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tv   Documentary  RT  January 21, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EST

12:30 am
a well deal, a gas blow to the global order of the anglo american establishment. and so, yes, they totally, for a drop from so strong president, he's pro america, but he also wants to be french show if people deal with america straight, he wants john good business deals with the whole world. he wants fair exchange. he wants the middleman, the, all the guards to be removed, and that's why they're there, they're coming after him. so with the 10 most of the election, most important election, i think of world history. it's huge such a dangerous time because again, the pentagon is run by the democrats, and that's the big news. they say trump is going to be a dictator of elected. so they're introducing legislation just this week, center blumenthal, strip power from president trump, who as the executive war power to the senate show that he can't stop riots by black lives matter funded by george soros if he's elected. so they're all
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totally planning at trump does get elected, which he's about to have a landslide. we have to have a to, to take control the military and the congress never done us as great, totally legal. because 12 might use the military on them. he's never called for that. he's never done that. he's never persecutors. political arrivals is all about soft power is all about results in economics. he wants to get nomics, not war. he does think more stupid. he does think it's stupid to have a war for no reason. and they say always in time military because he doesn't like seeing friends, legs blown off. no, not unless he has to. and so trump is all about prosperity, and there are full parenting motive, so they're now sitting washer post new york times news week. trump is going to be a dictator. so we have to remove the military power from him congressionally before he's elected. so he won't stop right there. next to your and artsy, i,
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young british, nigerian writer rich races, the steps of the process of french captain cole bootleg. one of the most wicked figures in lights and african colonial history that goes for that sort of short documentary. the april falls 1899 tabby. although i skipped in valley, this entire area is a narrative spice take or some of these get to use them to find out that as, as codes from these to free standing eat when he returns. if you refuse to corporate tax, even slowly attire to the source of the state, the
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the where the heck away the window and go with it. i'm going to attend the quick. oh, well, she'll come to us. i'll come with the blog. i suppose. the only time you get into what we need and if we take your time. thank you. good. good. so where did you put the weight of jimmy when he wanted to know we didn't go? no, we're, you know, not do a 100 that be under the journey done the boat to go to city. i mean, why they don't well, but that go with you about it. go through to with, with their go with the, with, with, uh, they tie us with like i asked me when the, when the, when the guy, uh, she bought the football. but i have a quote with the
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because i just downloading netflix. okay. and what do you guys like and then they have them in the school, you pulled the summer cartoon within the hour? no. okay. and how, why not come uh with that one? no, we say there are no i'm i guessing you know the
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little he cannot be. so go to. nothing can do about it but a lot. then cutting a picture of that. a little boy with what thing cutty, they say see a group on something and i was wondering lifting 1200 there's only is i'm going to on doing it and i'll put on your phone. simple consequences have been put up in it and that's a good one. this is a certificate of us. you know the dish was what the left of us to the force for
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swap la puente. tony is significant. cool. yeah. so it is a so the most direct route to make sense is going through the british to find more that he's been expressly ordered to avoid that. daniel term is means crossing hundreds of miles of business. the uh you know, the month of the season, the cost a month is that if, if uh, i, just as i think sold our captain usually so decisive became evident, anxious also to and how to proceed. he stayed inside as 10 for 3 weeks doing nothing. finally decided to break off communication with paris. i seemed to see touch. for the 1st time. it was a distinct glimpse, no white man turning his back suddenly on the headquarters. on the thoughts of
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the decision, the independent, the supple must be my sex. let's get to that task, i see a press i for the see some of the to the today. i press my route because we enter just for the didn't briefly. so in an open the route to the east, this will be a conquest that directv. we missed employee the prestige of t around with us and what was the, what kind of the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the a lot of times you can do what i do. you are so obsessed with displaying european prestige pool. you didn't care what had become the prestige of terra this local archive tries to preserve the old
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remains of your harness. the does not wish to see a few shots change. and then on given this, the, this is the 4797. you know, when speaking in the 19 seventy's you kidnapped at home and house, i kept him for 3 for the uh, the the the okay, i right around the 5 the, the, the, the a,
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the the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, the problem the problem the or servers in the past. what was the power of the
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, i feel completely overwhelmed. she called us some of your but i'm a sort of you're up to a beneficiary of empire. so should i feel responsible for you, even if it was over a 100 years ago,
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the poor little cut off at the end and you're limited to the what is on one with the new era. we don't walk around the, the okay, if we hit it and ask the piano to find out, is it the local? have i believe that entity screen that any other lady got the used to both of them defending myself in the any of us to name and number of do you have any c one is you do what i need to and did a way to what these on can only through most of the deal as soon as oh me, you didn't, you didn't need any help me this evening. we're going to, so if you want to,
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soon as you to attempt to attend and i want you to them in the case to case i want to use a book, some of a well, me what you can, what then go 1st can phase, there's a tool in the mail for to see to reduce the code to lock condos on the on the left did off. will seek is only the 2 to us. it won't be so you won't be in the store because you quit me chevy 5 to see detailed, middle of 5th decision, not sutkowski on move on to deluxe to false sounding push and to, to move onto office is just the part just to, to book to on, on a patient, well see, to come see, so have to push back to see about this going not by law ma'am. fossil that's in. that's good to what the into the animal. me only some bicycles. these are only some positive for these ash we're not increasing so you can see up such as on bar to come see see the shows gets gwinnette asia to come to see the shows from the diesel
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to 0 fall going to or not in peace. 150 lives in the parking lot. oh yeah. let me see. some of the good news. you see what i found a cell phone. we can check in with you to check up on the unit name with them from . i don't see if i can scan them. i pulled as well. no, i grew up in the u. k, but i'm, i'm so that's my 4th and then to meet these people. it's almost like a revelation in a way and the end of expressing myself in terms of expressing what i feel. maybe i close myself off. so maybe that comes across as coldness as though i'm just going through the paces, but that's no problem. yeah. and then i guess i'll try and show what i feel for for you on this bill to see it looked in one place you live in a blue system. does you want us to build a kid then that is because you all might have simple controls.
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the the
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watching is why is that why in this control if i give but plenty of the store and this, this is chad and i showed order, but i'm not going to say lots of green scans when i am touch at your desktop session. that's just shiny or just is fun you. mine is going you sit on the, the, the, the, the, i mean to say is if i want to touch this history, as i say, i do, i've got to open my eyes to the here and now she's taking me to me some work mates of her father's, these men worked for the french state mining company, excavating uranium for 30 years before they had to retire in full collect as of the initial. and i thought about this, and i've seen,
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seen some nation fee to me the pay me to how much when it ends $80.00. and i finish and really i my, i give them my england and i get to know what i know. so send you the talk, a lot of, you know, if you type of thing . now when you look into somebody, you know, the student though sound christian science and social studies into publish. so the night, the issue that domain is queena initially. the issue was it just happened to me like 6 clubs,
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the one disappearing fully issue the cd, meaning things here. i live in new york. i found this one difficult or easy to find the item, you know, cuz when i mean it tells me to until 2014 this year i was forced to apply friends with uranium tax free. how did they think they got a waynesville? what made some police in this area in line so expensive? so most of them this month is quite in the mode because it looks like we're the ones
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who can come here for another hour or so to some of them. okay. did she create the underground much? cuz of course, a little coming to the, the edge cuz the from for them to produce this year. i mean, can you send me your, i mean, can you hear me ok do for us this i'll talk with you because it, i'm going to find the
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no wonder this looks present your legacy pulls of late as plays in this land. the games about invasion gets picking closer be subject to the alarm on your total is empty. i do see that you're literally in france any longer late because he did it is of what he can and of course he did. it is up what he can come in and do pretty meet the fun by make the go to they'd be lenny. so if on one let me show and i said to you slightly, so i'll put it a bit of phone. let me show and say that if you ladies, you'll get in skip over, let me. so if i'm on identify with weight as good luck said yeah, that's good enough, but i was i left the unit better. so again,
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i knew so really it's one or was it when you get a lot but i was in that's what i was like maybe but the but us good food stamp, lima, mendocino. but i was the left, the left side of the material, and they bought the lot better and these you meant, i know it can go the from, i'll send it onto the west side to do, but it's on the t, the zone phone wanted the exec data let me see though, for those let the left side of the material and if you bought the unit that at the end these email i sent it to gab is on to you pretty just a 2nd for some get up with the the ssl is on to cuz you saw me something a month. good news. i sent that on it. did you lose your policy? del committees annual, into somebody's annual? i saw you on the by the end, if it is, cuz you can see, could say lynette. you dirty of appeal. and to come to
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a concept most indeed so, so that's really should take you wish to leave for a name to value. see if it keeps it keeps on saturdays, faithfully kept requests and we see on the left with less or natalie effectively certainly is. area the level of skills and system on the yes, it is m one disagree john to the info. to save a little piece of the in see for the title, montana. yeah. my, my son haley. my, you know me if, if i wanna ask is it for him 2252 and
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a you are listed in julia on the bus. that's a a cli can on the don't want to see, i don't want, you know, the down cause what kind of news news i can much the cost. i know i know who i'm paid to my i'm data. my due date is today because of my patients, you bought that you come up this thing into this within each symbol and then measuring those some of the connect and there is a security on sunday and not the
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name antenna on the savings. the key on and off id and a lady. so come to us instead of some moved by the wisdom of these children. i wish i shed that face in the power of conscience in the spring of 18. 99, call me. i tried to fix a conscience. he just published the final policies. honda stocks, but you polls when finished? yes. the nbc excellent. the phones that's a building that house is funds is colonial records and in the depths of its archives is a room containing papers. the state secrets of generations for the
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very moment, conrad revealed cuts, his self injury and hopkins would go back a few days, actions. one of his subordinates was so a portable he witnessed that he wrote to the po for it is kept in for they chose 20 mothers with their breast feeding incense. they were taken into a line of rocks, 200 meters from our camp. they weigh, i must not go to, let's see with nice and by the next by auxiliaries, the captain decided to make an example to show the others. how will so be practiced for him in his disrespect to do like, was not killing for the sake of killing? he failed to scan was still really wasting time might let the partition reach late step 1st and prevent friends from uniting african colonies. so an officer was sent to stop these orders with the arrest for late and take control of his mission . this officer was
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a colonel cold cut up the cloud to the foreign minister events of june, 1899. i confess i find it hard to believe a french officer could have ever ordered the hara that is alleged. i will try to find fully, but whether icon is far from certain. i don't know where he is. i know where you will. you just switch the town of the name connie, you said completed this has $0.30 to see if any guns on those of google do secure on print to read. i was wondering please the
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some of the surely you remember the name connie pole? this was the scene of you'll biggest domestic or the ok to present stilton opinion coordinate is the great grandson who faced the name of his grandfather who was there was a child. told him the story about how much you're going to see a
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non cabinet to us and which i do and to come up with a to get new bus. nobody i, when did you want to do? i know who to and i could get up to 6, wednesday, wednesday or 2. what time is see the inside cuz the whole so late, i kind of use a map and so michelle, what do you end up with as well? so okay. who knows what guys you guys think of who knows what to do? i like, i have a of the big oh my god. this does have to listen to me knowing that when the kindly low and the it's a tv to like you know, why is z e c o or
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a room behind the walls, weights and opponents rates are huge and silent. we filed 12 salves of cannon to ralph these twice before us civilized cut them the people of the like the gods flayed from up to that they appeared to take as tall gods of supernatural be within been the gulf which i knew was number. thank you. oh, wow, what would i be on?
1:00 am
could someone when do they do to then said to why key the car is double started on its claim. that's no french mercenaries are fighting in ukraine against russian despite frances defense minister having admitted to the country just days ago. and the stories that shaped the week president 5 pledges to keep holding him in one at the same time, admitting striked 5 a u. s. u k. coalition failed to prevent a few days from attacking ships in the red sea. the plus, the idea destroys the last university, didn't get upset. another no military targets and reduced to rubble. the end of


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