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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  January 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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l invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china, of the dies, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied time, z and staged out real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery, ruthless confrontation of 2 officers of the imperial army. so c r e, my guide and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us. or this monstrous competition was widely reported in the japanese press. to the non z massacre claims the lives of
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about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the address of the phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation, freezes, yasu eco, a sock gun, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the hello, i'm manila chan. you are tuned into modus operandi. what a difference a year makes in the world of politics, from the american main stream, media to the halls of congress, and even states who share borders with ukraine. little by little, we've witnessed and erosion of support. today we'll talk to a former ukrainian diplomat and whistle blower who will break down just why the
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veneer a victory and support for of a load of mir zelinski is quickly fading. all right, let's get into the m o the . what would you do if you witnessed wrong doing by your government? how would you react if your own government sanctioned a nazi hit on your life? that's exactly what happened to our next guest in 2020, before the conflict in ukraine unfolded. and as more stories like his come to light and helps explain this, erosion of support and confidence in the proxy war waged against russia using ukrainian blood and treasure joining us for analysis and to tell us his side of the story is andrea tell us jenko. he is a former diplomat for ukraine once based here in the us. he's held several high positions within government,
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including advisor to allister and prosecutor general victor shogun. andre, thank you so much for being with us. first, i'd like to address the media smears that you endured back in 2020, just weeks ahead of the us elections. now, mainstream media outlets such as cnn and, and b, c, they wrote articles about you calling you a disinformation agent. they said that you lied or misled us. officials about that in the tories, hunter, bite and laptop, things of that nature. now, 3 years on all this evidence has surfaced that would exonerate or vindicate you. talk to us about how these narratives have changed over the last 3 years. a. yeah, it's all the media, all the national here in the west called me russian agent precious by a lawyer. and that i'm gonna pay of all the russian government, etc, which is total. why? and? and that's also be confirmed and there's with us is that,
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that's one thing. but the other thing is, everything i set everything i talked about. i'm providing the sedation above the primes of the buyers and finally to very slot through blue star strategies, the log in firm which logs that on robin put coordinate the work for the binding families. there. i'm a sculpture time. what's the 1st? the different sources? dozens of sources on the capital m. s. the on other until groups who came out to the southern and congress confirmed that was a set 3 years later, 2 years later on. but still they, i'm asking you to everything else and it's just ignoring whatever i said, they still continue to call me a russian agents to senior me and the senior. my family. i had to see credit because of all those. uh uh, vacation for the i see i have my family, i just because they had to get a guest right into the so today i'm good and so that's online about my,
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my family and this is just a great example of how the state is afraid of the truths how everybody is afraid of people like me somehow tell the truth to what's the blow on the situation. what happened? i was one of the person who was involved in my don. unfortunately, to the play i saw my my, what else is what happened there? then i was working with these planes on it, and after that i saw how the reflex resignation happened and what happened under with destructive, what was the prostate general. i was a bicycle time how the investigation was continuing and the american embassy was trying to block and i wasn't which that says that then i was hired at least start fridays because then you how, what was the prostate office? but when i understood what the work that they were doing, and they would try to, frankly, because i was working with rudy giuliani at the trump t of the training involved with the elections of trump stuff she on the surface.
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right. so i came to the set and it came out with the truth with my e mails, with my personal information. what i could provide at that time because the could, there's lots next. if you have a wrong turn around the block, let's just you know, the center. so they cannot, you call me out and get all the information from me. and so today that information is still in my hands, and i room to provide that to the us. government, us congress, the republican party, which is 2 numbers initially when 200 buying right now. and i think this puzzle together with all the information i said 2 years ago and today with everybody else coming out with the truth, just confirming what i said, we're going to add to the value of the picture here. and because for me, excited about by your house or by and i don't care about the speed problems, these people problem working question i need to, they will destroy my country. that's how they use deep writing as a wrap corruption, right? they brought corruption more corruption to print and then there was direction. ukrainian government was corrupt. the problem more pressure to use it as
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a unit which is own benefit to destroy the country. and the country is the greatest and destroyed by the united states government by the, by the industry. so this is why we continue to fight today. and everything i said was confirmed. so does and some other sources on what he says. and everything i provide was personal email send from the patient, the treat. me looks like strategies, referrals. i don't want to consult with was 100 buttons original. i wasn't able to contact was the worst i was looking for. josh, there was to contact the child to finish your parents from a shuttle and that information or provide what russian does information, isn't it nothing because it's a struggle just that someone in communication with them which was published in a fed up report in 2020, which i started johnson center grass and everybody got into and today that's everything that's being surfaced again, which i got to choose will. well,
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so and ukraine is your home land. you served as a diplomat for your country. for many years. you were based at the ukranian embassy here in the us, but then in 2019, but one way or zelinski was elected president of ukraine on a, a platform of a friendly ties with russia, a very moderate approach. but then by 2020 zalinski was thinking a different tune about russia. what happened there? what can you tell us about that timeline and how the us or the west plays into that? and, and coincidentally, we should add the u. s. revoked your visa in 2020. yeah. yeah, that's correct. i got solutions full sanctions by the us government in january might change the 19th of 2020 by the state department's us treasury department and the faucets and illegally tribunal. russian. asians were connected to people as their kind of show i never knew and never got was involved with. and
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without any evidence, they just put that on and locked my visa rocks. any of my financial, i've tried to job and were abroad. uh right now because of the site shows like and i got a bunch accounts because of the restrictions on the i can i travel to the us, canada, or the case because of the essentials. but the other problem is that i got my personal, got the training, i got these off to g mazda to call him today. you called him for the last 34 years, is that he also sent to your reagan on the cartridges showing for because the us government fractions adjusted the stuff up to the by the instruction. he did that and i'm soon, i'm an assistant quarterly paid. i'm the only one you practice to the press, the extra credit or rephrase me and the supreme court. and that's awesome. in fact, because what he did is illegal in any way. so, and i also got followed and is that the best threats by those old tongue?
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and by that as well as the members of parliament, a tv on tv, because when the house had started, they said it should tell jenko down on the street because he's a russian agent. and it says he's sanctioned by the us section where you grant. so he should, he should be shut down as a dog, and that's it. without even try. that's how they pushed it on tv. and i personally got calls from every time it's on the roster team unfortunately. so this is what the train has become. but what device do you have the phone? what did he was he did come on the platform with juice and car was rushing everybody around the train builders. i'm going to use the chief as over, which would be unusual coffee. just come out of the par shinkel regime as a new way for the crane. that's what defining the 75 percent of the brands. why does it matter? why don't want they want a piece of wire posterity. so you press one to enter the password, and the one on boss has joined the citizens. and just,
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what does it say that he will make a deal? he'll come get them if the courts back on the table and find them and get on bass. lucky to pray as an autonomy, but it would be praise, right. what we see today, you 1st is divided in total sausages, losing more and more territory. 600000 men and women really for an army have died. a lot of thousands of from the russian side have died. we have our total bloodshed list, the pressure of the team and a platform of 80 piece. and what happened? 3 months later after the because the president and craig, he's got bought off by the british intelligence and my 6 in june of 20 uh, nice e. c got caught up and brought him to london. and that's when he basically made a choice. and he understood, and he knew that he's going to be in a more and more for what topic originally and government in the rush. that's what you want the top of the come in,
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rush special. there's really no sanderson granted not one of the about. they only want it to go against the rushes, and that's what you'll actually sign up for to sign up for it to go in destroyers, don't people this for the country become a building in there. that's what the, the promise you will have all the welfare needs in the world, but he will topple government and russia, and that's what the role of the frame that's this was in london by that my 6 and today it's been for the totally my watch. while i'm in washington are part of the home is lots of how he brings pc grant, because they understood they cannot do that the 1st 3 months to go with us, look at the government and boss. so the senate strong to be partial 40 of the present, and he's supported by all his people. there's only one per social left russia, and so they were all working with the west. and today they're only making one motor . industrial complex is making a profit adjustment to you in this war and showing more and more the printer's
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making dollars on the sensor. legacy has partners. you're just a public which is being used in every other partially branch because there's a lot position is involved in this. okay, so just to reiterate, just so we got this clear, the a 's of threatened you and your family directly. that doesn't sound very democratic to me, but i was sort of limited towards list, which is a list i'm on the 1st and i was told that 2 weeks before the cost that started in the right uh, i was directed right away. the 25th of february, or by the way, i could even buy some family members that i know uh smartphones, but i just, just to know because people were so fed up with the got so much propaganda. but officially, that's directed by members of pearl members, retired from the sources party, another party special party. it was my pictures, but our tv and my name was split up to just to be shut down and the rest are so
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many weapons on the street. the 1st couple weeks you took a shot and nobody cared about what happened to you. your body will be just thrown in on the street and they said, all this is what happens of rush. so the more he got shot by his own, or universes, by whatever, make a show of. and nobody will investigate and does all the time that personally i was put under most of the time chose to be destroyed. so just because i stood up for peace, just because i stood up for nothing more, just save the crate, get that done boss the part of the frame as to leave a peaceful life and the cost was praying and not to have one with rush. this is what the only other for any political party and their support any candidate. i didn't support russian president for the russian president polish president. i supported my own country and that's what he wants to come before because i had my independence view outside of their work. we got the box coming up
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next drugs, delusions of grandeur, e g o mania. those are just some of the accusations being leveled against be one time man of the year, but let him, here's a wednesday, we'll discuss it when we return with andre. tell us jake goes to type the m o will be right. that the the hello and welcome to the cross, the full board. here we discuss the wheel and the
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welcome back to the m. o. i'm vanilla chance. not long ago time magazine ticked him as man of the year. then just a year later, they published an article sort of bad mouthing him in a way of in the way of unnamed sources to talk more about this will bring back andre, tell us jenko. thank you so much for sticking around with us andre. so let's get into the circles more closely aligned to mr. zelinski. a recent time magazine feature article quoted several unnamed members of presumably his cabinet, who leveled insults against him, calling him delusional and even messianic. they seem to say he exist in his own world, divorced from the reality on the ground that ukraine can somehow still win this war . do you have any ideas of who these unnamed sources might be?
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and, and what this means for the inner workings within the zalinski government. i mean, is this the 1st fracture? are there going to be more fractures to cobb? it doesn't, it doesn't. the detractors didn't get them off. the vice president required you can call her, here's the one who's paying those games and has his own team. let's do all of the pop and work around so long for solver keeping him in a bubble. there's a bunch of tv i'm going to bubble because ever said the hassle wakes makes exchange like a problem with the west side of the same time to understand they have lost some people . i still don't, you know, there's some way within the team. but your mock and his surroundings are the ones for change that the woods, the land fee for him, unless they've come augusta back to pull it out. for example, a guy who used to be get a call just as an official profession, became a political experts. and used to rock country falls to change the print and make profits from different politicians never with any election. and this guy was hired
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by the last, the druggist, p. r. such people are the ones were penalty against the let's take a few time and for him and procedure. but your box is the biggest player who's going to run off the 1st of the 1st we're going to start changing because he understands and to save yourself more than anybody else because he's responsible for more the next few around the last the rate involved getting him in the ball was the british than anybody else. so he, he's the one most people. so i've seen this whole bubble. everybody's going to with the 10 percent. that's why i think the 2nd thing is the warranty associated. she is a drug deb the slot suffered sale. it's not so just curious if you desire to do drugs every drugs during the lecture time he got off the truck after the extra time . but after like a half a year as well as this, we're going to get started going back and drugs. ok marijuana. somebody just
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haven't heard of drugs of this person is the one who's running the pressure. that's all you still do. that's why he is the use of the per perfect pop, an accurate to run the saw show for somebody else outside of the train. so there's many people are not put the that there's a group of things, there's no charges to leave the training which is paying their own, pay them against the exhaust the same. and you're gonna get to different or different factions, sections within the government. and some of them are calculated, that's almost personal. safety reasons. if i do, i don't want to get so, but we are within the consulting the crate. and we have specific things as we are working together with the west. and these people were prepared 2 years before the war started, because they're going to have their own k, if something's going to go back. because the last a year, before the war even started, these people knew what their role would be. one of the switch start going to that.
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so this is what the, what's the state and so you can't trust the or using these topics within the machine to play the own situation. now i think the question, all right, so you guys have an elected bureaucrats as well, and your actors have similar problems to our celebrities here in the us. all right, got it. so well, let me ask you, then, is there a room for defense among the landscapes rank and file among those who have his ear? well, they have to, 1st of all, the only person who cannot, who can disagree with. and the team is, yeah, there are people who are going to disagree, but a couple for the could. you can never just leave that to place which i'm gonna see . first of all, because the last few things on a he owns the experience that you can solve this k. he, the 1st was the i meant to ask you a couple of times after the battle, like he offered me keep because on the message washington, for one point which i go or play. thank god, i'm not in parts team. i would never want to be part of never seen this for that,
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but i mentioned before time. so this person, this person who used to play for money sauce and part of our just for which the premiums we just saw in dollars when they were drunk. and create and use them as a tool to just to have 5. can imagine this person got power, especially for the struggle throughout his career to stay on floats and make money in any way possible. the thing sounds a little, pardon rogers was there, you see, could spot all of our way there and begging him to, to jump on their truck. and this person to play the role, he became the he got power support from the west. what, what part of what kind of pushes that can be, it's a, just a person who go for a total destruction. if you would not care about anything for himself. and this person would destroy anything that a router that if he thinks is a switch he thought of near that's right,
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that's really exciting to me. the thought of other people, stress, regular, local experts in the print who just took all the stuff kind of a piece, a lot of my friends that shot and killed him going by the secret service in the 1st weeks of the war. just because the sort of guns oxy and white piece, that's why the, that's a democracy is the west of support. a lot of people like when life insurance is also some press right now, you probably know legally, but also there's thousands of ukrainians who just got killed because of their physician not supporting the war and that's for the exhaust. and this order was given the support it from the top, i personally but every day, but just to deal with a water, anybody who doesn't sports me and has a little political weight or possibly to go on there. they have to be destroyed and looked at it. that's what happens. now what as the latest news that the european union has now reversed course and are now opening accession talks for ukraine and
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moldova, i mean this would be a boon for ukraine, but wouldn't this be a detriment for the you in that this would be an economic drag for the block. first of all, the european union also opened such a possibility for turkey in 2005 just so yes. ready turkey still in that situation where there are possibilities in terms of you, but they're not on the says the, there are political situation which you have to go to or about an hour study, if you will, not for the drawing between see you because of the situation you're the union was the right house or the freight environment possible to go further because she's a german process. one of the prosper sponsors, e e u. but all the chemistry, chemical industries fall apart because of the high gas prices to pay 40 percent higher of the page for the gas prices years ago. cuz if they're buying from united
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states, right, this is just an example one of the top from the time for both countries and your story. and they're still striving them today. but you can see what other countries . so today you, what's the point is they're gonna start giving the prince fashion to the you. what the situation, the question of what will happen when you can start present more territories? what is the destruction complete with all the work they say react are? that's awesome. that's why you bring this out and have a chassis jr. need really fast. they are free for training and within the facetime, the which is prompts to the printer will never have to fast on, then go to the firm a sure if he's not interested right now. so the promises promises and promises that just have to show something because they cannot get somebody today. the $50000000.00 doesn't pause. so they are shown the 3 gratitude to the prayer, most always been a joy losing model of the same we used to create the struggle. garner percent on
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this actually is one of the course she's in here as well as the print. unfortunately, for me, it's hard for me to say that my, my own car, she's the one of the poorest, even though it was one of the richest surgery. so today it's just, again, brought into your tv and that's what i believe is going to be a draft for your particular fast north and he was to europe to do it because as soon as you find it in your backyard. yeah. so things continue to fight with them and help them. but unfortunately, this is just a fairy tale for your time because nobody understands they cannot get your training in the way and accommodate structurally cleaners today joining the european union because the total structure for you and your family will fall apart. and they will do that because the countries 4 percent will not be able to support that because you find the watches and then show what your plan is. we use for the proxy countries to the rest of the cost for their home interest. it's already, unfortunately, because queen queen does not put us on interest. tons, it's,
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we can put some washer sometimes for the last version present washington. some of the interest of funding is on purchase. nobody else, even though their phone number watches the interest of the top, i think that's what they have to do. and then we can start talking about you or something else after the whereas we can continue this talk when we print, we'll never start watching. he joined the again because the other possibilities to join other economical institutions around the world was more possibly from the printer to change it to come a real from the was it was in our partnership. andrea taylor, shank, a former diplomat for ukraine. thank you so much for sharing your story and giving us your analysis. we certainly wish you and your family well and maybe one day, a safe home coming. it was great to be on your shows and i wrote it on again. all the best you thank you. all right, that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi the show that takes deep
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into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila chan. thank you so much for tuning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the ammo the garage of business and the system. the boss can do either speak with key at the washington state, the bruce, the complaint of guys has to phone and send
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2 professional men video to you for the list of all but huge, but they use the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power, tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills. and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusions, going underground? can
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the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all set and set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t. suppose that keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say it would twist, which is the
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disturbing images from the capital city of the done? yes, republican with $27.00 civilians are killed and $25.00 wounded. as you crime shows a busy markets on sunday morning. russia luscious out to germany for intervening on this else. the hall and the genocide case in south africa is taken to the international court of justice. also ahead we have from a public opinion and now living in nigeria about how his relatives are struggling to survive in gaza. awesome. have already been killed by his reading homes more than 25. remember my house is gone. my father this is where we are on for the.


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