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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the disturbing images from the capital city of the don't, yes, were public where 25 civilians are killed and 20 more wounded as your crime shows a busy markets on sunday morning. russia lashes out to germany for intervening on the as well as the hall. and the jet aside case, south africa has taken to the international court of justice and we hear from apollo city and now living in nigeria about how is well, it seems to all struggling to survive in gauze expos. comfortable. where do you being killed by its way to eat? forming raid looks more than 25. the number of my house is gone. my father also this is where we are
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on for the the very welcome. this is on the international. we can get the latest the world news updates, as always is good to have you with us. and we still have the, our with breaking news from don't boss way ukrainian shelling of a busy market this sunday and don't. yes, has killed at least 25 civilians and wounded 20 others according to local officials . some distressing images are emerging from the scene of the attack. officials report to children for killed in the attack which use munitions supplied to the ukrainian military find they told countries. stone? yes. because been shelves multiple times by key of troops in just the past week with civilian infrastructure from vases onto correspondents, safe sweeney reports from don. yes. as well as state of absolute cottage here in the care of the district of don't yet city which came on the heavy,
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shedding by ukrainian forces around around 1030 this morning now is difficult to describe the scene here. as you can see behind me, the street is listed with dead bodies. people with that name was missing. blood's best, i miss all is were 5. these are the 155 millimeter weston, supplied weapons. that, of course, they haven't struck a minute to talk, it like struck a multi place which according to what ortiz was out, it's a busy as many a, talking of a genocide. many saying that this is a full cry lula. even the problem that cause a direct was trying to do so, you know, just gets a big see to market. there were lots of people that hate the place during rush hour, so let us know what people would cry and so far, for my friends, died, the official was set, the marketplace was bustling when it came under attack from you claiming forces investigations are on the way to determine exactly what winds we used with the desk told, expected to rise when they put that on you're going to be trained in troops carried
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all of the talk is attack on the markets and presumably around town the weather, but a lot of the vehicle we currently working on identifying ammunition which was used by the ukrainian forces, one shopkeeper explained to the area has been under attack for 10 years. and that she just wants to live in peace. all day through the showing has been going on since 2014. we have no words notifications anymore, but everyone good use to it. we don't know when to to, and ultimately suffering from. this is the dead, the single talking don't. yes. can we some times. but these were not soldiers. these were holding the people shopping as a marketplace, old man and women carrying out that day the activities west and supplies weapons have been used to kindly i woke on us again, leaving a community devastated on its people to arise with many asking why, why us and when with this whole are, and this is these really all to you don't yet. so to the russian foreign ministry size,
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the talk shows the unwillingness of key of to reach pace ons calls on it to allies, to condemn his thoughts of terrorism, of the neo nazi regime with the support of the united states and its satellites has once again committed a barbaric terra stacked against the civilian population of russia. the terrorist attacks of the key regime clearly demonstrate its lack of political will to find peace and to resolve the conflict through diplomatic methods. russia calls on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to put forward a strong condemnation of this brutal terrorist attack their silence will mean tacit approval of the killings of civilians and encourage ukrainian neo nazis to even more bloody atrocities. yeah, let's put conan chief editor of mc lach. a news website say is key of use is terrorist context against innocent civilians out of an inability to win on the battlefield. my colleagues are being visit the place and i was just discussing with
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them. and we can say that this is the worst of their or ball being seems 2022 march. when, when does the super center was able to strike with the heavy cluster bombs? and so, so this is a real, real federal involving what this happened in. and of course we are all terrified what's going on. and i just want to, to highlight the test yesterday, he threw a, receiving a lots of reports from several factors for new product life. that's the russian army forces are doing lots of games. the villages are liberated and there are like at least a different fed stores. at least we can see that some crazy impulses of rambling and now we see some terrible started for revenge from the forces. and courtney and strikes on the public on the, on the ask have created an urgent need for emergency cash for the wounded on the people saving lives, calling so the find themselves in the cross has
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a few cranium forces. tease women calls around springs as a report on how i'm going to this cruise fulfill that duties every day. which could be that last a hi, i'm inside an ambulance which was attacked by a ukrainian drone explosive of drugs for right here for the windshield glass. at the moment, only a driver was sitting in the car and he's been severely wounded. the rest of the ambulance crew for inside a house helping out a beach and had they been here, that would have been that one of those of us a 2 guards have been damaged this month. here's one. and there's the other. how do you work under these conditions for? well, we have, somebody has to say people, right? well total, that's what we do here. the 1st thing you do when you arrive is to look up into the sky to see if anything is hanging over you. if there is, you'd better run because every ambulance has a red cross on the roof and it's like
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a target for them. the hits across the ukranian nationalist are using both a phoebe or kindly causing drones. and of course those drop explosives as well, who spoke to some of the crews that save people's live here in dumb boss on a daily basis. but the not the single deals on a cold and kia street rather full of the vehicle to attend to patient love to driver state in the car drawn, dropped a form on the windscreen. it's a good thing. there was no clue inside. the oldest sits woodcock to shreds. the 2 would have been very badly heard and seen on the side of the trees along the street and drawing dropped a bomb when the car, the 2 separate concussion and there's no and sick leave. you know what they say when your soul hurts on the others with the soul, that hurts. can understand you. you have to experience an attack like this. the ambulance workers here in dunbar have become it's our get for the ukrainian nation is just like those people, emergency workers. they come to rescue civilians on
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a daily basis. it's hard to gauge how many of them have been killed over the last few years. but the number is certainly higher than anyone would have wanted from on a call from margie, the next group public to and baffled, gone. so now with 4 people have been killed in a report, it is ready strike that had a call in the southern city of rossa. so it's, it's from the scene shows locals inspecting the remains of the bloodied wreckage. the bodies of the victims was taken to a local where a relative is gathered to move on. the top comes as the ideas pushes for the south off to announce think it's dismantled. the hon most come on structure in northern garza and also in rafa a muslim group assess of $510.00, said the clinic for palestinians, displaced from the north of being placed local journalists around me on the highway has sentenced this report. we are here and the messiah on the badger. always
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advisor refugee camp and west. when drop off city 500 tents had been erected by this at a muslim 3 to a group that went on to believe that there has been another initiative that, that was established by them also to serve the community right to the community right here. the display sp was this primary health care, a clinic that is a for you, the clinic. yes. also tends major of tents, where doctors here at a treat the local community, the local displaced people and the, and the efforts that are being made by the doctors. right. to here are they are major only on goal on 3 bases. i thought i just 2nd came over here to get medical treatment. i have an infection in my throat as well as some the speed of 2 problems
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with coughing because of the severe cold in the tent at night. everyone around looks like they all have cost and colds. well old tired luxury and then what would you do? it has a can we have the medicines available and sufficient for all the patients here? we'll do all best to secure all medicines, either from the health industry or some external bodies. but once we manage to get is also a sufficient on a daily basis, i receive around $2.00 to $300.00 patients. although the 526000 displaced the residents here as well. i the, for now the globe. he has a team of 7 doctors, including full general practitioner, is going to be a little just and pediatrician. we have phase difficulties getting access to some medical supplies, such as blood pressure monitors and some surgical tools. also we have phases, difficulties getting some medicines for crime diseases and allergies. meanwhile, major cities around the world of seeing pro palestinian sentiments on the rise with thousands,
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thousands flooding the streets to express that points of view. or the huge crowd has the magazine staying with people, holes on each hunting slogans and waving palestinian slides with tying bundles to imitate the bodies of those killed as a desk. tony garza has already supposed that 24000 people say the inhabitants of the new york city of new york city to the street where they class with police forces wrote a recording to the end of genocide in gaza. and the end of sponsoring of israel protest is proceeded from science new zealand as well, with the process of purchasing a speaking of his vice. so those are the root level and on government. so got to that. there are a 2 to 100 that every day the master code send it to genocide,
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it must stop its unacceptable and unbearable mediaspace and see what i needed. now it's about the things, it's very important that you speak for the people of palestine. thousands of them up in phones every day and they come to ski. the new zealand government sofa has done nothing as if i support the genocide is the place of both of your products. they should be taught. it is douglas and it shows no more charge on their behalf, the state they need to pay on the right side of history, 100 percent. they need to weigh more than what they're doing. they're supposed to pay for the lift phillips stein and i don't want to see innocent families, innocent children dying and unnecessary conflicts and insightful televi. thousands of flow to the streets to rally for the immediate return of hostages, held by home us post as quote for immediate se is fine and garza relatives of hostages joins the raleigh locals,
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voice that on gordon espanol he's government in demand that his resignation of the whole thing as the cost you then so they make sure hush lima. we want a new government because benjamin netanyahu is corrupt. we want a better government. we want them to take care of citizens that we think the current government is now bad. the thing that's will change is though, and the thing that we need now is the time you all and all the governments the set down. this is the only time to get to the agreement to get to piece. this is the only choice because it's on the i was just not the one that was live now to as he la on the uh to vist um he will act to best many things to join. he goes on the program to understand that you joined an anti war march and hi, how do you see such protests contributing to piece assets in the escalating tensions of the region? thank you. first for having me. uh yes. so we can look at this today. um,
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how big uh, but we have a big good demonstration there. although restricted by the police say for only $700.00 the participants. but the we still manage to do a great in the very which is a gathering for around 4 to political organizations and jewish renovations. to raise the voices together. uh for uh, for the return to the peace process for the release of the hostages. seduce from december 7th and flipped over the request for a ceasefire. and you guys a, um, i believe i do believe that this in liver is a, has a huge impact. it started here and i saw, by the way, my, most of them, i was to say that the,
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the police did not to authorize the demonstration twice. c and we have to appeal to the vices just as of court in order to get the to get the approval for the demonstration. i think that the fact of organizations and jewish organizations together and uh, rose and raised our voice has the unique voice. uh, nowadays asking to stop the war to return to negotiations a very relevant voice as well. unless you, you said it was a heavy police presence the other protest and we, we have seen some footage of possibly some arrests that did you face any challenges or obstacles during the march and the if so how did you ever come them? i guess we were a, a bit to arrest by the police. so one participant to one demonstrator was taken to
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a 2 question inc. um, um, but it ended say i ended up there. um, nothing. uh, nothing harsher than usual. uh, but we managed to write and raise our voices, and that's the important thing. that's a huge indeverus. and i hope this in the was a small this morning. the what happened here in haifa yesterday might be the future of the politics in the future. the corporation between arabs and use the highly important the joint venture. this to probably be the future. that's my belief. that's the reason why the police isn't the most kind of fight the same is that the government
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is frightened from these endeavors. there are of jewish corporations for these, there we are going to be the future of the future of politics of israel. what, what is the, the general sense of mental v as why the people towards the policies of the governments in this conflicts do you think people are, he may have seen fully suppose that the governments at the beginning of this conflicts in uh, october, may be changing their minds and i do believe so i do believe so. we are witnessing the shift that started from the 7th of october where most of these rallies, swear were full of the invasion for the guys and vision. the kind of, let's say, the feeling of revenge of where
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we're leading the policy making and the trends that these rallies as well. there's really citizens, as well as aware of the state of french now after 2 and a half months. so we're seeing that the, the objectives of the military operation and because of the bucket you've goals and received that. so we are not, we're not progressing towards a better future of the scene of returning soldiers in coffee coffins. be that a software the inflicted the separation on on does it ends on the citizens of gather i think we are witnessing a shift. this slow shift in the is rarely debates, according for the process that must be processed. there must be something
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after the war. and that's the question. what is the thing that's gonna come after the war? probably these questions are gonna from the government itself, the gun itself. i'm the leader of the, the state of the national unity. uh many guns. uh, a week ago, status uh or asked the government to clarify its goals towards the after many thanks for speaking to today. i really appreciate your time, let's say the audience he will add to this. thank you and thank you very much for having me. the displacement of palestinians hasn't just been happening. these policy number of months has been ongoing since the establishment of his while in 1948. we spoke with all the native ramsey abraham who lives in nigeria. now besides,
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he's been trying to clean patches by the boy in his home hunt. isaac person, i lost more than 25. the number of the family. my house is gone. my father also is gone. so this is where we are as owned by the city. it has not been the me, the numbers of families wipe out of the disc done know to motor exist. imagine if i'm a little 8100. the father of the children, the gun 10 to then underground, gone, tingler, all at once maddest they fight and how much will fighting the student called the palestinians in does i'm there is 2 different things to defend. the mention of that was a moral and a legal does how russian foreign ministry spokesman marie is a, however described you have
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a nice decision to intervene on as well as the hoff against occupations of genocide . most the sound sport. and so referring only to the holy cost and not all the crimes committed by the gym and, and pi in africa. in the presence of the republic of the me, beth called in germany not to take any action in relation to this extremely sensitive story. since germany itself has not yet redeemed itself, but its crimes against humanity committed in africa, we can say that the behavior of the leadership of the current government administration, unacceptable, illegal and immoral. so far as i mentioned, the snake extermination that the german and pa committed on to and the movie and fives at the beginning of the 20th century of a 150000 people died of starvation on the hydration because german forces prevented the tried. so i'm leaving them, it does is germany says occupations of the other side of gates as well, have no basis raising questions of a historical double stand. that's when it comes to crime spell and was not involved
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it in view of germany's history and the crime against humanity of the show. the federal government sees itself is particularly committed to the you and convention against genocide. however, the federal government firmly and expressly rejects the accusation of genocide that has been made against israel at the i c j. this accusation has no basis whatsoever as cost life now to pull a gene, a global affairs on an estimate. thanks for joining us on the program today is good to see. so germany seems to be ignoring really is of a history of tribal cleansing in namibia as it proposed to suppose, as well as a south africa in the hague saying they know what genocide is. what's the difference between is aaliyah ethnic crimes and is really actions in the office today? the furniture is a guess of um, uh, perry ticket. uh chevy. picking up that is what your big why remember you want to
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uh, uh, moves on, based on them is politics. i'm dead, it trapped. there's lots of pepsi d o. in fact, in, in simpler language. and, you know, he book reset value. um and you know, they said one genocide ads and then it says something to know something about the on the aside from the print, the 1948. the definition was also uh to my boss because of the low cost and then that it was that the drum on some the jews walks about once i commit that would incense you know destroyed or that you know or not. so now you're me, me crying and shot. oh really does good. okay. yeah, i don't know what if you don't call him what is happening and guys are, you know,
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the place where i didn't know side all clean or for margaret brown. i remember them . it was much more than you have more than 20 people day and that's a bad thing. you know, i'm very or thought it to you or whoever is behind that's not absolutely justified . i've explained, defend itself. it is the, uh they find that the, the app was nothing they so now that it almost the same name as the name for that. so what, i'm sorry, is it the, you know, troops that, that to it country that has been involved built for the reason that i, the genocide went into the, the, the lead somebody became popularized because of what happened the a by he black the deadline. and then the jews and then isn't that happens in other places? um it around so it goes by beth noon. is ben how's the car? bye bye. bye bye walter. this is paige. okay, that's not the end of the cherry picking as,
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as he puts it as seems so well for you. is it that the choosing best to, to, to suit because the thing, yeah it's, it's not just germany. france has also joins germany to support as well. both highlighting the whole of course, we can actually, so i could listen to to what the french foreign minister had to say. let's remind ourselves words have meaning and accusing the jewish state of genocide is crossing a moral threshold. we cannot exploit the notion of genocide for political purposes . that is our consistent position. what question is, how does history justify what is well, is doing now? the good is said before, do you make it to say the least and then there is no other way i didn't say in that one. it involves a and all that kind of dream. it is not in the west. so you'll have, i know that definition of genocide for every jones, maybe the one for robot side will be different. well, for the west is different when it goes from. so is there a rush,
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that is the europe is good for nato is different. and what is happening, the fact that mrs. remember the america, the living, the, you know, i know about. so you know, you hear me say know, you love, i love these really 3. i know it is why you see what is happening. i'd be like the nation's, they haven't been able to get, even when all the countries that, you know, my simply the majority. i say listen, i do times cross. the line with us is really saying that it was my brother lying and look for my brother number or something. i mean one that is a, by the enough for them if you, i'm not going to killer 25 or more people because of a 1000. the $500.00 new person who would be watches the big. what are you driving that deal with at some point this will be on and to this, i'm just the same. there's probably a now i'm able to do him. the watch was problem ended on the lake was changing
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table. so watching him to move to move out before that tab. that behind is really why we're doing lots of lots. it's not fits into what you have seen on television to graham and women which are not hot mazda people. i'm them, so the amount of home i'm beginning to say that that is, that's going to be good for the tax. maybe i'm going to defend himself in god left know body, and let's see what happens. now clauses also ran by the users or in infective because that let me do one of the us use them to the does one the, let's everybody to be done, sir. or my general sad drum, the dusty is which are very that, that, that would be the end of your monitor. what and what do you see, how the, as well as a war has created a very distinctive vision. you have the countries that support as well, which appears to be mostly western countries. and then you have the more and more countries. supposing the palestinian quotes, how do you think that this class of opinions might develop?
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this is the joe politics that is play out and i get nothing else. and then probably, well, it's in close. i have to do for my, the cold. well, where, you know, one practical outside though we see something. it doesn't match that. but uh, you will have a template somewhere that is there it goes, you know, all you do is if that is a dramatic view though, pressing and slipper really wants you on our side and the button it ma'am. imagine that we're said that the, the, you can drive out back to you as soon as i forgive them. so when you come in demo site, by the time you're going to outside, it says new wrong. the general site is a deal device. it is tied by another. i'm a big key. now you call it the uh, what is it that uh, it's not more that is, is a real, they debbie, give them a note that is not in one of those terms, but i don't, let's prince,
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it was done by justice. that is the new policy that the we're in the upper does is a, you know, it's the right one, mind, one woods. and then that's what i mean we're going to, the other issue is that they would begin to teach or not to be through the from, you know, try to bunch of the kids to them to, to them what it is as not the genocide means when you are committed to your own box . i repeat it is, is it, is that it is the app? uh, the focus is, uh that it is, uh uh, you know, the time that the letter that, i mean there is no one, no your mind is one and the one is just is always a good one. is it just, it gives you all that because it wasn't, this is that was my, my, my, my, you know, i because i'm not searching the example right up front please. well, it's empty and i want to just the price is what, what, what do we have?
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what a map is, is really a problem that, that would be, we are going through this depends on what is behind. and let me as well, just offer the kelley and they just stopped by telling them anything. so if you wanna get on the program, pull a g make level of size on the list. i appreciate your time. thank you. thank you for having me now to central africa when the democratic republic of the congo continues to recover after months of deadly flooding the worst exhaust when 60 years, the united nations, half of the cases, over 3 and a half $1000000.00 to a country view and stays around $1.00 and $5.00 of those affected need. adjourn, slice saving assistance areas bordering the congo river often take to the critical hundreds of people have died. the government sizes working with a red cross while warning that the floods are expected to continue until at least march. we heard from some of the low close, close off, and it is also we're sleeping outside with our children. please,


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