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tv   News  RT  January 24, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EST

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the of the united states, and so it gets more people and efforts and initiatives just not the bloodshed and the only by territories. russia is foreign minister takes us. why not washington saying it's something in the way of faith far as but send golf at piedmont and then meet at the escalation between as well. i'm from west it media back to nathan reports about potential to month troops on the table between the warring parties and all the teams for playing that's still a big now between the position of 16 fighter jets target at the middle family homes. this attack has resulted in multiple casualties, with more than 10 bodies extracted from the wreckage and several others injured. and his death and destruction continues to rain time on calls,
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at least 7 members of the same family, all told all through a missile strike on my home. and donald trump, nikki haley, as of the president who is this to victory in the new hampshire primary edging close to, to a re match with his old so show by the not in here in moscow this wednesday, the 24th of january, one of your joining us from with very glad that you was welcome to the program. starting us off this, our rushes far in minnesota has hit tao washington's biological diplomacy telling the security council that the us certainly talks about causes tomorrow while ignoring what's happening today. so getting off for a full so pulled out the us, the blocking attendance by the un to impose a safe spot. i just just listen, there's the swords up today. we have primarily from west and representatives. costs
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are focus not on today, but on the some more rugs of the palestinian is ready conflict as if the escalation and gaza had already stopped. and the situation there allegedly no longer requires the attention of the council. but for the cross, the logic of the western delegations is obvious. having brought totally councils much needed efforts to coal for us, the spot, the united states and its allies want to turn over is extremely inconvenient page as soon as possible, making them complicit in the mascot and least against civilians and goals that it seems that washington is once again, relying on it's supposedly effective, but in fact absolutely failed bilateral diplomacy, hoping to somehow set all the parameters of the middle east regulations that have beneficial to itself before the november elections aren't completely not caring about the long term consequences. we've been able to say, well, the russian foreign minister, who is here in new york city at the headquarters of the united nations, took to the floor at the meeting of the un security council called to discuss the
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humanitarian crisis in gaza. now in his remarks, he laid out in detail the fact this is having on the civilian population. he describes how the water is being poisoned. how access to medical care is not being made available, how the population is really suffering as a result of the ongoing is really bombardment. he also called out the united states for its complicity. and these activities and the prevention of humanitarian aid from getting to those who need it. here's what's the russian foreign minister had to say before the security council. this is for the most so you're safe. all council has not been able to provide an adequate response to this truly fateful challenge, but the reason is all via cities because the united states is blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shed in the occupied territories left. the perversity of american diplomacy is alarming. the retailers resolutions on a see sign this and then costs with decreasing the intensity of military actions in
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gaza. kindly that is giving a call blogs to continue the collective punishment against the palestinians. now in his remarks, he also condemned to the recent us airstrikes on yanna and the expansion by the united states and britain of the conflict and instability into young men which is done in violation of international law. he also condemned the assassination of iranian officials based in syria, where there with the permission of the internationally recognized government and said that these assassinations that israel has carried out our unlawful and will only contribute to the instability in the region. now the also emphasized that russia has said that palestinian statehood must be achieved and there must be a clear roadmap to it. he highlighted previous proposals. russia has made to move toward palestinian statehood and urge the western countries not to let alice denny and state who would be buried in the same way that they buried. the minsk agreement on the side lines of the session,
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wash as top different mountain met with the new one set for change general. you'll so helpful with his counterparts from chilton, algeria, switzerland, and palestine. and let's go on a slip in the cash believes so washington bags responsibility for a lot of what's taking place right now in golf. and i believe the so the us as an active combatants and what is happening inside of gaza and throughout the region. and what they've done now, further active participation in there is their bypassing of congress in order to send 2 separate weapons packages. but the number one thing is that the americans do not restrain is real. and it's, it's acts of genocide, quite frankly, in the gaza strip. that's the one place where they could end all of this with a single phone call, but they refused to back down from their unconditional support of israel. no matter what it does, no matter what more crimes it commits. and of course, and they go around the world with their double standard lens and you know, to try and accuse others of committing crimes against humanity when what is real is
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doing is clearly perhaps the worst crime we've seen committed by a state act or since the colonial period. there is much speculation in the global press about a potential to month see spot that's set to be on the table between israel and mass . the deal would reportedly allow some of the minutes in groups need is to need garza in exchange for more of the hostages. taken back in october, whoever an all t sol says that there was quote, still a big gap between the positions of the 2 parties that sold has been confirmed by the guitar, a foreign ministry, spokes person who claim. but one of the sides was making the negotiation process a bit more complicated. we have with entity ideas to both sides. we are getting at kosa as a game of fad applies on both sides. and that's is that, and it's so in the night it's a zip codes for optimism. obviously when one side fits,
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they don't accept the 2 state solution that they would not stop this war. eventually that today i'm talking about this basically to the tennessee is all of that. obviously leads to have the mediation process of the situation on the ground in golf a so called safety. so it is all proving anything fox. how it's off to is re attacks on such areas have been captured on camera by a british media outlet with civilians brandishing white flags shot dead in the street. this group of men doing their up close to appear non threatening. they wanted to reach to other family members and get them out of harm's way. i have my mother and brother in there that i've seen with around 50 or 70 display people in another house, at least right, which came to us and told us to evacuate that they didn't let my brother out. we want to go and try to get them all god willing.
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the interview he had been shot on, fatally wounded steve. just whole from is really a tax on garza now stands up to $25290.00 people. not is in addition to the 63000 wounded one recent strike at the home of this. i'm our family in giovanni, up to north and garza pending at least 7 people on entering 10 others. a medical team from the palestine red crescent was a scene local to abdel how to somebody who was also the photographer striking the giovanni area his his and populated house belonging to these m. u family. this significant number of injuries and casualties have been reported with the evidence is arriving often urgent, please. from the residence. i'm an f. 16 fighter jets target at the middle family home. this attack has resulted in multiple casualties. with more than 10 bodies extracted from the wreckage and several others injured, the 3 story house,
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which was once filled with citizens and residents. as prompted the immediate response of civil defense and emergency cruise, they are currently working to extract victims from beneath the debris of the collapse building that i'm not sure i had never on the streets when we heard the sound of 2 f. 16 missiles seeing smoke rising from here and then we rushed to rescue those present in the house. we urgently need assistance in order to extract bodies and help the injured. many people, including women and children, have already been pulled out of the debris. the to have 16 missile strikes have left a trail of scattered and dismembered remains all over the house lately and with a volume. as soon as you monetary it and the situation goes up more, it is children who are being hit, but it can be hauled from the outside to the neighborhood to pay to noon. if there's any one hospital in the north of the and place the specializes in treating the young. but even that is a serious, sole touch of stuff, equipment even. that's local john this month. when somebody went to see the challenges and talked his face daily a month to month,
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the conflict in gaza cast green shadow and children which have been the most affected group in this war. amid the difficult humanitarian and environmental conditions, we're now joined by come, i'll add one complex pediatrician. dr. e. model has given the ongoing more and humanitarian and environmental situations on folding. what types of cases are you seeing? and what motivates you to continue such gordon? wait. a while and honestly we receive a variety of different cases, including we're spare, a tre, gas for intestinal infections, meningitis. sometimes even pediatric can certainly take a unit and goals and city in the northern region, the attorney in operation. and we see a high influx of patients daily in a single day. in the k unit, we receive about 20 to 25 cases. this is a very large number, most in this case requires oxygen and also official respirators. of course, this is a problem in and of itself and we face significant shortages. sometimes we must
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even deal with extended power outages which lead to long august and interruptions. and that's an increase in the number of deaths. we even have to do research cetacean to also piece of labor for children manually. sometimes we asked the patients themselves to help us with the task. for example, today one woman had been breathing for her son for 3 hours. and also day is issues with the number of medical stuff that is also a big problem with medicine shortages and sometimes cases that require much, but the lack of option least 2 very severe complications. the work is very difficult and under unbelievable conditions. the health care system is collapsing as an urgent need for international and relief organizations backs quickly to solve these problems. whether that means providing oxygen fuel medicine, opening of the hospitals. i appeal to all of humanity and humanitarian brief organizations about the necessity of help. the, this is the reality here in northern cause, it was reported by the doctor. it is necessary to act quickly to solve which,
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what remains of the health care system. most of us are t reporting from northern gauze. 1000 out of the 1200 marks and goals that have been destroyed, biased way to compartments, not since the some of october unexplained being made by goals as religious affairs ministry, which set the institutions of being targeted on a continuous and systematic basis. listed at least the head of going to show you what does that look at the occupation targets everything, including really just on non religious institutions. however, the targeting of religious institutions has been notable in this war because of religious institutions in mosques and churches are typically far from military targets mosques where it targeted on a continues and systematic basis. shifting the number of mosques and really just sides damaged in gaza is an estimated to be around 1000. this mazda square, either completely destroyed or severely damaged, pulling them out of service at this time is bad as the water is being waged against
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all of our people in gauze. and it is focused on women for children and the elderly associate. everyone including the all shakes and how been targeted. it has effect as people, stones and trees, and has caused some odd to them. i'm an old palestinians and the goddess troops, doctors, lawyers, engineers, and women in their homes have all been march. it will be more than a 100 preachers and mosque amongst those who all that and priest in gauze must have been killed. as a result, we conclude that this number is also large under the war is being waged on every one to the humanitarian crisis and gaza. could not be any less such as it used for him policy chief through the bro. add to that as well as actions will feel hate to them on palestinians for generations to come at the 12 website to read more about the increase in the critical tone from process of both kind of gives reaction to it. oh, but at all you don't pump the for some american useful like us,
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a president, donald trump has won the new hampshire primary over arrival. nikki haiti, that's according to projected results, new hampshire. but just remind you as the 2nd of several poles to select, the republican count to the head of the presidential election in november, this time with the lift. so just around 8 sent over the so counted trump, seating with over 50 full sentence, a hayley trading with nearly 40 full on the iowa caucuses. aria trump also one gaining more than 50 percent of the vote box. then formally un on boston. mccain came pod, with 19 percent. lots of numbers that so that's got some analysis host of the 360 views course. now here's believes that nickie hey, you will have no choice but to throw it in the town. officially declared, donald j trump the winner of the new hampshire primary. that doesn't shock anybody,
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especially coming after iowa. what people are watching right now is how much he lead nikki haley and new hampshire. mediately yourself put $29000000.00 in new hampshire. actually put all her eggs in that basket without a transcript, a mere $15300000.00 within new hampshire. and what is interesting about the state of the race currently is watch rhonda sanders in the background swami back out of the race following the iowa primary. it really became more of a race for the republican party. are you going to let them moderate, or you let the more conservative we dominate the party and control the direction of it moving forward, and this right here, new hampshire was the 1st pest of it. a lot of new speculation right now. how much is nikki haley have to lose by for her to potentially drop out within the next 48 hours every but she is already skipping the next cart primary or caucus, which is in nevada. she's not even go on the ballot and going straight to her home
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state of south carolina for every single elected official in south carolina except for one congressman as endorse donald trump. so more than likely, she's not going to do fairwell even in her own home state. let me remind the viewers that i'm sure they saw the clips just 2 weeks ago. nikki, is sold to iowa by saying new hampshire fixes. iowa has problems. i mean, new hampshire has always been where nikki haley was born to take her stand and hopefully have no mentor. i am laughing listing at some of the projects today here in the western media state. oh, but if she comes between with the only loses $55.00 points that's momentum. it is an absolute joke to think. anybody who lose it, especially when you've had a large dominating race or percentage quite to donald trump for almost the past year. that she could still potentially win in new hampshire for a 1000 folders back in october, which their votes to be. they were on affiliated. and then $300.00 about $408.00
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actually switched the roads to be republican. now they were registered democrats that did a lot of people see, this is the peer trick rate by democrats. during that nikki haley is a weaker candidate against or abiding most, the polls show that despite what nikki haley says and says that maybe this is why they want to be any buchanan because they have a better chance of winning. but the reality of it is, the latest pulse shows 60 percent of americans don't really have a stomach for either joe biden or donald trump a re match between both of them. but it looks like that's exactly what the american voters going to get. so it's very hard to predict, especially today what nicky is going to do if she's a good republican been that would be a smart idea and probably showing up back in a cabinet position maybe. but i don't think at this stage the repeated there too, too much, and i, if she was any hope of being in twice the way she is going to have to play nice. but the same time she's got a lot of mega donors that would be very upset with her for caving in in find to the
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pressure like so many other staff in iraq to people have reportedly been killed and others wounded off to us forces targeted mentorship groups the or the, the, this on verified footage such amazing online claims to show the off to myself the attacks us on come on sad and he's 3 military facilities were targeted. selected the response to a recent attack on an american military base in weston. it rocked depends goals is that it's may be conducted several latania treat as strikes today's tuesday minute treat infrastructure to i'm to ship missile sites was set in destroyed the u. s. as the targets presented an imminent threat to much and bustles and it's navy ships in the region. despite the strikes, washington says it's not looking to escalate the situation. well, 1st of all,
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i wouldn't define it as conflict again, i would define it as action that's being taken to disrupt and degrade who the, who, the capability to conduct the attacks against the international community. our focus here is not to escalate or get into a conflict with the with these, our goal is to prevent these continued attacks against the international community and international shipping, transiting the red sea. the talk is upon them. it's finally backed sweden's bed to join. the nato alliance on crow has taken near you today about green lights off the previously accusing the north country of haul. bring terrorist a solomon has rectified for the membership of tomato which majority of the big parties supplanting this bulletin voting in favor of switching the railing. a key p, a major cooperation partner, the nationalist mh p as well as the the biggest opposition party c h
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b. all 3 of them have voted in say for us within joining the military lines. well, this hasn't been an easy process. would it has been waiting for about 20 months since this has caused supplies to become a need to member back in 2020, to fill in another. another country which has applied for the membership at the same time, which was within uh, was uh, has become a member of last year in march and $22023.00 march, which was within, made wasteful, so long while the fee reasons. first of the key is not really happy. i thought we did this thing, some of the members of the picky case, our group secret case. consider the tire organization by to keep by the us as well as the e. u. and within 4 years have been actually a safe haven for the members of the p t k. so group and another reason
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full full key to resist within the membership was it's, it's a must for big sense, especially the chrome bindings. and those kinds of actions happening in sweden and swedish authorities not really taking any action against. and another reason was of course of succeed 5 to jets, which was promised by the was to the delivery to, to see uh, but uh, let me look at these homeless is actually, uh not, no, none of these uh have actually really uh, happened. uh we called we cant see um concrete results here. uh, but square then is now spots to become native member. say what we expect meant as president. i don't want to sign the bill in the upcoming days and after that we will only have hungry, less so as the last country as the last need to member country to approve for the membership to the military organization. when you go reaction to talk to you has
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moved from full greek on boss that you need us for some helpless. the basic pressure came from the united states because the united states wanted to give to, to a key a to purchase at 16 aircraft. and they had put as a good click, united states had put as a condition that took your spot 30 allows a suite in detroit made to take your it's not in favor of sweden joining nature under the circumstances that they had described before. but they were pressured by the united states timing of that. as a duke's took this, this is going sides with a, with a weakening of all of the god for like, like, between the russia and the ukraine. and the tendency of the pressure being
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exercised all the ukraine to start negotiations. it also allows a free or hand that to turkey, the continue it's, it's policy against israel or the found the state you the issue i'm fine, is this out the when you create and continues to impact those fall from the front lines, the city of done yet can still reeling from a recent missile strike on the marketplace. the killed 27 people onto steve sweeney takes up the story. on sunday, this marketplace was busy with local was doing that daily shopping. it was a bright, sunny day, much like today. around 10 am the hustle and bustle gave way to cairo's. as you cried, new miss all strike killed. 27 people for them died here. flowers mazda spoke english . they were killed. the fruit and vegetable was that they were settings lay strewn across the floor. the blood is yet to dry, and the community remains, ensure tvs continue to pull in from across russia, and indeed across the world,
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locals and officials, a laying flowers in memory for the 27 people that were killed here, locals have expressed and they will those as well, so will to be held to account, but you crate has denied coming out the attack presidency. lensky says even claims that russian was responsible for the sinews. there were more than 50 russian strikes with multiple launch rockets systems, as well as dozens of air and missile strikes. over the stay alone, russian savages shells more than $100.00 of our cities, towns and settlements across 9 regions. the genetic regions came under the most brutal russian attacks. unfortunately, there are dead and wound is my condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones. but despite presenting no evidence, he's been passed by an army of online trolls claiming it was a full flag or staged. some have even used the months ago when a sick and an attempt to plead for more homes to be sent to ukraine. this tweet to
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paste are being deleted, but there is a concerted effort to deny the truth as many dom on that key have is charged with war crimes. ukraine has continued as a tax across the don't. yes, republic. 2 people have been killed in a drug strike. can you send a voucher? while districts of the city have come under ukrainian shedding, leaving a number wounded. the un secretary general condemned to tax on society, and it was in the often mazda at the tone, yet small k masika coating for them to be stopped by his warnings. i'm simply being ignored. ukraine continues to act with impunity with a full barking of the west. this is steve sweetie, all to and don't yet city that we are signing off from us. go just for this out. it . we're a check back in late to for any development. so i'm next to an auction sessional cross to enjoy the
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the 1937 militaristic. japan started
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a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. of the dies, the city of nice being, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied on z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. for ya. d my guide and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us or this month res. competition was
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widely rewarded in the japanese press. the non being massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the atrocity phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation freeze yasu e to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hello and welcome to cross top where all things are considered. non peter lavelle, it would seem, israel's war on god is changing everything. not least of all the west claim tomorrow. leadership in the world, the so called rules based order has been shown to be a complete fraud. when there is a leadership vacuum, others will fill in the process of being leadership decline. i'm joined by my guess, garland mix it in washington is a political analyst in new york. we have margaret kimberly. she's executive editor of black agenda report and in monterey all recross and matthew, edward, he is a senior fellow at the american university in moscow and director of the rising tide foundation of canada across up roles and effects. that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate garland, let me go to you 1st here. when the by the administration came to power it started banding about this phrase, rule space order. and then it got all of it. satellite underlings,
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to repeat the same thing because of the complex, ongoing conflict in, in gaza against where the war on gods is children. we should put it. and then of course, the fire, it's called the ukraine war. where is that rule space daughter? i can't, i can't find it. i don't know who it is. and whoever invented it should be just disappeared from public life. garland. yeah, it's simple. it's simply a mean american to germany, unbridled power, the law of the jungle and it's being exposed. it was always the same built, that kind of rhetoric is generally used internally to convince the people who are supporting imperialism, that they're doing the right thing. and that it is, you know, a benevolent form of imperialism. the people of the global south, the people who have suffered from these uh, you know, constant wars and the machinations of domination were very,


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