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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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the, the, the, the, the game, any armed forces emphasize that responses to american and british offences are inevitable. if the forces strike another american ship in the gulf of ident, this follows us the bombing of alt washington says a military targets in yemen. versus swans is a violation of international release of the us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law around condemns park your study stripes. on the radian territory with local officials, $10.00 to $9.00 civilians, to be killed. also at the south. 20 civilians, including children, are killed. and the latest is really bombings on the southern dogs and safety of
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rough. uh, this is the idea of possibly withdrawal from the enclave. and the russian ministry defense, the 64 and this noise most the french nationals are killed in a precision as striking a price issues. a denial saying that no french measurement is involved in overseas . the must go to the world, you'll watching all the international bodies pizza scotts, and these the top story, suspicion humans. here's the rebels. say that they advertise an american ship in the gulf of i've done using naval miss laos, who's the spokes person. said the strike on the can range. i was an arts of originally ation for the recent us let strikes on. yeah. you know, for the yeah, yeah. many naval forces have carried out an operation against the us vessel cam ranger in the gulf of aiden using a number of naval missiles. and thanks for you to god, the hit was precise and direct. well,
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the yeah. many armed forces emphasized that responses to americans and british offences are inevitable, and any further offense will be met by retaliation and punishment. any of the central command has confirmed the attack on the vessel reporting no injuries or damage. it was sustained, though they also state the us forces launched a fresh route to strikes on yemen, targets in full team. you see miss all sides. washington said the move came as a response to the over night's attack against another us ship. the less than 5 minutes, the associate level of has accused the washington led to coalition of illegally bombing human, as well as further destabilizing the middle east, leasing us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule. of international law, including a security council resolution that merely called for the protection of commercial
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shipping. nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb young and what is being done regarding young men is may him, the excuse is coming from washington. i would say, sound pathetic. we spoke to your 10 stone of the hamilton coalition to stop the war . he says that washington is falling back on his military might. as us global influence continues to weigh in the united states, i think realizes that it's still, even though it's not a unit p. busy or world anymore, i think they are beginning to realize that they still have the vast miss ponder is a military might in the world, and i think they planned to use it the in west asia now before the multi polar world becomes a bigger reality than it is now in other words, before they want to strike while they can. and i think that they are going to try and use their military force to restore their heads your moni over the middle east
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that they had since the end of the 2nd world war. and they had all over the world, but they have rapidly frittered away in afghanistan. can ukraine, and, and syria, and other places. but they're still intent on being staying the top dog. and it's very profitable for the us to do so because they has a huge military industrial complex that makes trillions of dollars for the the, for the one percent in the us. so why should they change? meanwhile, yvonne has the vs. the rates at the declaration by governments. hasty rebels to the groups, the tax on betsy shipping, a response to israel's crimes and gaza of us is called the connection. and the question, the arguments that this is about the war and guys mean they're just driving the stake through a strong man. there's nothing there, what's happened and what is happening actually. and the reality is absolutely
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committed to what is happening to the people of goza at the u. s. and now it just escaping forward and releasing it. and because inconsistent statements of, i don't know, just to comply with the reality, the many people have supported these attacks as they are fully against this really vessels that yeah, absolutely. so putting in the palestinians and the many army has made it clear that if you want us to stop these, that actually have to stop the attacks of yours to proceed people. and does anybody know america, it does not want to maintain its interest in, in the region. i believe that they want to turn the region into a back to the field by uh, targeting via many people and is parking or regional. and maybe they will even use the proxies in the region in the coming days maybe don't to open use now, iran has condemned to focused on a drone attack on
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a radiant surgery calling it's unbalanced and unacceptable. like it's done as confirmed to carry out the strikes. there's nothing about says it's targeted quotes, service itself in the neighboring country. let's suppose it shows the aftermath of the busts. local officials say 9 civilians were killed in the attack. the deputy security chief of the south, east rainy and region shed the following the task. it was that the today we became aware that an explosion happens in a village near serve and city at 4 30 am. after the analysis, we have determined that the explosion happens at a village, 3 kilometers from the border and we understand that the victims are not uranium citizens. so the cases under investigation and we will inform the public that our border patrols the i r g c and our friends in the army are now securing the border and about it. and there are no concerns regarding security, their practice. that's that a targeted to hide allison training camps of
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a separate his group, in se iran who are designated by pakistan as the terrorist around 4 30 am local time. several explosions were heard around the city of central yvonne and you're on c. span in battle, just found problems which neighbors package them. shortly after the incident packet sense foreign ministry announced that uh the country launched precision strikes targeting of the sanctuary. ease of quote, the terrace sheltering and ungoverned parts of it runs bordering areas with pakistan's. on tuesday, the 16th of january, 2020 for the border task fonts of the as lubbock revolution guards core ground force took a preventive action against a terrorist group preparing to infiltrate the territory of the islamic republic of iran to carry out another terrorist operation. attack came a day after pakistan vowed serious consequences over it runs towards the attack on the j shore to add the melting roof in south west pakistan, which is law. my god granted as a violation of its air space on wednesday,
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the judgment either which is designated by your want as a tower group, which highly aided by killing and they want it on your gc member. now pakistan's assault seems to be a response to it. once tuesday strikes is normal but said that it does not mean to violate that there was territory, but it was a pursuit of the national security of pakistan focused on we'll continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people. which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret, focused on fully respects the silver empty, and territorial integrity of the stomach republic of fear on the sole objective of today's act was in pursuit of focused on its own security and national interest, which is that amount and cannot be compromised. purchased as the tax also target attempts belonging to the battle just on liberation army and the battle just on liberation fronds to militant groups that seek secession from pakistan. the pos has
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now confirmed the attacks by releasing a state prison. the surgeon group has in the past, claim responsibility for several operations impact is that now pakistan's foreign ministry says it has in the past, charities, concerns about what it called the safe havens of the terrorist. but due to lack of action on the part of the wrong, the groups continued to quote spilled. a lot of innocent pack is that he's so bored are violations aside. it's safe to say, but $101.00 is what i'm about to have not targeted each other, but have essentially helped one another. eliminate being sergeant groups that both have long been fighting. maria full time director general of the south asians strategic stability institute says the both iran unpack is done at the same goals. the beach. what is extremely important to is wanda standard for both countries to try to join any general organizations which is going to be working in the safe havens provided by indeed territory of state. and then once it gets to
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those countries is a national product. so focus on on the message is very clear for us and the is as much a trick as the a net for b, n a. and we believe that since the chart, this joint joint action is the necessity of the day, both for the volt companies will click for logic solutions for calculating the front of the service of the to the long list and form islamic revolution. we got called general, how soon can on a motor, how dumb says it's important for the countries to show restraint, to avoid an escalation on the board to 8 on that like this and stuff like that. so the operations that happened in recent days are aligned with the security agreement between both states. to remove the terrace groups on both sides of the border. it is pakistan's right to target the terrorist locations it detects via its arrangement with a run. but we should not let the actions become a direct war on the or on pakistan border. this is what our enemies want. we do not seek this at the moment. we cooperate and conduct military drills together. we
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never let our enemy use pakistan's soil to hit us, and pakistan knows that no one desires security in pakistan. more bi lateral cooperation has always existed at the border. certainly the states that are under us control and have strategic security ties with the us act and alignment with the us interests us implements all it's options to put pressure on iran and the resistance front. what is clear is that the islamic republic of iran does not seek war, but it is the inherent right of the resistance front to stand against the us. and this is a painful fact for the us. moving on now to the will in ukraine, rush associates, military has killed at least 64 in this noise, mostly french nationals. i'm going to 20 more in a precision strike. russian forces hits a building where they were allegedly stationed, one of 41 strikes and the last week alone. that's according to the russian defense ministry. while investigators file charges against $68.00 for mess, news from 7 countries. the strike comes to us. france has pledged to send more
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weapons to keep, including the 4 feet long range scouts missiles. the french for ministry, meanwhile, has since blasted bushes accusation as a basis of propaganda, claiming that no french must resolve fighting anyway in the world. meanwhile, the form of french general thought, see that any form must be involved in the will, will be one way of any risks. at the moment we are in a state of war, were needed in russia clashing on the terrace in a few crane solely french, most numerous decides for personal reasons to join the war on one side or the other . they are obviously aware of the risks they have chosen, their own feet. haven't entered the game. they have already lost. russia is absolutely correct. you can see that these french, most nobody's legitimate military target just as ukrainians would not hesitate to should french. most of these fighting on russia site falls to the french ministry of foreign affairs has responded to the statements made by the russian defense ministry to deny the presence of french messengers in heart of ukraine or anywhere
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else from this claim. the accusation was manipulation on the pots of russia. clearly, friends does not want to discuss this topic. they ask for the french media. they broadcast the position of the foreign ministry. while some news channels have reported french medicine res, or at least french volunteers, cooperating with the ukrainian armed forces with reference to thousands, possibly hundreds of people across from this is not the most widely represented country and those cooperation with ukraine unami. but this raises questions in connection with the strikes, the claims lives of many foreign messing res. i'm indigo. sions, being conducted by the ministry of foreign affairs are of interest to the media. suppose in 2022 french police arrested a group of 14 french foreign legion soldiers who were allegedly going to join the ukrainian armed forces. unless you suffice, dashed nose with the legit sized through french fall arrived. groups were sent to prison after returning from ukraine with weapons and ammunition from all this story,
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less cost live now to independence us than a candidates down saying down thanks very much for joining us. you know, not so, you know, 1st of all, just want to get your thoughts on, on the 1st thing is killed. 60 french, most news from denies it has any mysteries abroad. well, if you'll take well, i'm not sure why what russia would lie about that. i think there are all kinds of people who have gone in to ukraine, and we don't really know. and i wonder if there are even actually mercenaries or some other deployment disguised as mercenaries. i think these are all questions that could be asked about this, but it comes as funds as promised to supply more long range stove missed solves to ukraine. 40 of them will surely finalize a scale to deal with the country. but it also comes with a time with issues, question mark over continued us funding and support for ukraine. do you think that funds and you are more broadly, could pick up the bill for any potential got in us support?
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well, i doubt they're going to come up with $60000000000.00. they'll go, i notice that you k came forward with a bunch of money. i would like to add also nothing's really being said about the fact that ukraine was showing civilians in belgrade, which it shows the kind of double standard that you have. uh, there isn't support in the us for continuing to fund this war, especially with the problems domestically that we are facing a positive my background of funds. he also said that he could work with president to load up the phone president trump, if he's elected again, unless he's bought the lots of mocking his french accent. what do you think if you would speculate, a trump victory independence would mean for the war in ukraine as well? i think trump has said he would be committed to ending that. so i think he probably would figure out
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a way to do it. but i hope that we stop sending money in the weapons and the thing could be over before that time. i think the situation in the united states visa view the presidential elections as rather unpredictable. finally, then, next week we'll see the largest nato excise in decades with around 90000 soldiers expected to be mobilized to the, to what they called russian aggression. what do you make of the timing and the move, and do you expect any response from russia to that? i am very impressed by the calm and rational conduct of president putin, in the face of many provocations, as you probably know. the london daily mail and some german newspapers have been saying they've discovered absurd, russian time lines for a war against europe, as joe biden was saying, and trying to motivate his latest round of funding. interestingly to me,
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the american politicians who i considered rather dumb, sometimes we're not dumb enough to buy that. so i think the west is increasingly desperate. and i think the rest of the world, russia, and many other nations, are beginning to see through. the facade doesn't make us less dangerous, but i am hoping that we can get some changes where things can become more stable independent to us senate candidate down. so thanks very much for your take on the time the sion claim that's $46.00 deep. most of these and ukraine were killed. thank you. okay. you're suggest agency banking says the countries across the globe always the get to do business with us. what i am hearing around the world everywhere i go is a 1st, a hunger, a desire for our engagement for our leadership lymphoma aide. so i've got his tons,
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national security advisor should have you on american foreign policy in the middle east. and she pointed to how us actions in the region to have undermine the security situation. political instability bites between different religious groups, people getting displays, and these extremist groups popping up. it's like something that sometimes intervention destroys the relationship between countries and many in the middle east end up not being big fans of the us as the example of the rock for that. a lot of instability, tensions between religious groups and these extremist groups getting stronger in libya, us involved in kind of left this power gap and left and let it's ongoing issues. and that again, is that where the us got involved uh when to fight to follow up on and brought the telephone back into power. and there's still struggles to make things stable when they're focusing on outside of global events. they seem to miss things within
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the house with their own home. now, what they've done is pretty detrimental to most of the countries in the middle east . well, the us often saw the influx to influence global events and protect its own interest, promote its values through the military engagement, which is one of their strong instigations on now moving on to southern gaza, but at least 20 civilians, including children, have reportedly being killed and the latest disability bombings on the city of rough. uh that brings the enclaves debt. so now to over 24000 people say thoughts over the 7th, according to palestinian officials. this video for us. it shows the moments after the latest strikes, hence the residential building, which had been full of people, small children or adults, and they killed one of them just 2 years old. but rescue is managed to recover a go from the rubble, the south bank life, which had been deemed to save. so now house around $2000000.00 displaced
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palestinians less indians in does as small as refugee camp. have it sent home after is really forces announced that withdrawal from the area local journalist incentives. this reports from the ground of the do i did one of the i'm here in the angel lou to towers new. so rock camp area and the central gaza strip. these towers were constructed after the arrival of the palestinian authority to the gaza strip for the national security forces. these are the 1st towers built in the gaza strip . more than 15 residential buildings and towers were originally built for the national security forces and then sold to civilians. these rarely army threatened the residents of this area more than a week ago to leave and had to be there all by law area as a safe zone in the central region. they all left in a hurry since the 1st day of the ground incursion into the bridge camp and the new serrato camp is rarely war. plans have completely destroyed these 4 towers with residential towers in the area, partially damaged or completely burnt out. large scale destruction occurred in
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these towers and in the civil residential and agricultural area. after these really army left and withdrew from the central region, announcing the withdrawal of an entire division participating in the aggression. a large number of residents returns to inspect their belongings and carry what they could or what survives the bombing and the destruction in the angelo towers area. all the residents of these towers are now homeless. a large number of the population was forced to sleep outdoors and dare all by law and refine the self in light of this extreme cold because there were no places to flee. 2 sons of these real dropped leaflets here in the afternoon. ordering a quick evacuation, it was so sudden that none of the residents could take anything during the evacuation year or 10 residential towers whose residents were originally working for the palestinian authority, meaning people who had no connection to the resistance at all for shot on the water come on the last the towers, hey, we're randomly bombed. this is my home. i just built it 2 years ago and it got destroyed. look around the view is frightening,
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and i do not know what to say. this was a random bombing. all suffice away, i've had a fellow east in 2010. i bought an apartment here in tower number 5 on the 6th floor, and then i did not expect that any aggression or escalation would destroy my apartment, or suddenly they dropped leaflets. here i was the last one to evacuate the tower, 5 hours before the bombing. i came out with only the clothes i am wearing the shop to i knew because of what the destruction here is increasing the devastation is growing and the ground operation is also expanding. these riley army has now started talking about withdrawing forces and ending the ground operation in the north, and that the operation will move to the southern region. and here in the central region, there have been recent ground incursions near enough for hospital and the con eunice area residents are trying to carry what they can to pick up would blankets or personal belongings to take them to the shelters. despite the danger due to the presence of israeli tanks over to europe and now where the gym and the vice
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president's roberts, high bank has lost out. so the alternative for germany policy, claiming that undermines a democratic governance, leaves the states. all thoughts are in rule similar to russia. the right wing authoritarians are concerned about an attack on the essence of the republic. they want to turn germany into a state like russia and are systematically prepared for this. german vice chancellor, robert have x says that the right wing wants to turn germany into a state like russia. oh, you mean one that has to guess? that'd be nice. look, all the right wing alternative for deutschland or a f d really has to do on any given issue is to adopt the exact opposite position from the shoulds government. and the result is that the f d is now the 2nd most popular party at 23 percent popularity behind the center, right christian democratic union. that's a party, a former chancellor angular merkel, which stands at 32 percent right now by comparison shows his party. is that just 15
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percent with his clothes in greens, at 13 percent, the average german really doesn't know what the heck discovery is doing. and chances are they probably don't know either and the ac is looking pretty good right now because it has not yet been tainted by the stench of the establishment that screwing things up. so what the shots do to counteract the f these rise, he tries to make themselves even scarier than his own incompetence. and now, lo and behold, a report has emerged a meeting that took place reportedly last november at a hotel near pox. them attended by a couple of senior, a safety officials, some business people and activists where there's apparently some stick falling about the porting german citizens of for an origin. and now listening to schultz and how back he thinks that it was actually adopted as party policy or something. which would explain why there have been protests in germany against it. now the f d is trying to put all of this in context. the declared goal of the a of
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d is the use of all legal means to prevent illegal border crossings through effective border controls to expel and to put criminals and migrant suspected of terry. so, well not entitled to state to handle naturalization restrictively, and to the volk citizenship update in an abusive manner. anyone who is a gentleman citizen, belongs without question, without a doubt to the gentleman state people. that is, besides, the wide gentleman, citizenship must not be trumped up and distributed with a watering can shop. actually the idea of stripping someone of citizenship is already been introduced here in france. 5, the establishment specifically by french socialist party, present tulsa oh loans. back in 2015. in the wake of the november 13th terrorist attacks in paris. they even changed the french constitution to be able to do it. and over in the u. k, british prime minister re, she's soon act wants to send migrants to her wanda, so this expulsion vibe is pretty mainstream in europe right now. actually,
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not that the german establishment was waiting around for any concrete policy details to trash, the f b. i am grateful, the 10s of thousands of people have taken to the streets of germany and recent days to protest against racism. rabble rousing, and for our liberal democracy. that gives us courage and shows that there are far more of us democrats than those who seek to divide. we're all called on now in our private lives, in the workplace, at sport, when shopping to clearly state the voting for the f. d is to vote for why tweak x from this propose a threat to democracy. calls are now mounting and journey to ban the the outright as a political party, which sounds super democratic. but what's habits? main concern? he just seems to be worried about that backfiring kind of like everything else that this government does. it's not a question of political attitude, but of law only the federal constitutional court decides on the ban. heard those
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are rightly very high end. the damage caused by fail procedure would be massive. therefore, everything would have to be absolutely legal. you have to think about that very carefully. either way, the democratic parties would have to be the, the politically caustic to shall. and the legislative hurdles are also in the way of stripping citizenship or enacting deportations as a matter of policy in germany. but apparently it serves team schultz to just pretend that germany would instantly become some kind of mad max style health scape, if the citizens of germany drop kicked him in his establishment post to the curb. we spoke to a former humbug, parliaments member who says that while the political parties were championing supports for ukraine and leading jemine's, a crisis before a popular safety policies, idea is we're getting traction normally. the so called democratic parties, so that will credit copies shots has this trends to be strong. oh,
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when such a populist right big pots even like the f d b i not politically because they don't have no fee of concepts. and they went into a dead end street to be side by side with the u. s. government. and because you've crane with a very, very home for house expenses, for the general, only because the gentleman know for me was based on his, the ability of you and friendship to russia and to all. so very is a title max your inside of the jones society a v. busy dips, i don't like it, they did well and they have to, if i've got enough to give easy solutions, which will not work because the program will be struggling even more pills using like the government that they pretend to. and many people just searching for an old
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and they took the government, this consciousness this month, they can do it again. and then they start to discuss, we have $24.00 bits. this policy that they show to have done more to have social stability and they should never have gotten into the wall against you for, for, from you train against russia on this contract with exporting and shipping weapons to ukraine. and uh uh, and so educating soldiers from ukraine and so. busy they should have gone a different way. the bus also may be discussed, but you know, neil will be in the hot seats instead of seats of tv, up to date, with all the very latest. well, the
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the by the ministration, steadfast and unequivocal support of israel makes the united states and many of its allies, co conspirators, to war crimes and even genocide, the west as quickly losing any claim. tomorrow's fury or the ability to have any control of them works best with as much as could i skip everything. so that's as much done with it, especially when we're just bringing the most of the bridgeport receipts from chase and we're still on the phone with you about the store and you can use the solution.


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