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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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alonzo. numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on uh see the how many of the many um forces emphasize the responses to american and british offences are inevitable. beyond forces like another american ship, nguyen as the rebels out sick teeth were tally a thing for residents with west and a time. so the arab country for us presidents pharmacies to keep building yemen. despotic, missing that a week of western sparks of play, foss failed to the, to the who's these from attacking commercial ships deliver? i think the power is claims that no french mercenaries are involved in any conflicts around the world. that's off the russians. that is,
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military had killed dozens of french sold to the full tune during the strike in ukraine. the hello and welcome it to 2 pm here in most go when you're watching auntie international with the world news update to speak to happy with us. now i top story, the u. s. military house confirms that who's the levels noise to miss solves that the american owned call go ship of the coast if you haven't on friday morning. the us central come on claims. the vessel was not tate but the who sees say otherwise, not for the human being able forces have carried out an operation against the us vessel, came ranger in the gulf of ad and using the number of naval missiles. thanks to god, the heated most precise and direct the many um, forces emphasize the responses to american and british offences are inevitable and any further offense will be met by retaliation and punishment. it comes
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a day off the american forces launched a fresh round of strikes on who's the targets inside. yeah. and then washington, se dismissal is targeted more than a dozen rebel military sites. tensions in the region have been spiraling since january the 12th when the us and british military's began forming multiple areas held. find a who sees the western coalition, the soul came in response to here's the attacks on cargo ships linked to is, well, it's a salt on garza has been by doesn't say so us will keep the boatman yemen despite stating to the, to the who sees off that a week of strikes the russians for a minister has accused the washington leg polish, and of a legally bombing yemen on so the stabilizing limited least release of the us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on
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every conceivable rule of international law, including a security council resolution that nearly called for the protection of commercial shipping. nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb young and what is being done regarding young men is may him, the excuse is coming from washington, i would say sound pathetic. speaking to us from the who is the health capital of human journalist and nasa arrived the said, the west and a tax and effective because the, our country is already so 5 years of a devastating cell, the leg bombing campaign. it does not work. i told because the hosting used to have been under sacha bombings uh for 10 years now. and uh and uh now what does that um, recons i'm the furthest bone me uh is only the bombs out things and they've been, they've been out. so the of, of, of the effectiveness is almost 0 and people don't care at all because they see
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that what they are having the amenities and the pro fees are seeing that. what they're doing is a duty is a religious and moran. i'm the human need that in duty towards the developer of brothers and sisters in balance team via the tax. are the tax on the and then the richie are not. are you in this? the innovation then not to identify the shipment. they are not charging us any ship, the tax, all right, in this very specific things, they are a very and very is specific. i'm very limited to that at the ships, the hitting to israel and to the ships linked to israel. and through the ships owned by it was right. and the fees added beated lee said they would do their best to make it very safe to make that it's a very safe and wrong foreign minister has endorsed the who based on that the rebel groups attacks on ships in the red sea or retaliation for israel's war on garza
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washington. however, his claim says no connection to be found on ticket. that's awful studies. and the ends to the genocide in gaza will bring the end of military action and the crises and the region security. and the reps is tied to developments in gaza and every one will suffer if israel's crimes that do not stop full from so the resistance will remain active arguments. this is about the war and guys mean they're just driving the stake through a strong man. there's nothing in there as well, completely denying any link between garza and yemen. washington has gone even further with some pretty you, i opening remarks, us top diplomat down to the blink. and it said that countries around the globe actually wanted to see america's leadership in the regions, but plenty of officials worldwide bank to def, stating the washington tends to impose its own intents, instead of helping onto the real needs of locals. here's what i've taken away from, from about 30 years and doing this one when americans not engaged when we're not
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leading them one or 2 things, either someone else's and maybe not in a way that advances are interested values. or maybe just as bad knowing is and you get a vacuum that's filled usually by bad things before. so by the things, what i'm hearing around the world everywhere i go is a 1st, a hunger, a desire for our engagement, for our leadership. after over throwing government killing the leaders of sovereign nations and disregarding international law, washington somehow convinced that people are just begging for the us to spread democracy to their country. but blinking comments, comments, the iraqis are trying to get the americans out as the us prepares to send another 1500 soldiers to a rock and syria. baghdad is trying to get the ball rolling on the withdrawal of us troops as soon as possible. lets degree and the time frame for the coalition section, that is squeak so that they don't remain long and it's ex, keep happening. the rocks pm even doubled down on his position to the wall street
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journal saying there is no longer a justification for the us led coalition existence and with washington's on yielding support for israel and its war on gaza. the u. s. is becoming more hated by the day evidenced by the increasing number of attacks on us troops that insult to injury in the arab world. washington's even saying tel aviv does not plan to occupied gaza. it's also clear that israel cannot occupied 1000. so now the reality is that there may be a need for some transition period at the end of the conflict. we don't see a re occupation. and what i've heard from is really leaders is that they have no intent to we occupied guys and re take control. it doesn't, that's us, as rarely, officials are literally saying the exact opposite. there is no way to restore security to as well other than a full occupation of the palestinian territory. phones or immigration of the residents of gather should be encouraged. we need to encourage emigration from gaza
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. ace, instead of $2000000.00 arabs there, only 100000 or $200000.00 in gaza, then it will be a completely different discussion on the following day. washington's lack of connection with reality isn't only confined to the middle east before russell launched its military operation. the new crane joe biden was even fantasizing about an all out war between nato and moscow. put the tax in nato ally if he keeps going in any attacks and nato ally, or we've committed as a nato member to we defend every inch of new territory. want us to wonder where that idea came from. because ross has always made it clear, it has no desire for world war 3 to choose. fullness is complete. nonsense. and i think when you're president biden understands that the rest of it has no reason and no interest whether geo political, economic, political, or military to fight against nato countries with curly ends of taxpayer dollars
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spent on washington's wars in the middle east. and the trail of death that the us military is left behind it. lincoln's claim that the world is just dying for more democratic interventions. promises more of the same if the us gets its way. more updates and analysis can be found on our website, including a closer look at how the warning does that is increasingly spilling across to the reach of the image or something's on wavelength, support for israel. i'll say to com. how's the cost? i'd make sure you check that out the, to the ukraine conflicts now with powers has dismissed a russian military report that many french nationalist among a group of more than $64.00 in most scenarios, killed in a recent strike in the city of hawk of. well, most go said is 4th, is talks to the building, whether men with stations, russian and investigators have filed charges again. 68 mercenaries from 7 countries has been fighting for kids. that age has tried to tons of strong,
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says pledge to send more. what for this to you framing things? dozens of long range missiles false is foreign ministry has called russia's accusation. quote, to baseless propaganda. well claiming that no french mercenaries of finding any way in the world. i saw my french general told all to the any far and so named professional finances in ukraine would be where the, where the risks at the moment we are in a state of war, were needed in russia clashing on the territory of ukraine. solely french, most numerous disciple, personal reasons to join the war on one side or the other. they are obviously aware of the risks they have chosen their own feet haven't entered the game they have already lost. russia is absolutely correct. you can see that these french, most nobody's legitimate military target, just as ukrainians would not hesitate to should french most notices. fighting on russia site to assess the french ministry of foreign affairs has responded to the statements made by the russian defense ministry to deny the presence of french mess
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and region heart of ukraine, or anywhere else from this claim. the accusation was manipulation on the pots of russia. clearly, friends does not want to discuss this topic. they ask for the french media. they broadcast the position of the foreign ministry. while some news channels have reported french medicine raise or at least french volunteers, cooperating with the ukrainian armed forces with reference to dozens, possibly hundreds of people across from this is not the most widely represented country. and those cooperates and with ukraine unami. but this raises questions in connection with the strikes, the claims, the lives of many foreign messing res. i'm in negotiations being conducted by the ministry of foreign affairs are of interest to the media. suppose. back in 2022 french police arrested a group of 14 foreign legion soldiers of ukrainian origin. they were planning to join caps forces last year to finance nationals with alleged ties to neo nazi groups were sent to prison. after returning from ukraine with weapons and
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ammunition, former c i, a analyst, lowery, johnson told us that french must, no worries have been involved in the conflict ever since it began. and this is not news that there had been frenchmen. englishmen, americans said slowly, the start of the special military operation of the season in march of 2022. and france has made no effort at any point or over the last, almost 2 years. to put a halt to this. the sort of enabled to allow that to go forward. i think this is more than just a vague, pursuing a paycheck. i strongly suspect that this, this number of mercenaries, and particularly in this kind of concentration, reflected a covert action by the part of french intelligence and the french military to try to send help to ukraine, to replace deficit set and skills that they no longer have or that they are in
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short supply of oppose have more deadly id efforts, hacksaw, trickling out of gaza. me they need a total communications blackout this last a whole week in the southern city of hong eunice. at least 5 civilians have apparently been killed in the late to strikes with the enclaves, death toll since october. the 7th. now supposing 24600 people as, according to the gauze and health ministry. at the same time, the idea of the claims within the southern part of hon. eunice is trips knowledge to eliminate dozens of whom asked militants with the assistance of tongue fire. and as suppose, intense fighting has turned some parts of the city to uninhabitable revel. the dire situation is forcing locals, and those are what it displays to flee farther south to the board of city of rafa. at the 1000000 palestinians, around half of the enclaves, the entire population on see can safety. that with the moments local reports that
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run me on the hallway takes a closer look. now what, how does the switch civilians are simply trying to survive? we are now in the most route is far southwest through and rough last city where hundreds of thousands of follow stadiums from different parts of the gauze. this trip has taken should have tears because of that is where 80 was on the gauze. us trip, right to visit place. people have lots of things to share. some of them out to woods and some blankets for those co ways to make their own tens. because of, of their ability to get some tens. being assisted by international brothers, our buddies, i buy one kilogram of coffee from, they're eligible for $160.00 to $170.00 shekels, plus transportation costs me $25.00 shekels, and then i can sell it for 200 shekels. some other is suited out vegetables
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and the like versus 10 others. others so out some canned food that they can get from the local market. been satisfied, collect choice, the parts of fire, dispos, that might displacement home to make a coffee. let's see, because i don't have money to buy firewood. let's walk down right now to figure out what these people can have. and they say new life that they have been forced to live because of the days are either one of them. i can never afford 3 leaders of cooking gas for 50 shekels or one kilogram of what to cook for my family . i can't even afford a can of tomato sauce, which costs only $10.00 shekels low. the bottom of this is a lot of the cut to rate that got to re government at age for the policy,
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the and people then gaza pay or other 6 and this situation of this, it placement drawer. he managed to bring this from the law cuz i said the black markets to sit it out for the low coast right here at this corner of for up last city. there are other things that are being sold and sold out for considerably inflated. the prices on this raises a question about where these aids come and go and goes off the job on a monthly basis. we were able to take show to that rock my most because it is a place of worship. but to our surprise, those in charge of the shelter and nothing but saves we applied for tense. i had already handed out the receipts, but when we wants to pick up our time, they told us they had run out. we like to sort of those tenants which have been provided by checking of being sold at toyota, a marketplace. i real good in price is actually and drop off. not all the coffee cards, foods, tens, video tables and what's, what's,
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what so ever available. and the, and the marketplace here, $1010.00 drop off is being sold for inflated sky rocketing prices. most of the people cannot afford. then as you might hear, that from that people we, we have been unable to get in, such as this market place, which is the most famous market place and the district placement region of western drop off city. rami edward r e r t drop off 6 sizes of the garza thread. the northern gauze, or the idea of saves is used over 300 mines to blow up an abundance published city and university building your met human rights. similar to what stokes. as it was the last university still standing in the enclave, according to local authorities, all education facilities, and this trip has either been damaged or completely destroyed, golf and scarlet mccain. my obviously also believes as well as trying to raise
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history and culture in the palestinian territory. there's the salt of this is why you the water goodness the girl's us to is where it has been very much pounding. busy in the bombing of civilian interest structured without it's palestinian civilian homes for hospitals, the clinics most are you name is the one of those institutions that is run has gone also also felt i'll send you an address at the beginning of this is why the bomb this and this universe, the end of the university. well, i used to or was also uh, have really done this as a result of this volume. and now the from the on this on university is where it has also on bob, some of the who stood. it comes sites and goes, well some of the most and girls all all like more than 500 years old or some of the archaeological uh, places like a customer, basha and, and the old city of,
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of gauze. also, it does uh also as well as trying to, uh, uh, wipe out the, the uh, history of guys i, for hundreds. it demonstrates us as much through the streets of televi by the name of pace and dogs. i'm quoting for a different political approach. one of the is where the government's protest is also demanded an end to the war. with him us, they held banners and p signs while charging slogans against violence. some of these ratings is seen here. say they want to live in harmony with the palestinians . most i think that's too long. you won't make rights. we are really nice to ring a hoist. we are talking about this briefly because disclosing, sorry, really to try to go now is right when people are talking about why you guys are getting all the and having us living in the us who are these really
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shouldn't be ready to hear this message is because this message says most people, it's not here just for the 1st thing and it was for most of us, i think we have all of us to do is to stop this. so we don't have a good word. i keep missing from this one except to be on more on more. nothing really justify the nothing on the students of the general, like cbs and you guys don't know 6. i mean, we need to stop the war and start talking about peace. hope a vision for moving together, the palestinians, and israelis including gaza. well, we were able to talk by phone with a girl as a residents who spoke of the her as he said, he's directly seen in the and today's, during the as really invasion as well as the list saw. we were trapped for 22
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days in our residential area and these really military entered the area and opened fire and our neighbors wounding. at least 2 of them heard the loud barking of dogs . i found a small puppy with a child's foot and it smells fighting for it with another dog. it turned out to be the limb of our neighbors. children who were still trapped under the rubble and could not be rescued. perhaps the most shocking thing i witnessed was our neighbor, whose house was completely bumped a month ago. she was cradling the bodies of her 2 children, aged $1.00 and $3.00 would not being rescued. she survived but passed away 10 days later, after her house was bombed, when they were attempts to rescue her from under the rubble. but all the efforts failed. we tried to give her water and dates to keep her alive for as long as possible on hoping that the blockade would be lifted. we could savor me, but fate had other plans. i can also say that these rarely occupation forces violated the sanctity of the deceased,
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but excavating cemeteries and the mass graves at el cheapo hospital were also excavated during the hospital cj, and some bodies were stolen on, on my witness to decompose the bodies in the streets being overrun by tanks and military vehicles, dead people and the bodies of those killed were crushed by vehicles. while young people from the neighborhood were targeted, their bodies remained in the street for 5 days. and we couldn't reach them to the bodies were exposed to rain. and stray dogs not at their flesh. any attempts to remove these bodies from the streets was targeted by these really army violating the sanctity of the deceased. once again, the challenges in gaza city are numerous given the scarcity of resources, tools and machines, fuel show, mortgages and communications blackouts. most of these challenges are amends for the
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people of guys and also for the medical and civil defense teams facing extremely difficult circumstances. the neighbors were helping with the extraction of the wounded and searching under the rubble using only their hands and basic tools. so the fact that i was part of the rescue teams and not just an observer, you meant that i was actively involved during the survival of these really seizure causes of city i assisted and contributed as one of the neighborhoods the residents regarding our injured neighbors. due to the bombing, if these really vehicles were not present, we could have rescued some of the wounded, even with the difficulty of the situation. we could have dog and taken turns helping. but the presence of the army hindered the assistance leading to the certification of everyone in that house without this blockade and the constant presence of his really military vehicles. we could have assisted and rescued. some
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of the victims saw no deal on the african union's intention to get to say to the un secures accounts of his being hodge at the own dying summit of the northern lines. movements taking place in the capital of uganda. the countries permanent representative to the united nations told us that the reformation of the town. so these already in full swing a video game console result, you do need it to be offensive that it walks who is the committee of dental definitely. then union company is working together, each one walks at cost plus the other. we all represent the interest of the, one of the companies in the form of the global government. what it is about the government is that these huge a dentist in front of income, diesel gives a counselor for me in particular has been ongoing. but next year we have a chance, the cf shredding the subject of the future. and you know, the means not, not, i'm movement has never been very influential in the negotiations of the us, but we have ordered them and it does have gone back into the discussion. and the
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questions of the some of the feedback jumped up to the subject of the future is about things. and that's going to be some security things we really convinced that we didn't. um, we didn't have an agreement on that because some new must. it feels uncomfortable with a number of different impala, but now we have agreed some of the future. we have a seat. we need to pursue a security comes over the phone call and that that is a model to that. within the system. the gentleman vice chancellor has lashed down to the alternatives for germany, paul, to make it on the minds, democratic governance. and his leading the state towards the authoritarian rule, similar, he says to russia, the right wing authoritarian so concerned about him to check on the essence of the republic. they want to turn germany into a state like russia and a systematically preparing for vis the german vice chancellor. robert have accessed it as a right wing, wants to turn germany into a state like russia. oh, you mean one that has she gas?
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that'd be nice. look, all that the right wing alternative for deutschland or a f d really has to do on any given issue, is to adopt the exact opposite position from the schultz government. and the result is that the f d is now the 2nd most popular party at 23 percent popularity behind the center, right? person democratic union. that's a party, a former chancellor angular merkel, which stands at 32 percent right now by comparison shows this party. is that just 15 percent with this portion, greens, at 13 percent, the average german really doesn't know what the heck discovery is doing. and chances are they probably don't know either and the f d is looking pretty good right now because it has not yet been tainted by the stench of the establishment that's screwing things up. so what the shots do to counteract the f. d 's bryce. he tries to make themselves even scarier than his own incompetence. and now, lo and behold, a report has emerged of
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a meeting that took place reportedly last november at a hotel near pots stem, attended by a couple of senior, a safety officials, some business people, and activists, where there's apparently some spic following about the porting german citizens of for an origin, and now listening to schultz and how back he thinks that it was actually adopted as party policy or something. which would explain why there have been protests in germany against it. now the f d is trying to put all of this in context declared goal of the a of d is the use of legal means to prevent illegal board across since through effective border controls. to expel and to put criminals and migrant suspected of terrorism. one not entitled to state to handle naturalization restrictively, and to the volk citizenship update in an abusive manner. couldn't anyone who is a german citizen the last without question, without a doubt to the gentleman state people. that is, besides, the wide gentleman, citizenship must not be trumped up and distributed with
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a watering can shop. actually the idea of stripping someone assistance or if it's already been introduced here in france, 5, the establishment specifically by french socialist party, present tulsa o loans. back in 2015, in the wake of the november 13th terrorist attacks in paris. they even changed the french constitution to be able to do it. and over in the u. k, british prime minister really soon act wants to send migrants to or want to. so this expulsion vibe is pretty mainstream in europe right now. actually, not that the german establishment was waiting around for any concrete policy details to trash, the a, f d. i am grateful, the 10s of thousands of people have taken to the streets of germany and recent days to protest against racism. rabble rousing, and for our liberal democracy. that gives us courage and shows that there are far more of us democrats than those who seek to divide. and we are all colder now in our private lives, in the workplace, at sport,
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when shopping. so clearly see that voting for the a. v is developed for bright being extreme is hope all's a thread, sewage democracy calls are now mounting and journey to ban the the outright as a political party, which sounds super democratic. but what's have its main concern. you just seems to be worried about that backfiring kind of like everything else that this government does. it's not a question of political attitude, but a floor. so everything would have to be absolutely legal. do you have to think about it of medicare, fully constitutional and legislative hurdles are also in the way of stripping citizenship or enacting deportations as a matter of policy in germany. but apparently it serves the team shelf to just pretend that germany would instantly become some kind of mad max style health scape, if the citizens of germany drop kicked him in his establishment pals to the curb.
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how many, thanks for joining us here on the international this friday coming up next is documents we time and you can join me again some more news at the top of the the the
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