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tv   Documentary  RT  January 24, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EST

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a don gary and that prime minister has confirmed his country support for sweden's membership, and the nato block comes as the tucker's parliament back stuck on his bit to joining the alliance of the previous, the accusing the north country of harboring terrorists and sees at mailed a bow and his details, the bottom it has rectified for the membership of tomato woods, majority of the big parties supporting this will within voting in favor of switching the railing. a key p, a major cooperation partner, the nationalist mh p as well as the the biggest opposition party c h b. all 3 of them have voted in say for us within joining the military lines. well, this hasn't been an easy pass. a student has been waiting for about 20 mon, since it has supplied a seed, becomes a need to member back in 2020, to fill in another. another country which has applied for the membership at the same time, which was within uh, was uh, has become
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a member of you last year in march and 24, 23 march, which was within made wakeful so long while the fee reasons. so super untied key is not really happy about we did testing some of the members of the p t k to our group secret case. consider the total organization by to keep by the us as well as the e. u. and within 4 years have been actually a safe haven for the members of the p t k. tow group. and another reason for full touchy resist within the membership was it's uh, it's the most for makes sense, especially the chrome bindings. and those kinds of actions happening in sweden and swedish, required to use not really taking any action against. and another reason was of course f, 16 fighter jets, which were promised by the us to be delivered to, to
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a t. uh, but uh let me look at these homeless is actually, uh not, no, none of these uh have actually really uh, happened uh we called, we cant see um concrete results here. but square then is now with to become nate's a member. say what we expect next is president. i don't want to sign the bill in the upcoming days. and after that we will only have hungry, less uh, as the last country as the last need to member country to approve for the membership to the military organization. or design our disturbing news from south africa where the police have a record of mine who claims to have caused the fire killed 76 people including 12 kids in johannesburg. last august, the young man named reportedly started the 5 to dispose of a bought a off the killing, a man at the request of a drug dealer. open eligible correspondent note of where i can get, who has these sorted details,
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a miss cindy commission lucky harvey. the size of the chilled homeless people i have submitted unable to sit on the 31st of august last year. she made these shocking revelations, the front of a panel of commissioners and those of relationship to depend on the size of a body and a body that she stumbled did on the not topic incident. and she further stated that when she said the building on fire was high on drugs in progress, which was supplied by a drunk mode of which he referred to as the big boss of the building. just behind me. initially, this was the building used as a shelter to abuse women and children who it would contact about to take it a go. when it was hijacked to the building was under the console, unknown. people who rent collected rent from brenda is also stated. this is small portion inside the office building the last on which one. the teams described the
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arrangement as similar to an informal situated inside a formal dwelling at the time of the file. but this the means is that one single room would be divided into 2 separate units with plastic. so who are just so you can only imagine how quick a fire would spread in a situation like that. it has been nearly 5 months in those into keels more than 70 people, including 12 children, and displaced hundreds of people. survivors of some africans, and placed in shelters across the cities between to 9 year old is expected to appear in court soon on charges of austen. $7.00 to $6.00 counts of murder and a $120.00 calls of attempted murder c. i'm not into you know, that disturbing story continues online right now or the oxy dot com. i'm a boy. oh boy. what do wednesday is being so far at all to international
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headquarters here at most ago? we've on breaking news for hours now. and so many big stories as well, that heavy hitters returning with us. but ultimately the you might be able to look into this like going to be or whatnot the stuffs. and uh, we believe that the country would be free one day and then we're not allowed to. the site is to proof. so from one dance we out of here, we will not leave. and then my people have very strong believing that the commission will go when the, because we did the x 3 and benefits on this will do this. we know that there is no commission content. the end of our life gun. okay. bye bye. you. okay before now gonna free in the elk abide by you. okay. egypt to provide for you. okay. what does
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this company is there for you now? on the okay. on and now and then head of state. so about the gun a gun, all the time is done by the side of justice under human rights. this number one, number 2. uh again uh, avoid to a blessing as people and human rights comes in. and when they, when, when there's an invoice above produced as a new ocean, gonna stand by all side and gun avoid against the demand against the state and go on allowance against the other. said my people, against all the war crime is slain, do it against the might. people. and number 3, from the beginning of the 7th of october, they gave me those people who stopped organized, but a big demonstration on the streets organize to been doing station a call here. and the overnight is one and the money. and the last one, it was only to the last of the, it was increments the city. it was very big uh, going to station and all the people go, jesse thousands,
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people was there and shouting, i'm calling for a fee, but it's fine. so again, it's done by the side, it was blessing as people because as i told you, again that's done by the side of justice and the human life. and i don't think there is, i'm in all my best in this world kind of stand by the side of us, right? because of your support as well. that's the meaning of support at the beginning of 10000 children and get your support as well. that's the manual support that can and go from and thousands of was inc as a and you'll, you will support the one being our housing and you'll support the receipt of my people. you. i'm this thing and go orlando and your use of the commission. you understand, so we're looking for real freedom. i'm gonna all the time as i said, to stand by the side of justice under human rights and the international. how would you access the fox on gonna they kind of support that you'd be receiving from the us to con, continue to as well, or the effect on your population documented from the beginning, the beginning of this month of october. he's
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a 1st that his funds on the ice storm door and going for the for those to so you should hold up and this is african american union. and as you'll see, so as i think a decision to go to take a slave to the coach. this is not easy and we know that south africa will do it until continue. because the african people felt african people suffering too much and the like. and you know, the atlas of the need done for 29 years, most of monday the the next time or the blessing as need. those a form of the yes, out of 5, he's done by the side of, of the south africa. and it might be able to stand by the side of the south africa and the feeling was that somebody in the south african people in the same time is latest done. by the time it was done by the side of the light against the black people. and this i put the side to continue to continue the fight in south africa
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and the africans, people as. busy i invite the african impulse, those were the now and what is done here. and after the dinner, we talk about this thing and what's happening in the country. south africa. she said the formal and she said the, when the stop in south africa, a lot of students and then eventually a, i'm something too much police the was located. they all go to school work and go ahead and because we're not allowed to here to take the short way to the school. the same happened and have been assigned, know the same method. so when the start and by this time she was a student in the school. now when i opened the tv, i see the say, this is the south african bundle. say it's not for me. so as i want to one, i'm looking for an institution, for his conflict, handled african countries. no,
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no call, no document pulled up his internet. if you want us to listening to that one is the fuse when they want. they want to continue and they'll condition they want to continue the fight against my people. and they want to stealing more and more and more on one of our lines. the only company this little did not have brought up and did not have much. so now there's life. if you ask any one of them, show me the level visit. what was the minutes that when he wants to for the level of his life, the last month, you know, up the doing, the show, the land i go to that was really good. then it is a lot of the guns and see i just, it was like that's, i mean they want to provide it or things to combine it. so what they want, they want the increase in guys out and then, and then in, in the country and like people living in the company we're living in because of the want to continue if they want to continue, this is easy for them to find that was the answer for this it was you why the site
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is 75 for you to not living in peace? no, no, no. so the cost of us be taking the boys that well for each of international come know quotes on and we know what's happening. i liked it to face any assumptions and then don't like it kind of a little in the as a surprise when. so i think, i think there's this issue and you know, all the content stuff to stuff stuff to, to support. so i think you just do the g and mexico, you decide to solve different parts of africa to sheila and mexico with to i might and mexico and all the contents or the 2nd country support. uh, it was supposed to be like no america. i'm from available and country and the most importantly, but i think some of the guns, some of them don't like to see getting the too much of a lot of home in the housing and getting the families from don't have that direction. so all the countries now,
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all the other states in this world started to stand by the side of south africa, supports lands upright. and this last think, i don't know, you know, sometimes after you investigated the nothing in the history of the why do you think i would do is i didn't go back in 96 isn't a good way to go look at by those think ok by seen i will go by and google and see them then and see like addiction then i do provide is tourism to go to the blessing as people to the heart as a blessing, as you know and fix safe safe. no is i can look, look like as a 105 from. yeah. so that's the, that's more than welcome to go to that. i'll drop it off because then guys guys are from one place locally. have too many you of 300000 people living there.
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and they were lovely that housing was their lunch. the ones in the history. they should understand that the only change in the last, if you want to start the war, you should use the fence on the plane and using the home and using those kits. now the meaning of the change is that why do you think most of the loud is supporters of palestine coming from the official i'm up to 10 go into effect on countries. i know a lot of them, again, our toilet design goodness, both to support those critical software development. anybody seems to be, you know, uh, messy. this is the dentist that demonstration is one of the guardians should then be able to kind of a like a blessing and children killed by the slaves. the kind of them like, there's like, no me, i click on the domain, no, they will get it into the station. the people in the old, the start,
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the feeling with was, is i thought it was a blessing as people, if there's not easy for the to see that the friends getting the audits and thousands of united from the same people. and the world did not try to do anything to the sales people. so i'm pulling it african countries for the whole now was done . but the sudden the blessing us through the accent except i'm going to and i'm going to comes up with the size with all the ones they needed. okay, my people, that's it. and i'm going to kind of be the one that just to view the solution. the same time. ok let's, let's go, let's go to the system. does that easy? it is very easy because when i looked to the sales people, that's cool. what, what do i think is that something you page him for is that when it comes one to, to do it, you can do it cuz that easy for that. does that easy for them? and the only solution for this conflicts. now that was, this is, my name's talk about it a little show, talk about it. china talk about it or that opened dentist talk about african
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countries is good for that. it's a huge, old old supporter to send you as i have done to him as i don't want to feeling more and more and more more for one i want to pay my people. they want to come and go to this. the students bookstores near says, the fund, those moms phone if i mean is this is i just this, this is a human rights. this will literally take us little to with the place and this world . this is not good for them. the the most affordable cuz it was business and usually in the daily
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shows i knew how many comes green. we'll just go through with this discussion of clipping. and i'll see if i can provide you with the assumption. sure. ruckel beam was not sure of the different student info, which of course, and yet you throw in the probably just a moment that was shorter issued through here that was sent to us yesterday at the top. so usually i'm looking at the studies for submitting and for to flourish to, for me to on, on, on thursday, the tutor which, which is a little bit it was just posted sustainable. so they won't, because we just knew where your boss will do. school culture was there any don't know which these regarding know for the don't or that you just to do given me other than that we're going to use just opinion pronounced has come up with the
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the not just levying 156. you in stock full. i've been killed things off to my 7 and my the body has failed to actually approve a resolution on a ceasefire. does this show that the u. n. has lost, is paul paul really runs? i think the 165, not 150561651 of the 65. this is war. you know, the fam people have some one of the ones to defense about. and so as i say
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this, have all the opens in the, in the window stuff. they don't have this one, but now they have because some of the countries give it to you understand the for one to talk about is getting over the people working with you on a bedroom. that is more than $200.00. they can more than $200.00 and buy this thing . listen to me, i want to do something. if we do the same, if we did the same with us, like if we have the old ones is like we have, we have the horses late have as they have this one with one is the same and this one was the defense about the 2. and we can do from this is 24700 from the site is 10000 of images. and $7000.00 was what lessons was quote, total cost. this is what's going to cost. ok, what they're doing. know again, some of the same people listen. so when they go to the people who is living with
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you on it as normal for the site is because they could have done this before. they could turn a block in the life and the tv. it was life what they are doing after they can do nothing and they will not do anything because they just did that. so it does the order for can and can you give me the best as people is that you're doing more and more and we want to feeling a of the some sites and this was done by the side of justice and it's under the single one kind of thing rule, if we help international, it's very easy to hold it less than living in peace and this will hopefully have wasn't that much, i know. but i see there's a lot of international going up on you. one for palestine, one photo crane one for rochelle, one for k. no one for america, one floor and one for libya. nope. nope, non these guys. they keep saying that they are not warwick palestine,
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but with how much thousands of women and children were being killed. 2000000 people went over. now i've been forced out of the homes as well as hospitals, which you've mentioned a number of those things. what, what does your take when it comes to the fact that these all say is the going out toward a mouse not published? i listened to the number one, but before 1991 there's nothing to noticed with his name. is that a 2nd? and the thought of the thing as people that site is not moving go of housing and getting my people before this that they can in the sample was the under the 1000. think of them notice he has been before homeless. i might have started to work only and guys in my, of the 1991. you see my phone is that i'm not going to, there's things from us and by this time. and if they want to say this or this and to follow when the same people just of less than the husband devoted,
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there is nothing in his name is on the unless i just get more than 1000, $200.00 the for might be. the 2nd intifada, because more than 4400 of them might be before how much the 10000 should and the 7002 by the end of the asking definitely there's insight or the i can say with that, okay. it shouldn't the one year old 6 months olds of what it was open to not have children 14 years after she has the children become picking up. she had this, she doesn't get there, but anybody with a for small baby leslie, this whole thing though as of have neighbors. and they got the looks of the, they were not just of this the something wrong and the culture, this is the site is sweet thing. it's it's, i mean having the come stuff, it's the humans. well, many people and this is the only thing to us. i mean why?
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why? oh, the old have one of the lot. number one, number 2, bullshit to me, lot of from i think a lot of from i share a lot of from russia. let's say, who my number one and then said i am a guardian or but a student or jordan or from or egypt. number 2, number 3, and that's, i just want to go into like this. no, but they don't know. nobody will like, oh, don't want this done again. this is why they don't ask himself why? because that can get you then enrollment's under this and the students and the for those moms and they can everything because the 3 the people did not come into sending. guys are the people. sometimes the children, the children will just need to check for smaller pit. look, the font and one is always fine. we've been burglary meant about the visible office
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that can make that appointment. is that how coffee they can come? they don't believe in peace of the same people living only and based on valencia. how do you expect this and situation so outside the develop, especially when there are tensions between israel and iran lab and on human as you kind of full scale will actually be prevented. isn't to be as way the surprised one have not have sought to collect tax in the 7th of which she supplies to spend 5 years 5 to $5.00. i was sorry 5 i was was i don't know where the line is. no, i mean, does it go to do is i know it's a period. what does that company, what does the ministers, what? 545, i was younger. steph, is i have this difficult situation with guys and she half and i was unable to attend in the same time
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a lock and we've been on the, on and the and then i don't think she she can look see you believe that it could be a for it or not, they can do it in one case only in $11.00. if they're not a civil america stuff, double big with the on you. that's, i mean maybe it's would be a tennis war. we will see it in our know because some of the countries that are waiting to see how they're going to change of distinction or work because the policy of some of the kansas i can not believe you can not believe it. i cannot many, sometimes when i think you know, the americans talk about and they will be on kansas about the conflict between osha and oakley. and they said they said that or wish i want to go by. ok. the american. ok. i'm going to go about that like wonder before i this is i couldn't have done the national and there is no international for osha. ok and
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that's something that support decides also. but i want to explain the idea. i want to talk about the idea to this day, what they, they, they have only been gave you, and they can present only one day. and they destroyed syria, american army know in syria, white. and you look about than what's international, this one. and by this time, it took a bite, the bullet seems to be the support, the co pay up against might be how can we understand it if you want to see this one of the lives of all the children and this was all attended in this world which would have only one international and no one justice for the human rights. this time we can the vic, all of us in peace and on the board has also shown some support for palestine. but as it is gone enough or done enough to show this beyond just
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the speeches, i'm here monday through an 8 or the dentist disliked african cut the civic on to have the special institution and special police. but all the countries are typically this done by the sides of but it's the same people. so the so the support but assign strongly since may be from $96.00 is you know, they've been to the blessing and people $20000000.00 a few months without this money. we cannot this, don't know what, let's without this money we can, that's what the notice leg against actually excessive completion. that's not going to, is this a part of a junior egypt your as i am at it, all those that are going to spend, but also, and in this conflict and from the limit of october, most of the outcome to all of them, they're going this way and this done by oversight when they, when, when they're both a both and position and they so on the printers. but as if you asked me, you want more. yes, we need more because we want to see the end of this will condition. we want the
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stuff to there's a commission to my people and our less and need and so so if, if you ask me if we want more, yes, we want more. what more support from left on the account is from the old one, the defense, the justice. we don't want, i don't think there is one justice. okay. this is done by the side of the just been as one who are life list and by the side, we'd like to see that piece in the middle east, but without the same document to bind, it depends about hispanic. they stayed on the encrypted and not the successive and i don't think it was the piece and then we're going to use the they would seem israel's war on god. so he's changing everything. not least of all the west claim tomorrow. leadership in the world. the so called rules based order has been shown to be a complete fraud. when there is a leadership vacuum,
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others will fill in the thing that would inform me to put them for the gifts for the state of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g, like teach that way. know if i'm the kitchen, the scholars should. thoughtful. i knew that as i'm going to last, i look forward to you with that. the law for she's my, it's a washing machine and when you moving let's move. i'm on the stairs from 1st month to month with the amount of water to move. let me look into that and we'll just, i did, i just want to say the lowest quality, i'm all of that. so i'm going to, i'll study to the progressive rock and you say your short finish. this is just to just quoted you. a few i'm a fraction and for them to come thing to do friday is the material ordering some of our simple for over of the, for sure. enter them in the temperature of intention to some of this.
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the question of the nuclear envelope she need to do it. most schools do. if you look on the initial do, while of course, significant dealer post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value, what do you do origin. but he also has to was done the supreme, the coins is going to be of assistance to good ludy. what i see these, the bus is the little gear limitation, says this tutorial on both of the
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exclusive footage here on, on the international is we get 1st access to the military transport plane crash sites, which must go labels of terror attacked by key of the plane was carrying 65 ukrainian or prisoners of war for us swap with russia, locals, and those are old sort of pilots stay of the plane away from a nearby village to avoid impact. node uncles were injured, submit to the accident. let's preparing the fuel to the us congress and the german boot into stock so that the deputies can finally realize where their funding and help as moscow says, the play was down to buy you crazy and invest all at least one or 2 of them. it doesn't know that the next step is to bring the case to the us congress and german book, the stock and of the down. the plain makes headlines.


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