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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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you see through there illusions, going underground can the, the headlines on off the international as it's really forces say they have in circle the city of con eunice and stuff in gauze there as part of what they call quote, an extensive attack. a local journalist sends us this report as explosion struck the air and the situation. and if i move is heavier on the bottom, in short, then destruction and feeling of pressure on prime minister netanyahu mountains at home and 24 more idea. troops have suddenly killed in gaza, reports a israel is in the midst of making a deal with him on the list of alleged french most in areas killed in a russian attack on the city. a particle last week surfaces of the months ago says
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6, the french fighters were taken out into bonds and explanation from tyrus. the . all right, well i guess signed up a commentary on top stories this hour. it's a busy one right now, kicking off here or not. so we do start in gaza where israel says that is troop 7 circle the southern city of con eunice, according to the palestine at red crescent, one civilian was killed when the idea of attack, the entrance of the amount of hospitals in the city at the organization. instead that is ready, drugs are talking to anyone and moving around the area we receive this or both. my local journalist as explosion, so heard in the background the situation and i noticed, i think it's heavier from bottom. and so then destruction and killing people there. but it's on the streets, the fire on the play,
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and it's all very because i or the from the city and settling the home area to task just trying to found the city, the units of a 50 pounds. and at a distance it's better to use. the bombardment could be hit every single 2nd to oh yeah, the world health organization condemn the fire thing in the area. oh, during the violence stops on your screens. right now, palestinians basically moving on mass close to south to be a gyptian border. it's all as a result of the, as rarely involves the one of the largest un shelters and the city a local journalist comes a challenge has been the report from a rough and there's multiple r sykes here in the southern areas specifically. and the main focus and how do you and this right now, because there is a escalation news uh very necessary that uh, this is for the 1st time, the idea of, uh, word that the people, uh,
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the medical uh, crew inside the, a mazda of hosp, with and to start evacuation uh from there civilians in henry left to the state because there's no specific safe car door for these displays for hosting an inside findings to flee or evacuation many places in town units like the red cross set as well as the cap. move there unplugged the got wounded by the idea that they should i p q weights i use to hold off a city, a dispute basically now uh that uh the medical crew of the implants is uh they allow us um they are afraid that there's many casualties on the side of roads because the others get caught can't move from the center. so i'm talking about the loss or how to get them. and also a direct question. and con eunice. so basically the people here, this, this place, people from god's outlets load and here's who shelter inside con,
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eunice. they basically can see the is there any tax of the, is there any but does, is and their own eyes. this is what we see on the videos we received from local sources, that the adf is really making, making of the a ground operation really wide. and how eunice israel has reportedly proposed a 2 month ceasefire to hamas leaders, according to officials, folks to the discussions of the deals being put forward through mediators in egypt and cut off. before we join out, guess let's get this update now with the middle east. bureau chief is reports haven't been to the song deficiency yet, but if true, we could certainly talk about to break for reports. all that is real has offered him as a deal that includes a 2 month long ceasefire, which is the longest pause in fighting, ever offered or accepted by israel. according to the deal, whole 136 remaining hostages will be released starting with the women elderly hand,
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those who are in critical medical condition and then the rest, including is rarely soldiers. the bodies of dead hostages also supposed to be returned to israel. the proposal also reportedly includes the ideas withdrawal from major cities in the gather street, which might allowed red l return of palestinian civilians. they are, according to the un. these really devastating the military operation. guys, i left about 2000000 people internally. this place and exchange and number of palestinian prisoners will be released from is really jails. but as we hear, israel will not agree to free all of them. the exact number of names as we understand yet to be discussed. all the reports add that the do also offers some senior leaders to leave gaza. which sounds rather surprising and not the logic given that destroying the militant growth is one of the key missions of the war according to israel. but again, these reports are hard to be verified for now,
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on monday, not to maintain with the families of the hostages prime minister mentions the reason is really pushed still on the table without giving any detail with auto operating. so this could be they offering it to the for talked about how their prime minister made it clear or repeatedly. that is why it will not accept a deal that would imply the end of the war. and there were several offers on the table before the most recent, one brokers by the us caught her in egypt, was rejected by israel for that fair reason and demanded to stop the fighting. while israel remains the sermons to continue the war and gaz, i have to say that these really public question is the frequency of the idea of military operation. it doesn't seem to help bring hostages home plus how mazda is far from destroyed, almost full months into the war. the idea of mess around 70 percent of how masses fighting force intact, according to israel's own estimates and the palestinian milton, the grove seems to remain strong and capable of attacking. just recently the idea
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of confirmed 24 of its soldiers were killed and a sold by him by the fema during the fighting in the center of the goals. this trip $21.00 was the fights as were killed. the 4th is operated in the space. this separates the authority supplements from garza now from, according to what we know at this point in all p g ms. all was apparently fined by terrorist that a tank that was securing the false. and at a time, an explosion occurred into 2 story buildings which collapsed as a result. while most of the forces inside and near them, the buildings apparently exploded as a result of mines that our forces planted and them were about to explode. the buildings and terrorist infrastructure in the area of a, of the force of all the potential deal with him as kind of mean growing domestic discontent with how the government deals with a plea of the hostages. every week, thousands of people take to the streets in jerusalem in tel aviv to express their
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anger and frustration and disappointment. also in one day, a group of relatives of hostages stormed upon mentally, can reach a section in the connect so this really parliament demanding the lawmakers to do more to free the loved ones. some professors were holding up signs, saying he will not sit here while they die. they are, these are some pictures from the class that the while the war doing zone discussions are held on post war scenarios for gaz. um arab countries backed by the us. i'm working on a proposal that would create a pathway towards a palestinian state in exchange for normalization between saudi arabia and a 0. washington also says and good commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction altogether. strip hand work towards palestinian lead
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governance of the in claims off to the war. how to say if it's going to work out as a israel seems to be on a different page. prime minister netanyahu repeatedly rejected the idea of 2 state solution. say he's proud to be the one and only who could and will prevent the establishment of the probably state of the state also stress. and he believes israel should have what he calls security control over guys and but again, too early to talk about what will happen after the war has the idea offensive that according to palestinian sources already claimed the lives of more than 25000 people still continues with israel not ready to inquiry to stop it. that's a lot more right now here on the program crossing live to research or of saudi foreign policy abilities. i'll gotcha, and joining us here on how to international and a very well welcome to you, a great to have you on the program today as if i'm the to be, it's great to have you on so quickly as well. i appreciate you jumping on with us what, what do you make of this? i know you heard the story from i'm at least bureau chief maria,
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for an option or just now israel reportedly offering a 2 month ceasefire. we have this done is through mediators in egypt and cut, todd. but what do you, what's your take on the development? is this something that we can embrace or is it just a bit too sensitive at this point? you know, i, i think it's a, it's to tentative uh, really to, to start thinking about how to end the or reach a ceasefire. i think too many people are, are quite suspicious of each other, quite frankly. and i think basically there is this an element of, of suspicion where i think they're trying to use the leverage over each other. and i think uh, the militant groups have mouse just trying to use this as a bargaining chip. and i don't think they're too keen to keep, to give away, i'm sorry, unfortunately, uh, something that they could hold on. something that they could manipulate is really
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domestic is really politics. and in addition, i think it also speaks to the intentions of the is really prime minister and is ready to calculus. that the fact that they offered 2 months for this suggest that, you know, they are going to use force for a long time. and throughout the year, so i don't, i, you know, i think we're going to, it's, it's very tentative and, and let's, let's just hope we can just find a way to get this. these are all right, so as, as you say abilities that early days. yeah. although i should add that if just a few days ago, last week, i had to sit down with a senior, how mazda official who actually told me the fact though, he said we are looking for a cx 5 with israel. and we all very much open to tool. so that was just the last week here and i see that entire interview. you can watch right now and all the dot com. but let me, let me ask you this. i mean, obviously we're more of a 3 months into this. now do you, do you think if in the this cease fire,
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this potential cease, why i was adopted by both sides? wouldn't just be a case, a chance to regroup, re um and restart. well, this is the situation, this is why both of this is why in particular israel is saying no, there is no cease fire because it will just give them an opportunity to rearm and recalculate and then re attack. and therefore, there has to be an absolute destruction of how much now the definition of absolute destruction, of how math is in itself, struggling to find any kind of attraction. people don't know what the track, what eliminated come asked means politically it's infrastructure. and therefore, the only way to get a cease fire, a sustainable ceasefire is that if there is a political horizon, and that's the problem. and that's where really the arrow states come in. that's
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where the why didn't administration comes in and that there has to be a following up of a significant political horizon, a process. um and right now what i think the error states are doing is that they're not willing to engage in any kind of process in any kind of discussions for at least in detail. because that is the only thing that i think of it in yahoo ones, right? now, i mean, he is struggling to find any kind of um, strategic horizon for this campaign. and a strategic horizon for this campaign means that error of states will be willingly paying for the reconstruction of garza. but this just illustrates the fact that how distant his understanding is of error states and their calculation. yeah, what i mean. so some of the latest comments from that in yahoo basically suggest that israel is looking to take control over that entire ang clave as we speak. and
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it's not looking to slow down any time soon. i mean, that's how mazda officially had on last week, up those days he said, you said israel is lost more than a 1000 times. and ahmed vehicles and has ministry operations so far across causes. so, i mean both sides, you know, 2 steps forward, one step back, but whatever the case, the civilian death toll is what continues to shop the world in a daily basis of doing disease. i'll got you in as a saudi foreign policy analyst joining us there are now to international. we really appreciate your insights. thanks very much for joining us. my pleasure. thank you. well, sorry, well, be ukrainian complete his report. we had tried that. a huge number of foreign troops to fight for a key of reason for your list surfaced of alleged french most in areas killed in a recent russian and striking the city of hot gulf. earlier i discussed the development with bodies shawna. duban ski is more more evidence coming out about the individuals who killed allegedly in, not striking, call have just
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a few days ago. there's this list now on social media that scope, the names of individuals that the alleged to be french, the information online suggests that the oldest was in the late forty's. the youngest was in the early twenty's and we've been able to get some information on social media about some of these individuals who a said to been killed in that attack. but it's still a tough one. this is charles bethel who says, who is apparently born in 1996 and has apparently been in ukraine for about a year now had a bit of a take on social media. there's lots of pictures of him wearing armies, fatigue showing him, and i raise it looked like it's a call me back soon and all of these pictures or hash tags with ukrainian flag, there's also videos on a tick tock account that apparently is his account. and i just want to give you a sense of one of these videos where you can clearly hit individuals speaking french this month,
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i think the from another individual we've been able to find some details about is to somebody called alexis bill who was apparently born in 1986 and has been in ukraine, allegedly for around 10 months. so we don't know if this alexis field was a french soldier, but we do know that his family has very strong connections to the french ministry. in fact, his father was a colonel in assigned to military. so this giving you a sense of some of the information that's coming out. i've also seen that needs to
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be with the french defense minister on french tv, who has said, yes, it may be some french in ukraine, but, you know, we're in a democracy. we caught still some, it's not a legal for them to go that. well, the russian foreign ministry says actually he doesn't know functional if that's the case, because the french of penal code actually states that it is in legal for french national to go and fight full money for a foreign state. and it seems to justify themselves for the newly revealed franks of the presence of many french mercenaries in the ranks of ukrainian armed forces. french officials became completely confused and their own testimony on the topic must and react safety eye the participation of an individual in an armed conflict on the side of a foreign state from which this person is not so nice. if full money, treat compensation is prohibited by law or in front of the same time. if you read carefully, it becomes clear french legislate is laid out as a safety net in advance. in case the vacation is all volunteers golf court. so the defense ministry has said yes,
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possibly some furniture that at the same time we've got paris the knowing that there were any french french ministries. we'll just fighting a new crane. but anyway, in the world, friends helps you brain with supplies of military material and military training in full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in your grain nor elsewhere, unlike certain others. this is clearly not the hold for it. i've done a bit of digging. i found that in 2022, the french foreign ministry, confirmed the death of a french citizen who was fighting in ukraine. i hear later in 2023. the foreign ministry, again in front confirming the death of a french citizen who was acting as a sold it and ukraine. and prior to that strike, old call kept just a few days ago. french media had been reporting over the past 22 months or so. the french nationals had gone to fighting u. k. and the at at least 8 had died. so it's, we know the whole truth and it seems to be
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a lot of confusion coming out of funds to clearly doesn't want to admit that they could be french missionaries fighting a new card to start last night though, continues to pump key with weapons and crates of cash, the blocks secretary general says there's no danger at this time in coming from russia against this member state. secretary general, you personally, do you believe that even notice future, let's say in decatur, any russian, russian thanks can enter any european capital like baltic states. we don't see any volume or even then set up against any, and they do all the stipends. the secretary general that alice, that nato would be conducting the blocks lodges drill since the cold war was hoping $19000.00 troops taking part, including those from member elect, sweden. dixon size is expected to stop by during the week of importantly aimed to
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demonstrate the ability to quickly deploy forces in defense of your well, let's load more. shall we independent journalist lou live a. now joining us live from belgium. luke, it's always a pleasure to see your thanks so much for jumping on what a story this is like. i mean, honestly, you have to let me just kick it off like this. all right, if nato secretary general is saying there's no real threat to the blog, then luke, what is the point of holding these drills now with 90000 soldiers? ok, it's an old that may told the alliance organizes regularly drills. now rufus and mine keep thompson is not too many. it's compatible to what the russian state in 2022 in september. i think with the chinese in the, in the east and the far east in siberia. and it's the same number of salt, should i? but oh, let me remind you that the 2018 the last time the russian army organized. no, because it was 300000 soldiers, including chinese, but honest. and all the troops inside the so oh, it's not like say installed them,
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that felt the need to say that at express conference. because unfortunately, the general center connell's, with nato, every where in europe, into my mind, mistakes off the lines, all saying things, we chop, ludicrous, ridiculous and very danger. you know, you'll have general us in front of germany or germany on the, in the media on t v. say that the next step for the russian army is well. so then bowen, then they will turn and let's go to patterson while madrid and rome. so this becomes ludicrous, they say, for example, french channels gen x general recharge and saying on french tv on 3 or 4 days ago that president tutoring had said that he would invite both explains lots of drugs specific. i mean, present putting up a sense that you simply pinpointed the fact that love job is not the democracy for it's 25 percent of the citizens walsh and speakers and call and send the kids to
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speaks in a to 2 schools in, in russian. i mean, you know, doesn't seem to be real democracy off in some of these countries. so of course, europe this never anything to say about that. just like the french didn't have anything to say about the medicine was in couple, oh so it was good that stopped him back. was season politician, you know, use e some not to go longer. actually eat nice of the need to stay calm down. we know that russia has no intention of attacking the european countries off of western europe. they don't. and on that they, this brings down the level of, of the anxiety in europe. because when we listen to these channels, when we listen to savanski and this last q regime, oh say that child, they are the she, you protect the unit, this can spread shop. now,
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this is not true. you know, and i don't think ukraine will ever getting tonight because we have heard on still thank you as well as hungry. say that they would put their feet to the wind poles with a veto the entrance of the problem and truck problem such a manual cry in front of it. and mess, isn't it lou? come in just sitting by the, you know, watching what's going. it's just such a mess of it. okay, i, i, i get what you're saying. so they toes executive general self. him. but in his press conferences there's no, there's no major threat from russia and one can come down. but as you said, the nato dealt job role role by well, you said just last week, the west, you prepare for a whole well with russia. so these 2 guys are rolling nights. so then, i mean, it was like joe biden, these days, i don't know whether they're coming or going. next thing we know they're going to start folding up some stairs. i mean, let me ask you this, luke, i'm in is 1000 bucks. that the one of the blocks main objectives since the cost with the new crane started was to avoid a full scalable in europe. luke, just for a moment, i will listen to this. we had 2 tasks. one will support ukraine. the older task was
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of course, to prevent this order from escalating to full scale war between russia and later on . we didn't adopt a by deploying moore, calling about the troops to the eastern part of the lions at by is further increasing or defense investments. and also by exercising. well, i mean, it looks so nice. it was a defensive organization. luke, i do. do you think the steps that taking all conducive to ensuring piece in your it's not bad a side signing artist, a ukraine. this doesn't bring peace. all of you know that the european union has, uh, the, the organization that i'll send this money, an honest a ukraine is called the piece facility. but it probably isn't it. and a piece means what it looks like or well, um, so um i think it seems to store some various things to remain relatively white. and
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the problem is actually the military, the generals with a mutual or retired shambles, who love decrease feet, you know, a lot of freaks for you. yeah. i'm ready to see. okay. they a type bowl in. we go up, i mean, possible, intervene a know, folks, sorry, it's not the way it goes and we shouldn't send virus and erase to you, right. and we shouldn't send, for example, taurus besides from germany to brain. and that is a good indication that the politicians start to really think about it. you know, a large majority of the stock in germany refused to send torres themselves to craig, so they know that it's not right. they know that ukraine is losing the conflict and that queued up should stay away from it. so i think we'll be, we will see a decrease intention and then the whole marketing tools on tv in the coming weeks live i as an independent journalist, joining us live on belgium with some very interesting comment. tre. luke,
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thanks so much for your time. hope to see you again soon. well, the us on you. okay. and once again, conducted joint strikes on the cookie positions in yemen, dependent on says 8 circle pockets. the it is the 2nd time that america and britain have launched, coordinated stripe on given all the american warships basically carried out the front of the attack and the asteroids come off to the who. the said they attacked the us military cargo vessel, the ocean jazz. now we're from oceans and on that, before the latest strikes that the, the, who, the military validus done response to what a cold,
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aggression from anglo saxon ally the not the many armed forces emphasized that the response to the american and british offences will inevitably arrive. and no further offense will go unanswered or unpunished. the armed forces commit to continuing to prevent and navigation by his riley ships or ships headings the thoughts of occupied palestine. until israel stops the aggression and lifts the blockade on the palestinian people in gauze. while as uh, the router through the show is canal grows increasingly dangerous. roughly 80 percent of cargo vessels have been forced to change costs and navigate around africa instead of the root. pasta, cape of good hope is more than 3000 miles longer. that means high prices for everyone like you and me, it's a couple of the increased transport cost. well, meanwhile, new zealand is evidently pitching in as well. 6 military personnel that headed to the middle east as part of into the international co relation to maintain security
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. and the red sea at the move was announced by the countries prime minister when we can learn more. that's a course live now to a political commentator, a contributor for the i am on it. so excuse me, how long as the alley risk is? now joining us here on, on the international alley. what do you think about this new zealand sending out a, quote, 6 person defense team to help the western coalition secure the red sea shipping lanes. your thoughts on exactly what they're planning to do. so yes, it's funny when you refer to this uh, you know, a 6 member phase. you're talking about what, what do you want to just trying to talk about an international coalition. and when you have these very, very small numbers, i think that doesn't reflect very well on the american statesman. said that this is indeed i international collision. i just become clear and this is more like an american british joint task force, the contributions my other policies like australia and other nations. i mainly
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symbolic non combat roles. and the same applies now to this announcement which was made by new zealand. i'm but i think that it's um, a broader topic is the fact that this takes me back to what the, what the spokesman mentioned about it. i'm go sex and grouping on gathering. and they, and they seemed, needs to be more like an anglo saxon group of countries. um, britain, the us squarely a museum and despite the very, very limited contributions. and i think ultimately that plays into the hands of the community is because the point is, can say, look, we've defending against a full run outside of the convention, which was just forming outside the region. as you know, there are no power of countries in this group and what we're in this so called coalition, except for behind which is the smallest hour of the country. and so i think what we're seeing is not a very wise policy on the part to be your wisdom and all the parts of the west and
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on in a certain way. it does help. kids tend to use the for, with the, as on the ice, it is, it is bizarre when you think about it. so it's a new zealand is sending 6 military personnel to help secure the red sea. meantime, e u. member states of a number of days, like you say, you have agreed on a military campaign to quote, ensure the safety of navigation in the red sea against. yeah. man with a number of countries who originally had said no to the coalition of the willing like friends in italy, i think spain and australia that will kind of come back around now. is that okay, well, but we'll join this west to lead foot taylor. what are your expectations though? we know that, for example, russian on chinese ships passing through the red sea with 0 problems. well look to point number one is that the contribution bar, those other countries agree, mentioned whether it be a strategy or, or some of the european countries. this is a very, very symbolic non combined contribution which items to portray this alliance has.


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