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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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to the is really a strong skill for military advice is a, be a rainy and revolutionary gold, coal in the syrian capital. all right, that makes sense. some of the country nationals, all fine thing in ukraine, but isn't going to do anything about this despite the scenario activity being illegal in front of the senior, a mazda and facial exclusively tells auntie that the jobs and military brit fax calls from the un full. i lost in troops on the new preakness. well, we are looking for a final total comprehensive seats phase which kind of low to open the voters to live the seas for another a to initiate the launch and vision of exchange. and the council on american islamic relations condemns the so called a sweet hot deal for
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a former white house adviser who's been offered a chance to avoid prison harassing gate has all food venza in new york. the a very well welcome to you is full pm here in the russian capital that this is the wells news update on, on the international. it's good to have you with us. we thought was breaking news from syria. westphal and radian military advisors have been killed in a sly, come damascus on saturday. conductors by is wally full says, a residential building has apparently collapsed off to the as slide down. the explosions have been supposedly hubs across the syrian capital. emergency work is a clearing his level as a site, as well as bones targets inside the neighboring country with increasing frequency since october the 7th. and it's gonna on the list side mohammed around the space today as well as taking an escalation to distract from that damaged image and the
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dogs. so there's no doubt that they targeted the a dirani and advisors, but ultimately the route of the issue is guys uh, and its palestine. and the is riley's wanted escalation. the americans want escalation because they've lost the war. they've lost on the battlefield. they've taken it out by carrying out genocide, holocaust and gaza, which has made it even worse for the americans. and theirs is raised because their image has been destroyed across the world. so now they're looking to have desperately looking for the way out. and the only way out that they can find is escalation. iran will definitely punish there's really raising. there's very reasoning is already taking that heavy beating across the board. the ron's allies and the resistance front. uh they are quite capable of putting pressure on this. randy receive israel to not defeat from us. they will definitely not defeat
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hezbollah and the resistance, any rock and syria is growing. so any escalation by the americans and those rallies is only going to make it worse for the regime itself for the americans. but i don't see a situation where an escalation benefits does re regime or the americans the french defense minister has been forced to admit that some of the country's nationals have in fact been fighting against russia and ukraine, the power as officials. so the government's kind of stop citizens from volunteering is musson aries, despite the fact that in front such activities are illegal. it was evidenced between infancy, sarah french civilians who went to fights in ukraine wearing ukrainian military uniform. these people have no connection with the french armed forces. they do not wear a french uniform and they have no association with french military institutions. we combine them from doing so, we're still a democracy. forces the french defense chief was walking back
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a claim from the country's foreign ministry. wasted. not that any french mercenaries of fighting in ukraine is off. the rocks has stated dozens of french soldiers a fortune had been killed. in a recent strike on the east and ukrainian city of hawk, of a bronze helps you bring with supplies of military material and military training in full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others. so, especially in france knows nothing about any french mercenaries in ukraine, spots french bodies are piling up there, which is why russell's summons, the french from bastard to his foreign ministry on friday. but of course, nothing is expected to come out of that for the fisher has been saying that therefore in mercenaries they knew crane all along is something that has been documented as well. but frances,
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having none of it claiming it knows nothing. of course they know nothing because there's no reason in legal there, but that's not stopping their media from openly discussing it. just can you do what you need to seen? does it public knowledge, the dogs, all sense, possibly 100. so french 5 to send ukraine today. new side effects and why did the new toilet tissue mckinsey? it's mostly crude, this precious nationals. i currently fights and the ukraine. according to the said, he had 2 months who regularly visit the troops and ukraine between the 6th and 7th refreshments are integrated into ukrainian. eunice hides for a minimum wage. he also mentioned that between 20300, the french nationalist was dual citizenship might, could previously subs in the, for the religion and know, fighting for kids. in the very early days of divorce, the printed president raised what he calls the international legion of territorial defense as it is. so this frenchman may well have belongs to these formations. all these french moment is going on with the approval of the 1st born ministry,
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or is it actually a private initiative? well, no, under no circumstances, would they go with the official approval because no french soldier is officially fighting ukraine on behalf of france. we know that france is interested in prolonging the conflict and ukraine because their politicians are admitting it themselves when they call for long term military support for kids and highlighting how much it benefits their own military industrial complex. and this is as apprised of emmanuel, my chrome announced this week that around the 40s scouts missiles, also known as storm shadow, miss miles, as well as hundreds of other bombs will be delivered. so you train in the next few weeks, and now these long range storms shuttle missiles are a key weapon, any praise arsenal. so once again, the west is escalating, a conflict that could have ended a long time ago, and they're doing this by continuing to send weapons for their own benefit. and
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getting body bags in return will be advised from a former french general to mercenaries out there. your own, your own, and legitimate target. so be aware. at the moment we are in the state of war, were needed, and russia glossy and on the territory. a few crane. so french most there is the side for personal reasons to join the war. on one side or the other, they are obviously aware of the risks they have chosen their own feet. have an end of the game. they have already lost. russia is absolutely correct. you can see that these french, most the res, legitimate military target, just as ukrainians would not hesitate to, should french mercenaries fighting on the russian side. it seems that price will continue to know in the existence all french mercenaries in ukraine. because if i did met snow in about them, it will have to at least appear to be doing something about it. and that's definitely not very good for weapons sales or their long term anti russell strategy
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. chief editor of m. v lights he is young has put coney instead russian strong on foreign master. mary's and ukraine seriously undermine this wisdom propaganda on the complex of these kind of strikes are painful for the western countries both drawer for many reasons. they are losing the information back though, because these mercenaries are one of the forefront in the western propaganda for the war. i lost lose a lot of them on the same time. hundreds of them easy just matter of days. there are a few questions which i will likely immediately believe. what are these 4 and mercenaries doing in the heart of the $0.60 are around see really on a populated areas and why they are not there? where the, the biggest loss is for creating an armed forces around hope you're asking, the heart of region is not happening so far. the mercenaries goes to creating and
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people like a healthy trip. they all pulled them. that'd be. so real question, what i usually use, how i cold hands, will that be fine? shift salutes, also known as a roman salute, are illegal unless they are some public older or wisc reviving the countries out load fascist policy. who knows where adults who post world war 2, the bands promoting fascist propaganda opens, suing fastest movements as well as racist violence on tight speech. and the decision of the cast ation quotes establishes that the roman salute is not a crime unless there is a concrete danger of the restoration of the freshest party. as provided for by optical 5 of the show below, or less used in racial discrimination or to incite violence as provided for by dimension a little after the 2nd world war, some things where universally obvious, the nazis with the bad guys and the russians made by far the greatest sacrifice leading to their defeat. but since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine now
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seems the nazis and the radiology were just well misunderstood. and remarkably, in it lea, a court has now ruled up, a fascist salut is no longer a bad thing either. hey, you can even get yourself a calendar commemorating it'll do chase favor black shirts. wanted to pay a wash to the man who participated in those events with the complete awareness of serving their country honoring the all taken both before and after september 8. 1943, the same the same heroes. we know that there is a pro fascist minority which wants to rewrite the history efficiently. we must never forget the war. criminal generals who were never tried or tried never convicted, or even is convicted, never went to jail. otherwise you're including the new tell an army with the army of so low. of course the revisionists view of fascism and fire, right. nationalism isn't limited to italy in 2024. fascism is ugly faces reemerging
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in spain, co aisha book area and finland. and it's hardly surprising that it's getting harder to suppress the displays when the collective west has turned a blind eye to cranes, well documented, not the problem, even voting against binding its promotion at the un. i suppose when you're funding an army not see malicious in one country, it's easy to look the other way when it comes to another. the so as we faced into a momentous, 2024. it seems the west has conveniently decided to forget the horrors visited on by fascism. all in the scramble to demonize, the new bohemia and russia,
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the very country that sacrifice most to defeat it. we also shouldn't forget the pre war images of the british royals and even their football team raising their arms to salute the nazis or the safe haven many mass killers found in the west after the war. it seems that when it comes to fascism, the western russia, the enemy of my enemy is indeed my friend, italy and will correspondent andre elude. shadyside sicily has not the address to be memory of fascism and this is a problem of this. the sun dense of the supreme court vitale, it's a shame for or italian. so i'm, i'm frustrating the words that are not a good policy of memory about the meaning of flashes. mother meaning goes with the 5. she's sierra and uh, what's happened during this time. and of course, this is a problem for our collective memory 4030 and collective memory. because
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some me 40 to cut bar dislike. now that barksdale from georgia, maloney have he has a history in the bus, has a barth of these male fascist movement. the name was a movie mental, so charlie de leon, we thought in such a movement and unfortunately, a lot of them, a lot of the old generation of what we thought import the friends, say to this perspective. i think the better in this time, in this moment, the, for the history of a few are open for the city of the wars such problem about it started. you started come memory. just if you can, i can bring the public opinion and the politics and it's a bunch of vento sway again to them at least now whether you
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apply to palestinians attains by the us as being highlighted by the united nations and official for the world bodies. human rights office as he's interviewed civilians who allegedly tortured by is where the troops i've managed to meet a number of release detainees. they described being beaten, humiliated, subjected to ill treatment, and to what may amount to torture. they reported being blindfolded for long periods . some of them for several consecutive days, there are reports of men who were subsequently released but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in this cold weather. some of the recently released palestinian manuel now recovering in hospital in the southern gauze and city of rasa. the bodies showing visible signs of abuse including wounds on their arms and legs. here's how the former detains describes that ordeal. motto, so they practice the west types of torture on us. it was a rainy night,
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so they took us to a northern area and puts us on the asphalt. it was raining hot and it was cold. we stayed in the rain for more than an hour and they beat us while we were tied up. some of the tv i was detained for 38 days, and we were only released today when i was detained and these really army dog attacked me and beat my hand during detention, we were forced to sit all day on our knees and we weren't allowed to move or even look around. i'm walking for the 1st time in 40 days. i wasn't allowed to walk at all. we were forced to sit on our knees 247 when it is rarely soldier wanted to show some empathy. they would let us move into a comfortable posture for 10 minutes, but we weren't allowed to lay down on the ground. we spoke with international human rights lawyer basil. so ronnie, who described these ready treatments of gauze and civilians as collective punishment. this is a word that started getting, he said the police teens for being police damian's. it's our with him, us, but it's against the board,
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but it's the needs including but his team and civilians should be punished. i mean, separate as days ago, there is a can, a said approved and extension of an emergency board that, that allows is for a 2 or 3 p is to the 9th as teens access to lawyers. and this is for up to a 100 and a 2 days, but this decision has been extended for an additional and for a for months. and unfortunately this deputy stand it and say look, give it to you and how they deal with that. but, but his team in case is not to you, it has been happening for years. one of the reasons why he is right is convincing. this is it's feeding, but it has always been above that all a convention national communities, especially western states, are focusing on the issue of is there any hostages, a and that's it, just summit. but at the same time, you have to also focus on the conditions of the state of tennessee and thousands of
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studies seen in detainees. will be noticed that some of that goes as to and westbank period. and after the 7th of october, the events i'm us long say new deal with is round that would see a prisoner swap and they lost interest. that's according to senior golf, an official a boss and diane, who you spoke with his exclusively here in moscow on friday. he's a preview of the and so they will be so late to all the and online. and so we have booked a lot of proposals and the from different mediators, categories, egyptians about it's important to cease fav. this is an old experience with the fear ccf, which has been violated by this. so he has a total events. when it comes 1st to the humidity and it, we were not able to send the need a few minutes in it to the northern part of guys that they have looked at when it comes to shore. think i'm coming from the scene is doing this for you. and also when it comes to be committed to the conditions or to the names of the list of
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people as teen and prisoners, women and children on this. when you decide to release them based on our list. unfortunately they have, they will not, they have not committed to so your saying that israel keeps violating the terms of any potential ceasefire when when it comes to the terms that you offer. yes, the 2nd piece was we are looking for a final it to turn the comprehensive seats. 5th. is that is, is that a 5 is how much looking for an it is? yes, this is what i'm looking for. which can allow to open the voters to live the seized on know the aid to get in to goes up to the school. there is to $2300000.00 busting us on top of inc, under the seat of look it and find the lead to initiate or to launch. and vision of exchange as well as national security minister has told the idea of troops to kill suspected terrorists on site, even if they do not pose a direct threat. it's
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a mac, it's a mob. been very cool. came during a recent space she gave to boulder, police offices, you have complete backing from me when your life is in danger or you see a terrorist even if he does not in danger, you shoot, have your back. a single hair on your head is worth more than a 1000 terrorist lives based on to this aisle rosenberg say that and give it encourages the indiscriminate killing of palestinians with a militant or civilian. and he was not talking about distinguishing, i'm not, any, was not even talking about the unit. i'm the only terrorist on the when, when he uses a term like the 1000 terrorist. i'm the one he's really saying that the that these police officers and certainly soldiers as well have a re rang to essentially shoot everybody in the neighborhood because
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the, the, because the israel and, and he personally, will never consider the lives of palestinians. we considered terrors to be worth as much as that of the oven is rarely even if they feel a 1000 people. essentially, anyone even is rarely missed identified as the palestinian or who work for the when the identification is not clear on uh, canada details with the, with impunity. so in the past it was almost perfect and unity and now minister deal is implying that the impunity will be even more perfect. so don't worry about it. you can see anybody you live, there will be no repercussions, no investigation of the no recrimination. just go on ahead and buyer who in the us state department official arrested on hate crime charge is off the publicly harassing a headlong food vend in new york. may have his charges dismissed. now say if,
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according to prosecutors do and sold, which takes a so called anti bias counseling program. they also has been condemned by the council on american islamic relations, which is demanding justice the salt of its valid verbal abuse and harassment targeting is the street vendor was caught on video for all to see the sweetheart deals you received from the manhattan. da's office is a shameful front of our justice system and hold on fitting to his actions as opposed to an answer most, some bigger trend hate crimes are on the rise nationwide and large punishments are a slap in the face to the victims. the represent a failure to address the severity of the issue, perpetuating a cycle of injustice and further marginalization. mr. ssl is a way to say what 78, to form a president obama was arrested in november of the viral videos. so, do you mean salting a muslim work in manhattan? i'll see is caleb morgan has been looking deeper into the controversial case. we're
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here on the upper east side of manhattan and 24 year old mohammed who's saying is hard at work. it is lunchtime, and he was the victim of a pro long street harassment campaign. months of intimidation and threats that were made by stuart selda with a former official of the obama administration. i was there and i was working on a normal day and he come asked me about the what are the from other information off the associate. he told me it's about thomas and you can be able to use a go or anything of that. i also saw him talking about quote on something like this . i think my phone on record to him. now, i'm scared about what he can do for me because i'm just working here. i don't know of anybody. you know, the video, a stuart sale, the widths and the hateful things he was saying to 24 year old mohammed. uh,
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they circulated the internet and generated a huge amount of outrage. i bought a new terrace. you support her and they're saying, go on the board unless you go, i'm just working years, right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me. my kids. you should not me go, i mean to. okay, oh, i see one retail for 1000 palestinians. you know why it wasn't enough, wasn't this man who was harassing a street vendor, talking about using his political connections to get him deported and saying he would be tortured back in egypt saying very hateful things about islam and muslim americans. he wasn't just anybody. he was a former official of the obama administration, and now we understand the prosecutors here in new york and given stewart sell the with a sweetheart deal. that's what many are referring to it as a sweetheart deal, where instead of facing any penalty, all you will have to do is take a sensitivity course to learn about muslim americans and the problems of beings
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racially insensitive the problems of making offensive comments. so many are looking at this and saying this is an example of a, a 2 tiered adjuster system where it seems like those connected to america's political lead. don't face accountability for their actions, while the criminal ports seem to have let stuart sell to. it's off the hook for a haps, there can be a lawsuit in which some justice is one in which some compensation is awarded to mohammed who's saying for what he endured. but there was widespread outrage not just here in the united states, but all over the world about what the young street vendor was subjected to. so you drove hate crimes charges against former obama official students. seldom it's a he harassed as deep vendor, multiple times and gleefully called for the depths of boasting and children. and it was all called him video. your office is a joke, a replace palestinians, a jewish and see what would have happened to the perpetrator sold of it. some
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others like him, are untouchable. tale is only for the legal people who can be hate crimes. a bama state department official gets charges dropped after he targets and stokes, a full truck vendor. no jail for steward. sel though it's just as a vice training. so the case has generated a lot of outrage, but it looks like the courts here in new york city. don't consider what stuart selda woods did to be very serious and have given him what many are calling a sweetheart deal. we'll have to see how this case develops as legal proceedings. continue have a lawsuit goes. caleb mop and artsy, new york, the nato, both take members having those ponds to fortify that borders with russia. and baller varies by building bunkers to repel what they call the possible aggression us. despite the us like block itself recently expanded to include finland for most goes, it has no slides to pick with the western alliance. and aging has also found itself on the receiving end of some of the rustic slaves with the nato chief accusing
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china of moving closer to the north atlantic block in asia, the signing of the heavy investments in a mold on military capabilities, including more and more advanced nuclear weapons and a china also a way of behavior, especially in the south china sea and the weight and china is actually violating core principles for night to the worker. see that the role of the we also have to understand that this is all about nathan moving into a show. but this, the about the fact that shined light is coming closer. those, of course, need to has to address what happens in a saw the note because we order a global, the security lines about the quotes for the purpose, they're not as follows, and vice versa. as the north atlantic treaty organization continues to expand its rates into the far east, brussels seems a bit overly concerned about some apparently aggressive chinese behavior in the
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south china sea. it's a bit strange because nato has troops stationed in taiwan, which is let's not forget, a part of china itself. makes you wonder who is the real threat here, especially when beijing is the one calling to refrain from military activities. had an end to the finger pointing from nato's american overlords. we urge the us to stop misleading, international public opinion with false narratives to strictly control unrestrained from blind military activities and reframe from any provocative actions. more recently, a chinese delegation to washington again calls on the us to stop provoking beijing around taiwan. the whole situation bears a stark resemblance to the way rushes military operation in ukraine went down. according to the west, russia, it was the aggressor from the beginning, no matter how many nato countries were propped up on its border over the years for us into it. and it went toward against the drain, with the, the cleared aim to get less, nate, he's getting the exact opposite is getting more data presence in eastern parts of
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the lines on who's getting to new members. i would say no, no. so you. there's no mention of nato's broken promise not to expand past. it's 1991 borders or it's study military build up over the years. the best didn't have him in any of the nathan military block has increased its overall activity dramatically of late. considerable forces and resources from the united states have been re deployed to our board, us, including aircraft. the number of nathan troops in eastern and central europe has increased. let me remind you of what we all know. in 1991, they promised gorbachev. no, no, not an inch to the east. well, here we are. this is the kind of partners they are. they shamelessly lie through their teeth. at the same time, the block is no longer hiding its aggressive nature behind defensive rhetoric. i was told, years ago, it was not a military block, but a political organization. and last time i checked, article 5 was still in place at the same time as i said,
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the aggressive nature of the blog is not being hidden. us policy doctrines explicitly spell out it's claims to global supremacy. i bet there's that you with continual nato expansion in the far east and no sign of the west giving up on taiwan separatism, calling china and aggressor looks like another classic case of the west gas lighting. everyone who doesn't agree with them. i know a tongue get a cd, a fellow all the time institute is told is the nato cheese words shouldn't be regarded as his position since the book is essentially a washington, oregon. they've taken on partnership organizations. they've been invited in japan and south korea, etc. this is, are, you know, kind of a creeping way of changing the status quote. it is unclear though, the john stolen very actually represents any constituency other than down of the united states. the issue here really is us a, jeremy. the fact that the taiwan is one card along with sion. jones. yeah,
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the hong kong, also, uh, 2 beds, south china seas where the u. s. is trying to distract a china from its economic progress by inserting these kind of military concerns. it's a game that the u. s. has played a many times before and call back in the seventy's that did this exact same thing with japan. although less on the military side, this isn't a bit of an attempt to contain china because the u. s. is concerned as us, you know, and china tree grows. this becomes a competitive threat to the u. s. and the u. s. will react against anything military, political, or economic that is, sees a threat to it's to generate many thanks to the company here. and i see international this last day coming up next option. mackenzie has the least episode of going on the ground and all the back with more news at the top of that.


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