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tv   Documentary  RT  January 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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comes 1st to the 8. we will not be able to send the need a few minutes in it to the northern part of guys that they have looked at when it comes to shore. think i'm coming from the scene as you're doing this for you. and also when it comes to be committed to the conditions or to the names of the list of people as teen and businesses, women and children on definitely the side to release them based on our list. unfortunately they have, they will not, they have not committed to all that. the only thing that is real keeps violating the terms of any potential ceasefire. yes, when it comes to the terms that you offer? yes, the 2nd piece was we are looking for a fine on it to turn the comprehensive seats. 5th. is that is, is that a 5 is how much looking for it is? yes, this is what we are looking for. which kind of low to open the voters to live the seized on know the aid to get in to goes up to the school. the rest of 2300000 busting as auto starving under the see the blue kid and finally,
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to initiate or to launch and vision of exchange. all you're seeing. i know you, you, you said that israel is basically violating a top proposals of any c spot procedure in the international community, particularly the g 7 community might disagree with you on that. you've seen, for example, various western politicians will also free the former u. k. prime minister data camera and he's come out on television. well, 1st of all, he's very happy to bomb the, the who, the is one of the poorest countries in the world. but you have these g 7 countries . well, the traditional supporters of israel and this and perhaps the heavy weight plays in the united nations as well. we'll, we'll get to that in just a moment. i wanted to ask you, as you well know, pretoria south africa is dragging israel into the international court of justice on the basically claims and allegations of genocide. indonesia is now finding a separate case mexico and truly are asking as well for another investigation.
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slovenia has even said that it's open to supporting such an investigation. if indeed, israel is pulled into a number of different cases, whether it is the i, c, j, all the i, c, c is hum us also prepared to take the pulpit to stand up and one of these quotes and also on. so for what have been the death of people in israel for the kids. the toilet this time in 2008 in 2012, 20142021. we have old was we'll come to an international investigation comedy to come to guys or to punish time to investigate the case. and we have called but it did with own comb with is which visit that goes up. the most famous one is the boldest on the report is to, to 2008, which was based on, on our cooperation at that time. but in all cases, by saying how old was it refused to uh,
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to go over it or to allow this investigation committee to come to us by you and to uh, to book the keys. what to ask them about the even 7 adults at the deal. this the, this one we are always were coming to an international uh, investigation. comedy is how much the amazon cool and yes, we are with the tool to tapes, accountability for our goals. but we are short of, of, but one thing that we are people under the commission, we are looking for a lot of freedom and dignity and independence. and so, so, so we're not the, the right over at the end of all the people who has been displaced forcefully. excuse me, 3 and 4 date. we are not fighting or struggling against you. so what does them we are fighting only against that, your patient, and therefore, we are sure we wouldn't, wouldn't the case. i mean, you know, i think you bring up a good point. so you'd about to the 1967 maps you can see since then quite clearly
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who has been expanding the board as you can see who has been developing more settlements. you can see it very clearly. and some of the palestinian officials that i've spoken to over the years have described ga 0 and that part of the world. basically the tang clave as, as they've described it as a piece of cheese that every year this piece of cheese gets smaller and smaller and smaller on the palestinians have very little left to negotiate over. an israel continues to develop more several months. it's, it's, it's very wiring what we're seeing here now because it looks like we're not seeing any de escalation. so whether it's the idea of campaigns across concept, whether it's southern g 7 countries like america in the u. k. bombing yemen, as well. we're seeing, of course, the hezbollah conflict, bleeding over the lebanese, these really border as well. what about hezbollah? what about that regional border area? the way that have been cross border salvos? are you expecting?
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and i also know the israel has sent miss all is well over the border of the lebanese starch. i'm very well aware of that, but are you expecting that front to particularly lift off? this is a very good question of us. i think we have to go back a little bit to the issue of the board of those. maybe a lot of your audience don't know that. so when with, when it was difficult and i was in 1949 as a member, fully member of state of the united nations. it was a difficult and i was without borders. and without constitutions, therefore, a lot of people asking about that a combination for so which is to ensure that openness, when the i think we're going to, is that i shall try now or for us. i'm going to been isaac good states, which is well defined with both of those with constitution it's identity. unfortunately, the site is the only country in the world, which is the vehicle denies. we'll talk more of those as well. that constitution. second, and i'm sure if you go back to all the, the official shut off on thought this from that seems to lie to extreme lift. you
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will never find anyone unless the lifting. you always say that clearly, who is that a cook and isaac, the light to for ballasting and state and nothing you all yesterday he said that clearly between the seat there will be no other political entity except the, except his wife. but when you know, when you hear a comment like that, does that worry you? because look where we stand today, it's almost like what's happening today works towards netanyahu's narrative that you just said to me. unfortunately, the international community have deal all the time with this way. and as a state above the little, the susan, i think for the look does is of international do you out of those of your shows, security concern, homeless count office was with us and none of this was a nuisance. have been implemented. i was, i why, why, here's the, how is it the world's global governing body has been inapt and unable to help with
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the enforcement of this, i think disclose. it has to be directed to the view on to the g 7, g, 20 to the western countries. who are they and i talking about the wisdom values of human lives, dignity and freedom, freedom, speech, all these big values. but at the same time when it comes to by this time the out, i don't think it totally different. i'm running a few people to at least almost. i didn't do you think it's a smoke screen when they use these words, you know, she went to rights and democracy and freedom. i mean, because it was almost like these. these are become dirty words. now, they don't really mean what they're supposed to mean, but they used by the political and the media establishments to paint that narratives. you want to know what i'm saying. i think it is, 1st of all the, any exchange of interest between the vendors to be on the list. and both those in is globally,
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is using jewels and joined them for his strategic project. and by this time and the wisdom but countries are using this project as an advanced k b's for data products in the, in the region. therefore, as long as this connected on this exchanged dentist, i'm sure we will continue to see this hypocrisy internationally. for example, the of america, new cave swans, other countries, germany, they are giving themselves a lot to bring all ships, all kinds of weapons, a lot of money to come to support dislike. but when whole field has what law is moving for the acting to support the scene of goals, then they are considered as doris. out of a lead things international or no of the state of bank or the escalating sort of
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undermining the security. what is this? it what is undermining the security and stability invasion? is the existence of that to a patient. and we all say that many times as long as the thing is, i'm not enjoying stability and security and prosperity, no one invasion and outside the region when enjoy stability and security and prosperity. therefore, the quote of all these issues, the quota for these problems is the existence with that your patient. yeah, you know, i keep hearing the worst impressed talking about these are who with these rebels? i like to call them. if you're a reuters, cnn bbc sky, they'll have to call them rebels on militants. you know, it's, it's, it's not the poorest country and the, well, the government has being the side of what many people have called for years now. the biggest manmade catastrophe in our history. and here we have the most powerful, the most prosperous, the richest nations in the world, with the biggest militarism the world, trying to bomb yemen, back to the stone ages. and yet what's human actually doing? what's the, the, who's he's actually doing here, this sanctioning the ships that are linked to israel and southern western countries
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. this sanctioning the ships passing through the red sea in a sense, just like america and all the g 7 countries have sanctioned all the countries in the world. oh, just for their own kind of ideology here. and so what the, who things are doing, by the way, it's having a big effect to them. i'm and talk to should all the ships and our re routing around the cape of good hope are on the, the, the, the, you know, the horn of africa. it's costing more insurance companies are dropping the policies with the ships. i mean, what the, who these are doing is having a big effect and i guess it is obviously because that's why you're getting such a reaction and out of these g 7 countries right now, because these companies use 7020, with all these big names, we are not considering the people of this area as people who are 0 and the lie to freedom and dignity and prosperity. they are looking at them as influence and resources. feeling goes, therefore again,
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we have said that many times, even when need to know benjamin get to know was able to convince a lot of the leaders around the world. but why to sort of the scene on his way to conflict. we can bypass the blessings and normalize the relationship directly with the ups and keep the scene of this is unintended unusual we, we will be able to deal with this. and we have say that many times before, because a lot of people asking us wyatt to most of them because we have seen it many times before. october 7th, as long as this fishes through gym and it's like lid by nothing yahoo and bing and fee and small dish as no. they have all the, the adopted, the so called if the solution plan, the center manager of the gnostic, the nazi time to, to take over the most lux, almost to do with does yours of them to and it's the whole was spent to separate goes up from the rest of the blessing a to to is and to them up to normalize the relationship with the ups without paying
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the price by sort of in the scene. that's the, that's not going to normalize relations just with the hours is what we have seen. the, the, the explosion is coming sooner or later to the months of time. and this explosion would be, be on the boat as a 1st time. but no one was really to here out of devices for years. we have 6 minutes on the meantime. i mean, like i get what you're saying to turn, i appreciate that. but there are some arab countries who have shown a certain reluctance to either get involved directly or indirectly, even even to taking risk. refugees from the united nations saying to 1000000 people who are now being displaced in gaza. is there a certain lack of compassion among any of the regional arab countries as to why they're not opening the doors and allowing refugees in i think. but i've seen as a not ready to leave. the house isn't homes in gaza on the width for the different pieces, but mainly we have the experience of being good if you g for 75 years and we know
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exactly what does it mean to be a few g in need of the countries or, or none out of the countries. how much of the blessing out of still suffering and to deep in this, in the consensus, tens of thousands of killed tens of thousands of killed. how many thousands at the time, it's 1940. if they have told us you are leaving for a few days, few weeks, few months and they will, but you will be able to attend. but i know we are living there for 75 years. therefore, we are not ready to leave our houses regardless of the open dable does or not. this they have declared the feed was at the beginning. the 1st one to crush from us sort of the resistance of the 2nd one to disclose. 2 medium policy is also the goes to the fund $2.00 to $3.00, the caption. so just and from the one we have said, but a cnn will not leave the for this,
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we have dropped on the bus team. and because the more than 70000 kilogram of except blue, how many times is have a, how many this is this is that around? save it. 15 kilogram bill. what home is that took to stay for? so when you talk about palestinians who are not ready to leave, that's such little laugh, that's so much in room and talk to me about the rebuilding of gaza. how. how is that going to play out? who do you think will want to get involved from externally? what kind of external players will want to help to rebuild goss or, or is nothing you all going to say hands off. it belongs to israel. now we'll do with it. what we see fit to key, he is now attacking guns up for more than 105 days. and i think all the boxes inside this way outside this way, you have reached the of the, for the final conclusion that he have failed to tell me. and achieving i know if his gloves to crush from us all to displace the scene as forcefully or to the 3 of
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the soldiers by force. therefore, it is not the decision of anything. yeah. what will happen with garza? i mean, therefore, the day after that could be the day after nothing else could be a duty after anything but it is not the day after how much i am sure how much as part of the whole scene and speak to them. we'd be able to run goes up front to organize all the complicated organizations to build goes a but t r i have to mention because i feel the question why, but i've seen as i'm not leaving the house as a smart this 3 years ago. the finance minister of office like this, this month, it was, he said, but a scene as of 103 choices either to leave or to be killed or to live here or just lives and why, but a scene is not leaving because since that time we have say that and declared it loudly. we are giving him 2 choices,
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either to live here and dignity and freedom or today, and they can attend to. therefore, i don't think that i need people around or can, can be sourced it 1st and courageous. like the blessing of people to think of you've seen so much on a diety right now. i mean, so over the past week or 2 and, and beyond, especially recently the, we have seen, we've seen the biggest protests worldwide since well, before the iraq invasion of 2003. we've seen millions of people in not just as long as the countries, but countries world wide coming out to stand up to say no to the government. no, to israel support shows to with directly with the palestinians. and yet, with all these voices, with such strength in numbers, the still not having the desired effect. why have we still not got the see? so why is it only because israel one on your proposals for receipts for i always have mass. also saying no to is ro is ready proposals for a ceasefire. know, we have said that on was we are ready for the slip,
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but we are ready for the total final and comprehensive seas for you to end this aggression, to tally and to allow to own the aids to come in to goes up to release as a date or people until the bill goes again and then we can, the launch is an exchange or a business. next, choose dean on the business or phone for on board, but i've seen it, but as the most most i looked over the amount of children and women and it was early on 6 people. some of them know for most of the $45.00 using gym and then on the other hand, the $200.00 less than $150.00, it captured. so it is in the hands of those assess, therefore, we are accepting a new proposal, but we cannot accept unable to pause on, which is to put any for a few days or a few weeks then to launch the water again. again, i will repeat, well it's, it's, it's part of the rhetoric that you do here coming out of tennessee and you do here
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. so people saying that they all the chosen people. they are the exceptional ones that god's chosen people. and i think if anyone puts themselves on that pedestal, they're going to be asking for trouble, especially in that part of the world that has some of the most highly respected and worship religious artifacts anyway on our planet. um, excuse me, i wanted to ask you if i may, so without us funding how much longer for the harsh do you think israel to continue with his attacks and just essentially pounding gaza? how long could it continue without american funding? and how few days a few days look on the 2nd day of october, 7th for the leaders officially. political and military leaders run to america and europe to ask for help. how can you imagine, how can you imagine that the strongest argument there isn't? and one of the super fall of the notion of living with nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons,
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they were not able to fight against fuel 100000 barefoot square feet a fight, those very simple fighters with very simple connection because i think the defeat, they have experience in 2000 and october 7th, because showing that how for jobs of the symptom, how i don't know, the honestly i don't, i'm sort of the same time so that on the 2nd day, the run to europe and america to ask for him. uh, today we have said this many times if this thing is to boom, think about doing the civic in residential areas. but a lot of budgets, we are ready to fight for months and use against these tanks on the go on the, on the ground. all right, let me meantime
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a lot of america and i'm going to treat transfer planes. keep flying in a lot of new homage vehicles into israel because apparently apparently the home us 5 is all having a fair amount of luck with all p, jeez. rocket propelled grenades a taking out whether it's time. so all my personal carriers, i don't know the numbers. but i know that even over a month or 2 ago they were hundreds of israeli on the vehicles that were destroyed . german 1001000. this is riley and vehicle slash tying 1000 tons, bulldozers and i'm gonna take it tells you something about the follow up how or how i'm asked if you would talk to take me back to october. the 7th. and i wouldn't keep you from much longer, but i wanted to ask you, i've seen reports unconfirmed on, not the said that her mouse didn't know the outdoor music rave festival was happening across the board on his ready territory. did hom us know that music festival was happening or not? no, we didn't. but 1st of all, and how, how stupid,
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or how careless you are organizing such a huge music for us the phone near the borders of awards on this is again afflicting the autographs. this you are so auto done. i must, it shows some new methods at this time. the 2nd, the whole story of the music confessed to, from, has nothing to do with our operation because our operation is extended from the buffer to by tunnel. and this is that on for to can we does, this is not only above this, this, this if i and i can send you one can send to all your audience a lot of videos and they post. so the either the pods who confess that the uh, the have could the people in the, in the is that it is good. well, if i want to make sure that that very simple site does with collection, of course,
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kind of destroy and then thousands of colors and these huge areas, this is what i want it to us. so that's why i ask you this question. talk to thank you and i'm sorry for jumping it, but this is important. all right, so how my us had a number of a number of 5, those on these powered power shoot things. i don't know what the power shall i what it like the power. glad is right. they had, i guess they had a case or collection of calls to have machine guns. right. but of the pictures off to what happened at the festival. useful dozens, if not hundreds of cars incinerated. and i don't know how much fine it was with collection of coughs can incinerator hundreds of cause. who did that? how did that happen? was it fi a pallet from us, or was it from israel? do you know, it is already behind us audits and other so he didn't use outlets have proven that and we have visuals over so he lives also the, the offices top that we have at that this house is one of these areas by tons based on the so called honey, but the doctor and that's right, the hannibal,
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doctor, honeywell looked at me, is that so either army give, they give themselves the light to destroy any area where they're out of a city this or just sort of. so he was captured or, and killing the cultural and the cultural, even the slightest or so do you know how old as cause we're incinerated, was apache helicopters, know of the biologists by jets. my here riley, just leadership is really just struck because it would pop at these music festival . so you just say the tense. see this actually really conflicts with the west and narrative is coming out of all the west of main streams. they said that a mass did all of that. no, this is not, it is not that was done another to it is the propaganda of this what you adopted by the ministry media. but if anyone see of snow or all the social media or, or the websites talking about these stories you, they will, you will find videos clearly talking. i mean, honestly, you know, if,
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if i was talking about how he killed the english children and civilians in some houses by time, i've seen these reports. i have seen these report unconfirmed, but i've seen people saying these things just quickly. so before i let you go, when october, the 7th kicked off the reports that came up pretty quickly saying that cairo had been warning tele v for 2 months. before october, the 7th, cairo allegedly had warned israel that an unprecedented attack of some sort was coming. and when you think about that, if indeed that's true, and i do think it is true, i think cairo intelligence was on the bold. i think they did. one is real well in advance, but how is it that most side, and one of the biggest minute trees in the world, one of the best intelligence agencies in the world can miss. what is the biggest attack in years? did they miss it? do you think? i think i have no explanation. no, but i think crystal, for the outcomes they will be leaving the, the, the,
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everything is under their control. second, they have under estimated a lot the capabilities of the resistance and the, the commitment of the or the resistance to do something to stop all these slated bullets is against georgia. them, i guess i left silence on. and lastly, we have totally ignored a lot of calls coming out of them. does that mean what they say that the beginning that if this is so easy but it says continue against the mosque. i love so most against you. what was it in the next session? plans the separation and stuff. ok, thing of goes up because it was for 7017 years under the suffocating seat sees that . cuz convinced that goes into the biggest open air prison. all these quotes have you to ignore the where they have deal with guys as the name of the farm are and
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they are controlling even what we are eat, what we drink, portrait, everything. yeah, yeah. i think most of the oldest toyota was the cause for this uh what with having to look over 7, talk to him before i let you go. um. the west impressed and the west and political establishment. when they told her about her boss and the military wing of her boss, they don't mean it's the words that are by the tongues. they have some very harsh rhetoric. and i think if you speak to an average mainstream news viewer in europe or america, they might have very strong things to say about some us, if you could say something. now, as we close our conversation here, if you could say something to the western audience and even the western political establishment, as you are a member of the most political bureau and god. so what would you say? and i give you 30 seconds, how much is a palace national athenian liberation movement. which is looking only for the
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dignity of freedom and self determination of the scene and people. according to the all the related international resolutions. the same name is a senior representative of a mass and a member of a mass political bureau and gaza joining us here at onto international. thank you so much for your time. thank you. for the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the numbers that you need use visa typically from here to nancy kim's in a book that probably then actually shifts me. but it gets to that the only showcase is genes. nathaniel. so who's going to the boys at the boys? the, the most name that'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that. i
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faxed them. but a notification that the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the is really a strike shields 5 that the radiant is lubbock, revolutionary god, call advisors in the syrian capital, damascus. israel has gone as far as to create from us itself. yes, come us has been financed by these really government use top different not accused as the ready governments of creating and sponsoring her boss to prevent the full nation of a palestinian states. 3 less in american countries requested international cult


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