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tv   Documentary  RT  January 24, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EST

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recently, political titles and brussels, i'm tired of thieves reaction to it. thoughtful that all the thoughts come the full r u. s. president. donald trump has one been you have shipped prime re open arrival, the key haiti box according to projected results. new hampshire vote is the 2nd of several poles to select the republican candidate ahead of the presidential election in november. this time of the but 60 percent of the vote counted trump speed with 9055 percent with hailey trailing behind with just and this was for 43 in the iowa caucuses, a few days ago, trumbull. so one, getting more than 50 percent of the vote box, then you're gonna see just an environment for you. in a box, the head came side with 19 percent. this one, again, this is a development story. so we're going to be coming back to it periodically. just to return to the breaking news, the russian ministry croft crashing the belgrade region, dots in the west of the country on both the crashed aisle 76. i left to the 65 saw
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this many of the forces of ukraine who was being transported to belgrade region for an exchange of prison. a swamp, 6 crew members also of the croft and 3 schools. i was reported by the russian ministry of defense. again, we're going to see if we can be joined now by all to produce some michael met, which i have. who's carney in belgrade? who's joining us on the line? my guy told me through just a little bit, but please repeat it if i'm wrong, correct me. what else do we know at this stage? probably once again. yeah. you're right. i repeated once again. i think it's so, so i should, i should explain what has happened, anything builder every single day for almost a month. the region has been a shelter with uh, shelves by you premium. all me with more does, how was this tracfone's loan going to middle arrangements out every day? sometimes a few times a day you can see the defense systems repelling and they are attacked. but we don't know for sure. what happened this time. the prelim no reports say that they say,
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if they say that the clean down, you can internal malfunction bought washer minutes. ro defense just stated to just made a statement, saying that there was 65 you create in prison of war 6, crew members and 3 gods on the, on the plane. they will move in to build workforce. so the prisoners of war exchange will be on the scene in an hour or so, so we will, we will see more later. thank you very much that i also just want to remind our view is that we have been seeing present exchange over the recent months on the side of john. we have the biggest present slip yet over 200 ukrainians will return to kids don't always 250 russians were returned home. i'm not was with the help of mediation from united to our m right. so prisoners swaps all happening. uh, that was all to produce something about them at the childs joining us from billboard. not something to see. and it seems the slow just to very wind. we're
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going to be coming back and forth out of stories. i apologize. that's confusing to the new hampshire primaries in which was saying that donald trump did takes the lead with 55 percent of the view. that's the of the. but let's just get a bit of a reaction. the host of the $360.00 view school team. now here's believes that nikki haley will have no choice, but to throw in the towel now that she's behind trump. in both lucas's us officially declared, donald j trump, the winner of the new hampshire primary. that doesn't shock anybody, especially coming after iowa. what people are watching right now is how much he leads nikki haley and new hampshire. mediately yourself put 29000000 dollars in new hampshire of actually put all her baskets for donald trump's fit a mere 15 point. $3000000.00 with a new hampshire. and what is interesting about the state of the race currently is what i understand is in the background swami back out of the race following the
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iowa primary. it really became more of a race for the republican party. are you going to let them moderate, or you know that the more conservative we dominate the party and control the direction of it moving forward and this right here, new hampshire was the 1st crest of it. a lot of the speculation right now, how much is nikki? haley have to lose by for her to potentially drop out within the next 48 hours every but she is already skipping the next cart primary or caucus, which is in nevada. she's not even go on the ballot and going straight to her home state of south carolina for every single elected official in south carolina except for one congressman as endorse donald trump. so more than likely, she's not going to do fairwell even in her own home state. somebody reminds of yours and i'm sure they solve eclipse. just 2 weeks ago, nikki, is sold to iowa by saying new hampshire fixes iowan problem. i mean, new hampshire has always been where nikki haley was going to take her stand and
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hopefully have momentum. i am laughing listing at some of the punches today here in the western media state. oh, but if she comes between with the only loses by 5 points, that's momentum. it is an absolute joke to think. anybody who lose it, especially when you've had a large dominating race of our percentage points of donald trump, for almost the past year. that she could still potentially win in new hampshire for thousands folders back in october, which they are both to be. they were on affiliated and then $300.00 about $408.00, actually switch the roads to be republican just now they were registered democrats . they did a lot of people see this as good peer trickery by democrats during that nikki haley is the weaker candidate against joe biden. most of the polls show that despite when he really says and says that maybe this is why they want the end of the be the candidates to get a better chance of winning. but the reality of it is, the latest pulse shows 60 percent of americans don't really have pacific for either
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joe biden or donald trump, a re match between both of them. but it looks like that's exactly what the american voters going to get. so it's very hard to predict, especially today, what nicky is going to do if she's a good republican been that would be a smart idea and probably showing up back in a cabinet position maybe. but i don't think at this stage, the rip is there too, too much, and i, if she was any hope of being in 2020, she is going to have to play nice for the same time. she's got a lot of mega donors that would be very upset with her for caving in in find to the pressure like so many others that china and the pacific line and nation of now have officially restored that diplomatic ties. it comes off to the remote tire to cost explanations with taiwan, the idea of this month, the chinese for administered administer. i met his counterpart from now in beijing . he's track the restoring biological ties. quote demonstrates to the wealthy adherence to the one china policy. now we broke ties with taiwan less than 10 days
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ago after the presidential election, which so a pro independence townsend and how one claim victory now officially does recognize taiwan as part of china in iraq to people have reportedly been killed and all those wounded off to us full says targeted mentorship groups the, the, the, the, this on our side footage saw today to online plains to show the optimize of the attacks. us central come on said it is 3 military facilities were targeted. it's electrically a response to a recent attack on an american minute treat face in western iraq. depends can also said that it's may be conducted several retaliatory strikes against the military infrastructure to anti ship miss alt sites. what reports need destroyed the us says
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the targets presented an imminent threat to matching vessels, and it's may be shipped in the region. despite the strikes, washington insist, it's not looking to escalate the situation as well. first of all, i wouldn't define it as conflict again. i would define it as action that's being taken to disrupt and degrade who the, who, the capability to conduct attacks against the international community. our focus here is not to escalate or get into a conflict with the, with these, our goal is to prevent these continued attacks against the international community and international shipping, transiting their etc. well that, so for time slot, breaking news of the russian ministry across crashing in the field. correct region in the west of the country. not many pictures. we do have this so, so on board, the oil, $76165.00 prisoners of all of the armed forces of ukraine. they were being transported
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to the belt with region for a prison, a swell. that was also 6 crew members of the croft, 3 s quotes on board. this is all being reported by the washington ministry of defense. i'm just a bit of background for those who might be interested the oil, some 6 is a multi purpose fixed wing transport across it is used extensively by the russian ask, fools, and one of the many purposes of this kind of plane is apple and resupply operations as well as in this case, a transportation of minute to personnel, as well as ahmed vehicles. we will be coming back to that be in fact have a producer who will be on the scene within the next 40 to 50 minutes. but that is what we know at the stage. the talk is parliament has finally back sweden's bed to join the nato alliance and corrupt hesitate committee. a year to give the green lights off the previously accusing the north country of hovering terrace,
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the bottom and has lots of sites within some membership of tomato which majority of the big parties supporting this bulletin voting in favor of switching the railing, a key p, a major cooperation partner the nationalist mh p as well as the the biggest opposition party c h b. all 3 of them have voted in favor of within joining the military lines. well, this hasn't been an easy pass. a student has been waiting for about 20 months since this has caused supplies. a seed becomes a need to member back in 2020, to fill in another. another country which has applied for the membership at the same time, which was within uh, was uh, has become a member of last year in march and 24, 23 march, which was within, made wasteful, so long while the fee reasons i'm tied key is not really happy,
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i thought we did this thing, some of the members of the picky case, our group secret case. consider the tire organization by to keep bothering us as well as the e. u. and would, and for us happy as to be a safe haven for the members of the p t k. so group and another reason for full talk key to resist within the membership was it's, it's the most for big sense, especially the crown bindings. and those kinds of actions happening in sweden and swedish authorities not really taking any action against. and another reason was, of course, of $165.00 to jets, which was homeless body was to the delivery. but when we look at these homeless is actually not, no, none of these uh, have a tree really uh happens uh we call cant see um concrete results here. uh, but sweden is now with up to become native member say what we expect. let's as
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president, i don't want to sign the bill in the upcoming days, and after that we will only have hungry, less uh, as the last country as the last need to member country to approve within membership to the military organization. the when you create and continues to impact those fall from the front lines, the city of done yet is still reading from a recent missile strike on the market. the killed 27 people or 2, steve sweeney, takes up the story. on sunday, this marketplace was busy with locals during that day. the shopping. it was a bright, sunny day, much like today. around 10 am. the hustle and bustle gave away to kyle's as he ukrainian miss all strike killed. 27 people. for them died here. flowers mol, this bolt in which they were killed. the fruit and vegetables that they was settings lay strewn across the floor. the blood is yet to dry, and the community remains in shop. to these continue to pull in from across the
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russia. i mean data across the world, locals and officials, a laying flowers in memory for the 27 people that were killed here, locals have expressed and they will those as well. so will to be held to account, but you crate has denied coming out of the attack. president zalinski as even claimed that russia was responsible for the seniors. there were more than 50 russian strikes with multiple launch rockets systems, as well as dozens of air and missile strikes. over this day alone, russian savages shows more than 100 of our cities, towns, and settlements across 9 regions. the genetic region came under the most brutal russian attacks. unfortunately, there are dead and wound is my condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones. but despite presenting no evidence, he's been packed by an army of 19 trolls claiming it was a false flag or staged. some have even use the months ago in
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a 2nd in the attempt to plead for more homes to be sent to ukraine. this tweet to pay instead of being deleted, but there was a concerted effort to deny the truth as many dom on the key i have is charged with the war crimes. ukraine has continued his attacks across the don't. yes, republic. 2 people have been killed in a drug store. i can use in a voucher while districts of the city have come under ukrainian shedding, leaving a number wounded. the un secretary general condemned to tax on civilian areas in the off tomorrow. so that don't yet small cap masika coating for them to be stopped by his warnings of simply being an old ukraine continues to act with impunity with the full blocking of the west. this is steve sweetie. all to and don't yet city one again, we were talking to the top rated news of the russian military aircraft crashing in the belgrade region and west of the country on board the aisle some 665 presidents, a full ukrainian army. they were being transferred for prison as well. the pain
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crashed around 11 am must go time. the pilot came down in a field near the city, across is a multi purpose of fixed wing transport plane used extensively by the russian apples. and one of its many purposes is for apple and resupply emissions, as well as hit as we have here transporting ministry personnel and ahmed vehicles. we're going to see now if we can get on the line or to produce a mock, i'm at the charts who's currently either in belk red was my understanding was he was heading full the site. my comment. i mean, obviously the details come in that can fost. um, a lot of people have seemingly died because there's no confirmation i believe yet, but can you just some give us the details that we do know at the stage. i think we might very well have a law firm here in okay, u k. yeah,
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if it was okay, we're ready for you, we can get the connection monument. can you just tell us all we know at this point in time? well, it says the somewhere near the 11 am russian minister of defense of letting him, if you will, 7 to 6. so down in building it's region, minnesota defense that they will, 6 to 3, you created and present a 446 crew members and 3 score on the plane they were moving to build or to for, for the prisoner who exchange with the know for sure. what's happened, i don't know for sure, but pulling in a report, say that the playing field don't to and then to mobile function. and i'd like to say they say a few things about the ball to the bulk of the silver region. now, every day, sometimes i'm in a few times a day, you can, you can see here they have different systems for building and they are exec those sirens going to be held here and there. but these time at 11 am to think it was overwhelmed with the tv and radio air. busy interrupted by russians,
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emergency emergency administrative til 5 is around 70 kilometers from build working full time. can we can we? i'm always there at the moment. okay, well we will wait for you to travel about so they couldn't give us up the very latest auto. so just remind of you as monica, i'm sure won't mention it next time is that that we do see right. kid, a prisoner swaps between the 2 sides in conflict. the most recent one was on the side of johnny. that was actually the biggest prisoner swapped yet with over 200 subs. went from both to crate and russia returning home that was with the help of the u. a in terms of mutation. and it seems that since i'm not, was paying the, the, the, those who are bored today, we're going to be the next present as well. that was all to produce. i'm not going to put you, i have a joining us on, on the line and bill, good, thank you my go on to now to west africa. the us extra of state has pledged $45000000.00 directed up promoting stability in the
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region on sunday, but in can initially arrived in the island nation of probably 5 to before heading over to the coast that he visited. nigeria. and his last all it's going to be on the line trip is taking place and that increase tensions on the other side of the continent and thoughts as the us. and you can a, have been a top king whose the positions in yemen in response to attacks on red sea shipping . that has full shipping companies to look to west and africa, and going around the cape of good hope at the bottom, the as a safe. but trade route, so the trade to cargo from the red sea through egypt throughout the canal has become increasingly dangerous for polt se, but around 80 percent of call group vessels previously had to through that route, have changed, cools to navigate around africa. but that does out more than 3000 miles to the journey. and of course, pushing up costs for consumers. and we talked about the incomes, africa tool with a shock battelle,
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a political analyst on member of the south african breaks council. is a huge bush by the us in the west to make a intervention implemented in cultural intervention with a variety of programs and visits to west african countries. the back truck is also the present, decide the chinese foreign minister. and it does seem that the us part and secretary is following that back to the african continent. he's under huge pressure indeed for the ease and the in gauge went by the wrist and the us and the european union as well as well as the brakes nations. all have huge, significant programs with that because it's up to african governments and citizens
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in business, men and business woman to take advantage of the different opportunity. so i to 2 people have been arrested in venezuela for and that should be profiting to assassinate president nicholas venturo. caracas claims the c i a healthy group. and if the customer support a sec, the router, we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt. and i emphasize this psychotic obsession against the life of the president of venezuela. nicholas, my daughter morris, and against the minister of defense general in chief vladimir petrie, nor lopez, with the direct participation of us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration, and the intelligent services of the columbia army venezuelan or for to say that in total that with 5 pulse against president madura on the country's defense, minnesota, those officials have previously accused us on columbia of facilitating similar
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attempts on the lights on his way. those defense minister has also elapsed that washington is organizing cloths on behalf of these reported in such an groups. and so i'm political on this, diego psychiatrist says washington has no history of focus rating high profile assassinations in austin america. are you going to go too high for the nations? nothing. american general that all happened before. they even started. think of also i'm being 30, think the guy starting for longer than 48 years right now. there's no, eh, do you want government refuses to eh, to declassify their files, all the stuff you're interested in. back in the 9th of april, 1948. so it's a, it's a condo, and this is, you can even go even earlier in the 19th century, but that shows how they try to shape and control the
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outcome of the never sense. so in some moment you could think on a research on like in this case, then some in some verification, but as well, it's more or less like the last one. this is something that been going on at least to that is the user story 25 years old. so about his prime minister has met with his ukranian account about in weston ukraine. as far as the statement and by the official that he would inform, keeps topped it from out of the intention to strike down new queens. but for nato, i'll take some trips originals and has more on the timing of the meat. so that came from mr. robert feats so is set to meet on wednesday with is you for any encounter part in a town on the border of the 2 countries in western new frame? the feats of said was chosen by to yes. but he's already getting grief from the press about why he isn't doing the usual virtue signaling pilgrimage to keep have,
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instead of heading to who's got it, doesn't really sound like feet. so is to inter virtue signaling though, judging by the preview of this meeting that he gave to slovakia as public broadcaster over the weekend. if you system us for my darn you in 2014 up to the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian president or the use of military force and ukraine to imagine mexico next to you? what is defense minister an entire political scene, including the president on government under full russian control? now imagine mexico joining a military organization where russia place of this. is it real comfortable? would you do this argument, this rational evidence, your brain is not suffering and is entirely under us control when you create in m p . want speed. so this invited from the visit for daring to say that your brain isn't a strong independent country that don't need no handouts, even though zalinski is acting like a scam, or hanging up gullible guys on facebook for money. and what he's always saying is
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that zalinski cast fish the last because they're all found beside the thing about his counter offensive. that was going to be just so magnificent and brand. but when they actually thought they were like, oh, this doesn't look anything like that picks that you sent me. ukraine is not capable of any meaningful culture offensive. it has become completely dependent on financial aid from the west, with unforeseeable consequences for ukrainians in the years to come. so faithful told slovak tv that he's going into this meeting with you, free and prime minister, dennis from eagle, to tell them that hill vo, any attempt of you trained to join nato since he figures it would be to world war 3 . and that he also plans on telling spiegel that he won't be getting any weapons from the slovak state or it's army. now that language is very carefully chosen because that doesn't necessarily mean that slovak is military,
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industrial complex is public and private weapons and ammunition manufacturer. i won't be able to supply you frame with weapons presumably if money exchange them is coming in this will that yeah, because parliament voted earlier this month to pay the way for that and to ride this task. how, along with everyone else, at least until the rodeo ends and feet. so it's also saying to the west, to that end, in terms of eventually wrapping things up here and also to you frame, hey guys, here's an exit route pointing one out so that maybe they don't blow past it all route to the usual fiery crash on the western regime change highway actress and it has to be some kind of compromise. what do they expect and the russians to leave crimea don't boss you put in the guns because we didn't. that's not realistic, because pizza wrote a whole op ed earlier this month saying how dealing with western ideologues and
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their detachment from reality risk prematurely landing him in the botox chair, added med spa. convulsions that accompanied 2 days, liberal demagoguery in defense of the west spots only fail strategy against russia and ukraine are beginning to cause wrinkles on my forehead. so it really doesn't sound like feet. so is heading into this meeting with the framing and prime minister to play the usual western role of coach at half time of a football game. giving a pep talk and then sending t as back out to take for tackles while tearing from the sidelines with no real skin in the game. just quickly to a ton to that breaking news of a russian ministry across the crashing in the battle. good region in the west of the country on board the aisle 76 was 65 captured ukrainians, saw this men being transpired for prison, a swap. we, i'm some pain crushed around 11 am must go time and came down in the field near the
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city were beginning to see these images coming in report suggests has been hit by a picture missile. and the forties and cube has been aware of its route investigate, just being dispatched to the scene. the croft is a multi purpose fixed when transport plane used expensively by the russian falls. just let's listen to the statement that we bought so far from the russian defense ministry. on the 24th of january this year at about 11 am most scared time and i owe $76.00 aircraft crashed in the belgrade region. during a routine flight on board was 65 captured, ukrainian service, been being transported to the belgrade region for exchange 6 crew members and 3 schools and a false commission forward to the crest site to establish the causes of the crash as well. let's. if we can get the connection we've been speaking to or to produce a mazda met child, who's carney in belgrade. and i think he was actually driving to the scene. um my
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go, i mean i obviously was talking a little bit about what we do, you know, so far, feel free, obviously to repeat me, correct me, whatever it is. but can you just really just give us the rundown of the current situation? what we know by so you're right around, 11 us washing interrupted a lot around 11 am rushing to do 7 to 6 fell. don't you to an unknown issue around 70 kilometers from building a portion of the troll defense the trees between them for the poor. 633, have 4 going the plane and they will move in the to build or for, for the fluid exchange. we don't know for sure what's happening, but like pull them in a report, say that the place, so don't use the whole the whole function. i'd like to say one more thing just for the use of the builder. it has been on the decor showing full step on how many ukraine down in the, on the target. it's on a daily basis. mold, a par with the right roll middle, then show pressure me. so, i mean,
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you can see by running. yeah. very good. yeah. yeah. go in and there with that, but i'm going to these dime some kind of special cause sirens all these time they, it was, it was more than just the, it was, it was more than just the one and i'm in t v and radio. busy dropped it by rush, administering off, get people to go through the show. we will be on the scene in an hour. and so i will bring wonderful, well, we will return to you as soon as you get to the site and can see with your own eyes . well, the scene of thought, tragic was it not, some space will wait for the investigates to see what's happening at the that was all to produce that like a child. joining us from the west of russia bell board, which just remind of us is on the board to with few craters. thanks. you're welcome . yet as the toughest parliament finally back sweden sped to join. the nato
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alliance on crow has taken nearly a year to give the green light of the previous se, accusing the north that country of hovering terrace, such as solomon has rectified for the membership of tomato. which majority of the vic tardies supplanting this will within voting in favor of switching the rolling a key p. it's made to a colleague sion partner, the nationalist mh p as well as the the biggest opposition party c h b. all 3 of them have voted in favor of within joining the military lines. well, this hasn't been an easy process. would. it has been waiting for about 20 months since this has supplies a seed becomes a need to member back in 2020, to fill in another. another country which has applied for the membership at the same time which was within uh was uh, has become a member of last year.


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