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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the whole thing done is saying different things. yeah. going, i think the, the 2nd one, the headlines right now here will not see as is ready forces say they haven't pulled the city of con units in southern gaza, or it's part of what they call an expensive place. attack. a local journalist, tens of pitcher ford has explosions roughly area the situation and i noticed is getting heavier from baldwin, shooting destruction and cleaning of pressure on 5 minutes. and then you all bounce that whole room on the 20 full heidi of truth. so tilting java are full and say israel is in the midst of making a deal with come us also in the program, a list of alleged french most in areas killed that are russian attacks from the city of chronic off last week stuff. this is also most ago,
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says 60 french 5 is what taken out the bonds, an explanation from power move. we knew stages beginning in the construction of the 1st nuclear power plant in egypt. this project is most important for russian egyptian relations. the implementation of which will make a significant contribution to the development of the egyptian economy, the russian, that egyptian presidents take part in the video conference, smoking a new stage and the joint construction of egypt. suppose nuclear power plant, the live i loud from most, go with your news, unfiltered. as always, you won't be hearing any mainstream narrative is on this are starting off in gaza now where israel says that is troop 7 circle the southern city of con eunice. according to the palestine red crescent, one civilian was killed when the idea of attack, the entrance of the out a mile hospital in the city of organizations that is ready drones or targeting
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anyone moving around the facility. we received a this report from one local correspondent as you can hear explosions, and the bank of the situation inside moving is different. it's heavier from bottom. and so things, destruction and killing people there. but these are on the streets. the fire on the flight is all very because i order from the city and settling to home area. defax are just trying to balance the city the the 50. and the resistance is by the fierce the bombardment could be hit, every single, the 2nd layer of the world health organization condemn the fighting in the area. oh, doing the bomb and needs to stop what you're looking at right now. palestinians moving close to a cell. so the a gibson border as a result of the is really at bombs and they, one of the largest un shelters in the city. a local journalist comes up, challenge fall this report from alaska, specifically. and the main focus in had you in this right now, because there is
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a escalation news uh very necessary that uh, this is for the 1st time, the idea of, uh, word that the people, uh, the medical uh, crew inside the a mazda of hospital. and to start evacuation uh from there. um they a guide them through a car doors. the of course uh many of play many places in town units like the request set as well as the cap move there. um fillings, the got wanted by the id of the the should i be back 2 weeks i used to drop off a city a dispute basically now uh the uh the medical crew. um, the ambulance is the last time they are afraid that there's many casualties on the side of roads because the album has got to count can't move from the center. so i'm
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talking about the loss or a hospital and also a direct question in con eunice. so basically to the people here, this displaced people from god's outlets. so there's a whole shelter inside ton unit. they basically can see that is where any tax on the is really about the others and their own eyes. the adf is really making making of the a ground operation really wide and have eunice. what are you and organizations have raised the alarm as the war and gaza has left the enclave? well, either in the midst over humanitarians as off the or right on the cusp of one latest group that goes over 25000 palestinians killed and roughly 2000000 displacement. we spoke the locals and how they do you think at this point more than 3 months into the war, how they dealing with life when a day to day basis. there is no food. the situation is difficult for me. i go to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but i can't find them. there's no work. people have been unemployed for 4 or 5
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months now don't have money and the prices are expensive. every in commodity increased through to full time. speed is very minimal and life is difficult. business bull, this is destruction. most of the people got the space to rafa. witnessing suffering like we'd never experience before. houses are destroyed and people are destroyed. i live near the market and go out every once in a while to shop. here the prices are very expensive and there is no money that just of us are very expensive as our can folks. even the back of sugar is expensive. our situation is very, very bad. there is no income and the a, the gums is not distributed as fairly. as for me, i feel like i need financial, psychological and moral health. s rate. it does not reach everyone. some people receive some aid and others receive nothing. the quality of aid that comes is not sufficient and is limited to canned food. there are many things that we need at
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this time, but are not available. the age should reach every home in the gaza strip. so that people can provide their livelihoods for themselves and for their children on a daily basis. for the report by the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs size, 60 percent of the homes and gardens that have been totally destroyed. on top of that, 9 out of every 10 schools severely damaged and the local journalist i thought space report how locals and how basically living in the room the this particular building, one of the buildings of the school, these radio mean radiates in recent days, causing destruction and damaging this building, they found it with both planes and several classrooms which destroyed a number of displaced. people have returned here trying to find shelter after exhausting all possible places they could reach in the surrounding shelter centers . so i do not know that as a mother said, people are coming back in crowds to the schools because they have no other shelter other than the schools. so we came here, but as you can see,
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the classrooms and not at all suitable for living. and we have nothing, we just covered ourselves with some curtains, some blankets, which are of no real use, the building conditions to bump, baldwin from all sides. as you can see, it's not suitable for living. this entire school doesn't have a single bathroom that you can use properly that night in the cold when you need to sleep instead of one blanket, you need 3 to cover yourself, so you don't freeze from the code to the fullest to take shelves. and these completely destroyed classrooms, which leak water from the ceilings, especially with the onset winds that we mean here. the bolts of it st saying many pots here are completely destroyed. we also see the destruction of all the 12th rooms in the other wings. people are trying to find improvise blankets made of customs and temporary bulls to protect themselves and shelter from the winter cold . this is the solution and living with, along with the residents in the jabante, a camp area. the shelter replaces the homes destroyed by the is ready only the past
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days. israel has are repeatedly propose a 2 month cease fire to the leaders of hamas. now according to officials close to the top. so the deals being put forward through mediators in egypt and cut off over now it's on middle east bureau chief and maria has a few more details is reports haven't been to the song deficiency yet, but if true, we could certainly talk about to break for reports all the israel has offered him as a deal that includes a 2 month long cease fire, which is the longest pause in fighting, ever offered or accepted by israel. according to the deal, whole 136 remaining hostages will be released starting with the women elderly hand, those who are in critical medical condition and then the rest, including rarely soldiers, the bodies of dead hostages, also supposed to be returned to israel. the proposal also reportedly includes the ideas withdrawal from major cities in the gather street,
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which might allowed red l return of palestinian civilians. they are, according to the un, these rarely domestic to the military operation. guys are left about 2000000 people internally. this place and exchange and number of palestinian prisoners will be released from is really jails. but as we hear israel will not increase if we all of them the exact number of names as we understand yet to be discussed how the rewards add that the do also offers some senior leaders to leave gaza. which sounds rather surprising and not the logic given that destroying the militant grove is one of the key missions of the war according to israel. but again, these reports are hard to be verified for now, on monday, not to maintain with the families of the hostages prime minister mentions the reason is really pushed still on the table without giving any detail with auto operating. so this could be they offering it to the for talked about how their prime minister made it clear or repeatedly. that is why it will not accept any deal
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that would imply the end of the war. and there were several offers on the table before the most recent, one brokers by the us caught her in egypt, was rejected by his ro for that fair, a reason and demanded to stop the fighting. while israel remains of sermons to continue the war and g, as i have to say that these really public question is the frequency of the idea of military operation, it doesn't seem to help bring hostages home plus how mazda is far from destroyed almost full months into the war, the idea left around 70 percent of how masses fighting for us intact, according to israel's own estimates and the power steering milton, the grove seems to remain strong and capable of attacking. just recently, the idea of confirmed 24 of its soldiers were killed and a sold by him us the model. so let's see math during the funny thing and the center of the goal is this trip $21.00 was the flights is what killed the forces operated
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. in the space this separates the is already supplements from garza now because of them. according to what we know at this point and p g missile was apparently 5 by terrorist at a time that was securing the polls. and at a time, an explosion occurred into 2 story buildings which collapsed as a result. well, most of the forces inside and near them, the buildings apparently exploded as a result of mines that our forces planted in them. we're about to explode, the buildings and terrorist infrastructure in the area of a potential deal with him as kind of meet the growing domestic discontent with how the government deals with the plea of the hostages. every week, thousands of people take to the streets in jerusalem in tel aviv to express their anger and frustration and disappointment. also in one day, a group of relatives of hostages stormed at parliament till i could reach a section in the connect. so it is really parliament demanding the lawmakers to do more to free the loved ones. some professors were holding up signs,
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saying he will not sit here while they die. they are, these are some pictures from the class that the while we're doing zone discussions are held on post war scenarios. so guys, i'm arab countries backed by the us, are working on a proposal that would create a pathway towards a palestinian state in exchange for normalization between saudi arabia and a 0. washington also says and go to commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction altogether. street and work towards palestinian lead governance of the in claims off to the war. how to say if it's going to work out as a israel seems to be on a different page from an started on yahoo! repeat them, they rejected the idea of 2 state solution saying he's proud to be the one and only who could and will prevent the establishment of the palace state of the state. also
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stress. and he believes israel should have what he calls security control over guys . but again, too early to talk about what will happen after the war has the idea of offensive that according to palestinian sources, already claimed the lives of more than 25000 people still continues with israel not ready to equate to stop it. oh yeah, we were told him with the full, but it's really intelligence coordinator who discussed the potential deal, but also mentioned the forces behind communist ended in yahoo, who actually don't want the fighting to stop. i heard the, there is a and you are all for a buy, isn't uh, a for to mazda ccr in order to get to evict the hostages during how there are now to the uh, just to know whether this is a reading the proposals and what is what i'm supposed to come awesome. uh the
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problem was that then you know that nothing, you know when the snow is that the, there is a problem or the my station he knows how to control the media and how to or give assess, i'm at 4. so information, so we need to wait and see, i hope that this is a reading the offer within the hour or right now can't reach the sci fi or the, the problem is the political. so how is now held by the fall, the right wing members are physical elation smoke regions bank here and they won't here. and by the way, i think even today we'll get them all banker told him. but if, if i think we'll stop, this wouldn't be the end, the fees, a government fund, it, the malware, it's now the life is government is much more important than the life of the hostages. and this is why it's very how you get to, to the data with the how much while the ukrainian complex is reportedly attracted
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a huge number of foreign troops to fight for kia recently it list. so official alleged french most in areas killed in our recent russian asked reika. i discussed this earlier without these charlotte events. that is more more evidence coming out about the individuals who killed allegedly in, not striking call have just a few days ago. there's this list now on social media that scope, the names of individuals that are alleged to be french. so the information online suggests that the oldest was in the late forty's. the youngest was in the early twenty's and we've been able to get some information on social media about some of these individuals who a said to been killed in that attack. but it's still a tough one. this is charles bethel who says, who is apparently born in 1996 and has apparently been in ukraine for about a year now quite a bit of it and take on the social media. and there's lots of pictures of him
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wearing armies, fatigue showing him in areas that look like it's a coming back soon. and all of these pictures or hash tags with ukrainian flag, there's also videos on a tick tock account that apparently is his accounts. and i just want to give you a sense of one of these videos where you can clearly hear individuals speaking french this month. i think the of the citizens from another individual we've been able to find some details about is to somebody called alexis bill who was apparently born in 1986 and his been in ukraine allegedly for
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around 10 months. so we don't know if this alexis field was a french soldier, but we do know that his family has very strong connections to the french ministry. in fact, his father was a colonel in the french military. so this giving you a sense of some of the information that's coming out. i've also seen that needs to be with the french defense minister on french tv, who has said, yes, it may be some french in ukraine, but, you know, we're in a democracy. we called stop them. it's not a legal for them to go that. well, russian foreign ministry says actually he doesn't know functional if that's the case, because the french of penal code actually states that it is in legal for french national to go and fight full money for a foreign state. and it seems to justify themselves for the newly revealed frank. so the presence of many french mercenaries in the ranks of ukrainian armed forces. french officials became completely confused and their own testimony on the topic
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medicine react safety eye the participation of an individual in an armed conflict on the side of a foreign state from which this person is nothing nice. if full monetary compensation is prohibited by the door in front, at the same time, if you read carefully, it becomes clear. french legislate is laid out as a safety net in advance. in case the vacation is all volunteers golf court. so the defense ministry has said yes, possibly some furniture that at the same time we've got paris, knowing that there were any french french ministries, not just fighting a new crane, but any way in the world. friends helps you brain with supplies of military material and military training in full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others. this is clearly not the hold for is i've done a bit of digging. i found that in 2022, the french foreign ministry confirmed the death of a french citizen who was fighting in ukraine a year later in 2023. the foreign ministry, again in france,
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confirming the death of a french citizen who was acting as a soldier in ukraine. and prior to that strike, old call kept just a few days ago. french media had been reporting over the past 22 months or so. the french nationals had gone to fight in ukraine and the at at least 8 had died. so it's, we know the whole truth and it seems to be a lot of confusion coming out of funds to clearly doesn't want to admit that they could be french mesh and respond to the new quite lymphoma, french army general. a dominique that a wire of that will just through why many foreigners have taken up arms in ukraine helpless a little. i've seen the publish list suites, french people on the class. i tried to verify they authenticity, whether these people really exist and i found it through with really existing old, preexisting french citizens to actually born on the dates are mentioned in the document. so these are real people. on the 22 inch to list, i noticed quite
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a few north african nationals who may have been conscripted go out. you can only be stranded here in front and who may have been conscripted for economic reasons. i don't think well of people from north africa to sing for ideological reasons, to fight for the west, to dine for the west, and to fight against russia along with ukrainians. so i reckon these people, when that you can all make reasons, is that the incredible list to be on through his yes, i check the existence of a certain number of people and such people did exist on the website. i found both states didn't match this list. did these people die? i don't know anything about that. when they under, it talked about moment, they didn't die because then i wouldn't a said so i will say no. and i know that kind of on dates know, because she says they could have been there at the time the russian hill authorities have been cautious. i don't think that all these people died that they think will take a look. we'll do an inventory. as of today, we have a sudden list provided by the don't best association calling say anything else or just of course, well, no one in the right mind could ever possibly want
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a war for some, it is an easy opportunity to get rich peace of mind. the e shop has been looking into a military type startups which the conflicts as a golden ticket. a human error of blowing global conflicts billionaires are seeking to capitalize on the increasing demand for cutting edge defense capabilities. the appetite has changed significantly since we started in 2015. that's here. we've reached the 30 seed investors and got 30 nose, then rushing bays, ukraine, and suddenly everyone is taking a look. the funds who thought it was to go no longer do, and the was defense industry market is now shifting its attention from the usual big players to venture capitalists who focus on firms producing advance technologies such as pros or a i 4 military applications leading to a big appetite that can only be satisfied with continuous regional conflicts.
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everyone who cares about ukraine is also watching, tie one, because tie one going south is an actual existential threat. so many of that investments based uh and so i think you're seeing a lot of hawkish in us on the positive venture capitalist. as a result, the numbers say at all in 2023 to $100.00 defense and aerospace deals amounted to $17000000000.00 signed in the 1st 5 months alone. us investors put around $16000000000.00 into the fund startups in 2019, and by 2022. this had more than doubled to $33000000000.00 as a hunger for profit grow as venture capital is old. fully express those spends on regional conflicts from the contents in gaza. a certain kinds of evil can only be thought with force. palance here stands with israel. what's happening in israel is just another instance of the same type of evil. it's been going on for a very long time, and i think it reflects very poorly on our ability in that class that you're not
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seeing a whole country efforts to become involved and to speak up about these issues. hedging on condemnation of how mass for fear of saying the wrong thing either in the course of public opinion or because it has that business interests to the growing threat of china. of course, china, of course, is a serious threat to us global hegemony. it's a completely different conversation, all of a sudden, it's like, oh, well, we need american a, i to succeed, and we need the american technology companies to succeed. and we need to beat the chinese. these days even signed an open letter pressuring to make more space for startups in the us defense budget. warning that if no changes are made, the west will be added this advantage on the battlefield. and the department of defense is all too happy to oblige. it was a perception that the technology industry does not understand the importance of national security and what it takes to protect our democracy. and then the ministry
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doesn't care about the technology that we're developing. i think that perception has somewhat being shot that is not like the last 5 years. suddenly investors woke up more patriotic than they used to be. i think that they just realize that there's a big business opportunity here. they want to access and all this comes as little surprise because these 1000000000 their puppets. here's a hold some power sitting on the defense innovation board, advise the lawmakers and the pedagogy on ted policies, or the facts that at least 50 killer pen of gone and national security officials, reportedly worked in defense related venture capital firms, using their political ties to help them make a quick buck when huge profits are in absorb, lee linked to global conflict is little wonder that peaceful solutions are so hard to find the construction of egypt. first f, a nuclear power plant is entering
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a new stage. and the russian president is a gibson count about joined the ceremony via video. cool, i believe is witnessing the final concrete pool for the full power unit of this rolling complex of the russian state atomic energy corporation and rough timeframe is playing a key role in building the out the by nuclear plant. the countries president bill fund l. c. c. highlighted the event as a breakthrough of egypt, access to the quote, peaceful awesome president, booting elaborated on the importance of this project and how its ties between moscow and cairo are only being strength. july's, the more weight. and you stay just beginning of the construction of the 1st nuclear power plant in egypt. this project is most important for russian egyptian relations, the implementation of which will, without a doubt, make a significant contribution to the development of the egyptian economy. egypt is indeed a close friend and strategic partner. many enterprises built through joint efforts
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still operating successfully and continued to bring real benefits to the egyptian people. well strengthening ties and promoting business on an investment. that's the focus according to india, of a visit by the countries foreign minister to nigeria. i have a long, strong good history with a very firm foundation of cooperation that will be many new things happening. and that relationship, they will take into account new technologies, a new capabilities in both the country. so it's a very forward looking relationship that we and research on the global soon as you kind of list a s b s. stein a believe there are plenty of areas in which india can cooperate with africa. and it's certainly, you know, a bump in into home, you know, mentor a lot in the country. all of that continuing is promising is also a ben india golf. so peaceful thing because it works as
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a of the, of the good old we will be, look, uh, very prominently in there. you know, manner that we talk off and on and whoops, hold the door on zip code. uh where it is one family. and we also call uh the rightful representation in the market. will it work? what do you guys looking at is that will be going to take care of then we have uh, let's say, uh, the bed and single kind that there is, uh, you can only get a balancing that is better to go live. uh, the balancing. uh that is the balancing uh that is included in this and therefore everyone get to the right place. there is a large amount of unexplored area between one to explore. uh, there are the mutual cooperation as possible and federal want of uh sure, let's say uh, box or strip southwest call giant mercedes benz says it's open to the idea of
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selling it's dealerships and workshops in germany. a review of itself, or asians will cover 18 dealerships or on $8000.00 stuff, although it says it's not looking to fire anybody the company out or sold some of it, show rooms in the u. k. italy, spain, belgium, and even the czech republic and economist, i kind of feels the fashionable move towards electric vehicles. could be a factor in this decision. i was pretty like um, amazed or a shock. but the 2nd, the run i have seen that this decision was made by german comp, make us quite a couple of times through the post for history. so in the one moment they sell all the dealerships and their work of, of their garage, then on the other, in a few years later they buy them all back in this sense. um, i would say they have not the best uh the they don't see the brightest future for
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these dealerships. maybe because so, so they are putting more stress on a electro, it'd be kills and those ve codes don't need that many repair parts. let's say don't put fairness of the company, but it might still be good, but they have playing with the future because a big part or not a good part of the value of that mercy dispense is that you can have repair everywhere. and in a very short distance to where you are, this is a pretty um, delicate a situation. i wouldn't have done this decision, but these ceo's or these, the bart decided differently. quick side note is the wrapping up this how it's program here, and i'll tell you the world of crypto currencies, colds, and i'll being made for digital money to be backed by the ancient rhetoric of gold of coal. perhaps as crypto as a base. basically a little molten fit in a meantime,
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