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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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in the packets and it carries out tit for tat strikes against iran in territory with local official saying 9 civilians have been pills. also, i have the, the us bombs additional types mbm and claiming to target is this the infrastructure in an apparent violation of international law. lucy louis, along with the u. k. and some of their other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law. and 20 civilians, including children, are killed over night and as rarely bombings of the city of rasa as idea of forces partially withdrawn from the unclaimed
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the ritual ruble live in moscow. this is our t international. pakistan confirms that has carried up strikes against a rainy and territory is on the bottom says it targeted quote, terrorist cells in the neighboring country to this footage shows the aftermath of the blasts. local officials say 9 civilians were killed and they attacked the deputy security chief of the se, uranian regions share of the following details. it looks at the today, we became aware that an explosion happens in the village in years serve and city at 4 30 am. and after the analysis, we have determined that the explosion happens at a village for 3 kilometers from the border. and we understand that the victims are not uranium citizens for the cases under investigation, and we will inform the public that our border controls the i r j. c and our friends
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in the army are now securing the border and about as and there are no concerns regarding security. there purchased us at a target at the height, allison training camps of a separate his group, in se iran were designated by pakistan as the terrorists around 4 30 am local time . several explosions were heard around the city of shut off on india, on, seized on in battle to a strong province, which neighbors package them. shortly after the select package, fence foreign ministry announced that uh the country launched precision strikes. targeting are the sanctuary use of quotes. the terrorist sheltering in ungoverned parts of it, once bordering areas with pakistan, she attack came a day after pakistan. vouch, serious consequences over iran supposed be attacked on the judge would either never thing roof in south west pakistan, which is little more about granted as a violation of its air space on wednesday. the gentle either which is designated by your one as a tower group which highly aided by killing and they want it on your gc member. now,
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pakistan's as hauls seems to be a response to it. once tuesday strikes as well, my boss said that it does not mean to violate it wants territory, but it was a pursuit of the national security of pakistan. bach. hassan will continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret. focused on fully respects the silver anti antennae totally the integrity of the stomach republic of fear on the sole objective of today's act was in pursuit of focused on its own security and national interest, which is that amount and cannot be compromised purchased as a tax. also, target attempts to prolong into the battle just on liberation army and the battle just on liberation fronds to militant groups that sick secession from pakistan. the b i have has now confirmed via text by releasing his paper and the surgeon group
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has in the past, claim responsibility for several operations. impact is bad. now pakistan's foreign ministry says it as in the past charities, concerns about what it called the safe havens of the terrorist. but due to lack of action on the part of their on the groups continued to quote, spilled a lot of innocent attack his face. so board or violations aside, it's safe to say about $101.00 and as well, but have not targeted each other, but have essentially helped one another illuminated by the surgeon groups that both have long been fighting. maria salt and director general of the south asian strategic stability institute says both ron and pakistan have the same goals in the region. what does it simply important to understand that for forced countries of attractive joint, any general organizations, which is going to be working in the safe havens provided by the territory of state. and then once it gets to those countries is
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a national firm football because some of the message right there for us since the is that such a threat as it'd be a national really. and we believe that this detective joint joint action is going to such a deal today. and hopefully both companies will pick plastic solutions for count, train the front of the terrace. so us forces have launched a fresh round of strikes on who's the rebels in yemen, in response to the overnight attack against a us vessel, russian foreign ministers target law prov, has accused of the washington leg, coalition of legitimate bombing and creating may home in the middle east, a lisa this us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable jewel of international law. including a security council resolution that nearly calls for the protection of commercial shipping. because nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb young and what is being done regarding young men is may have you. the excuse is coming from washington. i
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would say sounds that that it needs to do appreciate your attentions in the region have been spiraling since january 12th when us and u. k. forces began bombing multiple areas held by the many who see group, depending on says, the goal of their attacks is too weak and the who's the rebels. the many groups claims to be targeting ships affiliated with israel. and this allies in a show of support for gaza ortiz, charlotte davinsky, takes a closer look at the who is these in yemen and their objectives. the us and u. k. have attacked young men. the pay of western will power has struck cruise. the positions in the country saying the group has terrorized the key in to national trade route of its shows. we will make sure that we respond but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping. in the red sea, and that's why i made the decision without all eyes to take what i believe to be
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necessary, proportionate and talks of action against military targets. who sees have said they would not step back. and any of the us attack would trigger an even greater response in the american and british animated bass full responsibility for its criminal aggression against all. yeah, many people, it will not go on that. so it's on punish. this isn't the 1st time america has attempted to bring the food fees down. it previously backed saudi arabia, which tried for almost a decade to fight the great, but failed time and time again for many across the world. the who sees all the face of a winning resistance, love and respect to host the fighters fight the color noises. imperialism bravely who sees a hero's. we respect the who sees for what they fight for a cease fire and they to be sent in the west of the bad guys and the public is
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against them. so boy, you called is beginning us. you k, embarrassing? i've loaded my hats and presented my respect to the who's these heroes of this great sacrifice. so who are the, who sees the group? it takes its name from the so name of it's really lead to this is who say now who feet of the fee teuf, according to prominence following a civil war in him. and that the term on in the country eventually led to the removal of precedents. law that was back in 2011. now she was replaced by a new government which was backed by saudi arabia and the us. but the new president had the i'm good money with plans to change the way the funds would be the the dap across. yeah, many regions the opposition groups including the city fees claimed this would see the countries oil. welf, confined to the to least populated preferences. the who sees claim that the
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government was corrupt and best managing the country. it took control of the capital son forcing present and had the to flee, and recognizing a civil war. we are forming a revolutionary committee and the transitional national council, which will replace the now the solve the house of representatives and the office of the president in foundational phase things started to really heats up with saudi arabia and the us got even more involved now as the who sees power expanded the gain control of what nearly all of the countries north. and as you can see, this land bowed his head with saudi arabia, the kingdom and other countries in the gulf corporation council offered that backing to pro citizens how deep the security and stability of the m. and have been shaken by cool. that the who is the malicious, carried out against the legitimate authorities. these developments also constituted a major threat to the security and stability of the region and the threat to
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international peace and security over 8 is the saw. the lead campaign initially launched the monica operation, decisive stool boomed, areas of young men held by the who fees. it was supported with the us, logistics and intelligence. while an array of western countries provided weapons to saudi arabia, the intervention to help push young men to the brink, what followed was a humanitarian. does all stuff. human remains the world's worst communitarian crisis. an estimated 4500000 people are permanently displaced. the risk of a large scale farm and in the country has never been more acute. it was costly for the saudis to, it's estimated that the king dealing with spending some $200000000.00 per day to sustain b, a ground in c operation. but despise it all the saudis failed to make
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a dent on who sees power and its military bases. now in 2022 a ceasefire, it was agreed who sees, have since consolidated, holding control of much of the west. and also the north of you, i'm in the business way up to 80 percent of the country's population lives in these lands. and yet, despite the clear failure of the saudi light of ration over many years, and one that was back to the health by weapons from the west. hey, we all again weston countries, giving it a 2nd shot and seemingly unable to learn the lessons from the past as well now to southern gaza where at least 20 civilians including children, half a portal. they then killed overnight, as israel bombed the city of rough up not brings the enclave death told to over
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24002600 since october 7th, according to palestinian officials. video footage, it shows the moments after the latest try kit, a residential building, which had been full of people. 2 small children, river portal. they killed one of them just 2 years old. well, rescuers managed to recover a girl from the russell the south of the enclave. which had been deemed a safe. so now host around 2000000 displaced palestinians. palestinians in guys is the smallest refugee camp have returned home after is really forced, has announced their withdrawal from the area local journalist centers this report from the ground of the do. i did one of i'm here in the angel lou to towers new. so rock camp area and the central gaza strip of these towers were constructed after the arrival of the palestinian authority to the gaza strip for the national security forces. these, the 1st towers, built in the gaza strip to work more than 15 residential buildings and towers were
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originally built for the national security forces and then sold disability. and also these rarely army threatens the residents of this area more than a week ago to leave and had to be there all by law area as a safe zone in the central region. most of the legal left in a hurry lot since the 1st day of the ground incursion into the rage camp. and the new serat of camp is really war. plans have completely destroyed device for towers with residential towers in the area, partially damaged or completely burnt out. and large scale destruction occurred in these towers and in the civil residential and agricultural area. and to do after these really army left and withdrew from the central region, announcing with withdrawal of an entire division participating in the russian and a large number of residents return to the inspect their belongings and carrying what they could to be or what survived the bombing and the destruction in the am jose towers area. yeah, i mean, all the residents of these towers are now homeless. the large number of the population was forced to sleep outdoors and they're all blocks. and the roof find the self in light of this extreme cold amount because there were no places to flee
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. 2 sons of israel dropped leaflets here in the afternoon, ordering a quick evacuation when it was so sudden that none of the residents could take anything during the evacuation question of your 10 residential towers, whose residents were originally working for the palestinian authority. meaning people who had no connection to the resistance at all for set out of the water. come on, just knock on the the towers. hey, we're randomly. bowman, this is molly. how you doing? my just built it 2 years ago and it got destroyed. now look around, the view is frightening, something i do not know what to say. this was a random bowman should go so far away. i'd have had up to at least in 2010. i bought an apartment here in tower number 5 on the 6th floor tomorrow. but then i did not expect that any aggress dinner escalation would destroy my partner, shut off the west, suddenly they dropped the leaflets. here i was the last one to evacuate the tower. 5 hours before the bombing. i came out with only the clothes i am wearing the shop to i knew because of what the destruction here is. increasing the devastation is growing and the ground operation is also expanding. and these rarely army has now
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started talking about withdrawing forces and ending the ground operation in the north. and that the operation will move to the southern region and here in the central region, although there had been recent ground incursions near nicer hospital in the con unice area, residents are trying to carry what they can to pick up would blankets or personal belongings to take them to the shelters, despite the danger due to the presence of israeli tanks that the mahdi as they are paying parliament, has voted to condemn. hungary alleged efforts to undermine the founding values of the you living the process of removing budapest voting rights in the block. a step closer, the vote which is not legally binding follows a letter, signed by $120.00, and the peas. calling for budapest to be finalized over alleged concerns about reported democratic back sliding and abuse of vito power. the calls to push ahead was article 7 was hungry, has been under since 2018 and to punish hungary for its independence stands on
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issues such as funding for ukraine. we believe that this action is necessary to protect the values of the european union which are enshrined in the treaty on the european union. hungry has been repeatedly criticized for it's a russian of the rule of law and especially after hungry is actions to disrupt the decision making of the member states and the december e u. c. o. we believe that the time has come for the european parliament to take action of the letter signed by 20 you parliament members comes after hungary repeatedly blocked decisions, benefiting ukraine in december, and gary and prime minister victor or bon veto. the bodies attempt to secure a crucial 50000000000, the euro. financial aid package for a key of brussels urgently needs the funding to continue and support as washington is mired in the legislative impasse over the aid with no breakthrough inside the pro. this cross live now to senior
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research fellow of the global policy institute, george samuel, a george, and what are your thoughts on the european parliament? slightest actions against hungry. oh, it's so much ado about nothing. i mean, there's nothing very much that the european parliament can do to oust hungary and prevent hungry from having voting rights. they would have to be a unanimous decision on the top of the european council that another was all of the e u. member states to deny hundreds voting rights. and that's not likely to happen . we know already that a slovak is prime minister robot fee go. is supporting hungary on a particular nightstands on the funding for ukraine, georgia, maloney. the utility and prime minister has very good relations with hungary, so there's no way that they go to get you an image, the an earpiece on pounds so. so there's a lot of it is fostering um,
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strengthening. and they've read it as, as you said in your intro that being off the hungry. now for a many, many years of critics argue that the hon gary and prime minister is blocking of those 50000000000 euros. and you aid for ukraine is holding kids survival hostage. is that fair? you know, of course it is a, um, uh, you know, the, you, you print and it is being devastated by this war. i mean this and you have a day, day by day there is less than the less of ukraine, literally any that just fewer and fewer people alive if you are to a building still standing. and this is being hungry is consistent position from the beginning, but this is a crazy, a demented war that can only lead to a total devastation for ukraine in the u. and nato should not be financing a hopeless war. i mean that has been hunger is position from the beginning. now
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hungry has gone along, you know, being a kind of a, as a loyal troop. but in, in general terms of supporting the you foreign policy. but when it comes to the funds is that way or any funding a war that can only end in one outcome and it's particularly books and i'm hungry because hunger is in e u member state. and he's not able to get his own money back. i mean, he was the, the, you owed hungary, so the 1000000000 euros. now they finally agreed to give hungry 10000000000 of that in return for hungary, essentially not taking part in the vote to initiate the e u. x section folks with ukraine that happened in december, but there's still a 20000000000 euros that hungry would like to get back, and that is being denied to hungary, so owners as well. we are a member state, we don't get the money that's owed to us. but ukraine,
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which is not in the united states, they're supposed to get 50000000000, no questions off. the george and a letter to the parliament's president. i mean, peace express. the need to strip hungry is voting rights to protect you values. does that reasoning make any sense? to you, you know, a lot of phillips, i mean it's the, you know, if it's part of this new speed that will become used to, which is that somehow the way to ensure democracy is to deny people the right to vote. i mean, we see a lot of this is in the united states with the tried to take away from the ballot, the leading presidential candidate named donald trump. so in the name of democracy . so they're trying to do the same thing in hungary. now we don't know what these you values are. i mean, they keep saying this and the values. but one of the value is these obviously, um, so for entity. and that's something that the you who does the repeatedly denies to member state, but particularly it's
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a hungry because they're holding up this money claiming whole that they don't like congress policy on l. v g t q issues. they don't mind hungry as policy on, on conditional reform. they don't why congress policy and corruption, whatever it is, they don't like hunger as policy. so they just say, well, will deny you voting rights will deny you money that you're supposed to get according to our statute. and that's all in the name of something called the e u values, which we simply just define any, any particular way we choose on any particular day. all right, say a research fellow, the global policy institutes or send me all the doors. thank you. thank you. or the right turning into the ukraine conflict. now russia says it's military has killed, at least to 60 people, and wounded at 24 in mercenaries who are mostly french nationals and a high precision strike. russian forces targeted a building where foreign fighters had been stationed. the attack is in line with
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intensified operations across ukraine was 41 strikes started out in the last week alone. that's according to the russian ministry of defense strikes. come as france has promised to send more weapons to key. i have including 40 long range missiles, the russian investigate committee, also filed charges, and i'm center again $68.00 more for and mercenaries from 7 countries who have been fighting in the ukraine athletics. all right, let's discuss this further with professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade. stuff on guy ups, the stuff on good to have you on with us. russia says that most of the foreign mercenaries killed and the slightest strikes were from france. why do you think the french government hasn't commented on the dangers tied to participating in the war? new crane. it hasn't commented on that. however, a french president of my crown was quite a few circle, both in the batteries and in davos, claiming that russia has to be defeated, that the, the west knob, lights russia when and,
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and so on. so that's as volumes of france has been an active participant in the war since 2020 to a huge number of vehicles on the home. it says like caesar were sent to the front line and what we're already destroyed and from seas promising to give more weapons that i've munitions the ukraine. however, it cannot, of course, feed the needs of the from, for instance, uh they claim they can make 20 uh, 20000 shelves of a 155 millimeter grenades. which should ukrainian the sides of the good good use for only a week up to a week because they, they spend 5 to 8000. so sub grenades a day. however, from the is one of the leading countries together with great britain of european
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content that are among the top warmongers here in france. and its allies indeed continued to support cube despite seeing no significant changes on the front line. and they claim that even more arms are needed. how does that reasoning influenced the mercenaries willingness to join with you create in forces? well, they probably think that they will be lucky of them. they will do their shift to survive and go somewhere else. the logic of mercenary is the logic of somebody who is willing to risk a lifestyle money. and that's, that's what it is. however, a lot of, uh, the mercer, most of the mercenaries who you initially came to ukraine. uh, uh, where turned away the ones who did not die there. because uh they saw what modern warfare is. and that is, uh uh, the likelihood of a home that is very high. and especially for those who had experience,
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lets say in afghanistan or, or uh, in office, in countries or in uh on our front lines where, uh, the western troops, what are being mercenaries are private companies or a regular troops were always, uh, better armed. and they had the old, the technology of fighting against people who probably had only a case and some really, really mental weaponry and, and they, they don't have as much experience in the modern warfare. however, huge you're facing russia, which is a completely different game. it was in may last year that french police detained to 2 french nationals who took part in the hostilities and ukraine, accusing them of threatening frances national security. what exactly kind of threat are we talking about here? well, um, i don't know about the particular case that you were talking about, but maybe they were on the wrong side of the conflict according to the,
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the french uh, world view a. so this is also water issue because i've done a blind eye is often lead booth when uh, when the mercenaries are 5 things on the side that the below a particular country supports. so perhaps this was the case here. the firm's defense minister has said that france should be persistent and it's helped to ukraine, underlining that as a good opportunity, both for the french army and industrial economy. now given that position what, what does it say about the chances the west is willing to bring about a swift end to the conflict and okay. and they don't want that obviously. uh they realize that the korean scenario over frozen conflict. uh, that will be unfrozen. uh, once ukraine get armed is not going to happen. the restaurant is not going to sample for another conflict down the road. and that is why they are
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prolonging what we are seeing now. and i think they want the war to continue for as long as it states, as they are saying. but i don't know what's the, what's are they expecting? since it is really hard to imagine that that russian could lose this conflict. on the other hand, bronze is especially frustrated with russia because if the uh, the frost is losing its, um, uh, the colonial, neo colonial empire, especially in africa. and they accuse russia of helping the domestic a leads on the african countries liberating themselves from the french. oh and the expectation so i think that's another motive for uh such feverish supports. busy of the on the premium calls, but i would say of late those calling hawk and the professor at the institute of here a few studies in the greatest of on games. thank you. as well
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as the u. s. president tries to revive the provision of a to, to ukraine. the speaker of the house of representative says a deal between the parties can't be reached unless more attention is given to the issue of a legal migration on the us mexico border. we understand that there is concern about the safety security sovereignty of ukraine, but the american people have the same concerns about our own domestic sovereignty and our safety. in our security, we must insist that the border be the top priority. well that's has by then tried to overcome the deadlock over a $106000000000.00 additional for an aid package with $61000000000.00 planned to be allocated to ukraine with a group of lawmakers. however, republicans that mike johnson represents are mainly focused on domestic and immigration issues, especially ahead of the upcoming presidential campaign, demanding instructor protocols on asylum, and prevent 7 whoever senate democrats assistant tension must be paid both to the
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next and border and the bill are in crane for sewage, it was a to read 20 the and all right, let's discuss this further with legal and media analyst. line all the joins me now . lifeline on why do you think republicans are so adamant about pushing the migration issue to the top of the agenda? because we are being absolutely inundated with the swarms and swaps of people from all over the world. we don't know who they are, where they're from. me. i'm here in new york city and i'm telling you there are days when i walk around that i'm say, what country am i? yeah. that aside from that, there's only no reason for that. disclosure show you how a lot of americans are to say, listen, ukraine will get to that in a moment. if we have time. and if we have any money, there's something called tree. ok. this is something which is absolutely just, it is bankrupting cities bankrupting school systems. there is there hospitals who
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can handle the did this, this influx. it's critical. and as the elections come about, many americans voters are saying, is this united states of america or the united states of ukraine? we'll get to that. maybe if we have tons, and by the way, haven't we given enough where we was the money? has there been in the accounting, you know, issues like that line? oh, i know that politicians tend to say a lot of things to try to score points with voters. but what i'm wondering is our migration and border issues really a bigger priority for republicans than the ukranian conflict, or is just this just all about getting more votes? absolutely. well, 1st of all, the reason why you're getting more votes is because you're connecting with voters. and if something matters to voters, then you're going to get more votes. so yes, there is a connection, but it would show, it's absolutely critical. it's border security. it's, it's simple, it's.


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