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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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on, on the weight of the final independence, the is really astride kills 5. iranian is low. make revolutionary gas. co advices in the syrian capital, damascus, vice israel has gone as far as to create a mosque itself. yes, a moss has been financed by these really governments, they use something different. lots accuses these. are the governments of creating and sponsoring have us to prevents the formation of a palestinian states. also this solid, 3 locked in american countries, requests international court investigates before to these very crimes in gaza. the and it's only and police use will to come in and take off against protesters in the
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countries north jingle pro palestinian folks the and the to live from us studio. here we must go. you'll watching oxy, monday's pizza scouts with all the very latest this. they've always thought this hour in the syrian capital, damascus. why it's really false as killed 5 or any minute. your advice is in a strike on saturday, that's according to it runs is on a revolutionary golf cool. residential building reportedly collapsed after the strike. israel has had targets inside syria with increasing frequency since october the 7th. local say they were terrified by the that you must do. there are people still under the rebel? there are people screaming for their loved ones. what did they do? the sound of the bombing was very strong and the house shook from side to side. what we saw was har, he's really brutally written down nice house. on the residential building,
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there are bodies on the ground destroyed cars. what scene did we commit to die like this? that a vanessa bailey, who's a journalist in damascus, it says it wasn't just a brand new mill that your advice is caught up in the strike. you know, just says, even though israel will claim that this is the target as far as the nation, it has claimed the lives as far as i understand of survey and civilian so just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. what is sadly happening since the jennifer, i didn't go as a begun postal type of the 7 g u. s. has to be held responsible because have the u . s. at that point, not to be tied a ceasefire. none of this escalation would have happened including in the red c, including in syria because had people come about in gauze, or there had been some negotiating solution, none of the countries that are supporting or trying to prevent it. so genocide and garza would have responded in this way, and not, of course,
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includes in southern lebanon as well as now taking out a ground evasion in some spots. i'm loving and which then brings escalation into loving and also i wish my son also include syria. so the escalation is going ahead, we just were kind of preparing ourselves for it here. so everybody feels that it's impossible to stop it right now. staying in the beach and several us troops of money entries and one member of the iraqi security forces was badly wounded myself to that side on a military base in west and the rock used by us led coalition forces on saturday and us center combined. the says the, i'm outside the base of this fits by ballistic missiles and rockets, 5 by a rainy and bite militants from inside. iraq. it says most of the missiles waiting to set says there's some data at the base. the number of casualties, though, is yet to be confirmed, and since else make of the boy and gaza us,
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but that you in a rock has come under attack at least $58.00 times another $8.00 to $3.00 times. instead of you to use top different mats, use a brown has a ques, these rhetoric of men's, of helping to create and sponsor have must be also slum, and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu for not supporting a 2 state solution. yes, i see israel by continuing to reject the solution has gone as far as to create some us itself. yes, i'm us has been financed by these really government try to undermine the palestinian authority of federal if we don't intervene strongly the spiral of hate and violence will continue from generation to generation from funeral to funeral when the seeds of hate that are being sold in gaza today, grove, the comments comments you foreign ministers are scheduled to host these rarely foreign minister in brussels on monday. claims in espanol whose comments has provided funding to our boss, including by allowing could, sorry,
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financing of gauze that's been circulating for yes. is recommend, strongly pushed back against brows, comments, but that's me. i had this to say back in 2019. anyone who wants to prevent these tablet? spence of a posting on state needs to support strengthening come us area. we spoke to elijah magneer, who's a veteran wharton list of physical unless to explain that nothing yahoo is always opposed a 2 state solution. and this fighting a will you taught with these really, governments cannot achieve the desired objectives and they cannot stop the war because that means the fadia and the 4 i'll be, i mean that's and you know, i'm to be put in front of these mistakes on the 7th of october that took place and there he's watch, he's not capable of defeating him, us. and the only person that are afraid the other one can buy these really occupation forces in gaza. and he come to really anything but to continue the whole
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hoping that something can fall from this guy or something doesn't happen to change the course of events. because as the closer to event of going, he doesn't have any solution. really. the positional is right, is exactly what be here means that then yeah, i would say a whole month i'm interested in lives or what not to give the police to unions estate. so what does that for, right? saying he's not completing the sentence when been here. i mean that then, you know, said he wanted to support him, us is only to weaken the seeing in the state and we can mountain without bus. and for him us and foot doctor flight one another. and this is why and it then yeah, who said in the last days i am not a to allow me the i'm asked has done all that she has done in god's uh and we were confronted. of course, he's not capable of controlling because he's army has failed to achieve any of the
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stake objective to alter by guys up to the fee come us. and to free the president's nicaragua, it's set to fall the case against is valid international court of justice calling for the prevention of genocide in gaza, not gonna show you have to mexico as the international criminal court. also to investigate the legit. it's very crimes. the referral is due to the growing concerned over the latest escalation of violence, particularly against civilian targets. and the alleged continued commission of crimes under the court's jurisdiction. specifically, since the october 7th, 2023 attacked carried out by her most militants and the subsequent hostilities in gaza and other lots in american country. chile has also endorsed the investigation . now, isabel is not a member of the international criminal court. so it does not recognize as jurisdiction. yeah, i think he's prosecute to though how stressed his quotes has all sorts of potential war crimes that are carried out in the enclave. us, when this comes up to as well, faced another investigation last week by the international court of justice. south
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africa presented the case alleging israel is committing genocide in gaza. also, israel has denied the judges saying his actions in gaza all self defense of tubes. international lawyers say the i see j's decisions can be exploited in february is, is go on a list. romero fitness says the calls is very comfortable that they are precedents to ation of, from a human rights perspective. it's completely of noxious to even claim that this is a battle for defense or for human rights. we see that over 24000 palestinians have been brutally murdered. there are so many countries in the global south like me could i why like she left like south africa and also mexico that have very long and dark histories of is really involvement that are not really talked about. and now these countries with the rising multiple, their world order, with the ascendancy of russia, china, you, ron, and powers that are not beholden to western imperialism. now you have countries are able to speak their voice. this has something very unique in history. this has not
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happened before, and this has things to be rising multiple, the world order, the monopoly of power, the i, c, c and the i, c, j have over water affairs is declining in terms of the west. now they're still operating within these organisms. we know that the i c c is not necessarily the best friend of the global south community, but the signal is that something positive is happening. it's all the protesters have clashed with the police in the city of intense uh, in the north of the country. that says locals got the 2 voice that supports the palestine. the dentist date is wait, we'd want to come in and take us while arrived. please attempted to subdue the crowds. it's what it says. it hasn't delivered any weapons to israel since october
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the 7th. but it seems to be some confusion among the countries politicians as to whether that's really the case. we must phase the shift, avoidance of fuel this conflict, of avoid incense and exposing us to conflicts to the conflict in the middle east. in this case, particularly to israel, because we can not to risk weapons being used to can meet what could be considered as well. crimes. since the war began, perhaps this deposit of shipments of weapon systems, old, military material of any kind and so slain, talks about things that do not exist. it's buell propaganda. the democratic party should be by the influence. we spoke to one political analyst who says that western policies of a weapon sales are often flouted and governments and now came to distance themselves from accusations of complicity. and israel's will. of what we've seen in quite a few cases actually. and what is described as the left in western countries that
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they pivoted and we see that the language and the rest, a lot of international players are now trying to go on record, i believe the office session. so what's the israel is, are doing, or at leasing office session to a meeting in a bad thing. war crimes. we've heard that in many cases, weapons have been sold and there's been weapons transfers without the knowledge, for instance, of certain members of congress or parliament in the case of the u. k. and us air strikes on young men. recently, the parliament and the congress were not consulted. now of course, they say that they issued the statements to them and brief certain members of congress or they, you know, went through pacific legal proceedings, or they'll get some sort of legal argument as to why what they did was legal. but we see that in a lot of cases, that there is no knowledge whatsoever on what their government is doing. and this
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is the way that these so called western democracies function is that they're not aware of as the level of support that they're giving or not giving to conflicts overseas. and it's really dangerous, especially they claim to be democracies. we see that in the case of italy here, they don't know what's going on, even within their own governments. people of uh, also taking across friends to the streets in solidarity with paula stein's that goal for an immediate cease fire and gaza. also today, just basically on what was with paula said, you know, the flags as locals accused israel, of committing mass murder and cold front end. so what they say is a genocide place that's in where the process threatened to spill over into a mcdonald's branch. us during the demonstrate to say, should be boycotted. i'm in the french capital upon to sign some of the arch in march to brussels and they've been belgian kicked off. was expected to reach his destination by february. the 1st. that's when
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a special european council meeting will take place of the funds correspondence. now there's a dresser, such as this report i'm missing is just something it's several 100 demonstrate or set out from the positive level leak and parents each of their products to robin brussels on february. first, the start of the or pm summit. it's an opportunity for the most traders to grow. once again, international attention to the assessment discriminate is really the bone because of gaza. they didn't all of the genocide against the posts. you know, people in the organize all of this march for paul's time is calling on as many people as possible to join down was posted because of his own is the belief that the deceased by would did each because of how powerful the, what's the support was for you claim, unfortunately, it wasn't the case. i sent the email sent a dining garza and then given yeah, whose government stance is ridiculous, so we cannot say i do, but we have to act to support the students. and the creation of devout staying in states is i assessed israel nor drawer mccall from police it to them. this is one
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of the slogans being chanted by the demonstrators for denouncing the crime. so these really armies and accused friends of companies that you do do, it's like a firm condemnation and sanctions on israel. this march for palestine from paris to brussels of 312 kilometer root will require approximately 68 hours a full kink. but nothing will put of the participants and mississippi in northern israel protest as to the states. i'm a seeing crushing with police. the judge together for the nc will protest where police attempted to remove the button as they retiring that i mean, so it says we're calling for an immediate cease finding gaza as well as the return of these very hostages us as well as the largest city itself, these people have flooded the streets to voice,
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the indignation of the nation's government. they called for the return of these very hostages still held by hamas and garza. i know the elections to, i'll seize, rarely, 5 minutes fitness and yahoo! as much move through the city central's west signs of display blasted us in yahoo! the face of evil for a similar valley was held outside the premise jerusalem residents. the pm is of the intense pressure to secure the wits end of the hostages. after having us a must announce the desk. a few more of his competence on monday is also in the protest as not to say, this is a crisis point. people are dying because of all government. we need to get rid of it as soon as possible. we urgently need to reach a sci fi to stop to use this killing in garza, the destroys every hope we have for the region. this is the only way to lease the hostages. we need to look to the future. the next step to the settlement with the palestinians and about a student authority. the only solution is to get rid of the main barrier. that is really government and the prime minister,
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the prime minister really wants to support to continue and to never end, where he would just stop it to say enough is enough. we already lost the war and after the 7th, when now people were kidnapped. so we can expose a good outcome, no declaration of victory. we want our family, i'll get enough people to come home. but moving on to other news now f i a has broken out of the major coal terminal on the go for finland in northwest and russia . the facility is part of the baltic sea energy health owned by the russian company . in nova tech, we're both say work is, was successfully evacuated, and that'd be no casualties. the ministry of emergency situations is working to extinguish the blanks a need. so baltic members have announced funds to 45 that borders with russia and better roost by building bunkers to repel possible aggression. us the block itself recently expanded to include finland after the war and ukraine interrupted. moscow says it has no interest in picking fights with the
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western alliance. meanwhile, the nice old chief has accused china of moving closer to the north atlantic block in h. a sign of the heavy investments in a mold on military capabilities, including more, a more advanced nuclear weapons. and a china also a way of behavior, especially in the south china sea. and the way china's actually violating core principles. the for nice to see that the role of the we also have to understand that this is all about nathan moving into a show. but this is about the fact that shine light is coming closer. those, of course, need to has to address what happens in a shop. uh, nope, because we order a global security lines about the cold for purpose. they're not as rules and vice versa. as the north atlantic treaty organization continues to expand its rates into the far east of brussels seems a bit overly concerned about some apparently aggressive chinese behavior in the south china sea. it's a bit strange because nato has troops stationed in taiwan,
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which is let's not forget, a part of china itself. makes you wonder who is the real threat here, especially when beijing is the one calling to refrain from military activities. had an end to the finger pointing from nato's american overlords. we urge the us to stop misleading, international public opinion with false narratives to strictly control and restrain from the line military activities and reframe from any provocative actions. more recently, a chinese delegation to washington again calls on the us to stop provoking beijing around taiwan. the whole situation bears a stark resemblance to the way rushes military operation in ukraine went down. according to the west, russia was the aggressor from the beginning. no matter how many nato countries were propped up on its border over the years, the 1st interest and uh, i went toward against the train with the the cleared aim to get less, nate, he's getting the exact opposite is getting more data presence in easton for 2 lines
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on his getting to new members, i would say no, no. susan, no mention of nato's broken promise not to expand past. it's 1991 borders or it's study military build up over the years. supposedly annuity man is a nathan military block has increased its overall activity dramatically of late, considerable forces and resources from the united states. there should have been re deployed to a border, including aircraft. the number of nato troops in eastern and central europe has increased. let me remind you of what we all know in 1991, they promised the gorbachev for no, no, not an inch to the east. well here we are young. this is the kind of partners they are. they shamelessly lie through their teeth. at the same time, sure that the block is no longer hiding its aggressive nature behind defensive rhetoric. i was told, years ago, it was not a military block, but a political organization. and last time i checked, article 5 was still in place and i'm targeting at the same time as i said,
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the aggressive nature of the blog is not being hidden us policy doctrines explicitly spell out it's claims to global supremacy and just go through spectrum with continual nato expansion in the far east and no sign of the west giving up on taiwan separatism, calling china and aggressor looks like another classic case of the west gas lighting. everyone who doesn't agree with them. why not try again? who's a senior fellow of the ty, hey, institute told us of the nato chief woods likely represent washington's position as well. they've taken on partnership organizations. they've been invited in japan and south korea, etc. this is, are, you know, kind of a creeping way of changing the status quote. it is unclear though, the john stolen barry actually represents any constituencies other than, than down of the united states. the issue here really is us are jeremy. the fact that the taiwan is one card along with sion. jones. yeah, the hong kong, also 2 beds,
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south china seas where the u. s. is trying to distract a china from its economic progress by inserting these kind of military concerns. it's a game that the u. s has played a many times before we call back in the seventy's that did this exact same thing with japan, although less on the military side. this isn't a bit of an attempt to contain china because the u. s. is concerned as us, you know, in china trade grows, this becomes a competitive threat to the u. s. and the u. s. will react against anything military, political, or economic that is, sees as a threat to it's a gentleman moving over to africa now west secuity services and became a fast so this month and network with a foreign funding. this allegedly attempting to destabilize the country. let's according to the book and i'll be government spokesman of the snatch bulk reaching
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holes, both serving and this about the soldiers civilians inactive a symbol. now this plan to destabilize the institution, so putting a false so and put a pro, they'll stop to the re foundation for the dignity process, the integrity, freedom and sovereignty of our country, segment of the eclipse by government to end the properties, to envelope or press as clean that 7 soldiers and civilians had the plans in january 14, for as us again surveyed headquarters offered cities in the morning touring for me to use the way i planned for him to demo belies of corporate law support for refunds. press release. i do that to see really society's organization we're supposed to receive x amount of funding to take part in this attempt to over to accept and see. but i can already very well cannot be, although it is already insured. doctor anthony does have the services and the
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defense and security policies. so we traded policy mode or to enter up to use attempt to i was a why is that all the tools of record into institutions investigation i end up with and the address have been made without the server, the students on the profile of the food appreciate receive the 444, attempts against the transition. i do need advice up to you, but i am salary in 15 months. it's always high. cool. it's has ruled the freshest gesture, known as the roman salutes is legal unless it threatens public order or risks. the revival of the country is outlawed foster's policy to laws for adults after world war 2 to bind the promotions, the promotion of flescher's propaganda, as well as bases pilots. and he's of the decision of the conversation. quotes establishes that the roman salute is not a crime unless there is a concrete danger of the restoration of the freshest party,
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as provided for by optical 5 of the show below. or unless used in racial discrimination or to inside violence. as provided for by dimension a little after the 2nd world war, some things where universally obvious, the nazis with the bad guys and the russians made by far the greatest sacrifice leading to their defeat. but since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine now seems to nazis on the radiology were just well misunderstood. and remarkably in italy, a court has now ruled at the fascist salute, is no longer a bad thing either. you can even get yourself a calendar commemorating ill do chase favor black shirts and wanted to pay a walsh to the man who participated in those events with the complete awareness of serving their country, honoring the allstate can both before and after september 8, 1943 the same them the same curos. we know that there is a pro fish minority which wants to rewrite the history officially. we must never
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forget the war criminal generals who will never tried. what is tried, never convicted, or even if convicted, never went to jail. otherwise you're including the new telling me with an army of fellow. of course the revisionists view of fascism and fire. right. nationalism isn't limited to italy in 2024. fascism is ugly faces reemerging in spain, co aisha book area and finland. and it's hardly surprising that it's getting harder to suppress these displays when the collective west has turned a blind eye to cranes, well documented nazi, probably even voting against binding its promotion at the un. i suppose when you're funding an army nazi militias in one country, it's easy to look the other way when it comes to another. the
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so as we faced into a momentous, 2024 that seems to west, has conveniently decided to forget the horrors visited on by fascism. all in the scramble to demonize, the new bohemia and russia, the very country that sacrifice most to defeat it. we also shouldn't forget the pre war images of the british royals and even a football team raising their arms to salute the nazis or the safe haven many mass killers found in the west after the war. it seems that when it comes to fascism, the western russia, the enemy of my enemy is indeed my friend. that's all you will correspondence. andrea lucida says it's, it's only has failed to process the memory of the countries flashes past. this the sun dense of the supreme court vitale, it's a shame 4 or italian. so i'm,
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i'm frustrating the words that are not a good policy of memory about the meaning of flashes. mother meaning goes with the facts you sierra and uh, what's happened during this time. and of course, this is a problem for our collective memory of 40000 and collective memory. because some me, 40 to cut bar dislike. now the party of georgia maloney, have he has a history in the bus, has a birth of these male fascist movement. the name was a movie mental, so charlie de leon, we thought in such a movement. and unfortunately, a lot of them, a lot of the old generation of what we thought in point the sions say to this perspective, i think the better in this time, in this moment, the, for the history of a few are open for the city of the wars such problem about it started you started
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coming memory just if you can, i can bring the public opinion and the politics and it's a bunch of vento sway. so that's all for now to be sure it's checkouts all calling for all of the lights is breaking news and updates. and we'll see you right back here with the on the, [000:00:00;00]
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as
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a chosen few fractured images presented to this. but can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the hello and welcome to was a part for the kids. israel's trinity or of dealing with the palestinian issue has been to buy time land original support in the hold. the base, historical and driven says would dissipate alongside that people support them. the


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