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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the disturbing images from the capital city, if its own yes, were public. what 25 civilians are killed in 20 more wounded. as ukraine shelves that busy mounted on sunday morning, towers doubles down his claim that the french must not raise a fighting fault. he advocates russia to find ways of the jailing to frenchmen who smuggled weapons into the you. countries after returning from new price as inviting pledges to put, informing yemen one at the same time, admitting us you take coalition slides has failed to prevent these from attacking ships. and the right to take
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the time we have them apollo city and now living in nigeria about how he's relatives of struggling to survive and gone to austin. that's already been killed by is waiting for more than 25. the number of my house is gone. my father also is the same we as own, but assuming that's not the hello and welcome. this is the weekly on all the international bringing you the latest news on the dates along with around the stories. the shapes, the weight is good to have you with us. we saw the hours breaking news from don't boss where ukrainian shelling of a busy market this sunday and don't. yes,
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because code at least 25 civilians and wounded 20 others according to local officials. but some distressing images emerging from the scene of the attack. 2 children were reportedly killed in the attack, which use munitions supply to the crating and military find nato countries don't. yes, because been shelved multiple times by cubes treats interest the post weight with civilian infrastructure from bonded. let's now cost live to i'll get you on this with ken and chief editor of m b left a news website many thanks for joining us on the program today. says this seems to be an indiscriminate the time by ukraine on a busy marquez full of civilians on a sunday morning. as long as being the target of similar attacks before. yes, very tragic morning. another terrible being and my colleagues are being visiting on the place and i was just discussing with them. and we can say that this is the worst of their are involving since 2020 to march. when that when the senior center
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was heavily strike with the heavy cluster bombs. and so, so this is a real, real federal involving what this happened. and, and of course we are all terrified what's going on. and i just want to, to highlight that just yesterday evening, we were receiving a lots of reports from several sectors in the front line that the russian army forces are doing. lots of gays, villages liberated. and there are like a, at least a different set of doors. at least we can see that the creating enforcers are grambling. and now we see a cherry bold target for revenge from the brand new forces. so if it's how you see it's k of shelling, such no military sites, you see there's a revenge attack. unfortunately, this is a borrow since 2014. when the guys in the front line are making gains,
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window grain and forces are suffering. the loss is they don't start it. do the do the forces which has caused them these uh losses. but they were sure far behind them back in their back. and the guys in the front like can see that these re benches are falling down to the ceiling and populated areas. that's the way how these nationally grooves are revenging. and this just happened from years to another, and i just was just the date, seeing them guy started doing games. and now these charitable see, and i thought this is, this is the reality of the civil war. a little crazy because been so many years and it's just blowing worse. do you expect such attacks on civilian markets and other sides to increase to, to intensify? of course it's,
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brooke gauge that that's why they are doing it so cruel way. holiday tries to get the guys so angry that new sort of thing which will benefit of do creating it forces so that they get them out from the trenches or they get them out to door. and in order to do to do something of this kind of actions they are on to may prove locations done by ukrainian armed forces over and over again in order to provoke responses for bulk of some actions from the russian forces. so that they can take an advantage from that. and of course, and it's being reported that this latest strike was kind of that using the nation supplied to key as a by nato countries. and you'll do to what extent does that make the west complicit in the killing of innocence? of course, of course they accepted all of this happening. they,
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they gave me the green light for all these kind of terrible meanings of. the question was very high on the in the news here he went to the board was general momentarily that we'll risk continue to support such kind of brutality. and yes, seems like nobody's putting a stop. nobody's saying that these nationalists forces the store doing horrible things. no, just the vice versa. we can, we can see the escalation of these thought if there are moments, which of course, forces russia to respond even more heavily than to do more. right? yeah, there's put code in chief editor of m feel as a news website. thank you for speaking to us today. i appreciate that. thank you. of the phones is foreign minister has once again denied that any of the countries nationals of travel to ukraine is most in that race. that's despite the french defense chief earlier admitting some such a sudden sufficing bear against russia. his waltz powers is tucked diplomats told
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local media on saturday. all the french most and race fighting and you train as put in says no. our and bassett are in moscow has been summoned on this issue. it is a way of putting pressure on the european states from time to time. russia has a custom to us to crude manipulations. this is one, there will be others. let us not get caught up in this early this week, phones is for a ministry hastily reject. today, russian military report, the dozens of french messner reese had been killed and a military strike in ukraine power. then the ice of any so called professional soldiers were in the country. as despite the facts, there's 2 french neo nazis. we were recently jailed off of a smuggled weapons home from ukraine all to contribute to it. rachel mazda investigates. earlier this week, rushes defense ministry said that it hit a nest of 64 and fighters and had called, specifying that they were mostly french nationals. the french foreign ministry was
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quick to dismiss the whole story as totally fake news. france helps ukraine with supplies of military material and military training in full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others. all right, so no french writers indeed trained at all then, right? let's just say if the identities of those fighters ever got out there absolutely would not be any french names on that list, right? because that would be really awkward. having just denied that there are any french merck's at all. and you find one, even french domestic intelligence acknowledged last year that there were over 400 french fighters in ukraine. they even admitted that about 30 french fighters in ukraine are known neo nazis. just as an example, one french guy previously accused of killing an argentinian rugby player, was pulled over in his car and hungry in 2022 and said that he was on his way to
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fight and you frame. then last april to french mercenaries in their twenties got off of boston, paris from live golf, flagrantly toting band assault rifle, magazines, and optical sights, and were subsequently sentenced to prison almost on the spot for that both had been tracked by french intelligence. so paris is hardly blindsided by the reality of who exactly is over there fighting for so called democracy in your trade. and why were these 2 already on french entails radar? well, because one had previously been featured in reporting on neo nazis in the french army. he reportedly also has a tattoo of the ss loyalty, pledged adolph hitler, and to send you a written on facebook in 2018 that migraine should get a quote, good bullets in the back of the head. and he was a soldier in the outline hunter, a mountain operations division of the french army. they trained in the alps, but no,
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there's absolutely no connection whatsoever with the french military. the french defense minister said in a tv appearance on friday, who was it with the seats we infancy, the french civilians who went to fights in ukraine wearing ukrainian military uniform. these people have no connection with the french armed forces. they do not wear a french uniform and they have no association with french military institutions. we combine them from doing so, we're still a democracy, so we most is. oh, so now there are french fighters in ukraine is just that you see in france. mercenaries are like sparkling wine that cannot be called sean pine. you, if it is not from this shall pine the region of france. that's just the law. and likewise under a french logging back to 2003 higher guns from france who have been folded into a foreign countries military like cranes cannot be called mercenaries. and it's this detail that conveniently allows friends guns for higher to circumvent francis anti mercenary law,
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which punishes any offences by up to 5 years of prison and or of 75000 euro fine. so moscow is now some in the french and master to explain. the prince has announced this week that they'll be sending. he has more long range missiles, howitzers, and artillery ammunition. so maybe the french and master can also explain to moscow how, like french mercenaries, french weapons, aren't really french either or any of paris is responsibility if they serve any ukrainian military unit. the french tv channel is also reported on the country's soldiers, a full tune in ukraine sonic an influential bolt blocker. his met,
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some of them just get you to easy to reach. you seen? does it public knowledge, the dog, sa sense of possibly hundreds. so french 5 to send ukraine today, unified, if it's in, wanted a new toya to prove it. it's mostly crude, this precious nationals. i currently find some ukraine, according to the said he had 2 months. include regularly because of the troops and ukraine between the 6th and 7th, a freshman and integrated into ukrainian eunice hides for a minimum wage on he also mentioned that between $2300.00, the french nationalist was dual citizenship might, could previously subs for the religion and no fight to for kids. in the very early days of divorce, the printed president raised what he calls the international legion of territorial defense of it. so this frenchman may well have belongs to these for mason. all these french moment he is going on with the approval of the 1st born ministry, or is it actually a private initiative? well, no, under no circumstances, would they go with the official approval? oh,
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no french soldier is officially fights and refrain on behalf of the friends. meanwhile, florian info paused. anita or fonts as patriots policy as accuse ne to about 20 inside thing is member countries. citizens to go find the games russian friends must cleanup each act and stay away from this war. stop pushing propaganda that encourages crazy night people to go and fight their peace soon. what am i, c, i a analyst at laurie jones, and told all to you that the french mercenaries have been involved in the war from the outset. and paris has done nothing to prevent, not. and this is not news that there had been frenchmen, englishmen, americans, since rowley, the start of the special military operation. let's say that in march of 2022. and france has made no effort at any point or over the last, almost 2 years to put a halt to this, the sort of enabled to allow that to go forward. i think this is more than just
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a vague, pursuing a paycheck. i, i strongly suspect that this, this number of mercenaries, and particularly in this kind of concentration, reflected a covert action by the part of french intelligence and the french military to try to send help to ukraine to replace deficit set and skills that they no longer have or that they are in short supply of on friday the u. s. military launched a 6th round of stripes on the who fees in yemen. the time came in response to the rebel groups firing on an american and cargo ship and the red sea us central combined to change the vessel walls and hits. but the who's these say otherwise, not for the human enabled forces have carried out an operation. i guess the us vessel came ranger in the gulf of ad and use the number of naval ms. so thanks to god,
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the most precise and i read to you many um forces emphasize the responses to american and british offences unavailable. and any further offense will be made by retaliation and punishment. the american on purchase military is lowest, wants on government almost every day. this week targeting who the sites in the mission, the washington coast, self defense. the western coalition, as those came off to a series of who's this hot phone call to ship for links to as well over its invasion of gauze. the president biden stays with us, will keep bowman yemen despite the strikes, failing to the, to the who's these so some the lashes for a minute to have the keys, the american led to coalition of and legally foaming. yeah. the nuns for the stabilizing limited least release of the us, along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on
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every conceivable rule of international law, including a security council resolution that merely called for the protection of commercial shipping. but nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb. yep. and what is being done regarding young men is may have the excuses coming from washington. i would say, sound pathetic to do the following. the western military strikes, thousands of locals violate in the you have any capital. so not in support of dollars, the onto the who's the movement demonstrates has held banners, chunk. it's logan's branding america. a terrorist stays protest as also say the attacks will not diminish the spirit of the arab nation. richard without many d, the tyranny by the american enemy slowly increases our strength, steadfastness conviction. here is our principles and the development of our position, as well as our defensive, as offensive capabilities to disrupt the americans and bring victory for our nation . and people are the key and i'll get out of that because of the american decision to designate and so a lot as
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a terrorist movement reflects that american style in america has failed to terrorize and strikes fear into the amenities using all the means that it's disposal including threats, political pressure and mobilizing a fleets and the red sea. and so it says results into this political and economic step. believe it with the limits or n d, made it position and prevent the amenities from supporting their brothers and public starting them jobs. but this is impossible. some backgrounds to over this now the who sees a seasonal a decade ago at the outset of the civil war in yemen, the rebel group as that, and survived the use of a salad. he led bowman campaigns as failed to dislodges gains. i'll say is it's all due by the sky takes a closer look into this, these all and what the c k. and this isn't the 1st time america has attempted to bring those who fees down. it previously backed saudi arabia, which tried for almost a decade to fight the great but failed time and time again. so who are the, who sees the group?
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it takes its name from the so name of it's really lead to this is who saying i'll who feet of the who feet troy's a creating to prominence following a civil war in him. and that the term on in the country eventually led to the removal of precedence law. that was back in 2011. now he was replaced by a new government which was backed by saudi arabia and the us. but the new president had the i'm good money with plans to change the way the funds would be dvd up across yeah, many regions now opposition groups including the city fees claimed this would see the countries oil. welf, confined to the to least populated preferences who sees playing that the government was corrupt and based, managing the country. it took control of the capital son, forcing present and how the to flee and read. no, i think a civil war. we are forming
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a revolutionary committee and the transitional national council, which will replace the now the solve the house of representatives and the office of the president in transitional phase. things started to really he, jeff, with saudi arabia and the us got even more involved now as the, who's these power expanded, the gain control over nearly all of the countries north. and as you can see, this land bowed his head with saudi arabia, the kingdom and other countries in the gulf corporation council. often that backing to president hottie, the security and stability of the admin have been shaken by cool. that the who is the malicious, carried out against the legitimate authorities. these developments of constituted a major threat to the security and stability of the region and the threat to international peace on security. over 8 is the saw. the lead campaign initially launched with the monica operation decisive stool boomed. areas of you had been
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held by the who fees. it was supported with the us logistics and intelligence was an array of western countries, provided weapons to saudi arabia. the intervention helped push young men to the brink. what followed was a humanitarian. does all stuff. human remains the world's worst humanitarian crisis . an estimated 4500000 people are permanently displaced. the risk of a large scale farm and in the country has never been more acute. it was costly for the saudis to, it's estimated that the kingdom was spending some $200000000.00 per day to sustain the at ground in c opperation. but despise it all the saudis failed to make a dent on who sees power and its military bases. now in 2022 a ceasefire, it was agreed who sees, have since consolidated,
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holding control of much of the west. and also the north of u. m and the business went up to 80 percent of the country's population lives in these lands. and yet, despite the clear failure of the saudi light of ration over many years, and one that was back to the health by weapons from the west. hey, we all again, weston countries, giving it a 2nd shot, and seemingly unable to learn the lessons from the past to speaking to us, one of the who's the health capital of human journalists, nasa rob e set, the west and a tax on an effective because the arab country has already been halted and by a decade of war does not work. i told because the host, these have been under such a bombings uh for 10 years now. and uh and uh now what does that um,
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recons. i'm the furthest, bowman. yeah. uh, is only the bottoms out things and they've been, they've been out. so the of, of the effectiveness is almost 0 and people don't care at all because they see that what they are having the amenities and the pro fees are seeings out. what they're doing is a duty is a religious and morale. i'm the human italian duty towards the developer of brothers and sisters in dallas, teen via the tax are uh, the tax on the and then the richie uh not, i use the innovation. they are not identify the shipment, they are not charging us any ship. uh the tax. all right, in this very specific things, they are a very, very specific and very limited to that, that the ships, the hitting to is the right and to the ships link to his right. i'm to the ship's
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own to buy yours. right. and the fees. and it'd be blue said they would do their best to make it very safe to make very, very safe. the displacement of palestinians hasn't just being happening. these pods, number of months has been ongoing since the establishments of his riley. 1948th. we spoke with a girl as a native rumsey for him. he lives in nigeria, but so he's, he's been tragically impacted by the war and his homeland as a person, i lost more than 25. the number of the family. my house is gone. my father also is gone. so this is where we, uh, as owned by the city is not pulling the numbers of families wiped out of the reduced den north motor existing. imagine if i'm in the old, 8400, the father of the children, the grandchildren, underground granting,
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they're all at once. but they fight in home us for fighting the 16 of the palestinians and does a lot. there is 2 different things to defend. the image of that war falls and officials that in place concerns death toll since october 7th passed the pause $25000.00 and it was a positive history. it has been reduced to rubble, but is really bolding ways both on to 1000000 displace palestinians allow shelter and getting the south, which is also coming on the fire. rumsey, abraham again, stays the dictates. the oppression of the palestinians justifies the desperate acts of resistance. so what's going on to this, it's continuous, start over all the philistines, to have the liberated freedom and create and the country on the island.
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a good i see government of is and aggressive nation of is around the thank you as on human, the take you to be nothing to them. they can demolish, they can do the count on to because of the some of the west. when you're under q patient, you have the right, you have the right to fight for your freedom in old aspect. so when the tech came, why that tech king, that tech came because of a 1000 prisoners of police, dns and the days that i need present. nobody is fucking, i'm owed them about $600.00 of them in the prison for more than 35 years. why? you know, how much he's looking for to capture it is that i need to be close to the exchange . they don't want to present know, so being the president for so long, they want to free that, that people, i believe that with every little in this when your brothers
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in the prison, knowing how to bring him out. you want to fight for your loved to be afraid. you will fight for your freedom. you will fight for your nation. meanwhile, not only as well as a happy with the will protest as a rallied in the northern city of high fuss, sparking some clashes with police. the the scuffles erupt to the office has tried to seize on table. don is with the best buy that is for me to demonstrate to hundreds filled the streets, the governments wednesday. invasion of gong to secure an immediate cease by. i'm prioritize. the returnable is wally hostages.
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moving to africa where security services indicate if also say that dismantling a network that aimed to undermine old or in the country became to be governments. spokes person has pointed to star and funding for the hostile groups. activities the snatch bulk reaching holes, both serving and this about the soldiers, civilians inactive a symbol. now those plans to destabilize the institution, so between a false so and put a pro, they'll stop to the re foundation for the dignity process, the integrity, freedom and sovereignty of all con street. meant to reduce it by government to end the properties, to innovate local crest as clean that 7 any sort. yes. and the cv on the plan in january 14 for i, that's a good survey of headquarters, of a citizen and monitoring for me we have planned, available to, to do for him to demo belies the corporate law support for refunds. press release
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to add that to see really societies or the visual with supposed to receive x amount of funding of the big 5 invoice i sent over to accept and see. but i could, i would, he would not be able to be to the show doctor and through the services and the with the address and security policies which made it possible to interrupt this attempt to pull up what i, why is this in the institution investigation and that way and the address have been made without the details to on the profile of the christian needs. this is the 444 attempt against the transitional. what can we do need by talk to you, but i am so worried. in 15 months, the west african country has been graduates hunting to stability for the military to in september 2022 on some local say they don't need another change of power all the time. we must leave uber, he troy alone,
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so that he can finish his work and we will protect our president. we will not let any person come and carry out a crew. abraham controller a was chosen as president. what he does is what we want to know. we must not be laid into bringing down this president because he came to say, or king or 5. so he didn't come for individual interests. the we believe that the book and all the people have suffered enough and that today we must all go hand in hand to defend our homeland. in any case, to tell the truth, cruise do not suit us. we must leave the cruise behind. we trust abraham trower. we do not want a coup d'etat because things are progressing well. we're saying in west africa for documentary time, next on all the international, if you join me again for more news and 30 minutes. the
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. the template of false 1899. but then carry all the, i'll script and bully the some value area is a negative spice take or some of these get cheese sand to find out that as this codes from these to really study. when you chance if you read humans used to corporate. peggy and slowly about tired to the source of the state, the the way the wind down go down the 10 the quick. oh, well, she'll get to us. welcome with the blog, i suppose the only time you get into what we need to navigate through godaddy


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