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tv   Documentary  RT  January 24, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EST

12:30 am
a student in the school. now when i opened the tv, i see that say, this is this, i was african bundle. say it's not for me. so there's like $1.00 to $1.00. i'm looking for an institution for his conflict, bundled african countries, no, no call, no document for that isn't from that. if you want to see it listening to that one is they did a fuse when they want. they want to continue the condition. they want to continue the fight against my people, and they want to stealing more and more and more on what i'm from. i once the only company this will do not have brought up and did not have much. so now is like, if you ask, i don't want them to show me the level visit. what was it a minister when he want to for the level of his life the last month. you know, up here doing it, show the land. i go to the door, then it is a, i don't know the guns and see i just was like that's i mean they want to provide it or things to provide that. so what they want,
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they want to increase in guys out and then, and then in the country and like people living in the country we're living in people don't want to continue if they want to continue, then it is easy for them to find that was the answer for this, it was you why the site assuming if i, if you're not living in based on known to shut off costs of used to be taking the boys that well for you to the international come know, quote, done. and we know what's happening. like if you're facing the assumptions and then don't like kind of a little and want to as a surprise was that was, i think, i think there's this issue and you know, all the content stuff to stuff stuff to, to support. so i think just do the g and mexico, you decide to sort of different parts of africa to surely and mix up with you that might. and mexico and all the countries or the 2nd country support. the most important right now. a medical as i'm available in the country and the most
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important and everything. so that'll get guns from them. don't like to see getting the too much for home being the housing and getting the families from the ocean. so all the countries now, all the other states in this world started to stand by the side of south africa. so 1st lands upright. and this last think i don't know, you know, sometimes and feeling definitely nothing in the history of the why do you think i would do is i feel like in 96, is it in a provide it doesn't look like that was think of to by seen i will go by and google and see them then and see like addiction then i do provide is tourism that go to that with the blessing. as people with the heart, as a blessing, as you know in 66 is know is i can
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look, look like as a 105 from yeah. got to that's more than welcome to go to the end of a closet off because then good guys are from one place locally. have familial 300000 people living in the house. it was their lunch, the ones in the history this understand that the only change in the boss, if you want to start a floor, you should use that on the plane and using the home and using those kits. now, the meaning of the change. why do you think most of the loud is supporters of palestine commies on the 2nd, 1st of all, i must present go into effect on guns as i know a lot of them again, a toilet design goodness, both to support it does take us up to the st anthony seems to be, you know,
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uh and can i say this is the dentist that administration is one of the guardians jumped into the county, like what i seen in children killed by the site is the kind of them like, there's like no me, i don't know, and they will go in and they're going to station the people in the old, the start the freezing with with is i thought it was the speed. it is not easy for the want to see that best buy is getting a hundreds and thousands of united from the same people. and the world did not try to do anything to the sales people. so now pulling it, i think i'm going to score those now was done by the sudden blessing us conviction, except i'm going to and then when it comes up on the site is the ones they need it . okay. might people, that's it. and then when it comes to the civil solution, the same thing. okay, let's, let's go, let's go to the system. does that easy? it does. what is it? it does. what, what to the sales people? so what, what do i think is that something you,
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you page him when it comes one to, to do it to can do it? cuz that easy folder. does that easy for them? i'm the only solution for this complex. now, the whole system of mine and talk about it will show, talk about china, talk about it all that opened dentist don't come out to the african countries quoted for that. it's a huge old old i suppose that to send if that's i don't want this. i don't want to sitting more on 11 for one. i want to pay my people, they want to come and go to this, the students bookstores. and then it says the $5.00 moms phone, if i'm in, is this, is i just this, this is a human rights. this when you think us little to with, with the place and this was, this is not good for them. the
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who what i want to show the wrong just don't have to shape house and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the in the system
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must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the said this was for question, did you see a request for check the expedia, straight to us? the promo lama show us jamie process before you. so those 2 things good. as i mentioned earlier, is up to steep requirements, not express here,
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submit item. so you may have matter as only can we cods no problem, no, no, open up in the front, and then for the 5th. and if i know 4 will be street, which is pretty much full time to go buy from a bit lower francisco from over proof of those types of products that are coming out on the move. so figure a way of for sure. and so the of the, most of what you build just on levels we enough one to the it's almost the that the system, the good english is and you know not
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. this is evian, 156 you and stuff for i've been killed things off to my 7 and my body has failed to actually approve a resolution on sci fi a. does this show that the u. n has lost? there's paul ball really runs. i think the 165, not 150561651 of the 65. this is more you know, the same people have some more of a point of defense about themselves. and that's what it does. have all the opens in the, in the old, when the lot of stuff they don't have this with ones, but now they have because some of the account is give it to, you understand? the for one to talk about is getting over the people working with you on a bedroom,
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that is more than $200.00. they can more than $200.00 and buy this thing. listen to me, i want to do something before we do the same. if we did the same with us, like before, we have the point is like we have we have the horses lays have and is like have this one with one's dependency and this one was the defense of voltage and we can to, from the, if it is $24700.00. from this latest $10000.00 of images and $7000.00 was what lessons was quote, total cost. this is what's going to cost. ok, what they're doing. know again some of the same people, let's say. and so when they killed the people who was living with you on it as normal for the slightest, because they could have done this before, they could turn a block in the life and the tv. it was life. what they are doing after they can do nothing and they will not do anything because they just did that sort of the owner
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of the for can and can you give me the best as people isn't doing more and more and we want to feeling and that is some sites and this was done by the side of justice and the lights and the single one kind of thing. you know, if we haven't done much of the low, it's very easy to get less living in business. and this was before that wasn't that much, i know. but i was gonna see there's a lot of international going up on you. one for palestine, one photo. ok. and one full rochelle one for k. no one for america, one floor and one for libya. nope. nope. non these guys, they keep saying that they are not warwick palestine, but with how much thousands of women and children well being killed. 2000000 people went over. now i've been forced out of the homes as well as hospitals, which you've mentioned a number of those things. what,
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what does your take when it comes to the fact that these all say is the only i to walk away? i must not publish it. listen to me. number one, but before 1991 there's nothing to notice with his name. is that a 2nd and this? yeah, yes. all fucking into the thing as people that site is not moving a lot of housing and getting my people before this that they couldn't think of the sample was the under the 1000. think of them notice he has been before homeless. i might have started to look only and guys in my, of the 1991. i say before this it didn't look like it isn't, but it's fine. and if they want to say this or the 1st one to follow when the same people just have less than the husbands of other, there is nothing is his name is on the unless i just get more than 1200, the for might be the 2nd intifada, because more than 4400 of them might be before how much the 10000 should and the 7002 by the end of the asking definitely there's insight or the i can say, well,
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that'll get it shouldn't the one year old 6 months old. why don't we don't want to not have children 14 years after she has the children are becoming picking up. she had been, she doesn't get there, but anybody, beautiful. small baby. that's what it is moving now. so we have neighbors. and they got the looks of the, they were not the still this the something wrong. and then the culture, this is the site is sweet thing. it's it's, i mean having the kind of stuff, it's the human when, when a lot of people and they say we are looking to us, i mean, why? why? oh, the old have one of the number one, number 2, bullshit to me, lot of from i think a lot of from i share
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a lot of from russia let's say who my number one and then said i am a guardian or police damien, or jordan or from or egypt. number 2, number 3, and this i just want to go into like this. no, but they don't know. nobody will like, oh the oldest son against is like why they don't ask himself why? because that can get you then enrollment's. i'm doing this and the students and the for those moms and they can never think because the 3, the people did not, i'm going to send you guys the people. sometimes the children, the children will just need to check for some of the pit. look, the font and ones we sign within that agreement about the visible office that can make that appointment. if they have how coffee they can come. you don't believe in peace. no, but i say on the board one living only and based on the line you how do you expect this situation? so outside the develop, especially when the right time says the team is out on your, on live on,
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on human. as you kind of full scale will actually be prevented. isn't to be as a, the surprised ones have might have started to collect taxes in the 7th of which just suffice to spend 5 years 5 to $5.00. i was sorry, 5, i was what is i don't know where the line is. no, i'm investigative. as i know it's appeared. what does the company, what is the ministers, what? 55 i was going to the stuff is i have this difficult situation with guys and she half and i was unable to get that in the same time a lock and we've been on the on and the and then i don't think she she can look see you believe that it could be a for you to not, they can do it in one case, only 11. if they're not a cit,
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allow me to get stuff double big with the on. you mean, maybe it would be at this war with you to know what know? because some of the countries they are waiting to see how they're going to change or distinction or work because definitely so some of the account is i can not believe it. you cannot believe like i'm up any sometimes when i think you know the americans talk about and they will be on kansas about the conflict between osha and oakley. and they said they said that osha want to go by. oh great. the american ok. i'm going to go could buckland before, right? this is i couldn't have done the national and there is no international for osha. ok and that's something that's important besides also, but i want to explain the idea. i want to talk about the idea that what they, they, they have only been gave you and they can present only one day. and they destroyed syria, american army know in syria. like i do talk about then which international know
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this one and but his time is the bite, the bullet seems to be the support co pay up against might be how can we understand it if you want to see this one of the lives of all the children in this world, all the attendance in this world, we should have only one international and no one justice for the human rights. this time we can the vic, all of us in peace and on the board has also shown some support for palestine. but has it gone enough or done enough to show this beyond just the speeches i'm here monday through an 8 or the dentist disliked african cut the civic on to have the special situation and special police. but all the countries are typically this done by the sides of but it's 10 percent, but as you know, so the and so the book but assign strongly since may be from 90. 6 is
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not only a bench with a blessing and people $20000000.00. if you're months without this money, we can lock this down. let's without this money we can. that's what if you notice like a against accidents. i see the commission that's not going to is this a part of a junior egypt? your done as i met at all, come to stand by us and in this conflict and from the bookstore. but most of the auto come to all of them. they've gone down this way. and this done by oversight when they, when, when they bought a boat and positions distance and they, so all the countries. but as if you asked me, you want more. yes, we need more because we want to see the end of this, what condition we want the stuff to physical vision to my people and our lives and me so. so if you ask me we want more. yes, we also want more support from not only that of countries from all the old $1.00 to
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send, but the size of justice. we don't want that. i think there is one justice. okay, this is done by the side of the just, this is one who otherwise list and by the side of this one, with a to see that piece in the middle east. but without this investment divided them into, but hispanic, they stayed on the increase. i did not the successive and i don't think it was the piece and that was, that was the
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that would seem israel's war on god. so he's changing everything. not least of all the west claim tomorrow. leadership in the world, the so called rules based order has been shown to be a complete fraud. when there is a leadership vacuum, others will fill in the population. we deal lowest points of view as the the, the with julecia vehicle currently in
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the the most in store for the money isn't done left. it is william, which is here with the stay on the the pick up with him for me to with them when he gets to the side of celia. was this because it did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g. if i teach that way, no, i me teaching the scholars that should go and you've cheated us. i'm going to last . i look forward to you with that. the for, she's my, it's uh,
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ocean by cheap. let me move. i'm on the downstairs from 1st month to month with the amount that louder to move. let me look into that. i will just, i get i as well as to the lowest. i'm really, i'm over the summer that i'll study to the progressive rock. i used to, you're shy finish, this is just all just for the i'm a fraction of when you come spring to do friday is the material ordering the power of people for the fisher and shoot me an the temperature. in addition to some of this, the, the rapid collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but
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the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. baseball will play cause particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft where it is war. secretary winston churchill, birds they use of chemical weapons against the rebels and general ser, i own there. hell deign bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time,
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an hour or more according to sized paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the mediaeval cruel de paid off, the revolt was crushed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized solve the 1st as the king of a rack and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the now can you use visa, stupid loyce law? he said to nancy cook hymns in a book. this is just the way it gets to the young showcase. use
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the the who's going to the by the ways that the boys, the probably the most name that will be for them. and my trip to florida doesn't want that extra them. but adults of, of yours that only one main thing is important for nurses and being to, nationally speaking to that is that nations such as are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mind, the nation. so as a slave,
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americans rock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was a culture strategy. so some of the new one i exist v i v. i not foolish. truth often zuba and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, it is dangerous. is it the by the sovereignty of all the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. of nature where this founded shareholders in united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions of millions or is business businesses good?
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and that is the reality of what, what we're facing, which is fashion the, the most affordable, cuz it was business. and you clean the b, e a w, those tools and you know, mary, comes green when you wrote it, you know, just go through with his desktop. sure, absolutely. and also let me provide you with a function. sure, ruckel is not as if author of the different student in full jump wishing that you throw in the wisdom of the product and you're still move with those 2 are issued through your deos that i sent to you yesterday, as well as the tab city. usually i'm looking at the study skills for civilian forge of place to, for me to on, on how to do that. if we can, we can load it, which is just some of the push to just the moment because of this new way to parcel
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or do for colors really don't know which these are i know for the don't or that you just to do. given me other than that, we're going to use best opinion pronounced has come over the the 1st time in history, any time countries culture has been cancelled that remote in width and so culture do need to ask the associated milestone little folks here just me sitting on a put glue. the phrase now particularly refers to cancelling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be at the see what was the zip code where he lives looks to which ville renewal it is charlie. phil, is that the most of the, some of them, the, the moines blood rushes created the pos 1500 years. there's no question actually
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condemned, reviled and reject it. she said that it's about somebody at the middle of the panel . there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know she does. i guess it a little from the list. joining total comes him. nation grows daily and now includes just asking you to call scale shostakovich that i need to. yeah. that was quick enough, but yeah, she thinks that would be the w 2 up. i'm gonna need you to see who the
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the united states. and so it is working on efforts and initiatives, just not the bloodshed and the only by territories. russia is foreign minister, takes us, why not washington saying it's an thing in the way of faith fund assets and calls us about keep them on in a me to the escalation between as well. i mean, come on. wow. what if it media effect today? phone reports about potential to month truths on the table between the warring parties and all the teen full play. that's still a big now between the position of 16 fighter jets dog and at the middle family homes. this attack has resulted in multiple casualties with more than 10 bodies extracted from the wreckage and several others be injured. and is.


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