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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the disturbing images from the capital city of the done yet republican with 27 civilians are killed and 25 wounded. as you crime shows a busy markets on sunday morning. russia luscious alta gemini, for intervening on this else the hall and the genocide case, the south africa is taken to the international court of justice. also ahead we have from a public opinion and now living in nigeria about how his relatives are still going to survive in gaza. us on have already been killed by. it's very problems for more than 25 minutes. my house is gone. my father
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we own for the florida governor. wrong defenses goes out to the race. both presidents, unimed doses form us present. donald trump, for the republicans ticket. the for must go to the world. this is all the international line fee to scott. and these are the top stories, this our thanks for joining our stats in the don't boss with 27 people were killed in 25 wounded in the ukrainian shutting of a busy markets in done yet on sunday, as according to local officials. so now we must, one view is that this report does contain some disturbing images. but officials say that 2 children were injured in the attack, which they believe use nato supplied weapons civilian infrastructure. and then the ask has been sort of several times by the ukrainian army this past week. you have though, haven't come instead of take corresponded steve. so we need sensors. this reports from the c,
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as well as state of absolute college here in the care of the district of don't yet city which came under a heavy shedding by ukrainian forces around 1030 this morning now is difficult to describe the scene. hey, as you can see behind me, the street is listed with dead bodies. people with that name was missing. blood's best, i miss all is were 5. these are the 155 millimeter weston, supplied weapons. that of course, they haven't struck in minutes each all get like struck a multi place which according to authorities, was at it's a busy is many a talking of a genocide. many saying that this is a war, cry lula. even the problem that cause a direct strike against civilians. if it's a big city markets, there were lots of people that hate the place during rush hour, so that of more people would cry. and so far, for my friends, died, officials said the marketplace was bustling when it came under attack from you claiming forces investigations are on the way to determine exactly what weapons
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were used with the death told, expected to rise. ukrainian troops carried all of the charges attack on the market, presumably around 10 am where they were a lot of people currently working on identifying ammunition which was used by the ukrainian forces. one shopkeeper explained to the area has been under attack for 10 years. and that she just wants to live in peace. the dates the shelling has been going on since 2014. we have no words, no patients anymore. but everyone good use to it. we don't know when it will and ultimately people a suffering. this is the dead, the single are talking don't. yeah, it's getting recent times. but these are not soldiers. these are ordinary people, shopping as a marketplace, old man and women carrying out that day the activities west and supplied weapons have been used to kindly i woke up and yes, again, leaving a community devastated on its people terrorized with many asking why,
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why us. and when would this our, and this is these really all to you don't yet? city with the russian foreign ministry says that the attack shows a cube, has no interest in pursuing peace and calls for the international community to condemn, to strike as an active service of the new nazi regime with the support of the united states and its satellites has once again, committed a barbaric terra stacked against the civilian population of russia. the terrorist attacks of the key regime clearly demonstrate its lack of political will to find peace and to resolve the conflict through diplomatic methods. russia calls on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to put forward a strong condemnation of this brutal terrorist attack their silence will mean tacit approval of the killings of civilians and encourage ukrainian neo nazis to even more bloody atrocities. the united nations move too strong to condemn the latest attacks on civilians in done yet saying that such strikes are a violation of international humanitarian law. christ on the on who is the old
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founder of the don't bust inside. leaves you claim your forces office straight to buy the setbacks on the battlefield. the russian tubes are advancing in the social love that you've got on other parts of the front. uh, so from my point of view, and it's always like the so when we make some progress, the ukrainian armies shedding a civilian play. so like to revenge. uh, so they, they care about, we know on the media to repeat. and so they decide just to terrorize the population and as a way to feel that they have a choose something the district like the carol sky, one where you type in today or the one it could be shes key and the one of petrosky which of the closest one from the front line, our us to shield the d. d on a daily basis of the same that to goal of co c t, which is also under fire every day. so unfortunately, we still have to reduce the from fine to avoid such showing up
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very big cities because the needs can go look at our big cities. we're moving on to northern dos and now where a civilian building was hits. and then he's very strike on the out john area in jamalia. a local journalist sense has this report. this house was targeted by a number of odd tillery shells and coat fire. the frequency of strikes with shells and missiles on northern gauze has escalated again what we are currently seeing. all the attempts of the civil defense crew, as well as the owners of the house to evacuate this room. that was targeted by an artillery shell. thank god, there was no one in this place when it was hit. the rise in the number of attacks in the north means a new disaster due to the inability of civil defense cruise. to deal with these incidents, there was only one civil defense vehicle left which is a fire truck. this vehicle operates very poorly as there are no sources of water to fill the vehicle with in order to extinguish defiance. the value of this place was
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shelled and the room caught fire and there was no warning before the bombing neighbors and young man came and did what they could to help until the civil defense crew arrived. we faced artillery bombardment every day. we are afraid to stay in our homes. everyone stays on the ground, floors. the situation is scary. the humanitarian catastrophe and gossip deepens every day local gentlest moments of us census. this reports on the diet conditions and causes notes. the most of the most i gave me the lady, i think the hearts of jabante a camp in northern gauze stands, a mil for grinds in black, slower people, switch to this alternative. when white flour vanished from the markets. this meal has an incredibly low production capacity. insufficient to meet them all because the months of vital staple for the people in northern garza, the mills owner, decided to reopen it to assist the people and alleviate the hardships. citizens purchase grains originally intended for birds and animals at inflated prices. the
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middle stock is minimal, and within a week a weed supply in the market may be entirely depleted. the catastrophic humanitarian situation in northern gaza is worse and by this cast it to your fruits and vegetables and risky, inaccessible eastern regions. the conversation 1000 to the challenge of humanitarian conditions involving garza with the looming possibility of a genuine salmon compounded by it's very authorities hindering a delivery. since the humanitarian says fly, no assistance has reached northern gauze, leading to a significant depletion of the local market shortages and soaring prizes. we can see here the outputs of a simple machine, all probated by its own, uh, who took it upon himself to bundle mill a me to leave a, the citizens button and prevents and impeding salmon light or the i thought that the situation is extremely challenging for everyone that we are forced to use corn meant for animals, grinding it to feed our children. there's
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a significant shortage in the markets for all food items. and if a doesn't arrive, the situation will be catastrophic for the entire community. we try to grind corn and consume it within a maximum of 2 or 3 hours, otherwise it will dry up and become like stone. it's incredibly tough beyond our endurance and capacity. the food we consume is either boulder or rice, with sky rocketing prices, immoral and illegal if that's how russian foreign ministry spoke. so i'm ready as a caught of a describe jim and his decision to intervene on israel's behalf against accusations of genocide in the presence of the republic of the me, beth called in germany. no to take any action in relation to this extremely sensitive story. since germany itself has not yet received itself, but its crimes against humanity committed in africa, we can say that the behavior of the leadership of the current government administration, unacceptable,
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illegal and immoral. the german empire was responsible for the extermination of more than a $150000.00 members of it, to him, the bb and tribes of a century ago. germany finally apologize to commit to the genocide in 2018 and apologize. committing to pay over 1000000000 euros. but i recently stated that the drawing accusations of genocide levels, isabel though, have no basis in view of germany's history and the crime against humanity of the show. the federal government sees itself is particularly committed to the you and convention against genocide. however, the federal government firmly and expressly rejects the accusation of genocide that has been made against israel at the i c. j. this accusation has no basis whatsoever to did in the 21st century. we have seen one live tv on social media. do most of, you know, some people in, in data corporate richard by usually probably by the leadership of nothing. no,
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but germany is there was a game, but give it general try the extra i didn't, you know, seems to be there so that let's move to not just so what is one of the just wanted to apologize for the kinds of gluten dues that maybe drones would encourage me to do the jewels within the big beginning of the middle of the printer century by supporting again another crime against humanity into the filter to reach the job, one the drive. i think the german people need him to be politically the should be looking for in power because this quarter 2020 to she is pushing the what the data showing of denazi's something that i believed a new job one should not set or funds also supported is valid, the i c, j, and the accusations of genocide or been used for political ends. words have meaning and accusing the jewish state of genocide is crossing a moral threshold. we cannot exploit the notion of genocide for political purposes
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. that is our consistent position. the global affairs experts hold is that some western states have chosen to turn a blind eye to isabel's actions against this. is it true too? so i asked rather of whether they're going to be double standards in the way the world is being you feel like rules, right? and are by 7 hours, if you like, 2 rooms are forever. i said, doesn't make you right. you don't say because how much is a key problem from us for those and all that and they you go after the physical may not show. ready the back of your message on the side, the eyes of america, and i'm just the, the rest of the width is rec, and you know, right. and so the rates should turn of die. it will official of us genocide against the woman. i'm in a sense women and children in palestine. the displacements of palestinians has been
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taking place since the establishment of israel in 1948. we spoke with gauze and native rumsey eva, him who lives in nigeria to describe the impacts the was had on him. as a person, i lost more than 25, the number of the family. my house is gone. my father also is gone. so this is where we are, as owned by the city is not pulling me. the numbers of families wipe out of the disco, the motor exist. imagine if i'm in, it'll 1800. the father of the children, the gun 10 glen, underground gun tinder. all at once. baddest, they fight and how much of fighting the c student called the police damian's in does on there is 2 different things to defend the mention
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of that for a while supports for the policy and unit cost continues to rise on the streets of major cities around the world i was a huge crowd gathered in these funny city of boston. lona to express some authority with palestine demonstrates his cards, bundles to imitate the bodies of those killed in the complaints. as the death toll in gaza has passed the green lock of a 25000 people. also the new york city demonstrates a class with police during a march calling for an end to the genocide of gaza and for the west assault, sponsoring israel process, also rooted in funds and use events where participants say it's important that voice has a schedule that there are
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a 2 to 100 that every day domestic us and the genocide must stop. it's unacceptable and unbearable and the media space and c spy on needed. now. i think that it's very important that we speak for the people of palestine. thousands of them are being bumped every day and they come to escape. the new zealand government sofa has done nothing as a face to fault. the genocide is the place of both of your crimes. they should sleep. it is douglas and it shows no more power on the behalf to stay. so they need to be on the right side of history, a 100 percent way more the more that doing or support the people of phillips dining . and i don't want to see innocent families limits in children dying and unnecessary conflict. but over to israel now with thousands flow to the streets and central tel aviv to rally for the immediate return of hostages, held by him off of the demonstrates as cold for an immediate cease fire in gaza.
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voicing that on goodness in yahoo's government under monday to step down. we want a new government because benjamin netanyahu is corrupt. we want to better govern and we want them to take care of citizens. we think the current government is now bad. the thing that's will change in these though, and the thing that we need now is from the time you all and all the governments to step down, this is the only chose to get to the agreement to get to piece. this is the only choice because at the now it does not the one piece on such a day in northern israel and the anti war march took place at tele update. who's an activist out there valley says that despite the police done on protests, jewish and our organizations have managed to voice the outreach, political organizations, urban, jewish, a organizations that raised the our voices together. uh for uh, for the return to the peace process for the release of the is where the hostages hostages. it is from the 7th,
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7th of october and the the request for uh, cease fire and guzzle. um, i believe i do believe that this indeed or is a has a huge impact. i think the, the fact that our target and visions and jewish organizations took together and rose and raised our voice is a unique voice. the nowadays asking to stop the war to return to negotiations. meanwhile, these are the presidents, isaac has surfaced said that his country is defending the western world. of course is that we are fighting a war for the entire universe. for the free world, i always say is, is, when was not there, europe will be met. because these barberic g a,
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there's want to get all of us out of the region and want to get all of your about of its place as well. and united states is next to to use the basis the platform of dental and international business to shop to actually defend the actions of the is really the lead in this genocide is kind of out is really beyond the pay it. i think you should be ashamed of himself and he's not kidding anybody. nobody is full. but as i do that, you know, he's sort of crusade it for free. well, i can't. so cookie. how do you see the 1st thing is don't want to take it over there? well, that's known since they just want the country back and they've been victims of a look information ready for the look, the patient for decades. now, on the one hand, the lights here, so they miners to told by the ministration into an original which is escalating by the day. but on the other hand, miss, no,
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he can self knows that he's only political future now is really based on keeping this will going and keep them the genocide going every single day. so he's not looking for how much that's completely ridiculous. it is. an objective is to wipe out so many civilians as possible and try and convince neighboring countries and in the international community to take the remaining thousands out of causal together . a raging fire has engulfed a 10 story building in lagos, nigeria, emergency services at the same bottle to extinguish the blaze. if i started in a warehouse which local media says was close for business at the time, try to storm the building, building to salvage. that goes a no casualties have been reported so far is moving on to the news. now in the us, the florida governor of on desantis has withdrawn from the republican presidential primary campaign. and so in his support behind for me as president donald trump. i
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am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. they watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance. and they see democrats using lothair this day to attack it. while i've had disagreements with donald trump, such as on the corona virus pandemic, and his elevation of anthony bouchee, trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden. that is clear. i signed a pledge to support the republican domini. and i will honor that pledge you as my endorsement because we can't go back to the old republican guard of yesteryear re package formed of warmed over corporatism. the nikki haley represents the days of putting americans last of cow, telling the large corporations of caving to work or ideology are over you know, spent followed the republican prime in iowa, where desantis lost out the trump on the head of the new hampshire primary web post
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suggested that desantis could only expect around 6 percent of the vote from his main competitor in the fight. the republican party nomination remains the former representative to the un, as well as the ex governor of south carolina. but if you have a lot to discuss things, i just developments in us of politics with joins live now by steve. most of the folks know how steve. great have you with those? thank you. no, it was not long ago that on desantis was considered the future of the republican party. what happened? well, a lot of things happened along the way, i think got as the campaign progressed, it became more more apparent that the republicans weren't, weren't giving up on donald trump. in fact, the more the government went after donald trump, the better he did in the polls natural nationally, and i hit the head against biden. and within the republican primary poles as well. um every time he was indicted every time it did, they, you know, there was
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a court case scheduled. um the people i believe that he's been victimized that the government does not want him to be president or to even run again. they want them in jail. so that helped his numbers, but there are those who say also that run de santis ran a terrible campaign that he got into late and enabled donald trump to get a 5 month head start and talk about him. and he was it around campaigning to respond to it. you know, we called them up governor, dis, sanctimony is which he said today trump that the, he'll never use that again because the santas endorse trump is you alluded to, but it just a lot of things money. the campaign reportedly not run well. money spent all over the place and you got clobbered in iowa. you just got clobbered by 30 points that donald trump uh barely beat out the nikki haley. and he was gonna get about 6 or 7 present, like you said on tuesday in new hampshire. and he couldn't stick around until south carolina. they figured it didn't pay anyway because trump's going to be the
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nominate. oh, we are surprised that dishonest endorsed from there was certainly a certain amounts of unimed most of the between the 2 in the campaign. i guess there were, there was and they're, they're, they're, they're always is with trump because they all love make everybody that dare say anything against them into an enemy. pick a name for him, call them a name like the sanctimonious. in the case of, of this add this, but the rug, the scientists had, had to make a choice here. i mean, he's, as you said, he's designed to play to support the nominee. he could have waited and said, i'll wait and see where the nominee is going to be. but he just doesn't like nikki haley off. that's pretty obvious. i mean, on his way out. he took a shot in hayley basically saying, she's an establishment republican. she's back. republicans used to be, she's almost the same as joe biden, because she's so well entrenched in the establishment. and so he was even door struck, a man that he knows is going to be the nominator and could be the next president of
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the united states. so he wants to leave on his good a good terms as possible if you will. although he did say he's not interested in being the vice president. and i don't think that trump would take him anyway. but it's obviously to him seems that one step closer. now as well as desantis around a swami has also endorsed trump. what does that mean for nikki haley is just now just a one horse race. and yeah, well, you know nikki haley seemed very excited that this and this dropped out. she claims that she's going to be in it, no matter what happens on tuesday in new hampshire. she claims that she's going to go to south carolina, which was the state, but she was governor. of all the trump is very highly favored in south carolina. we don't know what's gonna happen in new hampshire. well you know, if this and this is people. busy that were going to vote for him if that 6 percent go to truck trump is going to win pretty easily. there are a couple of poles that have it, neck and neck with hayley and trump. but no matter what happens in new hampshire there's,
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there's no way barring any unforeseen circumstances that nikki haley is going to beat donald trump and become the presidential nominee for the republican party. just not gonna happen in again, but like you said rabbit swami, tim scott, the, the black republican from us that south carolina who was a candidate at one point, he just endorse trump over the weekend. so you know, it's all going to trumps direction. and i don't know how long haley is going to hang around, but she seems that you that's what she wants to do. finally, steve, just want one last question on the other side of the physical structure. now the democrats did they, how many tricks of the sleep now they're going to stick with by the, the o. c. we could talk for about an hour or 2 a 3 right now, but i'll be brief. what i believe is going to happen somehow for some reason bite and we'll drop out. i don't even know if he knows he's going to drop out yet, but i believe he'll be forced to by the people running the show. i don't believe
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button runs the show and he'll drop out during the convention before the convention when it's too late for it, you know, for any more product candidates to get in. and they'll decide at the convention who will run as the democrat nominee. it'll probably push cala harris out of the way and keep the name michelle obama in mind. because obama and governor, i knew some of california, they could be a ticket one way or another. and that's really what i believe is going to happen, because i just can't see pamela as a disaster. everybody knows if they went again, she'll be president one day, the public won't buy it, they don't buy biden. he's too old. and i just don't see that the democrats are going to go with him. mm hm. well, we'll have to wait and see how it ponds out the emails back at so. so host is always thanks very much for your analysis as the present selection stuff to eat. so
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thank you. my pleasure. thank you. move on to other news. now russia has raised concerns that nato is undermining european security. the russian deputy foreign minister commented on the alliances upcoming exercises the largest since the cold war. and there be enforcing nato members bordering with russian. any exercises of this scale significantly increase the risk of military incidence and destabilize the security situation even more. but the interest of european security today do not really concern those who rule in nato. for them, the main thing is to keep a flo, the instrument of american influence in the already lost struggle to preserve western had gemini and the world. as around $90000.00 nato troops will take pots in the steadfast, defend the drills, and the blocks eastern flank. this made the exercises we'll rehearse drop. it'd be deployments of nato forces in the baltic states, poland, germany, romania and no whites. the lines has an opening declared that russia is, it's imagined at this rate in the drills. but there are,
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they want to make those top officials for about it states that the alliance is preparing for possible with russia within the next 20 years. for the us on the office of scott, but it says that naples, fostering they are going to be pretending to do maneuvers to try and bluff russia. threatened brush a brush up psychologically. move russia into a into a condition of uh, wanting peace. that's the other objective, and this is to show this massive display of force and rainbow flags. but, you know, marching from poland in germany and elsewhere to somehow think the russians are going to be intimidated. any claims of stepping into the battle field or onto the boxing match, which with russia is completely laughable. so it's a, it's a psychological bluff. it's an attempt to bully and into fracture rusher and to, to quicken it into some sort of a peaceful settlement to try and draw that. 38 bell parallel and thinking that
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russia is going to simply rush to nato and rush to europe. is it for russian needs your needs year, a nato and russia doesn't? that's a rep for now. my name is peter scotts, and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news on use on us . and thanks for watching the the i'm action or times it welcome back to a brand new season of going underground rule guessing well around the world from dubai in the hodge of them, at least over 100 days have passed. since the onset of the anglo american,
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back to more on guns are 65000 tons of bones. 3 times the power of hiroshima have now killed at least $24000.00 palestinians, mostly women and children. while john list to all of them trying to bypass nature nation propaganda and censorship have now been killed in gaza. then john list all around the globe and the whole of world war 2. and yet to washington and the client, europe in states continued to back israel, now facing genocide charges initiated by south africa and backed by the arrow below . you get the international court of justice. the by the ministration is being bypassing congress to approve weapons sales, to kill the children of garza, and then turn them with britain, both backing israel strikes in jerusalem and 11 in syria and iraq. they have a really bombarded the world's poorest country m and which defacto sanctioned israel in shipping and supportive un resolutions one, palestine. joining me now from roman italy is for my british diplomat allister crook. he was once middle east adviser to the army and unions, foreign policy chief and his not director of the baby based conflicts for him. thank you so much for coming back. i was so happy new year,


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