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tv   Documentary  RT  January 19, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EST

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the attack on it on september, the 1st 1939 officially launched a will to change the course of history and changed humanities. conception of good and evil, perhaps not even literal evil, but the degree to which mankind could be dehumanized. because people learn things about themselves that they hadn't done before. the siege of leningrad gas chambers of the talking adults. but we learned and were horrified. it seemed that nothing like it could ever happen again under no circumstances. would it ever happen again? it seems people would always remember forever that we will mistaken 70 years later, incense veterans opponent in the baltic states and ukraine presented with the plan was asked to address schoolchildren and paid high pensions. they have suddenly ceased to be one criminals who escapes the newer and the trials of the gallows who shouted heil hitler and snorted civilians. now become courageous galleries,
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freedom fighters, city views of the fatherland. now the grandchildren, great grandchildren, mounted promptly through the streets of town and we got the key of them devolved with swastika, flags, and torches in hand. now bend down as best to use a public holiday and wait on the soldiers. a regressive repast, and occupies tend to monuments, to occupies, must be destroyed, and he arose, we swastikas and glorified. alas, that's the reality of today's symbolize. during animals who consider themselves pa, defense, civilization. even in most components. in the spring of 2016 in poland, this include institute of national remembrance which investigates the communist regimes. crimes published a list of $502.00 monuments to be destroyed. the institute moran list. we can only assume that the crime was deliberate stolen from
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the nazis. this is josie. josie. two's the man who asked him to come to the room so. so because the area around many like him, but there are some in poland. it's them who future generations will see is real polls and man is people whose conscience and donor run not for sale as himself in their convictions and deserving of respect. the off josie, why he was doing this piece up. see if it's in the might need some of the inception for sure and doesn't get sometimes when i find it, but it's, i know it's got to be, but i can audience that he's actually isn't best was sometimes the noise in the, in unless it's just on the right, somebody make us the option for sure. and obviously it is mostly so nothing so young, but it's the best of my mama, eunice,
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tell us nothing about either it was this on the scene. what's the meaning of the between 300 or something, but to spend the money that i think the seems you things. i mean we can still of the mostly like news into some stuff is doing. this is from the, from the news. i'm with them and i'm going to put it on the other using you can. one of them are the expenses of pollution, the quoted me somewhere i'm a set of inform you of course, so the total will be under the city. so that's a boston massachusetts. next door. i mean it's all it is i feel
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like it was the 2nd one because i in the i'm not suggesting that it's the what on this because of us of us custom existing another to another buttons as us at the funniest. and i need no way of some of the thoughts if it's pretty costly a moment. yeah, i'm not so last time you, but i'm not the sort of some sort of i was going to show us the answer study on one level, the jesse heads, the police and geo cold course. it's members around the whole emissions. so with that id up and restore monuments to those who died, liberating poland to sort of its own just after they've been vandalized. the organization lives on donations from consent pools and personal contributions from
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coast members. the states, despite science treaties ended to national commitments, as distanced itself from the work we went to visit him in may not just him. our roads of remembrance drive with journalist blow goes into young members and searches more than 40 people arrived in the neighboring country. we had one aim to visit the graves of soviet soldiers, lay flowers into old and repose, to see without who knows who is destroying and vandalizing monuments. why? what is the purpose? why are they all thought he's trying to deprive that peoples of memory and memorials ish? there's the appointment. yeah. and you can just leave with us just him with his throne. me for the new the. those of emails that need to force. but as for me to try to do that, or that would be the most good feeling they might give me a positive news. so you need me to go to the shut them of the appointment and
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get them. so press menu because you didn't call on you or when was the issue with the door to the door to for needs, isn't it the police don't get a get away. as we get with the, with the page that the bus line you each one such pretty just as the russians understand, it was 38 year old general dimension. you hope, sky twice here. it was to save it. union who died in poland in february 1945 near the east depression town of mil suck, now cooled. national monument was erected on the site of his death in the early 19 seventies. radicals within the polish government repeatedly tried to tear it down
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and eventually they succeeded. on january the 31st 2014, the city decided to demolish the monument. even though it was on the registers, protected sites under the toner suppression, integral mental agreement for 1994. the the publish institute of national remembrance expressed its gratitude to the cities also to use for this active vandalism. and accompanied its praise with an appeal to the 30s of other towns to follow suit. since the institute was formed, we have believed that monuments of this kind directed for criminals should be dismantled. russia's foreign ministry has issued a strong condemnation of subjection today. today it looks like this, the gentlest of loan colored monuments in poland. the destruction of desecration indicated you to pull a maintenance,
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the k generalist marine, and they'll move us 1st report on the monuments to turn yourself ski back. in 2014 was funded by local press and blog coverage. so many were concerned enough about the whole situation to travel to poland in may and joined the drive. the title which speaks for itself, relative remembrance. when you're submitting the book, the piece, when you stood your heels cusick really came up with your data from the more through you know, more of a system, but his voice in your boyfriend for me think that the legend finance is you meant the status and that that was still before we need to get his keys thing. he said, i got for this guy to me on the phone that they pretty aware this includes this, hopefully showing here is 3050. so instead of fortunately which system are you moving to for some reason from that sort of lesson from us in video for the voice. so let's look
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at them for i see a face to face. hopefully for most of us that's, that's good to be in your mind. you know, the condition of the associates active in the lives associate is cuz that's what it can use. a new customers can open. so let's say it's a funny to give a thrown in your party to it with the but especially if given to risk you for using the machine you missed that i said before it was and you might surprise issue better. so in your oldest, triple you look for what the cost complete. you can you have some of these are for points to metal. you need bunch, holy union, i have the most useful political message if it is kind of a visual and human friend of almost the just explain the, [000:00:00;00]
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the divide, the ministration steadfast and equivocal support of israel makes the united states and many of its allies, co conspirators, to war crimes and even genocide, the west has quickly losing any claim. tomorrow's fury or the malware but
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the little one. no, no, not a real flush of luna but to most of the location of the unit 73. 1 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so i guess it was the great
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deal to the youth. suddenly looking through here to keep from mazda mazda thought this new, new name for me, one of our new and i got the sale. i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than a j o. i had no problem with this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch. nice. so that's good to go. if you want this on this to sure my a new on it on site in sentiment, simone. don't the yo yo not on the put them out that they give us together on march the 22nd. 1943. during the great pantry. i'll take the shirts, and munch fatality and $118.00, run down the belly. mercy and village have caught scene around the ship of the
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person. if i did the new wish and luxury is the most of the rooms to 40 you to you. 149 people died, including 75 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the long new blue loves the arching could of charlotte was noisy, and we'll use porter. suppose oh shoot. was hot really. i really usually don't you feeling yes, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukrainian national is from west to new. right. because of the picture. all right, let's see what. okay. and so far as the new e phone, that's a lot of those to you guys pursuing your up. assume um with them us customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b,
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a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy. a specialist, you can give within your bullet it's and as i'm doing it, i took, i guess from the image will still slay over the email. i mean, you can see the custom book, but it is kind of know why we need to find it, but i don't think it to him. close will bundle, but it is poolside opportunity and i thought she was thoughtful, self listening. yes. click uh and yes, you can move to the flexible category. uh, what you would come across. wishing bye for your district. you would uh, and also by me you can give us just a few different low temperatures to fucked up a strong this or what then you can use out of class solution. you will prepare yourself for shoot, you started. well to at the fuck the me. why it to you until he's going up
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properties to the to you? what else i use that the new to go any time with a 1000000 even though you look into something awesome. and they just moved from released store. oh, what, what, when is your thoughts? the company parkwood rentals can cause a problem with 3 bucks. cubic portion, i use the donation, but since there's an issue with it, why it's industry skills as the budget on the she live with your strong supporters with somebody who's rhetorical. oh, that's good that you put in yourself snivla's. nationalism has always and always will be a trump card in the hands of radicals of all kinds. it doesn't reason but a sets itself because nationalism defies logic to build a state and form a nation, something bigger is needed well and intellect. and while the will, may not be a major problem, intellect on the other hand, is naturally missing. but that's what nationalism is about. there's no place for intellect. the no need for common sense. nationalism doesn't appeal to reason. but
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the base instinct, the deal associates thoughts slowly as my notion of we could not know what she, the body to coast normally busily, not some deal, at least not so. and all specialty is bless you and you know what you mean to keep it. you know, that's what you moving in with the cult. oh, so it gets to kind of the some issues can propaganda most mobile. so what i go to find out is cutting a little bit slug diet. uh, i see it. yes, i mean i see it done. screen monastery is a special place in moscow city. the landmark between the bolsheviks and prisons, patriarch chief on the 1st elected primate of the russian orthodox judge of 2. a 200. yeah. 8 us a little later. it's way his last right squared administered and he was buried. it's an acropolis,
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the russian nobility developed since the competencies. the tribute skews the dotius, not all of those whose tombs we see a buried here. the headstones were brought to the monastery from many ruined symmetries in the states across most go and the surrounding region. but it's better than nothing this way people can see them read the inscriptions and pray for them to keep them memories alive. the cathedral of christ to save it was built on public donations to celebrate the victory of napoleon. when it was demoted, some of its higher leaks were taken here to be kept behind the monasteries, high walls, and here with the majestic remains of the church that was blown up in december 1931, the new towers bayville was plans to take its place. an enormous palace of associates, $450.00, and meet as high, which would be crowned by a colossal 100 meters, statue of land. and that that never happened,
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which is probably for the best because as the proposed building was to be on, most coffee kilometer high must go citizens wouldn't have seen very much of lenin statute. mostly just as boots because of the moscow is very cloudy. the idea of building a memorial cathedral continued the engine tradition of so called votive cathedrals, symbols of gratitude for victory. it's no accident that the designers of sculptural de calling multi figure compositions, linked old testament stories into a hole with the defining events of russian history. emphasizing not just the religious continuity of old testament, jewish and new testament, orthodox legacies. in witching it with biblical interpretation, deep pesos and solemnity emphasizing the inevitable victory of good. the evil is abraham. with captive sauce, debra relegating the people to fight against and slave us. miriam, praising the victory other enemies as prince. dimitri dunst,
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going to worry amongst better to be up to us the ibm asking said you as a friend, don't ask for a blessing to fight the wild on holy hold before the battle of could you come up there and they, when they began building the cathedral in 1879. in 18. 83. it was consecrated. 48 years later in 1931, it was blowing out. and in the 1990s it was restored. not because the door itself calls that a copy. it's clearly a new building and that fact can be interpreted differently. but it has a special secret, meaning the plas devin, remember model, but in can, instead of a 1000000 costing, we see plastic and remember that it was once granted. it must not be destroyed. what's rushes must remain the new. some human
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presley is usually near your story. the slave would model it this way. we thought is that even you should remember that because that's a field who issue the worst of list as choose would submit this. the position that we should wait is, or what appeared about the storage store, you should wait and middle of checklist to schedule them of a school to remember for them and use it. um, what kind of stuff, but since a good year, charlotte. yes. is it adding that new really share new them some listeners photo skin matter. what cook stating, she's good option if you really have that place. cuz did you pretty cool valley, but it still exists in the more skin matter what the fancy should uh very me on
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more me some of the, on the 4th board, them at the machine. you may wish you me know, good one, leslie of the of the butcher boiler will foreclosure them with leslie of the village, but of course it deshar. yes, good. good bush issue is up and they have interface goes to the list. so if the school is up and move, it beats the keys in the roots of us, the will. silly if she's just stadium scapes, gayety, those are by my residency screen. for spider, i'm with best buy a new board and i missed a good photo but will listen over and go to constance and open a ticket that cook that i see a pollute sheila g. christiane. so it is to be a solution, you more court total. could us use less solution 80. i'm sca
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imperious. so to me it was put in your mail it to you, but it basically threads it so you the solution is up, but no cookie do. let's say no more of that. a resolution if that h k by missing it, the sick the. so is this the temple the matter with zillow but suit, it's easy for me and she made a beautiful much of it. after october 1917, russia had its own experience of destroying the monuments to imprison generals and of practice in great terra borrowed from the french revolution royce went in front . it was a designation and destruction royal tombs and sun denise. in russia. it was the destruction of graves and family estates and the desecration of how many relics in monasteries and cathedrals, they trying to convince people that all that had gone before was bad,
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that they had worshiped false gods and must now worship new ones. so this was a vision was load yours, like most of the blue and you can use the phone, you can see additional what's the, what's the most, the, whatever the cost for both of these before you move. so basically, so nothing really sites us to use as far as the visiting the cpanel is this. so you know, just from reading a policy more minutes,
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i'll kind of tell me what's the deductible escape this was the definitely let me talk to you. i will need you to be going to the the cost of shipping to florida on that piece of furniture for you. that's funny of us. that's just because he's really worrying. you shall
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store. i see i see the order of coverage, but basically pardon me. yes. you would i be that's why they are the lead. you know, the people come to please everyone. today, all of you are a so called a lead is often more accountable to the u. s. department of state than to its own people. what can the people give them? nothing while the us can insure a comfortable existence until the next elections, the majority wants to stable incomes and peace. the state department wants confrontation. fortunately though with
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the law school that i see the the of the at the end of the 18th century, great britain began to conquer and colonize australia. from the very beginning of the british penetration to the continent, natives were subjected to severe violence and deliberate extra patient. according to modern historians, in the 1st 140 years, there were at least 270 massacres of local depot. any resistance to the british was answered with double cruelty. hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one
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settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing persevering says they are men, women and children are shot when ever they can be met with squatter, henry myrick wrote in a letter to his family in england, in $1846.00 plus strategy as bad as these rightly described as blood soaked and racist eve at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent. then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had degrees still 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical facts, the problem of old recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far. the
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russian states never as tight as on one of the most sense community. best english. i'll send, send up the keys to progress, be the one else calls question about this. even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full neck team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube said this was a request to change the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general paul, who like arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa
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to the territory of more than shot. the funny, i mean, he stuck up some issues with all the cars and it's showing the list to the content of who they on the east one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the question, richard dental and i'm philosophy followed there to do so. they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the multiple parties. a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the choices general, who with a slug drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the continent. so my name is penny, and i come from england and ask,
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i'm ready to find out more about the the mission of willy. um, on base grew up in the region. the . the many um forces emphasized the responses to american and british defense out of negative hurts the armed forces strike another american ship near yemen as the rep, wells fargo to keep bred sally, a thing for a relentless western attack. some of the arts come for us president promises to keep bothering him. and despite admitting that a week of western strikes us so far as to be able to deter the duties from attacking commercial ships in the red sea, the


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