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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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the the, the 10 turns rise over the red p as the us on u. k. carry out more strikes on it. yeah. but in response to attack, someone should pick out those you oh, for most starting maritime security operations in the area also had were still exposed to this aggression and they dangerous, slightly approaching the associations, had courses in communities displacing people reggie display. the palatine rice president says people in god's us on now being forced to pay even for the south in light of the latest, is really a thump. lots on his outraged right. it tips up the hostages still held by
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him last stage of protest outside the 3 prime minister residents demand. and he does move to a town that left one pressure, the 5 minutes away outside his residency to leave the issue off the hostages on the table. it's their job, it's the responsibility, the price on audi this tuesday morning, walk over to the international law and for most go it's just phone at 9 am here. it's good. well, that's sort of to so with the news that the us on u. k. have once again conducted as strikes on the c. c. positions in the oven depends come says 8 targets. what hits the
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it is, the 2nd time that america um griffin have launched. coordinated strikes on. yeah. and then the us fleet carried out the brunt of the mission. launching numerous forties from one of its taras in the area. yes. strikes come off to the su, fees claims they attacked us, minute to vessel the ocean, jazz. all the washington denies the ship was hit before the latest stripes. the who's the ministry had filed a start in response to what is the question from the anglo saxon alex? not the yeah, many armed forces emphasized since the response to the american and british offences will inevitably arrive and no further funds will go unanswered or unpunished. the armed forces commit to continuing to prevent and navigation by his riley ships or ships headings the thoughts of occupied palestine. until israel
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stops the aggression and lifts the blockade on the posting in people in dallas. so that the can, well, let's look at the impact of all of this as the route through the suez canal grows increasing the power of us around 80 percent of call, cuz that's what's happening for us to change calls and navigate around the african continent instead. now the route post, the case of good hope is more than 3000 north commodities. you can compare those numbers back, which ultimately of course means high prices for consumers to cover those increased transport costs. meanwhile, the us secretary of state is currently in the midst of a full nation tool of africa. on monday, i'm to the blink can touch down in the west and state of how the fads uh before heading south to the ivory coast from that is he's going to move on to night, terry, off before. so we're going to pop up now before his final stop and, and go not, no coincidence perhaps at all. those countries lie along the extended trade route
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around the cape us. that hurt. now, one of this comes out the use foreign policy cheap. joseph bro, said europe is discussing new maritime security operations in the red sea. the red sea was high in our discussion. we agree to principal to establish that you need to pay union money to em, shakuti to productions and discuss the various options of this emissions. the that they propose to the member the stage. now we need to move the orders, you know, maybe the to see a when we can establish this mission. the latest joints try quite a covenant shouldn't comes on top of the 6 audio attacks on tuesday, positions by us food service. my colleague way to people spoke to occupant trip to chris adams. about the escalation conference. they do have other routes they can take, but that's main district predominantly as saudi arabia, right?
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egypt. but saudis, specifically, as we know, saudi is one of the most will dense regions in the world. it's supplies that a huge amount of oil, petro diesel products to do the us. i'm the u. k. the fact that they wouldn't be able to pull off to the easiest route to get the oil. that's way to get a have a significant effect on the economy because even just that to hear the route because of the coming crisis and the well, the price of oil is rising day by day by day. so the cost to actually drive the time, get down to pick it up. it's just going to become even even more cost prohibitive to the people that the need to buy it. and i think in a long time, we can just see the prices of, of energy, just keep increasing because by cutting off such a significant roof full that trends involve oil and gas. and you're going to see that i think you will see the price go up, but it will say property, see i pick plus, which is the regions that, that sort of group of oil oil by having countries in the region of plymouth lease. and we'll probably see them. yeah. so that will probably see how they deal with it,
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whether they increase the supply of the production capacity of the oil that they're pulling out right now, just because it would be more difficult for them to sell it on g to the behavior, to a price of shipment and there's, there's lots of things that can happen, but i don't think it's very good sadie one in the west that was looking forward to that heating bills coming down anytime soon. the assets, all the collective cycle west to try and find a russian shipping was really very successful. in fact, if we look at the, the numbers that the russian economy economy is growing in terms of the exports of those good. so they were trying to box that rather than having the, the effects that was designed. whereas here, it's very clear that that the, the, the axes of the duties so far are actually physically damaging. and by taking the heat seem to us and you type it on the way. huh. as long as you have an eye like yourself, totally with, with us foreign policy, you build other options of, of, of you can buy, for example, who from the chinese. a lot of countries can do the chinese chinese shits very in very few places in the world. a sanction,
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or you can even buy from russia as you wish. so yeah, i think a think it's, it's just good news for, for multi part r t. very bad. the very bad news for, for the so the rules bags to the well so many rules bring, need that destruction on suffering for all the they were at present an opportunity to get rich quick autism. i meant to, to, has been looking into the minute treat text on top of the view complex as a golden to get in an era of blowing global conflicts, billionaires are seeking to capitalize on the increasing demand for cutting edge defense capabilities. the appetite has changed significantly since we started in 2015. that's here. we've reached the 30 seed investors and got 30 nose, then rushing bays, ukraine, and suddenly everyone is taking a look. the funds who thought it was to go no longer do, and the was defense industry market is now shifting its attention from the usual
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big players to venture capitalist will focus on firms producing advanced technologies such as pros or a i 4 military applications leading to a big appetite that can only be satisfied with continuous regional conflicts. everyone who cares about ukraine is also watching, tie one, because tie one going south is an actual existential threat. so many of the investments buy stuff. and so i think you're seeing a lot of hawkish in us on the positive venture capitalist. as a result, the numbers say it all in 2023 to $100.00 defense and aerospace deals amounted to $17000000000.00, signed in the 1st 5 months alone. us investors put around $16000000000.00 into the fund startups in 2019, and by 2022. this had more than doubled to $33000000000.00 as a hunger for profit grow as venture capitalist openly express the stance on
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regional conflicts from the contents. in gaza, a certain kinds of evil can only be fought with force. pound to your stands with is real. what's happening in israel is just another instance of the same type of evil . it's been going on for a very long time, and i think it reflects very poorly on our ability in that class that you're not seeing a whole country efforts to become involved and to speak up about these issues. hedging on condemnation of how mass for fear of saying the wrong thing, either in the court of public opinion or because it has that business interests to the growing threat of china. of course, china, of course, is a serious threat to us global hegemony. it's a completely different conversation. all of a sudden, it's like, well, we need american a, i to succeed, and we need american technology companies to succeed and we need to beat the chinese. these days even signed an open letter pressuring to make more space for startups in the us defense budget. warning that if no changes are made,
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the west will be added this advantage on the battlefield. and the department of defense is all too happy to oblige. it was a perception that the technology industry does not understand the importance of national security and what it takes to protect our democracy. and then the ministry doesn't care about the technology that we're developing. i think that perception has somewhat being shafted. it's not like the last 5 years, so many investors woke up more patriotic than they used to be. i think that they just realize that there's a big business opportunity here. they want to access. and all this comes as little surprise because these 1000000000 their puppets. here's a hold some power sitting on the defense innovation board, advise the lawmakers and the pedagogy on ted policies, or the fact that at least 50 former pentagon and national security officials, reportedly worked in defense related venture capital firms,
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using their political ties to help them make a quick buck when huge profits are in exhaustively linked to global conflict. it's little wonder that peaceful solutions are so hard to find. the timing to gauze, what is really full says have surrounded the headquarters of the palestine red crescent in hon eunice. now this comes as people of freeing the city in the face of the idea of the fonts, the red crescent gave an update of the new owners. since the doing now is con eunice, south of colors that has been subjected to brutally invasion by the ideas military vehicles and drugs. loaded with gunfire arrived at the vicinity of the policies, alamo hospitals. in the 1st, i was the idea of try to prevent ambulances for moving. but through the efforts of volunteers until now 7 have been transferred. in addition to 7 moses', 6 engine into moss is arrived at the seas. i'm out of hospital and con eunice were
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still exposed to this aggression and the dangers slowly approaching the associations. had courses in con eunice, hills, queens right now, and you can see that exit us all palestinians, what moves they have a closer to the egyptian volta. that's the result of is ready tanks of on signal turn near the now so hospital, but also on one of the largest un chauffeur's in the city. that was so surrounding the pot of starting red crescent building. like i said, we heard from some of those displaced a 100. i mean, yeah. and those are the, the we were sleeping suddenly we heard the sound of clashes and gunfire and shells descending on us moon night. we couldn't sleep, we don't know why this happened. we came out of the university where we had been displaced times replaced by and also near the u. n. o w. a warehouses. i saw 4 people killed by shells in front of the university as well as 2 children. so we are very tired of all of this, and i, my son was killed in this move because i'm not,
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i'm going to so there was heavy shilling environments from last night until this morning. and all the display, some people have left. i hope that the countries will move to stop the war, move speed, you move carter. what is happening to us? it's cold in justice. we are human beings. what did guys to do to be bump like that? 30000 people were killed in this war. and all the houses were hospitals and schools were destroyed on the move in 3 months since hum us took hundreds of x rays, hostage relatives of those still being held have staged a protest outside is really prime ministers residence. that mounting up more is done to get that loved ones safely back to where it's the motion of how small a. yeah. and you are isn't it right now on the street told that so has the in a row. ironically, this is where is really prime ministers rather than 6 in mississippi with doesn't and 6, hundreds of people. relatives of these really is how costly, twice,
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probably seen in militants and together 3, but there is chair, repairs are gather, expresses, their disappointment is really government approaches simply all the hostages in another time findings for you to draw all the insurance decision makers. we've ramsay's foundations and prototypes happen in israel on a weekly basis in the last 3 and a half months. all that tries of growing domestic anger and impatience. and mine is really probably because you're getting here now. people are trying to think now one of them is what they are demanding. bring all their hostages back. people. number of times they are planning to stay near and think faith till the wants of the one stop until they are heard is they can see these practices the as massive as for example, but it is very loud. they believe these really didn't are shape is not doing enough
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and do not matter. as a priority. we have been able to speak to you organizers and family members earlier . this is what they have to say. we got here today to try and pressure the 5 minutes, so we're outside his residency to leave the issue off the hostages on the table . this is an urgent issue. we want them to be released not only today, now as soon as possible. we want the government to and the minister to bring us the deals for us to a deal. and if there's no at such a deal that he agrees on, so to stifle one that you can, it's their job. it's their responsibility when they get there. they've got to be together because of the mistakes of this to the governments and it's very sensible to bring them back. you must make indeed they meet the pressure they manager
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pressure use for making a better deal. okay. so you days for 50 days, you know and need to strive for the earlier today. also in jerusalem, another group of relative storm depaula, mandatory committee section in the class. so it is rarely parliament demanding that the lawmakers do more to free the loved ones from continued to some protest or as were holding signs, saying, you will not sit here while they die there. so you remember in december the idea mistakenly identified 3 hosted isn't guys that you were gonna come back to in the north as militants, although they were waving a white flag. all 3 were killed on the spot. the tragic incidents raise questions about the efficiency of israel's military operation that has releasing of hostages as one of its main missions. 136 people still remain incomplete between gaz a 3 and a half months after october have mass attack on southern israel when almost 3000
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palestinian militants passed through security barriers from the gases through coming from the land, the sea and the air killing people and these rarely tories are in taking score as hostages, including women, children, an elderly, 110 of them were freed, following several exchange deals with him as, as a condition, a number of palestinian prisoners were released from these really jails. but in the last 50 or so days, but it hasn't been any breakthrough. and this is what these people who have gathered here today very unhappy about no dream and has been rich so far regarding the remaining hostages. the most recent still broken by the us. catherine, egypt, they all play a role of media features between israel and the mass of this conflict included israel's withdrawal from jazz and the end of the deadly war is ro wagers in the in place as a main condition, according to the palestinian sources. the idea of military operation took the lives of run $25000.00 people,
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including those who were just children. the deal also implied another round of fries and are exchanged, including senior militants from the palestinian side, and prime minister benjamin antonia juanza or insane israel will not accept any deal that would mean the end of the fight before israel achieve is goal of destroying him. nice and does a adding, there is another so called is really deal on the table, but no details have been disclosed so far live in the public and frustration. anxiety, meanwhile, is wrong with striking another our country into the con snacks, that's the warning from that spot. a middle pool, just coming to read it to part the full teen columbus. up fluids that between garza, in egypt. you can read about that and of course, much, much more by heading over to our website to, to comp washed his foreign minister has held a series of me things with his tuck ish it raining on lebanese counterparts
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alongside the united arab emirates representative to the you when the tools for the un security council session on the recent destiny, shutting up done yes. so get off or off address the government for the claiming the west is complicit in the attacks on civilians because it is the one supplies the weapons requirements using the looks of senior fitness. when can use more shows the death much and do not have a problem with the fact that the weapons including cluster munitions and those with depleted uranium methodically, mercilessly and deliberately so as being used against civilian facilities as it was during the strike on residential areas of belgrade on december 30th, and on the market and shops and don't ask yesterday, the blood of thousands of dead civilians is on the hands of those who valencia's regime. and at the same time claimed that the key of government to, to has a right to choose targets to strike. and we remember how the anglo saxons bom dressed, and the 2nd 1945 without any military need or how not so long ago in rocky muscle
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. and syrian rock were raised to the ground. but now they have raised a worthy successor of the above barrack and terrorist methods. the russian foreign minister is here in new york at the un headquarters. and he spoke before the security council in the direct aftermath of that brutal attack and on at the showing that killed 27 civilians. as we spoke before, the council going over the history of disregard for civilian lives and brutal bombings and atrocities committed by western leaders. the also highlighted the fact that gonzalo lira an american citizen was tortured to death and died in a ukrainian prison. 90 talked about that case as well. and then from there he highlighted how the flow of weapons to the key of governments. this is not going to be good for anybody in the long term already. these weapons have shown up on the black market. so the usa has dumped the billions and billions of dollars of
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weaponry money, etc, and to ukraine, and the long term effects of this effort to not only continue the flow of weapons, but pro long the conflict is going to be deadly and consequential for the entire region, we will, is going to put it in a church where you go to russia, had to stop the military operation against the criminal regime. the last it's mind over its impunity. and despite multiple and long lasting efforts, refused to give up the war against its own citizens in the south and the south east of ukraine, and the policy of total discrimination of russian speaking ukrainians. ups that still make up a majority in the country. zalinski is regime, did it not only in violation of the men's grievance approved by the un, secure with the council, but also against the basic principles of civilized society and to basic human rights. instead of including those of ethnic minorities, the west that was behind the anti constitutional cooling kids. 10 years ago, not only didn't cool the heads of the kids, click here to order,
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but also use the means agreements as a cover to a crane state secretary blinking points out that the continuation of help to ukraine is a guarantee of the creation of new jobs in the united states, as if we are talking not about the war, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives in ukraine. but about some profitable business venture. european should wake up and understand that via zalinski is regime. the us not only conducts a war against russia, but also sharply weakens europe as an economic competitor. we also heard from the russian foreign minister about how at the end of the day, there is really nothing for the ukrainian people to gain in this conflict with russia. it is their lives that are being thrown away on the battlefield. it is their country that is subjected to war conditions and the games are coming for the anglo saxon a link in britain, in the united states. and they are also coming for the ukranian corrupt regime.
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that has been propped up by them in the aftermath of over throwing the constitutional government of ukraine in 2014 um. now, other members of the security council spoke and emphasize the need for a peaceful, negotiated solution to the conflict to stop the death that has an every day aspect of the ongoing situation for you to include the idea of what the consequences of nato's eastwood expansion in the tape of seeking some cold, absolute security at the expense of public countries, security will only widen the security deficit and trust deficit. it will do nothing to make our world more peaceful and stable. in this regard, nature will do well to learn. it's less than what the chinese representative would saying actually echoed a lot of what was said by the russian foreign minister. ah, they were talking both of them about the need for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. and in his remarks, the russian foreign ministers are gay lab ross said that there is no reason that the ukrainian people in the russian people can't live side by side in peace. that
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the efforts to incite the 2 peoples against each other to demonize the history of the soviet union. that was done intentionally by the united states for propaganda purposes. and that there was a long history of ukrainians and russians living together. and that ultimately, the future of ukraine is the future in which they get along with the rush, which they are not having hostility toward their neighbor and that they have for it to divide. the 2 peoples is largely the result of western propaganda to serve western g o political goals not to work in the interests of the granting and people hadn't do well. i suppose have been a gathering as a new grand temple to the gold of ram, which has passed me and holds your right to buy the indian prime minister and run, dropped the body on monday and do believe as was seen dancing and rejoicing on the street signed on the steps of the temple, the structure is dedicated to one of the hindu religions. most pop can
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a day of to use, but it's been contribution he built on this site of a mosque that was pulled down by hidden dom up 3 decades ago, sparking nationwide riots which 2000 people died. the indian supreme court, who the disruption of the most unlawful looks at the land could be used for a new temple. prime minister moody said the opening represented in you era. so the country across europe farm is also being disciplined then by increasingly prompting the tractors in the middle of major pro football to protest from poland to germany and now font and rumania over e. u. efforts to impose more green policies. me as a cultural sector, french demonstrates as other ones needing the way with the head of the biggest farm and union boeing to remain in the streets for as long as necessary. they've been especially on good bye and mission costs and policies. fuel taxes, as well as the import of cheap ukrainian products on to the welcome. farmers have
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been carrying signs like our end will be your hunger and no more agriculture. no future. they will have sent a clear message to paris by emptying that tractor. trailers of agricultural animal waste or contempt original often possible. but now it's the turn in french farmers to take center stage and the growing protest against the use trickle down measures . they're squeezing the very people who feed all of europe. for those of you keeping track at home, it's now dutch french, german, polish, and romanian farmers that are all protesting all mass against you measures that are impacting their activities. and, well, i, my calculation, that's 5 countries out of 2070 u member states, which is roughly 20 percent of the u. that's pretty big chunk and growing. and here in france are currently gathering with their tractors in the south of the country and near tools and pest funeral. and they're blocking major highways. and they're
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really not happy, as their union leader explains. if it keep mostly equity on the younger is not new for months, we have been describing what french agriculture is going to. what farmers want is to restore some dignity to all profess those violence will not help us to achieve our objectives. but i can see that a number of farms can take it any more forces. wholesale really did not mense words earlier this month either when german farmers started protesting across the country . he called on to the quote, these movements all have the same root cause, the growing gap between the reality of farmers practices on the ground and the administrative decision is centralized in brussels. he also said that 55 percent of france chicken now comes from ukraine under cutting, local farmers. similarly, polish and romanian farmers are actively con, bullying against the flooding of their own markets with cheap you for any and farming products as a result of the listing restrictions on goods and services for ukrainian providers
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until at least june of this year. now, few things seem to terrify the western establishment more than large vehicles in the cod. boy, it's the stuff of nightmares for these white glove leads. apparently. sounds like a good plot for the next transformers movie actually rise of detractors. so they had also tractor mutiny or a potential one fridge prime minister vi tad, who just started in that job on january 9th and probably still hasn't found all the washrooms in his new office trucks down to see the farmers in the southern road region over the weekend i tried said the quote, are farmers are not found, its polluters, people who torture animals as we sometimes here. we already hear that other than maybe brussels or a money or climate active as pals. well, here's seduction skill sound like they could use a little work. it's kind of like showing up for date and say, hey, you're not a psycho is i heard you are quite a charmer. i'm meeting on monday between
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a towel and farming reps also included a delegate for the young french farmers union. now i spoke with several of their young farmer calendar parts in germany at that roland protest. earlier this month. these young farmers say that they work like 80 hour weeks and just feel that there is just so much red tape and prohibitions from the you that it's paralyzing and really discouraging. it does sound like this. these young workers have found the sympathetic ear and show that about de la cruz. the 28 year old president of 19 depends right wing national riley party. there is a movement of anger which is growing across europe. the common ground shared by this movement is that the european union in the crown to europe are aiming to kill up our agriculture and deny our farmers the right to make a fair leaving from their work. this as well as a refusal to rely on permanent aid, he's probably at the heart of this moment of anger. so the farmers union rep who so
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also invited to meeting with the prime minister said that the protests could very well continue all week. and for as long as necessary, which sounds like what's happening in germany and with the docs and romanian farmers who have been doing the same thing at home now. and i've also been joining up with their colleagues in other countries, a convoy of ducks to offers, and farmers came down to the for a lean rally on the autobahn for that week long protest earlier this month for example. and that seems to have now been extended indefinitely and it doesn't really look like any of these issues are set to be resolved anytime soon. i've even heard here and for us just to give you an idea of the absolutely stratospheric level of lunacy that process is allowing ukrainian farm products into the french market to then be consumed by french people. and these are food items that don't even meet the quality regulatory standards to which friends in your.


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