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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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is what we're facing, which especially the is really our strikes, killed 5 military advisors to be a rainy and revolutionary guard poor in the syrian capital, damascus range. israel has gone as far as to create from us itself. yes, mazda has been financed by these really government. the top diplomat accuse is a, is really government of creating and sponsoring her modest to prevent formation of the palestinian state. the italian places water cannon and tear gas against protesters in the countries north
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and during a pro palestinian protest. and a senior hamas official exclusively tells r t. the guys and militant group backs calls from the un for a lasting truth and a new for their thump piece with isabel. we are looking for a final total comprehensive seas for you, which can a lot to open the voters to live the fees on know the a to initiate the launch and vision of exchange the live in moscow. you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble. we start in syria, we're 5 rainy and military advisors had been killed in a strike on damascus. saturday, conducted by is rarely forces a residential building and reportedly collapse after that, or striking with explosions or heard across the syrian capital as well. has bombed
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targets inside the neighboring country with increasing frequency. since october, 7th, emergency workers are clearing the rubble at the side of the strike will say they were terrified by the there are people still under the rubble. there are people screaming for their loved ones. what did they do? so the sound of the bombing was very strong, and the house shut from a side to side that it could, it's been brought by and i've known what we saw was far at all is really totally written down nice house on the residential building. the bodies on the ground destroyed cars, what seemed it will commit to die like this. as a villain, independent investigative journalist from damascus says this attack is another example of civilians falling victim too, is really aggression. you know, just says, even though israel will claim that this is the target as far as the nation, it has claimed the lives as far as i understand of terry and civilian so just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. what is sadly happening since
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the jennifer, i didn't go as a begun postal type of the 7 g u. s. has to be held responsible because have the u . s. at that point, not to be tied a ceasefire. none of this escalation would have happened, including in the red sea, including in syria because had people come about in gauze, or there had been some negotiating solution, none of the countries that are supporting or trying to prevent it. so genocide in casa, would have responded in this way, and not, of course, includes in southern lebanon, as well as now taking out a ground invasion into southern lebanon, which then brings escalation into loving. and also, i wish my son also include syria. so the escalation is going ahead, we just were kind of preparing ourselves for it here and everybody feels that it's impossible to stop it right now. the use top diplomat, joseph beretta,
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has accused the israeli government of helping to create and sponsor hum us and slam prime minister netanyahu for not supporting a 2 state solution, a device israel by continuing to reject the solution has gone as far as to create some us itself the most and yes, miles has been financed by these really government and tried to undermine the palestinian authority of fetch help. and if we don't intervene strongly the spiral of hate and violence will continue from generation to generation from a funeral to a funeral. when the seeds of heat that are being sold in garza today growing in barrels comments came to say is before you, foreign ministers are scheduled to host the israel a foreign minister in brussels on monday claims that netanyahu's government has provided funding tomas, including by allowing guitar financing of gaza has been circulating long or 5 years
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where, like the patients for the government strongly push them back against cornell comments . but then yahoo had this to say in 2019 the go club, or anyone who wants to prevent these tablet. spence, of a posting on state, needs to support strengthening, come us always so to eliza magneer, a veteran war journalist and protocol analyst who explains that netanyahu never supported a 2 state solution, and is using the war against a mazda stay in power as prime minister. these really, governments cannot achieve the desired objectives and they cannot stop the rule because that means the failure and the for all being, i mean that then you know, and to be put in front of these mistakes on the 7th of october that took place. and there he's watch, he's not capable of defeating him, us. and the only person that are freed all the one can buy these really occupation forces in gaza. and he come to really anything but to continue the whole hoping
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that something can pull from this guy or something can happen to change the course of events. because as a closer to event, all going to she doesn't have any solution. really. the positional is right, is exactly what be here means that then yeah, it will say old amount of committed lives are what not to give the police to unions estate. so what that does that for right say, is not completing the sentence when been yeah, mean that then, you know, said he wanted to support him, us is only to weaken the philistine and the state and we can move the bus and for him us. and for that to fight one another. and this is why and that then yeah. who said in the last days, i am know they love me. the from us has done all that she has done in god's uh and we were controlled it. of course, he's not capable of controlling because he's army has faith to the team. any of the state objectives, to alter by guys,
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to the fee come us. and to free the president's last alonzo new deal with israel, that would say a prisoner swap, and a lasting truce as, according to senior guns and official by some name, who spoke with us to explicitly be here in moscow. on friday, there's a preview of the interview will be showing later on air and online in full. we have booked a lot of proposals and from different mediators, categories. egyptians about it's important to cease fav. and based on our experience with the 1st ccf, which has been violated by this, so he has a total events. when it comes 1st to the humidity in an 8, we were not able to send the need a few minutes in it to the northern part of goes to have they have looked at when it comes to shore. think i'm coming from the scene as you want them to cease for you. and also when it comes to be committed to the conditions or to the names of
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the list of for the scene and present those women and children on this. when you decide to release them based on our list. unfortunately they have, they will not, they have not committed to so your saying that israel keeps violating the terms of any potential ceasefire when it, when it comes to the terms that you offer. yes, the 2nd the dish was we are looking for a fine on it. totally comprehensive. cease phase is that is, is that a 5 is how much looking for an it is? yes, this is what we are looking for. which kind of low to open the boat does to live the seized on know the 8 to get into guys, up to the school. better stuff to been city minneapolis team as auto todd of ink and the see the blue kid. i'm finally to initiate the lounge and there is another exchange intel in protesters have clashed with place in the countries north as locals, and gathered to voice their support for palestine and against israel. the demonstrators were subdued with water cannons, and tear gas,
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or the in the northern italy, in the city of the sends, the people gathered for a rally and brandished banners sane and free, palest time. police in riot gear, rush the crowd with the tons and shields bidding, some of them. italy hasn't delivered any weapons as well since october 7th, the country is democratic, party leader is demanding to stop them. now we must face the issue of avoidance of fuel. this conflict of avoiding sense and exposing us to conflicts to the conflict in the middle east, in this case, particularly to israel because we can not to risk weapons being used to commit to what would be considered as well crimes. since the war began to have such
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a deposit, all shipments of weapon systems, old, military, material of any kind and so slain, talks about things that do not exist. it's buell propaganda. the democratic party should be by the influence. meanwhile, in london, the thousands have taken to the straits to express their support for gaza. demonstrators could be seen carrying palestinian flags and placards with pro palestinian slogans also choosing as well of committing genocide. we spoke to a local activist on reporting a supposedly most scenario. tell him that scenario with the large manufacture population, which is that one of the poor as far as a 100 and in the shadow of the skyscraper city of london, is being lost a day with 3 or 4000 people uh, through this area and a great mixture from the local nation and from other communities and in
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many different this was initially talking to take the costs of the i'm good, it's high as ever in britain, the last pay on january the 10th in britain, on the question of receipts of orange also showed 71 percent in favor of a ceasefire. opposed to the media to go to police police in england and the britain, the main policies, and what the country ones are. protesters also took to the streets in northern israel, where locals were seen, scuffling with police. the of hundreds of israelis gathered for an anti war protest. police officers tried to
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remove banners held by the protesters. locals con, for an immediate cease fire in gaza and with the return of hostages. the bigger aqua is set to file a case against israel and the international court of justice. calling for the prevention of genocide and gaza on that shortly after mexico, as the international criminal court to investigate reported is rarely crimes. the referral is due to the growing concerned over the latest escalation of violence, particularly against civilian targets. and the alleged continued commission of crimes under the court's jurisdiction, specifically since the october 7th, 2023 attacked carried out by her most militants and the subsequent hostilities in gaza and other latin american country, till a has also endorse to the investigation of possible war crimes. in gaza, israel is not a member of the international criminal court and thus does not recognize as jurisdiction. the i. c. c's prosecutor, though, has dressed as court,
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has authority over a potential war crimes carried out in the enclave. well, this comes after as well, face another investigation last week by the international court of justice. south africa presented a case alleging israel is committing genocide in guys. of israel did not have the charges and claims its actions. and guys that are self defense. international lawyers say that i see g, i c j division. it couldn't be expected in february. the analyst romero who now says the emerging that nations calls for israel's accountability is unprecedented. from a human rights perspective, it's completely of noxious to even claim that this is a battle for defense or for human rights. we see that over 24000 palestinians have been brutally murdered. there's so many countries in the global south like me, but i like to live like south africa and also mexico that have very long and dark histories of is really involved in that, that are not really talked about. and now these countries with the rising multiple,
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their world order, with the ascendancy of russia, china, you, ron, and powers that are not beholden to western imperialism. now you have countries are able to speak their voice. this has something very unique in history. this has not happened before, and this has things to be rising, multi followed order. the monopoly of power that the i c, c and the i think you have over water fairs is declining in terms of the west. now they're still operating within these organisms. we know that the i c, c is not necessarily the best friend of the global solved community, but other signals that something positive is happening. major shipping companies have suspended traffic on the red sea roots that some of the us led mission in these waters that has seen who the attacks on commercial vessels increase one transport companies. so the situation on the sea water in that is explosive. the situation in and around the red sea gulf of aidan is deeply volatile with all
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available intelligence at hand, confirmed that the security risk continues to be at a significantly high level due to the continuing situation. we will stop booking acceptance to end from berber code data, aiden effective immediately. we understand the potential impact this may have on your logistics operations. but please rest assured that all decisions have been carefully considered for an estimated 15 percent of the world's shipping traffic passes through the red sea on route to the suez canal. is the shortest shipping route between europe and asia. the alternative passage to the cape of good hope is almost 40 percent longer and considerably more expensive. i mean, are you an economic policy analyst so to the attacks in support of palestine could affect the global markets. and the reason they're saying so far is to that they're, they're being this for, for the, for the, what's going on. he goes there and they're supposed to be seeing the discipline have on the, on the global shipping business industry. we from the prices,
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i'm sure that it will actually also touch the with the girl at the same time and between events are originally calling me such as the economy easier, which actually counts a lot during the soonest canal. uh for a while it's economy. so it's going to be to invest long term, and it's also short term, it might have an impact on the original economies. italy's high court has ruled that the sashes to salute, also known as a roman salute, is legal unless it threatens public order or risk surviving the countries outlined fascist party 2 laws were adopted. post world war 2, that band promoting passes propaganda or pursuing fascist movements as well as racist violence and hate speech. of the decision of the conversation, quotes establishes that the roman salute is not a crime unless there is
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a concrete danger of the restoration of the freshest party. as provided for by optical 5 of the show below. or unless used in racial discrimination or to inside violence as provided for by dimension a little after the 2nd world war, some things where universally obvious, the nazis with the bad guys and the russians made by far the greatest sacrifice leading to their defeat. but since the beginning of the conflict and ukraine now seems to nazis on the right deal that you were just well misunderstood. and remarkably in italy, a court has now ruled at the fascist salute, is no longer a bad thing either. you can even get yourself a calendar commemorating ill do chase favor black shirts. wanted to pay a walsh to the man who participated in those events with the complete awareness of serving their country honoring to always take him both before and after september 8 . 1943, the same, the same heroes. we know that there is
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a pro fish minority which wants to rewrite the history of physically. we must never forget the war. criminal generals who were never tried. what is tried, never convicted, or even is convicted, never went to jail. otherwise you're including the new telling me with an army of so low. of course the revisionists view of fascism and fire, right. nationalism isn't limited to italy in 2024. fascism is ugly face is re emerging in spain, co aisha book area and finland. and it's hardly surprising that it's getting harder to suppress these displays. when the collective west has turned a blind eye to cranes, well documented, not a problem, even voting against binding hits promotion at the un. i suppose when you're funding an army nazi militias in one country, it's easy to look the other way when it comes to another. the
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so as we faced into a momentous, 2024. that seems the west has conveniently decided to forget the horrors visited on by fascism all in the scramble to demonize, the new bohemia and russia, the very country that sacrificed most to defeat it. we also shouldn't forget the pre war images of the british royals, and even the football team raising their arms to salute the nazis or the safe haven many mass killers found in the west after the war. it seems that when it comes to fascism, the western russia, the enemy of my enemy is indeed my friend. italy in a war correspondent under allergy says, italy has not addressed the memory of fascism and this is a problem. this the sun dense of the supreme court vitale,
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it's a shame 4 or italian. so i'm, i'm frustrating the words that are not a good policy of memory about the meaning of the car fisma the meaning goes with the facts you sierra and uh, what's happened during this time. and of course, this is a problem for our collective memory. 4030 and collective memories because some who quoted took part this like now the party of georgia maloney have he has a history in the bus as a part of these mail flashes moving meant the name was a movie, meant also charlie leah and we thought in such a mobile moment. okay. and uh, unfortunately a lot of them, a lot of the old generation of what we thought and for the phones, the, to these perspective. i think the best in this time, in this moment, the,
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for the history of a funeral fund for the city of the wars such problems about it started. you started coming memory just if you can after i can bring something to the public opinion and the politics and venture of vento swayed again. the holly state civilians had been injured and the light is showing in gulf caught in the nest region overnight with civilian buildings hit our t correspondence states when he brings us more detail. at least 8 civilians have been wounded in the latest attack on the city of gold laska, with heavy overnight shedding. according to the local authorities, a mixture of gravel kits, and the 155 minutes rid of me to western supplied a weapon to use, including the internationally find a caustic munitions among those wanting to be included. a power medic who is on the same, attending to victims of the attack when a 2nd shedding or code what we call
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a double top attack. now, also, ortiz have also issued a warning, urging the citizens of gold to remain vigilant, to look out for the remnants of the costing munitions which often they buried. and they can light babies. and i'm seeing a often for a very, very long time for years causing a stream danger to the civilians in the local area. as you can see from the footage, these with civilian buildings, residential buildings that were targeted, including a vocational sense of how this comes in the context of the password for ab, do you have good that continues to raise? you can probably hear actually overhead. maybe you can hear the shedding this continue waving, donate city right now. the ad defenses of course, are working to keep the staging site. we did just have a very loud bloss as we came to a very close by waiting to see what happened there. but the continued supply of
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western weapons, particularly from breast, an impromptu of recently pledged continued support to ukraine. you can hear me get into another very loud prost and it is the civilian areas that continue to suffer the relentless attacks this, these really faulty and don't yet city cranes, counter offensive hasn't been successful for kids, but has been for russia that's according to the russian foreign ministry spokesman, very as a harv, i responded to his statements by the ukranian presidents, chief of staff who called it's counter offensive, quite successful given the circumstances. the expectations must match opportunities and given the opportunities provided the counter offer sensitive was quite successful. kia still has high hopes for help from the united states and your russian president, vladimir putin has pronounced the january counter offensive by ukrainian armed forces, a complete and absolute failure. numbers tell the story of kids and massive personnel and weapons losses during the operation. according to the russian defense ministry
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chief and moscow has repeatedly stressed that ukraine and she know significant results. meanwhile, main stream media has been signaling the west and ukraine are looking for new strategies after the counter offensive. disappointing results. as government officials expressed doubts about cabinets of prospects. alexander markovich had of this of our, of the institute says ukraine will consider the counter offensive as like success to have something to show publicly to the nation. she has to consider it as success because otherwise you wouldn't be able to keep up with the morales inside ukrainian army, which is actually highly demoralized after the savior of the reasons condo fences. so yeah, so this search has some kind of public relations with cherry, which is of course, um only a virtual endeavor,
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but not based on reality. and therefore he has to somehow mask this video to the sugar coated in order to sell it to the ukranian population. which um was supports just actually waiting in the face of the car in the states against the russian army . so i guess maybe we will see you some times off. um who did tops for us. um you to me in 2024. when the ukrainian ceased of propaganda. no longer able to convince the army that it's actually um, that it makes sense to continue to fight against pressing the nato baltic members have announced plans to fortify their borders with russia and beller, is by building bunkers to repel what they call a possible aggression. well that's, that's like the us led block itself recently expanding to include finland on moscow says it has no fights to pick with the western alliance. and by jane has also found itself on the receiving end of similar erotic claims with an 8 or chief accusing
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china of moving closer to the north atlantic block in asia. a sign of the heavy investments in a modern military capabilities, including more, a more advanced nuclear weapons. and a china also a way of behavior, especially in the south china sea and the way and china is actually violating core principles. the for nice to see that the role and the we also have to understand that this is all about nathan moving into a show. but this, the about the fact that shined light is coming closer. those, of course, need to has to address what happens in a saw. uh nope, because we order a global security lines about the close to accomplish their muscles and vice versa . as the north atlantic treaty organization continues to expand its rates into the far east of brussels seems a bit overly concerned about some apparently aggressive chinese behavior in the
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south china sea. it's a bit strange because nato has troops stationed in taiwan, which is let's not forget, a part of china itself. makes you wonder who is the real threat here, especially when beijing is the one calling to refrain from military activities. had an end to the finger pointing from nato's american overlords. we asked us to stop misleading, international public opinion with false narratives to strictly control and restrain from the line military activities and reframe from any provocative actions. more recently, a chinese delegation to washington again calls on the us to stop provoking beijing around taiwan. the whole situation bears a stark resemblance to the way rushes military operation in ukraine went down. according to the west, russia was the aggressor from the beginning. no matter how many nato countries were propped up on its border over the years, the 1st interest in the went toward against the drain, with the the cleared aim to get less, nate, he's getting the exact opposite is getting more ne,
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depressing as an eastern part of the lines on who's getting to new members or with the scene on sweden, no mention of nato's broken promise not to expand past. it's 1991 borders or it's steady military build up over the years as opposed to the new email of the nato military blog has increased its overall activity dramatically of late. i'm not sure i'm going considerable forces and resources from the united states. they should have been reading employees to a board including aircraft juice, and that's the number of nathan troops in eastern and central europe that need some hesitancy. let me remind you of what we all know in the 1990 ones that they promised we go over to no, no, not an institution. well, here we are, the ones that this is the kind of important is they, are they shamelessly lied in their treatment. don't at the same time, sugarloaf is no longer hiding its aggressive nature behind defensive rhetoric. oh, i was told years ago it was not a military luck, but a political organization. and last time i checked, the 5 were still in the targeting the same time as i said,
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the aggressive nature of the blog is not being hit us policy doctor, and let's at least spell out it's claims to globally, to be honest. again, yes, i've got this that you with continual nato expansion in the far east and no sign of the west giving up on taiwan separatism, calling china and aggressor looks like another classic case of the west gas lighting. everyone who doesn't agree with them. entertained goodness senior fellow of the type, the institute told us the needle cheeks words shouldn't be regarded as his position since the block is essentially a washington, oregon. they've taken on partnership organizations. they've been invited in japan and south korea is extra busy. there's any, are, you know, kind of a creeping way of changing the status. quote mister fines is unclear though. the john stolen very actually represents any constituency within the united states. there's no the issue here really are side us academy. the fact that the taiwan is one card along with sion. jones. yeah, the hong kong,
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also uh, 2 beds, south china seas where the u. s. is trying to distract a china from its economic progress by inserting these kind of military concerns. it's a game that the us just played a many times before we called back in the seventy's or did this exact same thing with japan, although less on the military side. this isn't a bit of an attempt to contain china because the u. s. is concerned, as us young china trade grows. this becomes a competitive threat to the u. s. and the u. s. will react against anything. military, political, or economic that is, sees as a threat to a to generate pertain to foster security forces have been actively working to dismantle a network of foreign funded individuals report only attempting to destabilize the country according to.


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