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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the american and british military forces launch of the series of strikes the guest. yeah. man, where us central command says a will see side of the target european should wake up and understand that via zelinski is regime the us not only conducts a war against russia, but also shop the weakens europe as an economic competitive russian foreign minister, saturday lab or off addresses the un security council about the debbie you're
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creating an attack on the next market to assess the plot of $27.00 civilians is on the hands of those on the landscape. agent at the relatives of hostages. gather outside things ready from ministers. residents to demand a deal with time asked for the return of their loved ones. we want the government to minister to bring us the deals for you to a deal. you must make a deal. they meet the pressure they manager pressure used for making a better deal. okay. so you the 450 vase now and need to strive for the the you are watching the r t international live for most go i'm a day show a josh top stories this hour. we begin with the latest news from the red sea region
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where us and britches forces have conducted another series of stripes and repeat militant sides. and given us central command says age was the targets have been hit the it's the 2nd time that america and britain have launched coordinated strikes on given monday strikes going after the cruelties claim they attacked the u. s. military vessel ocean jobs. washington denies the ship was attacked. the will to discuss the step further. let's go live now to michael, move a full my senior security policy analyst at the office of the us a defense secretary. thank you so much for joining us here on our tea international . the us and britain have joined, he conducted another series of coordinated strikes against c militants targets in yemen. the 2nd one since the us led operation, the gone a mid december. what was your reaction when you heard this was going down to?
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well, thanks for having me and 1st of all, i don't think i think it's going to be an effective. but it's also going to just create greater a tensions in the region. they whose these have been under a severe war pressures for 8 years uh, from the saudis, relentless bombings and the, these are these 10 products that the, the, the allies are doing are not really going to be be sending the, who with these to the, to the negotiating table by any means, but um, i think that what we're concerned about a little bit is a few things. number one, this could lead, and we're here in this here in the united states of more talk of going after iran itself and not just the who's these, but iran itself because they claim the, that these are proxies of iran. now this, this could greatly escalate and,
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and there's open diet, a discussion about this among very sees and commentators and, and retired generals who advocate this and, and members of congress. so i'm really getting the increasingly concerned that this could escalate things beyond what this is supposed to be for the next question. then what is the invitation of that going after around at this time? well, the application will bill, it'll just open up the conflict and be make this a full blown regional conflict altogether. the. the interesting thing is that i think the israelis did something very tactical recently when they got their, their own proxies to kill a quite
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a number of mourners at the commemoration of the air force anniversary of the assassination was sold the money in kareem in iran, that brought on an i r g c response directly on what a allegedly, a massage uh, safe house, uh, in, in iraq. and this drew iran directly into the conflict before the allegations have always been that iran was only working through its proxies. hom, us, uh who with these uh house by now you got it, ron in there its and this is perhaps something that has now given netanyahu license to feel, well, we've drawn them out and, and now we're going to go and go back to the head of the snake as it were, and this is what we're hearing for these radical ministers. and now separately you have the, you beginning to accelerate things in the red sea as well. and it's
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a true, it's an intriguing that they want to do something is from the us. and i think there's a lot of political reasons for that. what they want to do basically is have their own e, u, of defense for so germany, france, and one other country, i forget the other country but to, to have their own ships patrol in the o. it's italy patrol in the red sea in the red sea area, and that's a consequence. they, they, they want to protect the, the, the, the, the shipments through those areas because 40 percent of goods for europe come through the red sea. so they're there, but they're more interested in going after the, in, in stopping any attacks on the shipping as opposed to basically going after the boot, the launch sites themselves. now the united states has the capability of getting
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those sites before the before the rockets are even launched. so there's a, a tit for tat type of thing going on here, but it could easily escalate. absolutely. a few days ago, president job id admitted the operation against the who sees isn't even working as a continue to attack rates in shipping. why do you think the operation is continuing? despite the lack of, of the is obviously no results as well. they're there to protect shipping for sure, but now they've escalated by going after the launch sites. and as i said earlier, that could actually increase the likelihood of greater confrontations. and as opposed to just going after, uh, drones and missiles that might be shot at the shipping in, in the red sea. and, and those going through and that, and you're also hearing from iran now. and even the who, the saying that if attacks continue, they intend to continue to,
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to enlarge their own area of, of, of attacks not only and uh the, the, the, the, the mandate was the straight but also in the end of the straight of our most. and, and also in the red sea itself. so this, this could also bring on a greater expansion in which no cargo will get through whatsoever. well, trucking arriving for now they who with these. mm hm. yes, exactly. it could easily expand. and they who, with these, who with these have been talking about hitting only those sites that uh, those of, uh, ships that are trying to a israel. but now because of the attacks they're going to be aiming at the ships and the united states for sure. so this is how these things escalate overtime. so talking about escalation menu in for a change in, joseph burrell says, go in a, in the block, the block have agreed to establish,
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read the operation. what do you bring further? your opinion val vents in the right seat and add to an, a rated pend situation in the region. well, it's got a number of political connotations that they don't trust the united states leadership that's, that's the message that i'm getting really loud and clear. they want to operate separately from the united states. you had some of those countries. and initially part of the task force that the united states put together, they dropped out. now they want to set up their own e u force. and i think to, to do 2 things, number one, to get out from under us leadership, they'll coordinate with the us up with their operations, but they will not put their, their, their, their worship under their, their composite, under us command number 2. they don't want,
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they want to create or give the impression that the e u is heading in a do in our evolving direction of creating its own defense force as opposed to nato. so is this assign that's european countries are tired of us leadership of nato. i mean, if you look at the added in the long run, so this is, this is offering something very intriguing. this is really strong issue. this isn't shrinking into that. we're gonna have to leave it there, but we will keep an eye on the story. it's no telling how this is going to hit and my going to lose a full lot senior security policy analyst at the us office of the us defense secretary, thank you for your time. thanks for having the rushing for administer. saturday or lab rove has held a series of meetings with his truck is uranian, and never nice counterparts, and the use representative to the united nations. the meetings followed the un security council session on ukraine's late,
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just deadly showing on during the ask. early i, russian for administer, address the councils as dressing that the west is compass is inc. cubes attacks on civilians because it's applies the weapons. ukraine is using, distract the that it goes to seniors. the school can use michelle, is the dest much, and do not have a problem with the fact that the weapons, including cluster munitions and those with depleted uranium methodically, mercilessly and deliberately so as being used against civilian facilities as it was during the strike on residential areas of belgrade on december 30th, and on the marketing shops and on that sc. yesterday, the blood of thousands of dead civilians is on the hands of those who um, zalinski is regime. and at the same time claimed that the key of government to, to has a right to choose targets to strike. and but if we remember how the anglo saxons bom dressed in the 2nd 1945 without any military need or how not so long ago, iraqi, most to syrian rock were raised to the ground. but now they have raised
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a worthy successor of the above barrick. and terrorist methods, the russian foreign minister is here in new york at the un headquarters. and he spoke before the security council in the direct aftermath of that brutal attack and done at the showing that killed 27 civilians. as he spoke before, the council going over the history of disregard for civilian lives and brutal bombings and atrocities committed by western leaders, he also highlighted the fact that gonzalo lira an american citizen, was tortured to death and died in a ukrainian prison. 90 talked about that case as well. and then from there he highlighted how the flow of weapons to the key of government. this is not going to be good for anybody in the long term already. these weapons have shown up on the black market. so the usa has dumped billions and billions of dollars of weaponry money, etc, into ukraine, and the long term effects of this effort to not only continue the flow of weapons,
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but pro long the conflict is going to be deadly and consequential for the entire region. we will, is going to put in the truth, william, the russia had to stop the military operation against the criminal regime that lost its mind over its impunity. and despite multiple and long lasting efforts and refused to give up the war against its own citizens. in the south and the south east of ukraine and the policy of total discrimination of russian speaking ukrainians of that still make up a majority in the country. zalinski is regime, did it not only in violation of the men's agreements approved by the un security council, but also against the basic principles of civilized society and to basic human rights agreement, including those of ethnic minorities, the west that was behind the anti constitutional cooling keys. of 10 years ago, not only didn't call the heads of the key of click here to order me, but also use the means agreements as a cover to
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a crane state secretary blinking points out that the continuation of help to ukraine. and that is a guarantee of the creation of new jobs in the united states, as if we're talking not about the war claiming hundreds of thousands of lives in ukraine. but about some profitable business venture. european should wake up and understand that via zelinski is regime the us not only conducts a war against russia, but also sharply weakens europe as an economic competitor. we also heard from the russian foreign minister about how at the end of the day, there is really nothing for the ukrainian people to gain in this conflict with russia. is their lives that are being thrown away on the battlefield. it is their country that is subjected to war conditions and the games are coming for the anglo saxon elite and britain in the united states. and they are also coming for the ukranian corrupt regime that has been propped up by them in the aftermath of over throwing the constitutional government of ukraine in 2014. now,
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other members of the security council spoke and emphasize the need for a peaceful, negotiated solution to the conflict, to stop the deaf, that isn't every day aspect of the ongoing situation. if they don't. so they do what the consequences of nato's eastwood expansion in the tape of seeking. so cold, absolute security at the expense of public humphrey security were only white and the security deposition and trust denise, it, it will do nothing to make our world more peaceful and stable. in this regard, nature will do well to learn. it's less than what the chinese representative was saying actually echoed a lot of what was said by the russian foreign minister. ah, they were talking both of them about the need for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. and in his remarks, the russian foreign ministers are gay lab ross says that there is no reason that the ukrainian people in the russian people can't live side by side in peace. that
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the efforts to incite the 2 peoples against each other to demonize the history of the soviet union. that was done intentionally by the united states for propaganda purposes. and that there was a long history of ukrainians and russians living together. and that ultimately, the future of ukraine is the future in which they get along with rush, which they are not having hostility for their neighbor on the behalf or to divide the 2 peoples is largely the result of western propaganda to serve western geo political goals. not to work in the interest of the granting and people. a recent survey into the views of the wealthiest one percent of us citizens sleigh bed. the class divides between the haves and the have nots the committing to a least prosperity poll, compared the views of the average american and the us, the wealthiest one percent on a range of issues that shows that while only a 5th of americans feel their personal finances are improving almost 3 quarters of the country as well to do, reported that they all pressed for inc,
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financially. more than half of america has concerns, other restrictions to personal freedom. while i own this house of the nations, well see a say that people in the land of the free are enjoying too much freedom. and when president biden's approval written stands a just 44 percent across the nation, a made a cost of living crisis on this twice as many lead to americans could afford to signal their approval for biden's administration. now to discuss this bill further, let's cross live to dr. miko rectum world for my new york university professor and also of google pay like oh, joins is from miami, florida. thank you so much for joining us. first of all, what do you make of the results? of the poll. yeah, i mean that shows the mass of divide between the lead, who want to utterly control everything of our behavior,
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even star voss perhaps even under take a kind of neil mouse, who's in population control program on us. so i wouldn't be surprised. this is the kinds of these people have been floating these ideas from the un since the early 19 fifties to reduce population to reduce consumption of the western world. to make sure we do not have access to gasoline, mobility, etc. how wides the end, these things, the gap between the american people and the countries wealthiest, one percent has become the over the past decade and what all the reasons as well. they have become an elite that is totally attached or detached from the public entirely. they, they have built an echo chamber and which is, i'm, you're, you're not allowed to interrupt what they say. you cannot say things in certain
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places they've can try to control our speech. so therefore, what they're doing now is they're just saying they will not have our speech they, they just will will little exclude our speech from the public's fear. and this way they, that they don't hear. and this way they continue to perpetrate this bible. this echo chamber. let's take a little dive into those specifics here. one notes where the results is that 74 percent of the american and let's say they get richer, which is significantly higher than the 20 percent of voters over all that fail. felt positive about that personal finance. what does this say about the economic situation in the united states and how do you see this impact in the polls come yeah, there is that box? yes. is there incentivizing their incentivizing the the
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super as lead to conflict, to control and try crack down on us on the rest of the population. so they're getting paid more money. they are being, uh, they're basically a ruling class that's completely out of touch with their, with the population. and they are, they just have absolutely no sense of what other people were dealing with that and they don't care. i think they profit from it when a minute is the middle class and the working class then complete the helpless and the situation. can they change your name for themselves as well? we, we have this ruling class which consists of the state mostly, and these corporate partners that they have drawn into their orbit to control the profit of the public and control the virtual monopolies over everything. uh these uh these, these at least have to be stopped by virtue of just not participating in their
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system. and that is to say, we need to decentralize and don't let them control us. there's no other way around it probably and not participate in this system. does not not play into the gimmicks and stretches and leave the middle class and working class completely out of the system while they prosper and prosper. impressed by now what i'm saying is we need this a decentralized and take power back to the local level. so people have more control, this is taking power away from the centralized organs of power, investing it in the people locally. and this is happening in texas where they're trying to, uh, they're, the supreme court just over ruled, allowing the, by the administration to cut the barbed wire. so the texas has no control of its border whatsoever. so this is the kind of actions that they're taking. and the only
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way to do it is what texas tried to do the whole thing. she had a question about rushing in gas meet and power in order to fight climate change. more than half of us vote, as opposed to measure as well. 3 quarters of the lead say that they support the idea. why is that such a major difference here? doesn't mean that the very wealthy as americans care more about the, of the environment. you know, it doesn't mean that at all, because 1st of all, the measures that they have recommended and be got begun to implement and funded don't work. they will work for the masses of people. they will not get us are, are necessary goods. they will destroy the economy with their green technology. this is a very serious threat to the wellbeing of the western world. and i would say all of europe as well. that's quite interesting. some people do argue though, that the green economy is supposed to help balance the threat of climate change.
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we're going to have to leave it that the direct them word for my new york university professor and all the of google acapella. go from miami, florida. thank you. for speaking to r t international, the thank you, the relatives of the house and you still held by hum us have gathered outside the is really prime ministers, residents to demand an immediate deal with commas for the return of their loved ones. our team literally is to be which is marietta. the notion now has more we are interested in right now on the street, the zone as the in a row. i run in color. this is where is really, there is a residence in mississippi where it doesn't signal for those people, as you can see behind me. relatives of these really is how hostage right? probably seen in military since the gathers sharing this or the other. it's a he expresses their disappointment, these really,
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governments are printers that we all think hostages. interviewed another $105.00 days for you to draw their attention to decision maker is we send prototypes happen in israel on a weekly basis in the last 3 and a half months. all that tries of growing domestic patients in mind is really probably because you're gonna hear now people are trying to think now and all of them. this is what they are demanding. bring all the hostages back people. number, all they are planning to stay near and say, wait till the ones that read from the one stop until they hear her. it is, it gives you these prizes in the as massive as for example, but it is very loud. they believe these really did, their shape is not doing enough and do not matter. as a priority. we have been able to speak to you organizers and family members earlier . this is what they have to say. we got here today to try and pressure the 5
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minutes, so we outside his residency to leave the issue off the hostages on the table. this is an urgent issue. if we want them to be released, not only today, now as soon as possible, we want the government to and the minister to bring us the deals for us to a deal. and if there's no such deal that he agrees on so stifled one that you can, it's their job. it's their responsibility when they get there, they've got to, to get into because of the mistakes of this to a government. and it's very responsible to bring them back. you must make it be they meet the pressure they manager pressure use for making a better deal. okay. so you need for 50 days, you know,
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and need to strive for the earlier today. also in jerusalem. another group of relative storm de paula went to the committee session in the class. so it is rarely parliament demanding that the law makers do more to free the loved ones from contributing some protests or is were holding sign saying you will not sit here while they die. they are remembering december, the idea mistakenly identified 3 hostages in gaza. do you want to come back to the north as militants? although they were waving a white flag? all 3 were killed on the spot. the tragic incidents raise questions about efficiency of israel's military operation, but has releasing of hostages as one of its main missions. 136 people still remaining could see between gaz a 3 and a half months of took over a mass attack on southern israel when almost 3000 palestinian militants passed through security barriers from the gaz us 3 of coming from the land. the sea and the air killing people and these rarely tories are in taking scores hoffers,
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including women, children, and elderly, 110 of them were freed, following several exchange deals with him as, as a condition, a number of palestinian prisoners were released from these really jails, but in the last still some days, but it hasn't been any breakthrough. and this is what these people who have gathered here today, how very unhappy about no agreement has been reached so far regarding the remaining hostages. the most recent build walking by the us, catherine egypt. they all play a role of mediators between israel and him. ask them this conflict included israel's withdrawal from jazz and the end of the deadly war, israel wages, and then played as a main condition. according to the palestinian sources, the idea of military operation took the lives of run $25000.00 people, including those who were just children. the deal also implied another round of freezing are exchanged, including senior militants from the palestinian side,
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and prime minister benjamin antonia juanza or insane israel will not accept any deal that would mean the end of the fights before israel achieve is goal of destroying him. ask them, does adding, there is another, a so called is really deal on the table, but no details have been disclosed so far live in the public and frustration, anxieties. those are the top stores here on our, to international at this hour. check out our website, our team dot com for more. i'm i do show on your back at the top of the hour with the latest on the the altima 2023. a surprise attack launched against israel by how much militaries show
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the world. the no one had expected, the palestinian right, it goes to have so many cutting edge weapons the in the optimal. so the tag militants, openly unlocking anything for us. right? for the rockets and missiles of rain down on these radius, this is the see the how can it be that um is a ship to the middle east from a country whose template visuals constantly complain about shortages of our munition and military equipment. anyway, we bus demons locate us and e u military, a totals tens of billions of dollars will continue to show the power of partnership will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them or capabilities that they need to defend their country. but where does this stage really go? and who decided to, um,
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a country that just being one of the biggest supermarkets of some of the weapons for almost 2 years, the the healthy and with offices before the benefits. allow me your familiar with them onto that heavy. what the the, the, them, the open concept that mother fits as you had, the little blue 41 and one box hold on. also provide one more time as an


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