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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the, the ron condemns of pakistani strikes on a rainy and territory with lobel officials saying 9 civilians have been killed. also ahead the u. s. bombs. additional sites in yemen planning to target the infrastructure in an apparent violation of international law. the us, along with the u. k and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law. and 20 civilians, including children, are killed overnight and as rarely bombings of the city of rough ups, as idea of forces partially withdrawn from the on place. the
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. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we are watching r t international. a. ron has condemned the pakistani drone attack on rainy and territory calling unbalanced and unacceptable. pakistan has confirmed it carried out strikes. as lemma. bob says it targeted quote, terrorist cells in the neighboring country to this footage shows the aftermath of the blast. local officials say 9 civilians were killed in the attack. the deputies security chief of the se iranian region shared the following details. it was that the today we became aware that an explosion happens in a village near serve and city at 4 30 am. after the analysis, we have determined that the explosion happens at a village, 3 kilometers from the border. we understand that the victims are not uranium
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citizens, the cases under investigation and we will inform the public, our border patrols the i r g c and our friends in the army are now securing the border of about it and there are no concerns regarding security. there purchased us at a target at the height, allison training camps of a separate his group, in se iran who are designated by pakistan as the terrorists around 4 30 am local time. several explosions were heard around the city of shut off on india, on c, span in battle, just found problems which neighbors package them shortly after. the incident packet sense foreign ministry announced, but the country launched precision strikes targeting of the sanctuary. use of quote, the terrorist sheltering in on govern parts of it runs bordering areas with pakistan. on tuesday, the 16th of january 2024. the border task fonts of the as lumnick revolution guards, core ground force took a preventive action against a terrorist group, preparing to infiltrate the territory of the islamic republic of iran to carry out
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another terrorist operation. came a day after pakistan vowed serious consequences over a ron's tuesday attack on the j shore to either the militant group in south west pakistan, which is law. my god granted as a violation of its air space on wednesday. the judgment either which is designated by your want as a tower group, which highly aided by killing and they want it on your gc member. now pakistan's assault seems to be a response to runs. tuesdays strikes as normal by said that it does not mean to violate it wants territory, but it was a pursuit of the national security of pakistan focused on will continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct inviolable and secret focus on fully respects the silver, empty, and territorial integrity of the stomach. republic of fear on the sole objective of today's act was in pursuit of focused on its own security and national interest,
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which is that amount and cannot be compromised. purchased as a tax, also target attempts belonging to the battle just on liberation army and the battle just on liberation fronds to militant groups that seek secession from pakistan. the be a laugh has now confirmed the attacks by releasing his stay friends. the surgeon group has in the past, claim responsibility for several operations. impact is bad. now, pakistan's foreign ministry says it has in the past, charities, concerns about what it called the safe havens of the terrorist. but due to lack of action on the part of the wrong, the groups continued to quote spilled a lot of innocent packaged bags. so bored are violations aside. it's safe to say that $101.00 is all about have not targeted each other, but have essentially helped one another eliminate. but the surgeon groups that both have long been fighting. maria salt and director general of the south asian strategic stability institute says both iran and pakistan have the same goals in
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the region. what is extremely important to understand that for both countries to try to join any general organizations, which is going to be working in the safe havens provided by indeed territory of state. and then once it gets to those countries is a national product. so football, cuz some of the message is very clear for us in the is as much a trick as it'd be an adverb yearly. and recently that says detractors joined the joint action. it's been such a deal today. i've awfully forgot peaceful click for logic solutions for the country, the front of the terrace. political analyst and former stomach revolutionary guard car general has same, cannot him a honda me says it's important for the countries to show restraint to avoid an escalation on their border. to eat on their purchase like this, the operations that happened in recent days are aligned with the security agreement between both states. to remove the terrorist groups on both sides of the border. it
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is pakistan's right to target the terrace locations it detects via its arrangement with a rod. but we should not let the actions become a direct war on the iran pakistan border. this is what our enemies want. we do not seek this at the moment. we cooperate and conduct military drills together. we never let our enemy use pakistan's soil to hit us, and pakistan knows that no one desires security in pakistan. more bilateral cooperation has always existed at the border. certainly the states that are under us control and have strategic security ties with the us act and alignment with the us interests. certainly the states that are under us control and have strategic security ties with the us act in alignment with us interests. the us implements all it's options to put pressure on the run and the resistance front. or what is clear is that the islamic republic of iran does not seek war, but it is the inherent right of the resistance front to stand against the us. and this is a painful fact for the us, the us forces have launched
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a fresh round of strikes on who's the rebels in yemen, in response to the overnight attack against a us special russian foreign minister circuit lab. rob has accused the washington led coalition of legitimate bombing and creating may have in the middle east, releasing the us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law, including a security council resolution that nearly called for the protection of commercial shipping. nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb young and what is being done regarding young men is may have the excuses coming from washington. i would say, sound pathetic. the tensions in the region have been spiraling since january 12th, when us and u. k. forces began bombing multiple areas held by the many who see group, depending on says, the goal of their attacks is to weaken the, who's the rebels in any group claims to be targeting ships affiliated with israel and its allies in a show of support for does a r t is charlotte defense, he takes
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a closer look at the his, these in yemen and their objectives. the us and u. k. have attacked. yeah, i'm in the pack of west and will power has struck cruise. the positions in the country saying the group has terrorized the key in to national trade route of its choice. we will make sure that we respond but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea. and that's why i made the decision without all eyes to take what i believe to be necessary, proportionate and talks of action against military targets who fees have said they would not step back. and any of the us attack would trigger an even greater response in the american and british, and i'm a bass full responsibility for its criminal aggression against all. yeah, many people, it will not go on that,
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so it's unpunished. this is the 1st time america has attempted to bring those who fees down it previously backed saudi arabia, which tried for almost a decade to fight the great but failed time and time again for many across the world. the who sees all the face of a winning resistance, love and respect to host the fighters fight the color noises. imperialism bravely who sees a hero's. we respect the who sees for what they fight for a cease fire and they to be sent in the west of the bad guys and the public is against them. so boy, you called to beginning us, you k, embarrassing? i've loaded my hat and presented my respect to the hoops these heroes of this great sacrifice. so who are the, who sees the group? it takes its name from the so name of it's really lead to this is who say now who feet of the who fee teuf a creating to prominence following
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a civil war in him. and that the term on in the country eventually led to the removal of precedents law. that was back in 2011. now, she was replaced by a new government which was backed by saudi arabia and the us. but the new president, how did i'm good money with plans to change the way that funds were being dvd up across? yeah, many regions the opposition groups including the city fees claimed this would see the countries oil. welf, confined to the to least populated preferences. the who sees claim that the government was corrupt and best managing the country. it took control of the capital son, forcing president harvey to flee and read and only thing a civil war. we are forming a revolutionary committee and the transitional national council, which will replace the now the solve the house of representatives and the office of the president in transitional phase. things started to really heats up with saudi
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arabia and the us got even more involved now as the, who's these power expanded, the gain control of what nearly all of the countries north. and as you can see, this land bowed his head with saudi arabia, the kingdom and other countries in the gulf corporation council, often backpacking to pro citizens how deep the security and stability of the m. and have been shaken by cool that the who is the malicious, carried out against illegitimate authorities. these developments also constituted a major threat to the security and stability of the region and the threat to international peace and security over 8 is the saw. the lead campaign initially launched with the monica operation decisive stool boomed areas of young men held by the who fees. it was supported with the us logistics and intelligence. while an array of western countries provided weapons to saudi arabia,
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the intervention helped push young men to the brink. what followed was a humanitarian disaster. human remains the world's worst communitarian crisis. an estimated 4500000 people are permanently displaced. the risk of a large scale farm and in the country has never been more acute. it was costly for the saudis to, it's estimated the king dealing with spending some $200000000.00 per day to sustain the ground in c operation. but despise it all the saudis failed to make a dent on who sees power and its military bases. now in 2022 a ceasefire, it was agreed who sees, have since consolidated, holding control of much of the west. and also the north of you had been the business went up to 80 percent of the country's population lives in these lands.
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and yet, despite the clear failure of the saudi level for ration of, of many years, and one that was back to the health by weapons from the west. hey, we all again, weston countries, giving it a 2nd shot and seemingly unable to learn the lessons from the past. hi, lorraine in foreign minister says the who is the attacks on vessels and the red sea had been in response to israel, a crimes in gaza. that goes the rebel groups own admission, but the clear connection between these events is not tracking and washington argument that this is about the war and guys mean they're just driving the stake through a strong man. there's nothing there, what's happened and what is happening actually. and they would see is absolutely committed to what is happening to the people of goza at the u. s. and now it just escaping forward and releasing it and cause inconsistent statements of i don't know
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just to comply with the reality. the many people have supported these attacks as they are fully against this really vessels that they are absolutely supporting in the palestinians. and the many ami has made a degree that if you want us to stop these attacks, that have to stop the attacks against the policy and people and goes about no america, it does not want to maintain its interest in, in the region. i believe that they want to turn the region into a back to the field by uh, targeting the many people and is parking a reasonable. and maybe they will even use the proxies in the region in the coming days. well, that's a southern gaza where at least 20 civilians, including children, have or possibly been killed overnight as israel and bombed the city of rough. um, that brings the enclave is death told to over $24000.00 since october 7th, according to palestinian officials. video footage. it shows the moments after the
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latest strike at a residential building which had been full of people. 2 small children are reportedly killed. one of them just 2 years old. well, rest curious, managed to recover a girl from the rubble. the south of the enclave, which had been deemed a save. so now host around $2000000.00 that displaced palestinians, palestinians in garza's smallest refugee camp, have returned home after is rarely forced, has announced their withdrawal from the area a local journal. as soon as this report from the ground of the 2, i did, one of i'm here in the angel lou to towers new. so rock camp area and the central gaza strip of these towers were constructed after the arrival of the palestinian authority to the gaza strip. for the national security forces, these, the 1st towers built in the gaza strip to work more than 15 residential buildings and towers were originally built for the national security forces and then sold to severely and also these rarely army threatens the residents of this area more than
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a week ago to leave and had to be there all by law area as a safe zone in the central region. most of them, they all left in a hurry, since the 1st day of the ground incursion into the rage camp and the new serrato camp is really wor, plans have completely destroyed to these 4 towers with residential towers in the area, partially damaged or completely burnt out. and the large scale destruction occurred in these towers and in the civil residential and agricultural area. and to do after these really army left and withdrew from the central region, announcing the withdrawal of an entire division. participating in the aggression. a large number of residents returns to inspect their belongings and carrying what they could or what survived the bombing and the destruction in the angel towers area. yeah, i mean, all the residents of these towers are now homeless. large number of the population was forced to sleep outdoors and they're all boxed and refined. the self in light of this extreme cold because there were no places to flee. 2 sons of israel dropped the leaflets here in the afternoon. ordering a quick evacuation. it was so sudden that none of the residents could take anything
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during the evacuation question of your 10 residential towers, whose residents were originally working for the palestinian authority. meaning people who had no connection to the resistance at all for sat on the water, come on, just knock on the the towers. hey, we're randomly. palms. this is my husband and i just built it 2 years ago and it got destroyed. now look around, the view is frightening, something i do not know what to say. this was a random bombing shot. most of us way i'd have had up to, at least in 2010. i bought an apartment here in tower number 5 on the 6th floor, but then i did not expect that any aggress dinner escalation would destroy my partner, shut off the west. suddenly they dropped the leaflets. here i was the last one to evacuate the tower, 5 hours before the bombing. i came out with only the clothes, i'm wearing the shop too. i knew because of what the destruction here is increasing the devastation is growing and the ground operation is also expanding to these rarely army has now started talking about withdrawing forces in ending the ground operation in the north. and that the operation will move to the southern region and
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here in the central region, although there had been recent ground incursions near in us or hospital in the con eunice area, residents are trying to carry what they can to pick up would blankets or personal belongings to take them to the shelters, despite the danger due to the presence of israeli tanks. turning out to the ukraine conflict, russia says this military has killed at least $64.00 in mercenaries, mostly french nationals, and wounded. 20 more in a high precision strike. russian forces it targeted a building where foreign fighters had been stationed. the attack is in line with intensified operations across you. pray with 41 strikes carried out in the last week alone. as, according to the russian ministry of defense strikes, come as france has promised to send more weapons together, including 40 long range missiles. the russian investigative committee also filed charges and essentially against the $68.00 more foreign mercenaries from southern countries who have been fighting in ukraine conflict. alright,
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let's get more or less now from political commentator and radio host, steve gill, steve. many of the mercenaries killed in this recent strike for report of late from france. and despite the lack of progress on the battlefield, paris and its allies continue their support for cabin, for more weapons to be supplied. how does this influence the number of for embarrassing aries fighting alongside ukrainian forces? well i think there's a lot fewer today after that strike, even though the ukrainians were claiming it only loaded a few and killed, killed very few. but at this point, anything the ukrainian side tends to put out is dodgy and suspect it best. i mean, this has been the 1st war fight in real time propaganda some on both sides, but for the premiums, whether it was the ghost of t ab, who was supposedly shooting down and russian aircraft left and right turned out to be true. the ukrainian soldiers on an island, the face down of russian battleship and all were killed. the turn updates surrendered and we're not killed or,
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or the calendar offenses that you mentioned that have never proven to be successful . the ukrainian side, really, at this point has about the same level of credibility, but i would give to the how much does the health ministry or maybe to bite and white house press secretary, which means about 0. the french are now say they're going to respond to this attack, which i didn't hurt anybody by sending a lot more weapons, a lot more missiles. i think that underlines that this was a devastating attack on these 4 and mercenaries, and i think it's going to be harder to find more of them to come to you trying to find, particularly when you've got a premium in your band and in ukraine, you know, by the hundreds of thousands to avoid, you know, fighting for their own country. it's dave, the french defense minister has opened. i called for parents to stand firm and support for kids, pointing out the benefits to the french army as well as the countries industry and the wider economy. how does this benefit for west benefits for restroom backers impact the chances of finding a swift end to the ukraine conflict? i think it makes it very difficult to find in the end. in fact,
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have been several exit ramps that could have been taken before the conflict and certainly early in the conflict. but i think both here in the united states and certainly in western europe, you have those that see this proxy war with russia helping them sell arguments, selling munitions, you know, the us, for example, you know, we pulled out of afghanistan left a lot of munitions behind but you've got the military industrial complex in washington dc that needs to sell more bombs and missiles and weapons. and unfortunately, you've got some of our us congress that people and even presidential candidates like nikki haley who wants to continue to find war. rather than take the past, the piece that i think has been there for, for a long time. i think we eventually just there. i think that eventually the uh, the tolerance of the tax payers in western europe and certainly the tolerance of american taxpayers has come, are as close to an end. and at that point, we are going to see a resolution of this conflict. this again, could have been done much easier. and then i think the bigger question is, what happens next talk, how do we bring things back together?
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both again in terms of western europe, in the us with an economic bridge, with roster with a cultural bridge with russia with rebuilding, what has been devastated and it will take a while to do that both again economically, politically and, and just kind of bringing people back together, but the time to start thinking about that i think is now and you know, this all comes as we're expecting next week, the largest tomato extra size in decades. the alliance is planning to mobilize. 90000 soldiers, 2 quotes, the term russian aggression. what do you make of the timing and intent of this move? you know, like again, i think we've seen this kind of bellicose approach from, from the nato forces, from the outset in america. certainly been at the forefront of that. it's interesting to me that you know, we're told constantly by us politicians. if we don't stop rush or right where they are, they'll roll through europe in a couple of months. they have enrolled through your brain in a couple of years. so you're on one hand is, is russian, this military power that's threatening all of europe,
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or is it the russian military that we keep being told is being stopped in its tracks by you premiums who don't even have the weapons to do the job. their stories don't fit, which again, is why consider pretty much anything that the, the west and, and sort of the western media are saying at this point is dodgy and suspected the best political commentator and radio. how steve gal state, thank you. thank you. and the durham and vice president roberts havoc has lashed out of the alternative for germany party climbing it undermines democratic governance and leaves the state toward the authoritarian rule. similar to russia of the right wing authoritarians are concerned about an attack. on the essence of the republic. they want to turn germany into a state like russia and are systematically prepared for this. german vice chancellor robert have ex says that the right wing wants to turn germany into a state like russia. oh, you mean one that has to gas? that'd be nice. look, all that the right wing alternative for deutschland or a f
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d really has to do on any given issue, is to adopt the exact opposite position from the schultz government. and the result is that the f d is now the 2nd most popular party at 23 percent popularity behind the center, right christian democratic union. that's a party, a former chancellor agular merkle, which stands at 32 percent right now by comparison shows this party. is that just 15 percent with this portion, green's, at 13 percent, the average german really doesn't know what the heck discovery is doing. and chances are they probably don't know either and the ac is looking pretty good right now because it has not yet been tainted by the stance of the establishment that screwing things up. so what the shots do to counteract the f d 's rise. he tries to make himself even scarier than his own incompetence. and now, lo and behold, a report has emerged of a meeting that took place reportedly last november at a hotel near pottstown,
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attended by a couple of senior f. t officials, some business people and activists. where there's apparently some spitballing about the porting german citizens of for an origin. and now listening to schultz and how back he thinks that it was actually adopted as party policy or something. which would explain why there have been protests in germany against it. now the a f d is trying to put all of this in context declared goal of the a of d is the use of legal means to prevent illegal board across since the effective border controls to expel and to put criminals and migrant suspected of terry. so, well not entitled to state to handle naturalization restrictively. and to the volk citizenship update in an abuse of mana, couldn't any one who is a german citizen, belongs without question, without a doubt to the gentleman state people. that is, besides, the white gentleman, citizenship must not be trumped up and distributed with the watering can shop. actually the idea of stripping someone assistance or if there's already been
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introduced here in france, 5, the establishment specifically by french socialist party, president tulsa oh loans. back in 2015, in the wake of the november 13th terrorist attacks in paris. they even changed the french constitution to be able to do it. and over in the u. k, british prime minister really soon act wants to send migrants to were one. so this expulsion vibe is pretty mainstream in europe right now. actually, not that the german establishment was waiting around for any concrete policy details to trash, the f b. i am grateful, but tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of germany and recent days to protest against racism. rabble rousing, and for our liberal democracy. that gives us courage and shows that there are far more of us democrats than those who seek to divide a world called on know, in our private lives, in the workplace, at sport, when shopping to clearly state the voting for the f. d is to vote for why tweak x
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from this propose a threat to democracy. calls are now mounting and journey to ban the the outright as a political party, which sounds super democratic. but what's habits? main concern? you just seems to be worried about that backfiring kind of like everything else that this government does. it's not a question of political attitude, but of law only the federal constitutional court decides on the ban. heard those are rightly very high end. the damage caused by fail procedure would be massive. therefore, everything would have to be absolutely legal. you have to think about that very carefully. either way, the democratic parties would have to be the, the politically caustic ratio and the legislative hurdles are also in the way of stripping citizenship or enacting deportations as a matter of policy in germany. but apparently it serves the team sold to just pretend that germany would instantly become some kind of mad max style health scape,
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if the citizens of germany drop kicked him in his establishment post to the curb. always spoke to a former hamburg parliament member who says, well, other political parties were championing support for ukraine and leading germany into crisis. the populace to if the parties ideas were gaining traction normally, the so called democratic parties, so democratic copies show tacitus drains to be strong. oh, that is such a populist right, big pots, even like the u. f. d b, i'm not politically because they don't have no fee of concepts. and they went into a dead end street to be side by side with the u. s. government and because of ukraine, with a very, very uh home for house expenses, for the gentleman, the only because the gentleman, though for me was based on his, the ability of europe and friendship to russia and to all so
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very is a kind of backs your inside of the tone society of the d. busy dips, i don't like it, but they did well and therefore if i got enough to give easy solutions which will not work because the program will be many more calles even like the government. but they pretend to, and many people just searching for an old and they took the government, this consciousness this month. they can do it again. and then they start to discuss, we have to homepage this policy that they should have done more to have social stability and they should never have gotten into the wall against you for, for from the ukraine against russia on this contract with exporting and shipping weapons to ukraine and uh uh, and so educating soldiers from ukraine and so. busy they should have gone
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a different way they are paying parliament has voted to condemn the hungary alleged efforts to undermine the founding values of the you. moving the process of removing the past voting rights in the block. a step closer. the vote, which is not legally by and ang follows. the letter signed by $120.00, and the peas. calling from budapest to be paralyzed over alleged concerns about reported democratic backsliding and abuse of vito power. the call is to push ahead with the article 7 which hungary has been under since 2018 am to punish hungry for its independence stands on issues such as funding for ukraine. we believe that this action is necessary to protect the values of the european union which are enshrined in the treaty on the european union. hungry has been repeatedly criticized for it's a russian of the rule of law and especially after hungry is actions to disrupt the decision making of the member states and the december e u. c. o. we believe that the tie.


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