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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EST

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as the hospitals in southern guns i confront intent is really a taxable b p i. c s ambulance sensor surrounded by i d. s. forces we hear about the dia, medical situation, and again today under the siege, we face the shortage of medical services and critical medications. for old patients, 2 months ago, the hospital that russell was treating 3 100000 human beings. now there are 1000000 and 300000 the relatives of age ready hostages, housing jobs as to a government meeting to develop more action be taken to release the loved ones as
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on good photos the in the country, the egypt box, somalia. and this dispute with the t o p a, i have a cooperation agreement, dis, above assigned with the somali and break away region of promote enough and a ground. and do temple isn't built in northern india built on a site that was housed a mosque to destruction of which led to a nationwide deadline via the a very well welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest. the world news update is great to have you with us. we start the out in southern guns, the web, the nasa and our amol hospitals under intense is way the attacks. will the palestinian red crescent society report is ambulance. there's a surrounded by is where the army forces unable to reach the wounded bus medical facilities on the communication blackouts,
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according to the organization. and thirdly, of a nice stripes in hong eunice caused a rush of injured to nonsense hospitals. 190 people have been killed and 340 wounded across the palestinian enclave. over the past 24 hours. i see is way the defense minister promises the army will continue to expand its attacks. we are carrying out an intensive operation in the con eunice area and it will continue to expand the plumes of smoke from the tanks. artillery and air force planes will continue to cover the skies of the gaza strip until we achieve our goals, chief among them, the defeat of hamas, and the return of hostages to their homes. meanwhile, the medical situation in dogs there remains critical limits, shortages the fuel electricity of medication on the 180 day of the war. the just told us was in some more than 25000 at least 63000 injured to the attacks by because way the military we had from locals about the common conditions in the
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palestinian and provides as well as you saw it hadn't been wise yet under the siege, which takes a shortage of medical services and critical medications for all patients. this includes patients suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, and cancer, antibiotics in general. and a lot of medications mean we'd diagnose patients prescribed medications, and they go to the pharmacy and come back without the medicine. and on the job hospital, 3 quarters of the patients come in need, and medications that we can provide the results they showed which of bads, if any, and accepted. given the 2 months ago, the hospital, the roughly was treating 3 100000 human beings. now there are 1000000 and 300000. many patients come needing treatment, but it's not available. it is especially difficult for blood pressure and diabetes patients and for children needing diapers and milk. and we're significantly lacking over this. we hope that the supplies become available, but most of them have them. you're sitting, checking,
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i need appointment. so my sons rash, the price of diapers today is $120.00 shackles as a displaced persons, but it is hold on me. my wife and my children gives up and where can i find 120 shekels to buy diapers and there's no medication. no appointments. the diaper rash? nothing. we don't have anything that can meet. they give us is killing us. and if there's no gas to cook, it, no need to add to it. all the basic necessities are expensive. the cheapest thing today is a human being. i have the cross gathers that on the hill near the ties holding up the phones in hopes of touching disabled signal. the blockhouse has impacted the work of humanitarian aid groups in the enclave. well, civilians are unable to get up to date. the information on the supplies and say, say we heard from some of the goals and the 2 possible to miles just to stay in touch with families. with autumn i was displaced from kansas city to the i was
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already the area by instruction of these really ami. we sense that this area is a safe, some communications have been cut off for 8 or 9 days. now there are no basic essentials here. so socially and economically just 0. i'm now working on eastern cod services, trying to help people connect to the internet. the problem with normal sim cards is that there is no mobile reception in. after internet and phone services will cut off. our phones became just tardies in our homes. you cannot check on your family will connect to the world. so phones just became useless. by anonymous, we use electronic seem cards purchased from the internet and sent to us by our relative school abroad. we come here to try to pick up a signal, walk around one and a half kilometers to get here, raising our hands, trying to connect to the internet to call our families abroad and tell them we're still alive or to know the news and what's going on around this, for example, is the service still save. we desperately try to check the maps of safe places posted online by the occupiers. it is hard to get the phones to pick up the network
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and it keep raising your hand trying to catch the signal. and if you find it, it's very we look and see how the people here are suffering. it is 2024. and the $100.00 and 8th data for the internet is essential for us to communicate with the outside world. a georgia id of the foreign minister has supposed to be idea of a 2 state solution full power to sign. so it gets the only way to bring the ongoing old deal to a close. the only way out of this misery is a 2 state solution. they are defying the whole international community, and it is about time the world took a stand was he corresponded? don't quote, joins me in the studio now with more details. don't many thanks to coming in today . um. what's the whole community saying regarding the possibility of a 2 state solution for palestine? well, benjamin, that's on yahoo has continued rejection of the 2 states solutions of course upsetting a lot of people because it's just another example of israel's basically complete disregard for un conventions. i mean,
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the scottish 1st minister criticized israel over the over it's rejection of the palestinians. uh, you know, right to a state, we also saw france in china reiterating their support for the, the right for a palestinian state to exist with even beijing, calling for full palestinian membership of the united nations and even the united states. israel's main ally here is saying it's dedicated to a 2 state solution along with other western countries and the head of the united nations. we will continue to reiterate to the leadership of israel, the governor of israel, and of the people of israel, that these are the opportunities that they have. these are the challenges that they face, but there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide lasting security . and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys it without the establishment of a palestinian state. the refusal to accept the 2 state solution asterisk for his re
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lease and palestinians. and the denial of the right to state code for the palestinian people are unacceptable. the rights of the palestinian people to build their own state must be recognized by will. it's not a surprise in some sense, as he spends his entire political career against the 2 state solution. but the point is, well, now the route is that to seriously resolve this. now on top of that, the european union's top diplomat, joseph guerrero, is taking what looks to be even more radical of a stance. he's saying that the establishment of a palestinian state may need to be imposed from outside without telling me it's consent and it's anybody's guess what sort what, what a sort of international intervention into this situation would look like, especially with the us still giving is real a blank check when it comes to defending itself, but it's very clear that there's not really it, that there's likely not going to be some serious radical change unless it or, or
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a 2 state solution. there's unlikely to be of the establishment of a 2 state solution without any serious radical change because that's not only because israel is uh, you know, not dedicated to a 2 state solution. but also because we've heard from officials this sort of rhetoric that sounds like they're calling for ethnic cleansing of gaza. let's take a list or the other hobbies you may say that the time it is this, what should i mean? you can look over here on the hold on the do not have a lot of much limited. what is the unit will be the cubic pilots? should man i time a leave all the money? i mean i'm at lunch a whole your total balance. what the, what the situation we have right now is increasingly desperate. this hellish conflict has been waiting for almost full months now of a 25000 pablo city in pennsylvania, people have been killed. what does this well have to show for this, this much destruction?
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well, according to the wall street journal, israel's only really defeated or destroyed rather between 20 and 30 percent from off his forces. after like you said, killing over 25000 palestinians in injuring over another 63000. and let's not forget, one of television's main stated goals of this military operation is to destroy from us. and yet we're seeing publications like an article that was published by the bbc just last months that a mazda is actually gaining popularity in the west bank because of its military operations in gaza, as well as in the west bank itself. so it, with israel, obviously unwilling to stop this military operation, although it's not as looking like it's accomplishing it stated goals. it makes you wonder, really what it's all about. is it about him us, or is it about him on a palestine in general? and of course, the is where the government is also facing increasing pressure on the home front as well. protests being held, you know, quoting for an end to this night,
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my many things to come in with this house don't appreciate said to wage. it's now a country which has expressed is supposed to somalia edwards tensions with neighboring ethiopia, that size addis ababa assigned to so called another random of understands they would break away somali loans, agreeing to consider recognizing the territory in exchange for access to a pull. it's facing the indian ocean. let me try this within the head. they will not allow anyone to disrupt the somalia and we will not allow anyone to harm somalia. i say this very clearly to anyone test in egypt and trying to threaten his brothers, especially for brothers as to stand by them as close to life now as well as the correspondence and the icon, gay. joining us from johannesburg, none of a good to see you today, but this is the latest statement from egypt to me and i'm at the growing tensions that we're seeing between ethiopia in somalia to oh, absolutely. make see, i mean, as you all can see that the jewel between it's
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a can get the okay. yeah. seems to be fall from oh, but even as the 2 countries have battled to the construction of the grand to renaissance, damn the back to now seems to have shifted its control over all that shit the the, the, the, the entire narrative or, or the control to the x is, or the own, the simple costs of the ownership of the ritz, the at. or, of course this, the funding was the, the, the, the meeting that was held in each of 2 ways. somebody present an out of the century to general described a memorandum of understanding assigned to some of the land of egypt as the unknown void and unacceptable. and all of this comes when also egypt has been opposing and has been very quick to reject the agreement from the get go calling one i just about to refrain from engaging any unilateral business that increase tensions of this agreement. what, of course, grant,
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if you don't have access to the some modeling port on the golf with all the aiden to establish a marine force base. if that's, if i'm moving towards buildings, um the adobe and government see that it aims to strength and political and security ties between the 2. and of course of the, some of the government as well as taken initiate to strongly reject this agreement . it has even gone as far as somebody is, and that's a different just above us for consultants. instead of distressing that somebody will continue to defend its cubic feet by all possible legal means of that that move on that please m o you granted c sylvia to annette. that according to sub position of a base in our cost of land violation. also, my dear silver on the beach of installation, of those norms, the new unit, and then station of another countries territory. where the buy me as the president
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of somebody, a regional leader, like most of the he is just you can shoot me an asset to the university that demanded that your p a t is after the agreement signed. meanwhile, some money that he does have attempted the agreement is as glossing right around the giving them or to mission alvarado official recognition based on he's to be understand that if you will be, has long swords access to the red sea. and since it became loud knocked off, they read to you, gave independence and 1991 that same. yes. so monte then broke away from somalia and although it has operated as a defacto independent state with its own coverage, be its own government and phone diploma as it is not to formally recognized by any a government but also just going back to the old you would remember that not too long ago it's prime minister. i swear to that you'll be,
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i have been legal and historical right to to own. and i'll clue to of the ritz the, the prime minister has even argued that the issue is locks a metal off. and actually like everyone else has been saying, in fact, let's have more on that designed memorandum of understanding with some of the land is a deal for cooperation and partnership. the grants, if you'll be access to see on business terms, it is an annexation or assumption of sovereignty over the territory of any state a need to well, the use has sparked to tennis is there's also some confusion about the deals exec to contents because of the full tax hasn't been made public, but someone that has threatened to go to war to stop ethiopia for me because my thing, somebody lands solvency and all of this, raises the speak to now offer me more instability in the whole north africa. by the way, to see how this new front of 10 says that in the east of africa eventually comes
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out and how we find a resolution. indeed, many banks have pulled up a post on the policy correspond to the congress speaking into his live it from down his back. thank you. the following use of legal baffles with the local muslim community indian prominence, the rental mode a has finally on valve. the temple all of the hindus, gold, round and on the january 22nd 2024 is not merely a date. it marks the advent of a new era. after centuries of unprecedented patience, countless sacrifices renunciation and penances are probably, rom has come. the round 10 police indicated to one of the religions most popular day it is, but the structure was built on the size of a most which was demolished spock and deadly nationwide protest. i'll take correspondence runs and show and the reports from the countries. no. the people gathered to create the banks of the river. so you, in the instant indeed,
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in town we would yeah. a moment for which or 1000000000 he can do is a rated for decades, was soon gone to the see it as a civilizational infection point, the. 6 2 5 minutes to new, the new movies, new nationalist, spotty, to be zippy, will fulfill. one of it's called the election promises with the innovation of the most controversial tempest in the history of india. the rom monday or it's not just any temple, it's a temple that holds great political, historical, spiritual, and cultural significance for the indians. it's also a temple built on remains of a mosque that one stood here. 1992. the barbary mosque was demolished by it. he knew more that believed the mosque was built by a local emperor off to the destruction of a temple, and that it was the blood please to begin do called the demolition,
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sparked me another riots leaving calls instead across india marked on but many have moved on the balance, sorry next, bobby litigant still has pictures of the most get his small home and they will tell but now he accepts the temple. he's among the we are these that have received an invitation for the, you know, the ration he plans to go. the whole nation including hindus and most lives. so like, have accepted the supreme court decision. it's an owner that i've been called to the temple no duration and i will go with pleasure. was 4 years ago off the longest legal battle that india has seen in a 1000 b, julie india, a supreme court to condemn the demolition is illegal but still awarded the disputed land to hindus. citing ocoee logical evidence of indigenous structures beneath the ruins of the mosque project. if it is this landover, it will be had that a shape,
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the indian political landscape, it decides who indians vote for and why the vote for them. and with this political drum is fulfilled. bgp has not only built to seek with templates, but it's also built to was sent out for he knew is, and city officials expect around $4500000.00 to risk a month. you know, you'll tell in a city of less than a 100000, which means an economic boom for the people living here. we're going to buy the buy yard. you're the best price of low drum will now become a global sense of i can do is like the vatican is for christians and master is from muslims with great to foot for the people of a judge. you will see more income come in. the sellers of highway suite, so say could be more people will mean more income as of millions of people will come and how sales will naturally go up to. but we are happier than
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after 500 years. graham is coming home on the beach. if we was 1st elected to government off to the demolition of the bob, we must should. and now within all the ration of the drum temple, it is expected to gain more political support just ahead of the general elections in india to d, seen as a divine movement from many hindus. india reclaiming good civilizational soft as i walk the streets of the temple town. i see all woods young children, old bound by feet. the new core drama has worked on dr. 500 years bought over. he knew re surgeons in india on the nursing to move these government runjun sharma, r t r. you will tell the i'm returning to the middle east, the public and go over the war and the government's failure to recover the hostages is mounting inside. is ro? well, it says that they have mass concepts of storm the parliamentary meeting in jerusalem,
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demanding the government to take action. the dozens of hostages, the relatives interrupted the as well as finance committee meeting with silas declare. and you will not sit here well, they die. the protesters have also attempted to block entrance to the connected with police, despising the crowds and making the rests on table valleys, of those that being taken, facing the capital, tel aviv. it demonstrates as a demand to get ends to the invasion of gaza as an exchange with him asked to return the remaining $136.00 these way the hostages held since october. the 7th it comes of several, a dead hostages have been discovered inside tunnels in gauze of i'll tease farewell it. is it that proposed on that? and how as well as opposed to prison, the swaps has altered over the decades of conflict with the palestinians. israel is
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in a bind to young these really soldiers and one civilian kid, not by whom moss were found dead in a tunnel targeted by the i guess. but it's really official just told families or cause of death could not be determined, causing widespread outrage and suspicions with the mother of one of the victims, blaming the idea of themselves and was keeping up due to the criminal negligence of every senior official in the army and as the government would you give the order to eliminate him to settle a school with some tardies from to bother you. they all sit down. he had several crushed bin goes, apparently caused by his desperate attempts to escape the boy's engraved. the i'd have buried him in when he tried to breathe fresh air, but could only breathe either of boys and what decision would they have made if it was be be saw into terry stano or gallons, grandson, or the son of hurts a holiday?
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would they also have been poisoned with gas booms out of $250.00 hostages, $136.00, remain trapped in gaza. and while tel aviv claims hostages are also their priority, the prime minister statements seem to imply otherwise be picked up from the stats of the war. i set 3 goals, eliminating him us returning all of our hostages and ensuring that god will never again, pose a threat to the state of israel. these remain all goals who didn't come in. we are fighting until victory. we will not stop the war until we achieve all of its goals, completing the elimination of hum us and releasing all of our hostages. israel's 1st priority is us actually destroying him off which henders their attempts to rescue the hostages. recent prisoner exchange deals were agreed based on the 3 for one formula. but now b, b is rejecting any new negotiations. this in contrast with past hostage situations
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when the, when a was to get is released home and i for asian and to be in 1976 is really commandos, rescued over 100 hostages, thousands of miles away on the african continent in just a matter of days, they're not always quick. israel had no problem negotiating the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners for just a few of theirs in the 750 for one ratio during the lebanon war. fighting for a hostage release for a year. and swapping a 1000 more palestinians for 3 of theirs, 2 years later, as part of the job real agreement, they even went as far as to free 1027 palestinians for deal. actually, one soldier could not buy home mos spending a whopping 5 years. negotiating his release, but now the strategies shifted. even the men who negotiated shelly, it's 2011 release have questioned israel's priorities to sacrifice hostages and
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soldiers. seems to be the psychology today. no one is thinking about the day after . what do you do with guys up in 2006. so then prime minister met, which elise perez, just 17 days after he was abducted. today the families of the hostages grow increasingly worried, feeling ignored, as they demand answers without any yahoo, delaying meetings with the initial alex, because i'm asking what the cabinets will meet with us. everyone stands here loves this country. we're not debarred with the 91. my son knows that i want to keep up with him. i need to hear the cabin and telling me that it hasn't given up on my son to. and what the cabinet needs to do is to stand in front of us and lucas in the eyes and tell us what they're going to do. protests led by the devastated relatives of the hostages, having golf israel, causing a divide in society with calls for answers from the government. to all of this,
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of course, against the backdrop of south africa is icy j. case against israel gaining global momentum. increasingly, israel position appears to undermine its initial stated priority of rescuing the hostages with fears they become nothing more than collateral damage in the m yahoo school of eliminating them off at any cost. at least 9 people have been killed and dozens more still trapped under the rubble of the following alarm. slide. this drunk southwest in china monday morning. ilan slide has buried 18 houses, and at least 47 people leading to mazda evacuations. and then they'll allow such 9 people a consent, dead presidency, jim pink is old, and more than 1000 emergency workers to be blows into age. the search for survive isn't when these daybreak, the rescue mission is being led by the chinese by somebody else to raise intell.
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hey, thanks for joining us. hey, on all the international up next is the latest episode of modus operandi, and i'll be back to the top of the hour with the latest news on the date, those to you, then the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the
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i'm action or time feel welcome back to a brand new season of going underground rule. gusting. well, around the world from to buying the honda of them at least over $100.00 days have passed since the onset of young the american backed war on guns of $65000.00 tons of bonds. 3 times the power of hiroshima have now killed at least $24000.00 palestinians, most the women and children. well, john list, so one of them trying to bypass major nation propaganda in censorship, have now been killed in gauze. i've been john list all around the globe in the whole of world war 2 and yet to washington. and that kind europe in states continued to back. israel now facing genocide charges initiated by south africa and backed by the arab league at the international court of justice. the vitamin ministration is being bypassing congress to approve weapons sales to kill the children of gaza. and in tandem with britain, both backing israel strikes in jerusalem and 11 in syria and iraq, they have a really bombarded the world's poor as country human, which defective sanctioned israel in shipping and supportive un resume solutions on
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palestine. joining me now from roman italy as well, my british diplomat allister crook. he was once middle east advisor to the army and unions, foreign policy chief and is not director of the baby based conflicts for him. thank you so much for coming back. i was happy new year, obviously. not happy with it. yeah. yeah. as long as you're going to have the view . yeah. for many people. so i'm not quite sure if the schedule attendance of beside the foreign minister up in spiteful is about garza human or ukraine. these scheduled to meet you foreign ministers in brussels. how alienated from the world of the us, you nato allies of to 4 percent of guys. this population is now dead, disappeared or wounded, completely divorced, completely divorced. the whole, particularly the middle east is boiling with and they see these images every day. and they say children that are dead and they see bones falling. they see the rubble
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pulling people out of the rubble. i mean it's, it's perfect. it's disgusting. and so they are furious across the middle east and in the global south as well. i mean, it is a, is actually stirring up a very strong, sort of antique colonial um, issue like sentiment besides that. so when you talk about the international court of a, to a section, then in the hague, from many, and the global size is who's also you're up in america in the west that song on trial as well, full of what's happening and gossip. i mean, it's a straight across, it's is creating something really quite important, i believe in terms of a new sentiment, sentiment of, you know, we finished with the groaning, so we finished with a lot of this hedge and the next.


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