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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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the, the, the, the french on both of the respondents to the russian foreign mer, hit ministry to discuss. the state of french mercenaries killed in ukraine, is 5 powers denying the price of this on the ground. the saudi radiate pushing for a t as far in dallas up same. the creation of a palestinian state will lead to the northern lines ation of relations between we on television these way the government is divided on whether to launch a full scale war, again, neighboring level. now, you know i. d. s. initiates another series events like the game has, will be with preston permit has to keep bombing yet despite is missing. the western strikes of, say, saw failed to the, to the, his face from attacking ships and the red sea. the
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hello and welcome is 5 pm here. in moscow, when you're working on the international with the world news updates good to have you with us. and our top story b friend john boss is that has been summoned to the russians for administrative menus. the russians precision a task on a mess and every headquarters in ukraine. the swine killed over 64 and 5 pieces of furniture, nationals among them, and wounded 20 powers. as cold such report was a russian manipulation. i think that this military age is provided in accordance with the little the friends helps you brain with supplies of military material and military training in full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others. price has always been denying that it has mercenaries in
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ukraine or anywhere else. rush out for its part, as always said that the western countries do have a mercenaries on the ground, a new crane, something that has been documented before. but again, now after the precision strike, the defense ministry issued the statements and it said that they hits a temporary deployment points of foreign fighters. and that's a strike killed over 60 mercenaries. and the majority of them were a french nationals. and this is not something, it's not something you, yes, is banned in france. of course that will tell you that no, we don't have any mercenaries because it's against the law. but even their own media are discussing this openly. just get you to you to reach you seen this public knowledge, the dogs, thousands, possibly 100. so french 5 to send you claim to the inside. if it's didn't wanted to know, do i have to prove it? it's no secret this price nationals. i currently find some ukraine, according to the said he had still money regularly because of the troops and ukraine between the 6th and 7th, a frenchman,
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integrated into ukrainian eunice hides for a minimum wage. he also mentioned that between 20300, the french nationalist was dual citizenship who might have previously subs into for religion and no fighting for kids. in the very early days of the pool, the printed president raised what he calls the international legion of territorial defense. so this frenchman may well have belongs to these formations all these french moment he is going on with the approval of the 1st 4 ministry, or is it actually a private initiative? well, no, under no circumstances, would they go with the official approval? oh, no french soldier is officially fights and ukraine on behalf of france. a. so officially speaking, friend says and insist that it knows nothing about these mercenaries yet, so friendship quantities are piling up in ukraine. as we know, this is not the 1st time we've heard this and in general. now this is why the reaction of russia has some end of the french and baset or in last couple see will
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come out of that. normally we don't hear much after such meetings is basically a telling, often times to get more information about that. but it normally remains private as a known friends is interested employment for long and this conflict. and we've seen that from other western allies as well. but in france, there are even discuss ms hoping, for example, there is a politician that came out recently and part of his electronic campaign. he's saying that they're interested in prolonging the conflict in ukraine. they're talking about long term military support because it will boost their military industrial complex. so they're doing this a for their own the benefit. now. all so we know that this week we have heard from prizes and the manual mike found that they're sending even more weapons. what are they sending now around 40 scalped massages. these are the ones that are known as the storm shadow, marseilles, or a long range, as well as hundreds of other bombs. now these are storm missiles, here are the key west and, and you frames are still on and they need desperately more. and by sending them these weapons,
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they are in fact prolonging the conflicts in ukraine and they know this and it seems that because or benefit and this is why they're doing it. and we also spoke to a former of french general, and he told us of these mercy and mercenaries that are there and need to understand that they're there at their own risk. because again, of course, naturally for russia, they are eligible. i'm it target at the moment we are in a state of war, were needed in russia clashing on the territory, few crane. so french, most of the rest, besides for personal reasons, to join the war on one side or the other. they are obviously aware of the risks they have chosen, their own feet. haven't entered the game. they have already lost. russia is absolutely correct. you can see that these french most and there is a legitimate military target just as ukrainians would not hesitate to should french, most of the research quite in russia site. we're not expecting to hear anything from france. other than denials. we're not expecting to hear anything from the french in bass or a here in most, but i will continue to deny it. but the fact remains fights,
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and that is that we found french bodies in ukraine. pharmacy i, on the list of laurie johnson, told us a french must scenario. they've been involved in the conflict since it began. this is not new. there had been frenchman. englishman, americans, since rowley, this started with special military operation. let's say that in march of 2022 and france has made no effort at any point or over the last, almost 2 years. to put a whole to this, the sort of enabled to allow that to go forward. i think this is more than just pursuing the paycheck. i. i strongly suspect that this, this number of mercenaries, and particularly in this kind of concentration, reflected a covert action by the part of french intelligence and the french military to try to send help to ukraine, to replace deficit set and skills that they no longer have or that they are in
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short supply of the saudi arabia is pushing for a safe spot in done. so saying the path to a palestinian state also leads to the normalization of relations between its country and as well. the most important thing to realize is the kingdom has not put the normalization of the heart of its policy, its put peace and prosperity at the heart of its policy. so that looks at resolving the finite cause of the palestinian people who deserve a state. they deserve sovereignty, and while the kingdom fully recognizes the need for israel to feel safe, it can not be at the expense of the palestinian people. the solution is obvious and the solution is now. and the solution is to state solution withdrawing. now, by movie, if an ocean altima release bureau chief, thanks for joining us, maria. what more can you tell those about the palestinian 2 state solution and the
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prospects of peace in dasa? hello to unique a. well, saudi arabia has made it crystal clear. again, that's the cons, be talks about normalization with israel without a ceasefire. and guys with a plan for bro to pace and the rates are not a clear path to have probably seen in state. i have to tell you the 3 i've been telling me you've had been quite close to breakthrough of his publishing relations before is real launched. it's definitely mil to reparation in the gaza strip 3 months ago that basically buried any hope, rude and previous ad for it's on the palestinian statehood. has always been a condition for saudi arabia. what the other orders now occurs, the un aspirations. and this logic also seems to stay in line with israel's biggest ally, washington. the us secretary of state, has recently been touring the region extensively. and we hear that washington got commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction of gaza and
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work towards palestinian lead governance of the enclave. off to the war let's they can listen without a tangible path to the establishment of a palestinian state. there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and help with the reconstruction of god. so there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and help establish palestinian lead governance of gods. and there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and integrate with israel and make further assurances about israel's long term security. so that's just the reality, is that the united states exerting pressure or not, it's the reality of the situation that is real faces. and without making some of these tough choices that we've outlined, that will continue to be the reality and there will be no actual solutions to any of those very real short medium and the phones to be on a different page. their prime minister benjamin netanyahu claimed he is proud to be the one and only who could and will prevent the establishment of
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a palestinian state and repeatedly said he believes israel should have what he calls security control over guys revealing serious disagreements with the bite and administration antonia who stated them, says they again that he opposes the so called 2 state solution. let's take a listen or the whole been any arrangements in the foreseeable future with an arrangement with outs and arrangements. the states of israel must have security control over all the territory west of the jordan river. this is a necessary condition and it conflicts with the idea of palestinian sovereignty. what can we do? i shed this truth with our american friends, and i also stop the attempt to impose a reality on us that would harm as well. security prime minister in israel should be able to say no, even to our best friends, to say no when necessary. to say yes, is possible without good good. while the 2 allies seem to have serious issues regarding the pro choice on how to end this conflict,
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and we see that so far, israel does what it ones and guys which raises questions about the consistency of the american policy. from one hand, we hear about washington's pressure on a 0. it has urged a 0 to scale back it's offensive and keeps pushing. that's the probably students they should be part of the day officer. but at the same time, the us militarily, financially and politically supports israel's war. a garza that according to probably students, source is already claimed the lives of $24000.00 people including civilians. thousands of the miners is clear that without that support the israel would not be able to continue and would perhaps become less radical about the creation of a palestinian state as a post war scenario. back to you really have any science for those dates on site as long as the middle east bureau chief maria from ocean on with the latest. thank you . now well, many of pushing for sci fi and gaza hi run,
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think is ready. officials are divided where the to start yet another go in the region by launching a preemptive strike on hezbollah and neighboring lebanon. up in the pre emptive attack against testable lies needed, and no political settlements will help. and wanting to know if can be of the most pay full, but we must not leave the task to the next generation of all children. we prevented a very wrong decision because according to the publications, if a decision were to be made to attack lebanon, we would have brought about him us leader young. austin was strategic vision of immediately provoking a regional war. i think our presence there prevented the state of israel from making a very serious strategic error. the decision looms as the idea is already long strong, cuz they gain southern lebanon. the attacks is that to have damage the infrastructure, setting buildings on file, the border region between the as well as 11 on has seen intensified exchanges and see events on october. the 7th and today's world people are requesting support for
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a potential conflicts with its nova neva. we need to go to a well because i, i don't see any other way. i mean, i don't think cruise, but i will just move away. they keep firing at my house, my home a every day, every day. and i don't think they willingly move away and stop the well, the world the state already doing says well as the proxy of the run need to be very concerned that if they want stop and they want to reach an agreement, that is really is able to do more than um, in order to make sure that they really defend their people for the long term. and not just recently, we won't be able to get to any other agreements with the spelling the know if we don't go to the strategic kind of list all a homie able and said they, bro, the as more deadly conflict should as well triggered an escalation. he wants the
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world to be expanded on old ways and old directions. nothing. yeah. who i think that in case the war is the ending to model or would be and then to model if means his political life is also would be ended or who would be in a jail in case is, will go on into an open world with leveling. on and at that got by error rates or by me size or through uh uh, security, cyber security is or full, i guess, leveling on i think uh, 11 on a through of his beloved be as well. uh, what did that deal uh edit that the uh directly i guess is a l to those done area which is the center of gravity of the israelis and that the uh, powerful uh area and the see all the officials, uh and old. uh uh, i mean, uh, uh, main offices in uh,
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in the area. i think if, if in case this war was started against lebanon. uh, it would be like, uh, a, an open. it would be a uh they will as will, is it booked at by hit on here to uh see you. yeah. yeah. man bella stein. oh let me call it. that is, this is a lie. i think we, we going not only for the, you know, what, maybe it will stop as that engine award. uh, but it would be expanding through the whole ward without the gauze that were at least a $143.00 people have been killed and is really strong from the enclave of the last 24 hours. that's according to the palestinian health industry. local joining us, so not come all brings us, but these house a certain year and the bad as visit any odd music. if any of the 1st place i'm doing now
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the list, the safety, that nice people, most of them would have site is a on me as the 61 houses of the others when they did. because sunday, the late fee for the 1st month. and i know is subject to sue, so i love the schedule due to the and the military and to load the costs are late like day by day to see where is it becoming good? dire on this project here. as soon as you know can system know about the grade, say i've meant to down going to the edison sites for a total week. a about a week is the communications, as a communications is all had the receipts for sunday, which report to the scene yesterday. and i was told to isolate issues. and then
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most of them know what's happening with the department is i said if you say that the areas are that the a, be a military operations, like how do you and you said safety and love as the the site i didn't find out, hey, this internal people are sending it as well as if, because of the city. and they didn't know to part of the 1st time. they, they didn't. central garza, the enclave. smallest companies in total were when, as people return to the homes and attempt to retrieve was less local, say that nothing remains is not on the spot in god's them. neither stones nor trees, nor people were spared from israel. israel has destroyed all life in god. yeah, there is no food, no water, no gas. there are no necessities for life here and home. there are no rich and poor here. everyone has become equal. as no one owns anything. many came up. we did not
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expect the extent of this destruction. everything has tons interval, my family was killed, all land is gone and our house is gone. this is all a situation where the destruction is everywhere in the l. my gaz account, there's not a single house lift. everything is in ruins. i have nothing less than nothing. my family and everything i own is gone now. while we were rifles 12 by phone, with a gauze, a resident who spoke of the horace. he's witnessed in the enclave since he is ready invasion. as well as the list solved, we were trapped for 22 days in our residential area. and these really military entered the area and opened fire and our neighbors wounding. at least 2 of them heard the loud barking of dogs. i found the small puppy with a child's foot and it smells fighting for it with another dog. it turned out to be the limb of our neighbors. children who were still trapped under the rubble and
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could not be rescued. perhaps the most shocking thing i witnessed was our neighbor, whose house was completely bumped a month ago. she was cradling the bodies of her 2 children, aged $1.00 and $3.00 would not being rescued. she survived but passed away 10 days later, after her house was bombed, when they were attempts to rescue her from under the rubble. but all the efforts failed. we tried to give her water and dates to keep her alive for as long as possible, hoping that the blockade would be lifted. we could saver the but fate had other plans. i can also say that these really occupation forces violated the sanctity of the deceased by excavating cemeteries, mass graves at el cheapo hospital were also excavated during the hospital siege. and some bodies were stolen on, on my witness to decompose the bodies in the streets, being overrun by tanks and military vehicles. dead people and the bodies of those
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killed were crushed by vehicles. while young people from the neighborhood were targeted. hundreds of people in georgia and have taken to the streets of the capital was a voice that supposed of palestine on the game is really aggression and garza, local journalist sends us this report. i'm sending in downtown on mine in front of the mars. that's locking for upon the stein as you're getting people gather here every friday to protest for palestine and against. is there anything i'll keep patient especially be is really worried that's going on, gets there right now. people are changing for young men. they're changing for south africa, they're demanding. those are danny and government to stop any agreements with the usa or with israel, their dom. i think there's a denny and government to do a bigger role that everyone is changing for policy to resist the source of mass. they're changing for bigger international rules. they're changing
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for people, just leave the genocide that is going on and how to sign. there is another protest right now going in front of the american embassy. there is a pro 10 to date on social media, on demand in egypt to open the border in order for the aid to enter gaza. this is the way during any of streets have been for more than a 100 days. right now is your day and people are very close to policy and people in terms of culture and believes, and so, you know, it seems like it's a war going on right here in jordan, in terms of how people feel close to the people that are dying in any lives a one of the, the least we can do is protest and chant and say no to what is happening in gaza to continue this battle. and this simple efforts, great to efforts of course, are required from us, thinks must change and they must change. now, when i tell you we are here to support the resistance, we hope for a cease fire as soon as possible. long live the resistance,
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the suffering of boasting young people is not right and it is not acceptable. sometimes we hope the suffering of people in guns. yeah. ends. the people of guns and palestine will be victorious. we are here to show them that all the era people support palestine. belgium has announced they will supply enabled vessels to assist you with submission. now towns bring tuesdays to us and the red sea was washington . i'll consult and see what the rebels launched miss south. it's an american owns called the ship off the given post on friday morning. the west central c'mon claims the vessel was not hits, but the who's the say otherwise. not the human enabled forces have carried out an operation against the us vessel, came ranger in the gulf of ad and using a number of naval ms tiles. thanks to god, the heat was precise and the rest of the year. many armed forces emphasized the responses to american and british offences unavailable. and any further offense will be made by retaliation and punishment. it comes
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a day off the american forces launched a fresh round of strength on who you think tom gets inside again and tensions have been spiraling since january. the 12th when us and british military's began foaming multiple areas held by the rebel group. the western coalitions assaults came in response to who fee attacks on cargo ships links to as well of it's assaults on garza present in find and say, see us will keep forming yemen despite of failing to the, to the who sees off to a week of strikes the speaking to is one of the many capital journalist nasa rob, he told is west of that talk. so in effect, since, because the country has already said 5 years of devastating bonds when we saw the lead campaign, it does not work. i told because a lot of these have been under, sacha bombings,
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uh for 10 years now. and uh and uh now what does that um, recons, i'm the british bowman. yeah. uh is only the bottoms out things and they've been, they've been out. so the of, of, of the effectiveness is almost 0 and people don't care at all because they see that what they are having the amenities and the pro fees are seeing that. what they're doing is a duty is a religious and moran. i'm the human need that in duty towards a, a vector of brothers and sisters in dallas, teen via the tax our, uh, the tax on that and then the ritzy. uh not are you into the innovation then not to identify the shipment. they are not charging us any ship the tax. all right? and is very specific things. they are a very, very specific and very limited to that. and to the ships, the hitting toys, right. and to the ships link to is right. and to the ships owned by is right and
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the fees added beated lou said they would do their best to make it very safe to make that it's a very safe defense lawyers for these really minor falsely accused of committing espionage against tel aviv on now seeking justice, when those responsible prosecutors has dropped the charges against the suspects. he was only 17 when arrested, but he spent a year and a half in custody was his way to the ortiz, to pay full then negligence evidence. so the on names teenager had been recruited by id f intelligence officers to create an authorized social media campaign. his lawyer has pushed this defense from the beginning, but the claims for a no, it doesn't have a properly investigative. the youth faced the maximum of 15 years sentence with publishing closely find information online when he talks to his lawyer or it's higher and who is being surprised to be ideas,
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never steps in. instead of standing up and saying, he's not to be blamed for anything that he worked the for us for the diligence we told him and what to do. don't put 2 men in prison and they didn't say anything. and then they made, he may be investigated by the, the scene, but it's very, very harsh investigation by the police special units who investigated. they said and intelligent the young good kid. and we said no way, a criminal intent who argued from the beginning this and night, or whatever i did a did and for, for it is, was for, and for the officers from the ideas who tells me what to do. the ideas eventually admitted this as an office is acted in a quote on professional manner and a solving the problem at the come on level. but that won't turn back time stays
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defense lawyer or it's hired as a young clients who states of mind was home by spending a year in custody many times during this case. and so to even to, to, to you know, to commit suicide because he couldn't face the difficult situation. he was put in and, and, and the blame the harsh blame the war against anything he believed in. and that he is a kid. he needs to bear with kids in these age and for 18 months he's, he was not allowed to talk with anybody who was anyone about it was any of his friend because everything was in a closed doors because of the reason of the security and all of the say really, it inflated employed to the him and made him a very,
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very large damage for the rest of his life. these years cannot beat that came back . and this negligence as somebody will have to, to pay for it. they deposit, excuse me, the german vice chancellor has launched down to the alternative for germany policy claim made on the mines democratic governance and his leading the states award so far. it's harry and role similar. he says to russia, the right wing authoritarian so concerned about and that can be a sense of the republic. they want to turn germany into a state like russia and a system that really preparing for vis the german vice chancellor robert have accessed it the right wing, wants to turn germany into a state like russia. oh, you mean one that has to gas? that'd be nice. look, all that the right wing alternative for deutschland or a f d really has to do on any given issue, is to adopt the exact opposite position from the schultz government. and the result
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is that the f d is now the 2nd most popular party at 23 percent popularity behind the center, right? person democratic union. that's a party, a former chancellor agular merkle, which stands at 32 percent right now by comparison shows this party. is that just 15 percent with this portion, green's, at 13 percent, the average german really doesn't know what the heck discovery is doing. and chances are they probably don't know either. and the amc is looking pretty good right now because it has not yet been tainted by the stench of the establishment that screwing things up. so what the shots do to counteract the f. d 's bryce. he tries to make themselves even scarier than his own incompetence. and now, lo and behold, a report has emerged of a meeting that took place reportedly last november at a hotel near pots stem, attended by a couple of senior, a safety officials, some business people, and activists, where there's apparently some spic following about the porting german citizens of
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for an origin, and now listening to schultz and how back he thinks that it was actually adopted as party policy or something. which would explain why there are been protests in germany against it. now the f b is trying to put all of this in context declared goal of the a of d is the use of legal means to prevent illegal border crossings through effective border controls to expel and to put criminals and migrant suspected of terrorism. one not entitled to state defendable naturalization restrictively, and to the volk citizenship update in an abusive manner. couldn't any one who is a german citizens the last without question, without a doubt to the gentleman state people. that is, besides, the white gentleman, citizenship must not be trumped up and distributed with a watering can shop. actually the idea of stripping someone assistance or if there's already been introduced here in france, 5, the establishment specifically by french social.


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