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tv   News  RT  January 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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the so called world space order has been shown to be a complete fraud, where there is a leadership vacuum. others will fill in the united states. so there's more people in efforts and initiatives just don't think bloodshed and the only by territories process. foreign minister takes a swipe at washington saying it's sounding in the way of peaceful assets in thought that not as he pulled for an immediate destination between as well and how much while west and media that connects all reports all the potential to month truth on the table and all the fools claims that's still a big gap between the positions of the civil war and policies. also, i have 16 fighter jets dog and it does a middle family home visit. zach has resulted in multiple casualties, with more than 10 bodies extracted from the wreckage and several others injured. as death and destruction continue to rain down and toss us. at least the southern
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members of the same family are killed off for a missile strike will not hurt. donald trump, nikki haley as the full president cruises to victory, and then you have a primary edging place. that's where we match with his old folk, joe biden. the hello and welcome to attend to national live from moscow. it's just going to mid day hits. good to see starting on fall, but it's in this. how rushes for administer have hit out at washington's a bully laptop diplomacy telling a security council that the u. s. early talks about causes tomorrow, while ignoring what's happening today. so they're not real full. so called out to us for blocking attempts by the un to impose a safe spot. a texas listen, that is the swords up today. we have primarily from west and representative costs are focus not on today,
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but on the some more rugs of the palestinian is ready conflict as if the escalation in gaza had already stopped. and the situation there allegedly no longer requires the attention of the council. but for the cross, the logic of the west and delegations is obvious having brought till the councils much needed efforts to coal. for a seesaw, the united states and its allies want to turn over is extremely inconvenient page as soon as possible, making them complicit in the mask, on least against civilians and goals that it seems that washington is once again relying on it's supposedly effective. but in fact, absolutely failed bilateral diplomacy, hoping to somehow set all the parameters of the middle east regulations that have beneficial to itself before the november elections aren't completely not caring about the long term consequences. we've been able to submit. well, the russian foreign minister, who is here in new york city at the headquarters of the united nations, took to the floor at the meeting of the un security council called to discuss the humanitarian crisis in gaza. now in his remarks,
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he laid out in detail the fact this is having on the civilian population. he describes how the water is being voice and how access to medical care is not being made available. how the population is really suffering as a result of the ongoing is really bombardment. he also called out the united states for its complicity. and these activities and the prevention of humanitarian aid, from getting to those who need it. here's what's the russian foreign minister had to say before the security council, those who for the most so you're safe all council has not been able to provide an adequate response to this truly fateful challenge. the reason is all via cities because the united states is blowing all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shed in the occupied territories left. the perversity of american diplomacy is alarming between hundreds resolutions on a see sign this and then costs with decreasing the intensity of military actions in gaza. finally, that is giving a call blogs to continue the collective punishment against the palestinians. now,
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in his remarks, he also condemned to the recent us air strikes on yanna and the expansion by the united states and britain of the conflict and instability into yemen, which is done in violation of international law. he also condemned the assassination of iranian officials based in syria who were there with the permission of the internationally recognized government and said that these assassinations that israel has carried out our unlawful and will only contribute to the instability in the region. now he also emphasized that russia has said that palestinian statehood must be achieved and there must be a clear roadmap to it. he highlighted previous proposals. russia has made to move toward palestinian statehood and urge the western countries not to let alice didn't in stage would be buried in the same way that they buried. the minsk agreement on the side lines of the session. russia's top did come up, met with the un secretary general. he also held talks with his counterparts from
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georgia in algeria, switzerland and palestine. bless cool on this floor, but in the car speeds of washington bags responsibility for a lot of what is now taking place in garza and i believe the so the us as an active combatants and what is happening inside of gaza and prove out the region and what they've done now, further active participation in there is there bypassing of congress in order to send 2 separate weapons packages. but the number one thing is that the americans do not restrain is real. and it's, it's acts of genocide, quite frankly, in the gaza strip. that's the one place where they could end all of this with a single phone call, but they refused to back down from their unconditional support of israel, no matter what it does, no matter what more crimes it connects. and of course, and they go around the world with their double standard lens and you know, to try and accuse others of committing crimes against humanity when what israel is doing is clearly perhaps the worst crime we've seen committed by
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a state actor since the colonial period. there is much speculation in the global pass about a potential to mount of c sligh that said to be on the table between as well and time off. so the deal would reportedly allow some of the militant groups need is to leave calls in exchange for more of the hostages. taken back in october, however, an all t full size are there is quote, still a big gap between the positions of the 2 parties that has been confirmed by the guitar, a foreign ministry, spokes person who claim that one of the sides was complicating the negotiation process. we have presented ideas to both sides. we are getting at coast as a game of fat applies on both sides and that that and it's so in the night it's a zip codes for up to this. obviously when one side says they don't accept the 2 state solution that they would not stop this war eventually that today i'm talking
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about displacement to the finest needs. all of that obviously leads to a hog, do me the ition process law. i'm joined now by at the school fellows as well. innovation funds. see are welcome items. always good to have you on on. i just want to get, you'll, you'll, you'll thoughts because obviously we had on to say the idea of, uh, confirming that 24 of its soldiers had been killed. that was the deadliest days to be as radio on me since uh, october 7th, were also hearing these talks about a ceasefire. is this a coincidence or is one linked to the other? i do talk to the ceasefire. all right, thank you for having me. talked with a ceasefire uh actually were occurring prior to this incident. if you recall uh no more than a few days ago, a 2 months truce was rejected by hamas. i believe a new one has been suggested for over a month. but these 2 incidents do not have any link whatsoever,
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because obviously there are a critics out by including within an s in the office on who a cabinet who said that the elimination of hamas is quote, unrealistic. and that obviously i'm not enormous within that enormous staff total we put around $25000.00 around. i mean, conservative estimate say we've been 1010 more minutes and so it's clear that disproportionate civilians are dying compared to the hamas. so is this what we have set in by the idea that we're not going to be able to eliminate come off. so we need to get out of this as quickly as possible. i sorry there was a delay, i apologize for nearly interrupting you. the 25000 number is unconfirmed. the only people that could be confirming that number is the hallmark health ministry. so that number has to be taken for granted in some shape or form. it's quite impossible to get numbers out as quickly as they've been able to do that. so i'm, i'm not really sure what the connection is to the desk full on either side with the
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truce or cease fires or agreements that are being proposed. but there is a wide spread agreement among amongst the israeli public that the illumination and eradication from a mass via the gaza strip is the most important thing for not only future conflicts, these things, but also with the safety, security, and prosperity for the palestinians in the future, the, or anything i think just to be 5 to up to you is i just want to state very clearly the numbers are being provided by the cause of health ministry. however, if we compare the numbers that come out of calls in 2009 off to as well as the operation costs let on in 2014, off to appraise from protective edge. the numbers almost direct to coordinates with the numbers that i t. s. late to provide if that was a discrepancy of about a 100. so historically they have been accurate. i'm just putting out thought out that, that all to you is be that, that research. i'm i right. i can say at the same time though, we do know that,
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that there have been multiple incidences during this war, where a mazda said a certain amount of people have died where that happened to be false. there's also a discrepancy of the numbers that they told to include military age men amongst the civilians at all. and there has to be male civilians. not every single male in gaza is of military age. and so there are a lot of discrepancies. and, and we also do know that the u. n is kind of covered up certain insistence instances where, or we have found fighters at hospitals, schools, etc. so the one thing that we do know is that when the idea has made a mistake, if you have the best example is when multiple hostages were killed, waving the white flag, it had to do with the fact that the prior 10 soldiers were killed by him off the terrorist, dressed up as civilians waving a white flag. so there are
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a lot of discrepancies that need to be taken into account. and obviously, every time the idea is made a mistake during this war, we haven't been to one us to announce it. and clarify it and take responsibility for it. yes, um i will say we'll just add to that the of the $25000.00 plus killed any such 5 percent of the dead men who all the traditional hamas militants, $11000.00 children, $7500.00 women. so that tradition, you know, those who would be part of the, from us movement. but i do just want to, to ask you, i mean we're seeing also is right expanding its ground operation in garza to the southern city of han, eunice. the idea of chief himself described the operation as one of the most complicated because he said, obviously this is an area packed with civilians. now quote, the other side would say, okay, it's complicated, but you've complicated it yourself because you have to go to the level north and garza, you're told the people to go south. the people aren't being let into egypt,
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they've got nowhere else to go. so of course you have, but i thought 2 of your actions created an overcrowded so, you know, actually i would have to disagree with you. it sounds like egypt has created that overcrowded. so how despicable is it that the neighboring arab countries are refusing to take in refugees of any kind during this war? to me, that sounds like the humanitarian crisis lies not only on a mouse who wage the store and baited israel in 20 different locations, commuting acts of re necrophiliacs and barbarism in the streets of israel for over 8 hours. but the egyptians themselves are not even allowing civilians to enter the sign peninsula in order to reach safety. in addition to that, we know that 10000 trucks have gotten in to guys are filled with humanitarian aid. and we also know and have proven and showed that from us doing a good portion of that aid in the u. n. he is failing to condemn them because of
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their failings on the ground to make sure that this humanitarian aid gets where it needs to go. in addition to that, we still have not heard word that the medicine that was negotiated to get to the hospital is, has been received by the hostages. so, you know, i don't think putting the entire what you refer to is making mandatory increases in obviously the terrible conditions of war. uh, completely on israel. i, i don't think that's a, a realistic way to look at the nuances of war. can i just quit taking 2 things? i'm the 1st thing regarding your reference to that for, for the ball prism that, well, obviously horrifying reports coming out from october 7th. how web ha, that have also been numerous reports that came on since for example, but it's ready please kind of verify single rate. but having difficulty locating victims, we have obviously you're completely unfamiliar ones. 20 your thoughts school assist or someone who is alleged have been rapes, that but that was no evidence,
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obviously noticed that right or anything. so i'm just saying that any respond excuse you accusations like the b 5. excuse me. excuse me. as we know for a fact, given hostage testimony and witnesses to an over massacre and witnesses on the next . over this, i have enough to say to those that the 2 hostages, the 2 hostages that were in the contest set yesterday, their names are escaping me. right now they gave their testimony yesterday about the men and women that are being raped in the, in that are, that have been taken hostage. both men and women and the women are missing their period. and it's either due to the fact that their bias have shut down due to the stress of being held captive or the fact that they are pregnant. so that is completely false. no one who originally called on wait a minute, you're able to you just that alleged, okay, we have proof and have testimonies that men and women have been sexually assaulted and raped. it is an undeniable thing of the barbarism that has been committed.
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there is a reason why we are so dedicated to getting our hostages back, given the situation that we know they are being held under and the conditions that they are experiencing at this time. just like one of the couch will came out and said wreath is not resistance to disregard the testimony of both hostages and witnesses. and the multiple reports that have come out is completely irresponsible, and it is non factual. i would actually all keep it it's response, but of me to cite the fact that is where he pays cannot locate a single victim. that the new york times. okay. the somebody clicks? no, i was calling to ask you it out to me just to know i have to do my due diligence before he was. but then you're judges from probably on sites in a rate victim on the fits stuff over the rate victim. hutsel said there was no evidence the washington post, how to edit one of its own articles of removing a comment while you are calling about mass rate. the i guess also says that there
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is no confidence or any evidence of any but hedging. i'm just, i have to put that out. the point that i do watch the weird says me, excuse me, excuse me, waiting on hold on. you just said that there's no evidence of be heading. even though most of the site is evident. excuse me. there was no, excuse me, the evidence was made public the other day in the news that a gentleman be headed. an idea of soldier froze ahead and try to sell it for $10000.00. okay. and even the atlantic state did not do that. so that isn't correct . okay, in addition to that, we know that there has been testimony from people that survive and know that massacre that watches individual slice off a woman's breast play with it and throw it around as if it was a baseball. there's also been testimony from the nova festival that an individual was bent over on a car, raped from behind, shot in the head during the sexual assault. and the individual committing that sexual assault continued to rape her after she had been shot in the head. so i'm sorry, like there is proof of sexual abuse and not only that,
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like i said yesterday in the conduct said multiple people testified the sexual abuse amongst the hostages, both men and women. so what's the difference? the is it that that's also been disproven? so i really suggest that you refrain from the conspiracy theories and actually watched some of the testimony. i would also suggest that based on your line of questioning and lecture kind of use of words right now, you haven't seen the 46 minutes of on air and body cam footage by hum boss terrorist should meeting the at the crimes against humanity against israelis on october the 7th, that's very clear. so i, i'm sorry, but i, we do live in the real world and we're going to take witness testimony and the experiences of those who have experienced these horrible crimes at face value. i apologize. and not only that, the new york times i read the article as well, the new york times did go into great detail of some of the sexual abuse that has
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happened. and it's an absolute travesty that the you in women's council has not condemned the barbaric acts of october the 7th. as a matter of fact, the un has not condemn the barbaric acts of october the 7th that were a live streams and recorded. and i was fortunate enough to see the acts committed in the 46 minutes in veneered footage. in addition to all the footage that was put on the telegram on october the 7th, including a woman having her fetus cut out of her and then having the fetus shot in the head . and then having the woman shot and the head after that these are all things that i purchased personally seeing myself. so i can tell you, based on what i have seen, that these crimes against humanity have happened. and that sexual violence is being used as a weapon and it is not freedom fighting that is terrorism and barbarism in the 21st century. when no one is denying, of course, the absolute trauma and many of the hard flying stories that came out of october
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7th, just as no one is denying, be absolutely atrocious. and very hot for a king certificate is coming out of call to every single day and has done since october, 2nd one and not him i would honestly positive. i would really like to discuss his file because i have a lot that i feel the short took about, but unfortunately i am constrained by by up of 10. but we do appreciate you input. that was the other school that of israel innovator haven't been here. thank you out to as well, i just want to quickly bring you some great news. this. our a russian military aircraft has reportedly crashed in the billboard region outs in the west of the country. and it's, according to the regions head report suggests that that were actually 63 people unfold uh that i left saw the information on cools and casualties has been confirmed. what of course i bring you will, the latest as it comes and the death toll from the is radiate tax on garza now stands at $25490.00 people with more than 63000 wounded. one recent strike
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hit the home of this almost family interest. vanya in open calls up getting at least 7 people. i'm entering 10 others. a medical team from the palestine red crescent, has been out the same. local report to abdul cather silva was also the photographer striking. the jabante area is hidden populated house blooming tvs, m u family. the significant number of injuries and casualties have been reported with the evidence is arriving often urgent. please from the residence. so i'm an f . 16 fighter jets targeted visit middle family home visit zach has resulted in multiple casualties with more than 10 bodies extracted from the wreckage and several others injured. the 3 story house which was once filled with citizens and residents. as prompted the immediate response of civil defense and emergency cruise, they are currently working to extract victims from beneath the debris of the collapse building that i'm not sure that we're on the streets. when we heard the sound of 2 f. 16 missiles sing,
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smoke rising from here and then we rushed to rescue those present in the house. we urgently need assistance in order to extract bodies and help the injured. many people, including women and children, have already been pulled out of the debris. the 2 f. 16 missile strikes have left a trail of scattered and dismembered remains all over the house lately and little tod. so she monetary and situation close of a move on its children who are being hit particularly hard from the outside to neighborhood to bait. and that was already wonderful, special and then also the and played the specializes in treating the young. but even the there was a serious shortage of stuff. the equipment even pads. no. which on the small one stop. i went to see the challenges that dropped his face. bailey, i remember most the conflicting gauze a cas green shadow and children, which have been the most affected group in this war. amid the difficult humanitarian and environmental conditions were now joined by come,
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i'll add one complex pediatrician, doctor e mart. given the ongoing war and humanitarian and environmental situations on folding, what types of cases are you seeing and what motivates you to continue such gordon? i think the owners leave, we receive a variety of different cases including we're spirit, tre, gastro, intestinal infections, meningitis, and sometimes even pediatric can certainly use the k units in goals and city in the northern region autonomy and operation. and we see a high influx of patients daily and a single day in the k unit we received about 20 to 25 cases. this is a very large number. most of these cases require oxygen and then also official respirators. of course, this is a problem in and of itself and we face significant shortages. sometimes we must even deal with extended power outages which lead to long ok and interruptions. and that's an increase in the number of deaths. we even have to do research cetacean also piece of labor for children and manually. sometimes we ask the patients themselves to help us with the task. for example, today,
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one woman had been breathing for her son for 3 hours. and also day is issues with the number of medical stuff that is always a big problem with medicine shortages and sometimes cases that require much, but the lack of option least do very severe complications. the work is very difficult and under unbelievable conditions. the health care system is collapsing as an urgent need for international and relief organizations backs quickly to solve these problems. whether that means providing oxygen fuel medicine, opening all the hospitals. i appeal to all of humanity and humanitarian brief organizations about the necessity of help. the, this is the reality here in northern cause it was reported by the doctor. it is necessary to act quickly to solve which will remain some of the health care system . but most of the, most of our tea reporting from noah goes, well, i do just want to return to that breaking news of a russian military culture. fortunately, crushing and in the baldwin region in the west of the country. in fact,
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if we can get the connection, let's cross now and speak to all the produce markham at the chart if he's carney in belgrade, my understanding is that he's on the 3rd month of yet. can you hear me? yeah, price of hi. i'm just going to, i just want to ask you, i mean, this is obviously a developing story. we don't really know exactly what's going on, but i imagine you've had some details. so what's the situation at this stage? what do we know? you? well, i think at 1st i should start with you to understand that the region is being targeted by the ukranian all me on a daily basis. i mean, every single day for almost a month, the region has been filled with more of those how we just tried groans so long. the middle range may style every day. sometimes a few times a day you can see and hear a defense systems referral. and now with that, we don't know for sure what happened for now, but according to the preliminary reports, the plane, the plane, you to and then tell no function. and uh, they are uh,
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or the 76 people on the board. i understand, i mean, i expect that obviously the, the emergency a, a emergency substance will be at the scene that the regions costs are not as well. we'll be doing everything. he can't understand what the situation as well we will get back to you as those details come in, but we appreciate you keeping our and, and bring us as much as we know at this stage that was all to participate in my comment up, which i thank you monica returning to goal is to know how those sites, so this also includes a proofing anything fox solve to is really a tax on such areas have been captured on camera by a british media outlet with civilians brandishing white flags shot dead in the street. the idea upset it was enough to wow, such an instant occurring unclaimed the video, it was quote, katie edison's. let's have a look of this group of men doing dark up close to appear non threatening. they
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wanted to reach to other family members and get them out of harm's way. i have my mother and brother in there with around 50 or 70 display people in another house these right which came to us and told us to evacuate that they didn't let my brother out. we want to go and try to get them on the god willing the interview, the have been shot on, fatally wounded fat as for fullness democratic functions, folks puss, dimitri de leon. he says that the video represents the virtual reality of events, paying out and goals of right now. in this video, a good one crime we are speaking about more than 33000 people killed. 70 percent of them are children and women. they, these, most of them were not caught on camera, but this slippage shows are brutal. the is really
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a army is how much they are brought up to the humanized and about assuming people. and this is something that they will not learn just in the army. these rang society is built on the idea of the humanizing, the palestinian people, and the genocide, the rhetoric that is acted upon by the israeli army is the normal acceptable speech. and is rarely society that is made in boston by as rarely politicians. so this is a natural result of a culture over 8 over an ideal a g. that is so premises a tool bigoted that the human eyes is the others. unfortunately, such an infested hate and rested. society brought up this government the right way, such as government that anywhere else in the world would belong only in jail. and this government gives re, apply for soldiers that are brought up in such
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a full society, an environment to basically shoot and not to care for any kind of repercussions. 1000 out of the 1200 mosques in gauze have been destroyed by is ready bombardment, since the 7th of october. that is the claim, being made by dollars is really just 5 ministry would set that institutions have been targeted on a continuous and systematic basis. is listed at least the head of going to show you what does that look to, the occupation targets, everything included and really just on non really just institutions. however, the targeting of religious institutions has been notable in this war because of religious institutions in mosques and churches. are typically far from military target significantly mosques where it targeted on a continuous and systematic basis. shifting the number of mosques and really just sides damaged in gaza is estimated to be around 1000. this mazda square, either completely destroyed or severely damaged,
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putting them out of service at this time. the war is being waged against all of our people in gauze, and it is focused on women and children, and the elderly. everyone, including the all shakes, have been targeted. and it has affected people, stones, and trees, and has caused some odd to them. i'm an old palestinians, and the goddess troops, doctors, lawyers, engineers, and women in their homes have all been march. it would be more than a 100 preachers and mosque amongst those who allowed and priest in gauze must have been killed. as a result, we conclude at this number as also large under the war is being waged on every one of the in the humanitarian crisis. and gaza could not be any was so says to use for and policy chief. so it's a parole address that as well as actions will feel hatred among palestinians for generations to come head over to our website to read more about increasing the
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political tire from process. i'm tired of the reaction to it. that's cool at all t thoughts come the full i. u. s. president donald trump has one been you have shut prime, re open arrival and the key haiti box according to projected results. the new hampshire vote is the 2nd of several poles to select through public and time to that ahead of the presidential election in november. this time of the about 60 percent of the vote can on tip translated with maybe 55 percent with hailey trading behind with just and this was a 43 in the iowa caucuses, a few days ago, trumbull. so one, getting more than 50 percent of the vote box, then you're gonna see just an environment for you. in a box, the haiti came side with 19 percent. what again, this is a developing story to we're going to be coming back to it periodically just to return to the breaking news. the russian ministry at croft crashing the belgrade region, dots in the west of the country.


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