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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the, the breaking news at this time hungry stop, don't lie to receive the dest right to handle this in dallas visit to neighboring. you tre, next week is running for the say, we have inside code, this video, can you? and nathan, 7 guys are as part of what they call an extensive attack. a local john list, fathers report for the situation and find what is good thing is heavier from bottom and show things destruction and killing us. pressure on prime minister netanyahu mountains at home. and $24.00 more idea of troops killed in gaza reports a israel is in the midst of making a deal with the mass, the
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around with creating a coverage of the latest around the world. welcome to ard internationals, i am michael, quite sure when he updates. now, now breaking news this, our hungary stop diplomat is received the depth, right? they had a visit now to visit, to neighboring a trade next week. and then that's a one that'd be hunger and delegation will be targeted with a powerful explosion would have passed has cuz they received the threats and said he would not prevented foreign minister from securing hunger is national interest that we see and feel that the pressure is increasing the post prime minister attacks hungry is pro peace position with unacceptable statements and foreign minister peter c. r. till receives death threats. those who think that the hung gary and foreign minister is scared do not know peter c. r, till those who think that they will break us with threats and pressure have no idea but on gary and they do not know us. we still want and immediate unconditional
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ceasefire. peace talks and peace are less cross live now to our, to correspondence. if you are lice about feel right, let's good to have you join me now. what details can we have right down from you on the breaking need? well, in a very disturbing incident to the minister of foreign affairs and trade, peters the yard so received an equally disturbing letter, written in ukrainian, basically stating that if he works to go through his trip to ukraine, an assassination attempt, what occurred. now the letter also went on to state much hatred for the hungry and government one as well. d as going as far to even say that the hon gary and government should order a coughing for the top diplomat. let's have a listen to him, gary. and we hate your government which continues to do everything to make us lose the war. do you think your minister will just come to us after criticising ukraine? we don't think so. on january 29th,
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they will get an explosive reception. even an arm or train could not save you. we recommend that you place an order with a funeral parlor. so that they can start making a coffin for, for administer c r till so that it matches his height. god forgives, but ukrainians don't. and of course, as we heard earlier, the gary and government refuses to step down and they will continue to push forth negotiations for peace. and to also criticize the western governments for their attempts to push the war. and they also advocate for an unconditional ceasefire. now, of course, this letter was confirmed by the state secretary of foreign affairs, as well as c u r to himself. and as far as we know, the meeting will continue and will take place on january 29th. now this meeting is a pre cursor to a meeting between hon gary and prime minister victor or bond. and you create in president florida mirrors the lensky and we'll have more information from you for
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you as we get it. all right, thank you. r t correspondence your law for the all dates there. now let's trust live to a senior research fellow, a global policy institute. george samuel e is good to have you join me right now george, your, what's your thoughts on what seems to be purely a death? so i to get into hunger and for administer, privacy is visit to you, great. what it is. and of course, um we have a track record to look at. so when you get this thread from ukraine, uh, that has to be taken seriously. um we, we know that, um they conduct assassinations on a regular basis. and um, and you know, they draw up those uh list of people that they intend to assassinate and some of them have indeed been assassinated. so this is something that, um, and care environment is the needs of a very serious thing. all right,
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it was painted and the light side that you trade and people hate the hong gary in the government because hungry does everything to make ukrainians lose the war. i know you've seen that this is the true sentiments among the people to avoid the past. that is again sending a weapons to key f. what is the view of the ukrainian, the government? i dive very much where the ukrainian spend too much time thinking about hungary, because hunger is basically a rather small play in europe. now it's true that the victor or bond has uh, taken up positions will based on the stop of the simple special motor truck version, which is we need to see sign out. and, you know, we need these negotiations. now that's obviously contrary to the position of the un nato, and obviously it's contrary to the position of the key of um, but that has been his position. and to be honest, i doubt very much whether ukraine is really do deep down. want to continue with
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this or if it was so i don't think they're going to hate down gary and, but they're not supporting russia. hunger is just simply saying this boy is insane . it needs to be brought to an end immediately. now what are your big is the purpose of the hong gary and for administrative visit to your grade as well? i think he's going to set the spell out what hunger is a position is. i mean, of course there's nothing terribly new in it. um, but i think he's going to articulate to say that although hungary is off to a member of nature was a member of the you. number less that the thing is that there's one more is a very, very destructive for ukraine, i think is going to budge the ukrainians, do basic cube to pursue a c spot. it's not going to happen. so therefore, well what else is that to talk about where we can talk about the condition of the,
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of the con, gary and population in ukraine is about a 150000. i'll guarantee to live in trans. got basically, if they haven't been treated very well to say the least because this is a very narrow is the narrow minded xenophobic nationalist regime in key if good. they prosecute all as they minor does poles on their end. and of course uh russians . so they've, they've been treating the hon guarantee very bad. and no doubt, if you will bring that issue up. i mean the, the issue is to be brought up many times before, but key it hasn't really done very much about it. so i, i doubt whether anything very much will come out of it, but i think, you know, the hungry would just it besides the very, yeah, with nato with, with the you, what kind of support you in a vague sort of way. but we need to bring this to an end as soon as possible because it's just destroying your country, not move out of the home, go and stay site to, to full foreign affairs posted on this facebook page. but despite all of this,
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of this country ones and immediate cease fire and peas, what's your opinion about this as well? it is the position, but interestingly enough, in that um message. he also takes issue with the colon because there's been the bureau, hungary, and poland had been allies for many, many years and particularly allies against the brussels. but the problem is that the, the issue of ukraine has divided hungary and poland. so while we're in, poland has many of the same views on social issues. both very socially conservative . they different shop name on the issue of ukraine built into the policy is gung ho once in a world with russia right now. hungry is of course very much opposed to that so hungry, bowling and going very much the separate way. now this is also true with the new government, the bowling,
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which has replaced the very conservative government with the tunnel to us. i was looking at a very much it thank you bureaucrats, but on the issue of ukraine, that division remains and to us has attacked uh victor or barton. and again, making these ridiculous accusations that somehow or band is a, you know, a fusion sign boy oil or something of this looks close isn't, you know, absolutely nothing out of the fact kind of tool. the lays position is what, what's good for hungry. so he's, he's not thinking about what's good for ross raising what's go to the hungry? well, it certainly isn't in hungary is the national interest full of it to be a war in ukraine, which is after roll a neighboring country or hundreds. oh, what, what do you expect to be respect, any response of the international community to the slides again to the hunger and for administer? you know, not as all we had, you know, all kinds of assassinations conducted by the ukranian
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intelligence services. and indeed, the americans who have been basically training and building up the ukraine and intelligent services, know all about these. that's amazing. they oppose distance themselves from that. so what we have nothing to do with any of that, but they know perfectly well that, that this agency that they have built up practices assassinations. and therefore they'll say, well, you know, that's what, that's what they do. we don't care about that. that's their issue. weird we, we just want them to go on fighting against russia. so, you know, there's, there's generally no love lost between inside the united states, brussels, germany, france, and hungry. so they really couldn't care less about this uh, this, this explanation was right. what would this threaten right now? what scenario is that you're looking at? what should he go ahead with the visit or maybe stay back for, for his life that he has to go ahead and then you can have a, uh,
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a foreign minister. uh, not making a um, unimportant visit because he's being threatened with death. i mean, you can't do that because then that gives the power to terrorist of assassins and so on. so that level they have a veto over who gets to travel with who gets to meet whom so he has to go. um, but he has to be very, very careful. uh, there are as, as this uh, ledger shows. there are indeed many in um, uh, in ukraine who would be more than eager to, um, uh, conduct in this estimation. i doubt very much whether the ukrainian intelligence services are going to do anything so crazy is to get involved in an assassination of a 100 and foreign minister of the you know, they may, will be free lancers who would be interested in taking a shot. so he has to go,
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but he has to be very careful. all right, george samuel league city, a research fellow at global policy institute. thank you very much for your insight in this. thank you right now to guys away as well as to ask, but it's true and set cold beside and city or can you and is that according to the palestine red crescent, one civilian was killed when the idea of attack, the entrance of the amount of hospital in the city of the organizations had of these really drones targeting anyone moving around the facility and what are we seeing if this report from the local john list an explosions i had in the background of the situation inside who is getting the heavier from bottom line so things, destruction and killing people. so buddies are on the streets, the fire on the flames is all that goes out of the city and settle into a home area. defax are just trying to balance the city, the units of
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a 50 pounds. and that is, there's times it's better to use the bombardment, click the hit every single, the 2nd the, the world health organization condemns the fighting in the area, urging that the valens needs to stop on your screens right now. policy is moving closer to the egypt and border as a result of these ready advance near one of the largest you and shell doesn't disagree local john lives. how does that child and has this latest report from rafa . and there's multiple r sykes here in the southern areas specifically and the main focus and how do you and this right now because there is a escalation and had units. uh, very necessary that. uh, this is for the 1st time, the idea of uh, word that the people, uh, medical uh, crew inside the, a mazda of hosp with and to start evacuate uh from there civilians inside the left
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to the state. because there's less specific safe car doors for these displaced boasting and inside findings to flee or evacuation many places in town, units like the red cross set as well as the cap, move the islands the got wanted by the idea that they should be back to wait time use to hold off the city, a dispute basically now uh that uh, the medical crew of the implants is the amount of time they are afraid that there's many casualties on the side of roads because the islands got caught, can't move from the center. so i'm talking about the loss or how to get them and also the breakfast and con eunice. so basically the people here, this displaced people from god's outlets load and here's the whole shelter inside eunice. they're basically can see the is there any tax of the, is there any but does,
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is and their own eyes. this is what we see on the videos we received from local sources that the adf is really making making of the, a ground operation really wide. and had eunice, israel has reportedly propose the to mazda cx, 5 to him, as lead as, according to officials, posted the discussions, the deals being put forward through egypt. and then cats have remediation as our to mid leaves buried chief bear up my f in austin. that has the details. now the ways records haven't been to the song deficiency yet, but if true, we could certainly talk about to break for reports. all the israel has offered him as a deal that includes a 2 month long ceasefire, which is the longest pause in fighting, ever offered or accepted by israel. according to the deal, whole 136 remaining hostages will be released starting with the women elderly and those who are in critical medical condition and then the rest,
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including is rarely soldiers. the bodies of dead hostages also supposed to be returned to israel. the proposal also reportedly includes the idea of withdrawal from major cities in the gather street, which might a lot of video return of palestinian civilians. they are, according to the un, these rarely domestic to the military operation. guys are left about 2000000 people internally. this place and exchange and number of palestinian prisoners will be released from is really jails. but as we hear israel will not degree to free all of them. the exact number of names, as we understand yet to be discussed, all the way forwards at that the do also offers some senior leaders to leave gaza, which sounds rather surprising and not the logic given that destroying the militant grove is one of the key missions of the war, according to israel, but again, these reports are hard to be verified for now, on monday,
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not to maintain with the families of the hostages prime minister mentions the reason is really pushed still on the table without giving any detail with auto operating. so this could be they offering it to the for talked about how their prime minister made it clear or repeatedly. that is why it will not accept a deal that would imply the end of the war. and there were several offers on the table before the most recent, one brokers by the us culture in egypt was rejected by his role for that fair reason and demanded to stop the fighting. well, as ro remains terminal to continue the war and g, as i have to say that these really public question is the frequency of the idea of military operation. it doesn't seem to help bring hostages home plus, have miles, is far from destroyed, almost full months into the war. the idea left around 70 percent of how masses fighting for us intact, according to israel's own estimates and the palestinian milton, the grove seems to remain strong and capable of attacking. just recently the idea
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of confirmed 24 of its soldiers were killed and a sold by him ass. the fema during the fighting and they center the goal is this trip $21.00 was a fight as will killed the forces operated in the space. this separates the authority sacraments from garza now because of them. according to what we know at this point and p g missile was apparently fined by terrorist at a time that was securing the falls under the time an explosion occurred into 2 story buildings which collapsed as a result. while most of the forces inside and near them, the buildings apparently exploded as a result of mines that our forces planted in them more about to explode the buildings and terrorist infrastructure in the area. and therefore, support potential deal with him as kind of me the growing domestic discontent with how the government deals with the plea of the hostages. every weeks, thousands of people take to the streets in jerusalem in tel aviv to express their anger and frustration and disappointment. also in one day,
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a group of relatives of hostages stormed upon them into i can reach a section in the connect, so it is really parliament demanding the lawmakers to do more to free the loved ones. some professors were holding up signs, saying he will not sit here while they die. they are, these are some pictures from the can ask that the while the war doing zone discussions are held on post war scenarios book as an arab countries backed by the us. i'm working on a proposal that would create a pathway towards a palestinian state in exchange for normalization between saudi arabia and a 0. washington also says in good commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction altogether street and work towards palestinian lead governance of the in claims off to the war. how to say if it's going to work out as
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a israel seems to be on a different page, prime minister in antonia who repeatedly rejected the idea of 2 state solution. say he's proud to be the one and only who could and will prevent the establishment of the probably state of the state also stress. and he believes israel should have what he calls security control over guys and but again, too early to talk about what will happen after the war has the idea offensive that according to palestinian sources already claimed the lives of more than 25000 people still continues with israel not ready to inquiry, to stop it around for more on this last cross live to co director of the policy and institute for public diplomacy rules should the rule that is good to have you join me right now. reports that the user world has proposed a 2 month pause in fighting with him as what is your thoughts on this development?
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well, i think it's, it's very important to understand that at this moment, um, you know, the casualties are extremely high and how masses it has its own political agenda that it's, it's must see through especially after the huge losses and the amount of destruction, the numbers of casualties the killing centuries. and so if they refuse the, the, the suggestion that is a very clear message to the world that you know at the beginning of this entire, entire 7th of october was a very clear message from policy and people specifically from resistance. i come us um that policy news will not be sidelined and if they are not on the table being part of any solution and being part of any endings of such atrocities and ending of a very long 7 decades of, of the oppression it,
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it will not go smoothly. now what are you saying could have triggered this proposal for talks, or i think that the situation guarantee they can amik situation, the amount of losses, the continuous lives coming from the is really private based, rarely prime minister is starting to and of course, the internal opinion and the internal um, you know, you were seeing families demonstrating families saying that the time is now over and nothing ya is playing his own game. he is trying to kind of win more time. and he's trying to, to always say contradicting messages so that he's getting more uh on his, on his face with that so he can stay more and power. and, and this also shows that everything that, that,
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those really government has said that they are wanting to achieve in this war has not actually been achieved, but rather one and only a goal which is to disrupt and kill and have the genocide being implemented and committing against and committed against the palestinian people. or let's talk about the situation in gaza. we're seeing a tax intensifying. the south will be in clave the people there literally have their bikes against the wall, where it's safe enough for anyone to go in within the the enclave. nowhere is the case and goes on that has been extremely evident. there has been false, a calls for the people to actually move from one place to the other. and that was on the trap. people were actually found in the places were supposed we were supposed to be the safe zones where people were asked to, to flee to. so basically what those really occupation government is trying to do is
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to achieve the, the biggest amount of, of killing and casualties. and breaking of people spirits and destruction and gaza as possible because they do realize that it is not possible to actually achieve the goals of this assault as not audio has 1st declared at the beginning of the assault on gaza. so nowhere in garza is safe, not even hospital schools. you and we are seeing extreme, unprecedented actions against and atrocities against the palestinians that we have never seen in, in the modern history. mm. yeah. you mentioned the hospitals been attacked, schools being a types and all the places ambulances can get to the one that and so on. now i wonder what you're hearing. how are those who are when to getting medical care, what are you seeing, what are you hearing?
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so basically, the stories that we manage to get with the very little connection, we have 2 people in garza palestinians, and garza is that is, is extremely horrific. doctors are operating under extreme harsh conditions without anastasio, without any kind of like basic medication. a lot of people are being left and under the rebels because there is no capacities, hospitals that are being actually also targeted, meaning that doctors or whoever is left from paramedics, are in, in the, surrounded by military surrounded by the patient forces. so the situation is extremely horrific and what we're hearing of the, you know, doctors, even the materials that are coming in human to turn in a lot of it is actually expiring because they are spending so much time in the, in the sadistic bureaucracy that israel is using against the entire entrance of the
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humanitarian aid. and also we know that the inventory nay does not, is not really enough. and whenever it is reaching the hospital, some of it is is already useless. so the situation is again, this is why we say it's unprecedented. this is nothing emotional and it does not com based on a non factual information. and there is an entire attack on everything which is connected to what genocide as, as a, as a crime means it's basically not just a targeting of civilians, but it's actually making for a situation extremely difficult for even saving the lives of those that can be saved. now there is a meeting of the united nations security council today where the policy and an issue will be brought up again. what do you expect from the discussions that to now as you have seen from previous security council resolutions, if they do pass, which one has passed already, they are very,
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very much larger down into language and no action activity. we have seen what we are seeing and gaza is actually an invitation to all scholars legal experts around the world to actually revise the entire legal system and see if it actually does work. i mean, we are in day we are almost 4 months into the genocide against the against palestinians and gaza. and yet we cannot reach one single resolution and not only revolution, but actually be a process to see a ceasefire happen when we have documented information the most of the casualties and most of the people that have died and has been killed by those really for us is our children and women, and, and sylvia, we are not seeing anything. so i do not expect actually anything to have it to happen from the security council. it is becoming more and more as a, as a power dynamic game between the superpowers. whether it's is a russian intervention, or it's an american intervention or, or certain, uh,
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you know, different opinions where they do not agree on, on sports and stuff. and then, you know, the entire resolution loses any kind of, of obligations. and so it's extremely, it's extremely sad to see the situation we're in today and to see that the entire system that the united nations have been so long working on is, is starting to, to fall apart in a very vivid and very stark way hold while we have to leave you here now while the studied by the student institute for public diplomacy, co director. thank you very much for speaking to us right now. thank you. okay. bye . that's the all day this hour. most stories coming away at the top of the seat again. the
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the altima 2023. a surprise attack launched against israel by how much militaries show in the world the no one had expected the palestinian run. the goal is to have so many cutting edge weapons in the aftermath of the attack militants, openly unlocking a thing for us in the frame for the rockets and missiles that rained down on these rays, this is the see the silver, the how can it be that is a ship to the middle east from
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a country whose tumbler officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipment anyway, located bloomberg bass, demons. great us an e u military, a total is tens of billions of dollars. will continue to show the power of partnership will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. but where does this stage really go? and who decided to, um, a country that just being one of the biggest supermarkets of some of the weather's for almost 2 years. the .


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