the ideological fro success. those in these
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3 countries and in the west, in general, develop things that have been constructively engaged in other formats as well. sir, i would like to mention our immediate, our closest allies. i am talking about the union state of russia and feller rose, as well as the collective security treaty organization. as part of the c s t o activities, we have been promoting insurance debility in all of its dimensions including its military aspects, as well as biological, security, and security. in terms of new challenges and threats including terrorism, drug trafficking and officer kinds of organized crimes via your region, economic union is all silver or the or mention it has pos,
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certain decisions about deepening duration integration as well as ensure and cohesion of these processes with the felt and road initiative promoted by china. so through the use corporation with the front hi corporation organizations with us see on and on the associations and the country is located on our commons duration continent. restaurants, shared the commonwealth of independent states, c i s correction. russia has become chairman of the c i s, and we intend to continue the useful projects that was started last year. for example, we are going to pay particular attention to the fact that english kac in autoglass kiera, an international organization for the russian language was established. this initiative
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was proposed by catholics done and received support by h. o, members of the commonwealth. these organization is open for participation to all countries of the world. we know that the russian language is popular everywhere in the world on old continents, and we are hoping that there will be a lot of members interested in the participation. i have mentioned this on high corporation organization as an umbrella project together with the you see on and other sub regional structures specialist and we are trying to ensure an objective and natural formation over greater your ration pots and issues, something president food teen spoke about at the 1st russia i see on summit, and we can already see the quintarius of these emerging cost to ship. in these
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context, it's essential to make sure is that an economic partnership serving the interests of whole countries on our share at content is developed. it would be wrong to miss out on the advantages of existing on these shared space. these shared content, especially given that this continent has been a driving force and the growth of global economy for many years, a lane one for many years to come. besides mutually beneficial economic projects, we also need to insure military and political security in duration. we are going to make sure that these task is resolved by countries of the continent without any attempts from out of reach and countries to insert themselves into these processes.
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bringing their own ideas and dictate in their will to address your asia is more than capable to insure it security itself. there's the student, i've spoken about original structures, but they're on please region as also global structure such as breaks, which is a symbol of the weakness of the multi point. it was as much each of your budgets. and right now the sudden that the last yesterday in south africa summit just low, which is took a decision to extend the brakes membership which became very important step starting from the 1st of february. gotcha. takes up the badminton breaks, and we'll do everything in our power to make sure that the new come us fit ethically into our common agenda, the by contributing to strengthening positive trends and not just with things
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brakes itself. but also in the international labor united generals and the interest of the world majority chance, given the fact that move in the 20 countries almost fishy countries are interested and getting closer together with the brakes were given to us this association with a global membership solution. but sure, made our eyes as a bright future ahead of it. we would also like to add that just as we did previously, we just to give priority to, to protecting legitimate rights of russian citizens. that rules the fact that they are facing discriminations in the countries of the collective west. this is a fact well known to you, many of you writing about that unlike your western county pads quite increasingly often trying to hide the truth about how douglas
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feels if she was in the countries of well established democracy, pardon the expression but apart from the everyday problems that our citizens are facing in the us and in europe, as well as in other countries certainly should associate. and i said to us at the present time emergencies of liberty, mutual natural portaging, as well as my maid disasters. so raising tea, we have been assisting in the evacuation of russian citizens as well as the c, a s countries and some other countries from the a gas us trip. and some months before that we have for the evacuation from suit on where a conflicts had broken out. we who, you know, as far as public diplomacy is concerned, i would like to point out such
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a milestone as the establishment of the international rules. the files move into last year. this isn't and foremost sure. association of people who live across different continents and yet feel some kind of spiritual proximity. it with russia should the somebody and i'll give ration of the move and took place. and the 1st congress as scheduled to take place and the 1st half of 2024 us for the most. so certainly going to pass the ideas of truth and justice and international affairs. we shall spat no efforts to render international relations more democratic. and in that sense, the russian foreign ministry is actively supporting the united russia initiative of hosting this policy. and in the national enterprise you for him,
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of the advocates of the fight against the modem. practices of new colonialism. the plans that to host that event in must go the neo colonial nature of an essence of the west policy is pronounced in the cut into policies pursued by the us and its allies. and the essence is basically the same as it used to be, namely to use to their own advantage. the resource is coming from other countries. in other words, basically living at the expense of other countries, the fullest coming for him. initially, lucas most most promising to be very interesting. it promises to be an important event. so just giving you what, as far as the culture like gender is concerned, russia is preparing to host a number of us as high profile events, such as the and the national use festival. as you know,
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but little time is left before it's openings for the also the, the games of that utah integrating physical support and also a cyber sport. the brakes, games, and tags and, and february and, and some of these events are going to take place, the international end division thing. and competition is also going to be held. and it is going to be attended by representatives of the world majority. and we will do everything in our power to make sure that the guests of hours to come to these events and throughout the events enjoy and take advantage of the russian hospitality. just as it was the case in 2018 when bush a hosted, lee was got finals. and in conclusion, i would like to re if um, i was hoping to communication with the media and various
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formats. yes, to the representative of the ministry present here. i believe she cannot be reproached for avoiding contact with journalists and other so through ads of the departments and of a high dignitaries of the ministry when they go to international events or when they hear that are just trying. they also have it as a duty to speak and tell you about our job. and they have to do to, to make sure that our activities are supposed to be well understood and how we're open. thank you. and now we're ready to pass to q and a session. i mean, obviously please, if you'll allow me uh minutes to 2 questions, 1st question, minutes. okay. in case you're carrying out election space. yeah.
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is it possible that a person comes to power, that who is willing to talk to russia and how, what do you provide to us as a said from russia's office? just a little important of you is looking at how central, not as the, the agreements between ukraine and great britain as been computing computers. and also what do you think about the probability of confusion of similar agreements with other countries. like the g 7 countries, honesty, we know that consent is with the caps that come up for and the political life of ukraine. yes, the issue of elections has come up. we have had the west is insisting that that is it ask you should hold such selections over the spacing of the election little campaign. and the vote itself would probably
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a little slow easy. this is the allows them to steer the landscape closer to the west interest because very often these deviation from those interest right now, she's often saying that collections that aren't going to take place because the rule is raised on. but it seems as if all of that had been orchestrated sources and it's as if this past and, and as a companies is doing everything and out power to clean on to power. and i see this design of yes to going onto pallets to west the west once a great to flexibility it because the west has already understood that the bleeds craig, that was so much of magnitude and advertise joe, with a view to dealing a strategic defense to russia had failed and the 3rd time has shifted,
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especially within the minds of the west. the west has re license mistake, even though it's difficult for them to admit that. so they're trying to send some external signals right now. on the one hand to the signal is to allow them to continue supporting ukraine. on the other hand, it allows them to continue pushing cave to be more pliable and more it be and to it's west and must as the how was this is going to pay out. i don't know i'm do you have the 2nd question? the 2nd question was about the agreement between keys and london, the security agreement, and how does it fit into the future settlement? well, this is not something new. some years ago when that what trash is about admitting
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ukraine's into nato of the you and some of the countries they were not that happy, not everyone was happy and they understood some of them that it was the good. and now that you're responsible, riskier step from the point of view of your p and security. so it's just kind of a half baked product. namely, this idea of computing bilateral agreements with said in western countries. i've heard about the contents of the document agreed upon by the landscape and i'm assuming that and judging by that document, i do not see any legally binding agreements apart from the cranes obligation speech exemption to go through.


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