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tv   Documentary  RT  January 19, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EST

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an the, the outright as a political party, which sounds super democratic. but what's habits? main concern you just seems to be worried about that backfiring kind of like everything else that this government does. it's not a question of political attitude, but a floor. so everything would have to be absolutely legal. you have to think about it very carefully. constitutional and the legislative hurdles are also in the way of stripping citizenship, or enacting deportations as a matter of policy in germany. but apparently it serves team schultz to just pretend that germany would instantly become some kind of mad max style health scape, if the citizens of germany dropped, kicked him in his establishment pals to the curb. you know, something we're increasingly seeing in the west is when the fruits of the past becomes inconvenient to the mainstream, the ones of today. in other words, it's easier at times just to rewrite, sometimes extra documentary team looks at the realm of vacations,
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all such moods. historical image, the divide administration steadfast and unequivocal support of israel makes the united states and many of its allies, co conspirators, to war crimes and even genocide. the west has quickly losing any claim. tomorrow's period that they must at the death of him, but he did not want to be a c. at the end of this, i guess i'm all what had a little more of a school. i thought of it either. i won't say that stop. i don't like that is some what are the media you got on? i'm glad you know you got one way just under then use it in video soda. the song of
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a k, i knew i love is that goes to you that i mean, i think going on because the i'm a persona of a be that me court that i, i didn't go to almost the end to see the best. so then sort of i did out of in the see it, they have and the single man throughout the month, a manual and all that into my daughter who's as a maintenance, you're not as a guessing model, minutes off on, you know, the system just likes it and say i couldn't of them, but the, let's see, let me look to see like tennessee, but i'd video tended out of this and fit on. so being at that pull, let's see on there the most down in the boss. i mean, i see the me, sadie, one of the subs have been in the media mckinney and so those need, the battery needs to be what somebody that gets some given with your my press the ok, so you see it goes in a 2nd. i mean, either it is by you say things on a thing that and then generally
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a going i think the 2nd and self injury has become a rare and expensive commodity that fuel can afford to tell it to talk seriously about self into your independence when your country's budget must be approved by bodies beyond its bonus, and instead of your own armies far and medically false is a based on your land and, and you are up the lead. so okay, with that, the people on the. but if anyone wanted more in terms of self warranty or independence, would they have to seek washington submission? without it, they might expect the color resolution sanctions, if they don't work out bombing and any negligible information will. the 1st weapons deployed will be outright lies. starting with distortions of history and ending with the destruction of monuments of a better with the the to the, the us postal. just so you need
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a little bit less to invest with me. was this the fact that i'm not sure i've seen the most so you will see lots of people as any effect store. so we know she gave me a to speak, but as the stories put a z t to the finance, please to cease to fight them, apply somebody putting a lead by the tools to put in your thoughts a little. so you would also use it as an insult, not the at the if they use this place to these cut as v to please the couple of more than those so that i see, cuz we're more than that, that's up to the students. i suppose i use this as soon as he let me, he use this key modem, the simplest in the near the city of groceries. one of the 1st thing is fairly clear with history, lies lies. but things get more sophisticated when it comes to your opinion and values. the average citizen might not know that 8 out of 10 very much. so just died
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on the eastern front. meaning that 80 percent of its military manpower and hardware was destroyed by the red omi, making it easy to convince the average citizens that it was the us that defeated nancy germany by lending and normandy. while russians did nothing but watch. and c, average citizen will believe it because he's not burdened with knowledge. the values a more complicated, they can be touched and put into practice. most reflected in the declaration of the rights of man and the citizens, and true european values. a christian that everyone has an opinion about. and stories of american troops defeating fascism in europe. lose relevance. which means they don't affect the russian speaking population in the baltics. those and there's always political stick that they use 10 years. uh, but i do want each just for to use the blue book because of that of the most the
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night to nick in the same use case story. keep me of can look, you might even only 6 of us will try, you see, which has think you have the history of if you could just look at the history that i see on the part of you just a moment water. when you go to the beach is a deep to with a probably lose the grocery store. i'm like, i don't that on you. so 1st with nick you policies get water going to control. yeah . please sign the story. yes it does. the tier is done. so you've got the a provider submitted to planning and that's as much i need to see to him because of a, the adult fox, the wine, you got to be the best that this is want to crane shows today just a couple of months of 2 and 2 data goons from the right set of notes, the group carry out a public execution with a mess burning in odessa. in another couple of months,
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the punitive regiments will commit atrocities and done by somebody killing civilians from culture, which is thursday. opinion those different choices because it doesn't matter to me soon as you know, if it's because it's so sweet has finished cutting it close with you, but it's good. so that's the goose investors for them that are listening other sites go say using the site is getting quite easily. so the listening in no good. i don't know when you might let them know crating it pretty much every cleaning more so for each year. but he's not in yeah. can i storage you with a window coverings case study? can the government, even if i didn't used to get them on you said it's considered some pretty stupid them thoughtful prints be those 100 and also some stuff for when you might please, as into the view, assessed or associate, use me to do the go to the control phase case i split abilities can increase investment, stuttering invoice. so that means stores and there's also no huge dig support from this notice collects the political beloved bullying. my stomach stories, new blogs,
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carson park blowing a concrete which doesn't include dealer but the most. the most news, camille lumbee, because it does have perception, not only thought a pleasure while in the territory of competition, but also computer, which not physically get a minute. he's pointed with muscle. gotcha. what is it of water that i what you see lucy, me for that was the if you could give them an escalade. i know, but i don't know if it's a single did you meet with me? i'm just calling to let you all set to shift and see if we're doing it so just a couple of days or did something to to, to, to uh i see. okay. even below we see pretty well to get what the oh, i mean you should start as it gives me some sort of crazy, familiar gloves of what you me ask you, what are you at the, what it seems to be an issue and we hear me. it's classic kentoria stuff or privacy class while you're on split up for you see it over, i see it. so if it is out so you start to get some of what, what i do, you need it. you like us who is of such of you. it's and it's you blood,
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god forbid is i think i need leave with name. you must be a sign you up with me just, i'm not all of them in that are and you put this off when you started a new name was on the police. are these yeah. to the roof. the when you me ask you, would you only luckily we usually cook. i a boy that sort of, uh, united, something of yours to give them us could quickly you have it. russia had no coach that meant it's only success is whatever killing these thanks to straight germans. so we'll lose everything and it's museums and study the gym and contribution to it . it would be curious to go through the gym and galleries and museums of the time to determine how much the french contributed to gym and architecture. for example. what percentage of ducks you influence within the works of gym analysis? multi italy and contribution to music. on the greek influence on sculpture, which there's not a service that is supposed to be used, which just only does anybody play a quick score of all the cd,
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but i use it. but under that ridiculous pretext, the latest episode rec, setup several bodies to steal and move cultural variables from occupied countries to germany. they were led by people like hamlet rosenberg to let you denise bratia, eric austin, sent us a relocated loot wasn't, can't expect the design and the best quit to let you live. you have to live here in a plumbing issue. so what slot a desire to live the cup door, i will vote for interest. keep us alive. yes, no problem. and also with new one golden image and what is that one? you know, what i mean? use cooling should. that's a little more than which must be some of the stuff. that's what she knew what she knew besides. well here that's, that's nothing like what your bubble was. nobody looked at the book blank, affordable at times on our members. think of you, i don't know, blah blah, blah girl was a spouse. that's what we're not all of different teachers could push to stop or slow to go to read to them. like what's kobus to initiate that. it was about the
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typical school was to pause to waste anything almost level sort of the modem, logo, logo, you mean we're talking cards, you've got a new meal, but you see how that's gonna come because i want a couple things to concern it was yesterday and risk of new steps, divide and rule has been a classic strategy since roman times. this device liter knew what he was doing. unity and diversity was the idea around which a whoops had always stood. it was the basis of the country's power and strength and it had to be destroyed. the you can use most of your, those no bullet points and you've got, you know, send this to see to them and send this to those really, really we can you minutes give me. i think our class of will get out of the plan. you will, will not be so not a problem with an instant cash of, of but i'll give him the store. doesn't give a post, i'll say he's, that's the beauty of the, i'm glad he will store. prescott won't see it. here is just let me know if that's
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not all the we'll just send it out. so could you even, you know, you have 4 digits of the music. you go to the media and you read the blood, that's what it is. i'd say choose the one. it's across the way, don't want, i was letting you know. so you want me to just cover sheet if you want. so it is all that you like, what you want with a problem, and that's why you want to. so i can see i'm not as complex, i'm lucas, will you describe what this indeed sounds familiar. so when you're just as a study, she get 5 minutes to get another question. in serious exam phone help muscles, my mother ship the volume, the splitting your in your my tv's a live shit. the resolution by minute says and yet most the, that's a level when each there's a new most of the invoice in the us new new uh, drum moses equal school screen. no,
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i'm. it's me. she doesn't get with mitchell. no sir. thank you. selected. yeah, it's 5 minutes. yeah. appear i sure send the material nice visits as the logo solution and then more difficult to push to move us to to you little questions, just muscle by mistake. so it is can, so that is up, but me just it's just most of a boy's name escape. this will just get a minute. yes. 385 minute. and then yet it's fails. when you call him or prison use, bisquick told you the solution is a chest the rope, a human. let's assume the quote that a spud sits at least each school sizes the border of civil plus
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the human at the chest. the soviets gave him, well as a new deal. let's see a booth should sicily station around the bush. that is the socialist whom she clicks that you receive. if you do not say no, she of ranch. cuz these explore on tim, believe me because of the menu, a spot, gigi and lisa to at least each it cannot be stupid. so i must get up. but at the spot, pretty big girl is beautiful cooking them each giving me of them for this the that it seems that on the voicemail set me up in a deep, it was well as shooting you know. good. personally to cut ashore. they short move the ship. what color in your chest could that mover get those, any of the you this the better of us, of the ship there is available with most of the item facility. escape. yeah. and
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see what else is studio. but the issues that will be these reduced boom, still more in mia, but the more stuff i knew that was really easy in the bud. sure. cuz as you back in your, beside this will be sure if it's a steve or a piece, sales up locally remote, but the most closely muscogee, becky lee, unless you put the same bucket acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else . welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't watch my show, stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is
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called stretching time. but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say this is most goes use a on scope to pack on clips. give all the jugs in ski coming in. but isn't it stolen? a young and regular lennon and monks. it's not clear who this is, but there's another bridge now. altogether, general secretaries generally see most leaders or symbols of the era. people who weren't here hearing the people's chairs. the faces were everywhere from pay the money to buy any of badges. now people take cell fees with them, which does any studio, which i'm switching. if i make a for to, is manufacturing yours, just fucked him to go to the gym. so we can cut over them. nobody's actually today need to continue to see next over to genuine any be city the address you can use the might be for him, which them logic if you'd be able to get people to store aust lucas',
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let's this machine your funding don't always get but you may even need some, some of the splittings, i need some categories which we put on this point. what they don't know, please. so look at when you move in the state of this you there, most of the books by which you go from level 3, then you might say the boy, you got things a control, but i missed this, but you didn't just if i meet you finish with but you to full in there, but to any point, if there's much to lose any point issue. so side, so somebody with but not system that is quite the realistic as a political bicycle when you, but definitely interesting to me to send this to so that that's a little bit smaller because it's just your thoughts. okay. that makes things easier to set it up and see if it's ready to go. put yes, isn't always new classes. i mean, at the bullet that really was more than a kitchen with an impression, so she wouldn't know cabinets and he is only your own series own the answer to this
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only kind of answer to this over the us, loud to 30, go to equation. what steps, net immunization we have heard of us getting. so that's of got them to have them put us that this is a little a met. jeff. got to someone who was actually i would talk with somebody she wouldn't have, you know, could i knew you should have it by me. thank you face copy to the boss but needs me to put it with the most the little cranial homeless wasn't for sure. if the insured is a little bit at the yellow, the bring it up with some go to the point to understanding. tim we've become more than like a 3 credit that we were really sure. we've got the new mold or a bulk and is the shipping just need to the, the man or building it looks too cool though, we're not doing these care with you. it's usually cause of just think about nissan. you. beautiful talk about from so that with the switch positions critical for to change it. that's just a lot more know,
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but i'm still ok because that is 3 is here. what could i ask? what if you were buying a chest to the risk of another one to put you on switching in? you do, then you will virtually your story. but those that are both the, both the composite is stored at the product, but it's the actual move of mask a. give it a new, pretty glad, but they're old and the still crack. because out the issue with some, such as this edge to build them good. the validity on andrea is cutting or change, right? so let's see in your voice just to see the, nobody in the computer all laportia, you know, the lowest preventative by the outcome. no, not the catch up with the bit such the with and it would be the style of which it will skimming. history of course doesn't allow 2nd chances. that ignores guesswork, but we can always turn to documented fact what was in store for poland. nothing
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until hey funded the nazi most plan russians ukrainians, and bella russians were to become an electro with the labor force on their own land . oh, it was loaded in for something completely different for, for those were what was on the, to the, to the board for you place to do your company for that can show and you want to put your stores. i mean, you'll go inside a new book last on the wasted and then put on the west or north to put it. let me just just, i'm supposed to get a couple of more than a couple of more 9 you mentioned you listed on us on, could you? but i'm from, you, prince. it'd be important, but definitely the mutual political for this month. it was the order of option for one guy to look us on our overlaps constrain potential because the lady with us and you buy that. but some of those guys know also from the computer, please fix it on a start of am solution to the total portion of will. what does that i'm looking for along the implants are still being at a certain in the corner of the me, well store p are when you get to the board for both of which will be stored from
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the perspective clipboards getting can. you can see, fortunately, i start karate, some shipments which i get, you know, showing doesn't have between stores on there. could you guys, can we start? we start following closely that you would need to put almost a new system that was mentioned to me. it was completed. so just think of some things you would expect from the more familiar with assessment course. no, i was being almost good to know that was very much sir. and what level of thinking i was out the solution across the at the yes. if la costa at the local starts at the below the left not separately. let's see, i'm a senior, i'm doing pretty good. i'm gonna show you that myself position and offices just the little bit on if we should. so what you're seeing here, how can i believe what you quoted to me is to the school. so it was a usefulness to put the, to off of the month of august on this and most of what it does on you. 3, it is going to be released on say that it was not aware that was correct. or should
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i just jump differentials of what they need billable? what do you mean? yeah, that's a good deal is the pricing is pretty much just do what it is. let me look at this with us. it's, it's a, it's a store with a should use, you know, i bet. and what was the ends of the funny with the, what i see funny good thoughts. okay. with them. i mean, i can use those, these tended loose to video rescue because of the twisted but those are some of that seem to consider below. get cut out because of the to fit the silly get good or easy will come monday is getting money for the year. to belong to you guys didn't yet to see when is the radius of his gross sales, but from, with fuel cards got into my feet by me to which of course that's lucky. it was still in, you know, great store. we had this little shift next to the system, us when fund watson. i was up with the populace, which, you know, you would, we for the pipes and includes the point of something. you don't want you to get the
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thing that you've seen you covered. but almost the was up with me and more of that that was done. associate you do it kind of not just of yourself, is it still we good. yes, it is up for them to go to not stay with not on the show will of what i'm company did you all at the window so some of them was torturing this to the state and they just on the boat to the point say ok, you like watching, we found lice from a distance uncompleted. you know, target up and we just need some a color stuff for the sneezing. the colors off would be, well, the problem with what you, what else i used to put that more stuff. i was more than the browser and yet i'm not sure if somebody's any ability or just from national mobile, that sort of thing. they say. meanwhile, as long as the product cooled russo food be brings dividends. you're a pool, pretends that there's nothing out of the ordinary. it's all just the personal opinions of individual politicians to you. what us are you simple, easy to understand the web shifts? yes, because that goes up a minute. could you go to go away?
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nothing. gloves, people mother asked me to stop, i need to introduce to you guys, do you have a slope but by just get you to do streaming, it is used. of course i'm talk, you know, when you're ready for the most the you want us, i use all of our see one more cheese to move the deal with. what is your car? do you move lee of most of the week of the cookies and your daughter? you could us this, but what we know, you'll setup kind of the blog number at the time you most cost too much, but almost a novel them. yeah. but he needs us to know what the new physical politic him was. apparently english was cuz that's coming to mind. price tons of something that almost done with us. and of course people say it was um, what's the video looked at then? yeah, so we understand that they're a little ashamed. those europeans that call themselves toner. and because the youngest siblings of indulging in a bit of fascism pushing does if it's just
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a kind of bad habit. let's drop the nonsense and let and tell her once means patients account mean anything else color and says the conscious oppression of the instincts to reject something fascism can't fall into that category. not for decent people because fascism is beyond morality. any other interpretation is evil. that makes you and accomplish this monument to alexander, was untouched by defends, even during the war the citizens of the baltic states could learn from the european name. but if they want to become european themselves respects the history of their own people. as jesse towards, let's say it was pissed, gorski do in poland like many others whom we didn't meet in poland. and we couldn't think for the care and preservation of monument stump. so just so preserving human
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memory, the way pan mutual sub a duck does the redeem in dallas dictionary defines the word memory as the ability to remember not to forget the past, the property of the soul to keep track and remain conscious of the past memory in relation to the past is the same as conclusions, conjecture, or insight in relation to the future. we couldn't ask for a more precise definition. don't forget the past style wherever that conjecture and insight into the future. as long as we remember national history and full fathers, we will live on because history and memory will always tell us what we will be, what we are. and what we were the,
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[000:00:00;00] the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial
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empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time, elvia was the only fully independent state on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to veto young colonists and defend their independence. since then, rome craved for revenge before the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. d d o b an armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots allergy of the italians knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african
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state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexations giving the green light to further fastest expansion in the world and paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2. the many of the many armed forces emphasized the responses to american and british offensive. and having heard the armed forces strike another american ship near yum and the rebels vase to keep her delegating for relentless western attacks. so many r i'm pregnant us president promises to keep following him despite admitting that a week of western strikes a so far failed to deter the hutus from attacking commercial ships in the red sea. the


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