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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EST

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said the flight of scene of absolute college here in the care of the district of don't yet city which came under a heavy shedding volume cranium policies. distressing images from the capital city . all that done yet, script public were 27 civilians are killed. ukraine shells at busy market on sunday morning. also a head on the stray dogs and cats of preyed on eating the flesh that since the dogs of the leasing human flesh for a while now, they have begun to attract hardaway calling from a refugee camp in central gulf, which has been reduced to rubble biased release strikes, leaving stability and struggling to survive. and it's not just any sample. it's at the temple that holds the weight for the article. the ritual and cultural
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significance for india is a historic day for india, as prime minister and a render moody is set to invalid ground. in due temple in the countries north built on the side that wants ties the around the clock across the world. this is our to international pleasure to have your company. this monday, the most go has requested an emergency meeting of the un security console over ukraine's latest deadly shelling of done yet. russian foreign ministers circular ralph has arrived in new york to take part in the discussion there. a warning the following images are graphic then. yeah, it's good fish will say 27 civilians were killed and a further 25 when did including children when he had stripped some from florida to
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a busy market on sunday morning. the attack was apparently launched with munitions supply to ukraine by nature countries. kia has not commented ortiz, steve sweeney visited the side of the lethal a, sold just minutes after it happened while a scene of absolute college here in the care of the district of don't yet city which came on the heavy, shedding by ukrainian forces. now it's difficult to describe the scene here as you can see behind me, the street is listed with dead bodies. people with the names missing, bloods, best, and destruction. i miss all is were 5. these are the 155 millimeter weston, supplied weapons. that of course, they haven't struck a minute to talk. it like struck a multi place which according to authorities was ok. it's a busy is many a talking of a genocide. many saying that this is a war cry. even that's what about cause a direct strike against civilians. it's a big city market. there were lots of people that hate the place during rush hour
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so that more people would cry and suffered for my friends. died. officials said the marketplace was bustling when it came under attack from ukrainian forces. investigations were on the way to determine exactly what lessons would used with the death told expected to rise when they put it on your ukranian. troops carried all to talk to this attack on the market, presumably around 10 am where there were a lot of people currently working on identifying ammunition which was used by the ukrainian forces. one shopkeeper explained to the area has been under attack for 10 years. and that she just wants to live in peace as the shelley has been going on since 2014, we have no words, no patients anymore. but everyone good use to it. we don't know when it will and ultimately people, us suffering. this is the dead, the singular talking don't. yes can recent times. but these would not soldiers. these were ordinary people shopping as a marketplace. oh,
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men and women carrying out that day the activities west and supplied weapons have been used to kindly out woke up and yet again, leaving a community devastated. and its people terrorized with many asking why, why us on when with this heart and this is these really all the don't yet city well the ukrainian strike on civilians in done yet came as russia's defense ministry, a 9 some new games on the bustle field on chris still neal officer on founder of the don't boss inside or media outlet leaves keeps trips or venting their frustration of the russian tools are advancing in the social of the uh, on other parts of the front. uh, so from my point of view, and it's always like the so when we make some progress, the cleaning armies shedding a civilian see. so like the revenge of so they could, they could vote and we know on the media to repeat. and so they decide just to
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terrorize the pollution as a way to feel that they have a choose something, the district like the carol sky, one where you type in today or the one that produces key and the one the petrosky, which of the closest one from the from time are us to shield the d d on a daily basis of the same that to go look, go c t, which is also under fire every day. so unfortunately, we still have to reduce the from fine to avoid such showing of very big cities because the needs can go look at our big cities for the deadly ukrainian strike. and yet did not go on notice out the united nations, the head of the world putting condemns the killing of civilians. but antonio gutierrez stopped short, his pointing the finger a plain p, a more reaction and analysis to that be fine at r t. okay,
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and other overhead line stories today and we're going to go so where the latest rhonda is really strikes. the devastated the refugee camp in the central part of the enclave. footage from the scene shows civilian, scouring the ruins for survivors and bodies, while also trying to salvage and a supplies eye. witnesses have also been sharing some particularly through some details of the aftermath of them. as you can see here, there are about 15 or 16 bodies just lying around. no one came to help us that includes the red cross, red crossman rescue service crews, not even the local authorities and we appeal to the whole world to help berries. a deadline here, but to no avail, so stray dogs and cats of afraid and eating the flesh of that stuff since the dogs of anything human flesh for awhile now they've begun to attack the living. and i said, i add him as i am. and i witness to the mass of girls. now i rouge and elephant lodging. there were a round 60 people inside the building. all of them were killed. no ambulances or
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risk of services came to recover them. the city of the corpses are spread around the streets. it is as if an earthquake struck the neighborhood of destroying our homes and leaving us with nothing. we no longer have shelter food or drink o good. now we live on the streets. where can we go? i want to bring you further north from there just outside guys. the city are residential building was hit by and this really strike on the out john area of chip valley at another in buffalo area. here's a local journalist with the details from this thing in this house was targeted by a number of artillery shells and coat fire. the frequency of strikes with shelves and missiles on northern gauze has escalated a game. but what we are currently seeing all the attempts of the civil defense crew, as well as the owners of the house to evacuate this room that was targeted by an
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artillery shell. thank god, there was no one in this place when it was hit. the rise in the number of attacks in the north means a new disaster due to the inability of civil defense cruise. to deal with these incidents, there was only one civil defense vehicle left which is a fire truck. this vehicle operates very poorly as there are no sources of water to fill the vehicle with. in order to extinguish the fires, the tell you that this place was showed and the room caught fire, and there was no warning before the bombing neighbors and young man came and did what they could to help until the civil defense cru arrive. was we faced artillery bombardment every day? we are afraid to stay in our homes. everyone stays on the ground floors. the situation is scary. meanwhile, public gallagher over the war and the government's failure to return hostages, as mounting inside. israel parsons have locals, have protested intel aviv demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu.
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the cry raise the law is really flags and health pictures of the good relatives. wild fathers read, bring them home now the protesters are demanding it in to the invasion of gals that and exchange with him. this last thing on to return the remaining 136. it really costs just held since october 7th. demonstrators have set up a 10, a month to face to face meeting with mister netanyahu recently rejected the terms of another prisoner swamp deal. the most of the lives in exchange for the release of our hostages from us is demanded and then to the war. the withdrawal war forces from casa the release of all the commodities, not but unit motors and rapists, and for the come us to be left intact. if we agree to their terms, then our war is felt in vain. if we agree, will not be able to guarantee the security of our citizens. well,
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those are marks for being uttered really just as several that hostages were discovered again inside tunnels. in gaza. ortiz for alize, a bell reports in advance on how israel's rhetoric on prisoners swaps has changed over the decades of conflict with the palestinians. israel is in a bind to young israeli soldiers and one civilian kid, not by whom moss were found dead in a tunnel targeted by the i guess. but it's really official just told families or cause of death could not be determined, causing widespread outrage and suspicions with the mother of one of the victims, blaming the idea of themselves and was kidnapped due to the criminal negligence of every senior official in the army. and as the government would you give the order to eliminate him to settle a school with some tardies from jabante a. they also found he had several crushed beam goes, apparently caused by his desperate attempts to escape the boy's engraved. the i'd have buried him in when he tried to breathe fresh air,
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but could only breathe. i'd have boys and what decision would they have made if it was be, be saw into terry stano or gallons, grandson, or the son of hertz a holly b? would they also have been poisoned with gas booms out of 250 hostages, 136, remain trapped in gaza. and while telling the claims hostages are also their priority, the prime minister statements seem to imply otherwise to pick up from the stats of the wall. i set 3 goals, eliminating him us returning all of our hostages and ensuring that god will never again, pose a threat to the state of israel. these remain all goals who didn't come in. we are fighting until victory. we will not stop the war until we achieve full of its goals, completing the elimination of him, us, and releasing all of our hostages. israel's 1st priority is us actually destroying him off which henders their attempts to rescue the hostages. recent prisoner
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exchange deals were agreed based on the 3 for one formula. but now b, b is rejecting any new negotiations this in contrast with past hosted situations. when the, when a was to get is released home in operation and to be in 1976 is really commandos. rescued over 100 hostages, thousands of miles away on the african continent in just a matter of days, though not always quick, israel had no problem negotiating the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners for just a few affairs in the 750 for one ratio during the lebanon war, fighting for a hostage release for a year, and swapping a 1000 more palestinians for 3 of theirs, 2 years later. as part of the brill agreement, they even went as far as to free 1027 palestinians for deal. actually,
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one soldier could not by her mos spending a whopping 5 years negotiating his release. but now the strategy shifted. even the men who negotiated shelly, it's 2011 release have questioned israel's priorities to sacrifice hostages and soldiers seems to be the psychology today. no one is thinking about the day after. what do you do with guys up in 2006. so then prime minister met, which should leads pair of just 17 days after he was abducted. today, the families of the hostages grow increasingly worried, feeling ignored as they demand answers without any yahoo, delaying meetings with them, initial, alex, messiah. i'm asking what the cabinet will meet with us. everyone starts here, loves this country. we're not debarred with on anyone. my son knows that i want to give up with him. i need to hear the cabinet telling me that it hasn't given up on my son to. and what the cabinet needs to do is to stand in front of us and lucas in
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the eyes and tell us what they're going to protest sled by the devastated relatives of the hostages. having golf israel, causing a divide in society with calls for answers from the government. all of this, of course, against the backdrop of south africa is i see j case against israel gaining global momentum. increasingly is rough position appears to undermine its initial stated priority of rescuing the hostages with fears they become nothing more than collateral damage in the yahoo school of eliminating her mos at any cost. can you something else for across today? lebanese officials say, because below a member of a civilian women have been killed in the latest cross border strength by israel, i meant the escalating conflict. there are thousands of locals have been fleeing from southern lebanon to cities like a route where rental prices have low skyrocketed, ortiz,
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yes. and that can reports from the lebanese capital, a total oven on and isn't real or not at war. the pleasures in the southern part of the country far enough to aggravate its crippled, misleading. there's no denying the balance and the self have lots of increasing invited prices in places like by roads. it has become more expensive even without the prospect of war. the housing market is in a difficult position, a real estate agent and be rude, says banks cannot give out loans, but worse, they cannot give people their own money. this is why the housing market is driven by cash transactions. and this has led to a crash in housing prices, but the cost of rentals have skyrocketed a small apartment. the bedroom starting from $400.00, but furnished apartments of things from $800.00 up to $3000.00 a month. since collections to be done in early october, tens of thousands of people have been displaced from the south. and although the
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prospects of all that work could spell disaster for the people that live in, on the whole, rather displaying resilience and even daring israel to wage war thought of the fears alone, i dare them. and they must know that the war with lebanon will be just as costly to them, as it will be for us, the bank of israel sites, a weekly costs of over $150000000.00 on the is really economy due to the cause of conflict, mainly from the disruption of work all along the lebanese border and the mid limit on the challenges. community resilience ensures, but conflict on a new front may worse and the situation for ya, selection archie in beirut lebanon. now that you're really in capital has hosted red cross on present representatives from several nations to discuss that you, military and disaster in counseling. here's what the vice president of the global medical group have to say. as the most important action is the protection of
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civilians. the protection of those who do not no longer take part in the hostilities, and that's the core of international who may turn low. that means the most important section is that you, many tiring law is respected in this conflict. that those who are dots, part of the conflicts are protected and safe. the main challenge is access. there is no humanitarian action without taxes, you have to be able to go to those people who have these tremendous needs and access is right now, not enough. the number of trucks allowed him to move as a, the movement into guys all, but also the movement we've seen because a is not sufficient as well. the creation of a joint following to tackle the military and issues in gals, and was proposed by the red crescent representative from around. he sees the
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initiative is needed due to be in effect stiffness of other international organizations in gas and the need for an immediate cease. fire was also reiterated by the uranium official but there is a support from palestine requires collective action. unilateral actions are forbidden and we should work together when a dispute with the international red cross and red crescent societies, federation vice president generated hope that something can be done was appropriate for the so kind of entry as the member of the course and the cost of moving our concern, movies on the safety and the treatment of the, of the, of the civilians safe passage for, for maintaining the where costs and so on. also access to, to really tissue in any other is i mean to my sisters. so that's the main concept from the basis of our being a mentality. nobody's issue with the as to the head of
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a humanitarian situation. and you guys are using a very bad stage and faces great difficulties filing this meeting is the that's uniting communicating efforts to organize it, communicating the systems and eliminating double stand. that's one of the moment really been red crescent is corporation eviction where the pressing will come up in order to leave at 8. so it's not that we have to live in 1000. it's on the opposite incorporation with the policy. in addition to addressing the organization, and i believe that human setting is being delivered systematically that makes the whole the nation of assets is of high importance, especially at the present time. this is the greatest difficulty license, double standards and the belief that some subset them uh well the, the, okay, 2 sides to asia where this monday marks what's being described as an historic day for india. that's prime minister and a render moody is set to unveil the temple of the hindu god. rum. a shrewd structure built on the previous side of a mosque in the country, north or
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t correspondent or engine sharma, brings us the story. the people gather to create the banks of the river. so you, in the ancient indian town where you get a moment for which or one be and he can do is of waited for decades, will soon come to the see it as a civilizational infection point, the. 6 2 2 5 minutes to new, the new movies, new nationalist, spotty, to be zippy, will fulfill. one of it's called election promises with the innovation of the most controversial tempest in the history of india. the rom monday or it's not just any temple, it's a temple that holds great political, historical, spiritual, and cultural significance for the indians. it's also a temple built on remains of a mosque that one stood here. 1992. the barbary mosque was demolished by he knew more. they believed the mosque was built by
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a local emperor off to the destruction of a temple. and that it was the pool at least to be in due course. the demolition stopped. i'm you know, dry. it's leaving house instead across india most or but many have moved on a balance. are you next? bob? the litigant still has pictures of the mosque at his small home in a hotel, but now he accepts the temples. he's among the we are bees that have received an invitation for the new organization. he plans to go to the whole nation including hindus and mosley. i'm so like if you have accepted the supreme court decision, it's an owner that i've been called to the temple. no view ration and i will go with pleasure. nfl is a 100. that was 4 years ago off the longest legal battle that india has seen in a 1000 b, julie india supreme court in them the demolition is illegal, would still be awarded the disputed land to hindus,
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citing ocoee logical evidence of indigenous structures beneath the ruins of the mosque productive, it is this landover, it will be had that a shape, the indian political landscape, it decides who indians vote for and why the vote for them. and with this political drum is fulfilled. bgp has not only built to seek with templates, but it's also built a was sent out for he knew is that city officials expect around $4500000.00 to visit a month. you know, you tell in a city of less than a 100000, which means that economic boom for the people living here. and we're going to buy the buy yarger. the best price of low drum will now become a global sense of i can do is like the vatican is for christians and mechanism. muslims with great to foot for the people of a yard. you will see more in come come in, the sellers of highway suite, so sacred beats more people will mean more income high. so millions of
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people will come and our sales will naturally go up to what we have here. then after 500 years, graham is coming home on the beach. if we was 1st elected to government off to the demolition of the above, we must should. and now within all the nation of the realm temple, it is expected to gain more political support just ahead of the general elections in india to be seen as a divine movement from many hindus. india reclaiming good civilizational soft as i walk the streets of the temple town. i see all woods young children, old bound by feet. the new gord drawn has with the 500 years fault. also he knew resurgence in india under no reason to move these government vengeance sharma all teeth are you will tell to the us where a florida that governor rum desantis has dropped out of the presidential race and
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thrown his support behind. republican frontrunner donald trump, and today suspending my campaign, i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises and i will not stop now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. they watched his presidency, gets stymied by relentless resistance, and they see democrats using lothair this day to attack him. well, i've had disagreements with donald trump, such as on the corona virus pandemic, and his elevation of anthony bouchee. trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden. that is clear, i signed the pledge to support the republican nominee, and i will honor that pledge you as my endorsement because we can't go back to the old republic and guard of yesteryear re package formed of warmed over corporatism. the nikki haley represents the days of putting americans last of cow, telling the large corporations of caving to awoke or ideology are over. it
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will be a nice link follow the iowa caucus. the 1st republican contest of the campaign were desantis lost heavily to trump ahead of the next primary in new hampshire, a pool suggested he could only have expected at 2 warrens about 6 percent of the vote. donald trump's main competitor for the g o. p nomination remains america's former representative to the u. n. an ex governor of south carolina, nikki haley. we asked legal on media unless line or whether trump is really is on stuff people see legs. we notice that there's no clear path to victory. well yeah. is that sound great? did you lose? no, that was just no clear path to victory. so you the last. well yes i do. and what's also interesting to note is that he said very carefully said look, i didn't like what trump did, didn't like with the way he handled cove. it didn't lie to where he elevated foul g, but he's a hell of a lot better than buying. so what are you going to do?
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so that was kind of like a, was understanding a basic, it was kind of like a qualified endorsement. she had to look nobody know, right? mind the republican party is going to, to endorse anybody. but trump, but you know that trump style, and i'm telling you you have no idea how many times people have said trump cannot do this. you can't be this petulant, the b 5, i just this, this ne, started tastic of try. i mean, when he wins and people love it, let's remember the only time he ever ran for any political office ever was president of the more they throwing him, the more the attacks, at least the more they saw him, the more the little get more they prosecute the higher he goes, in my humble opinion, there is no way that you go by and is going to be a nominate. job i knew will something won't happen prior to an i law l b j who decided not to run. there is no,
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we've democratic donors are freaking out. there's no way that he possibly could withstand the rigors of an additional therapy. okay, to southern africa. finally, we're more than $700.00. how does this have been destroyed on thousands more are risk due to terrestrial rainfall. the ins and bob way take a look at this. hundreds of people, how being left homeless by the natural disaster. several regions how being hits by fleming reportedly killing at least one person. the government is no scrambling to provide enough aid to civilians will continue to keep a co signed developments in some bob way a former british different lot. allister crook is today's guest on going under crowd on with conflicts erupting. see me all across the globe. diplomacy today appears more 5 old i never count chaise views on the whitening middle east crisis enrollment space. it's hard to ensure
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the the i'm action or time to welcome back to a brand new season of going underground rule. gusting. well, around the world from to buying the honda of them at least over $100.00 days have passed since the onset of young the american back to more ongoing. so 65000 tons of bonds, 3 times the power of hiroshima have now killed at least 24000 palestinians, mostly women and children, while john list,
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so one of them trying to bypass nature nation propaganda and censorship have now been killed in god's oven. john lists all around the globe and the whole of world war 2. and yet to washington. and that kind europe in states continued to back. israel now facing genocide charges initiated by south africa and backed by the arab league at the international court of justice. the by the ministration is being bypassing congress to approve weapon sales to kill the children of gaza and then turned them with britain, both backing israel strikes in jerusalem and 11 in syria and iraq. they have a really bombarded the world's poorest country m and which defective sanctioned israel in shipping and supportive un resolutions on palestine. joining me now from roman italy is for my british diplomat allister crook. he was once middle east advisor to the army and unions, foreign policy chief and is not director of as a baby with based conflicts for him. thank you so much for coming back. i was so happy new year, obviously. not happy with it. yeah. yeah. as long as you're going to have the view . yeah. for many people. so i'm not quite sure if the schedule attendance of, beside the foreign minister up in spiteful is about god's
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a human or ukraine. these scheduled to meet you foreign ministers in brussels. how alienated from the world of the us, you nato allies, off to 4 percent of gods. this population is now dead. disappeared or wounded, completely divorced, completely divorced. the whole kicking leave, the middle east is boiling with and they see these images every day. and they see children the dead and they see bombs falling. right. i see the rubble pulling people out of the rubble. i mean it's, it's perfect is discussing. and so they're furious across the middle east and in the global south as well. i mean, it is a, is actually stirring up a very strong sort of antique colonial picture like sentiment besides that. so when you talk about the inter.


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