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tv   Documentary  RT  January 18, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

10:30 pm
new member states to deny hungry its voting rights, and this is being hungry is consistent position from the beginning. but this is a crazy, a demented war that can only lead to a total devastation for ukraine in the u. and nato should not be financing a hopeless war. and it's particularly books, i'm hungry because hunger is in e u member state. and he's not able to get his own money back. i mean, he was the, the, you owed hungary, so the 1000000000 euros. now, of they finally agreed to give hungry 10000000000 of that in return for hungry, essentially. not taking part in the vote to initiate the e. u. accession folks with ukraine that happened in december. but there's still a 20000000000 euros, a hungry would like to get back, and that is being denied to hunger is honors as well. we are a member state, we don't get the money that's owed to us. but ukraine, which is not an
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e. you have us, they, they're supposed to get 50000000000, no questions. ok. that's a rep from dell minus be discards. and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news and views, you know, not seen. thanks for watching the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the high side of the quote i have a phone company of these other each these are so you might have
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a small flush the possibilities. you ensure that the, the moist yeah. then. so the one you have is good for me and i'm sure you're gonna get it. come up on the something that is correct. so listen was wanting this girl as well as also like the young lady. and if you're still going frontier to through great english, the past i'm going to use and i was just these, give him a 4th of the only shaffer suddenly yakima slower. and i thought i had coverage and try to get his less because of what the level of the list was that you all are going to the for from mann middle national, where each of the in the, in for 3 to do. but the believe. but the only show up in a sudden it was for me to come out for, for, for everybody with the, the, was the ship and said the 1st not
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discover you took a girl. what's the deal for me? i got a new to your opportunity, but i really do because we cut off the pitch of the machine where the provider um just never had the flow for an central time zone since the insurance. uh move i live in a very yeah. oh i really need to know what it is getting the new insurance still have not been released as far as your was, i was just like what was the visit and so what is the lease now?
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so let me just a we've great finish. i had to miss beaman, you believe it was, are kind of strong for the new enough. those invites use like uh the the, the to you there's not too much you have to kind of take the smell of the see if this blues back home. but she still she loves really lost the so i just get on know what you and your students, the culture. i mean, if you get the ones who didn't get it, you know, anytime i look at the grading and that is viewing really
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plays the low price from what i can do to engineering. all the lines are busy or in the shadow and the because it looks like we're still showing you a little bit of a neuberger. the area of, of the, of are the ones that goes both of them, the phone levels, but most of them. so the rules are serial noise and susie is here's the key and if you need them on, so the coordinates of sodium, we could do that. them good enough where those k but yes, you're a show a search, it is of us. unless come out, the good word come of me is good. i mean to me this for mostly full,
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but once i come up in the middle of the issue, you know what to whom am i supposed to? i just don't want to show the referrals. i do is refer you to it is a very give or no issue. thank you. yeah. you, i got good starting way of this month. may or may go else the me tricky. you will not use the q for the she think if you have of sports football in the me 00. i'm with my supervisor for the other off, marcia, for for the last 8 or a little bit of an i'm one of the 2 of them is
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a month for the man. you're the 1st. this is the what we use for a future purchase . this is done the a bunch of those as any of the most capital figures and get an insurance cause of the going to do this because it was the system. now let's come. but when you want new old way of on, you know, for the new for the, was in the, of the deals part and parcel them. so the book i do, most of my bills are the formal i need to point out the drum model because i have one level area just deal schedule inform share for those other level of visual as i'm going with the lack of the officials. i'm wondering if i can with that there's
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no 63 my, my teaser we just go with the 3. yeah. yeah. are you, i don't know how about the surgery was for 4 of us are over top, most immediate with them for the german 0. if it isn't, you know, the work of home, you know? yeah. oh, the 3, literally in the season, just to meet you at a char just sent that usually
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a new mazda. and then use the reset to that cause you to issue the they will send them to the store and i didn't know what it was. so it's not the same. yeah. so then you'll see
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a much more submission. yeah. going through or do you mean each journalist from the bottom all assist you? send me over your course of officer also, then you've got one. you said 3. so john to do is to go to the prompt. you publish it for you. well it is super who you myers the yes. mm hm. you do do to move into the order and for me,
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my little featured fun to vision. there's no time for you to send us a new business to move them. you gotta get or take this boy of for what email portion, but you just click submit z or some you should be clicking on the girlfriend is waiting. so when you see me in and out of them, you must do so you stay up to frontier to any of the super for you the now the
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luminous lucas secret are to them to be stated. yeah. sure. hold on super sure, for most of them are more of them the box or just the store when you or something works or spoke, i'm fine. you these folders here which will show someone, also aside from the chest of virtual originals for you to do the work for me this. oh yes. yes i
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did is i really need you to see the video. excuse me, much. can you write an image like history to the best of luck? one really says that the goal is to still students from this with bus reloads on the off know how i thought of lucky. hopefully i can think of that was the morning, was so much more of a specialist or should california is the sneak across the street. the reason for this event of the northfield,
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all sort of loans rocket. i mean, see you and you will not show us, give you the full grass will most of the year to walk through and walk by giving us 3 of them. what do you say? it is now to fiddle, said go with my fellow volume and v c. foot on stick with the media, keep the see if they t shirts or see we have i am. 2 the senior most room for the the machine. yeah. yeah. you did. yes. on slash the solar. that's very simple. and it was by the river. i'm sorry. i said it was one of them are
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a bigoted soldier with the the the, the,
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the divide, the ministration, steadfast and unequivocal support of israel makes the united states and many of its allies, co conspirators, to war crimes and even genocide. the west has quickly losing any claim. tomorrow's period of the the purpose of this land they view as close to feed use. you guys like me, but this is josh from ocean city. yes. hello. my friend started as the other shuttle unless the unit was almost blah, blah, blah blah. i'm sort of course solution during anchor for the largest myself and do the little get show that i'm not like, you know the details and don't have to go to don't worry about some of them. i'll do the julie from the one that's kind of why i want to follow that go see,
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that was just just the list from the board that then usually pulls that from all the guns and a lot of those statements. i think i feel it's all over configured when i bought a new law firm and was wondering what the boy. yeah. and that's why i'm bringing more that up. see much of the computer with the whole funder going over the hill. so she has a part of the job job and you just got a job or strictly and for more to the visit someone with a few this party and come on they will talk to you about those the park. where's the me on the 19 sl
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one let you go, but by slowing the quick, let me do yours, mr. phillips, you gave me the do the new let. let us let me send you all this. you you sound really is the most i did. you did you show me the issue really 56 right here on sit phrase, but it does mean that doesn't mean this is a curse device new. that's the reason you the solution is because it is just it just stick with it as an expensive and nice to sort of sort of cruise secondly, the but i'm sorry,
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the latest on the piece of business model. you said this is what it was, not a cell phone. don't worry about city him. said him 3 sort use order for the rest of the patient for for, for a complete refresh, alabama, which is the largest journalist on a smaller display flu. the voice of you to the what is the yeah. what city to see, what else to slow the some proof of income up there. the more government already that much lawyer site is still listed easily if it's with us. and so i'll try to confuse you because especially so we to, to, to little and from the bus doable. it shows the way my face for the little thing over the edge of the header with a mustard and both of them or me doesn't need to play the internet associated. it'd
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be so we are going to level that $10.00, which is the joe believe that alphabet uses $82.00 rules and it to a logical to thing you see. so 1st of all, to pull the letter for the this is the only thing it which issues me personally, we don't know what is the 2nd step, a skid is real, but i'm so the still that you've chicken them football isn't particularly because it isn't the, the fit it's going to do to show you to listen to a little slow leaf was supposed to let a completely new local level appeal to, to the new set, the movies you long story at the but loose of a 100 should put, you know, doesn't mean you've been, you know, see what the process place took with the new users, set it up with this leslie. so, so much you did, you find you must choose to switch up those with the phone which is limited to them
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is the closer to the newest version of the news or something you asked me to mark this. can you check up the ship? it was pretty much an issue. one is the is the goal is to have that sort of the old you hold on while you were, i'm with a couple of them. are there? sure there's my show. i for the former,
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the chauffeur monogram ventured on you've got to setup an appointment. yes ma'am. well, if i want to use my go and shoot all of the thought it would be so simple. so, you know, if it works for both of them are for moving to a storefront right. the
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existing thing for you in the true story and for 1st 5 seems to me this on this level 3 months. so far the, the, the, the, the, both of you now for me is over, you do this and because of, in the, to the hours i have them on the forecast here. there's your fortune during the sugar to forego associated with your order. and then you have the ripple effect. so you're not talking to your server, thankful for working for the winners. there's something else as a level over go to, to power in your system. i should say these pretty trick much of the
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market is just choice. they can just show each could someone just appealing additional stories because all that's all way around. well there was ok after that, the wonderful advocacy which is i said i was kind of on the bridge. remember, we're kind of a little upsetting, isn't that possible? just focusing on more info. so yes, you're going, you're all the north, a single combust placement for the one year old girls to, to the bus for the approval. so it would hurt you to so nice to yourself. don't want to use them on your cell phone anymore. it was on this, but i want to see if it's there, like i saw enough of us all that additional students are starting to be doing this significant assessor on it. and the other one is life. that's on for some of your children. roman wondering if it's yours and part of the workforce. frustrating group owners,
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although she was under the important resilient teacher for them. a roof, oscar wallace. my renewal on the phone with the gym for the software didn't go through the full on a folder on this listing for some reason, postpone this loan forgiveness name increased. it was august 20th. i change it all in for signature. when you're on the social is fairly simple, covered back on the colors are usually used as storage, orders covers phone with us in a little more modern a couple of them don't unless i or the governors to distribute security as opposed to as well. i mean, you can scale solar total a single hour. so go to solar. well, did you use books, you distributed where it says does is. and the
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lady did you see this way and it just means it's almost a large system allow us to just because of the issue, especially if i get some stuff from goodwill presently on the furniture. but i did not fall into a thank you like it. i'm i'm good is still one month old fish is so good.
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news on village brown the, the billing that the to see news. yeah. it's a new system of the the ocean, but it's still good for the pieces are good or the pieces she knew on the side of the us, nevada. that's cool. yeah. does any pretty much it as low as i'm probably on the spacious vision and associates just beautiful. it was the 2nd day of the month i'm yeah, it was because all the sort of submit a task
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that comes to us. let me use the bible out by using the phone so i mailed it off off most of
11:00 pm
the the the the, the, the game, any armed forces emphasize that responses to american and british offences are inevitable. if the forces strike another american ship in the gulf of ident, this follows us the bombing of alt washington says a military targets in yemen versus slums. is a violation of international law release of the us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law. around condemns puckett studies stripes on the radian territory with local officials saying to 9 civilians to be killed. also had the south 20 civilians including children are killed and the latest is really bombings on the


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