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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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the west is quickly losing any claim tomorrow, scary or the in the many of the many armed forces emphasize that responses to american and british offences are inevitable. you see um, forces, stripe and know the american ship and the goals of ident, this follows us plumbing of what washington says on military targets in yemen, which russia, slums is a violation of international law. us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law. also, this solid iran condemns pakistani strikes on a rainy entire tree. the local officials saying the 9 civilians have been killed. the 20 civilians, including children,
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are killed over nights and he's very palming of the southern gods and city of rough . uh, that's as idea of forces partially withdrawal from the inc. life, the tons, the russian ministry of defense says the 64 and best res, most the french nationalist killed in a precision strike all power issues of denial, saying that no french investment is involved in overseas. the for must go to the world, your watching oxy. internationally is just on 5 am on friday morning here in moscow moneys pizza scouts. a with all the very latest. thanks for joining that's our top story. this our humans, he's the rebels say that they've at times an american ship in the gulf of ident, using naval missiles. are the spokesperson said that the strike on the can range? i was the knights of it's all the ation for the recent us lead strikes on you. you
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know, for the yeah, yeah, many naval forces have carried out an operation against the us vessel cam ranger in the gulf of aiden using a number of naval missiles. and thanks for being a god, the hit was precise and direct. well, the, you have any armed forces, emphasized that responses to americans and british offences are inevitable. and any further offense will be met by retaliation and punishment. any of the us central command has convent, the attack on the vessel revolting, no injuries or damage being sustained early on thursday, the us forces launched a fresh round of strikes on. yeah, many cities targeting 14. here's the missile size. washington said the move came as a response to the overnights that side against the us ship the, the russian foreign minister. so good luck. ralph has accused the washington leg coalition of a legally bombing government,
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as well as further destabilizing the middle east. releasing the us along with the u . k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law, including a security council resolution that nearly called for the protection of commercial shipping. but nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb young and what is being done regarding young men is may have the excuses coming from washington. i would say, sound pathetic. well, tensions i've been buildings since january, the 12th. that was when us and british forces began bombing targets in receipt. health areas defense again says the attacks are designed to weaken the who sees ability to strike betsy shipping. this affiliated with both israel and its allies, is the group says is in a show of support for gaza, is to use the shuttle davinsky with a closer look at both of these in yemen, as well as the states it object in the us and u. k. have attacked yep. in the past of western will power has struck cruise. the
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positions in the country seeing the group has terrorized the key in to national trade route of its shows. we will make sure that we respond but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping in the red c time. that's why i made the decision without all eyes to take what i believe to be necessary, proportionate and talk through the action against military targets. who sees have said they would not step back. and any of the us attack would trigger an even greater response in the american and british enemy best full responsibility for its criminal aggression against all. yeah, many people, it will not go on that search and unpunished. this is the 1st time america has attempted to bring the food face down it previously backed saudi arabia,
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which tried for almost a decade to fight the great but failed time and time again for many across the world. the who sees all the face of a winning resistance, love and respect to host the fighters fight the color noises. imperialism bravely who sees a heroes. we respect the who sees for what they fight for a cease fire and they to be sent in the west of the bad guys and the public is against them. so boy, you called to beginning us, you k, embarrassing? i've loaded my hat and presented my respect to the fifty's heroes of this great sacrifice. so who are the, who sees the group? it takes its name from the so name of its early lead to this is who say now who feet of the fi tripe according to prominence following a civil war in him. and that the term on in the country eventually led to the removal of precedents. law that was back in 2011. now she was replaced by
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a new government which was backed by saudi arabia and the us. but the new president had the i'm good money with plans to change the way that funds were being dropped across. yeah, many regions now opposition groups including the city fees claimed this would see the countries oil. welf, confined to the to least populated preferences. the who sees claim that the government was corrupt and best managing the country. it took control of the capital son, forcing president harvey to flee and read and only thing a civil war. we are forming a revolutionary committee and the transitional national council, which will replace the now the solve the house of representatives and the office of the president in transitional phase. things started to really he, to a point for saudi arabia and the us good even more in fools. now, as the who sees power expanded the gain control of what nearly all of the countries
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north. and as you can see, this land bowed his head with saudi arabia, the kingdom and other countries in the gulf corporation council offered that backing to pro citizens how deep the security and stability of the m. and have been shaken by cool. that the who is the malicious, carried out against the legitimate authorities. these developments also constituted a major threat to the security and stability of the region and the threat to international peace and security over 8 is the saw. the lead campaign initially launched the monica operation, decisive stool boomed, areas of young men held by the who fees. it was supported with the us, logistics and intelligence. while an array of western countries provided weapons to saudi arabia, the intervention to help push young men to the brink, what followed was a humanitarian. does all stuff. human remains the world's worst communitarian
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crisis. an estimated 4500000 people are permanently displaced. the risk of a large scale farm and in the country has never been more acute. it was costly for the saudis to, it's estimated that the kingdom was spending some $200000000.00 per day to sustain b. a ground in c operation. but despise it all the saudis failed to make a dent on who sees power and its military bases. now in 2022 a ceasefire, it was agreed who sees, have since consolidated, holding control of much of the west. and also the north of u. m and the business went up to 80 percent of the country's population lives in these lands. and yet, despite the clear failure of the saudi level for ration over many years, and one that was back to the health by weapons from the west. hey, we all again,
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western countries, giving it a 2nd shot, and seemingly unable to learn the lessons from the past. i believe ron has reiterated the declaration by humans, a hasty rebels. the groups attacks on red sea shipping our response to israel's crimes and gaza. while the us has a cold connection, it's a question. arguments that this is about the war and gaza, the mean, they're just driving the steak through a straw. man, there's nothing there. what's happened and what is happening actually in the room is absolutely connected to what is happening to the people of goza at the u. s. and now it just escaping forward and releasing in cause inconsistent statements of i don't know just to comply with the reality. the many people have supported these attacks as they are only against this way to do this. oh yeah, absolutely. so putting in the palestinians and the many ami has made the degree
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that if you want us to stop, these us actually have to stop the attacks against the policy and people and goes about no america. it does not want to maintain its interest in, in the region. i believe that they want to turn the region into a back to the field by uh, targeting the many people and is parking a reasonable. and maybe they will even use the proxies in the region in the coming days. moving on to other news. now, iran has condemned puck. you still need drone attack on a rainy and so 3, calling its on balanced, an unacceptable package done. it has confirmed it carried out the strikes on his on the bottom. it says it targets its quote, service sells in the neighboring country. with this puts, it shows the aftermath of those blasts. local officials say the 9 civilians were killed in the side. and the deputy security chief of the south east, a radiant region showed the following dates have that it was that the today we
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became aware that an explosion happens in a village near serve and city at 4 30 am. after the analysis, we have determined that the explosion happens at a village, 3 kilometers from the border. we understand that the victims are not uranium citizens for the cases under investigation, and we will inform the public, our border patrols the i r g c and our friends in the army are now securing the border of about it and there are no concerns regarding security their purchase that's at a target at the height, allison training camps of a separate his group, in se iran were designated by pakistan as the terrorist around 4 30 am local time. several explosions were heard around the city of shut off on india, on c, span in battle to a strong province which neighbors package them. shortly after the incident, pakistan's foreign ministry announced that the country launched precision strikes targeting of the sanctuary. use of quote,
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the terrorist sheltering in on govern parts of edwin's bordering areas with pakistan. on tuesday, the 16th of january, 2020, for the border task fonts of the as lumnick revolution guards, core ground force took a preventive action against a terrorist group, preparing to infiltrate the territory of the islamic republic of iran to carry out another terrorist operation. came a day after pakistan vowed serious consequences over a ron's tuesday attack on the j shore to either the militant group in south west pakistan, which is law. my god granted as a violation of its air space on wednesday. the judgment of which is designated by your want as a tetra group, which highly aided by killing and they want it on your gc member. now pakistan's assault seems to be a response to it. once tuesday strikes is low, my boss said that it does not mean to violate it wants territory, but it was a pursuit of the national security of pakistan focused on we'll continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people,
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which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret. the father son fully respects the silver empty and toner. the integrity of the stomach republic of fear on the sole objective of today's act was in pursuit of focused on its own security and national interest. which is that amount and cannot be compromised, purchased as the tax also targeted camps belonging to the battle just on liberation, army, and the battle just on liberation. front 2 militant groups that seek secession from pakistan. the pos has now confirmed via text by releasing his paper and the surgeon group has in the past, claim responsibility for several operations impact is that now pakistan's foreign ministry says it has in the past, charities, concerns about what it called, the safe havens of the terrorist but due to lack of action on the part of the groups continued to quote, spilled a lot of innocent pack is that he's so bored are violations aside. it's safe to say,
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but $101.00 is what i'm about to have not targeted each other, but have essentially helped one another. eliminate being sergeant groups that both have long been fighting or yes. so some who's the director general of the south asian strategic stability institutes? well, she says that both around unpackaged on have the same goals in the region. what does it certainly important don't is dwanda standard for both countries to try to join any general organization which is going to be working in the safe havens provided by any territory of state. and then once it gets to those countries is a national product. so football, because some of the message is very clear of what else should the last as much a trick as it'd be an adverb yearly. and recently that says, the trip to joint joint action is then the subsidy of the day. a go for the volt companies will peak for logic solutions for count, train the front of the service,
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the physical analyst on the form of stomach revolution. we got coal general, i've seen that come on a mock dumb and he says it's important for the countries to show restraint in order to avoid an escalation on the board. the operations that happened in recent days are aligned with the security agreement between both states. to remove the terrorist groups on both sides of the border. it is pakistan's, right to target the terrorist locations it detects via its arrangement with a run. but we should not let the actions become a direct war on the or on pakistan border. this is what our enemies want. we do not seek this at the moment. we cooperate and conduct military drills together. we never let our enemy use pakistan soil to hit us and pakistan knows that no one desires security in pakistan. more bi lateral cooperation has always existed at the border. certainly the states that are under us control and have strategic security ties with the us act and alignment with the us interests. certainly the states that
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are under us control and have strategic security ties with the us act in alignment with us interests. the us implements all it's options to put pressure on the run and the resistance front. what is clear is that the islamic republic of iran does not seek war, but it is the inherent right of the resistance front to stand against the us. and this is a painful fact for the us on the over to southern gaza where at least 20 civilians, including children, have reportedly been killed overnights as israel up on the city of rough. uh, uh, brings the enclaves that sold over $24000.00 since october. the 7th, and that's according to posting officials. this video footage shows the moments after the latest strike. it's a residential building, which has been full of people. small children were reportedly killed. one of them just 2 years old or rescue is managed to recover, go from the rubble itself to the enclave, which had been deemed safe. so now host around to, to 1000000 displaced,
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palestinians, palestinians in gauze as a smallest refugee camp had returned home after is really forces announced that withdrawal from the area, local journalist sensors, this reports from the ground. the do, i did one else. i'm here in the angel, oops, towers. new sarah camp area and the central gaza strip of these towers were constructed after the arrival of the palestinian authority to the gaza strip for the national security forces. these, the 1st towers, built in the gaza strip to work more than 15 residential buildings and towers were originally built for the national security forces and then sold to severely and also these rarely army threatens the residents of this area more than a week ago to leave and had to be there all by law area as a safe zone in the central region month. they all left in a hurry since the 1st day of the ground incursion into the rage camp. and the new serat camp is really wor, plans have completely destroyed to base 4 towers with residential towers in the area, partially damaged, or completely burnt out. and large scale destruction occurred in these towers and
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in the civil residential and agricultural area. and to do after these really army left and withdrew from the central region, announcing the withdrawal of an entire division. participating in the aggression in a large number of residents returns to inspect their belongings and carrying what they could or what survived the bombing and the destruction in the amg oh towers, area. and all the residents of these towers are now homeless. large number of the population was forced to sleep outdoors and they're all blocks and refined the self in light of this extreme cold amount. because there were no places to flee to sons of israel dropped leaflets. here in the afternoon ordering a quick evacuation when it was so sudden that none of the residents could take anything during the evacuation question of your 10 residential towers, whose residents were originally working for the palestinian authority. meaning people who had no connection to the resistance at all for set out in the water. come on the last the towers have with randomly palms. this is my husband and i just built it 2 years ago and it got destroyed. now look around,
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the view is frightening, something i do not know what to say. this was a random bowman shot. most of us way out of head of show is in 2010. i bought an apartment here in tower number 5 on the 6th floor by the name. i did not expect that any address and our escalation will destroy my partner, shut off the west. suddenly they dropped the leaflets. here i was the last one to evacuate. the tower, 5 hours before the bombing, i came out with only the clothes i am wearing the ship to, i knew because of what the destruction here is increasing the devastation is growing and the ground operation is also expanding. these rarely army has now started talking about withdrawing forces and ending the ground operation in the north, and that the operation will move to the southern region. and here in the central region, there had been recent ground incursions near nicer hospital and the con, unice area residents are trying to carry what they can to pick up would blankets or personal belongings take them to the shelters. despite the danger due to the presence of israeli tanks, moving onto the wall in ukraine. now,
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where russia says that it's military, it has killed at least $64.00 and listeners, mostly french nationals, and went to 20 mall. and a strike. first of all says it's a building where they were allegedly stationed, one of the 41 strikes in the past week alone. that's according to the russian defense ministry. while investigators have filed charges against $68.00 for investors from 7 countries, that's why it comes as funds has pledged to send more weapons to keep including faulty long range missiles. while the french foreign ministry has since blasted russia's accusations as baseless propaganda, claimant that no french must resolve fighting any way in the world. meanwhile, the former french general, sold off to you that's any form must be involved in the war, would be well aware of the risks. at the moment we are in a state of war, were needed in russia clashing onto the territory of ukraine, solely french, most numerous disciple, personal reasons to join the war on one side or the other. they are obviously aware
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of the risks they have chosen, their own feet. haven't entered the game. they have already lost. russia is absolutely correct. you can see that these french most and there is a legitimate military target just as ukrainians would not hesitate to should french . most of these fighting and russia site falls to the french ministry of foreign affairs has responded to the statements made by the russian defense ministry to deny the presence of french mess and region kotik of ukraine or anywhere else. fronts claimed the accusation was manipulation on the pots of russia. clearly, friends does not want to discuss this topic. they asked for the french media. they broadcast the position of the foreign ministry. while some news channels have reported french medicine res, or at least french volunteers, cooperating with the ukrainian armed forces with reference to thousands, possibly hundreds of people. of course from this is not the most widely represented country and those cooperation with ukraine unami. but this raises questions in connection with the strikes, the claims,
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the lives of many foreign mess series and then negotiations being conducted by the ministry of foreign affairs are of interest to the media. suppose in 2022 french police arrested a group of 14 foreign legion soldiers who allegedly going to join ukrainian on forces and left it to friends, nationals with a legit size defense. neo nazi groups were sent to prison after returning from ukraine with both weapons and ammunition. with the secretary of states on snape, lincoln says the countries across the globe always that you got to do business with the us. what i'm hearing around the world everywhere i go is i searched a hunger, a desire for our engagement, for our leadership. us has a long track record of intervening in other nations such as a right. so enough gun is done to shape both explains why we may not have seen the last of the. so here we go again. the middle east is yet again,
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and the headlines for all the wrong reasons. it seems for years of an escalating regional conflict, but well warranted as regional powers, other proxies prepare for war. of course, the background, all of this instability won't make it into the western headlines. the stabilizing presence of us troops and syria and iraq, or the west support for as well as brutal assault on gaza. one thing is abundantly clear around and tends to defend its regional interest, and it's not asking anyone for permission to do just that. however, the responsible activity runs on forces was in line with combating terrorism and adjustments, so defend it, and we have no reservations when it comes to securing all national interest with any other country. and meanwhile, in a rock country, that's no stranger to war, it seems to us as phil determined to assist the rack and also bomb it at the same time, us forces of attack, what they describe as pro reiney and forces base their and the americans are also now going to send more troops into the trouble territory. this all sounds so
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familiar does not. the rock does not need any foreign forces, and the presence of the global coalition is limited to providing advice, training, and security information. i'm excited. it's me personally, this is my 5th deployment. we have the training that we need. we have the equipment that we need to fight and win on the potter is completely predictable. once you mentioned around in a mass enough, it seems you're free to bump just about anyone you want. and that's exactly what the us appears to be doing. today, i do us presidents direction, us military forces conducted unnecessarily in proportion. it strikes on 3 facilities used by the but hezbollah and natalie to groups in iraq. these precision strikes are response to a series of attacks against us personnel, e, my rock and syria, by iranian sponsored, malicious. including an attack by you run the affiliated cut, the because the law and affiliated groups on air bill air base earlier today. well,
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it seems washington's kia ally in the region. israel has also learned from its main sponsor and apologised, regularly attacking serious sovereign territory with absolute impunity. of course, it's all a breach of international law. but since when it is well trouble itself with those minor details when dealing with his neighbors, these really occupation authorities, again define a world public opinion, un resolutions and the coals of most members of the security council not to expend the existing aggression against the palestinian people by launching to new air tax on syrian territory, the new aggressions against syrian territory, and then going threats against lebanon and other countries in the region revealed the true goals of the zionist entity, which 6 to expand in the region and the expense of era rights in palestine and other occupied territories. of course, one of the most cynical deployments of the us military is their own going. presence of syria, of course, is no coincidence that they remain at the key oil producing regions, depriving the syrians of their legitimate sovereignty all in the name of freedom.
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but we are leaving soldiers to secure the oil that we may have to fight for the oil . that's okay, but we keep in the oil. remember that i've always said that keep the oil. we're keeping noel, we have the oil, the oil is secure. we left and troops behind only for the oil. you didn't ask the fighting. terrorism does not happen through an illegitimate to international coalition that violates the silver and see of states and destroys. cities and villages commits massacres against civilians, steals national wealth and support separate as malicious in its broader context. the war on syria was parts of the west attempts to maintain its control over the world. what's truly remarkable is how the western powers continually talk about regional stability and peace. what consistently either licensing military intervention by their proxies, on the case of human, actually carrying it out themselves. all right, i'm and sorry, claire it's to de escalate tensions and to restore stability. the strikes with
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defensive and design to preserve freedom of navigation in one of the world's most by to want to waste the host. the attacks must end. so as the middle east faces into yet another period of escalating conflict that seems to global community with yet again be spectating as the region burns. plenty of time to reflect on how western sponsorship of the arch spring fueled all of this regional instability. i have to, it'd be the arab league is the weekend for one reason that the countries themselves uh weekends and there are the examples of libya. yeah. man, syria or iraq. and here i have to draw attention to what you call the arab spring. i called the arab destruction because what happened in 2011 let to chaos agony, suffering, and the threats of the disappearance of states under the drum beats, a war get louder and louder. we really need to ask ourselves how the international rules based order operates to the benefit of the sovereign nations in the region.
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and that seems obvious that when it comes to the middle east, this the united states that makes the rules in the united states, that gives the orders about a rob for now, for all the latest developments and updates. do so consider subscribing thoughts, telecomm channel money, speak to scott on the back with another one down of all the latest at the top of the hour. i'll see you then the the
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the hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered on peter lavelle the by the ministration, steadfast and unequivocal support of israel makes the united states and many of its
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allies, co conspirators, to war crimes and even genocide. the west is quickly losing any claim tomorrow. superior court, the press ok in palestine. i'm joined by my guess michael. my loop in rest and he is a former pentagon senior security policy analyst in new york. we have lionel. he is a legal and media analyst and assemble. we crossed to professor, sent me out a ryan t is director of the center for as well and global affairs at symbols. i am university . alright, gentleman cross talk roles and the fact that means he can jump any time you want and i always appreciate line. and let me read something for to you that i read in the american conservative by a good writer, a james card in reacting to the fact that uh, anthony, blinking maybe to the cover of time magazine. i didn't even know time magazine was around anymore. so that was the kind of surprising i.


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