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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the, the, the tensions right over the red sea has the us and u. k. carry out most strikes on. yeah. but in response to a tax on the shipping costs of the old, so most starting maritime security operations in that area. not on his hands outraged relatives all the hostages, still held for i have my stage of protest outside the radio prime ministers, the residence demonte. and he does move to a town. i loved blood pressure, the 5 minutes away outside his residency to leave the issue off the hostages on the table. it's their job. it's the responsibility we're still exposed to this
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aggression and they dangerous lady approaching the association, had courses on unit display thing be already this place to be proud of time read questions as people in gall tell are now being pulled to pre even further south and lights up the latest is radiate from the home. yeah. what every out. this is all t international. we're live from the russian capital. and as of a lot of you, company will be getting this out and use it. the us and u. k. have once again conducted strikes on who's the positions in yemen? depends good, says 8 targets will hit the the
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it is the 2nd time that america britson have launched cole. nathan strikes one. yeah. man cus fits fleet carried out the brunt of the mission. launching numerous cities from one of the carriers in the area as strikes come off to the group. these claims they attacked us, minute treat vessels, the ocean jazz. all the washington denies the ship was hit. the full, the late to stripes, the who's the military had filed a still. 8 response to what it called the question for me under section i lies, of the many armed forces emphasized the response to the american and british offenses will inevitably arrive and no further funds will go unanswered or unpunished. in addition, the many armed forces commit to continuing to prevent and navigation by israeli ships or ships headings the thoughts of occupied palestine. and so israel stops the
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aggression and lifts the blockade on the palestinian people involved, so that towards the full, not a full best spouse, the route through the suez canal. growth increasingly powered us around 80 percent of call group vessels up in full to change calls and navigate just at the bottom round the african continent instead bought the root, possibly capable of good hope is moving 3000 nautical miles long. but just compare the numbers that which ultimately, of course means higher prices because she was to cover those increased transport costs. meanwhile, the us text of state is called me on a full nation tool of africa. so on monday, let's have a look. i'm to be been can touch down in the western state of capital florida before heading on south is going to pop up that we go the ivory coast. he will then move on to nigeria and finish shop. and i'm got no coincidence perhaps that all of these countries long dicks tend to trade route around the cape of good hope. now
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this also comes as some maritime insurance companies say they are being forced to rethink that operations. so i'm insurance are no longer willing to under right, well risk insurance for vessels with ownership or involvement with the us, u. k. or israel traveling through the red sea for the latest joint strike by the coalition comes on top of the 6 on the attacks on who's the positions by us forces on to contribute to acquit sams, has more on the escalating concept. they do have all the routes they can take, but that's main district predominantly as saudi arabia, right, egypt. but saudis, specifically, as we know, saudi is one of the most boiled dense regions in the world. it supplies that a huge amount of, of oil had 2 diesel products to do the us. i'm the change the site that they wouldn't be able to pull off to the easiest route to get that oil. that's way to get a have a significant effect on the economy because even just that tiny of the route because of the coming crisis and the price of oil is rising day by day by day. so
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the cost to actually drive the time comes down to pick it up. it's just going to come even even more cost prohibitive to the people it at the need to buy it. and i think in a long time, we can just see the prices of, of energy just keep increasing because by cutting off such a significant route, full that trends involve oil and gas. and you're going to see that i think you will see the price go up, but it will say property, see i pick plus, which is the regions that they sort of greet the oil oil by having countries in the region of the mid lease. and we'll probably see them. yeah. so that will probably see how they deal with it. whether they decrease the supply of the production capacity of the oil that they're pulling out right now, just because it will be more difficult for me to sell it on g to the behavior of a price of shipment. and there's, there's lots of things that can happen, but i don't think it's very good sadie one in the west that was looking forward to that heating bills coming down anytime soon. the. so it's all the collective cycle west to try and find the russian shipping. was it really very successful?
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in fact, if we look at the, the numbers of the russian economy, the economy is growing in terms of the exports of those goods that they were trying to box. that rather than having the, the effects that was designed. whereas here, it's very clear that that the, the, the actions of the duties so far are actually physics be damaging and bike to, again hits in the us and you type it on the way. huh. as long as you have an allied yourself totally with, with us foreign policy, you build other options of, of, of you can buy, for example, who from the chinese. a lot of come countries can do the chinese chinese shits very in very few places in the world, a sanction, or you can even buy from russia situation. so yeah, i think a think it's, it's just good news for, for multi is, per darcy very bad. the very bad news for for the so the rules bikes do the as well has experience. one of its biggest single no says of lights since the wall started, the idea was confirmed. 21 soldiers were killed in
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a recent incident. the fema during the following, taking the center of the goals. this trip $21.00 was a fight as will killed the forces operated in the space. this separates these ready supplements from gauze that net case of them, according to what we know at this point and p g missile was apparently followed by terrorist at a time that was securing the poles. and at a time, an explosion occurred into 2 story buildings which collapsed as a result. while most of the forces inside and near them, the buildings apparently exploded as a result of mines that our forces planted in the we're about to explode the buildings and terrorist infrastructure in the area. but in the meantime, more than 3 months since, how most of hundreds of this, where you've hostage relatives of those still being held have staged a protest outside be is really prime ministers, residents demanding a more it's done to get the last one, safety back out to you with the motional possible. i we, i enjoyed it right now on the street sold as though as the in
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a row i run in color. this is where is really prime ministers rather than sits in mississippi with doesn't sit for those people are relatives of these really is how hostage wife probably seen in militants and together sharing this sorrow and then dark, gathering their disappointment. these really, governments are printers that we all think hostages, and if you have another time 5 days for you to draw their pension, the decision maker is ramsay's foundations and prototypes happen in israel on a weekly basis in the last 3 and a half months. all that tries of growing domestic anger and patience and mine is really probably because you're going to hear now people are trying to think now and all of them. this is what they are demanding. bring all their hostages back people number of 10. so they're planning to stay in your and say, wait till the ones that they want to solve until they are heard is it gives you
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these practices. the asthma has been telling me for example, but it is very low. they believe these read it in their shape is not doing enough and does not matter. as a priority. we have been able to speak to you organizers and family members earlier . this is what they have to say. we got here today to try and pressure the 5 minutes, so we outside his residency to leave the issue off the hostages on the table. this is an urgent issue. we want them to be released not only today, now as soon as possible. we want the government to and the finance minister to bring us the deals for us to deal. and if there's no to such a deal that he agrees on so of stifle one that you can, it's their job. it's the responsibility when they get there. they've got to be
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together because of the mistakes of this, say a government and it's very responsible to bring them back. you must make it be. they meet the pressure they manager pressure use for making a better deal. okay. so you days for 50 days, you know and need to strive for the earlier today. also in jerusalem, another group of relative storm depaula, mandatory committee session in the class. it is rarely parliament demanding that the law makers do more to free the loved ones from continued to some protest her as were holding signs, saying you will not sit here while they die there. you remember in december the idea mistakenly identified 3 hostages in guys or do you want to come back to the north as militants? although they were waving a white flag, all 3 were killed on the spot. the tragic incidents raise questions about deficiency of israel's military operation,
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but has releasing of hostages as one of its main missions. 136 people still remaining could see the teen guys a 3 and a half months of took over her mass attack on southern israel when almost 3000 palestinian militants passed through security barriers from the gases through coming from the land, the sea, and the air killing people and these rarely tories her in taking scores hoffers, including women, children, and elderly, 110 of them were freed, following several exchange deals with him as, as a condition, a number of palestinian prisoners were released from these really jails. but in the last 50 or so days, but it hasn't been any breakthrough. and this is what these people who have gathered here today, how very unhappy about no agreement has been reached so far regarding the remaining hostages. the most recent deal brokered by the us, catherine egypt. they all play a role of media, a tours between israel and madison. this conflict included the israel's withdrawal
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from dazzle and the end of the deadly war as ro, wagers in place as a main condition. according to palestinian sources, the idea of military operation took the lives of run $25000.00 people, including those who were just children. the deal also implied another round of freezing are exchanged, including senior militants from the palestinian side, and prime minister benjamin antonia juanza or insane israel will not accept any deal that would mean the end of the fights before e's real achieve is goal of destroying him. ask them, does a adding, there is another so called is really deal on the table, but no details have been disclosed so far live in the public and frustration. anxiety while talking to gaza now is really full, says have surrounded the headquarters of the palestine red crescent, and hon. eunice. it comes as people afflicting the city on the face of the idea of cit. phones the right question gave this update at the bottom of the tenuous since
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the doing now is con eunice, south of colors that it has been subjected to briefly invasion by the ideas really free vehicles and drugs loaded with gunfire arrived at the vicinity of the p l c l . amount of hospital in the 1st time was the idea of try to prevent ambulances for moving. but through the efforts of volunteers until now, 7 have been transferred, in addition to 7 moses, 6 injured into mosse is arrived at the policies out. i'm out of hospital and call them eunice. we're still exposed to this aggression and the dangerous lady approaching the associations, had courses in con eunice, especially on y'alls queens right now you can see that very exodus of palestinians who are moving closer to the adoption for to now it's a result of is really tang football and signal tourney near the now so hospital, but also on one of the largest you and shelters and the city that well sir, like i said, surrounding the palestine red crescent building we had from some of those displaced of the 100. i mean. yeah. and those are the ideas we were sleeping. suddenly we
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heard the sound of clashes and gunfire, and shells descending on us on the moon night. we couldn't sleep, we don't know why this happened. we came out of the university where we had been displaced tags replaced by an officer near the u. n. o w, a warehouses. i saw 4 people killed by shells in front of the university as well as 2 children. so we are very tight of all of this and i, my son was killed in the snow because the so there was heavy shilling and fire and bumps from last night until this morning. and all the display people have left. i hope that the countries will move to stop the war. i'm moving to egypt, who's carter? what is happening to us? it's called injustice and we are human beings. what did guys to do to be bump like that? 30000 people were killed in this war. and all the houses were hospitals and schools were destroyed. meanwhile, as well, with the drafting and now the, our country into the conflict that to is the warning from x xbox and mid report
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that it's planning to revoke q by the food team plumbing, to border between egypt and all of them. you can read what about that i'm most heading over to our website or to to comment strengthening ties and promoting business and investment about is the focus according to india, over visit by the countries foreign minister nigeria to be have a long, strong good history with a very firm, foundation of cooperation that will be many new things happening and that relationship they will take into account new technologies, a new capabilities in both the country. so it's a very forward looking relationship that me and research that's got some more on this now as being to global strategic on list s b s donna who is a new tele, it's great to have you on. i mean, i want to ask you the mis mister joyce and call said that in the next decade,
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the world would witness great changes on the african continent. so i wonder, what do you think india induced role in this development could be uh, the content. certainly a function and the whole, you know, men of the country, all of that going to, uh, is promising also. uh then in the box of the split up into the word of the, of the good old very prominently in their, you know, manner that we talk a little felt we talk about the word is one family. and we also talk, well secondly, our, their rightful representation in the market wouldn't work if you were to go off the
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2nd word or perhaps the word was quite bullet basically. no matter that you had to not go, you have to us a song or you had these full blogs and subsequently, after uh, uh, soccer. sometime you found that one country named it to be supportive bar. then denver, various groups, which came up with the g 7020. not these were centers of economic and political concentrations. then you have united nations video b 5. again, our diploma concentration center would be promote the concentration. so therefore, what do you guys looking at is that will be the picture. then we have, uh, let's say on the balancing of a kind that there is a, you can only get a balancing that is better to go liberal. you balancing that is definitely logically balancing that is included in this and therefore everyone gets the right place. and that's one of the reasons why you would have seen that in the
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a to be initiative in g 20, you'll get a freaking union as a 400 member of d. 20. we are also looking at extension of you in a c, a to ensure that all the components including africa, get the presentation in the bottom on it, and membership love you be a. so i'll put you in a c a to give them what else to do global sold, which uh, after perhaps, and most of the countries getting older because it isn't. uh, what are looking at a be good road. uh uh, and i'll be good participation in everything. uh, as far as the global vehicles have done. so you mentioned that open paint the multi pound a wild. it definitely seems that it is hayward. he said it's very quick to imagine . we all seen these developing economies trying to strength and ties in the, in a variety of fields. i'm, does it seem to you, the african nations are more willing to give known western nations
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a charts, a bigger role in that require me to invest more in that countries? it's so why did they just want something new or is this a rejection of the west? to do it is a sense of domination by the wrist and as a feeling of digging, although they're still getting an alternative to the risk and also uh, the heavy dominated that's number one, number to all the conflicts. if you see, i mean they knew united nations and enough to go most of the conflicts and don't know whether to then posted on in prostate, they had some interest or some big bottom of the other. so therefore, i think that if you're going to use a frequent countries on altered holiday lazy or them, you want to add a few of them all. the thing is meant by china, you know, if it isn't confused now, then also on the phone. uh that, uh geez, did get in gauge, which i know there's
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a lot of in prospector development, but then everyone is actually looking at their members. and they also rented to the a number of their so therefore a and b that also countries who are, who have drafted problems as well because i'm on state them. and we have a few of them all the rooms of editors, amanda listings, we've got, we're going to do some of the countries, like i said. so therefore on this, this group of developing countries that need some form of each other. but it's not going away. uh, well, just on video question with that event and you'll see most of the depth of the country that most of the west texas level where did that feed but did not give it to africa. you're only going to do a game on the the that seems longer country. now, this is something which i'm sure, uh, the country as well,
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okay. and also what african countries also look at is that there are many people who will be going to be for the football game and who wants to do all clear the not in the got a lot of explaining that as well. this room. yes. whatever you get confusion between the as me uh, that has be a rarity and it has been on the phone that uh uh, sound like a partnership. and uh that has been feeling like the domain issue. and therefore, uh, even the light from the goal is coming up, or you find the prince of money in some of these countries. and uh, well, no, no, well, no, the, the feeling of the, uh, the, uh v. we looked at the, the, uh, you know, manner of as we were looking at offices because the, but also the, the also are the big country. and we also have
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a beautiful population which we are pulling out of the book ballard. so there are a lot of similarities with which, but as i see the can see some sense in buck living with india and uh, and maybe uh, some more countries all of the global cult oh as, as the money. so, i mean, we are seeing a big shift taking place, so i took, was equality and partnership, increasing your replacing ideas of hedge many and dominance. as always, we appreciate you coming on and giving us your thoughts on any of those s p, a sauna group will strategic unless based in new delhi. thanks. yes. be buses for administer has held a series of meetings with his talk is radiant and loving. these counter box, along with united our and routes representative to the un, the tool for the un security council session on the recent studies shutting of done yet. so get off or off the dress,
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the governing body play meant the west is complicit in those attacks on civilians because it supplies the weapons. you quite a few things is that it goes to seniors. the squared can use michelle, is the dest much and do not have a problem with the fact that the weapons, including cluster munitions and those with depleted uranium methodically, mercilessly and deliberately so as being used against civilian facilities as it was during the strike on residential areas. of belgrade on december 30th, and on the market and shops and don't that sc yesterday. the blood of thousands of dead civilians is on the hands of those who um, zalinski is regime under the same time claim that the key of government to, to has a right to choose targets to strike. and if we remember how the anglo saxons bom dressed, and the 2nd 1945 is without any military need or how not so long ago, iraqi, most to syrian rock were raised to the ground. but now they have raised
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a worthy successor of the above barrick. and terrorist methods, the russian foreign minister is here in new york at the un headquarters. and he spoke before the security council in the direct aftermath of that route will attack . and on that the showing that killed 27 civilians and the smoke before the council going over the history of disregard for civilian lives and brutal bombings and atrocities committed by western leaders. the also highlighted the fact that gonzalo lira an american citizen was tortured to death. and died in a ukrainian prison, 90 talked about that case as well. and then from there he highlighted how the flow of weapons to the key of government. this is not going to be good for anybody in the long term already. these weapons have shown up on the black market, so the usa has dumped billions and billions of dollars of weaponry money, etc, into ukraine, and the long term effects of this effort to not only continue the flow of weapons, but pro long the conflict is going to be deadly and consequential for the entire
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region. we will, is going to put it in a church where you go to russia, had to stop the military operation against the criminal regime that lost its mind over its impunity. and despite multiple and long lasting efforts, refused to give up the war against its own citizens in the south and the south east of ukraine. and the policy of total discrimination of russian speaking ukrainians still make up a majority in the country. zalinski is regime, did it not only in violation of the minutes agreements approved by the un security council, but also against the basic principles of civilized society and to basic human rights. instead of including those of ethnic minorities, the west that was behind the anti constitutional cooling keys of 10 years ago. not only didn't cool the heads of the key of click, i took order, but also use the men's agreements as a cover to a crane state secretary blinking points out that the continuation of help to ukraine is a guarantee of the creation of new jobs in the united states,
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as if we are talking not about the war, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives in ukraine. but about some profitable business venture. european should wake up and understand that via zelinski is regime. the us not only conducts a war against russia, but also sharply weakens europe as an economic competitor. we also heard from the russian foreign minister about how at the end of the day, there is really nothing for the ukrainian people to gain in this conflict with russia. is their lives that are being thrown away on the battlefield. it is their country that is subjected to war conditions and the games are coming for the anglo saxon elite in britain, in the united states. and they are also coming for the ukranian corrupt regime that has been propped up by them in the aftermath of over throwing the constitutional government of ukraine in 2014. um, now other members of the security council spoke and emphasize the need for
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a peaceful, negotiated solution. to the conflict, to stop the deaf, that isn't every day aspect of the ongoing situation. if they don't so they do well . the consequences of nato's eastwood expansion in the type of seeking so cold absolute security at the expense of public country security will only widen the security deficit and trust deficit. it will do nothing to make our world more peaceful and stable. in this regard, nature will do well to learn. it's less than what the chinese representative was saying actually echoed a lot of what was said by the russian foreign minister. ah, they were talking both of them about the need for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. and in his remarks, the russian foreign ministers are gay lab ross said that there is no reason that the ukrainian people in the russian people can't live side by side in peace. that the efforts to incite the 2 peoples against each other to demonize the history of the soviet union. that was done intentionally by the united states for propaganda
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purposes. and that there was a long history of ukrainians and russians living together and, and that ultimately, the future of ukraine is a future in which they get along with russia in which they are not having hostility toward their neighbor and the effort to divide the 2 peoples is largely the result of western propaganda to serve western g o political goals not to work in the interest of the granting and people. we don't to take of 2 pets, cool x that come on well, come on on spokes pots and induce b, j, p. paul t cooler shakes the author engage, sir joe purse galloway on the t o. because during the cold war there were huge expenses on defense and the united states was a very rude need already know or the beating what the some providing with funds for . busy orville west with his school crises. are you crazy? this is a huge opportunity for me to read it to our industrial complexes in the us. they
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would like to to be more power for and or to ok so the expense of cool. so ukrainians to, as i said, to be at the center of for, for the new and you states, european states and to the media to rise to states. but based on the leads to move for jeopardy confront location, evey photo by the way, the f one really losing the bar in ukraine, the, to everything they've been having in the us. and then again, stress here. and now the last, the more and is to be of want to continue would be the continued at least be in the us to do is to election giving more what buster you're courtney. we all need to take longer because of this conflict to be a resort and do this because or received the opposite to for many of washington
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wrong done. because the all project gives fruit was conflict by using ukraine as a width and again. so russia is to divide, you better continuing to maintain bay or jeopardy kind of supremacy. definitely did use a c page off because that is the see page of the source. and these are the post full, full roll. it does this all foot, the district x, there are tons is all foot again, was that john, seasonal foot is lovely. there are tons of other types of crimes and not only doses these teams develop in there. so site, the most most was the, the art of making new green and, and product do. and, and so they both use id by constantly both being variables. and because using the population weapons to ukraine when bring more in stability to europe. because we don't know or.


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