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tv   News  RT  January 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the, the, the headlines out exclusive footage here on oxy, as we get 1st access to the military transport plane crash sites, which must go pools at the terror attack by pm. and a plane was carrying $65.00 ukrainian prisoners of war for a swamp with rush plus preparing the fuel to the us congress and the german boot into stock so that the deputies can finally realize where their funding and help as most goes as the plane was down by a pair of western miss aisles loans to buy key if it notes. the next step is to bring the case to the us congress and the german book. the stock kind of sit down and play and make headlines. ukrainian media outlets reported on kids. roland, taken out the acro, however, all of a sudden they quickly dropped any and old references to ukraine's direct responsive
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dennis the live out loud from us. go with your news front and center, and of course and filters as well. so we got continuing operating usa with some updates to throw in too, but 1st a tiny bit of background for you if you missed it. a russian military transport aircraft is crushed with 74 people on board a most of them ukrainian p o w's and it will have an octave in shut down. are you creating and forces according to moscow officials, but the russian ministry defense calling it a terror attack? and the list of the 65 prisoners of war has now been published. it was another plane carrying a t u crating and prisoners that was diverted. and russia says the prisoner swap has not been put on ports for the meantime. we have this statement from the russian ministry of defense. and so i just looked at 11 15 am the key of regime committed a terrorist attack. as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down as it was flying along that you
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call up ski built on air fuel route to transport ukrainian service men. for exchange, the aircraft was shut down by the ukrainian armed forces from the litzy settlement in the heart coverage and using the anti aircraft missiles system. the radar of the russian air force observed the launch of 2 ukrainian missiles on board. the airplane were 6 crew members, $65.00 ukrainian service men for exchange, and 3 russian service men accompanying them. the crew and all passengers of the airplane were killed. one of the 1st on the scene was an oddity producer who was given access to the site. so we'll show you some exclusive footage here as uh, this report was found on the find a local t, a in the, in the village of. yeah, blah, blah. know told me, uh, local booker told me, that she had 2 or 3 feud explosions in the sky. and i'd like to shed light on how it was in belgrade, where we were at the moment when this happens. first of all bill got. those has
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been under the constant shelving for almost 10 months. i mean, you create in palm, it targets it on a daily basis with more to a how is this a try goals? me do, and to show trains me. so basically everything the, the house. so silence can be heard here and there you can see, or you can hear the defense systems into something real quick in this guy. but this time was they thought was different because it was over whelmed. with 4 rooms with sirens, tv and radio were shut down by the shut down by russian emergency ministry warning, the ox, everyone to go to the shelter as well. the number of casualties apparently could have been even high on if the pilots of the down plane hadn't steered away from a village down below. and here's what a local resident to say. the pilots directed the plane away, they are heroes. there was a school nearby,
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children were studying. the plane crashed into a field. the village was not affected, everything is cordoned off there. there was no way to get there. but according to authorities on the ground of the area, nobody was hurt the locals. for the meantime, describe the moment the plane came to this policy, i was very scanned. i would like to sign as a pilot to dine. i understand that he has a family goal addressed as so condolences to his family. but i would like to sign him for saving us. they themselves died. but say the village you wish to this is we heard a strong rumble, went outside as will smoke on fire. we had the 2nd explosion. it turned out to be much louder. we'll run out and looked, thinking people would need or how the plane crashed far beyond the village. it was very loud and scary. dark mode. we saw a red object through the window and opened one object free by then an explosion of red flash. and that was it, we didn't see anything exact in the explosion that we heard was an expression about 3 kilometers from the vintage portion for the cost of the kid was just some sort of
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explosion that so we didn't know what it was. we were endorsed charges of the 1st i heard the roar of a plane engine. i opened the window to listen. it was in that lounge. i looked up and saw an explosion. black smoke can fire, then a 2nd explosion with white smoke. i went outside the street was confident of blankets of smoke, which i didn't know it was a plane. i didn't see it for the russian to administer your defense. that commented on the plane crash, taking a key for its direct role in this tragedy. as soon as he had another atrocity committed by zelinski whose criminal click which immediately after the plane crashed in a misanthropic manner, declared victory. claiming that this was the work of the value ukrainian armed forces. however, as soon as it became known that there were ukrainian service men on board who were in routes and to swap site, the rhetoric view cleaning government changed to begin to deny their involvement in the catastrophe. people in key of knew very well about the upcoming exchange. they
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knew the route preserves of or would be delivered by the attack on the plane was a deliberate in conscious action. the terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the inability of the key of regime to negotiate with the officer saw that there was a back in the studio again. you've had your finger on the pulse of this breaking news now just ever since the plane 1st came down and we've been looking for responses from key of ever since. what are you not? well, we do have a response, but there's really not very clear cut. this is not come from the presence of landscape. this is not coming from anybody. directly bar a media press conference. what we've had is the general store off of the forces of ukraine has posted on social media on facebook. and the statement is very completed that we can take you through a little bit of what it says. it says all measures to protect you crane from russian attacks on coffee or something that we looked to do. we look to reduce the missile threat. and the old forces looks to control the space in the territory of
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crane. and it takes all measures to destroy any means of delivery. now, could you read into what they say? they're saying they take all efforts to prevent any delivery of weapons. and they have suggested in other posts that they could have been a delivery of weapons. that's not what it is according to wash or so says no, it's was the delivery of please who's going to take part in a swell. so we're getting the sense hit that there were missing that they was ukrainian involvement without really saying they need to call and have to read between the lines here. what has been pretty clear and this is something that's been said fine. ukrainian, a member of parliament has posted on his telegram channel. and really, rory, this is a statement that is 14 incredible. he has accused kids zalinski and the ministry defense knew quite of how showing up what's happened in belgrade in relation
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to base crash of the plane that was supposed to be carrying those prisoners a rule he's furious. so i just want to give you a taste of what is ukraine and m p has actually said that his photo is on telecom. it's a tony. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has the heads up the right. it's keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flats in kiev and levels, it's really comfortable to think about what is great and historic base is pretty strong stuff coming from a serving member of the ukrainian parliament who has previously backed t, as in all of its attends. in addition to that, we have had evidence that he was aware that there was due to be
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a prisoner swamp. on wednesday, january 24th, which is today of this came from the intelligent spokes person who was giving it into the, to free re do europe, confirming that it was what just happened. listen to this in to be the prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine was suppose to take place today on the 24th of january, the representative of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate. andre yourself told radio liberty, i can state that the exchange plan for today is not taking place. he said the important piece that it was due to take place. it's now not taking place. you have to wonder why. yeah, you do indeed. well, what about the allegations that certainly are coming out of moscow? the west in ms file. it's where you to attack this a russian illusion. transport cross. do you have any more details about that? yeah, so obviously we've had the russian m o d statement which is describe this as being a terrorist act. and we've heard from move makers in russia who made claims that
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there was more than one me, sorry, that was aim towards displaying that. there was also a secondary plan that was also carrying p, a deputies that managed to divert out of the area. um we don't show with those have gone now and also this occupation that it's not just any weapons that we use to in this attack, this miss all the time. it was actually weapons that came from the west, the spring. you will post those little make us have to say in regards to that is just similar to this feel so loveless. this is an act of terrorism. it is a planned and prepared action that cannot be viewed in any other way. this is the murder of their own soldiers who are being transported to be handed over. the training and leaders are terrace, fascist. they are people without shame, without conscience. and without any morals, they simply do not have them. and i kept them in. i made accounts gimme a mean american and german to me sell shot their soldiers in the year their own. their mothers are waking their way through wasting their children for waking the
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pilots of our military transport aircraft for cameron, outta humanitarian mission, and were defenseless. people were shocked with watkins less preparing the fuel to the us congress and the german boot into stock so that the deputies can finally realize where they're funding and helping. it's a not to resume fed by biden, crohn's shots, and other politicians. they must realize responsibility and even peace must impeached them. would you put the lift? ukraine does come out and admit that it did carry out a muscle strike and it did that for kill some of it. so the 65 p o w is in front of the fine. of course, this would be a massive problem for care for president. so then scales. so something that he won't have to just justify to create new people, but also possibly west them back is what about what about anything in the ukrainian media or they touching the story? and if they are touching the story of his after off coming down, how are they touching? well, they have been covering it, but interesting a we've had a change of headlines and quite dramatic and not long off the we were aware that
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this crash had taken place or you couldn't see a proffer. we proff though, which is one of the main papers, suggested that they had sources within new cleaning on me, claiming it was then me solid and they carried this attack at that quickly was deleted, and it reverted to a very blond head line. and we don't know the reasons for that. however, there are some suggestions of what could have changed that situation. one is a statement from the queen and only, but someone wanting citizens not to draw premier jewel conclusions to own the trust official sources. we haven't really had any official sources properly explaining what the queen inside of this is. and also we have a statement from the coordination h q of the treatment of prisoners, which is a government departments in ukraine at saying that the, the shouldn't. but the mass media wanting them and citizens again, not to be posting things that aren't coming from official sources. but this is
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problem, i think because in ukraine there are no real official sources at the moment, at least giving a key for perspective on this situation. so that's partly because of that, let's get regime. i shut down all position media channels. so there's only now one voice that is the official key of government narrative that but you know, i've seen the west impressed reports on this shot at the west. impressed. so did you typical news of this i would even mentioned, the name's old a say about this, russian call. the pain being shut down by ukrainian force is the only thing the western press says is russian called the plane crashes with ukrainian p o w s. but not a single mention about one or even 2 west of missiles shot by key at the took out this airplane in the most unprecedented tragedy. we've been reporting on today with a spray can use an art to international a charlotte open sky. thank you for the russian and miniature defense has publish a video with one of the ukrainians who was only ill cited flies and is now presumed to be dead. i should know it was recorded in 2020 to explain how he was treated by
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you crazy and come onto the electric. give you a warning here. he may have been speaking under your s are sure. so those are 2, i wanted to levels we are considered as cannon fodder. everyone understands why our leadership treats us so coldly. they don't explain anything. they just throw us on . the battlefield is more than 15 people came plus the lieutenant was over 10. don't know anything about military affairs. there were a couple of people who had previously served and, and a half ganges a 55 year old grandfather who was half shell shock. there were rumors about this battalion that of sacrifice as people who they do not take care about anything at all. and what do they have served with or not whether they can fight or not. they froze them on the battlefield. they hope that these units will hold people back, even if they can't do anything at all. so sadly, k f as previously being accused of targeting their own troops back in 2022. for example. the number of your trade in soldiers died and in attacks carried out by their own side. and at the time all these women culture ref picked up the story.
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these are just some of the bodies of ukrainian soldiers, which were killed by their own ukrainian army overnight. now, these guys, they've been killed by shrapnel. meanwhile, these guys right here, their bodies had been burned as a result of a strike. beyond recognition, criminal experts from russia and from the people's republic are now working on documenting every single body of every ukrainian soldier, even though neither knew ukrainian authorities insisted on using this place of detention. it was discussed previously, so they knew perfectly well where the prisoners were being held and that's how they took the lives of their own soldiers. a sue crane, an army used high caliber high mars artillery systems when they struck this battery just after 2 o'clock at night. now there were at least $600.00 prisoners in this
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barrick alone. now, according to a russian and defense ministry, this was a pro vacation on the part of the ukrainian army organized rental force. a large number of ukrainian soldiers are laying down their weapons as they know about the humane treatment of military prisoners by russia. this outrages provocation was aimed at intimidating ukrainian soldiers and preventing them from surrendering over the last couple of weeks. the members of the nationalist, as on battalion, started giving witness accounts about the war crimes committed by them and their superiors. apparently, those war crimes were commissioned by the highest authority in key if, as the result they were punished by hi, maurice or so they were warranted systems and these are just some of the fragments of that high caliber show. so as i hope you're aware of, we didn't covering breaking news. now here for many hours, 0 analogy international. essentially what moscow says is a key of his shot down
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a russian transport across and illusion that was full of ukrainian p o w to be basically being sent to a prison, a swap, but must go says the key of regime somehow launch potentially to west and miss dials, the blue of the crossing, killed everybody on board. well, we can take this conversation if are they there or not? you international with a russian ministry x, but i'm just on the panel of joining us here or not. you international a very well welcome to you today. so um, we have already heard some reaction coming out of key of basically a ukrainian problem to member with that with a scathing statement. i can't really say what he said, but i'll give you a little overview. he said, it's a total f up. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but where f, the defense minister is nowhere inside the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has the thing, heads up, the rear is so that, that me, that stuff, the company that comes from alexi gunshot and co you training and m p. very strong
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comments. that what are your thoughts as to what happened today? so we can analyze the real situation and what i can see as a military expos, surely it was an attack. it was a planned attack. and surely, uh, this, uh, some fragments of the rockets right now that shows us that possibly was use the enter through systems from united states, better back to or possibly, uh, german iris t. hm. so if we will analyze the capacity or for this, those systems, for example, better back to pre, has an operational distance about 160 feet long. mm hm. if we, uh, we'll analyze the distance between the belgrade and hanukkah, for example. it's about $7.00 to $5.00 to on the test and to the board, the russian. i'm great in boulder, about 37 kilometers. so cranial side could easily use. so
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those type of ontario are all systems that have been provided by the. ready nato countries and from the exactly the united states and germany. so what we can see, those are moments that was provided to to defend so that a real space of 4 crane was used in this terror attacks the people were killed and some civilians could be damaged before not pilots. real heroes won't but take them and not change the course of the plane. but i think it's what kind of jumping, i mean sort of jump in. but do you think these massages what? what was shocked by ro gallivant's or what they showed under the initiative of kia . do you think you may have ordered themselves to take out? that is fine. i think that's uh key if uh don't make such kind of decisions. there
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are some of the forces that can make such kind of plans and surely uh, kia is not independent and such type of for to real tax. because they are being led by the forces, by the special forces, by the special services and intelligence agencies or the western countries as special the shorter united states. and i think this is a plan of the escalation step by step. we could see that tech on the market of donors, for example. yeah. now we can see attack on the air carrier. that was the carrying of the reason i spoke with this was a she monetary and mission. i mean, this is part of it like saying that, you know, because a lot of people say, and i'm one of them, frankly, that already, america and nato have lost in their proxy war against the rod at russian federation
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in ukraine. but so, and because of that, does that mean now that the only tactics that key of has left a basically random acts of tetra, it's not random. i think of the system and surely they last on the problems line. they don't have any bestbuy to physically. i talking about was there and surely now they're trying to make more media attacks to uh, book all the possible thoughts and do for have talking about the uncontrolled escalation . because if we will see this trip to jail the need to you for will see the stretch of jo united states. they don't want piece on this region and they want to involve more active for the house as well to as they're running out of actors. they don't have enough people now to work the machines in the complex, so they don't have the cadets, the soldiers, the people, the demographics,
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the almost disappearing right now. um, i mean, you know what? i just wanted to bring you back if i kind of lives on it to alexi going don't try and cause it ukrainian m p. who said, regarding today's shooting down of this russian humanitarian mission, but this illusion aircraft flip the lobbies, once again the ukranian, m. p, got gunshot, and co says it's a total f up. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're asked. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has that thing . heads up that rears. how do you assess this statement? it's a really strong statement and it, you know, perhaps it represents not just alexi going try and cope with other people as well in t s. and brought to beyond. yeah, i think that so now we can see that some groups divide, that in the fall way. and the political party is in a key. if surely, i'm now attacking each folder and there are some alternative for uh,
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some alternative candidates if we're talking about the possible future president and surely, and now they're starting to fight insight and what we could see another point and i think it's very important that the 1st, in some media, in some resources of the cranial site, was information about the attack of the ministry of defense over green that it was attacked was provided. and it was controlled by the military intelligence. but then uh, those information on this uh blocks was clear, it was me, well, you know, as, as you've been talking to me. so i've just been reading the what is not one official statement coming out of tea a regarding the downing of the russian illusion of humanitarian missions. i call the plan. he says, currently we do not have reliable and comprehensive information about who exactly was on both the plane and how many do you believe that?
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no, i don't, you're not buying that all. you know, surely because we have to understand that this protest of exchange in the prison, this of war, it was controlled by the both sides. it had uh, the special time, the special point, if i'm not mistaken, it was on the board. the russian opinion bought a new nicola to left. right. so it was plant, it was plant on the highest level of the ministers of defense, the russian federation, minister of defense of old crap, enforced. right. right. right. yeah, yeah. we understand that these systems that now are being deployed in terrell systems, wisdom, anteriano systems. yeah. the russian ok. and in border can easily attack our planes and they surely have this information. well, i mean, you know, just continue the, the, the, the statement coming out of key of alexander. it says, it says here,
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according to the agreement, the russian side had to ensure the safety of, uh, defenders. at the same time, key of says ukrainian side was not informed about the need to ensure the safety of the space above the city of belgrade. in a certain time, ukraine was not informed about the number of vehicles, rooms and phones of delivery of prisoners. but you're telling me, i mean, even most good, they must have this direct phone line. the way they coordinate these prisoners were exchanged, swapped, and so frankly, you're saying key of must have 9 k of right now. it's basically saying we knew nothing about this. and i think uh its uh, surely its uh, the there are now trying to save their faces. uh, and to show that it was casualty. uh they did them to bought in this plan and all this attack. but what we can see, surely we can understand that it was at schumann and 3 are in process of exchanging
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of prisoners of war. and surely it was controlled by they both size and i think that the cranium side was interested to be interested in protecting. it's a space to prevent any damage to their soul just yeah, but then you know, the p or the optics. all of this, alexander looked terrible for the key of regime and it's at a time when the will really, it mean the, the, the nice or us proxy war against the russian federation? the new, crazy. i mean, is peter right now ever since the last counter offensive? you know, it's just been going down the drain. but, but here we are. i mean, at a time when people in ukraine that you know more fatigue, the tired, the fed up with all this, you know, and then this happens. so, i mean, i guess key if has to do a certain amount of damage control on the payoff front, right? yep, and another point, so in this case we can analyze the previous attack. it was an, as
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a tech in atlanta go when the cute by the hymer systems in this now it says so of as of a prisoner. so for to that's right. and the version was that they were trying to shut the most of them. that's exactly right. that's exactly right. so sorry, but so yet. so this, it was a key of missile strike on a whole bunch of what a neo nazi as all the tale and find it right. they were going to be released and fried what am i, am i, am i correct and thank you. the key of didn't one, the neo nazi also battalions making the headlines perhaps, and a big prisoner extra angel. what, why, why did they take out their own fighters and the new york policy altoff battalion? why? because uh, when they will return to cream. they could give independence some information that will show all this the steps of the key is region. uh that bro, for example, sending sold just to the slaughter of making sold just as
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a can afford to. and we called so here someone information, one of the soldiers, one of the prison a. so for was in this airplane really a, gave the information on the media that they didn't have any options to survive on the from side. and surely they don't want to hear such words from the present or so for that will return to keep me because people will hear all this information. parents, all the soldiers will hear this information and surely it can to stabilize all the situation inside key. if you think it was key f as decision to take out, although soldiers of the, as all fatality, no, perhaps washington said we don't need these neo nazis going public. savanski get rid of them. i think you are close to the real situation. yeah. because i think it to us plan by the washington. surely, washington is now playing this. busy different steps and making all the
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structure of this publication some terrorist attacks. and surely, you know, i think of trying to control all these steps to the escalation. yeah. what do you think? i mean, when it, when it comes to this, this russian transport plane that was shut down apparently by 2 western miss house, shocked by a key of forces. kidding, old people on board and all those poor p o w was, i mean the irony is these p o w survives the conflict zone, only to be killed by their own government as they going home to bring were united with the families. i mean that, that level of tragedy here. i like alexander, i mean is just absolutely awful. what do you think of the conversations happening in the joe biden whitehouse regarding the shooting down of this russian humanitarian, colorado right now, as usual, i think the administration of job i don't want to pay a lot of attention to the swedish and what was it was advocacy comp, pay attention. well, they don't care about such kind of situations in the media right now that having
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all the level of problem. and i think the to my decision of flows in this green and project and making in the policy in this region. for example, involving some other countries to this conflict. it may be so, but they don't pay attention to this media level of the problem itself of grant and reach you right now, watson. but surely they will say, we don't have nothing to do with this. but at that same time locked martin rates on technology making business unblock. oh, yeah, of course, providing oldest battery us back to you know, all those new styles iris the from the jew. many surely it's only business for them . yeah. wars or racket. right. and as i said, the shameful business of it. so, so you'd imagine the drug by the winehouse is basically ignoring what's happened here. but what, what about if it was ms. all's turned out to be job, and would you expect any opposition? coles in the german. but the strong for people to say that's it, that's.


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