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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the the is really our strikes, killed 5 military advisors of the arabian revolutionary guard corps, and the syrian capital demand. israel has gone as far as to create from us itself. yes, from us has been financed by these really, governments. they use top diplomatic sources. the is really government of creating and sponsoring her mazda to prevent formation of the palestinian state, the italian police use water cannon and tear gas against the protesters and the countries north during a pro palestinian protest. and the senior high mazda official exclusively tells
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our to the guys and militant group backs calls from the un for a lasting truth and a new prisoner, a spot filled with israel. we are looking for the find them to turn the seats for you, which come along to open the voters to live. the seized on load, the $820.00 shift or the lounge, and there's another exchange. the live in moscow. you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble. we star in the serial were 5, a rainy and military advisors had been killed in a strike on damascus. saturday, conducted by is really forces a residential building. reportedly it collapsed after the error strike with explosions. heard across the syrian capital as well, has bombed a targets inside the neighboring country with increasing frequency since october 7th, where it is,
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the workers are clearing the rubble at the side of the strikes vocal say they were terrified by the attack. yeah, the most to think that there are people still under the rubble there, people screaming for their loved ones. what did they do? the sound of the bombing was very strong in the house shot from side to side. what we saw was har, he's really brutally written down these files on the residential building, their bodies on the ground destroyed cars. what scene did we commit to die like this? all right, let's cross live now to vanessa bailey, independent investigative journalist who joins us from damascus. vanessa, what can you tell us about the situation right now in the city? well, i mean, it's relatively quiet right now, but of course, much of the day has been spent trying to retrieve people from the rubble of that person to interview. this is a high security residential area. there are multiple embassies in this area.
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perhaps not a coincidence that the south african embassy is very close, fine. and there is also the un headquarters in the masters, not far away from here. so, you know, just says, even though israel will claim that this is the target as far as the nation, it has claimed the lives as far as i understand of terry and civilian so just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. for the severe rainy and revolutionary guard corps confirms 4 of its advisors were killed in saturdays, attacked the does does. does israel say that they specifically targeted them? i think of initially a so honest media with claims that say you had to target the leaders of the palestinian resistance and flush the mask or so that was misleading. it's actually now 5 audiology say they, they one guy that was pulled out
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a license side and the last 2 hours from his injuries. you know, this is, this is not actually the 1st, there's lots of nations that have been carried out by israel is a match to centrals before christmas raised the most value was a senior i or j. c. quote. and i said in syria, paste christmas, and i think on the 4th of january, i'm sorry, on the 4th of january or i'll be my father. he was killed prior to christmas. they were to either i or j. c. come on. does killed. 3 in southern damascus, and now we see this and he literally central damascus. i mean, i think it, it took everybody by surprise, particularly at the time of the day that it happened around 9 30 in the morning. extraordinary, the listeners and the is riley terrorism is increasing. again, sorry,
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a i've, you know, the, the conflicting cause i've continued vanessa, should we expect a reaction from a ron? and if so, what military response would that likely be withdrawn ups for that? i don't think there's any option. sadly on that a wrong will retaliate in some way. i. i don't think that's going to be a cy, right fit anywhere in the occupied territories of follow signs. i think it's likely to be another targeting of is ready assets in another country, as happened recently in a built in iraq. um, but i think what is sadly happening since the general ed and garza begun post october. the 7th. the us has to be held responsible because have the us at that point, not sweetheart a ceasefire. none of this escalation would have happened, including in the red c,
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including in syria because had people come about in gauze, or there had been some negotiated solution. none of the countries that are supporting or trying to prevent it. so genocide in garza would have responded in this way. and not, of course, includes in southern lebanon as well as now, taking out a ground, evasion into southern lebanon. which then brings escalation into loving and also i wish my son also include syria. so the escalation is going ahead. we just were kind of preparing ourselves for it here. and everybody feels that it's impossible to stop it right now. right? it was earlier this month, an explosion in the lebanese capital b route killed a high ranking high mazda official, and several of hezbollah commanders have been assassinated recently. so how far do you expect to see the escalation to grow as well as i saw,
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it's united to a degree the resistance access has been very controlled and it's response that has basically been running a kind of tech for top campaign. i think a wrong latest strikes and iraq and in syria, or is an attempt to provide a kind of a deterrence for israel that is clearly not work. and the same with hudson are in southern 11 and it is, it is basically being just been running a strategy to occupy the idea in the northern occupied territories. but choose to pain down, alters to, to come to down the, the escalations. it is israel that is consistently pushing the red line and i say invasion into southern 11 and goes ahead. then i think you're gonna say escalation and 11. and of course, if the escalation and loving and syria will automatically be involved. all right,
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vanessa. bailey, independent investigative journalist joining us from damascus and us to thank you. the use of the top diplomat, joseph beretta, has accused the has run a government of helping to create and sponsor him. us and slammed prime minister netanyahu for not supporting a 2 state solution. you have, i see israel by continuing to reject the solution has gone as far as to create some us itself. yes, i'm us has been financed by these really government to try to undermine the palestinian authority of fetch. well, if we don't intervene strongly, the spiral of hate and violence will continue from generation to generation from funeral to funeral when the seeds of heat that are being sold in gaza today grow. or else comments came just days before e foreign ministers are scheduled to host the is rarely for administer in brussels . on monday claims that netanyahu's government has provided funding to
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a mazda mazda, including by allowing guitar a financing of gaza have been circulating long before the israeli occupation. is really government strongly pushed back against morales comments. but netanyahu had this to say in 2019. anyone who wants to prevent these tablet spence of a posting on state, needs to support strengthening. come us always thought to allies at magneer, a veteran war journalist and political analyst who explains netanyahu never supported a 2 state solution and is using the war against a mazda stay in power. as a prime minister. these really a government cannot achieve the desired objectives. and they cannot stop the rule because that means the failure and the 4 i'll be, i mean that's and you know, i'm to be put in front of these mistakes on the 7th of october that took place. and there he's watch, he's not capable of defeating him, us. and the only person that are freed all the one can buy these really occupation
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forces in gaza. and he come to really anything but to continue the whole, hoping that something can pull from this guy or something can happen to change the course of events. because add the closer to event of going, he doesn't have any solution. really. the positional is right, is exactly what be here means that then yahoo say a board amount of political lives are what not to give the police to unions estate . so what that does, that for right, saying is not completing the sentence when been yeah, mean that then, you know, said he wanted to support some of it is only to weaken the seeing in the state and we can mountain without bus and for him us and for that to find one another and this is wide and it then yahoo said in the last days i am nobody to allow me. the mouse is done all that she has done in god's and we will control it. of course,
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he's not capable of controlling because he's army has failed to achieve any of the state objectives to alter by guys, to the fi, come us and to freeze the president's italian protesters have clashed with police and the countries north has locals gathered to voice their support for palestine and against israel. the demonstrators were subdued with water cannons ends up to your gas. the in the northern italian city of the sense of people gathered for a rally and brandished banners, saying free palestine. police in riot gear rushed to the crowd with the tons and shields beating some of them. italy hasn't delivered any weapons to israel since october 7th, although the country is democratic, party leader is demanding to stop them. now. we must face the issue of the voyage
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into fuel this conflict of avoid incense and exposing us to conflict to the conflict in the middle east. in this case, particularly to israel because we can not risk weapons being used to compete with would be considered as well. crimes, since the war began, perhaps as deposit of shipments of weapon systems, old military material of any kind and so slain, talks about things that do not exist. it's buell propaganda. the democratic party should be by the influence to meanwhile in london, thousands of people took to the straits to express their support for dogs. them. the most traitors could be seen at carrying palestinian flags and the placards with pro palestinian slogans. also choosing israel of committing genocide, we spoke to some of the protesters completely in the family or friends and those or whatever she wants to sing
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me. so i know you need to talk to her. it's about 30000, nearly 70 percent women and children was absolutely shocked to invest in this day and age where the the world for the 1st time is watching genocides live video and to the pictures we are seeing. so it's just impossible to join it's, it's easy when it's terry and we are human being a resort has forgotten. we have just allowing this to happen. nicaragua is set to file a case against israel and the international court of justice calling for the prevention of genocide in gaza. that's shortly after mexico asked the international criminal court to investigate. reported is rarely crimes. the referral is due to the growing
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concerned over the latest escalation of violence, particularly against civilian targets. and the alleged continued commission of crimes under the court's jurisdiction. specifically, since the october 7th, 2023 attacked carried out by her most militants and the subsequent hostilities and gaza to another latin american country chalet has also endorsed to the investigation of possible war crimes in gaza. israel is not a member of the international criminal court and thus does not recognize its jurisdiction. the icy seas prosecutor, though has dressed as court, has authority over potential war crimes carried out in the enclave. well, this comes after israel faced another investigation last week by the international court of justice. south africa presented a case alleging israel, which is committing genocide in god's absence as well, denies the charges and claims as actions. and guys are self defense. rational lawyers say the i c. j decision could be expected in february. all right,
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let's cost live now to political analyst, ramiro's union is ramiro, what is the overall political sentiment regarding the growing calls for israel as accountability? what did the recent calls from the 3 latin american countries added to the matter of the 3 calls from the latin american countries against israel signals that a multi polar world order is rising against the monopoly of power. that the us, the, you can is real, have over the suman rights and human development. industrial complex, the i, c, c, the i, c j. i just want to briefly give some of the important history relates to israel and latin america because many people think of israel as only committing crimes against the palestinians. but we have to remember that during the 1970s, under the dictatorship of whose stuff you know to and she lay the is really government was arming, training and funding, you know, shows, dictatorship and me cut out why during the 1980s,
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not only the united states but also israel was financing and training the contracts which were fighting against the democratically elected government of you cut out why, which was against the us government. and it's also important to recognize that during the 19 seventy's and eighty's, israel aided and supported the south african apartheid regime. and this is important to know because there are so many countries in the global south like me, that i was like, she left like south africa and also mexico that have very long and dark histories of is really involvement that are not really talked about. and now these countries with the rising multiple, their world order, with the ascendancy of russia, china, you, ron, and powers that are not beholden to western imperialism. now you have countries are able to speak their voice. this is something very unique in history. this has not happened to before, and this has things to the rising multi polar world order, the monopoly of power that the i, c, c in the i, c, j have over water affairs,
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is declining in terms of the wes. now they're still operating within these organisms. we know that the i, c, c is not necessarily the best friend of the global south community. we know that the i c. c, attempt to, to place an arrest warrant and put in an 2023 illegally over the special operation ukraine. and also has been use against african leaders, but other signals that something positive is happening. ramiro, israel claims that it is waging a warrant, dies in accordance with international humanitarian law. how do you view this issue from a human rights perspective? for from a human rights perspective, it's completely of noxious to even claim that this is a battle for defense or for human rights. we see that over 24000 palestinians have been brutally murdered. and in a way that it's horrible that is equivalent to a genocide and you see these videos, these took talk videos of idea of soldiers going into schools and gaza crossing out
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the arabic script crossing now the past and even flag and saying things like, now we're going to teach cheaper here. now we're going to move in and this is an ethic based conflict. this is a genocide of the past and in our community and 24000 people more have been murdered families, babies. and think about this psychological trauma. that is, this is inflicting on those young children. what israel is doing is a genocide, a massacre policy and even people. and i think the spell is over, people are seeing that the us, the united kingdom, israel, the powers that have maintained control over these institutions. no longer have the same equal voice and the same group of power over these groups. and now countries like south africa, like mexico, like sheila, like me that i was, which historically have not have the power. now are speaking up and rising up and saying, look what your saying is complete hypocrisy your carrying out genocide and the
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world is seeing that maybe 1020 years ago. people would not fault would fall for this and say, you know, israel is right and they would defend their defending their human rights. but i think now we're seeing a rising opposition to this and rising voices as we see this burgeoning multi foldable order that is beneficial. for authentic today, romero know western countries though has voice to support for south africa's accusations against israel. why do you think that is? and the reason major western powers have not fully support for south africa is because so many of these western powers are deeply entrenched and tied with ease. as really banking industry. the is really military industrial complex. it's important to note that israel is one of the largest suppliers of military equipment around the world to countries, especially when we're talking about spyware. israel is home to the pharmaceutical industry. it's the military industrial complex, even though it is a small, quote, unquote nation. it is still responsible for
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a lot of overseas trade. it is very invested in the international banking system and it benefits the western countries, not the people of the western countries, but the governments, the corporations, be the democrats in the united states. for example, have so many investments in israel, and they need to maintain that is real in order to maintain that profits and so maintain their monopoly of power. and so the reason that they are defending israel and not calling out israel for its genocide is simply out of personal interest. and i'll wait till the team or dominance in the region because once is real, is no longer wheels. that power, once the global self countries are able to have more weight, i'm going to table as we're seeing now, then their order is pretty much finished. all right, political analysts, for america, and as for marrow, thank you. thank you. the well over the week $21.00 ukrainian soldiers surrendered to russian forces that's according to the russian defense ministry,
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are to senior correspondent ra goes. they have spoke to 3 fighters captured during the conflict a do is sold by russian troops. they take the premiums by surprise. these is the netscape gade scouts squad as the full you paid in. so just choose to surrender that saved their lives. they are now safe, fed and will fall from the front lines. 3 of them agreed to speak with us move the frequency t. there was an assault on our position, was resting, then 2 of us stand watch well to rest. we did put up a little resistance, but then realized that was pointless. grenade started flying and there was no
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points anymore. so we surrendered. why does your daughter have windows? because it would tell me, were you afraid of surrendering? can you of course, jump to the west, why were you afraid of guns or if they told us we would be tortured and beaten before the decision? but the reality, it is the opposite across con, told you that they set so on the news the or the will of these ukrainian soldiers, all mobilized troops pressed into service against the will. there was no, infuse, he has them among them. no true gift commodities in your book on the other below. if she interior i will explain the toy store. i didn't want this at all. i was perfectly content with civilian life periods i had, i would say i wanted. they say you fight for money,
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but what good does that do me to point we were, what are the soldiers say, what's it or full? when you come when you love the grandchildren, i'm assuming you come when you're not. no one wants this. it leads to out, it's sold, pointless, and when you come when you're wrong, is that your opinion? well, the general opinion was like, do my bill took a, made me think self, not just me. it makes it and it's useless so many of dying. and i just don't understand why they describe a bleak picture. recreate in troops demoralized they claim more and more refused to fight. but you didn't repeat what, but you losses and protected one of them and say we lost many killed and wounded for 3. so that is something so i'm not sure what percentage and they're gonna probably 70 percent. maybe more. i charge it before the so just
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say about the tools and issue her phone. nothing good. lead time. yes. the so the everyone is sick of this war. it's all pointless. is there any idea logical fights is left for you? of i know, i don't know a single one at all. no one, no, for independence for bundle. no. put it in your book or there was any of that. i matched. there was some at the beginning, but not anymore. they've run out. the testimony explains recent statements by you creating an officials cools for to, to mobilize ation, demands for europe to the ports, ukrainian, refugees, of military age, and the unwilling army. that doesn't know what it's fighting for. charles bush does . do you feel like you defend the do crate thing? it's not really mitchell, one of the store courtesy. so then what did so many ukrainians,
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if you hundreds of thousands, died for that and i don't know my building the money up there, i don't know anymore. these men are lucky. this is a happy ending. as far as will goes in the heat of combat. it is not always possible to surrender 3, have families and young children who now will get to see the fathers again. or i guess, do you have all the, from the guns, the people's republic. last, once a new deal with israel, that would say a prisoner swap, and a lasting truce as, according to senior guys, an official by some name, who spoke with us exclusively here in moscow on friday. well, it is a great pleasure to have joining us here in the russian capital today. dr. bye same name, but you are
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a member of the how i'm us political bureau in gaza joining us here in the russian capital. i. i like to say very well welcome, and i'm so grateful for your time today. i'm so grateful for you to come in and speak to us here at the international it's it's, it's almost difficult to imagine. we're past 100 days now. office conflicting gaza . a lot of people didn't think it would go on this long, even more people didn't think it could prove to be as shocking as to what we've seen now for the past few months. gaza northern gaza is basically in ruin. people who were told to flee to the south ended up getting caught up in bombs as well. so we'll get to the future of guys are in just a moment, but i just want to kick off our discussion just from a russian point of view. we understand that the russian foreign minister, we did send a list of 8 russians to hum us who may be among the hostages taken in israel. did you have any information you can share with us regarding these 8 possible russian
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hostages? we have received today in the meeting of the minister of foreign affairs, the name of a list of themes, of some of the russian citizens for the nationalities progression on this slide is, uh we, um, i need to convey this message to a lot of uh, brothers and leaders and goes up because it is extremely difficult now to give any informations because of this very complicated situation on the ground. uh, but we have in the 1st attempt to reach is east 5th. we have exhibited a lot of efforts to respond to the russian calls, especially from president wilton to release some of the russian hostages in does the and we have also, did the clear, did you want to clarify how complicated this is the original integral of distance
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to the, as you have seen, the, the northern part of it goes to is totally destroyed and the, the west of the sofa. but this also is under attack most of the time, therefore to move to seats for the capture to sort of joes or hostages is extremely serious and dangerous because of the continuous of environment this uh, caption. mostly. so jones are in the hands of different groups in different places . and you have seen that stephen does. so he that tempts the will to relieves these hostages have cost the life of loss. but isn't those because again, it is, you're talking about a very complicated and a very serious and dangerous situation on the ground. it is a very competitive, very serious and dangerous situation on the ground. that is how mass actively
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trying to get these russian hostages back. sure, we have from the, the one say that clearly the, especially when we are talking about civilians, men or women, we are ready to release them immediately as long as we can reach a seas fail so that we are able to move around to seats for the capture of the people and to be sure that we can release them and safely and secure them and those of you took them out of the seas far as i, as i understand there be no new ceasefire agreements since november of last year. what are your times for new sci fi? would you tell us that we have booked a lot of proposals and the from different mediators, categories, egyptians about it's important to cease fav, a diesel node experience with the 1st ccf, which has been violated by this. so he has
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a total events. when it comes 1st to the humidity of an 8, we're not able to send the need a few minutes here and it to the northern parts of guys that they have looked at when it comes to sorting, killing philistines, you wouldn't, this is for you. and also when it comes to be committed to the conditions or to the names of the list of people as teen and businesses, women and children on definitely the side to release them based on our list. unfortunately they have, they will not, they have not committed to or is that the only thing that is real keeps violating the terms of any potential ceasefire uses when it comes to the terms that you offer . yes, the 2nd piece was we are looking for a fine on it to turn the comprehensive seats. 5th. is that is, is that a 5? is how much looking for an it is? yes, this is what we are looking for. which kind of low to open the boat does to live the seized on know the aid to get in to goes up to the school. the rest of.


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