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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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a thing done a thing that means you're going to, i think the into the 2nd for the us and the u. k. strikes you haven't and response to attacks on ships. trumpeting the red sea. the e u was now considering a maritime security operation in that area. throughout experience is one of its biggest single losses of life since the start of the boys confirms now $21.00 soldiers killed in a resubmit instead of in gaza were still exposed to this aggression on the dangerous lady approaching the associations headquarters in calling us at the palestine red crescent says the cause of being forced to flee even further south. the idea of advance purchase those displaced to once again, fine. and you say, face the
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bar, we're looking at a basic one here, this out of all on how to international with our correspondence lined up and standing by. it's a good to have your company by the way. so kicking off our right now with new to the us and the u. k. have once again conducted a joint strikes on the cookie positions in yemen, according to the pinnacle, and the 8 circled pockets with the the . so it is the 2nd time that america and britain have launched a co ordinated stripes on them. and although the american warships carrying out the run for fee a task, the s drive is coming off of the who,
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the said they attracted us military vessel. the ocean jazz, though the washington denies that the ship was fit before the like a strikes of a who the ministry about us done responds to what a cold, aggression from anglo saxon, i lost the many armed forces, emphasized the response to the american and british offenses will inevitably arrive and no further funds will go unanswered or unpunished. the many armed forces commit to continuing to prevent and navigation by as riley ships or ships headings the thoughts of occupied palestine. and so israel stops the aggression and lifts the blockade on the palestinian people in gauze. so the, so i'll show you the mount bureau analogy international is the, uh, the route to the suez canal is growing increasingly dangerous. can you imagine now about 80 percent of call good vessels of being full of to change cost to navigate instead around the whole of africa? here are the root pos, the cape of good hope is actually about 3000 miles longer. what does that mean?
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it means high prices where you wouldn't be in every one to cover increased transport costs. well, meanwhile, the us secretary of state is a what's currently on another to this time of formation to all of africa on monday and so they blinked and touched down the western state of a couple of other bay as before heading down to the ivory coast. she'll then move on to nigeria and finally and go to the bottom of the screen. get this, it's no coincidence. you think that all these countries right here lie alone with the extended trade route around the cape of good hope at the bottom. so it comes that some maritime insurance companies are saying they are being forced to rethink their operations in fact that dropping policies on cargo ships that are trying to get through the red sea. so i'm insurance are no longer willing to under right, well risk insurance for vessels with ownership or involvement with the us u. k. or israel traveling through the red sea. so that i just joined strike by the coalition comes on top of the 6 earlier attacks on the who the positions by us
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forces. that's a talk about what many are calling an escalation in the region. yes, i'll contribute to prison. they do have other routes. they can take, but that's main district predominantly of saudi arabia, right? egypt. but saudi, specifically, as we know, saudi is one of the most, we'll dense regions in the well, it supplies that a huge amount of, of oil actually diesel products to do the us. i'm the u. k. the fact that they wouldn't be able to pull off to the easiest route to get that oil. that's way to get a have a significant effect on the economy. because even just that taking, you know, the route because of the coming crisis and the price of oil is rising day by day by day. so the cost to actually drive the time, cut down to pick it up, is just going to become even, even more cost prohibitive to the people that the need to buy it. and i think in the long term, we can just see the prices of, of energy, just keep increasing. because by cutting off such a significant roof full that trends, a tall point in gas. and you're going to see that i think you will see the price go
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up, but it will say property c, i pay plus, which is the regions that they sort of group of oil oil back in countries in the region of plymouth lease. and we'll probably see them. yeah. so that will probably see how they deal with it. whether they decrease the supply of the production capacity of the oil that they're pulling out right now, just because it will be more difficult for them to sell it on g to the behavior to a price of shipment. and there's, there's lots of things that can happen, but i don't think it's very good for anyone in the west that was looking forward to that heating bills coming down anytime soon. the assets, all the collective circle west to try and find a russian shipping was really very successful. in fact, if we look at the, the numbers of the russian economy, the economy is growing in terms of the exports of those goods that they were trying to box at robin having the, the effects that was designed. whereas here, it's very clear that that, that the, the axis of the g duties as i saw, or actually physically damaging, and by taking and hitting the us of you type it the only way. huh. as long as you
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have an allied yourself totally with, with us foreign policy, you build other options of, of, of you can buy, for example, from the chinese. a lot of kind of countries can do the chinese chinese shits very in very few places in the world, a sanction, or you can even buy from russia as you wish. so yeah, i think a think it's, it's just good news for, for multi per darcy. very bad. the very bad news for, for the so the rules bikes do the israel has reportedly proposed a 2 month ceasefire to hamas leaders. other deals being put forward through a injection and todd immediate as, as we understand that that is according to officials, very close to the discussion. so let's get straightened out to our middle east bureau chief, who can give us more details on this moran phenomena standing by greg to see maria this is potentially a really big development and well, and now moving 3 long months of or do we know if i'm us as a great a as well to rory these
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reports haven't been officially confirmed yet, but if true, yes, we could certainly talk about to break for reports of the israel has offered him us a deal that includes a 2 month long ceasefire, which is the longest pause in fighting, ever offered or accepted by israel, according to the deal, all $136.00 remaining hostages will be released as dante with women elderly and those wind critical medical condition. then the rest, including israeli soldiers, the bodies of dead hostages, also supposed to be returns to israel. now the proposal also reportedly includes the idea of swing joel from major such as in the gather street, which might allow redhill return of palestinian civilians there. according to un is really devastating mil to reparation and guys are left about 2000000 people internally displaced and exchange how we hear that the number of palestinian
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prisoners will be released from israeli jails. but as we hear again, israel will not be able to read to free all of them the exact number and names as we understand yet to be the cost of the reports at all. so that the do whole for some of my senior leaders to lead guys which sounds rather surprising. i'm of the logic given that's destroying the militant group, is one of the key missions of the war according to israel. but again, these reports are hard to be verified for now on monday to meeting with the families of the hostages prime minister. antonia who mentions the reason is really poor still on the table without disclosing any detail without deliberating. so this could be the offering it to the talked about. what do we have to wait to see for confirmation, early our prime minister and made it clear or repeatedly that pays rent will not accept any deal that would imply the ends of the war. and for several offers on the table, the most recent one for k 5, e u. s. caught her any,
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it was rejected for that for a reason. it demanded to stop the fighting while he's what remains determines to continue the war. and guys, i have to say that these really public questions, the efficiency of the idea of operation. it doesn't seem to help bring hostages home from one hand. and plus a mazda is far from destroyed almost 4 months into the war. the idea of left around 70 percent of her masses fighting force intact the food into israel zone estimates and the palestinian militant, the groups seems to remain strong and very much capable of attacking. just recently the idea confirmed 21 of its soldiers were killed and sold by past militant group. let's take a listen to the fema during the fighting in the center of the goals. this trip $21.00 was the fights is what killed the forces operated in the space. this separates the authority supplements from garza now from, according to what we know at this point in all p g ms. all was apparently fined by
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terrorist at a time that was securing the polls. and at a time, an explosion occurred into 2 story buildings which collapsed as a result. while most of the forces inside and near them, the buildings apparently exploded as a result of mines that our forces planted and them were about to explode. the buildings and terrorist infrastructure in the area of, of the reports about a potential deal with how much comma growing domestic discontent with how the government deals with a plea of the hostages. every week, thousands of people take to the straits and jerusalem and tel aviv another, as they choose to express their anger and frustration. also in monday, a group of relatives of the hostages storm depaul them into a committee of session. and the canal, as it is rarely parliament, demanding the lawmakers to do more to free the loved ones. sancho tests are, as we're holding up signs, say you will not save here while they die there. these are some pictures from the canal. let's take a look. the,
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the while the worried guys that goes on discussions a held on post 4 scenarios for the in place, error countries fact by the us. i'm working on a proposal that would create a pathway towards a policy in state in exchange for normalization between saudi arabia and israel. washington also says of got commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction altogether streep and work towards palestinian lead governance austin plains have to the war. hard to say if it's going to word count again as israel seems to be on a different page. prime minister benjamin antonia who repeatedly rejected the idea of the 2 state solution, say he is proud to be the one and only his food and will prevent the establishment
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of the palestinians. they also stressing that he believes israel should have what he calls a security control over gather. but again too early to talk about what will happen after the war has the idea offensive. that according to policy news sources already claimed the lives of more than $25000.00 people still continues with each row. not ready to wait to stop at any time. so back to you, i'm at least for your chief or if an ocean i think now is there any forces say they haven't circled the city of con us that's in southern gaza. they were earlier said to be closing in on the headquarters of the palestine red crescent there. and the spokesman full documentarian organization protest this update at the bottom of the tenuous since the doing now is con eunice, south of gulls that has been subjected to brutally invasion by the ideas military vehicles and drugs. loaded with gunfire arrived at the vicinity of the policies,
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alamo hospitals. in the 1st, i was the idea of try to prevent ambulances for moving. but through the evidence of volunteers, until now, 7 have been transferred. in addition to 7, my office and 6 engine into moss is arrived at the p c's alamo hospital and con. eunice were still exposed to this aggression and the dangers slowly approaching the associations. had courses in con eunice right on the, on your screen right now, you can see palestinians essentially on mass moving closer to the egyptian border. and that's the result of his really tying to balancing not only near the nasa of the hospital, but also on one of the largest united nation shelters in the city. and that's where we spoke to some of those displaced kind of thing. a 100. i mean, yeah, and those are the, the, and we will see things. suddenly we heard the sound of clashes and gunfire and shells descending on us on the moon night. we couldn't sleep, we don't know why this happened. we came out of the university where we had been displaced times replaced by an officer near the u. n. o w. a warehouses lie so full
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people kills by shells in front of the university as. 1 as 2 children, so we have very tight of all of this and i, my son was killed in the snow because the so there was heavy shilling and fire moms from last night until this morning. and all the display people have left. i hope that the countries will move to stop the war. move duplicate move. carter. what is happening to us is called in just this. we are human beings. what did guys to do to be bump like that? 30000 people were killed in this war. and all the houses were close battles and schools were destroyed. and so while the training and conflict has reportedly attracted a huge number of foreign troops to fight for ki, have recently a list, toughest of alleged french most and aries till been a recent russian ass drive and the city of particle. let's get more details right now. without to use a shot to do because you want to be live in the studio shot it powers. they've been
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denying it for ages. there are no french cheese fighting in ukraine, but as i understand the evidence, it is more or less undeniable. yes, that's right. there's more, more evidence coming out about the individuals who killed, i'd like to be in not striking call have just a few days ago. is this list now on social media that scope, the names of about half a dozen to a dozen individuals that the alleged to be french, no rush just as these were amongst those who were killed and not strike. now the information online suggests that the oldest was in the late forty's. the youngest was in the early twenty's, and we've been able to get some information on social media about some of these individuals who are said to have been killed in that attack. but it's still a tough one. this is a charles best. all one who says who is apparently born in 1996 and has apparently been in ukraine for about a year now quite a bit of it and take on social media. there's lots of pictures of him wearing ami fatigue, showing him in areas that look like it's a come back zone and all of these pictures or hash tags with ukrainian flag.
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there's also videos on a tick tock account that apparently is his accounts. and i just want to give you a sense of one of these videos where you can clearly hit individuals speaking french the of the citizens from the
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. so i've had to watch that video several times where it looks like it's in a combat zone. and i just want to translate what we're hearing, that we're hearing somebody saying allow it to pass then to go to funds they shooting. and then they asked about what the conditions are like, and they're saying it's difficult. it's difficult. and then we do have a quite a bit of swearing in french, but it just gives you a sense of something that apparently was taken in ukraine. i'm posted on the account of this individual that we understand was killed in that strike just a few days ago. another individual we've been able to find some details about is somebody called alexis deal, who's apparently born in 1986, and has been in ukraine the allegedly for around 10 months. so we don't know if this alexis field was a french soldier,
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but we do know that his family has very strong connections to the french military. in fact, his father was a colonel in the french military. so this giving you a sense of some of the information that's coming out. i've also seen that needs to be with the french defense minister on french tv, who has said, yes, they may be some french in ukraine. but, you know, we're in a democracy because it's still them, it's not legal for them to go that. well, russian foreign ministry says actually he doesn't know french or if that's the case because the french penal code actually states that it is in legal for french national to go and fight full money for a foreign state. this happened, this is what the function for ministry has said about this. and it seems to justify themselves for the newly revealed facts of the presence of many french mysteries in the ranks of ukrainian armed forces. french officials became completely confused and their own testimony on the topic must react, save a t. i a, the participation of an individual in an armed conflict on the side of
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a foreign state from which this person is not so nice. if full money, treat compensation is prohibited by the door in front. at the same time, if you read carefully, it becomes clear. french legislate is laid out as a safety net in advance. in case the vacation is all volunteers golf court. so the defense ministry has said yes, possibly some french. at the same time, we've got paris knowing that there were any french french ministries, not just fighting a new crane. but anyway, in the world, france helps you brain with supplies of military material and military training in full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others. i, laurie, this is clearly not the whole truth. i've done a bit of digging. i found that in 2022, the french foreign ministry, confirmed the desk of a french citizen who was fighting in ukraine. i hear later in 2023,
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the foreign ministry again in front confirming the death of a french citizen who was acting as a soldier in ukraine. and prior to that strike, old call kept just a few days ago. french media had been reporting over the past 22 months or so. the french nationals had gone to fight to new crate. and the at at least 8 had died. so it's we know the whole truth and it seems to be a lot of confusion coming out of funds to clearly doesn't want to admit that they could be french lesson, respond to me, a new card. and that's amazing. so because of your shedding light on this, i mean it reminds me of us senior correspondent, what i'd guys be if we spend so much time on the front plaza in ukraine. it talks about these trophy radios that i seized from the enemy fighters who end up getting caught oak hill. and i'm gonna have custody of his senior correspondent headset on these tropi radios. you hear americans, you hear the british, you hit some friends, but you hear an awful lot of polish speaking as well. there are all sorts of forward motion or is this part this international legion?
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that's fine thing. and yes, people from across europe, many stories about this in the main stream media, not just stories that we've reported hayward on all to the individuals have come from all over the world to fight in ukraine. yeah, yeah, i did suss anything story and dates on the do been sky. thank you. while the full french army general that dominic delaware, i believe that the number of most in areas from, from fighting in ukraine is only limited in this. i've seen them probably solice with french people on them. plus i tried to verify they authenticity, whether these people really exist it. i found 2 ways real existing or preexisting french citizens go actually born on the dates and mentioned in the document. so these are real people on the 2022 list, fine, they're just quite a few north african nationals who may have been conscripted to out. you can only can be stranded here in front and who may have been conscripted for economic reasons. i don't think well of people from north africa to a sense,
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the ideological reasons to fight for the west, to dine for the west and to fight against russia along with ukrainians. so i reckon these people went that you can all make reasons is that the credit will listen to the answer is yes, i checked the existence of a certain number of people and such people did exist on the website. i found both dates that matched this list. did these people die? i don't know anything about that. when they under talked about low, but they didn't die because that night with the said site. oh, so i know, and i know that kind of on dates know because she says they could have been there at the time. the russian or authorities have been cautiously not saying that all these people died, that they think will take a look. we'll do an inventory. as of today we have a sub list provided by the don't best association. i can't say anything else that you are about to gaza. we go with the southern. the city of con, unice has been circled by idea of forces as part of what they are cooling and extensive a tack. let's get the details now are costing life
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a level john let's how does the challenge dining bye for us now in terms of the thanks for jumping on so quickly. i think there's a 3 2nd delay, you know, a transmission, but can't, can you tell us about these latest developments, please? uh, for sure. there's multiple, as tracks here in the southern areas specifically. and the main focus in had you in this right now, because there is that a escalation. and how do you sound very necessary that uh, this is for the 1st time, the idea of uh, word that the people, uh, medical uh, crew inside the, a mazda of hosp with and to stop evacuating. uh from there. um they a guide them through a car doors. uh they of course uh many of play many places in town units like the request set as well as the cap move there. unplugged the,
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the got wounded by the id of the the they should be back to 8. so i knew this to drop off the city a dispute basically now the, the, uh, the medical crew. um, the ambulance is the last time they are afraid that there's many casualties on the side of roads because the islands get caught, can't move from the center. so i'm talking about the loss or a hospital and also a direct question. and con eunice. so basically the people here, this displaced people from gauze on its load and there is who shelter inside. and eunice, they basically can see that is where any tax on the is really about does is in their own eyes. this is what we see on the videos we receive from low consort, says that the adf is really making making of the a ground operation really wide and kind eunice the now the medical court is facing
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a lot of struggles to move and evacuate. has the idea of warranted them that they should evacuate the hosp with a this is for the 1st. this is for the 1st time variety of operations. ground operation was next to a must have hospital before a few days from now there was inside. i submit to you just close to a month or hospital close to the jordanian hospital feed at the start of the of the many invasion and they came back a visit. now this is for the 1st time, this was the 1st time you were the id. uh, when did the people on the display supposed to have them shipped to you inside a mazda hospital to the back to start to evacuate? the warranty? also, that balances to do not move or do not do any action. so now the method by the code cruise, cruise add them to the um, balances cruise. they are afraid that there's a lot of casualties. if the where the oldest had the route, no one,
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no one can be sure to injuries on the one can reach the casualties. and basically their work that the work is in danger. if they are going to work in the field in 10 units, they will face the heart of a so basically civilians in 10 years. the left to that they because there's less specific a safe car door for the uh, the display space thing that insights and needs to flee or evacuation from having to install other areas. so we basically in a, in a very high risk and this, the display spell the scenes inside a february of february and especially inside the reprocess a center. and also inside a mall. sir, how is the hundreds to where you can say, how does this play stuff to you and shelter and the streets sheltering inside the hospital, sheltering inside the request senses hundreds. so we have seen
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a witnessed and we have heard from our local sources, but it's just links to the hospitals next to the civilians where were civilians filtering where the civilians are taking shelter. you can read, they, they can see the is there any tanks of big se, the is what any of those i just picked for them? and it's very surprised that because they to ask them and they give them an order to evacuate son who is in a very dangerous and essentially the time now. now the display study seeing they basically they don't have a specific or they'd look sure if the card or will they will take it safe or not because the, the evacuation order or that they've actually in order smart. clear. so there is no a specific or a safe card or for the people who display spell restrict those headings to flee
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somewhere else safe. so basically, uh, kind of the main focus now right now in have units as of the uh, adf, the ground, the patient is really getting wider. if the an hour is really getting wider, of the evacuation toward is, is also increases to the people who was feel treat inside the news. they basically using a new method like blocks, they start working blocks by block. so the block is the light, the last block they would, it is actually included a loss of hospitality and they basically facing the most part of the back you, we think also we're facing a lot. so i do see that confidence is to a area where the injuries are casualties. this is what the big question is. the medical wonder,
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of course, the casualties of touching back injuries to the room. and they basically couldn't because of the situation and they're making the best of the, trying the best to get it to, to make their calls on to, to the international uh organization where they can find a safe card or with these displaced bounced indians because they would like to reach a point where the ambulances can reach those and meet while i'm talking about the, the policy injuries and about how seems casualties. so situations is really getting really sensitive right now, sufficient, so especially things hunting. and this was also the that the uh, the operations and basel on snow 2 areas. it's also quite a dangerous, but more like 10 units. i use the main focus on units on paper was talking about
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how was the same situation over there. because many of the into the committee of the playstation, they can't do the work over there because of the, a ground oppression a by the idea of kind of a local journal attends a child them live and have it on file. thank you very much. i appreciate you joining us if it's our live for a most good. this is all to international loads of platforms you can find on use on rumble, or to see telegram ocoee dot com. in the meantime, we're back soon with the the .


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