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tv   Documentary  RT  January 18, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EST

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flashes about use admitting new queens into nato, the e u, and some of the countries they were not that happy, not everyone was happy and they understood some of them that it was the yet. and now that the responsible riskier step from the point of view of u a p, and security. so it's just kind of a high bank product. namely this uh, idea of computing bilateral agreements with said in western countries. i've heard about the contents of the document agreed upon by the lens key and i'm assuming that and judging by that document, i do not see any legally binding agreements apart from the cranes obligation legislation section to to defend
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the british as showed an invasion, be mounted against the u. k. well, go to someone's position, which is funny, somewhat committed. maybe it's a continuation of the neighborhood $95.00. maybe the name has been changed of this new. this is good news signs of canadians, most of but see be that as it may, these agreements do not change our goes. and this has present the been confirmed by president protein and our special notary operation way going to achieve a goes doing that persistent the and consistently because the ghost will be achieved from time to time. the west is sending signals, then these signals are taken back as well, even with the list of sources we are taking these signals. that philosophically our
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president has pointed out on numerous occasions that russia is not refusing to talk to students of that back in 2022. when at the behest of the bodies, johnson and all the anglo saxons, keith was forbidden from concluding a settlement agreement with the brush did happened in april 2022. the story as well . now now and speaking about this subject back in 2022, i was pressed and pointed out that russia did not refuse to talk. but he said that everyone else needs to understand that if they refuse towards them, the longer this would dry gone. and the more difficult it would be, and we see this prophecy has now come to pass that there are no hopes. right now. let's see, that kitchen has been, the russia is going to be somehow defeated. this as being new to the student
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pointed out on multiple occasions to those who have knowledge of those who last their history and geography. you know, there are many people like that in the west. they can find decides about that they can drive, he has another scenarios for this neighborhood 95, but it's going to have no bearing on life sign of agents. if you is the most santa agency syria channel list limit is to 1st allow me to wish you a happy new. yeah, i would like to wish the russian people victories to show. and if you're having, you know what i mean, right now, the chief, us as establish in military and political coalitions that are mounting aggression against jem. and they're also continuing and conditioning as well in the
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genocide of the policy and people, as well as the military action against the peoples of lebanon and celia. what's the assessment of russia with regards to these actions? but at least we have repeatedly made public statements providing our assessment of what is currently unfolding. and they may lease not just and the guy's a statement or the palestinian territories, but also around lebanon, around iraq. and so this is the rounds, gavin, as well. so your list of in jupiter be so you can see us together with the u. k as well as a number of other allies of this little avenue of, of steps. and basically, comparative change of the ground, all the norms of international law, including the un security council resolution that has only called for protecting commercial navigation with new po number. sure,
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no one has given any authority to anyone to bombs gammon, just as i'm not a single single to the product station as been given back in 2011 to native to boom. libya, the only resolution that was adopted back then was about establishing a new flies and the type of libya. so it was to prevent the libyan efforts from taking to and obviously it was not, the forces were not taken to the there was no legal authority of that, but the country was boomed into nothing seemed to have black co right now. no one can put the country back together again, the drives of migrants have rushed to europe and this is the day. and if you're a whereas the u. k, in the us have been sped. that whereas the heart of africa was engulfed with terry wrist. that when use had been used by the west in order to able to conduct the and
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the same k us just to simply group and black of the products. and these negatives evans is the same with, in the case of gammon, right dial and all the pre tax and justifications coming from washington seem uh, just a pathetic and i guess this background just a couple of days ago. and dad was a state secretary blinking, made an announcement for them to say the list of who all the middle eastern countries are, wanted us presence. and they want the us let's say, play or anything. well in the region to some yes. well, it's difficult for me to just sort of how big is that desire of as i think we should ask them. but just one of the countries in the me least the rocks namely said and made
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a decision to couple of years ago. this decision was as follows. thank you. mary. tends to view the state as guess. yeah, for several years, but let's put an end to that and let's see you out should take you slowly. and just recently we had americans from baghdad, which is that most of the americans do not want to go, even though they've been asked to go for quite some time. and that's deplorable, and particularly deplorable as the facts of ad blinking as pointed out that only the u. s. can played an intermediary. well, only the u. s. is capable of achieving some kind of a settlement between palestinians and is way lights as we spoke about that we have to keep goals and we know about those semi official contacts with the participation of the us as well. several of countries, sheets,
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context. but you've reached the lee zillow, contact simpson, you do not imply direct to some guy like between israel and palestine. these contacts implies that some grown up adults going up. man, i'm gonna lead to some kind of agreement on monday, post that on palestinians, but this is not gonna work on the direct dialogue which needs to be reviewed, can be the on. so this guy like used to happen you or be it has allowed you to send difficult, but some progress was being made with the support of the international into media. we close at the courses of individuals in the middle east of the us, the un russia and the you. and we've always advocated the participation of the quote as well as the out of league. but that was blogs that was prevented from
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happening by the europeans and the american civic relatively. and then the americans have, basically, as they think, disbanded the quote, it won't applies in the mediation process. you might remember that in september last, the pennsylvania national security adviser, you come to the age of of you. but with the who comes to the u. s. jake sullivan said that never before, let's look at the middle east, android. more peace and quiet then several years before and just several months of to a conflict in the gaza strip. look broke out a little good. seeing that because it's too. so we should probably rely on collective effort. something of the us as no longer custom to the us as a custom to dictating as conditions on tuesday next week. that's going to be a special session of the un security council on this subject,
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the chest that we intend to take part in this meeting. and i'm supposed to go to new york to attend this meeting. we are going to present our initiate chips with a view or 2 resuming collective effort, rather than trying to add on one's own. it's not that they're not in states wants to impose their agenda the but also worldwide wait and see. and as it goes up to, i believe that real life is going to change our west school colleagues less than as well as they are regional countries with insights in states that that is the place to live and program the security. you have all the nations in the vicinity is decisive and external advice will be banned icing. but the final difficulty of
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decision rests with the regional stakeholders and the main area. all those for all the efforts. so this would be an establishment of a policy in the state in line with the security council decisions and full conformity with those at a states that would be viable and exist and security and good neighborhood side by side with israel and all the regional countries. you otherwise know mehta locked is going to happen way. well, i'm sure c z relapses. all the violence that is ongoing and goes, it goes without a police state, police thing in the states established the people of palestine will fail. jesus
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oppressed, encroached upon with liz, as and in just a 2nd generation off to generation of young palestinians will pass it down to the junction and fixes the children. so the death penalty of outcome must be leased every spent them and how to sing in state. i, i really hope that these riley leadership will come to this conclusion at this point, not every body and israel believes it's except symbols on that country. but you know, there's nothing can be done about that. we only can dialogue until unexplained without a police thing. and stays on place. israel will not have ed security saved, got it. and it's in russia's interest slash these rallies used to live in the
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interest of the secure retail. if there's a long lasting problem that was way, was the 1st nation to recognize their independence. now, around 2000000 citizens resides and stay that who have double nationality of israel and russian. and definitely we care about that and we're ready to plan like a thomas and guaranteeing a full fledge settlements. that would say, if god, israel, this security in full conformity with the security council resolutions on the palestinian issue, confessional life out loud, do things from goodwill mist administer last year. and what seems to of the was the information was that they not, that state state submitted some proposals to russia to launch
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a negotiation process on launch control back to them, they never failed rush. i confirmed that i need to speak with that a, an official response was not being contemplated. so after all was the response to make to, to the s. and the 2nd point is, do you see any, any prospects, any future possibility of resuming the dialogue with the sort of strategic stability? is it possible? is it appropriate now? is it cold for a given the current context of people's up with you on the stand off with the west and against the backdrop of the likely hostile policies by war, from tones with respect to the prospect. so resuming the least protective dialogue with the united states, a lot has been said, don't that of late use, at least topic comes out and every now and down and conversations in context with
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mass media, but talking about these prospects and noticed being at old people is impossible, interested in a separate thing that from the overall maxwell's situation on the strategic stability situation as of today. and then you're going to become the business the bathrooms and noticed ations are extremely negative, and they, the things have been aggravating. but we can test to do primarily with regions cuz they have to hide coming like a call for the processes that will lead to the world from a union polar to a multi polar folder. and the west that has been at the helm of the globe, bo development, useful 500 years, is that some place trying to boil the slate? and we're having to know that to lead and not want to say this transition to the
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multi polarity by this. they account during the week of the, their real objective costs of history. and they're trying to to cling to the global dominance that is slipping away from them. i'm trying to contain these developments . the west stops at nothing in terms of means in ways to counter those who are engaged in those hedge. a monic choose face the pool, the quality principles in china, india and john to instead of the west has been trying to maintain age, unbridled global dominance, primarily to is the policy of washington. but they know they stumble over and it's more involved that goes a lot of these obstacles is russia that has demonstrated results, not to say it's interesting to encroach, to being
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a great how awesome and model the global, civilized sectional centers. national peace with respect to the most of the policy and all tech, but there was a direct relationship between the degree of miss of i was and the degree of facility over the united states and the united states has offered to see the auto check take spanish and all of the n t rough for me. so on something they told me to post soviet space, they have provoked and do crating and conflict it as you know, we did not put up with a they, with the weapon the icing on the key of raising him as a tool which of create direct threats to our security and not overseas, but close to all voters next to us next door. and definitely we would not reconcile
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ourselves with the use of the k regime. in a funk, sol, solved easy against tall russian things like the language culture, education russians. because who lived with all those territories that had been developed by the whole fathers close centuries. and these territories, each is to always remain part of the rest of the world. and reference oil rest of the land of egypt and cave it the story. so just was meant to be converted into a weapon to destroy businesses, common memory, and destroy him. the comfortable kind of ties between the rest of the crate in peoples which is also directed to the threats to our interests in response to the measures that we took below the 2 safeguards. and for that could that one's
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interest? how out found just that? that is that if i may side, so the united states has on the lease of total hybrid for more in order to reach a political, economic, and different maddox travelling on russia. the cho costs, but also defeats us in the battlefield. that was old stated in public but also significant to remember in parallel with these developments that we'll witness thing. we don't see any, any mind at the slightest interest in the united states. so the west to set off the train complex and if a way they don't want to listen to all concerns, just like we don't want to talk and then asked about removing the fundamentals
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contradictions. on the contrary, the west has been here leading towards the escalation of the cranial crisis, which now creates additional strategic risks and perils to come with the prophy as it was. so the next we just come on though the commanders of the folks and you were apologise and breedlove remember giving advice, public advice to the k res, seem to bomb the crimea into nothing into submission so that no one can reside the these retard politicians with respect to the next to politicians, we know for sure was that such guidelines and recommendations and advice has been given by, by the british in the context with a k regime, you know, they not less than some live. so they said that they will support
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k for as long as it takes nowadays most of them and started saying that they will support k for as long as it's possible. they says, let's keep in mind the change reflect seeing the, the changing situation. but you know, this is open to them. well, did you want me to give them instance? fiji is a little subject. definitely we could say a similar turnaround and i've gotten this down for 20. is the american state that was it for as long as that was necessary, or as well for as long as it was possible, the day the drive is running some way that they fulfill some things in the same. same refers to, to, to rock all the reckless undertakings only, not to stay in the military field. it's just to say that any of them yield,
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then you positive effect to any, any establishment of democracy that it was own. it has had been meant for a new crane is in for a similar phase. they rely on the most as they don't to where that the most only things of himself not about you. and you cannot account on that for me because as easily or making allowances for your pay souls of interest. so you have, they have been launching your crane to use long range strike upsets and ms tiles to main package. you can try last of the crime a year and also they had until the end of the rest for the oil got some leaves and they can live on some lunging. they have also been submitting the necessary weapons,
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and that means that the west is not willing to besiege a constructive cause that will take into account diligence some of the concerns of the rest of the federation. so such destructive policies on the balance of the united states has led me to this, a profound degradation to put it bluntly all the rest of the american relations, say if i may look around and change all the security situation versus what is repeated all this stuff straight to the side of things the receive offering with them has simply cost assigned all the understandings and principles of justice to those. so the next is that all the pain, the interaction between the countries back in the policy, including in this way around the control, the preamble of this stuff straight a says that we were just in agreement to they sticking to the indivisible security
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principle. when no one, no one improves one security at the expense of the security of the what this principle was can pull the pull in the context of the barrier on leasing. they've created conflicts, also the preamble of that things to them. and she says that the, the us and russia she would build that relationship on basing on the trust and cooperation. so it is a switch to pain reality, the outage stage, smooth voltage for each of the issue of the military prevalence and supremacy. and they dismantled step by step, the they may styled controls on the of controls on the left treaty in the open skies treaty. just some pretty just moves. the good i'm saying was the phase
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of the c f e treaty. so the stall, the cells start, treat itself as the united states created and then the system of the context that would preclude in the states and penalty implementation. the, the american side, back to them froze and suspended the the bilateral dialogue exciting and favorable backdrop. they canceled around october in 2022 in december. if i, if i'm not mistaken, but not long ago, they all of a sudden once again, remembered the beltane pole tunnels, just call a strategic match as dialogue and they have submitted some signals, some queues about their readiness. and they say,
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suggested that the talks on statistics to be what they should be set aside from the overall the military and political context be separated from the overall context of this context is you know, irreconcilable a hostile towards us. and they told us, well, we keep just ising, you always, every well, every now and then i don't want you to move back to the from tiers of a lunch and learn to want to leave the poor democratic ukraine to load. we'll keep doing that. but at the same time, meanwhile, let's sit down to the table and talk about this specific topic of the strategic arms control or limitations actually to move. they said this is easy to look at some time ago. they touched up on this topic. so late seemed folder to resume
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inspections and visit all the nuclear facilities. and the same time they supplied homes to ukraine with the help of which our military bases are strategic. bombs were impacted and was held. so these, all the people that did not know about anything about conventions, all at a can't move to say nothing about the comprehensive understanding of all the things that smell context and the, the framework of prospective talks. and that does not surprise us, and that they have proclaimed us openly. and then i mean, but at the same time, they want to have a look at our, the strategic nuclear stockpiles. because they say it's quite a different thing. and so on the slogan of reciprocity, they actually want to and so oversight over our new
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trail slows to minimize risks, fall themselves under these risks. how mounting is result of the the military, the bushes, fresh and compulsion exercise excited. the games come trim, they told him every day, more about a prospect to some of them shipped to the collision of nuclear power was and every day there are less a few and fewer disturbances detailing factors containing factors and the germans and the photos speak publicly in earnest about training, some of the true later troops so that they show them to the create in soil and get deployed there. and also by some, some positions these on people and pow wow that she in those country. so we believe that the american ideas to fall acceptable and they have not been concealing the
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designs while talking about the strategic stability. they're saying that the non nuclear forces should be suspected out. so she said and left aside from the talk side of that, the west once to enshrine its advantage. and that's uh, that is quantitative advantage in terms of these assets. so we don't see face to backdrop, all the hybrid war conduction to buy one from totally gain structure. we don't see any possible grounds to implement any additional matters for the amount of items control. so to see the reduction of the strategic risk, somebody would not see any, any challenge to talk with that the united states about this predictability would not cost it aside all together for the future. and would never do that. let me know we struggle for possibility of a diplomatic settlement, said to no,
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we certainly condition such a possibility on what's on the preliminary for the cisco, but she refused all the west to proceed to the sort of comprehensively aggressive attack against our country. kinds of said that every domain of, of, was bought from that any hypothetical and prospective and direction in future. and the matter is 5th index to be would say, would require the united states to get ready to concede to this topic. a success of c z and will take little to count the full left for all of the factors that had a bearing on the strategic stability. not only the aspects of the strategic stability that off for the full well in the interest of washington told me they'd not want to
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get to them. and.


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