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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the markets done carries out tips baton, try clicking through rainy and tires rate with local officials, say 9 civilians has been killed. also a has the us from the additional sites in yemen, claiming to target to see infrastructure and in a power violation of international law. the recently us, along with the u. k. and some of their other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable. international law turned into major reset to appear in front of the international court of justice to present arguments against the is raining occupation policy, simeon tax rate, the
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a welcome to you. this is on the international when you the very latest wells and he was out. the date has always, it's great to have your company know. i told the story pockets done has confirmed that it has carried out strikes against a rainy, entire tree. as long as i've stated, targeted quote, a terrorist cells in the neighboring country is voted, shows the off the mass of the blog. so local officials say 9 civilians were killed in the attack. the deputy security chief of the southeast of rainy and region shed the following details. it was that today we became aware that an explosion happens in a village near serve and city at 4 30 am. so after the analysis, we have determined that the explosion happens at a village for 3 kilometers from the border, and we understand that the victims are not uranium citizens. so the cases under investigation and we will inform the public, the,
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our border patrols the i r g c and our friends in the army are now securing the border of about it. and there are no concerns regarding security there, purchased etc, target at the height, allison training camps of a separate his group in se iran hor designated by pakistan as the terrorist around 4 30 am woke up time. several explosions were heard around the city of central vaughn. and you're on c span and beto just from providence, which neighbors package them shortly after the incident packet sense for him. it is for you now so that the country launched precision strikes, targeting of the sanctuary. use of quote, the terrorist sheltering in on govern parts of it runs bordering areas with pakistan. she attack came a day after pack is spent, vouch, serious consequences over iran. two's the attacks on the j shore to either militant group and south west pakistan, which is law. my god granted as a violation of its air space on wednesday. the judgment either which is designated by your want as a tower group,
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which highly aided by killing and they want you to on your gc member. now pakistan's as hauls seems to be a response to it wants tuesdays strikes as well. my boss said that it does not mean to violate yvonne's territory, but it was a pursuit of the national security of packers fan. focused on will continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret focus on fully respects the silver, empty, and territorial integrity of the stomach republic of fear on the sole objective of today's act was in pursuit of focused on its own security and national interest, which is that amount and cannot be compromised purchased as the tax. also target attempts belonging to the battle just on liberation army, and the battle just on liberation fronds to militant groups that seek secession from pakistan. the b o. f has now confirmed the attacks by releasing his stay for the surgeon group has in the past claims responsibility for several operations.
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impact is bad. now, pakistan's foreign ministry says it has in the past, charities, concerns about what it called the safe havens of the terrorist. but due to lack of action on the part of the wrong, the groups continued to quote, spilled a lot of innocent and packaged bags. so bored are violations aside. it's safe to say that $101.00 is volleyball, and have not targeted each other, but have essentially helped one another. eliminate being sergeant groups that both have long been fighting. maria, full time director general of the south asian strategic stability institute. say, suppose the wrong i've practiced on have the same goals in the region. what does, it shouldn't be important to understand that for forced countries to try to join any general organizations, which is going to be working in the safe havens provided by any territory of state. and then once it gets pers, countries is
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a national product. so for focus on, on the message, it's very clear of what i should, the, is as much a threat as it'd be and that will be a name. and we believe that says the check this joint joint action is the necessity of today. a go for the volt companies will peak for logic solutions for count, train the front of the times. us forces have launched for a fresh round of strikes on the who is the rebels in yemen, in response to the overnight to talk against the us vessel, russian foreign minister to guidelines? well, if has the keys, the washington let coalition be legitimate and foaming, guns creating may have in the middle east, a babysitter, the u. s. along with the u. k. and some of their other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law, including a security council resolution that's merely called for the protection of commercial shipping. nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb it. and what is being done regarding government is may him be excuses coming from washington?
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remember, i would say sound ascetic from the tensions in the region have been spiraling since january. the 12th, when us and u. k. forces began forming multiple areas held by the yemenis and secret. depends of going to face the goal of the right taxes to we could the, who's the levels see how many groups claims to be targeting ships affiliated with as well and its allies. and i, so suppose for goes up, i'll see that it's all a deep as you now takes a closer look at the who sees in yemen and the objectives the us and u. k. have attacked. yeah, i'm in the pack of west and will power has struck who's the positions in the country saying the group has terrorized the key in to national trade route of its shows. we will make sure that we respond but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea. and that's why i made the decision without all eyes to take what i
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believe to be necessary, proportionate and talk through the action against military targets. who fees have said they would not step back. and any of the us attack would trigger an even greater response in the american and british animated bass full responsibility for its criminal aggression against all. yeah, many people, it will not go on that, so it's unpunished. this isn't the 1st time america has attempted to bring those who fees down it previously backed saudi arabia, which tried for almost a decade to fight the great but failed time and time again for many across the world. the whose these all the face of a winning resistance love and respect to host the fighters fight the color noises. imperialism bravely who sees a hero's. we respect the who sees for what they fight for a cease fire and they to be sent in the west of the bad guys and the public is
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against them. so boy scouts beginning us u. k. embarrassing. i've loaded my hat and presented my respect to the who's these heroes of this great sacrifice. so who are the, who sees the group? it takes its name from the so name of it's really lead to this is who's saying i'll, who's the, of the detroit a crating to prominence following a civil war in him. and that the term on in the country eventually led to the removal of precedents. law that was back in 2011. now she was replaced by a new government which was backed by saudi arabia and the us. but the new president had the i'm good money with plans to change the way the funds would be the the dap across. yeah, many regions now opposition groups including the city fees claimed this would see the countries oil. welf, confined to the to least populated preferences. the who sees claim that the
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government was corrupt and best managing the country. it took control of the capital son forcing present and how the to fleet and read and only thing a civil war. we are forming a revolutionary committee and the transitional national council, which will replace the now the solve the house of representatives and the office of the president in foundational phase things started to really teach up with saudi arabia. and the us got even more involved now as the who sees power expanded, the gain control of what nearly all of the countries north. and as you can see, this land bowed his head with saudi arabia, the kingdom and other countries in the gulf corp counsel offered that backing to pro citizens how deep the security and stability of the m. and have been shaken by cool, that the who is the malicious carried out against the legitimate authorities. these developments also constituted
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a major threat to the security and stability of the region and the threat to international peace and security over 8 is the saw. the lead campaign initially launched with the monica operation decisive stool boomed areas of young men held by the who fees. it was supported with the us logistics and intelligence. while an array of western countries provided weapons to saudi arabia, the intervention to help push young men to the brink, what followed was a humanitarian dis hasta human remains the world's worst communitarian crisis. an estimated 4500000 people are permanently displaced. the risk of a large scale farm and in the country has never been more acute. it was costly for the saudis to, it's estimated that the king dealing with spending some $200000000.00 per day to sustain b, a ground in c operation. but despise it all the saudis failed to make
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a dent on who sees power and its military bases. now in 2022 a ceasefire, it was agreed who sees, have since consolidated, holding control of much of the west. and also the north of you had been the business went up to 80 percent of the country's population lives in these lands. and yet, despite the clear failure of the saudi level for ration over many years, and one that was back to the health by weapons from the west. hey, we all again, western countries, giving it a 2nd shot and seemingly unable to learn the lessons from the past. the rainy and foreign minister says the who's the attacks on the vessels and the red sea, a being in response to is wally crime. scene garza, that goes there, rebel groups on admission, but the connection between these events is not fucking in washington. the arguments
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that this is about the war and guys mean they're just driving the stake through a straw man, there's nothing there that's cost live to abdul aziz al was charlie. now it's you on the list on political, on the list when it goes from the many tabs. so many thanks fuel company today. first of all, how would you describe the connection between the rebel attacks on red c vessels in the crisis in palestine? thank you. so much for the opportunity, but before we start talking about this, i just want to tell you what, what's happening to the many people june 9, use a, what was the civil? it was a vote list by the saudi, like the coalition with, which was back by uh, you know, washington and the okay, what's happened and what is happening actually. and the reality is absolutely connected to what is happening to the people who does the to you know, uh if, if it wasn't connected, it'd be many people would attack the ship's,
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doing the user full with these out of the collision. but they didn't nothing, they didn't attack any. it's regulating vessel in the receipt during 9 use or for so absolutely. they are connected at the uh the us now just escaping forward and releasing it. and because inconsistent statements of i don't know just to comply with the reality, the many people have supported these attacks as they are only against the sway leading vessels that they are absolutely supporting the palestinians. and the many ami has made a degree that if you want us to stop these attacks, you have to stop the attacks that gives the person and people and goes about no america and does not want to maintain its interest in, in the region. i believe that they want to turn the region into a back to the field by uh, targeting the many people and is parking a reasonable. and maybe they will even use their proxies in the region in the
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coming days. you know, the thing is that they were paid to the states. it's that there are tax already responds to west and box is really crimes against sconces. but then what do you think? washington continues to dismiss the reason a that they haven't even signed them any solution that says, please, just to stop the killing of the person and people look, you know, i believe that the american interventions in the region with the spot, the regional and russia, has always suffered from the interventions of the us in the past and also on the present. and we all know that the u. s. is this period had been the ukranian war and no one gave the right to the us to so full with ukraine and to this country. into a threats to russia and now as the russian, uh, people are defending the national security which complies with the international law as well as the many people they are now defending the policy. the people,
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you know, back to you is, is it has now a ministry presents in the region. he and the ritzy. and it's our land that we'll see what america accept a military present, spike, russia, or china, and be in it mixed with the united states. no, they wouldn't have acts of this. why would they want the people, the other people, if any country just to x of the minister presents as saying that the opposite thing that interest, if they want to protect the us interest, they have to stop the killing of the people in because of the 10s of thousands of people, most of them are children and women were killed, brutally, the bombardment the never to stop. now we have the we, we just compassed the 3 months i believe. and the people are then just still dying . if they want to protect the interest they have to stop the killing of the policy and people and it's a very simple solution. thank you for speaking to us today. after let's have our shante joining list on political analyst appreciate your time. thank you. i think
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the taking you to southern guns and now where are these 20 civilians, including children, have proposed, they've been killed as a 9th of this. well bones boost, busy. a rough uh that brings the enclave dest told, with a $24000.00 since october the 7th, according to palestinian officials. video footage shows the 9 months off of the latest like hit a residential building which have been full of people to a small children were reportedly killed. one of them just 2 years old, while rescue has managed to recover. go from the rebel, the south of the and play which had been deemed to say so now host around 2000000 displaced palestinians local joining us. where on the, on the gary reports from the area to over night, there have been dozens of people killed and dozens others. and you are because. busy is of is really iris drives of various parts of the gaza strip, including gruff, off city, hey,
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or in size or in gauze as to where about 20 people have been reportedly killed during and arris dry on at home and eastern rough i city. and that this is not the only a home target advisor, 80 arrow strikes and drop off over the past that 48 hours or the past few days. actually, a series of various drags heads are rough, i city, which is that a home to now home to hundreds of thousands of this place. smallest indians from different parts of the gaza strip. to make suggest that there are there 1 point, one pointed, 3000000 palestinians displaced and drove off the city. meanwhile, the un agencies of palestinian refugees stays the southern cities pre will. population of 300000 is now john's to about one point. 2000000 displays posted in 6
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shouts and other crowd attempts and tense. we spoke with one elderly, palestinian who recalls her journey from the north to the south of gaza. fleeing is wady bombardments, a little attendance. we left the village of now island on so it kinda went out that's known and related to bali and gauze. on the end of my nightfall, we had finished the neighborhood of apples and gaza were forced to sleep there under and almost every. we got out of gauze after day. bon bonded us with shells and rockets. then we headed to the south to the city of the moon. this is doctor when you arrive in units. i stayed there for 2 days, and then the showing began from all sides. and then we fled to assist you over a fire, and we were displaced to attend made of wood denial. and were you in the sand and, and the bitter cold of there's nothing to eat, there's no bread. there's not even a table sold, but we're now at the beginning of winter and we have no money and there's no work here at the company. that is the northern governance for the id f. use 315 mines to blow up a deserted palestinian university building. according to policy. you know,
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stores. he's old universities in dogs. i have been damaged or destroyed. your and that's human rights monitor stays. it was the last university still standing in the enclave. as was live and i was a former professor at all as hall university in john's and my time i see on so many thanks for joining us today. so as we just had the idea stored, yes, another palestinian university one is as well as russia now behind attacking such civilian sites. well, good evening there many thanks for the hosting name with you. um. well, let me say about since the start of this is what you do, what our goodness, the gaza strip is where it has been very much pounding again, the bombing of civilian interest structured without it's palestinian civilian homes for hospitals. the clinics most are you name is the one of those institutions that is run has gone also also felt i'll send you an address at the beginning of this is
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why the bomb boost in this universe, the end of uh the laws are university. well, i used to, or was also uh heavily done as a result of this volume. and now the bomb, the smart university. it seems to me the v is where the goal is to make causal. uh, not a live of in place to that the, there are no schools. the university is a, this is, i think one way of it is what it is to it spills a fellow sitting in front of a boiler and certainly by not leaving the they have no homes the most for the last because i know they have no unit as it is, is fault of these really policies to make goals are very bad and the place for the $2000000.00 in is for the fellow city is all going to leave. because his right knows the explaining, the policy number is again, an international law and it's a crime i, goodness, uh, uh, it's
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a lot of time. so now they all want to make the 1000 is the bundled, totally by making goes off a very bad luck. i live in a place by destroying almost everything that goes with. well, the mass claims there's such a tax are quote, destruction of national identity a. do you think that's so? so what's really happening here as well. uh, if you look at some of the examples where it is right now is also uh, bob, some of the who stood. it comes sites and goes all some of the most in girls all or are like more than 500 years old or some of the archaeological uh places like a customer of basha and the old city old of gauze. also, it does uh also as well as trying to, uh, uh, wipe out the, the uh, history of draws i be a historical monuments of, of guys, off a, so to speak. and this is also now without is one has done this essentially or not.
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but it's, it's, it's, it's, it's part of the, a massive bombing part of the massive founding of the goals listed that has very much destroyed it everything without, as i mentioned, without, it's a civilian building. civilian info sucked up. ringback i mean, when you look up is, what about those are those those in the stress of gov, of that is something there is something into these writing and telling me that they are trying to wipe out everything. they are not moving anything beyond them and clothing. uh, those monumental, uh, uh, buildings and infrastructure that goes up to it. it's in, in a way that very much is, uh, is, uh, genocide against the palestinians, the phone, the getting the phone with the people, children, luminous the videos, but also of destroying very much everything that is in by guys. and as i mentioned to you, according to that you are at 80 percent of the goals,
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all have been completely done, a lot of positive damage drugs result of this is where it is. then what do you make of this with the french government? now joining the german government in stating that international law and genocide does not apply to as well because the jews have been subjected to genocide in the past. is a holocaust justification for justification for what is wiley's doing? do you think? that's why it's a very sad thing, the germans on the french, on all those who are supporting his room all trying to predict this room and to give it his word and unity from from. busy accusations of a. busy lot of times, but i think this is not up to you out of money or to foster besides this, the international court of justice to decided on that was out of his way and has committed genocide against the philippines or not. and at the end of the day, when you look up what this man has done over the past, more than 100, there's a feeling most. there's also have been field
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a policy and children often young women, a civilian long time is up in rights all uh, from, from the to the did you study when you look also are the amount of destruction that has been inflicted on goes off as by also a hearing many, many as radio for shows who have been publicly quoting for the student exposed to the fellow as why and the ministers likes most of it's been viewed and then on all those who are also member of these where they can is have been pulling publicly for the explosion of the policy and that is genocide. it's not a pull your money across all the students i'm due to the side is when i was on the or love it's up to the national court of justice. well, what is this. 1 on that and it's, it's, it's, it's just too far. so is it the that that is why i am because of it is one of the doors were affected by the whole fault that they cannot. they cannot simply a genocide against the policy in addition to national this is the position of
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a palace thing enough for 55 years now which has been which is the longest occupation. another most of the, uh, what is, what are the people that can go on the largest open air prison for the past 7 years, making the palace and he is driving now and all that in my opinion is genocide on is that it's a song the got and this is of a good again, this is word of the is the just many thanks for speaking to us today. we've been talking to a former professor at all as how university in gauze my time. i obviously, i appreciate it. thank you. thank you very much. thank you and can easy result challenging as well as i'll keep patient of palestine on foreign minister, right. know must do days. so say, preparing legal documents for the international court of justice. international law must be upheld the right of the pals. student people to self determination must be
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respected. israel's occupation of palestine which has lasted for more than 70 years, will not raise the right of the palestinian people to independence. and in division international experts lays the main huh. the list that the i, c, j is decision could only be advisory contrary to the south african legal case against as well in the hotel is of course, uh the advice would be if the end is uh, not the same as a, uh, i see the court decision, advisory opinion has only a quote unquote uh, more binding. and this is addressed to the uh, organs of the united nations, which, uh, in this case uh, address through the united nations general assembly. i bets one. secondly, uh its, uh, the i c, d. meet that advisory opinion and, and if it is it, and people are of the people of the palestine. the question is whether it's right,
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you will observe the advisory opinion, really. these are, i'll say that yes, you know, is that i don't have uh, the pipe. the palestine illegally, because that is the main question being asked to the i see, to the, to the explain conflicts now. but i should say that the military has killed at least 60 and wounded 24 in most scenarios, who were mostly french nationals and a high precision strike versus the 4th is talking to the building. west orange scientists had been stationed. the attack is in line with intensive operations across to cray, with 41, strikes cars out in the last week alone. as, according to the russian ministry of defense, this talks comments from says, promise to send more weapons to t as including for the long range missiles. the russian investigative committee also has filed charges in up century like age 68, move for in most scenarios from 7 countries. they've been fighting in the ukraine,
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conflicts of them all on this story. let's close 5 to political consultants on human rights activists on the devil. a many thanks for coming into the studio to see us today. i really appreciate your time. so we know your friends and its allies continue to support t f. this fine, no significant changes on the front line that we've seen timing more ons and needed to continue this fight. how does this position influence the mercenaries, a willingness to join ukrainian forces as well? first of all, uh we should uh, inform of yours that we have had uh, an update on the situation. and it turns out we found in seeing as belonging to the french for an agents which is like, was i official branch of the french many 3. which would put it the totally change the whole reception that we have on this people being merely mercenaries. so to the extent we had mercenaries there, and that's an established fact. well, no question. bears on the sense of infinity. technically it on the,
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on the face of its motion are we is not consider the legal profession and falls. but to the expand the jo political agenda fits where is the official french shuffling policy decision. i mean, the position on the issue of defense state will look elsewhere unless those people, once they're back in false express, uh, some of the ideas that the experts in ukraine, the experts i mean phones with obviously those ideas off on a bit. hm. it's interesting though, isn't it, because adults did in may french police that detain to a french nationalist who took part in the hostilities and ukraine accusing them if it's too i think, across his national security theories is exactly what you're talking about. absolutely. yeah, it's kind of like a multitasking, but everything is compartment allies, so you can do that, but just not on home. so at home. so how transparency from the french government has been in providing the public with information about the number of mess mary's
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coming from funds to find a new cream. absolutely, non the french but be just completely missing form, if not completely, not informed about anything going on. a new crime macro and gave a 2 and a half hours speech about 3 days ago where you presented a situation that is tantamount to an alternate reality in teaching to uh, the russian federation. dean tends to invade a of multi countries and go westward and putting into question, uh, the ability of the movie based international order. whatever that means, just revise uh, what he perceives as a, uh, basically a russian victory, you know, in ukraine. so as your introduction on the line, the frost is more than ever bands on the borrowing long range missiles and.


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