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tv   Documentary  RT  January 22, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EST

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reynolds with this several times, there was no reactions to put the system of the v. i simply not allowed to even try and establish what of a truth is because the truth will, this will be show we went, but it could have show up the western pop of chairs. so what, what happens if you frame or to stop fighting status? hundreds of thousands of people who are currently being hunted for in the streets and bars and bush searchers who are that who and the intention is to throw them as cannon fodder to die to protect the western geo political interest as their lives would be fair. there are no ukrainian people's interest in their war against russia. they never exist. so there are only interest of the english as, as access and they minions and the corrupt and criminal kiff and top leadership which together with the west cover each other,
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each other up. they're afraid that they will have to go after the end of the war they stonewall demand. special events be crashed in april 2022, which is a chance for peace when the united defense in the new u. k. post the key citizen band steward could with that is up to the conclusion of a peaceful, peaceful trade team. they do not want a piece of today and you can even, or despite the fact the cuban regime on the, in the surprise, thanks to a western honda honda. what, so this is something that being said about the talking heads already. most people in ukraine are beginning to understand who they're truth. low intimate is sunday, who, who were been threatening down with russia through lot is and kept trying to cancel our history to them. this change in the consciousness is being seen in the social networks that despite the censorship of truth will out about the people how people
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live in a crimea and other territories. we united way to rush. and just by 3 predictions of the cube, propagandists with russia and ukraine used to live together in peace and new authorities, dealing with people's issues and not lightning, they are pockets. and the contrast here is all vs the so that, that sits in front of much of that is why i am a crane in the west of this information is being suppressed is dangerous, because it shows how russians any grains can and should live on the conditions within the west is not allowed to interfere and deliver it ations or between for other people's not to act as an old and as a, as a colonized and tried to pit the 2 people against each other. and as it is a brothers and good neighbors should, they will live after the end of this special military operation, which will for me,
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when you can implement as a goals of that militarily for peace for me. and to we never gave up on the peaceful resolution. the world is ready to negotiate, negotiate, and not about how to keep the leadership of the key of unfortunately it's a good place. but about overcoming of the inheritance level. it's decades long, destructive looting over the country and violence against the people on c removing the reasons for the tragic ukrainian situations. any other piece, plans and formulas of platforms which the key of regime and his masters keep presenting. we have nothing to do with peace and i only use this way, however a to continue war and continue getting money from western tax. there is a, it is unfortunate the un secretary, it is. this is for risking it's reputation when it participates in an absolute is
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so real, so called copenhagen format. all of these formulas on the road to nowhere. and the sooner washington london, paris and brussels realizes it moves a bit better for your brain and the west, west to for whom the crusade against russia has already created a clear reputational and exist joshua risk. so you're through good, my advice, pretty much it is. do she to this and take notice of this before it's too late. i think wait for your attention to let me have hello and welcome back in the studio here in most that we just finished again to be russian and foreign minister. so gay life is the address, the emergency un security council music in new york batteries must go work as members to condemn ukrainian shelling of the don't yet school on sunday morning, which killed some 27 civilians to some of the points that life of when side with that, he said the rush, it will never give up on the possibility of a peaceful resolution with ukraine. he said there russia has a brother,
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the brother, the like he and link with ukrainian says it and there's nothing against ukraine. however, the targeting of civilians in the don't, vast regions is unacceptable. ansolaski has grossly violates things national human rights with the continued to targeting officers. civilians is that the countries need to see clearly that any continued support. all of the key regime is creating a lot of problem. nato weapons including cluster palms, depleted uranium being used on civilian areas, sends native supplies, weapons are being found for sale on the dock website. some 40000 units of western ria as not being accounted for. he said that the us needs to acknowledge this problem. is it just a few of the points that he went through that will bring you more details later in the program? moving on for now, following use of legal bustles with the local muslim community indian prominence and the range of moody has finally on valve. the temple of the hindus, gold ram, and on on january 22nd 2024 is not merely a date that marks the advent of
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a new era. after centuries of unprecedented patients, countless sacrifices renunciation and penances are probably, rom has come. the round temple is dedicated to one of hindu, isn't the most popular diocese. the site has multiple religions over the centuries, but it was the monday, a temple until the 16th century, when a most was erected, the but it was demolished in 1992 spoken protests onto correspondence. when didn't show on the reports from the countries, you know what people gathered to create the banks of the river. so you in the, in student in didn't town, we would yeah. a moment for which for one be and he can do is a rated for decades, was soon gone to the see it as a civilizational infection point the. 2 5 minutes to new, the new movies, new nationalist,
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spotty bgp will fulfill one of it's called, or election promises, with the innovation of the most controversial tempest in the history of india. the rom monday or it's not just any temple, it's a temple that holds great political, historical spiritual. i'm cultural significance for the indians. it's also a temple built on remains of mosque that one stood here. 1992. the bothering mosque was demolished by a he knew mark that believed the mosque was built by a local emperor off to the destruction of a temple and that it was the broad. please begin do. good. the demolition sparked me another dry. it's leaving tarzan's dead across india most on but many have moved on big balance. sorry you next bob. the litigant still has pictures of the mosque at his small home in a hotel, but now he accepts the temper. he's among the we are bees that have received an invitation and for the, you know,
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the ration he plans to go to the whole nation including hindus and mosley. i'm so like have accepted the supreme court decision. it's an owner that i've been called to the temple no duration and i will go with pleasure and available for you as a go off to the longest legal battle that india has seen in a 1000 be truly indeed a supreme court to condemn the demolition is illegal would still awarded the disputed land to hindus, citing ocoee logical evidence of indigenous structures beneath the ruins of the mosque. productive it is this land of where you will be, how that us shape the indian political landscape. it decides who indians vote for and why the vote for them. and with this political drum is fulfilled. bgp has not only built to seek for templates, but it's also billed to, was sent out for he knew is and city officials expect around $4500000.00 to
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risk a month. you know, you'll tell in a city of less than a $100000.00, which means that economic boom for the people living here, we're going to buy the buy yard. you're the best price of low drum will now become a global sense of and it was like the magic in this for christians and master is from muslims with great to foot for the people of a judge. you will see more income come in. the sellers of highway suite, so say could be more people will mean more income as of millions of people will come and how sales will naturally go up to. but we are happier than after 500 years. graham is coming home on the beach. if we was 1st elected to government also the demo. okay, i'm going to say is back into the un security council meeting a day and now a day off. those deadly strong, some that don't. yes, civilians, china is representative, is taking the slow. so let's listen in line 3 sion and the permanent representative . you create this meeting to the ukraine crisis by the looks of it is becoming
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a protracted complex one which trying to find quite triple and already going to change or given change. you apply the increasing number of factors contributing to insecurity and instability deliberately ending in the ukraine. crisis cleaning for halting hostilities, pushing and restoring peace is felt more actual content heavily and with all parties that should work hunter to that. and the issue to, to us, to address we must speak admitted to the security. the sovereignty, bolts, and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected and security and easily indivisible, how a new country may attempt to secure himself at the expense of another country. security turned to court on, nor can regional security be covering teeth by way of muscling not for a moment. you would think of spending a minute or 2 block. the consequences of nato's piece wasn't excited to indicate
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that. so you can so court absolutely. security at the expense of the country security as well, only widen the security deposition, and trusting the state. you will do nothing to make out loud and more peaceful and state where you disregard you don't need to need to do well to not interested was also the russia and ukraine is on neighbors kind of move away from each other even if they wanted to. their respective legitimate security concerns should be taken seriously by a child to the ultimate way out of the conjunctions with lice. in the next slide on the part of those countries, 10 other parties consent to be able to balance effective and sustainable security architecture. god it by the vision of common and comprehensive cooperative and sustainable security. scott, such as he can. so when you go stations must be resumed. as soon as possible. a renew witnessing conflict. a lot of times have for some peace, can not be a cheap viable use for you. the width is into the essential field and prolonged
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lighting, only resulting most civilian casualties. we judge of compliance with international human that every law to the center and effective protection, obviously billions and civilian infrastructure. are you good? we must remain on the plane shipment about nuclear safety risk or to eliza diplomatic. netflix will know from us may not be abundant or more people are not under any circumstances. we call for the pump is launch of direct engagement do for 10 step wise resumption of negotiations with a view to fortune consensus to help to end the hospital from the centurylink international community and the un should create. he may be conditional to that and all the policies is tied to what you should refrain from any on contract you action or for any of you. responsible rhetoric is that so do you see chip all down just a minute, terry and needs must be effective date addresses with the highest incidence of the devastating attacks and civilian casualties through the destruction of
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infrastructure. and the think i mentioned to you when to whether to me for the 2 human a terry needs. incomplete therapy is off on the right to suspend the few minutes. every situation is distressing and we support the international community and their human terry organizations in stepping up the assets to provide wintering relief the calculations on the in the affected areas improve communitarian conditions and the on the ground. i've had off a few minutes here in the process of a crate. i'm not going to use this for each other. we must have known as i can to stem the spillover of the guys in by you. so that's a time when the is really good. the, when the police opinion is really concrete trucks on some of the hospital issues at the risk of larry, not the world cannot afford to see for the spreading of geopolitical tasha as you at the same time. so the globe are you calling me on slowing down or developing countries? i'm finding even harder to achieve the all night. invest in cheese on the 23rd. the agenda. ok,
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i'm ready. do you feel time the negative impacts of that you can process? and if i just any of this really conflicts, i do, there's no issue with the eyes, the code and the global economy. and countries with significant seems like should take a responsible, appraising refrain from politicizing, instrumental eyes. the org. let the nice thing about economy and, and i'm sure things that works together to maintain global food food and it cheap and financial security as well as specifically defense moves functioning of industrial and supply chains, the presidency, the ukraine issue of him has go to way to today or as a result of that time goal of complex factors which do 2 of our series for reflection versus if we look around bedrooms, how well just be setting with what was and complex risks and challenges in bringing in all manner of concepts and to use and strategies into international peace and security that going to mail 10 complex problems being complex that defines simple fix 6 skills that confronted with all the time. and just the ultimate solution is
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doing this for us to work hard to, to build a community with the share township of human kind shape a well, i guess we've lost in peace and universe with security. the whole country should play there, pauses and work together and function in this direction. i'm finally on it. we'll continue looking just i'm on the side a piece i soon find on the side of just a ways that you a tireless efforts for international peace and security of thank you. is the presence of a suitable fellow combined to the studio which has been listening in to try his representative. speaking of the un security council of john john that now emphasizing the importance of nato, recognizing and be the ties become a ties between russia and ukraine. and negotiations for a peaceful resolution to restart the soon as possible between the 2 sides. he said that continuing to feed the conflicts by supply and weapons to ukraine is not serving a peaceful purpose. he said the way out with the conundrum is going to require efforts by all sides. he said that efforts should also be made to stem at this rate
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of the conflict size and the impacts on the global d. d. p on developing countries. he said that a rolled by all nations that needs to be played to create the universe of security and international piece. okay, that was the tiny is the representative. so we can get the un security council bed . let's move on to other stories for now. the same with china or at least 9 people have been killed and dozens more still trapped under the rubble following ilan slide that struck southwest in china on monday morning. the long slide also buried 18 houses and at least 47 people leading to massive occupations. and an online search presidency during pink, as old as more than 1000 emergency workers to be built into a to search for survivors. to clear daybreak, the rescue mission is being lied to by the chinese advice premier. the dog is heading to the middle east. now public on the over the wall and the government's failure to because of hostages is mounting inside as well. relatives of the home us
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comp, this of stones upon demand to be amazing in jerusalem, demanding the governments take action the on dozens of hostages relatives. and to up to the as where a finance committee meeting with banners declaring he will know, sit here well days i, the protest is also attempted to block the entrance to the can assets with police dispersing the crowd on making the arrests on people. raleigh's levels have been taking place in the capital, tennessee. it demonstrates is a demo ending in ends to the invasion of gaza as an exchange with him. us to attend the remaining $136.00 is wally hostages being held since october. the 7th. when it comes to several that the hostages have been discovered inside tunnels in
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gaza, ortiz fear relatives of our quotes on that's on how is falls approach to present as well. it says all over the decades of conflict with the palestinians. israel is in a bind to young these really soldiers and one civilian kid, not by whom moss were found dead in a tunnel targeted by the i guess. but it's really official just told families are cause of jeff could not be determined, causing widespread outrage and suspicions with the mother of one of the victims. blaming the idea themselves around was kidnapped due to the criminal negligence of every senior official in the army. and as the government would you give that order to eliminate him to settle a school with some tardies from to bother you. they also found he had several crushed bin goes, apparently caused by his desperate attempts to escape the boys in grave. the idea of buried him in when he tried to breathe fresh air but could only breathe. i'd have boys and what decision would they have made if it was be be signed into terry
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stano or gallons, grandson, or the son of hope to holly be? would they also have been poisoned with gas booms out of 250 hostages, 136, remain trapped in gaza. and while tel aviv claims hostages are also their priority, the prime minister statements seem to imply otherwise to be picked up from the start of the war. i set 3 goals, eliminating hamas, returning all of our hostages and ensuring that gods will never again, pose a threat to the state of israel. these remain all goals who didn't come in. we are fighting until victory. we will not stop the war until we achieve full of its goals, completing the elimination of him, us, and releasing all of our hostages. israel's 1st priority is us actually destroying him off which henders their attempts to rescue the hostages. recent prisoner exchange deals were agreed based on a 341 formula. but now b,
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b is rejecting any new negotiations this in contrast with past hosted situations. when the one a was to get is released home in operation and to be in 1976 is really commandos. rescued over 100 hostages, thousands of miles away on the african continent. and just a matter of days, they're not always quick. israel had no problem negotiating the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners for just a few of theirs in the 750 for one ratio during the lebanon war. fighting for a hostage release for a year. and swapping a 1000 more palestinians for 3 of theirs, 2 years later, as part of the job real agreement, they even went as far as to free 1027 palestinians for deal. actually one soldier could not by her mos spending a whopping 5 years negotiating his release. but now the strategies shifted. even
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the men who negotiated shelly, it's 2011 release have questioned israel's priorities to sacrifice hostages and soldiers seems to be the psychology today. no one is thinking about the day after. what do you do with guys in 2006. so then prime minister met, which elise perez just 17 days after he was abducted. today the families of the hostages grow increasingly worried, feeling ignored, as they demand answers without any yahoo, delaying meetings with them. initial alex, my time i'll ask you what the cabinets will meet with us. everyone starts here, loves this country. we're not a burden on anyone. my son knows that i want to give up with him. i need to hear the cabinet telling me that it hasn't given up on my son to. and what the cabinet needs to do is to stand in front of us and lucas in the eyes and tell us what they're going to do. protests led by the devastated relatives of the hostages,
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having golf israel, causing a divide in society with calls for answers from the government. all of this, of course, against the backdrop of south africa is i c, j case against israel gaining global momentum. increasingly, israel position appears to undermine its initial stated priority of rescuing the hostages with fears they become nothing more than collateral damage in the m yahoo school of eliminating her moss at any cost. many things a company here or not the international with the back, with more in just a few minutes. the
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the the after the non cac, flower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victory. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had been common and daily and colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way,
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the arabs did not want to submit to foreign power and put up fierce resistance. dividers against colonialism were led by the chief of this n, a side order. omar l move star, who was nick named the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and boys and gas usage, mass deportations, and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps. the invaders could not cope with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l move star was captured and sentenced to hang at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon, pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population, more than 100000 people fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed. in 1951,
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libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence the most at the this of him. but he's, you got more of the see at the end of this, i guess i'm all for it has for this law i thought of it a i won't say that that's not a lot of blood. that is somewhat of the a media blast. yeah. you got one way just under then use it, then they go sorta the song of a k. i knew it out if it goes to you that i mean, i think going on because the i'm a persona of a be that me court that i, i didn't go don't get almost in to see a different so that sort of i, that out of in the see if they have any single man throughout the month, a manual, and all that into model is there's a maintenance united be just a model units off on, you know, the system just likes it and say i getting of them. but these are, let's see, let me look to see like tennessee, but i didn't give the tended out of
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a submit on so being at that pull, let's see on that. move to the boss. i need the last 8 of us you, i'm let me sadie, one of the meeting the union. so those new battery needs be what somebody that gets some given which are my point of view. okay. so you see that goes in a 2nd. i mean either. okay, so by you say things on a certain different things that are going on. i think the 2nd floor on the screen of the boss can do either to speak with key at the washington state, the bruce to complete the rest of the guys has to phone up, send 2
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professional men to prep the list of all of a beautiful day you the,
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[000:00:00;00] the now you need your research typically from here. smith to nancy kim's in the book is that probably the message should see where it gets to the young showcase. use the children's clinic to the by the ways that the boys the,
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the most new and it will be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that extra them. but adults appears that the russian states never have side effects on him. in the sense communities, i saw some, some of the polls question about this, even though we will ben in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the political, should they be able to twist,
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which is the russian. sorry, i mean is that for a sec, a laugh or all makes remarks at the un security council addressing the recent attack in don't. yes. 27 civilians were killed. and ukraine shelling of a busy long hospitals in southern gaza. come under. intense is wally attack on the red, crescent ambulance and it's a round file idea of forces. we hear about the die and maybe cold situation in the end of august. we didn't have anything that can meet. they give us is killing us. there's no gas to cook, it no need to add to each pool. the basic necessities are expensive. the cheapest


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