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tv   The 360 View  RT  January 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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the lives of the figure available to serve. so the most of the triple just the enough one to the it's almost the, it's a little bit more of a run the system, the good little issues and, you know, the newest congressional pork report is apt, and this year american tax payers are set to pay for creative research as spending projects like the $477000.00 for transgender monkeys, or $465000.00 for christina's, were pigeons. but do the gambling 10 my favorite? $25000.00 to teach a chinese students surfing on sky. know hughes in on this edition of 360 view,
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we're going to look at one of the oldest traditions in washington dc, wasteful spending, and maybe find one or 2 good investments and the next years and us the federal budget. maybe let's get started. of the $33000000.00 in debt historic milestone which a treasury officials blame on a roughly 50 percent increase in federal spending between 2019 and fiscal 2021. of course, the treasury is not going to take accountability and just like a teenager is going to blame the rapid increase in government spending, which happened during the cold and 19 pandemic. now the multiple stimulus programs decrease tax revenue and tax cuts. but how long can they actually play the cobit 19
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blaine game card considering it wasn't like they weren't born? this was going to be the result. i mean, when you, when the government encourages businesses to stay closed and workers to stay home, what else to expect? yeah, there's a government helping citizens because there's a pay demick going on. i can give it a little grace. however, the amount of money, the united states government is currently given and foreign aid, especially those countries. and the mr. battle is a whole nother situation. not to mention, well there's always been comical investments in various research private projects by the united states government. it seems like they have really raised the bar this year with the absurd projects they deem worthy of us tax care dollars. i wanna look at a few others and who specifically has asked for them to $6000000.00 for the us just s grid presidential library at mississippi state university in stark though, as lobby by cit or cindy high, smith, republican from mississippi,
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now represent mark polk in a democrat from wisconsin was budgeted $250000.00 to restore the driver opera house in darlington, wisconsin. and those are just 2 of the more than $7396.00 earmarks. that were noted, which was a 43.9 percent increase from the previous year. lots of numbers and the only number that matters. this cost of $26100000000.00 an american tax payer money. so to help us look at what are the over this traditions in washington, dc, wasting taxpayer dollars. let's bring in our panel. we have political strategies and radio host malik abdul, a political commentator, and right it has to steve gill, business analysts, hillary ford, which was also the ceo of a strong mark and a member of the british american business association. the board of directors, thanks for joining me. today, port port port, i think you said a best seller and came on, nobody likes pork and yet lots of people do actually,
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if you're elected office, you use it. so in preparation for today show, i actually asked all you to kind of bring in some of your favorites, wasteful spending projects that you found. i want to hear the henry. you actually went back in time and found one of your favorite ones. oh yes i did. i'm actually i did, i did want to start off by saying, i always loved margaret sacked as quote, there's no free lunch. so when people think the government's paying for everything i would or anything, i say the government has 0 money. it has your money, your money in your money. i'm my money so it doesn't have any money if it's something. secondly, this isn't anything new. do you know what president james? monroe said in 18. 22. he said, when asked about public works, he said that he thought that they might end up being abused. that it might be a product of ego for more public work. so it's nothing new. now to answer your questions specifically my favorite pope. our object, of course, was the $10000.00 toilet seat. i think that was, serves the, i know we followed up by the $1000.00 power supply us. so it's nothing new. this is going on. and that is why in 2011, remember that the republican majority put
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a stop to old m. okay. well, they thought they put a stop to the point of the way to door tools. steve, do you have one that you like or you always have such tidbits? this is always great conversations at the dinner table by the way, to bring up, well and, and to follow up on, on hillary's point, if you ask the taxpayers, should that, should the federal government pay for this or pay for that? their answer is yes and polling. if you ask them, should taxpayers pay for that? the answer is no. we don't have disability distinguish between tax payer money. it's all government money and that's why they can keep doing this year. you had a few years back the, the bridge to nowhere in alaska video, the people living there and it was millions and millions of dollars spent there. and we're actually funding a m u z. i'm in the how much last i checked. that's not even in the united states. well, that's interesting cuz we talked about the port projects in the united states. there's a whole slew of them that we're paying in other countries. which brings you the question, the leak. why did port projects even exist? we saw that the republicans said they cut them, obviously did it. what is the purpose of them?
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well, technically, so port when people talk about port spending, meaning you may get a library in your so they attached these riders to bills where you may get a library or you may get your roads in your area fix, or it can even be something like internet access like broadband access, so real politicians add these riders to be able because they help their constituents, those constituents typically like those sort of things. like if you say that you're going to build a facility or something like that, the people in the community to say, yes, my politician is working for me, but i have an example of wasteful spend a be able to as a project, anyone remembers what was that the big dig or the big was the boston is about 70 miles. busy down the road. yeah, yeah. so we're at about 7 miles the road that they were trying to actually put under ground. it initially started, people don't remember this. it initially started. it was um, tip o'neill was one of the ones that was pushing for it back in 1981 in 1981. the cost of the big, the big, big,
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the cost of it was about $2000000000.00 when they finished it in 2007. the total was $15000000000.00. now the question that people ask, what, how did they get to $15000000000.00? what everyone knows that if you want to get paid, charged the federal government because the federal government will always pay it. and there's a surcharge typically added to when you're talking about the federal government. so wasteful spending, but everybody kind of shrug and at least boston has 7 miles underground, like 7 miles of road. well, and that brings the point, steve, on this and some port. there's a service report, this just wasteful throwing up the, like you said, training squirrels. how to or do of all versus things that actually do help. the community may be a library. i don't want to just, i say the opera house is so important. good. well, and just the irony of the list, these s grant museum in mississippi to cover all the stuff that one's mind boggling
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. yeah, the port can be good if it's, if it's actually, again delivering some taxpayer money in a specific way to a specific project. the problem is really points out is there's no real accountability. we've got to the defense department. you can't account for hundreds of billions of dollars of equipment and machinery. we left 80000000000 behind it, afghanistan, there's no accountability. you know, if a, if a private in the marine corps loses his rightful, he has to pay for it. but a general can lose $80000000000.00 in afghanistan and nobody gets fired. nobody gets held accountable. and that's a big part of the problem is it's not just where it goes at the end of the day, it's where we don't know where a lot of it's going well, and that's a part of it. you know, what role do lobbyist plan? that's obviously, people are up on what will all be as, you know, literally cover the hill. i'm more than politicians. i think there's like a 3 to one ratio. what role did they play and advocating for their fun? oh, we know it's, i'm so evolves guilty of and actually the beginning of the show you brought top obviously the whole all the cove it and emphasis on what from home and stay at home, which talks did so well. during cobit, all of the funds find stocks, facebook,
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amazon, netflix, google, add on to that microsoft airline, an older ones with all the stocks that will stay at homes. all the find stokes were the ones that did well. they have the lobby as to lobby, and of course big fama. it's literally every network is sponsored by pharmaceutical companies on this. we know pharmaceutical companies from the american medical schools and the chemical companies give the chemicals to put enough food to make a sick. but then the american medical school supposedly kills us with a po for now. so this is suck heuer to us view, which is lobby. yes. basically, money follow the money if you want to know what is the roots of anything, those lobby as the funded by people that are necessary they having all individual corporate or national best interest. uh huh. and it is both parties. i mean, oh yeah, yeah. so that's a, that's a republican debate. the 1st republican debate as they were debating and fighting over the evils of tech talk the 1st had, after that block was a tech talked ad. yes. yes. so that's,
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it is both parties that go to it. yeah. both parties, rail against it, moving both parties has spent enough money. why is there not more time that you've been counted, but they always say the republicans actually spend more than democrats do. do you agree with that? do you believe that there should be better kind of a warrant, each party holding themselves accountable for their point, their fingers? well, because they were required raining in congress, putting good checks and balances. and congress, which were none of them weren't. we talked before about the military industrial complex and how 100 percent of the time politicians on both sides of the aisle are always for funding this military industrial complex. we see in places across a year, which is different. what we're seeing here in america remembered last year, there was all of this economic anxiety built up when we saw heard of the protests in paris in brussels, in all across. this was literally economic anxiety. there was no protest indian man in america. there were no and you know, um, economic anxiety protests in america. we typically in america, we will focus on the cultural issues. so whether that's abortion,
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or like gay rides or things like, uh, maybe police brutality will march in the streets on those. but when it comes to actually focusing on our economy, trying to force our government to do things, we won't take to the streets at all. and in many ways we've shrugs and is this something that i actually can not explain why americans are that way? because in europe, they take the streets in europe and the last time you obviously really excited. somebody right on this the last time that really happened in america was in the 1920s with a huge stripe on washington dc, which was the world war one veterans not being paid. and you're right. so we're basically a century later. that's a very good point. we haven't seen that sort of, i would call economic outraged. we don't see that well and so my car, so i would actually say they encourage projects because that might put money back in their own own economies in the community. so they are not that economic outrage, they actually can see spinning of the federal government taking care of it. is that a good justification for the? well, i think you'll early a point was it,
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this is link to only point is that such thing as good pool? i think there are projects that within the community on necessary to needed. and the certainly i know i'm from pennsylvania. i mean, i think about, you know, center just use the, i mean he had the infrastructure, they say that the infrastructure in pennsylvania is credit to him. those roads to being beneficial for the community. so i think there is such a thing or something that's a benefit. well, i want to take my panel and hold it right there, cuz i want to continue this discussion about the good and the bad part of the break . sort of looking at specific items. we're going to look at the apartments of the federal government, which ones are not a good return of investment for us texting. stick around the,
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[000:00:00;00] the at the end of the 18th century, britain began to illegal opium, afraid in china. these hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine, or businessman from the foggy owl beyond. however, the ruling chinese jean dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. the bar, lee, armed and morally drained chinese army,
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was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open its boards for trading the legal good. in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started each age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese the welcome back. let's continue our conversation about the wasteful spending by the us
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government, with our panel, federal strategist, to write a has something like a bill. global business analyst, very forward which and circle compton and radio, steve. gail, thank you so much for continuing this conversation. obviously there's a lot of pork, so there's a lot to talk about. i'm gonna start with you gil, since you've had a lot of experience with the, with the united federal read. what department of the government do you feel like is wasting the most money? well, and i did the work for the federal government over 2 administrations for a while at the us trade representative's office, which is a small big law firm. but the department of commerce, if you're wanting to play somebody, that's somebody's brother in law, sister in law, cousin don't or department of commerce is usually where they end up. i think most people go, what does the actual department of commerce do here we're talking about things that actually produce casual goods. what is the commerce department commerce actually do? they, they promote the sale of goods here and abroad. they do some good things, but it just doesn't take the thousands and thousands of, of workers. and we were talking earlier about the,
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about which agencies maybe waste the most. i'm involved in the health care business, and it is not a secret that if you want to over price something and sell it to the department of veterans affairs is where it goes. during cove, it we were selling face mask, we were selling the face shields. ready we were selling them and most people were selling for that $15.00 to $17.00 item, the department of veterans affairs, in some cases of pay and $50.00 and $60.00. there's nothing worse than ripping off our vets. and yet it's gone and reported unpunished and, and needs a lot more attention. but that's the question. who's doing that? save? who do you expect to, to not only report on who's actually benefiting from those sorts of things? well, the vendors that are selling it for a business problem did it, that's the key. it wasn't like this was it on check. hillary. a lot of people say, department of education that would work immediately or come to mind, not that we shouldn't invest our children's education, but they look at usually that's a large amount. do you feel like that department's education commerce that they're doing the proper scrutiny and why not? is that on purpose? yeah, and i think one of the things is the script and they should also be on all day propaganda
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. machines all the southern, all nation, if that being is the overall tax pays is funded regardless of what your political belief. so if you're democrats, you want it to be over public anointed, which it isn't the cause. but if you're a public annoying, did you want it to be all democratic carolines? i don't think they should be as, as politically aligned as they all. so that's number one. number 2, when you asked about which one has the most waste is i remember when top was elected to remember when 23 senior executives walked out of the state department? i thought, well, what was the difference? we actually didn't go to wall, so maybe it's better with 23 who count. nobody was like wow, good, that's happening to our basement fully to bits. and then we've got to call them us . i just like to make a comment on this. so i'm on based here in washington dc. very established, you know, i've been a member of all sorts of clubs and all the business associations. you can imagine whether it's a board of trade in the northern virginia technologist. so i could list like 20 who might be a member of my company. the 23 is network. go to all these events, breakfast lunches, and dinners before covet. i never once, not even once met a member of the commerce department out the business. well, what are they doing in the business world?
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how can they work with international businesses, an american business, the photo businesses, if they're not in the business world and do think they're not in washington, but they're in iowa or west virginia? i don't think so. so my question was, what are they will do it in the building if and not in the business? well, that's my question, which is why i asked you, steve, what exactly does the commerce department do? yeah, that's why i'm saying, okay, we've had it back. yeah. and up, i mean, you have a great building. another to watch community are, are that, what are they typing years? everything online is of the mainframe that they collect paychecks and they go to, you know, some seminars. they go to uh, you know, community gatherings in the rest of the country, but they aren't really interacting and, and so my view creating business. yeah. the other thing i point out on this whole issue is, it's not just how these port projects hit us in the pocket book, which it does. it hits us in the policy arena as well. you know, we're pouring billions into ukraine right now and can't really justify where the money is gone. they, they can't really tell us where, where it's going, where it's been spent. but the defense contractors, the same ones that advertise on the sunday morning shows not because they want to
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sell me an f. 16. they're wanting the members of congress and the senate to know they've got clout. they've got money. and if they want it in their next election, they've better, you know, tells a line, so whether it's day or whether it's in the middle east. a lot of what we do in, in military is to fund the same folks who are funding congress and the same thing as ever. we mentioned when it came to cover all the ads that they were running on fox. so they must nbc sound like you get the box, get the back. we're being paid for by the farm bothered to fix hallmark, which was getting tax fair dollars on the ice and how one does about this heat said be with a military industrial complex. so we have money for border in another country, but not to school. our own military and big farm are equally danger. yes. and one might be more dangerous people abroad. the escrow is very dangerous to hear at home, but along with wasting taxpayer dollars like do you, do you feel like politicians or even political parties use taxpayer dollars to buy the favors to buy the vote within the community? and is that the right thing? let's look at the entitlement system, has it truly just become a way of buying boats? well, so i think there are
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a couple of things. so we talked about the port spending and there are, there is good port spending. i know no one likes to say that, but there are good projects that are beneficial to communities, but then there are other ways for projects what we're seeing and i want it to piggyback off of what steve said about this wasteful spending at the department of veterans affairs, it was my last government jobs, so i worked in not the, you know, i worked actually in the headquarters not far from here around the corner from here . and i know then just the amount of contractors that governments now is not just the department of veterans affairs, but the number of contractors that you have doing duplicate works. you may have 3 different contractors working for 3 things. different companies focused on, let's say, communications meaning writing, press releases. this is where the government spends is money. but if i could add an agency that i believe is wasteful in that spending. and in fact, recent reports have suggested that very thing is d o. d, which is why we have this conversation now where congressmen they don't even know where the money that we sent and ukraine is going,
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there is no accounting for any of that because when it comes to our military industrial complex, no questions are ever asked. but you know that these defense contractors from making money hand over foot because of what's happening now in ukraine and what they're ramping up, getting ready to in the support for israel. so i would say to the department of defense as far as the wasteful spending, we need to start looking at, we just had a plane crash of our newest fighter, this the most expensive fighter ever had because it can't fly in bad webster did. we just feel like schedule was about to do it long as i'm sorry, we can't fight today because it's, it's closer to savvy. yeah. and this is a surprise, but that goes back to, to like there's no accountability on this. there. is this being done on purpose? is this why there is this web of bureaucratic protection around these dollars? because it's too hard to figure out where it actually goes to. so people just give up and don't care. well, i think it secure this. i think it's, you know, you scratch my back all scott, jewels on. i think it's
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a cute us in washington dc and it's both sides of the arm. so i don't know how you and, and if and again, if, if president james monroe was complaining about the same thing and eyes and how long does it the same thing. this is nothing new and it's human nature to be greedy . and i don't see how you end items or how you in the, as, as, as long as we have lobbies, it will never end because they are the ones who were fueling these industry. whether it's the pharmaceutical industry, the defense industry lobbyists are making a killing. and everybody knows if you want to make a lot of money, if you want to leave. capitol hill become, are government affairs director. it's some company or something which is effectively a lobby as you go back and you make lots of money and how many of them are greasing . this gets for that next job with contracts width of things because they know that when they leave, those guys are going to hire them. we've got generals that are retired are now advocates and, and lobbyist for saudi arabia and many of our, of our internet. and yes, i still have their security clearances. why are we telling them our secrets that they're then selling to their clients?
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mm hm. which comes back to politicians. complaint about this wasteful spinning. never want to do it. rand paul's famous for he constantly talked about bad spinning in factories become kind of a celebrity in that area. yet he himself doesn't ever do anything about this. why is it so hard? why are more politicians, they talk about it, but no action. you mention the lobbyist like money, but the politicians are also making many options to ride hillary? yes, absolutely. well, actually i'm a, i read something recently that had a, the net worth of all the presidents when they went into office to present into the presidential in to put capacity. and what they was when they came out on one of the ones, for example, obama was worth 1200000 when he went into office 8 years later, he's worth 80000000 to have somebody somebody said, oh, he sold his book. i'm like, well here's the rate or the i don't actually know anybody has a book, but it's not the, it's not just obama, every single one of them increase the net was in office. now how does that happen? i mean, we know that from david salary back, it didn't take us out. right. but even still,
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all of them increase our network. how does that happen? now? the other thing is, of course with vitamins for how long he's been in office. i actually did me a very what i think it was. it sounds like an oxymoron, an honest congressman. okay, this was years ago and he was a comb polk. i'm a conservative congressman from california and he had one child at the time is a single mother putting lots of kids through school. i know how much it costs. he was relieved when his one song was got not gonna be going to the same university was going to go to the community college instead because he would save money and i was thinking, he's been in congress all these years. he can't even afford university. meanwhile, 5 has been in office all those years on a government salary. how often do you afford all those properties? how to just the beach house alone in delaware? there's no government official who was just on a government paycheck could ever afford a house on the beach in delaware. it would be impossible. so my question is, we should ask oh, of the, how do you afford your properties? where does that money come from? $1.00 of them, dianne feinstein just passed away with a $100000000.00 estate and
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a 70000000 dollar plane working in government for the last 122 centuries. how did she master that right at a $180000.00 a year? so it is literally is financially impossible. yeah. but it was gonna ask that you're, you're literally looking at the, the wolf to check the hen house on this one. you are because the reality of it is, they're all doing it. you know, like said the one that's not, can't afford, you know, the kids going to community college. we're asking the same thing with terminal as politicians to check each other. is there any chance that that will ever happen? no, they're not going to, they're not going to do that. and i would even say if politicians actually, if americans want it to do something, pressure, call the politicians to do something. they would say if the government shuts down, members of congress, you don't get paid either. well i, i think that's a fantastic point. now it's a very good point with your staff, either anything during your the health care they get exemptions from the older child, healthier man, today's visit. it was a woman's from yeah. for everything able to use their insight or knowledge to trade stocks and millions of dollars that you are. i would go to jail for one thing i would say on that you're absolutely right. remember when that is, as the policy is husband, all the trading demands,
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there was an app and i think i would like to put what i know to be. that's what i believe it's cool people, but you can actually use the app to track what they're trading and then you can follow it. so, you know, you're definitely not a because like what we get inside of knowledge now we haven't given citizens knew what, how much money they were getting from the lobbyist. and it's not easy to find. i think they should have to, whenever they go on the floor of congress, they should have to be like a nascar drug happened. oh, i like that or i like not tell you and i like them, well, you make a point, even us athletes at least go for the have the logos on the truck now we know who's paying for even pension, so we haven't even discussed punches that the congressional pension project is probably a lot more than you and i average forget the business. say, thank you so much for this. we could continue, have this conversation about it. and we will, i can promise to that because at one time a p j over arg was set is a popular delusion that the government waste vast amounts of money through an efficiency and swap. a norm as effort and elaborate planning are required to waste fish much money. however, just likewise,
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most of the problems which politicians complain about on the campaign trail fixing the problem is never their goal with the federal budget. so large is the sheer amount of almost $200.00 pages was. it's almost like they know they can get away with it as who has the time to actually read every page with a fine tooth comb. sadly, there are real issues in american streets which need attention. but i guess, unless the homeless population or veterans find a way to pay for a large lobbying firm, they will always be viewed by the belt way as less important than the transgender monkeys on sky. now he's, and this has been your 360 view, say, so watch the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best.
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all sun set up the, in the system to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube and you said this was the question. did you say it would twist, which is the the name of the this of him. but he's like, i'm one of the see at the end of this, i guess i'm all what had a little boy missed all i thought of it either i want says and some of them like
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that is somewhat of the a media blast. yeah. you got one way just under then use it in video sort of the song of a k. i knew it, i love it. so it goes to that. i mean, i think going on because the, i'm a persona of a be that me court that i, i didn't go to almost the end to see the best. so that sort of i did out of in the see it, they have and the single method of some of the manual and all that i do want to use as a maintenance united be just me model units off on, you know, the system just likes it and say i couldn't of them, but these are, let's see, let me look to see like tennessee video tended out of this and fit on. so being at that point, i see on there most down in the boss i need to be and i see the see, i'm the new sadie. one of the subs have been in the media, mckinney and the news about every needs before somebody that gets some game with your my press the ok. so you see the goals in a 2nd?
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i mean, either it is by you say things on a thing, different things that are going on. i think the 2nd floor of the united states is blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shed in the occupied territories. prussia, stop, therefore, my finances washing, painful undermining efforts to establish a ceasefire and go the on demands an immediate, the escalation of the conflict is ready for so say they have in stock codes the city of on units in southern gaza as part of what they called an expand safe attack . as pressure on these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu nouns at home and 24 more idea of troops that killed in garza for fort se is role is in the midst of


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