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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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of course, here we discussed some real in the disturbing images from the capital city other than the republican with 27 civilians are killed and 25 wounded. as ukraine shows a busy markets on sunday morning. the push of lashes out to germany for intervening on israel to be off on the genocide case of africa's taken to the international courts of justice. also this, so we hear from a palestinian, now living in jerry and about how his relatives office buildings and dividing garza plus on that or the detail advisory board looks more than 25 minutes in my house is gone. my father also as we, as on the, on the to florida, coming over on desantis,
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pulls out to the race for presidents, uninvolved as a full us president. donald trump, for the republican 2nd, the it's one minute past 5 am on monday here and most go your watching all to international with the very latest will use thanks for joining us. there's not a solid in don't bus where 27 people were killed and 25 wounded and the ukrainian shutting of a busy markets and done yet on sunday. as, according to local officials, we must one view as this report does contain some disturbing images us. but officials say the 2 children were injured in the attack, which they believe you've made, so supplied munitions, civilian and for search engine. yes, cause been stroke several times, but you couldn't. i mean, this past week give, though, hasn't commented correspondents, steve sweeney sensors. this reports from this well, a state of absolute cottage here in the care of the district of don't yet city
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which came on the heavy, shedding by ukrainian forces around 1030 this morning. now it's difficult to describe the scene here as you can see behind me, this 3 is listed with dead bodies. people with the names missing, bloods, best i miss all is with 5. these are the 155 millimeter weston, supplied weapons that of course, they haven't struck a minute to talk. it like struck a multi place which according to authorities, was at. it's a busiest, many, a talking of a genocide, many a saying that this is a full cry beula, even the proteins that cause a direct strike against civilians. if it's a big city market, there are lots of people that he plays during rush hour so that more people would cry. and so far, for my friends, died, officials said the marketplace was bustling when it came under attack from ukrainian forces. investigations were on the way to determine exactly what weapons were used with the death told,
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expected to rise. ukrainian troops carried all the charges attack on the market, presumably around 10 am where they were a lot of people currently working on identifying ammunition which was used by the ukrainian forces. one shopkeeper explained to the area has been under attack for 10 years and that she just wants to live in peace. the. the shelley has been going on since 2014. we have no words, no patients anymore, but everyone good use to it. we don't know when it will and ultimately people a suffering. this is the dead. the single talking don't. yes can recent times. but these are not soldiers. these were ordinary people shopping us, a marketplace old man and women carrying out that day the activities west and supplied weapons have been used to kind of got more crimes. yes. again, leaving a community devastated on its people terrorized with many asking why, why us and when would this our and this is these really all the don't yet city
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the russian farm ministry says that the tech shows the kid has no interest in pursuing peace across the international community to condemn, to strike as an active service, the neo nazi regime with the support of the united states and that satellites, as once again committed a barbaric terrace stacked against the civilian population of russia. the terrorist attacks of the key regime clearly demonstrate its lack of political will to find peace and to resolve the conflict through diplomatic methods. brush of calls on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to put forward a strong condemnation of this brutal terrorist attack their silence will mean tacit approval of the killings of civilians and encourage ukrainian neo nazis to even more bloody atrocities. also, and wal correspondence almost roper says that this is one of many cases where ukraine has directly targeted civilians. i don't know i'm the thing is the why is via credit and government to your credit armies shooting bomb being civilians. as
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a question, you have to ask them, this is not view. and these are especially aston server types of domestic i, i know this market them the, it's not military that there is nothing except for us to go. so, and don't forget that ukraine says that these are the people they want to get them back into ukraine. they want to be the ukrainians, and then they show that directly. and if they had some of the people then why they don't want to be your trains. so this is the same as the premier. and so i've seen this and then there are 5 of them where in several regions there and people for us didn't really know about that after 3 months of shelling. but you frame the people change their mind that wants to be a part of russia. so i don't understand the logic said this at all, how do they want to get these people back into your brain if there should be planning for administer? dimitri clear. but it says the us is getting a great deal showing weapons with ukraine. ok if it's not requested any american
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boots on the ground. most importantly, ukraine is probably the 1st country in the world, so it is fighting a war against another country. has the united states as an ally and is not asking american troops on the ground. so you saves the most important to you safe. she lives so few soldiers. so we kind of offer the best deal on global market of security. you as the weapons to use the money and we will finish the job. the friend does not see you any money from the, from american taxpayers. the vast amount of this money stays in the united states because he's invested in the production of weapons that goes down to the, into the ukrainians. it needs to be explained to american taxpayers said being the communities benefit from instead of the new jobs that created a statement on this as us funding for further military aid has almost dried up press. the button proposed a new $60000000000.00 a bill for key, but it's
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a wall in congress. that's when democrats and republicans failed to seal the deal over policy differences. understanding priorities is go on list and all that nickel americans, which says that ukraine is no longer an independent nation. i'd be ashamed by what cooper said. this means that the, the elite, some cap have sold out 2 or 4 countries. he's not even fighting for ukraine. there's not even speaking about some defending ukraine sovereignty or whatever. he's fighting a war for needle. he's fighting a war for the west. and he is admitting, hopefully that the ukrainians who are on their side, on the on chip sites are spilling their blood, are getting killed because of their war for the west, against the rest of the city, the, there people to, it's a to manslaughter. we, we know this and it's a, there cannon fodder for the west. and this is actually quite shameful. that administer would say, just for his own country, people in the us today, voters are asking themselves, why are we spending so much money? billions and billions and billions of dollars for ukraine,
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and they don't understand more investments. people don't understand this. i mean, there is an impact, they're not as rich as they where before us situation economic situation is not on so that so this has been quite important. and we have seen, even in the house of representatives, people from the republican party is today challenging the democrats, challenging the president of us. and we don't want to supply more money to uh, to ukraine because we don't see the use of this. and we want to use american taxpayers money at home to repair routes, to bill airports, to, to build a better schooling, better universities better. the better health care is moving to northern dos and our civilian building was hates and and it's very strike on the all john arian jamalia. a local journalist sense has this report. he went to this house was targeted by a number of artillery shells and coat fire. the frequency of strikes with shelves and missiles on northern garza has escalated a game. but what we are currently seeing all the attempts of the civil defense crew,
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as well as the owners of the house to evacuate this room that was targeted by an artillery shell. thank god, there was no one in this place when it was hit. the rise in the number of attacks in the north means a new disaster due to the inability of civil defense cruise. to deal with these incidents, there was only one civil defense vehicle left which is a fire truck. this vehicle operates very poorly as there are no sources of water to fill the vehicle with. in order to extinguish defiance. the value of this place was showed and the room caught fire and there was no warning before the bombing neighbors and young man came and did what they could to help until the civil defense crew arrived. we faced artillery bombardment every day. we are afraid to stay in our homes. everyone stays on the ground floors. the situation is scary. when the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza deepens every day, local journalist, a mom with such a sense as this report on the di,
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conditions in gauze as move. and then what's the lady, i think the hearts of giovanni i camp in northern cause stands a mil for grinding blacks law. and people switch to this alternative when wide flaw of vanished from the markets. this meal has an incredibly low production capacity insufficient to meet the markets, the months vital staple for the people in northern garza, the mills owner decided to reopen it to assist the people and alleviate the hardships. citizens purchase grains originally intended for birds and animals, at inflated prices. the middle stock is minimal, and within a week, a week supply in the market may be entirely depleted the catastrophic humanitarian situation. the northern garza is was and by this cast it to your fruits and vegetables and risky, inaccessible eastern regions. the conversation 1000 to the challenge and humanitarian conditions involving garza with the lubing possibility of a genuine salmon compounded by israeli authorities hindering
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a delivery. since the humanitarian says fly, no assistance has reached northern gauze, leading to a significant depletion of the local market shortages and soaring prizes. we can see here the outputs of a simple machine, all probated by its own, uh, who took it upon himself to bump the mail a me to leave a, the citizens button and prevents and impeding salmon low. i thought that the situation is extremely challenging for everyone. we are forced to use corn meant for animals, grinding it to feed our children. there's a significant shortage in the markets for all food items. if a doesn't arrive, the situation will be catastrophic for the entire community. we try to grind corn and consume it within a maximum of 2 or 3 hours, otherwise it will dry up and become like stone. it's incredibly tough beyond our endurance and capacity. the food we consume is either boulder or rice, with sky rocketing prices,
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immoral and illegal. that's how the russian foreign ministry spokesman committee as a kind of a described jim and his decision to intervene on is sales be off against accusations of genocide. in the presence of the republic of the me, beth called in germany, not to take any action in relation to this extremely sensitive story. since germany itself has not yet received itself, but its crimes against humanity committed in africa. we can see that the behavior of the leadership of the current government administration, unacceptable, illegal and immoral for the russian to foreign ministry spokesman. also con pad. german is dismissal of south africa's case to balance. trouble passed on the times of the holocaust, claiming that the country is once again, making his judgments based on national. let's say, this claim was reviewed by these really foreign ministry, which says that versus discourse around the heart of the cost is an acceptable. as it tonisha mankind's memory of the tragedy. the german empire was responsible for the extermination of more than $150000.00 members of to may be in tribes over
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a century ago. germany finally recognized that are committed to genocide in 2018 apologize and committed to pay over 1000000000 euros and reparations. but they recently stated that they're going accusations of genocide levels. israel have no basis in view of germany's history and the crime against humanity of the show. the federal government sees itself is particularly committed to the un convention against genocide. however, the federal government firmly and expressly rejects the accusation of genocide that has been made against israel at the i. c j. this accusation has no basis whatsoever i did in the 1st interview we, i've seen a lot of tv on social media do. most of, you know, some people in, in data corporate richard, by this will probably, by the, the, the simple, nothing, no, but germany is there was a game, but give it general try the extra ideas you know,
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seems to be there so that let's move to not just so what is the wound up? the drum wanted to apologize for the kinds of committed dues that maybe drones would encourage me to do the jews within the big beginning. the middle of the printer century by supporting again another crime against humanity. indigent for surgery. the job one, the drive. i think the german people need him to be politically the should be looking for in power because this quarter 2020 the ship is pushing the what the data showing of denied is something that i believed a new job. one should not set funds to also support that israel of the i c j saying that i q as ations of genocide were being used for political ends. words have meaning and accusing. the jewish state of genocide is crossing a moral threshold. we cannot exploit the notion of genocide for political purposes . that is our consistent position. when we spoke to geopolitical unlisted,
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joe belie gap. he says the german is a critical when the times comes to pay for its past crimes. a gentleman who has very games stones on the definition of words that did the weeds in the media, they left a lot of great standing and because it's within the snow to meet students. in general psyched notes, i've moved into a new of their own doings, leaving actually got the thing with the behavior of what they've left behind you. it's not only the journal side dispute consequences. so what they've done this deal, a lot of things that the people still need to you based on what they've done, the price for the day, the tool k is so high that they would have to dig into the ok in making sol dental. and so it's a lot of those gifts that they've done, so whatever that they do now due to cost us to say, we will go to pay,
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we missed. why does that usually? we need to forget about everything that the input to you to stop what these are, because this is all of the to the displacements of palestinians has been taking place since the establishment of israel back in 1948. we spoke with one of the guys a native rumsey abraham, who lives in nigeria currently, but describe what the impacts of the was had on him. as a person, i lost more than 25, the number of the family. my house is gone. my father also is gone. so this is where we are as owned by the city. it has not been the me. the numbers of families wipe out of the disco, dental motor exist. imagine if i'm a little 80 well 100. the father of the children, the gun 10 glen, i'm the guy and gone tinder all at once. but just
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they fight in how much a fighting the student called the palestinians in does i'm there is 2 different things to defend the mention of the war. meanwhile, it supports for the palestinian cause, continues to rise on the streets of major cities around the world of the huge crowd gathered in the spanish city across the loaner to express the solidarity with palestine. misstates is carried bundles to imitate the bodies of those killed in the complaints of the death soul in gaza as plus the green lock of $25000.00. the new york city dep mistake has plus the police doing about quoting for an end see what they called the genocide in java as well as for the west to stop this country. israel protests also
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a rope to in funds and use even participants say it's in fulton, the voice is a has got to that. there are a $2.00 to $100.00 that every day the mess that goes and the genocide must stop. it's unacceptable and unbearable and immediate space and c spy on needed. now i think that it's very important that we speak for the people of palestine. thousands of them are being found every day and they come to escape. the new zealand government sofa has done nothing as a face to fault. the genocide is the place of both of your crimes. they should sleep, it is douglas and it shows no more power on their behalf to stay. so they need to be on the right side of history. they may weigh more, the more they're doing or support the people of palestine. and i don't wanna see innocent families, innocent children dying and unnecessary conflict. went over to israel now with
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thousands slots. the streets and central tel aviv to rally for the immediate return of hostages, held by her boss. the devastates is called for an immediate cease by and gaza voicing that. i'm good enough to yahoo's government under funding. he stepped down we want a new government because benjamin netanyahu is corrupt. we want a better government, want them to take care of citizens that we think the current government is now bad . the thing that's will change is out, and the thing that we need now is on the time jago and all the government to step down. this is the only chose to get to add agreements to get to piece. this is the only choice because that, that does not the one piece a sub today, no, the israel and the anti war march. so place a night to this other rally says the despite the police, but on protest. jewish and our organizations have money to voice the outreach political organizations, urban jewish, the additions that raised the our voices together. uh for uh,
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for the return to the peace process for the release of the is where the hostages hostages is from the 7th. 7th of october and the request for uh, cease fire and guzzle. um, i believe i do believe that this indeed or is a has a huge impact. i think that the fact that our targeting stations and jewish organizations took together and uh, rose to raised our voice. is there a unique voice nowadays asking to stop the war to return to negotiations. while these really precedents isaac said, soc, says his country is defending the western world, of course is that we are fighting
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a war for the entire universe. for the free world. i always say is, is one was not there, europe will be met because these barberic g a, there's want to get all of us out of the region and want to get all of your about of its place as well. and united states is next to to use the basis the platform of dental and international business to shop to actually defend the actions of the is really the lead in this genocide is kind of is really beyond the pay it. i think you should be ashamed of himself and he's not kidding anybody. nobody is full. but as i do that, you know, he's sort of the crusades it for free. well, i can't. so cookie. how to see the 1st thing is don't want to take it over there. well, that's known since they just wanted the country back and they've been victims of the documentation ready for the look, the patient for decades now on the one hand,
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the lights here. so they miners to told by the ministration into original war which is escalating by the day. so don't the other hand missing, all he can self knows that he's on the political future now is really based on keeping this will going on keeping the genocide going every single day. so he's not looking for how much. that's completely ridiculous. it is. an objective is to wipe out as many civilians as possible and try and convince neighboring countries and in the international community to take the remaining thousands out of causal together on even over to african. now where a raging fire has engulfed a 10 story building in lagos, nigeria, emergency services at the same bottle to extinguish the place. the finest started in the warehouse was local media says it was close for business at the time. trade is a storm to building the building, building to saw much that goods and no casualties have been reported so far. of
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the, in the us, the florida governor, run desantis has withdrawn from the republican presidential primary campaign and sort of his support behind the for me as president, i'm from am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises, and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. they watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance. and they see democrats using lothair this day to attack him. well, i've had disagreements with donald trump, such as on the corona virus pandemic, and his elevation of anthony bouchee. trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden. that is clear, i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee, and i will honor that pledge you as my endorsement because we can't go back to the old republic and guard of yesteryear re package formed of warmed over corporatism. the nikki haley represents the days of putting americans last of cow,
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telling the large corporations of caving to awoke or ideology are over. you know, spence followed the republican primary in iowa where desantis lost out to trump on the head of the new hampshire primary. but poll suggested that desantis could only expect around 6 percent of the votes from bank of pet step in the fight for the republican party nomination remains the former representative to the u. n. an ex governor of south carolina, nikki haley. less kos live now to fill make i'm physical on list, show on stone for more on this show and thanks for joining us. i'm. it wasn't that long ago that run desantis was considered the future of the republican party. what do you think happened? well, that's not to say that he may not be you know, from the perspective of, of winning success, not being very successful when in florida for you to be re elected. and he is obviously popular, not just in florida, i think within republic for
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a public ins across the country. but you're looking at the presidency and the presidency for a lot of people, i think is uh, they're thinking 2020 was sort of an obstruction of normal presidential election procedures. so what it really was not it for many people, the end of what they want to donald trump, to, to achieve. so the fact that trump is stayed with it, despite all these legal issues that, that i think has been assigned to say the republicans, okay. those of you not just publicans, but those that supported trump through 70 plus 1000000 votes in 2020. he's still here and he's still fighting. so i don't think this dentist has done and he's in the sense he definitely has a future. mental reagan was a republican congressman and i'm sorry, as a governor of california and you know, he was unsuccessful running for president until 1980. so yeah. as long as he sticks around. does that, does i think that the future of down but not outs. um, what do you make of desantis, endorsing trump? there was selling no love lost between those 2 candidates. well, yes or no. i mean,
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you know, the already of course has that dis, sanchez was very much it. but as far as his policies and politics seem to be very much in the trump caps, that people say he's to the right of trump. and essentially, you know, he had trump support from most most of his elections. so i don't think that the, there's a true distain as maybe you might see from like a chris chris b or a jeb bush or something. i think that does that does is much more politically closer to trump. but when again, the fact is that he threw his his hat into the ring. he wanted to, you know, test the waters and, and try to run. and you realize, i'm not sure i'm still here and he's not going anywhere. well, when i run a swami, endorsing trump, as well as desantis, what do you think this means for nikki haley is just now a one horse race with just trump in it to that, i mean, i guess the cold brothers believe and the gayly. and if you be, you know, you never trump or is right that or would still support her. but as we saw, i think the 2016. i think it will be very similar results in the sense that i don't,
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i don't think hailey will get the, the nomination here. me well, if from does indeed come out to head as the republican nominate, that means that would be another choice between biden and trump. repeats of 2020. what are your thoughts on that? and do you think that some of the match, the, the, the american public wants to see i don't know that the, the american public wants to see it. and to be honest with you, in my heart of hearts, i still think that we're in for some surprises here and this year that you know, who knows what, but between fight and you know, with that for various health and cognitive issues, perhaps, you know, at the last minute, stepping aside, we know what happened in 2020 being 20. 20. no one expected the cobit pandemic to lock the world down right in, in january. so there's all kinds of things that can come in to factor in financial issues. bobby kennedy junior, i think, is an interesting 3rd party candidate in many ways stronger than any 3rd party
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candidate we've seen previously. so i wouldn't say that is just the, you know, even even just bobby being there man already makes it a perhaps, and more of an interesting 3 way race potentially. but again, you can't discount the unexpected that that will occur between november. okay, do you think that the democrats will plan to, to stick with, by and obviously you mentioned his age there not been so room is sort of the, maybe michelle above and by making a parents, we've heard a lot of people, you know, the conspiracy there is side, but the, those that are kind of the arising in a way of yeah, you can see something to that effect of, of, of a can mark color. and i'm miss a michelle obama, something to kind of as live in live and things here. been seeing this in this next few months. so you know, even also the fact of trump immense, you know, talking about who is gonna be candidate the fact that the states of colorado trying to keep them off the ballot. expect standing right up in people by will write them in any way just like a new hampshire. binds on, even on the democratic party,
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new hampshire ballot because of the various rules. so, you know, again we have to kind of be open to the unexpected at this time being various in indeed show stone political on list and so make, i'm sorry, it won't be the last time we have you on the program discussing the ins and outs of american politics, thanks bye, much unit. so that's a rep for now. body speak to scott. i'll be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news on views. no, not the . the
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hello and welcome to the prospect boulevards on peter la about universal uselessness as the norm european leaders war and how dangerous the world is. you everything in their power to make the world more dangerous. and us leaders believe with netanyahu to promise them a 2 state solution. and he says, no, discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my usual guess george, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast where the guy go, which can be found in youtube and locals, and america. we have mark j is an award winning journals. alright, dental inc, cross type roles and if that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated someone with george and in budapest, um, you know, as we've been chronicling on this program, um 2 major international crisis is the one going on in ukraine and, and uh, guides of amenities and forties both. ready of them and all through at george um what is your uh 3000 and what is this as an apple case here lets.


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