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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the hospitals in southern guns that come on, the intent is wally attack. well, the red crescent, the ambulance center was surrounded by an idea of forces. we have about the die a medical situation in the end the we didn't have anything that can meet. they give us these killing us. there's no gas to cook it, no onion to add to it. all the basic necessities are expensive. the cheapest thing today is a human being. the relatives of is really hostages, held in jobs of storm, a government meeting to develop more action be taken to release the loved ones as
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an good boils i in the country egypt back somalia. and this dispute with the c o p, a of recuperation agreement? addis ababa signed with the somalian break away region of simone and a ground. the hindu temple is unveiled in northern india, though from the former size of a most which was destroyed under control of a 2nd. 1992 the a very warm welcome to you. this is all the international with the late as well as news out. date is great to have you with us. and we saw it in southern garza where the nasa and our amal hospitals on the intent is, is really a tax on the palestinian a big presence society report. this ambulance, there's a surrounded by is where the only forces, unable to reach the wounded both medical facilities on the a communication blackouts, according to the organization. and deadly as night strikes and con eunice cool with
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a rush of in did to now. so hospitals, 190 people have been killed and 340 wounded across the palestinian enclave of the past 24 hours. as he is waiting the defense minister promises the army will continue to expand its attacks. we are carrying out an intensive operation in the con eunice area and it will continue to expand the plumes of smoke from the tanks, artillery and air force. planes will continue to cover the skies of the gaza strip until we achieve our goals, chief among them, the defeat of hamas, and the return of hostages to their homes. meanwhile, the medical situation in guns remains critical. limits shortages of seal electricity and medication on the $100.00 in a stay off the wall. the desk told us we're going to move in 25000 with at least 63000 injured and attacked by these rating military. we've heard from locals about the current conditions in the enclave as a bunch of lives who saw it hadn't been weighs yet under the siege, which takes
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a shortage of medical services and critical medications for all patients. this includes patients suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, and comes onto biologics in general. and all of the medications mean we'd diagnose patients prescribed medications, and they go to the pharmacy and come back without the medicine. and on the job hospital, 3 quarters of the patients come in need of medications that we can provide the results. they show that you have bads. if at the end it's up to given the 2 months ago, the hospital, the rough, i was treating 3 100000 human beings. now there are 1000000 and 300000. many patients come needing treatment, but it's not available. it is especially difficult for blood pressure and diabetes patients and for children needing diapers and milk and we have significantly lacking over this. and then we hope that the supplies become available to them, both of whom have gone. we were sitting here, i need only minutes for my sons rash. the price of diapers today is $120.00 shackles. as
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a displaced persons you're gonna see its hold on me with my wife and my children. where can i find 120 shekels to bind? done it because there's no medication. new appointments, so don't the rush, nothing. we don't have anything that can meet. they give us is killing us. there's no gas to cook. it's with a new onion to add to it all the basic necessities are expensive. the cheapest thing today is a human being. as health services a crippled in garza and many of finding a home for treatments in egypt. one of them is a young palestinian who lost his life, goes to being shows by and his way the sniper is receiving treatments. coach c of a local football club in cairo. we heard from the boy and his father, one of the things that are good on those hobby. i dreamed of being a professional football player when i was playing football on the gaza border. i was hit by an israeli sniper. and the 1st thing i thought was my feet would be
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amputated, and my dream in future would be lost. thank god, after the amputation, my spirit is still high. i am not in despair and will continue my pass when it comes to my friends in gaza, who were with me at the time of the injury. i don't know what happened to them since the beginning of the war. among them were my cousins, some of whom had been killed. i don't know about the rest of my friends. i am in egypt and the scenes i've seen guys are chilling and i cannot describe them. the majority of my family is still in gaza and the war scenes are indescribable and cruel. i'm ashamed to open the phone to see the difficult war seems there, and i cry when i do see them. then this will, but for the life of the situation and goes there, he's very intense. most of my people have been displaced to rough uh, 2 days ago is really forced his bottom to my house. and that's of my brother and cousin if we can build back what has been destroyed. what's important is that
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nobody dice with regard to the international court of justice. i hope that strong firm decisions will be taken vis a vis israel, especially since all the world sees the crimes against children, the elderly women in the bombing of homes and the killing of unarmed civilians. in the meanwhile, crowds gathered on a hill near the coast, holding out the phones in the hope of catching a stable signal. the blood counts his impact to the work of humanitarian age groups . in the end today as well as civilians are unable to get up to date information on where to go for supplies and safety. we heard from gall since he's had to walk for miles just to stay in touch with family members. the some of some other bizarre i was displaced from kansas city to the also how are you the area by instruction of these really ami? we sense that this area is a save. some communications have been cut off for 8 or 9 days. now, there are no basic essentials here, total, socially and economically just 0. i'm now working on eastern cod services, trying to help people connect to the internet. the problem with normal sim cards is
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that there is no mobile reception in. after internet and phone services were cut off, our phones became just tardies in our homes. you cannot check on your family will connect to the world. so phones just became useless for sure. and then we use electronic seemed cards purchased from the internet and sent to us by our relatives who live abroad. will come here to try to pick up a signal, walk around one and a half kilometers to get here, raising our hands, trying to connect to the internet to call our families abroad. and tell them we're still alive or to know the news and what's going on around us. for example, is the service still safe? we desperately try to check the maps of safe places posted online by the occupiers . it is hard to get the phones to pick up and network. you keep raising your hand, trying to catch the signal and if you find it and it's very weak, look and see how the people here are suffering. it is 2024 and 100 in a day or for the internet is essential for us to communicate with the outside world . let me check in oklahoma. the godaddy environment is the forwarded. the idea of a to stay solution full palestine saying is the only way to bring the ongoing deal
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. 2 of those. the only way out of this misery is a 2 state solution. they are defying the whole international community, and it is about time the world took a stand. benjamin netanyahu has continued rejection of the 2 state solution is just upsetting a lot of people after because it's just another example of israel's kind of the whole outright written dis, disregard for you and conventions, right? scotlands 1st minister has criticized netanyahu over his denial of palestinian statehood. both france and china have reiterated that they support the establishment of a palestinian state. and beijing even went as far as to go and say that palestine deserves full membership at the united nation. even the united states, which is israel's, of course, most important ally, is saying that it's dedicated to a 2 state solution along with other western countries and the head of the united nations. we will continue to reiterate to the leadership of israel, the governor of israel, and of the people of israel, that these are the opportunities that they have. these are the challenges that they face,
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but there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide less and security . and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys. it without the establishment of a palestinian state at the refusal to accept the 2 state solution asterisk for his re lease and palestinians. and the denial of the right to state code for the palestinian people are unacceptable. the rights of the palestinian people to build their own state must be recognized by all. it's not a surprise in some sense, as he spends his entire political career against the 2 state solution. but the point is, well, now the route is that to seriously resolve this, but your opinion stop diplomat, joseph burrell looks to be taking an even more radical stance. here. he's saying that a palestinian state may have to be established from without, without the uh, agreement of tel aviv. so it's,
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but it's anybody's guess really what some sort of international intervention to this situation would look like, especially because the united states is still giving a blank check to israel in terms of defending it. but it's pretty clear without any sort of radical change in the situation. any sort of talk about a 2 state solution is really going to be nothing more than a pipe dream, not only because televi doesn't support it, but because it's rarely officials are making comments along the lines of supporting ethnic cleansing and gaza. let's just say you transferred 50100000 or 200000. there are 2000000 people the right you want transfer the move. what do you know? the country is willing to accept 2000000 people. it doesn't make sense. so the solution is not really a solution. we will start with a bunch of 102200000 people off to this, i believe. no, i really believe i really do believe they can have it better in other countries. but it's important to note that back in november, that same minister of national security also said that causes should be deprived of
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humanitarian aid. and israel's minister of heritage said that the possibility of nuking gaza should be a seriously considered possibility. these are comments that would usually be considered scandalous at the very least, but an israel, they've become commonplace. this hellish conflict has been waging now for almost full months. thousands of palestinians have been killed by the 25000 at this point the what? this is one have to show for all of the staffing destruction using gas here. what it was. well, according to the wall street journal, israel's only accomplished destroying 20 or between 20 and 30 percent of the losses forces. after like you said, killing over 25000 palestinians and injuring over another 63000. i mean, let's not forget that one of televi tv's main stated objectives. here was the destruction of a mouse. and yet, according to an article that was published by the bbc last year, how mazda is actually growing in popularity in the west bank as a result of these rarely,
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military activities. so with israel basically not showing any sort of sign of willingness to stop this violence, that's not even accomplishing it stated objectives. it makes you wonder if this is really about home, us, or about palestine itself. coming out on all the international relatives of her mass, hostages that were interrupted, connected to finance committee meeting, developing the governments take action to become the best loved ones and meet increasing discontents in the country. the egypt has expressed support for some malia, upwards tensions with neighboring ethiopia, the size. the idea is above us. on the circle of memorandum of understanding with breakaway somali loans, agreeing to consider recognizing the territory and exchange for access to a port facing the indian ocean. this within the will not allow anyone to strike the small wheel and we will not allow anyone to harm small them. i say this very clearly to any one test in egypt and trying to threaten his brothers,
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especially for brothers asked to stand by them. c, 2 o between d, o seems to be fall from both. but even as the 2 countries have battled over the construction of the grand renaissance, them the back to may have now shifted to the console or rather the exit of the rich c. and this will cause follows. the meeting that was held in egypt was the model president and of the exemplary to general described a memorandum of understanding assigned between the somebody loves and, and get the o p, f as in now void. and i'm the acceptable egypt has been very quick to reject the agreement calling on just about to refrain from engaging in unilateral missions that increase the cases of this agreement. of course that would cross if the op ex is a 2 diesel model and puts it in the golf of aidan to establish a marine for space. that would also able to spend the political and security ties
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between the 2 countries. and of course the, the, some of the government has, as well as you can be ca, to, to strongly reject the dmca 2 of us and the agreement as well. and it has also gone, as far as somebody it's invested is in this above includes all taxes in florida, stressing that so monique will defend its tibbetts each but all possible legal leave to visit m o. u grants you so the 2 and this according to 2 sub position of a base in our hospitalized land, violation of somebody is over there on the beach of installation of those norms. manya had said that demanded that you appear to you is that the agreement signed. meanwhile, the some money lend needed the attempted to the agreement as the quantity official because visions to them. and based on history, we understand that. yeah, as long fluids access to the ritz,
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the students it became land locked off. the retail one is independence in 1991 and that same. yeah. so monte, then broke away from somalia and although it has operated as a defect to independent states that like other countries with its own currency, with its own government and its own different methods. it is not for me because neither by any country, but just going back to the ot ask you to remember that not so long ago, the prime minister, in fact, the government of the country asserted that the okay, has the legal and historical right to own an altima to the red sea, the prime minister, the government, the whole parliament has given all due back to the issue is not a matter of luxury for the country. assigned a memorandum of understanding with some of the land is a deal for cooperation and partnership. the grants, ethiopia access to see on business terms. it isn't annexation or assumption of sovereignty over the territory of any state involved in use. it has bought substitutions. there's also some confusion about the deals,
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exact contents because before tax hasn't really been made public. but some anya has threatened to go to war to stop at the old peer for recognizing somebody, then solvency and all of this raises the, the spit, to offer me more instability in the holding of africa. by the way, to see how this new front of tissues eventually pens, alta and to find some sort of resolution which are going to interrupt this story. now to take you live to new york because the russian farming has to suck a lot for office. sold, lay about to take the flow at the un security council meeting. that's an emergency meeting that most go is cold, judging them those to condemn the ukrainians. like on the don't yet, on sunday morning they came 27 civilian lives. let's solve it less than today. we are once again discussing a situation in ukraine in the context of continue to western weapons supplies into
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the country. and also in the context of, uh, sending western mercenaries in there. so we undertook a band that way cause that to measure as to immunize the french mercenaries, a near product of this. we just heard the statement of mr. depot deputies to hire a representative to some d'affaires. we are grateful for the information and recommendations to the security council evolution, which is today they have to do to majority of one finest experts. see very clearly that's a key factor which impedes always towards a peaceful supplement of the premium process as it continued to support on the part of the west to the regime in care of. and despite the fact that they solvers big in agony and it is incapable of attaining the goal set to itself, namely to inflict strategic defeat on russia,
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your business is being cedric. and the reason to you through it is we kind of my country's reality such that despite of a complete faith in there all the way up on the battlefield, the western patrons of the camp for shame continue with pushing them with them. and i are code and this becomes senior, pushing them towards continuing with a sense listener sort of confrontation. and this is done on to think guys old, well falls, the words saying that the volume crash of the landscape would stream would be an existential threat. the rest of your brain is in the rush or wants to subject, gave them those who look deeply into the genetic genesis of the premium crisis can see very clearly the such statements contain not an iota of truth. russia began to special males reparation february 2022 and it wasn't against your brain and it wasn't against that you're bringing people. sco told him, let's look here. we are the purse still link to by brother. he ties with them. that
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is not a co incidence, that after 2014 and the to the, to do this in russia, almost a 7000000 new really ukrainians finally found to salvage there. we had to start the military operation against a, a, an over zealous the criminal regime, acted with impunity, who decided to spite of many years along every version which decided not to reject the war against their own citizens in the south and south east or ukraine or the 2 richard folks, you have total discrimination of rational speaking ukrainians who are still a majority in that country citizen. the scourging did this and not only in violation of all of them is cut agreements approved by the security council. those who in violation of elementary principles of civilized society and how should be functioning and wells, grossly of violating foundational human rights, including the rights of national minorities which are in tried to the grand
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constitution and the western patrons of the key or for shame or behind the situational coo and k of 10 years ago. so to you to fill out this 5, not only didn't not ring in the leaders of the key of leak bottles, gland additionally, on the slide onto the guys over the minutes of agreements, continued arming ukraine and preparing it for with restaurants the year. we know this for a fact was to date, and this comes from the revelations by the people who participate of that system in their record clear who drafted and signed the misc agreements who submitted them to the consideration approval of discounts. so the reason why that wes conduct itself in such a cynical and criminal way is so obvious. so washington and then other capitals in the recent times have been stating it openly. and it is so that without losing the lives of their own soldiers. so the west is a fighting lamb, do pray and use the fighting rush or using ukrainians like fighting russia,
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which needs to be cut down to size present by the even talks about this being a great investment and other us officials also mentioned this expression about the wonderful investments and the paid colleagues as well in the attempt to get to congress to agree to renew aid package for ukraine. the representative of the current administration sound even more seneca. we know from what they say, for example, that 90 percent of the military budget, which has been given by the ester, the capers im, remains in the united states as being used to develop the military and industry of the country. and to update the weaponry big bowls and the ancient junk is being used in ukraine. but most of the major ukraine plans in factories, for example, those which are manufacturing. i'm gonna see them have been sold to the americans and they are both lambs are under and indefinite, to release it to very,
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very low prices. one very good example here is the source of entity. this received the block of tops or lands for the purpose of burying their western chemical waste . mr. blinking secretary, states of the united states for the sizes that continuing assistance to ukraine is a guarantee of creating new jobs in the united states. it's as though he's talking all to buy of the financing of war, which already resulted in hundreds of thousands people's lives lost in ukraine, thought about a profitable business venture your opinions. and i'm referring to the common sense thinking part of that the europeans would wake up and understand of that using this, the landscape machine, the united states, and not only waging war against russia robot. they're also dealing with this strategic issue of drastically weaken your up as their economic competitor, washington's versus on demand it's energy independence. it's, it's a trigger, dangerous crises, tendencies,
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and european economy and the social is fair and not dwell too much, even on the issue of the act of terror. on the northern scream with the united states blocking any attempts to conduct an honest, international investigation of that. and the current european leaders in germany 1st and foremost sure a be didn't please silent. they have resigned themselves to this kind of public humiliation. some people to say the same time, most of the members of the european union continue a beesley during would washington is telling them when their supply new weapons to keep their emptying their own arsenals, which will be replenished through and spying autism, manufactured by the american military industrial complex beach is this, the, the, your plans will be forced to 5. we enough money for that and the desk merchants are not put off by the fact that they're all weapons including cluster munitions and
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depleted uranium weapons. i've been using it solid believe mercilessly and intentionally. you knowingly able to strike severely and infrastructure. this was the case during the structures of districts against residential areas in bel girl belgrade. on december to december and yesterday again, some markets in shops, internet, the beloved phones, dozens of kill oaks as a civilian is, is on the conscience of those whose army is the landscape and is saying the same time the, the authorities in k of can of themselves determine what the goals for their strikes will be. we remember on how the anglo saxons without any military need for that bomb dressed in end of february 1945. how most of them do it is relatively recently, most old in iraq. and rocca in syria were raised to the ground, needed this, and now they have a very where the successors are for they are barbaric tourist this method. as soon
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as i see it in the long uh, pumping of my weapons over, they corrupt corruption and skirmishing has one more dangerous aspect. they desire to get maximum benefit from the complex audience because it keeps the authority to simply resolve things and move to make you the steps of some of the western weapons . and on the black market, you can find such announcements of in the dark and choose nap. it's difficult to, to, to agree that this is being done with our so western merchants because that's one hand wash of the other. one of the most recent examples is the american m, 60 and rifles, which called degree purchased by anyone on the net in exchange for crypto currency . and of course, this is a kind of situation. visitors, groups availed themselves, all of them. they get the weapons of the, the, these weapons go to africa and near east to lives, america. and this,
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and once again brings in additional stability to regions which are already on save on this. this of the scandal is situation has original scope that is no longer possible deposit over in silence. ok, but the united states has to officially acknowledge this problem. the re sent a report issued by pen to go to gone, talks about the diversion of the weapons which had been intended for the pregnant armed forces. at the mound. here is an excess of $1000000000.00, and i'm sure this is a modest assessment for 2002 unit. so web entry, including drones and coordinate throws, have not yet been accounted yet. it is my understanding that the american inspectors and what the nice then these went to give to take a look on the ground, what the situation is, and i wish you ever successfully. so the mrs. the president, we have heard many times over probably a here today as well from
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a western colleagues of a statement disingenuous. one, according to which about a for russia will stop fighting the war will end. but if you find it will stop fighting that ukraine will end to high and she lives all over the united states when to even a so far as to say that russia, the woods attack and poland to they both exchanged. so phil and after that is the lots of things that you can think of if you want to get money out of congress and european parliament something in when you convince them also been needs to continue support from ukraine to, to well detrimental. go there, nationals down to the very last dollar. and this year you're asking russia to stop the special military operation. that does sound very well that if this were to happen is that the cambridge seems of what i would like. it's 100 and then continue to try and eradicate everything that is russian. everything that has existed this way, but it's just for send you in the russian culture,
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history and religious identity that any advice would be to say, landscape dreams would continue. of course, being related to something that's for and for the table and namely a rabbit, out you nationalism and glorify. those are together with the nazis. it was destroyed during world war $200.00, some of of thousands of a choose aroma, russian poles and ukrainians. the data shapes would be strengthened in the fight with the opposition would continue in any kind of defense. and there would be many more political prisoners than the western democracies would continue just close their eyes to the spectacle and to keep silent the way they were doing now. the run off turn, they used to citizen who was a journalist. consolidated era was tortured to death. in the prison of the pregnant security service man, because crime was that he was probably about to population objective materials,
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which are critical of just as long as the landscape has anyone in the west, especially in the united states or any official has said anything about some of his deputies? no. and i'm with the west end delegations today and the representative of the care for sure. you probably not find the courage to come at to comment on this yet, lucian and other outragious bidding prime up by the landscape and his click inserted with that. well, here i bought the russian aggression and statements so that the, the queue for game will be supported and the lies in the craving, this others pay trends has shown very clear names in an underhanded stage performance in april in both times us. and so numerous requests to provide us with at least the names of those who were supposedly, was killed by the russian service personnel were left without any
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reaction. i have approached as extra general with this several times, there was no reaction to put the v. i simply not allowed to even try and establish what of a truth is because of the truth. wheels are slow, but show we would put a good show on the western pop of chairs. so what would happen if you frame for to stop the fighting status? hundreds of thousands of people who are currently being hunted for in the streets and bars and bush searchers of jessica, who are that who bought and the intention is to throw them as cannon fodder to die, to protect the western geopolitical interest as their lives would be spared, there are no ukrainian people's interest in their war against russia. they never existed their only interest of the english accents and they minions and the corrupt and criminal kids. in the top leadership, which together with the west cover,


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