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tv   Documentary  RT  January 19, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EST

10:30 am
emphasized the responses to american and british offences are inevitable and any further offence will be made by retaliation and punishment was a lot of times a day off the american forces launched a fresh round of strikes on whose these holidays inside. yeah. and then tensions have been spiraling since january the 12th when us and british military's began foaming multiple areas held by the rebel group. the western coalitions of souls came in response to who via the tax on paul go ships link to israel as a. it's a sofa, and garza president, find it and said to us, we'll capable mean yemen despite failing to the, to the who feeds off the a week of strikes, walk, garage the hard, the jo, so i'd say to him and worth it's world. when you say working other, stop it with the snow, a layer of it, the venue. yes. speaking to us, one of the many capital journalist and also a rodney's hold is west and attack. so in effect, if, because the country has a radius of 5 d is of a devastating bombing from a south glad campaign. it does not work. i told because that was used
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to have been under sacha bombings uh for 10 years now. um and uh now what does that um, recons under the vs. uh, bowman. yeah. uh is only the bones out things and they've been, they've been out. so uh, the of, of the effectiveness is almost 0 and people don't care at all because they see that what they have to, i mean the amenities and the pro fees are things out. what they are doing is a duty is a religious and morale. i'm the human italian duty towards the developer of brothers and sisters in dallas team via tax our uh, the tax on the and then the recei. uh not are you into the innovation. they are not getting the shipment, they are not charging us any ship, the tax. all right, in this very specific things, they are a very,
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very specific. i'm very limited to that a, to the ships, the hitting to israel and to the ships link to his right and to the ship's own devices. right. and the fees and it'd be blue said they would do their best to make it very safe to make very, very safe. but he thinks that accounts me here and all the international this friday as a ways you can find all the latest updates on our website, r t dot com and i'll be back with more news at the top that the
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the hi these other each these are so you might also find out where the status of
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the possibilities you ensure that the more you get into the loan you have is good for me and i'm sure you're gonna get it come up on the something that is correct. so listen, we're going to scroll as well as all the way back to you, all right, and if you're still going to continue to do great interest testing with them, you can always just please give me one 4th of the only surface for me. yeah. cover spelled hours, i thought i had coverage and, and try to get his last level of list. i was special. are going to that one of us or from man, i don't know some of our each other in the, in for 3 to do. but the valley, but the show out in the southern fonts for man park around for, for, for everybody which is, it was the shape of said so it's not for us to replace the discovery
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to control. what's the deal for me to, to, to get a new to your opportunity? but i really do because we cut off the pitch of the machine by d to the provider. um which is the flow volt, federal phone central drawings. and i'm a very live in a very yeah, thank you. i don't have a way of it. i'm going to do is getting the papers are you. we should still have been released us for this as your loved. it was before it was in the visit and so i believe there is
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a weird great extension to miss beaman. i believe it was a kind of store for the menu or a new enough to invite you like, oh you did you hear the suite you too much. you have the christ, jacob whitlock b as in boy o, as well as to see if she can get the flu. say, cold sheets, do these, do i just get on low achieving and you're seeing the culture. i mean, if you want you to look at the grading and that is viewing the place, the, this, the,
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sometimes the month to the busy or, and come home when the shadow and the physical. she was stuff to get ahold of a neuberger, the area of, of the goes both of them the levels, but most of them for the rules are real know event. susie is, here's the key and if you need them on savannah with the coordinates of sodium, we can visit them good enough where those k, but yes, you're a show a search. it is of us unless come out them, those a long period were kind of youth is good. i mean to meet this the mostly phone, but a lot of that come up in the middle of
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the issue but to whom am i supposed to use the referral usually for new ones and it is a very give or no issue. thank you. yeah, you do, i got good standing my of this month may or may go else though. me. tricky. you will not use that you for us. you think if you have of my flight sparkle in a me see what was new somewhere with my supervisor for the other off marshall for, for the city. so it would have been something i wanted to keep the for the as long
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as you're the only a place to live. this is the sort of gift of a thing to some feasible group. i mean, you know, several zora princes on this is done the bunch of arrows assume you have the most capital vigorous and get an insurance cause of the going to do this because you know, that was, this is something else going. but when you will know what i find, you know, for the new for the still smart got bustled on so easy. but if i do, most of it will show them what i need to point out the drum model. give one level of you just deal. scrubs of inform share for those other level of visual as i'm going with the like i was, i was just, this is i'm wondering if i can with that there's no 2nd payment,
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my teaser we just go in and we've got those 3 and yeah, yeah, yeah, or you don't, don't worry about those. usually with little 4 of us are, here's the full rate of most and you let them so the income and 0 for this you have to work of home gives you oh, the 3 literally in the task. easy to just finish that easily, a new mazda and then use the visa to the
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ground, cause you to play the to send the thoughts and i didn't know what it was. so it's not the 1st thing. if you have my photo, which is for
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some reason you won't do or do you mean leakage tournaments from the rest of the problem all assist? you see me over here for some officer give or so then you go when you said 3. so just to do is to go to prompt you publish it for you while i did so before you you myers the yes. mm hm. do do do to move into the order and for me, my lease, really fun. it's a vision. there's no change due to the
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new business to move them. we ought to get your tickets for the email portion, but i can you just click submit, it should be clicking on the the this claim. so when you see me in the bottom july status that i use the uh, frontier didn't use the supper for you. the now the, the split the secret are to them to the student. yeah. show it
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right now. hold on. say for sure, for most of them are more of the box or just the store when you 1st the more it just broke. i'm fine. you have folders here which is the one i'm on. so, i mean, we're bringing besides the chest of originals for you to the the formulas on yes, yes i did is i really need you to see
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the video, excuse me, the june 2nd much. can you ready? and then if it was released that goes not formally set, but the goal, it's blue still. students from this with us that was on the off know how i thought of lucky. hopefully i can think of that was the morning, was so much more good for us to show this the of the level of make more science nick across all the northfield.
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i mean, it's the you and yeah, the charge will most of the warranty is 3 of the for the most that it's not to fill a single michelle volume in d. c. work to start. when i spoke with the media, i think with keep the t shirts or see where i am in the junior senior most room for grove of senior. yeah. you just on flush the solar. that's very simple. and it was my work for a little, i'm sorry, once in mind that there was one of them very are there to the folder with
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the on the the other side of the view as well. if you use your eyes level to me, but this is jocelyn, this is norma infinity. f o. my friend story has to be of the shuttle unless it only put unit numbers for the home phone or call solution. if there's any way that might be financial or do a little get showing that i'm not like, you know,
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you're gonna have to do physical and have to go to know. i bought some of them under chilly for dollars. kind of why i want to follow that, go see that was just just the list from now you have a folder from 4 to 9 using a folder from all the games and a lot of those names. i think i see a list all over configure when i find them on who was the boy. and that's why i'm bringing more that up so you know what to do on the computer with the funder go over. the model is also a generic pop up for the job job and you just got a job or truthfully, so margins of to visit someone with a few this party and come on the part of the roof of those on the
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course for me. and i just to let you conclude, but by slowing the quick deals mr. phillips gave me the to the new let. let us, let me send you all as you you sound great to me. if i did you, did you show me the issue? you said the switch right here on sue crace, but it does mean that doesn't mean this is a curse device, new website. the depletion, yes, the solutions because it is just because the covers and expensive and nice to sort of
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sort of cruise. secondly, the, the, but i'm sorry, the latest on the piece of busy you substrates. this is what it was, not a cell phone. don't worry about city him. said him 3 sort use order the most configuration for, for, for a complete flush, all of them, which is the largest 0 less than a smaller this with lose both of you to the but what is the yeah. what city to see, what else to slow the some before we can come up there, the more government going to look hello. yes. and it's like this tool listed. usually if it's with us and show a product and you put some of you all's facility. so we send it to, to the wrong, somebody must doable. it shows why am i this is the yeah. do you know that the
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arrow is a motion and both of them or meals? need your body to reason associated. it'd be free or reduced lunch. anything which i do believe that out to the users that are 2 rules and it to a lot of people to thing you see. so 1st of all, to pull the letter for the assistance was the only thing it which issues me personally, we don't know what is the 2nd step was get us me deal with them. so the see that you've chicken them football isn't pick any cause in the the said it's a little to do to show you to listen to a little slow leaf was so to let a completely new local level appeal to the new set, the movies you long story at the butler, some of her interest tickets. butcher, well doesn't mean you find, you know,
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see what the process place to. the new user said about this less well, you close it so much you. and you find you must to the truth to sort of plays with football, which is limited to them. is the closer to the newest version of the news or something you asked me to mark this thing. that's what we want to take up the ship . it was possible on each one is this, the goal is to have that sort of w. great . hold most of the streets and full time. you might want to move a couple of them are there? sure there's my show i for for getting yeah. singled us for more so
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i'm wondering when john got to setup an appointment. yes ma'am. how long is my go? oh shoot . oh oh, there's only a so you saw it was awful so i you know, i think worries for both of them are for when the last 2 phone great. the
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so it was actually for you in the true story and for 1st 5 seems to me this on the level 3 months so far it seems like the the, the old, the new now bring it over. you do this and because of the to the hours i have them both on the forecast here. there's your fortunate during the sugar to forego are associated with your order. then you have the ripple effect. so you're the one sure, but it's april. oh no. where did he for the winter? so this one was a little over go to power just i'm not sure it's
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a nice pretty sure with much of the market is just choice the chest shortage. cuz someone's just a pretty name isn't as low as possible, but it's all way around. well, there was a lot of truth escalated on this mortar for whatever the case, which is i said i was kind of old friends. remember we're kind of a little upset in the past. was us told her some home with more info. so yeah, and you're going, you're all the of the work that single place the for the for them of the law. so it will charge you to us and this is something once is going on. yes. and i'm wondering what it was on this, but i want to see if it's early enough and also that additional students are starting to do it. the significance of assessor on it and the other one is no, that's only for some of your children circle room and she wouldn't need fertility
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for further workforce frustrated refiners, although she was signing important resilient teacher for them. up oscar the phone with infinity and part of that so to we can go through that or fill in a folder on this policy for some reason postpone installed for the username increase and it was on the 20th. i changed all interested. i need to bring it on. the social is fairly simple. covered like on the colors are usually usually storage orders covers phone with a sidney of the more modern a couple of them almost under the initial or need to choose a phone below as well on your brother machine or do you mean you can still solar totally sync away or so go to charlotte.
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well, did you use books? yeah. distributed where it says does is. and the lady did you see this thing? it just means it's almost a large system of law suits just because of the issue. especially if i get some stuff from the physically name on the front of a good phone just like you would you like to do those sound good. so my goal is to
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use on realty the the spelling of the c news. yeah. it's the new system of the the ocean, but it still goes for the pieces or did or the pieces she knew on the citizen destruction of us that full $98.00. yeah. does any pretty much it and as low as i'm probably on the spacious vision associate, just beautified most of it the 2nd day. well, what if i'm yeah, it was because all the sort of familiar,
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yours is the guy that comes to us all the sort of stuff now. sure. the bubble of the, of the of the bottom of the the,
11:00 am
of the different towns of today's summons to the russian foreign ministry to discuss the fates of frenchman scenarios killed the new frame, defied power, signifying that price on the ground, the bookcases image of palestinian civilians and even medical workers tortured by is ready forces. we speak to his lawyer investigating one such pay to reveal big britain picked up a situation the $1000.00 to new presents. but unfortunately, today's really present service. and the idea of the patient, or thirty's or not responding to any of our requests concerning to the thousands.


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