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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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welcome to the cost of full force. here we discuss the wheel in the russian foreign minister, a circuit land prob addresses, the un security council about the latest do crating and attack on a donuts market. the emphasized that the blood of $27.00 civilians is on the hands of those 2 arm if there's an e. hospitals in southern gaza come under. intense is really attacked by the red present ambulance center is surrounded by idea of forces. we hear about the dire medical situation in the enclave. we didn't have anything that can meet. they give us is killing us. there's no gas to cook, it's no need to add to it. all the basic necessities are expensive. the cheapest thing today is a human being the
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and relatives that is really hostages held by him on storm. a government meeting to demand more action be taken to release their loved ones. as anger boils over in the country, the year watching archie international, i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. motion for ministers target alon prop has spoken at the un security council on ukraine's latest dudley shelling of don't ask. he stressed the west complicity in cubes, actions by sending weapons to ukraine. a lot of scenarios the squared can use more share is the desk much and do not have a problem with the fact that the weapons, including custom, munitions and those with depleted uranium methodically, mercilessly and deliberately as being used against civilian facilities as it was
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during the striking residential areas of belgrade on december 30th and on the market and shops and don't ask yesterday. the blood of thousands of dead civilians is on the hands of those who um, zalinski is regime. and at the same time, claim that the key of government has a right to choose targets to strike. but if we remember how the anglo saxons bomb dressed in the 2nd 1945 without any military need or how not so long ago in rocky masula and syrian rock were raised to the ground. but now they have raised a worthy successor of the above barrick and terrorist methods. the russian foreign minister is here in new york at the un headquarters. and he spoke before the security council in the direct aftermath of that route will attack. and on at the showing that killed 27 civilians and the smoke before the council going over the history of disregard for civilian lives and brutal bombings and atrocities
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committed by western leaders. the also highlighted the fact that gonzalo lira an american citizen was tortured to death. and died in a ukrainian prison, 90 talked about that case as well. and then from there he highlighted how the flow of weapons to the key of government. this is not going to be good for anybody in the long term already. these weapons have shown up on the black market. the usa has dumped billions and billions of dollars of weaponry money, etc, into ukraine, and the long term effects of this effort to not only continue the flow of weapons, but pro long the conflict is going to be deadly and consequential for the entire region. we was going to put it in a church where you go to russia, had to stop the military operation against the criminal regime that lost its mind over its impunity. and despite multiple and long lasting efforts, refused to give up the war against its own citizens. in the south and the southeast of ukraine and the policy of total discrimination of russian speaking ukrainians
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still make up a majority in the country. zalinski is regime, did it not only in violation of the mist agreements approved by the un security council, but also against the basic principles of civilized society and to basic human rights, including those of ethnic minorities, the west that was behind the anti constitutional coo and key of 10 years ago, not only didn't call the heads of the key of click here to order, but also use the men's agreements as a cover to a crane state. the secretary blinking points out that the continuation of help to ukraine is a guarantee of the creation new jobs in the united states. as if we're talking not about the war claiming hundreds of thousands of lives in ukraine. but about some profitable business venture european should wake up and understand that via zelinski is regime the us not only conducts a war against russia, but also sharply weakens europe as an economic competitor. we also heard from the
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russian foreign minister about how at the end of the day, there is really nothing for the ukrainian people to gain in this conflict with russia. is their lives that are being thrown away on the battlefield. it is their country that is subjected to war conditions and the games are coming for the anglo saxon elite in britain, in the united states. and they are also coming for the ukranian corrupt regime that has been propped up by them in the aftermath of over throwing the constitutional government of ukraine in 2014. now, other members of the security council spoke and emphasize the need for a peaceful, negotiated solution to the conflict to stop the death that is in every day aspect of the ongoing situation and the consequences of nato's eastwood expansion in the tape of seeking some cold, absolute security at the expense of all the country security will only widen the security deficit and trust deficit. it will do nothing to make our world more
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peaceful and stable. in this regard, nature will do well to learn. it's less than what the chinese representative was saying. actually echoed a lot of what was said by the russian foreign minister. ah, they were talking both of them about the need for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. and in his remarks, the russian foreign ministers are gay lab ross said that there is no reason that the ukrainian people in the russian people can't live side by side in peace. that the efforts to incite the 2 peoples against each other to demonize the history of the soviet union. that was done intentionally by the united states for propaganda purposes. and that there was a long history of ukrainians and russians living together. and that alternately, the future of ukraine is a future in which they get along with russia in which they are not having hostility toward their neighbor on the behalf or to divide. the 2. peebles is largely the result of western propaganda to serve western geo political goals. not to work in
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the interest of the grant in people. all right, let's cross live now to andre thomas housing, german attorney, and moraitis, professor of law in south africa. andre, great to have you on with us. versus top diplomat says, the west sees the ukraine conflict as a profit making business. what's your reaction to that as well? this is starting to be one of the most important and fundamental statements to auth, or administer elaborate off it. it highlights the deeper the deep aspects of the ukraine conflict. and i think although he didn't say it's specifically a red line that runs through the whole speeches that russia never, the cad wall and the crank, russian never went taught to, to destroy the ukraine. and to a defeated russia to come back to its special military operation, a full base specific reasons and using limited false. and this is why at the number
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of civilian casualties is actually very limited when compact for instance, to the ongoing conflict and gaza. so he is focus on the merchants of dest, as he ride, to call them. and brings to mind that the, that the, with a invest at 5 percent of the defense budget, in all mean via credit, in total, no more or less, $200000000000.00. and this turned out to be a fantastic, a comics, some of those package for the american industrial military complex. the shares of the great companies producing these things i have, i have imparts doubled the shares of the german ryan mit taller has even crippled. so that it didn't actually, it wasn't actually a gift to the okay. it was a policy one could say, a cru, devious policy to provide the comic stimulus at the expense of ukrainian lives.
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yeah, as you say, the war has been a real boon to the west when it comes to the military industrial complex level. i've also suggested that ukraine's piece formula has nothing to do with piece at all and only influences western tax payers. what do you think it will take for the west to say enough is enough with this? well, the voters are beginning to respond to the react, especially in germany. and germany, has suddenly realized that germany has already dedicated 50000000 euro to the ukraine war effort. and just planning to give them another 50000000000 and this kind of deal 2024. and this is, was drum and pension us off. all of them all surviving on a $1250.00 yours for a month, as was revealed at early yesterday. and is in the car and they chronic situation of germany. a 1250 euro is barely enough to eat. so there will be
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a backlash by the voters, as there's beginning it will be the beginning to see that backlash in, in france and in the netherlands and ends in other countries in a to the, to the. we also note that in today's security council meeting, nobody got up and walked off on the, on present level off it. they all listen very carefully and they, they, they, i think they understood for the 1st time that the dresser is not escalating this conflict and is not driving this conflict. a completely logical and crazy policy. all all mean a pop t in and on conflict is to blame for what is by now. probably 700000 last lives. all right, we're gonna leave it there. andre thomas house in german attorney, and i'm a ride us professor of law in south africa. thank you. the thank you
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right over to southern gaza now where the master and l a ma, hospitals are under intense is really attack spell the palestinian red crescent society reports as ambulances are surrounded by is really army forces and unable to reach the wounded. but medical facilities are under communication blackout, according to the organization and deadly organized strikes and ton unit cost. a rush of injured to master hospital, 190. people have been killed and 340 wounded across the palestinian enclave. over the past 24 hours. as they is really defense minister promises the army will continue to expand its attacks. we are carrying out an intensive operation in the con eunice area and it will continue to expand the plumes of smoke from the tanks, artillery and air force. planes will continue to cover the skies of because of strip until we achieve our goals, chief among them, the defeat of helmets and the return of hostages to their homes. meanwhile, the medical situation in gaza remains critical and shortages of fuel, electricity,
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and medication on the 108 day of the war. the death toll is more than 25000, with at least 263000 injured and attacks by the israeli military. we heard from locals about the current conditions in the palestinian enclave. a bunch of literature saw it hadn't been wise yet under the siege, which takes a shortage of medical services and critical medications for all patients. this includes patients suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, and comes onto biologics. in general, and a lot of medications mean we'd diagnose patients prescribed medications, and they go to the pharmacy and come back without the medicine. and on the job hospital, 3 quarters of the patients come in need, and medications that we can provide the results. they show that you've bads. if at the end and septic you given the 2 months ago, the hospital, the rough, i was treating 3 100000 human beings. now there are 1000000 and 300000. many patients come needing treatment,
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but it's not available. it is especially difficult for blood pressure and diabetes patients and for children needing diapers and milk. and we're significantly lacking all of this. we hope that the supplies become available, but most of them have them. you are sitting here if i need only minutes for my sons rush, the price of diapers today is 120 shekels as a displaced person. it's all on me with my wife and my children. where can i find 120 shekels to bind on it because there's no medication, no appointment for diaper rash? nothing. we don't have anything that can meet. they give us is killing us. there's no gas to cook it with a new onion to add to it. all the basic necessities are expensive. the cheapest thing today is a human being in the dirt. any informed minister has supported the idea of a 2 state solution for palestine saying is the only way to bring the ongoing or deal to a close. the only way out of this misery is
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a 2 state solution. they are defying the whole international community, and it is about time the world took a stand. benjamin netanyahu has continued rejection of the 2 state solution is just upsetting a lot of people after because it's just another example of israel's kind of the whole outright written dis, disregard for you on conventions, right? scotlands 1st minister is criticized netanyahu over his denial of palestinian statehood. both france and china have reiterated that they support the establishment of a palestinian state, and beijing even went as far as to go and say that palestine deserves full membership at the united nation. even the united states, which is israel's, of course, most important ally, is saying that it's dedicated to a 2 state solution along with other western countries and the head of the united nations. we will continue to reiterate to the leadership of israel, the governor of israel, and of the people of israel, that these are the opportunities that they have. these are the challenges that they face, but there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide lasting security
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. and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys it without the establishment of a palestinian state. the refusal to accept the 2 state solution asterisk for his re lease and palestinians and the denial of the right. the state code for the palestinian people are unacceptable. the rights of the palestinian people to build their own state must be recognized by all. it's not a surprise in some sense, as he spends his entire political career against the 2 state solution. but the point is, well, now the route is that to seriously resolve this. but your opinion, unions, top diplomat, joseph burrell, looks to be taking an even more radical stance. here. he's saying that's a palestinian state may have to be established from without, without the uh, agreement of tel aviv. so it's, but it's anybody's guess really what some sort of international intervention to this situation would look like,
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especially because the united states is still giving a blank check to israel in terms of defending it. but it's pretty clear without any sort of radical change in the situation. any sort of talk about a 2 state solution is really going to be nothing more than a pipe dream. not only because tel aviv doesn't support it, but because it's rarely officials are making comments along the lines of supporting ethnic cleansing and gaza. let's just say you transferred 50100000 or 200000. there are 2000000 people, the right you want transfer the move. what do you know? country is willing to accept 2000000 people. it doesn't make sense. so the solution is not really a solution. we will start with a bunch of 102200000 people off to this, i believe. no, i really believe i really do believe they can have the best or in other countries. so it's important to note that back in november, that same minister of national security also said that causes should be deprived of humanitarian aid. and israel's minister of heritage said that the possibility of nuking gaza should be
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a seriously considered possibility. these are comments that would usually be considered scandalous at the very least, but an israel, they've become commonplace. this hellish conflict has been waging now for almost full months. thousands of palestinians have been killed by the 25000 at this point . oh, but this is why i have to show for all of this death and destruction using guessing it what it was or according to the wall street journal. israel's only accomplished destroying 20 or between 20 and 30 percent from us as forces after like you said, killing over 25000 palestinians and injuring over another 63000. i mean, let's not forget that one of the tel aviv main stated objectives here was the destruction of a moss. and yet, according to an article that was published by the b b. c. last year. how mazda is actually growing in popularity in the west bank as a result of these rarely, military activities. so with israel basically not showing any sort of sign of
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willingness to stop this violence, that's not even accomplishing it stated objectives. it makes you wonder if this is really about home, us or about palestine itself. all right, let's cross live now to dr. sabri side on deputy secretary, secretary general of the fact the central committee doctor said i'm good to have you on with us. we've heard of many countries including israel's allies, critical of the as really government's refusal to accept a 2 state solution for palestine. what does that say to you about the current support for israel? when i know good to be with you, we have been at this point many times in the past and nothing is seeing that any results whatsoever. we've heard of the dreams and aspirations were the promises, but the order been empty. we need the people to want to, to close a lot of making this a corner for the city and state to come in to be in need to act and act immediately . they can go to the gentleman that's going to be able to you and vote in favor of the elevation of the us and the other presentations for the state so that he can
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door to stop or does it go to the concert they can sort of set or negotiate the with the american administration to both to, to push this forward, but to speak with for the name and then typical psych consult stokes and negotiations is going through the snow where we have targets before and it has produced not as well. so. so is that inaction by the global community, the reason why is well continues to reject those 2 state option? yeah, absolutely. because is what i, it always has its way now its way using a word free of charge that many times paying for everything. and then when it comes to uh, the construction, if ever it comes to the construction, the world would have to pay for that. so as i has it free of charge and the way the water comes can be fan, it can corner for reconstruction of a specific face and the one pays same applies to the politic i'm status. where to buy international community always appears designed by, you know,
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requesting about the vs, moses to say solution. and this never happens a tough and many times in the past for kids when it came to eric and other countries, the u. n. was more to for me to been and pushing the recognition, inclusive or southern so down the recognize that no time that's for punish phone there's or is talking of policy, sees is only searching for maps and different names and this one who cabinetry that's being used for the entire political process. what with motors of the game, what side of it in addition to israel's claim is that it does not support a palestinian state. israel's national security minister into martin the bank of year has gone so far now as to call for the ethnic cleansing of gaza. why do you think we haven't seen a stronger reaction to that statement? and i think probably because the international community is growing the custom to release allegations of statements. it's specific to that the international community is also watching is right. and as it stands is fine at the international
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court of justice, yet does such a state front. so out of the coming out of that of you, 6 ministers have so far recorded for the displacement. the city is quite openly, quite frankly, and quite spontaneously have someone at times without anybody or anything else. i can go over. you know, there's been statements about this making the cleansing, as you were quite a lot of people do, dropping palms, nuclear bums and cars and what have you on a, go to, to the a, stay with nobody raising an issue about such specific terms. imagine if this was done, vice versa, we, the palestinians are able to make such statements. how would the would have reacted we? would there be like, you will find this i'm, it is in the long list of requisitions. what needs to be done is for the one to wake up, i'm not all the for the people that are using to wake up the be the condition or these are equal to patient is non viable and the solve going to lead the world of laws anyway, all right, dr. subley said,
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i'm deputy secretary general of the photo central committee. thank you. to a relatives of the hostages still held by her mazda, have gathered outside the as rarely prime minister's residence, to demand an immediate deal with a mazda for the return of their loved ones. all right, let's cross live now to our, to the middle east bureau chief maria for notion of maria, you're in jerusalem right now. tell us more about what is going on there. the need to yes, we are interested in right now on the street as though as the, in the hebrew, ironically this is where is really providence. there is a residence in mississippi where it doesn't signal to hundreds of people, as you can see behind me. relatives of these really is how hospitalized probably seen in militants and the gathers treatment, then sharing this sorrow and, and, or have gather it to express their disappointment. these really, governments approaches that we all think hostages in another 10 by those people to
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draw the attention of local decision makers with ramsay's foundations and protests happen in israel on a weekly basis. in the last 3 and a half months, all that tries grow in domestic disappointments, anger and impatience in mind is really public. as you're going to hear. now, people are trying to think outside now and all of them. this is what they are demanding. bring all their hostages back. now people brought the number of 10. we are planning to stay near and they say, till the loved ones are freed from could save it to the one stop until they are heard is it gives you these practices both as massive as that has been telling me for example, but it is very loud. they believe these really dealership is not doing enough and then matter as a priority, we have been able to speak to you organizers and family members earlier. this is what they have to say. we got here today to try and pressure the 5
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minutes. so we outside his residency to leave the issue off the hostages on the table. this is an urgent issue. we want them to be released not only today, now as soon as possible. we want the government to and the minister to bring us the deals for us to deal. and if there's no to such a deal that he agrees on. so shy for one that you can, it's their job. it's their responsibility when they get there, they've got to be together because of the mistakes of this to a government and it's very responsible to bring them back. you must make it be, they meet the pressure they manager pressure use for making a better deal. okay. so you days for 50 days, you know and need to strive for the earlier
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today also in jerusalem, another group of relative storm depaul events and we can meet the session in the class. it is rarely pollen and demanding that the lawmakers do more to free their loved ones from continued to some protest her as were holding signs, saying who will not sit here while they die there is you remember in december the idea mistakenly identified 3 hosted isn't guys that you were gonna come back to the north as militants, although they were waving a white flag. all 3 were killed on the spot. the tragic incidents raise questions about the efficiency of israel's notes or operation, but has releasing of hostages as one of its main missions. 136 people still remaining can see the teen guys. a 3 and a half months of took over her mass attack on southern israel when almost 3000 palestinian militants passed through security barriers from the gaz us through coming from the land, the sea and the air killing people. and these rarely tories are in taking scores
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hostage including women, children, an elderly, $110.00 of the were a swede. following several exchange deals with him as, as a condition, a number of palestinian prisoners were released from these really jails. but in the last 50 or so days, but it hasn't been any breakthrough. and this is what these people who have gathered here today. how very unhappy about maria of protesters are talking about a hostage return deal. what more do you know about that? well again, no agreement has been reached so far regarding the remaining hostages, the most recent del brokered by the us, catherine egypt. they all play a role of mediators between israel and mass. and this conflict included israel's withdrawal from daz, i'm and the end of the deadly war is ro wagers and then clave as a main condition. according to palestinian sources. the idea of military operation
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took the lies around $25000.00 people, including those who were just children. the deal also implied another round of freezing or exchange, including senior militants from the palestinian side and prime minister benjamin antonia juanza are insane. israel will not accept any deal that would mean the end of the fights before is real achieved is go of destroying him. nice and dazzling heading. there is another, so called is really deal on the table, but no details have been just closed so far live in the public and frustration. anxiety back to the party middle east bureau chief, maria for national maria. thank you. meanwhile, and nato's former representative in moscow has called for the genocide of the russian people. he also added that your train should not shy away from aggression against its neighbour a good r issue. most of the deceit regression can only be extinguished by more aggression with taylor. we should have leveled this country. we should have wiped out half of
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this population because the german nation no longer exists. it is a completely different nation. we should have dropped 2 atomic bombs on japan to put out this regression with even more aggression with those we believe. all right, let's cross live now to political analysts, boston bu. abolla. good to have you on with us. what do you make of that statement made by the former nato representatives in moscow that aggression needs to be met with more aggression? us thank you very much for having gave me i think not the only of these irresponsible statements, but the surface texting is a deal like you, i of worried about t c. v. where a, the dark, she walked in the state department and i think these are united states and they didn't comment say, when the ok then attacked many series in places they are inside the rachelle or in little guns. and then it's, she's 2014. they attacked fresh on the south central for i shouldn't be able to,
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they were killed in the dentist. little guns. i normally talk about that. so it's so flex. think of the anglo saxon, especially when it's disappointing. and now germany, how's they are thinking about other people? and he thinks in his or statement, he said that keeping more ordinary people with the brain good by the face of the enemy as he said. but i think that there are shot at the didn't the attack any cvn places in. okay. and because the russian considering the okay. and then people as there are other differences because of that in their, in their uh, in eulogy. and there is no targets for see if he does so it's still reflecting good . and he thought that's without to be any chambliss buick on say on the top. and he is a in coward, gainesville credit union to do that either very well,
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create an army attack. many civil young people is inside our soul. this is not the 1st time and all is in good. the whole approach of new. yes, he called for the genocide of the russian people cannot be taken seriously. so i see that so so listen comes to us. seeing this is not search, find the only i don't so i think it would pick now guys, uh, it would take before that to iraq. celia libya, this is methodology of teen gang for the united states is still reflecting. how, ma'am, the anglo saxon, how they are, how they have the wish to an arrow going against other people before that if we will remember joseph forever, he talked about the garden of the jungle or the glossy during all outside of the west, as they are in a.


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