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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EST

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a and a script. in the region the, the many um forces emphasized the responses to american and british defense out of negative hurts the armed forces strike another american ship near yemen as the rebels the ball to keep bred sally, a thing for a relentless western attack. some of the art come from the us president promises to keep bothering him, and despite the admitting not a week of western strikes of so far as to be able to deter the duties from attacking commercial ships in the red sea. the unbiased claims, no french mercenaries are involved in any conflicts around the world. after russia said it's military, had killed dozens of french soldiers, a fortune during
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a striking you print, the faces are th enough. still my name's una neil of 30 minutes of news and use starts not the us mill. the tree has confirmed that coaching rebels launched missiles under the american own cargo ship, both the coast of the m and on friday morning. the us central come out and claims the vessel was not it, but the who sees say otherwise. not the human enabled forces have carried out an operation against the us vessel, came ranger in the gulf of ad and using a number of naval missiles. thanks to god, the heat was precise and direct. the many um forces emphasized the responses to american and british offences are inevitable and any further offense will be made by retaliation and punishment. but comes a day, a through american forces launch the fresh round up strikes, salt food
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t targets inside yemen. washington say's its missiles target a more than a dozen rebel military sites. tensions in the region, how been spiraling since january 12th, when the us and british military's began bombing multiple areas held by the duties . the western coalition assaults came in response to hootie attacks and cargo ships linked to israel over its assault and gas that president biden said to us, we'll keep bowman yemen despite feeling to the turn, the who does after a week of strikes, the rest is foreign minister has a curious the washington leg coalition, although legally bombing, yep. and on further destabilizing the middle east. the leasing us along with the u . k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable
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rule of international law, including a security council resolution that nearly called for the protection of commercial shipping. nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb young and what is being done regarding young man is may him, the excuse is coming from washington. i would say sound pathetic. but let's cross. no, i live to journalist enough. so or by joining us from the cookie. hell, yeah. many capital sign up. thank you for your time today. we mentioned there's been a week of strikes so far on you haven't before we perhaps get into the politics of it. how is summer? what is the situation like there after the attacks? i was the situation here in sunrise in the kind of, um, uh, get the repaired and then uh to for uh you do, administration today, especially after the call from the top lead of untruth you said who called for
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a you had a so he or in some of the people are getting through the streets to the huge square here and also to the squares of course of the country. and so there is a lot of the attentions and a lot of i'm john out 3 especially after the the us and you ok aggression on a young and it's been going on as we say for 7 days. we have the american president saying that effectively it's not effective. it's not working against the who t's because the attacks on, on ships in the red sea keep happening. how does this play out? because we're talking about a country that has been surviving a decade, plus long she monitoring crisis a no attacks by the u. k. the u. s. primarily. how does this play out of in your if
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you well, i think it does not work. i told because that was these have been under such a bombings uh for 10 years now. and uh and uh, now what the americans and the british bull me uh, is only the bones out things and they've been, they've been out. so the of, of the effectiveness is almost 0 and people don't care at all because they see that what they are having the amenities and the pro fees are seeing that what they're doing is a duty is a religious and morale. i'm the human italian duty towards the developer of brothers and sisters and bought a scene. so it didn't work at home just all. not very, i mean with the british and american. i agree. sure. sure. just on the point you
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made, sir, it has been said that the the who t solidarity with garza is undermine somewhat by the fact that they were attacking merchant shipping. in the red sea, meaning civilians are finding themselves caught in the cross far the what, what the hooting leadership say to that same. i'm in the, just as on the side who come play a role in the escalating this situation. this is not the right. this is not the right i think. who came and made it clear from the very beginning that the navigation and the, the shipping activity is very save. and what they are targeting is only the ships hitting to israel and the ships. and they do is right now they add to disclose to the ships and the british and american ships, because also the, the, the,
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the britain and american are involved now in this attack on, um, yeah, and that is the reason i thought. so they uh, over and over again and confirm that the they will never and ever attack any ship. that is that is it going to any other place and they are only attacking the ships that's out of hitting to is or is not any other ship. so they want to make it sure go ahead. just finish your point. absolutely. we can hear to yes. and so that they, they want, they want to me they, they always say that they, um, they will never, ever attack any ship except to the ships that are going to do is right. and this is very clear. not only this, but also they are reassuring the ships in to see in the ritzy and in the, in the, in the autopsy that they, they will be also held that now they give them
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a number international number. and they give them also an email to conduct them to if they, if they need any help or if they, and if anyone gets in their way, what thank you so much for giving us a sense of the situation in sun on the wider region as well. journalist: no sir, all right, bye. live from the m and e capital. this friday runs for an administer has endorsed the who teach down stuff the rebel groups attacks on ships and the red sea or retaliation for israel's were on gals, house or guess was just laying out washington. however, house name, there's no connection to be fine on ticket. if i will study an end to the genocide in gaza, will bring the end of military action on the crises in the region. security. and the reps is tied to developments in gaza and everyone will suffer if israel's crimes that do not stop full from so the resistance will remain active. arguments
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that this is about the war and guys mean they're just driving the stake through a strong man. there's nothing there and while completely dying any link between gals and you haven't, washington has gone even further. it's some pretty eye opening remarks. us top different monthly blinking a said the countries around the globe actually want to see america's leadership and the regions, but plenty of officials worldwide. i beg to differ stating, and washington tends to impose its own intent. instead of helping us with the real needs of local here's what i've taken away from, from about 30 years and doing this one when america is not engaged when we're not leading them one or 2 things, either someone else's and maybe not in a way that advances are interested values or maybe just as bad. no one is and you get a vacuum that's filled usually by bad things before. so by good things, what i'm hearing around the world everywhere i go is i'm a 1st hunger, a desire for our engagement for our leadership. after over throwing government's
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killing the leaders of sovereign nations and disregarding international law, washington somehow convinced that people are just begging for the us to spread democracy to their country by blinking comments, commas, the iraqis are trying to get the americans out as the us prepares to send another $1500.00 soldiers to a rock and syria. baghdad is trying to get the ball rolling on the withdrawal of us troops as soon as possible. lets degree and the time frame for the coalition is exit that a squeak so that they don't remain long and it's ex, keep happening. iraq's pm, even double down on his positions of the wall street journal, saying there is no longer a justification for the us. led coalition is existence and with washington's on yielding support for israel and it's war on gaza. the u. s. is becoming more hated by the day evidenced by the increasing number of attacks on us troops that insult to injury and the arab world. washington's even saying tel aviv does not plan to occupied gaza. it's also clear that israel cannot talk if i guess it. um. now
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the reality is that there may be a need for some transition period at the end of the conflict. we don't see a re occupation. and what i've heard from is really leaders is that they have no intent to we occupied guys and we take control guys. that's as rarely officials are literally saying the exact opposite. there is no way to restore security to as well other than a full occupation of the policy and in territory. voluntary immigration of the residents of gather should be encouraged. we need to encourage emigration from gaza if instead of $2000000.00 arabs, they're only 100000 or $200000.00 in gaza, then it will be a completely different discussion on the following day. washington's lack of connection with reality isn't only confined to the middle east before russell launched its military operation in ukraine. joe biden was even fed to sizing about an all out war between nato and moscow put to tax and they to ally if he keeps
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going in any attacks in nato ally or we've committed as a nato member to we defend every inch of new territory. want us to wonder where that idea came from because ross has always made it clear. it has no desire for world war 3 to choose fullness is competing on seats. and i think when you're president biden understands that the rest of it has no reason and no interest whether dual political, economic, political, or military to fight against nato countries with pearly ends of taxpayer dollars spent on washington's wars in the middle east. and the trail of debt that the us military is left behind it. lincoln's claim that the world is just dying for more democratic interventions. promises more of the same if the us gets its way double quarter ticking. that's true. that's what we're off dates analysis can be found on our web sites, including a closer look at how the war in gaza is increasingly spilling over across the
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region to mid at washington's on wavering support. for israel, that's all over r t dot com. the website has you from the okay turning to the ukraine. conflict for par says dismissed the russian military report that many french nuff sales were among a group of more than $64.00 in mercenaries killed in a recent strike in the city of park of moscow set its forces targeted a building where the men were station russian investigators have file charges against $68.00 mercenaries from 7 countries have been fighting for t at the latest strike. comes those fronts of page this in more weapons to ukraine, including dozens of long range missiles fronts. as far as ministry has called, russia's accusation, quotes baseless propaganda while claiming that no french mercenaries are finding anywhere around the world for our french general, told r t that any farther and so named professional fighters and ukraine would be well
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aware of the risk at the moment we are in a state of war, were needed, and russia clashing on the territory of ukraine, solely french, most numerous decides for personal reasons to join the war on one side or the other . they are obviously aware of the risks they have chosen, their own feet. haven't entered the game. they have already lost. russia is absolutely correct. you can see that these french, most of these legitimate military target, just as ukrainians would not hesitate to, should french missionaries, flighty and russia side. as far as the french ministry of foreign affairs has responded to the statements made by the russian defense ministry to deny the presence of french messengers in hot coastal ukraine or anywhere else from this claim, the accusation was manipulation on the pots of russia. clearly friends does not want to discuss this topic. they ask for the french media. they broadcast the position of the foreign ministry. while some news channels have reported french medicine res, or at least french volunteers,
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cooperating with the ukrainian armed forces with reference to thousands. possibly hundreds of people across from this is not the most widely represented country, and that is cooperating with ukraine unami. but this raises questions in connection with the strikes, the claims, the lives of many foreign messengers. i'm indigo. sions being conducted by the ministry of foreign affairs, are of interest to the media. i suppose. it showed up, well, some more details surrounding this in 2022 french police, arrested a group of more than a dozen foreign legions. soldiers of ukrainian origin who were planning to join keeps forces on last year, 2 french nationalist with a legend, tyson knew not to groups were sent to prison. after returning from you train with weapons and ammunition, former seattle, this laurie johnson told archie and the french mercenaries being involved in the conflict ever since it began. and this is not news that there had been frenchmen. englishmen, americans said slowly,
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the start of this special military operation. let's say that in march of 2022 and france has made no effort at any point or over the last, almost 2 years. to put a hall to this, the sort of enabled to allow that to go forward. i think this is more than just a vague, pursuing a paycheck. i strongly suspect that this, this number of mercenaries, and particularly in this kind of concentration, reflected a covert action by the part of french intelligence and the french military to try to send help to ukraine, to replace deficit set and skills that they no longer have or that they are in short supply of ok. returning to the middle east reports of more deadly idea of touching out of gas estimate a near a total communications block that's less than a whole week. in the southern city of con eunice, at least 5 civilians have hardly been killed in the late to strikes with the
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enclaves. death told since october 7th, not a surpassing 24600 people according to the custom health ministry. but at the same time, the idea places that in the southern parts of town knew this, its troops, mothers to eliminate dozens of her must militants with the assistance of type fire . and their support. intense fighting has turned in some parts of the city. as you can see, 2 on inhabitable rough, but dire situation is forcing locals and those already displays the fleet further side to the border city of rough um, over a 1000000 palestinians, around half of the enclaves, entire population are seeking safety. they're of the moment. local reporter, run me on my guard and takes a closer look at how desperate civilians are simply trying to so far. we are now in the most the crowd is far to west through and rough last city where hundreds of
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thousands of palestinians from different parts of the gauze tread had taken shelter because of that is where 80 was on the gauze. us trip, right? to visit place, people have lots of things to share. some of them filled out the woods and some blankets for those who wish to make their own tens. because of their ability to get some tens. being assisted by international brothers, all our buddies. and they live in, i buy one kilogram of coffee from their l block 416-2170 shekels, plus transportation costs me 25 shekels, and then i can sell it for 200 shekels. some others out vegetables and the like versus 10 others. others so out some canned
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food that they can get from the local market. i collect waste paper to fire, dispose of my displacement home to make a coffee. let's see, because i don't have money to buy firewood. let's walk down right now to figure out what these people can have. and this a new life that they have been forced to live because of the days are either war. well i'm, i can never afford 3 liters of cooking gas for 50 shekels or one kilogram of what to cook for my family. i can't even afford a candle, tomato sauce would cost only $10.00 shekels. the bottom of this is a lot of the got to rate the got to read governments, the age for the policy, the and people in gaza pay or other 6 and this situation of this. it placement and walk. he managed to bring this from the local that said the black markets to sit it
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out for the low coast right here at this corner of for a plastic. there are other tents that are being sold and sold out for considerably inflated. the prices on this raises a question about where these aids come and go and goes off to you on that amount. but we were able to take shelter that rock my most because it is a place of worship. but to us, surprise those in charge of this shelter and nothing but saves we applied for tense . i had already handed out the receipts, but when he wants to pick up our time, they told us they had run out. we like to saw that there's 10 special been provided by turkey being sold at toyota. a marketplace. skyrocketing price is actually and drop off notes. all the coffee cards, food tens, where's your tables and what that was, what so ever available, and the end, the marketplace, p are 1010 drop off is being sold for inflated sky rocketing prices. most of the
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people cannot afford. then as you might hear, that from the people we have been able to get in, such as this marketplace, which is the most famous market place and the district placement region of western drop off city, or on the other mid r e r t drop off of 16 sizes of the gaza threats. well, let's show you northern gas or where the id i've said it's used over 300 minds to blow off the funding palestinian university building. the euro made human rights monitor watch started save. that was the last university still standing in the enclave. according to local authorities, all education facilities in the strip house, either being damaged or completely destroyed. doesn't scholar my time, or i will say that means israel is trying to erase history and culture and the polish, the need to retrieve those, those thoughts of this is why you the water goodness the girls of the is where it
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has been very much pounding. busy in the bombing of civilian interest, stop chart, whether it's a palestinian civilian homes for hospitals, the clinics most are you name is the one of those institutions that is run has gone also also for the university at the beginning of this is why the bomb boost and this universe, the end of the university. well, i used to or was also uh, have really done as a result of this volume. and now the, from the on the saw university stroudsburg has also a bomb. some of the who stood it comes sites and goes off some of the most and girls all uh like more than 500 years old or some of the archaeological uh places like a customer, basha and. and the old city of, of gauze also, it does uh, also is where it is trying to, uh, uh, wipe out the, the uh,
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history of guys on the hundreds of demonstrators of march through the streets of tel aviv in the name of peace in gaza, calling for a different political approach that's currently coming from the is really government. protesters also demanded into the war with from us they held banners, east side as well, jumping slogans against violent. some of the is really pictured here. say they want to live in harmony with tell us the news ball stressing the. c 2 wrongs don't make a right. we are nice to bring uh voice speak. we are talking about disclosing really, society now is right when people are talking about why you guys are getting all the, i'm having us living in the us who are these really shouldn't be with the to hear this message is because this message was to most people it's funny here just for
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the 1st thing and for most of us, i think we have all of us to stop this. so we don't have a good word on this one except to me to be more on more. nothing really justify the nothing on the students of the if i don't know 6 tell me look something we need to stop the war and start talking about peace. hope a vision for living together. the palestinians and the israelis including gaza. yeah, that's a situation where a following this friday of is this, the african union's intention to get a seat that the un security council is being heard of, the ongoing summit of and on the line movement, taking place in the capital of uganda and other countries, permanent representative to the united nations told us reformation of the council.
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it's already in full swing. the city is the number one second, with the guns over the phone. if you needed to be at the event that it was who is the committee of dental definitely than union company to walk into the future on the walks as plus plus the we all represent the interest of the big companies in the form of the global government what it is about the government is that dispute a dentist and would've been county so. so give, it depends on if i'm in particular has been ongoing. but next the, we have a chance we see ups running the subject of the future. and you know, the means nothing that i'm movement has never been very influential ended negotiations that they us, but we have ordered them and it does have gone into the discussion. and the questions of the some of the feedback jumped up to the subject of the future. is about things and that's going to be something that we think we really convinced that we didn't them. we didn't have a number of minutes on that because some members fits theater. i'm comfortable with a number of different things. but now we have agreed some of the food, you know, we have a seat,
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we need to go through security that comes over the phone call and the dad is a model of that. within the system the german vice chancellor has left side of the alternative for germany party claiming some big claims as well that it undermines democratic governance is leading the state towards orthor attorney and rules similar. he says to russia the right wing authoritarian. so i concerned about, and it's a company, a sense of the republic they wanted to in germany, into a state like russia and a system as really preparing for vis the german vice chancellor robert habit says it's a right wing, wants to turn germany into a state like russia. oh, you mean one that has she gas, that'd be nice. look all at the right wing alternative for deutschland or a f d really has to do on any given issue, is to adopt the exact opposite position from the shoulds government. and the result is that the f d is now the 2nd most popular party at 23 percent popularity behind the center,
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right? person democratic union. that's a party, a former chancellor agular merkel, which stands at 32 percent right now by comparison shows this party. is that just 15 percent with this portion, greens, at 13 percent, the average german really doesn't know what the heck discovery is doing. and chances are they probably don't know either and the f d is looking pretty good right now because it has not yet been tainted by the stench of the establishment that screwing things up. so what the shots do to counteract the f. d 's bryce. he tries to make themselves even scarier than his own incompetence. and now, lo and behold, a report has emerged of a meeting that took place reportedly last november at a hotel near pox. them attended by a couple of senior, a safety officials, some business people and activists where there's apparently some spic following about the porting german citizens of for an origin. and now listening to schultz
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and how back he thinks that it was actually adopted as party policy or something. which would explain why there have been protests in germany against it. now the f b is trying to put all of this in context, declared goal of the f d is the use of both legal means to prevent illegal border crossings through effective border controls to expel and to put criminals and migrant suspected of terrorism. one not entitled to state defendable naturalization restrictively, and to the volk citizenship update in an abusive manner. couldn't anyone who is a german citizen the last without question, without a doubt to the gentleman state people. that is, besides, the white gentleman, citizenship must not be trumped up and distributed with a watering can shop. actually the idea of stripping someone assistance that has already been introduced here in france, 5, the establishment specifically by french socialist party, president tulsa oh loans. back in 2015, in the wake of the november 13th terrorist attacks in paris,
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they even changed the french constitution to be able to do it. and over in the u. k, british prime minister richie soon act wants to send the migraines to her wanda. so this expulsion vibe is pretty mainstream in europe right now. actually, not that the german establishment was waiting around for any concrete policy details to trash the api. i am grateful, the 10s of thousands of people have taken to the streets of germany and recent days to protest against racism. rabble rousing, and for our liberal democracy. that gives us courage and shows that there are far more of us democrats than those who seek to divide. and we are all colder now in the private lives in the workplace, at sport, when shopping. so clearly see that voting for the a z is developed for bright being extreme is hope all's a thread, sewage democracy calls are now mounting and journey to ban the the outright as
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a political party, which sounds super democratic. but what's habits? main concern you just seems to be worried about that backfiring kind of like everything else that this government does. it's not a question of political attitude, but a floor. so everything would have to be absolutely legal. you have to think about it very carefully. constitutional and the legislative hurdles are also in the way of stripping citizenship, or enacting deportations as a matter of policy in germany. but apparently it serves team schultz to just pretend that germany would instantly become some kind of mad max style health scape, if the citizens of germany dropped, kicked him in his establishment post to the curb. know something were increasingly seeing in the west is when the fruits of the past becomes inconvenient to the mainstream, the ones of today. in other words, it's easier at times just to rewrite, sometimes extra documents.


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