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tv   Direct Impact  RT  January 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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the, the, the power to enter as you know, i've been doing news now for some 30 years. 2 different languages all over the world. here in the us interviewed for us presidents working for the us, his biggest television networks. i don't like what they do by the way, you know, why? i think new should be honest and direct and impactful of this is direct impact. the
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. all right, here's the news. i have to share with you the race to find the to persons who will compete to become the presidential candidates of the united states has begun and it's over. well, almost let me explain. if you want to do overs get ready. because it looks like we're about to get one, as in another contest like the one that we had between that and the president, donald trump and joe biden, which of course this time would be present to joe biden. and candidate donald trump . so why is this happening? why is this happening? it's happening in large measure because mr. trump just demolished the opposition in a place called iowa, where there are many, many, many more cows. and there are people. and for mr. trump, it wasn't just a when it was a slaughter in the very 1st contest among republicans beat sam or
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president, god, interestingly enough, 51 percent of the vote. that means the be for the governor, randa sat is as you can see right there game and 2nd place by what 30 percentage points. that's a lot. he'd be the 3rd place. finish your nikki haley as you can see right there by 31 points and everybody else quit for the book even started including chris christy just a couple of days before the election. he just said i'm out. right. christy was not afraid to attack trump. it didn't work. rebecca ramos swanny was afraid to attack trump. it didn't work. you know, the funny thing, the funny thing is a trump barely even campaigned in iowa. pick about that. usually candidates have to go to the state to win over the voters. right. i mean, that's what they do. politicians. they give speeches
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a cut ribbons. they kissed babies from bailey and showed up. now compare that to or on the status. go literally back the farm on iowa. that's right. the santas visited every county. they say almost me entire state probably even met some of the cows factors. the santa spent more time there than any other candidate. but in the am he lost? no, he didn't lose man. he lost by a landslide. and then there's nikki haley. this, this is a fascinating story. she didn't spend as much time there is the santas. that's for sure. what she did spend a lot of money more money than this, and there's more money than truck. and she still was. factory came in 3rd, right. so i want to show you something. this is, this is really fascinating. this i'm going to show you. this is the winner, mr. trump signaling that the race is all but over now,
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only after one contest. this is only the 1st one right out of 50 watch, the way that the former president appears to, you know, pack the sentence on the head and pat haley on the head like little school children for trying hard steven him and calls them by their 1st names donald trump never calls anybody by the 1st names unless he's making fun of them. now, do you think you'd be doing that if he really still considered that they were competition? i don't think so, but you decide. what's this? what's this? i want to thank you very much. i want to congratulate ron and nicky for having a good a good time together. we're all have a good time together. 2 and i think they both actually did very well. rod and missy a good time together, which ouch, really, i mean, think about it. all right, look, there's no question that mr. trump seems at his best and probably most comfortable
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when he's in a crowd, whether he's being the guy is good at it, right. whether he's being loved or, or whether he's being heckled of the go home to mommy. he always as a retort. you know, i can't say that about can't say that about around the santas, leaves iowa with a literal 2nd place trophy, like a participation trophy. and instead of handling it with humor, look how badly he deals with his heckler. when this guy comes up and prince, and so what the trophy watch real quick before we get started. thank you everyone. w to present to you this participation drove out. probably not the real action, right. these
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are little no man that's got hurt. it's kind of excruciating to watch. you almost feel sorry for him . you know, in the beginning the santas was being called the next trump considered almost a show and the when it all the of the media, he had the money. he had the momentum. but after a series of negative, if not even weird performances and debates, a failure to admit that he wears heels to not look short. and attacks from donald trump who pounded him with mic names like ron desantis, this antonius and meet bald ron. and started looking week seemed to lose as low joe, as in that case where you just saw his wife had to step up and defend them. i for hailey, she is without question. the favorite of the big money donors,
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billionaires love her lover, spent more money in iowa than any of the candidates that's making your money. consider this, the candidates together have already spent more than $300000000.00. and this thing is barely even started. all of that is only what they spend on commercials like these. i'll just say it fines to own. and congress has the most exclusive nursing home in america. a president must have the players and know the difference between good and evil person lots of commercials, 300. busy dollars, so ask yourself okay, they spend $300000000.00. that seems crazy to me, but walk into politics in america. how many people you think they attracted with that $300000000.00? i guess. a 110000. that's it. 810000 people that's miniscule. by the way, that's only 15 percent of i was eligible republican voters. that's how many people
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even showed up the vote. 15 percent of the people in the entire states. and they had to spend 300000000 to get those 110300 1000000. and i have to ask, cuz i watch this, i mean, this is our country here in the united states, right. does that sound like a working democracy to you? one more thing about nikki haley when canada back rama swanny. i remember him embarrassed her on stage calling her all but neil con stooge. in moments like the one that you're about to see, it may have kind of stuck. the one thing the joe biden and nicky have in common is that neither of them could even state for you. 3 provinces in eastern ukraine, but they want to send our troops to actually fight for. look at that. this is what i want people to understand. these people have. i mean, she has no idea what the hell, the names of those provinces, all but she wants to send our sons and daughters and our clinic,
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and our military equipment to go fight it is the right, is the right. well, pause now show that hailey's biden like stands on. busy foreign policy didn't get her one thing for sure. she is as the exit polls have proven the most popular among republicans who agree with biden's foreign policy. and speaking a button is the likely dominey of the democratic party, his road to that vaulted position. as the democrats joyce is all but being given to him without him having to do a favor for it, it appears the same. it looks like once again, he will not be chosen by voters, but rather by the projects of his own party. i can give you examples, you're ready. it's already started. the 1st example is happening in iowa itself. iowa has already been, you know, for the longest time, the nation's 1st to choose right. iowa, new hampshire. and then everybody else comes in. democrats of said no, no, no,
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we don't want that anymore. i'm pushing iowa down. we're going to replace it with south carolina. why the more than the technical difficulties was that joe button at a lousy performance in iowa that allows the performance in the hampshire. so they don't want him to do primaries in the states where he's bombing or has bombed in the past or something even more at play here by the way. and it has to do with south carolina. you see, it is consistently the state with a most prolific black voting block. in fact, it was south carolina that was used by the democratic party to push bernie sanders out of the way for joe biden, 4 years ago when sanders was essentially, i don't know if you remember this trouncing him at the time and it wasn't until south carolina came along and the democratic establishment decided bernie sanders was about to do the democrats with donald trump did 4 years before. and i have
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a hostile take over the party. and the bernie did well. and bernie also did well following the island, the hampshire in nevada. and so the democrats start, oh my god, he's going to do it. and they pushed in south carolina to on do it. that's these steam. forbes is right, democrats want binding to look good. so they're moving up south carolina's primary and putting it ahead of the iowa primary because they figured biden is going to do better with african american voters than with ios predominate white voters make sense. but if that sounds a little manipulative, waiting to hear what they're doing in my home state in florida, where they've decided to cancel the primary altogether, which is essentially like declaring president biden, the winter in florida right now, before you have to do anything, despite the fact that there are at least 3 people registered to run against him. here's the president spokes person looking a little angry and perturb. but she's being asked those question when
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a reporter at the white house said to her, hey, is this fair to the voters, what you're doing in florida? there's the party effectively cancelling the democratic primary also constitutes or suppression or the dnc. in other words, i don't want to talk about that stop asking me. those hard questions are democratic i forensic simply changing the rules once again to benefit mr. biden. are they afraid that the, he's not going to be able to hold his own against other democratic candidates because of his age or his appearance? what do you think? and if that's the case, how democratic is that? right. so as we eluded earlier, it's looking like donald trump and joe biden are heading for a do over another us selection between 2 very senior citizens who are now 4 years older since their last go around. so the only question really that's left right,
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to ask when it comes to mr. biden is we'll keep, make it to the finish line, especially as with videos like this that are being released and people see every day a to present by can you hear me, president biden? this is an extra moment for brazil and for the us present by then can you hear me? you can. yes, good. and so it would. there's the us delegation that is here with me. i like to reach my wife. that is also here. i like to greet the president trained unit is that came to my invitation by not a good look and or well, here's another question, right? here's another question. well, mr. trump out last the part for a lawsuit and criminal charges that he somehow is going to have to be as well before he becomes president today and then died. and it was an sealed charging
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donald j. trump, with conspiring to defraud the united states, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. and so we have set the table for you. that's what's going on right now in american politics. when we come back, haley left the santas weather yet another and something moved. this gets ugly. what is it? we're going to be discussing it with this man right here. that's our guess, dr. wilmer, leon. and boy, we got a lot that you on you where to go. thumbs up, let's do it. we'll be back the,
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[000:00:00;00] the after the non c. c. power in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victory. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to foreign power and boot appears,
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resistance. dividers against colonialism were led by the sheets of this inside order. omar l move star, who was nick named the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and boys in gas usage, mass deportations, and the imprisonment of the local population and concentrate sim games, the invaders could not go with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l moved star was captured and sentenced the hanging at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon. pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress lady 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 b boats fail victim to their however, just a few years later the entail you enroll, collapsed in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence.
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the k. welcome back, i'm rick sanchez. i promised there's one more tip that i wanted to share with you, and it says a b. c. news is now saying that they're cancelling the next republican presidential debate. why nikki haley said that she would not participate unless former president donald trump takes part. and that leaves governor ron the santas as the only candidate committed to the debate. and the debate can't happen just by themselves. so sounds like there's going to be no debate. and it sounds like mr to santa is being dissed. you get that disc that's empty. yeah. um maybe, uh, by the way, joining me now is dr. wilmer leon, he's a political scientist, he's a professor, he's the co host of the critical hour on the radio. and we welcome him as he has welcome me to his show from time to time, let me, maybe we start there. what happened to the sentence?
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well, i think he was a create. he was a fictional creation to begin with. he was a creation of the media to begin with. i think he then started to believe a lot of his own press clippings because he's, he's never from a personality perspective. he's never really been perceived as a very nice guy. they used to say about dan rather, that he doesn't seem comfortable with his own skin. mm hm. that thought comes to mind when i see this guy, you agree? i agree on a 1000 percent. and trump looks extremely come say what you want about drop, hate them, love them. i know there's a lot to say etc. but boy, he does look comfortable in his own skin, and that means something he's too comfortable in his head. catch the arrogance in the, in the myopic view of the world. but now he's very, very, very comfortable in his own skin. yeah. and that comes across whether he knows what he's talking about or doesn't and run many times out as
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a right to the average motor, who just wants to trust somebody, he becomes trustworthy to them. and, and i'm just using that as an example with the other do to go by the way, is a navy seals super qualified, super smart doesn't come across a smart the santas. as i would the closest comparison i would draw to donald trump is george w bush. another guy, very comfortable in his own skin. and one of the didn't out didn't come across as the brightest bulb in the land. no. in fact he wasn't. and uh, but one of the things that people would say to him about him all the time is, would love to sit down, have a beer with exactly. yeah. all right. finally haley, cuz these are the only 3 people left. uh, let me just ask you your take what, what, who is she, what, what do you well, daughter chances, what do you, what do you got? what do you get from her? i get, i get, she was a, a donald,
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donald trump and drag up it in one at one point. but then she just seemed to flip. and so now we don't really know who she is. we don't really know what she said. what do you make of the fact that the 1000000000 there's oh. 7 her pay or pay or they have been is good change real quick now. but they have been pouring hand over fist money at her. i mean, millions and millions of dollars. here we what you're the chosen one. she is the donor money, the price, i guess, i think a lot of that has to do with the foreign policy positions she has been taking, i won't say policy because she's not really offering policy. she's offering talking points and positions. and a lot of her talking points in positions are very similar to the current president . wow, that's interesting because that mean what you're saying is let me be more specific . all right for, for folks who are listening to this conversation right now, she wants to bomb the hell out of russia in any way that you possibly can prove she could correct. because she wants to continue to give a lot of money for ukraine as
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a proxy. so they can do that because she wants to continue the ukraine war. she wants to also do everything she can to enlist our, our, our funding and our military in the south trying to see a man give the support taiwan. and she wants to double down on money to israel. so then i get it right. you got it right and, and those are the same failed policies that joe biden is implementing and which has cost him up at least $10.00 percentage points is in his favorability ratings, which are deals with a business. yeah. and again, with exactly a um, somewhere around $29.00 or 30 percent. it's pretty good. uh, appraisal rating is at 39 percent. i can't remember in my lifetime seeing anything like that, with the exception of like when you have those blips when there's a war or something and they go up and down. but for a long period of time, next term that is,
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that is terrible. and it also speaks volumes to the fact that he's not listening to his constituents. and he's not listening to the american people because around 70 percent of americans war and want to know a ceasefire in, in, in ukraine, about 70 percent of americans. if not more now are against the genocide in gaza. and he's doubling down against the very interest that in a representative democracy, he's supposed to be represented. do you, do? you've seen some of the things that i've seen? sometimes i've seen what i consider to be and i may be wrong, some legitimate poles that are done around the world for people like moti, for example. and she and, and even putting in russia and their numbers, double, triple, what our leaders numbers actually get in terms of favorability. isn't that kind of weird? the weird part of what's supposed to hate those are all bad guys. that's but that's
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why that's what's weird is because the narrative that is the dominant western narrative is that these guys are able, these guys are dictators, these guys are, you know, everything but the child god. but then you look at polling in china. i don't like about 85 or 90 percent of the chinese people are presidents. you you look at the polling in, in russia, 80 some odd percent of russians loved latimer poor. and for those who will say, oh, well, those are just internal chinese polls. no, that's new research. that's harvard. yes. princeton who got married on the policy. exactly. you know, it's interesting. it seems like the more we get into our politics, which each year that passes, the thing that i come away with is it's the external forces. the super packs the, the donors, right. the party apparatus court shows in the people that we have to vote for
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hailey is there because she has hundreds of millions of dollars given towards themes, from the shoulder losing in south carolina. yeah. she's for stay with the governor, south carolina. yeah. where she was the governor, that's like al gore in tennessee. but my by my big general point is it seems to me and it bothers me that in our country doctor. um, the people who are choosing our representatives is nothing to do with each passing day is less and less correct and it has more to do with the system, the party leaders and the donors. and more importantly, here's the big word, the super packs. we don't even know who those people are, and they've given a hundreds of millions of dollars to joe biden already. and then there was one guy adelson who gave a $120000000.00 to donald trump. just an all donald trump had to do was promised to always be on his real side. and it was in one of the things that donald trump says about. they can nikki haley as a negative. he says she's
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a globalist. and part of the issue that you're speaking to, i believe, is the globalization of the economies and globalization of finance. so now we're not nearly as concerned about jobs, the, the industrialization of the united states, because we d industrialized the united. so when you say global is, let's use drop is that example. he was just as bad as rest of them with the exception of uh, russia and north korea and north korea. right? yeah, because because it's open, but it wasn't him. it's the people around him. god, i hate to use that word. people you over use a deep state, but there is something there that is controlling no matter who you are, whether it's donald trump or joe biden, or brock obama. mm hm. and it's different factions of the elite. so you have the joe biden faction, anti russia. uh, you know, pro is real. yes. that side of the lead versus another interest group
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that, that donald trump represents that to it. for all intents and purposes, i think they're pursuing the same objectives, but they just have different tactics that they want to employ. yeah. okay, let's get down to brass tacks. let's start with bite and then i'll ask you about trump, will biden make it to not november? no, no. why? because are you saying yes, i'm saying no because of uh uh, 67 percent of the country believe that is heading in the wrong direction. and he has a 56 percent de, you're not saying that is all his health is going to take him out your so i think the democrats are gonna take them out. okay. and they're already working in that direction. 30 seconds left. tell me what you think. we'll try to make it to november sitting here today right now. yes. he won't go to jail. looking at the way that the case in atlanta is starting to unravel as funny will, as has been charged with,
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with personal improprieties that are now seeming to take to, uh, the, the, the, the, the prosecution of that case. correct. and i think atlanta or georgia would be the only place he would go to jail if convicted. no, well there you go. great conversation. this is going to be fun to watch. and what ways to josh is getting started. that thanks a lot, dr. well, i'm really on before i go, i want to remind you of something i have is important. we have a mission here, right. all right, our mission is simple. we want to be silo the world. we've got to have conversations like we just said that these are not conversations. that little box is democrat, republican, liberal, conservative truths. don't live in boxes. truth is everywhere, like sanchez, and i'll be looking for you right here. when we do this directive,
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the the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions going underground can the the, the new that the that is the one to bed for the default unless it goes something on despite the principle that's the district that's what all the. busy all the issues so that would work
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the eventual boss of this, of russia, if someone to explain the presence of the friendship mysteries, the allegedly killed and you crane most of the power issues a denial the country is representative also remains side lift the location is image of palestinian civilians and medical workers allegedly tortured by it's rarely forces. a lawyer describes the troubling human rights situation. the thousands who are sitting in the basement. but unfortunately there's a bigger service and that is a deal. completion of the thirty's are not responding to any of our requests


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