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tv   News  RT  January 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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street is word torpedoed and they refused to bring back their tactical nuclear weapons. the government would have to put it in compliance with an n p t treaty while it's still not been violated. there's no evidence that the united states has deployed tactical nuclear weapons and ukraine, bella was, which was the community. why? there is no evidence that the united states is deploying tactical nuclear weapons, a new grain or bellow what was said phone way, restaurants to is. if we of course i want to defend its territory. yeah. news. you're ready to use the lose it in prison issues. no great thing and it was at the end of the mobility, there's actually a great deal to so the level here is that they are holding their through the kind of weapons on the killing of a 5 needle member countries as part of the citizens for these countries being, tanya knew how to use these nuclear weapons. so that's what i said this was of use
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. that's what i said. yes, that would go on because if this logic gentleman seems wrong to you. well, i already mentioned the mentality of our american and anglo saxon, which is up and other western colleagues. so the states, but they believe that they can do anything i see is doing quite as russian is agreeing with that issue. that was something wrong with each. they're not democratic countries, but the, it shows me that she ending in 32. this is sad mentality. you're such a little soon send in the way of the development of the humanity. judy and there's a new feeling and cannot always survive. and then he coped neo colonial and approaching using neo colonial to be new practices. i can do everything and you're banned from doing it. the minister, good day to you. this is pretty good. valid from the bbc? my question to you is what evidence is rochelle planning to present that there were
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indeed prisoners a full fund that claim that was down. and do you worry that no one we believe you are still was it and what the session the so suddenly that is or so i have no concern about the international community, not leaving us. because as i've already mentioned, the international community, through western representatives and media outlets, this has already proven. it's to disclose it to the fact that its position is if highly has been discredited completely. so for example, i'm not trying to cast out on anything. so the see there was mentioned me today about boot chests, which are roughly an early april in 2022 across the there were the images performed by your colleagues from the bbc showed of the central cert street in the
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city of bootstrap. where 3 days ago, a russian military personnel withdrew from and the mayor of the city of re stored his authority. the city made this announcement and 3 days later, suddenly, the bbc shows images on the central, the st. the corpses of people and send it will be 2 years since we have a requested in the right allegations. accusations against us in position to further sanctions soon will be the 2nd anniversary of us asking, at least for the a family for the last names of the people to be provided. those last names of those core people whose corpses were depicted in the b b. c. reporter leslie the i did not interrupt you, i did not interrupt the 2 of the police of the v. c. as the author of this association was include perhaps a look into the bottom. oh, get to the bottom of this the truth of what happened. so as for whether the international community, if the international community believes us as well,
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you assuming because it was of course the anglo saxons is what you're implying. we're not too concerned about that. the truth is jarring here. so they are constantly avoiding a frank response of discussion and frank responses to direct punches. and so, so since we're talking about the bbc and the, the point of its location, this also applies or to the poisoning of solsbury. we still have not received a single response to 46, i believe, or 45 official requests through the general process. because there are offers, of, of who, which of the british royal authorities have an obligation to respond to in line with both international convent since and bilateral conventions as well too. so for that case, would you kindly ask the ukrainians versus your ukranian colleagues? you would ask them, they probably already learn something from their representatives from afar. i can not make any promises about to that. ukrainians are used for recognizing what happened, but they are aware that they were military personnel. and that's for your research
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. and whether or not you believe this, wow, there's it with all due respect to the bbc. me see here by i'm not too concerned about that. excuse me, bbc's colleague, keep call and enjoy the answer please. i administer this issue that you're trying to us for television. you mentioned a lot about your us colleagues, words and actions on middle east. given the fact that these read a government has rejected 2 state solution clearly and repeatedly last week. do you, do you think, how do you think us to still have the influence for is to push the israel for a cease fire or tuesdays solution. and what do you think home, how much does the u. s. foreign policy on middle east contributions to current situation in middle east. thank you and you, my new. i'm not enough to position to to discuss the topic of how the relations are shaped between the united states and israel to this as a matter of their bilateral contacts. all the only thing i can do is to confirm
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that like the majority of those present here, we have been reading the reports from the us media outlets about how there is a dispute here within the administration. a dispute about how to make the israel of more, constructively minded and, but i don't know how this will cause a fluid. there is a precedent, there are national security and fight. there's a national security advisor. there's the secretary of state to the large number of deputies using or i don't know how to respond and listen to what degree is it? only syracuse, because all the speculation is accurate to move. i won't dwell on that. but as for the present crisis, let's do the rep percussion, of the us policy in the region. one will see, i believe you might,
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it's our view, jet and understood as a, uniformly by everybody unless not a single misadventure over the past decade. zaps was undertaken by washington with a reference to the info to the there fundamental security this concerns 10000 miles across the atlantic, the co apparently risk to the security repose. not a single of these misadventures resulted in a situation where a country that was fell under attack. you began to live with more prosperity and better ways. many of the states no longer exist. for example, libya, its state has been completely destroyed or rock. everybody is aware of the shameful conduct of us. so diplomacy in their attempt to, to justify this aggression the which completely failed with their so called material evidence. and after the invasion into a rockies, the islamic state,
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you merge the fed as when the united states disbanded all of the structures from the boss part, including the army. the officers set up with sams officers in order to maintain a positive that safeguard the possibility of maintaining livelihoods for their families on mass. they joined the islamic state of a rock and live on the and they comprise the nucleus of this. and the same applies to a kind of incidentally, not long before. this is the cutting merced as a result of the us as in patient into afghanistan, black, the invasion into syria. this is also spawn to drop hard on loose. rob would just now clause here at the test for your else um members use. and we are aware of, for example, of the fact that in syria those basis where the us illegitimately established in the east of the country where they are attempting to establish some kind of a clause i state of the cords. thereby it establishing expose the schools of
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problems that the region regional scared that a scale they continue to maintain contacts with search and fighters of these. so i'm a state who carry out trin, cover efforts rehabilitation their their training. they're following the instructions of their u. s. handlers, they are participating in a host of operations and terrorist acts that are far beyond the middle east. so with the influence of the united states on the middle east, as you further the they, they, they say will deal with this ourselves and the same with palestine. israel conflict as they entered the court tab, they disbanded the quartet of the middle east mediators. and they took everything into their own hands. we see what the salt resulted, and this is just another example of a situation where somebody comes with you just as a result of the us leadership. we see tragedy take place there. thank you very much
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for your time. and for this press briefing, i'm here, i'm a solid promise to push on these agents report. so my question is the, how do we assess the normalization process between logic version and armenia and the also, we'll, russian peacekeepers leave the current up our regional was a bunch on the 20th when you, while uh, as defined in this right little agreement over there, november 2020 thank you. smooth. we disagree the well, we have a rather precedent for 10 personally played a decisive role and the way that the war was stopped in november of 2020 and in a, the agreement that was reached, a number of charlotte old documents was, were, are a chief that the try, the senior level are many, are there by so on, and the russian federation. these documents determined to keep her out. mentors for
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the resolution, including questions of a board or 2 limitations. the on blocking of trade and transport roads as well as the signing of a piece agreement. and the relevant structures where stablished at the vice premier minister of the 3 countries. for dealing with economic side of the question. recently, we have been observing this is how after these agreements were reached, western colleagues decided to retain currently that it apparently was incorrect, that the russian federation was attempting to achieve progress on that track. so what they began to do was to lower the armenians in our series, either put brussels paris of washington or to prague to bring them in. and incidentally in prague in the year 2020 and $2.00 prime minister processing young's meal assigned a document. and this document stipulates that he recognizes the territorial
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integrity of his ever son within the 1991 borders. this means that no going to curb off, thomas all but as it was called out the car back there concept is an integral part of his advice on this is a surprise to us. was because of prior to this discussions focused on various options for aid, a soap settlement to the question of the status of car box bud to armenia did the single handedly. and since then the question of status was the car box has been closed and some new yes, therapist keepers who remain there even after everybody recognized devoted by john car at boston as part of his service. i need the territory, but this question no longer applies to the armenian side. this is a matter of bilateral relations between the russian federation and service on the president's discuss this matter. they agreed that at the present juncture, the presence of russian peacekeepers, good, i hear you is playing
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a positive role for that, said you in order to reinforce the ability to build trust in their confidence in the region or to help facilitate the return of those residents of car a boss who will wish to do so is thank you. joseph clark, in terms of free press. israel has, has recently proposed the 2 months ceasefire and exchange for the release of all hostages. but somebody says flatly rejected this proposal. moreover, you mentioned and criticized prime minister netanyahu for his negative comments of an apparent rejection of the 2 state solution. but just yesterday or the day before, a mouse leader also flatly rejected a 2 state solution with what they called a quote, zionist entity. and then the charter, they call for the structure of the jewish state. so i'd like your comments on that
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. thank you. it's nice and the shift to, well, when it comes to those proposals that have been advanced to, let's stop for 2 weeks or stop for 2 months. you will return hostages to us and other sites as well. well, returned them, but not all of the hostages. this is a trade that is ongoing and livid, distract attention from the essence of the problem. the essence, the substance needs to be an immediate cease fire. one can discuss at great length the that how mazda is not recognized is really statehood. jewish state couldn't verify and thereby justifies the ongoing bass slaughter and gaza. the book is slowly art to not only draw attention to the surface of what is transpiring to individual manifestations. and if we fail to see what's going on over the horizon where there needs to be the establishment of the palestinian state, these kinds of incidents will continue to erupt through out. and specifically
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because we are keen to achieve a long term solution, we are insist focusing not just on the promise of us beginning discussions to establish the state of palestine. but we are insisting on these steps at the practical level being taken. and for there to be a clear timeline as to when they will result in the for the, the, the, the what stipulation set out and security council and general somebody resolutions and the 1st step should have with them in that direction. i mentioned this yesterday. i mentioned this today as well during the meeting with some of some countries. the 1st step needs to be the restoration of palestinian unity because they themselves need to determine which principles will establish the basis for the restoration of the unity of their people. because absent the unity of the past and people there will be no bedrock foundation for the posting of state. and
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what will be maintained are only pre texas to keep gaza separately in some kind of special status where somebody will ensure security. but there will be buffer zones and to keep the west bank also separately, continuing it to keep this as like a colander. oh with a it's a legitimate settlements and thereby casting doubt on the notion itself of an independent posted in state. these are the details that need to be paid attention to, and as for how mazda is statements, there are large number of them. have you read the statement from the commanders. so that's a how come enters idea of commanders, which is that the palestinians, or animals who to use the new as much as that is they cannot be viewed as being among civilized people. these are commanders,
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and i believe the chief of staff of the army and a number of ministers made such comments. because the then every resident of god as when you through the, of some of the, when they reached the age of 3 immediately, automatically becomes automatic. students because it hatred towards israel is cultivated there regardless of what this process is called, but when, as for more than 70 years, you are not granted to the product that the state that has promised to you. what do you think is being taught in the schools in kindergarten is what is being told to to children in kindergarten for 3rd consecutive to uh, as the generation. there's an injustice there and i spoke with my as fairly colleagues, and i says, dad stated that the fact that the problem of the establishment of a concept of policy and state the fact that this has not been resolved. this is the single most significant factors that results in the recruitment of extremists into
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the ranks of various organizations. they were insulted at that time at the statement, but continued to believe that this is true, as opposed to me. you see me if we let this opportunity slide by let us live where everybody is observing what is taking place and they are concerned about this. and if we fail to advance a solution that upholds the interest of the palestinians there, of having a viable business dates and at the same time to uphold is really security interest rates. this is a key component of the challenge. then we will miss a very rare historic opportunity, give it to give it to the beach. i have 2 questions. the 1st is building upon the claim that they're responsible post us, you know, and policy and settlement does international commit to remember how these organizations emerge? they come off, how do they emerge and the 2nd has to do with the state of rush and us relation was, what is your assessment of their level?
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what type, what stage are they at present and the other prospect of them being completely frozen? and what will this ultimately be determined by the low level as low as a point? so here is where at a low point there are virtually no contacts, with the exception of the discussions of the conditions for the operation of are to come out of commissions in the united states and the work of their diplomats in nursing for the ration. which should be and here to there are great number of attempts to secure one sided advantages, attempts to accuse us of certain steps, even though they are perfectly aware of the fact of a current of whole current history. within like diplomatic presence to begin with, the decision taken by obama in december of 2016 the decision 3 weeks
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before trump's inauguration with the democratic administration left his little present here. and they expelled the a 120 of our people from washington with their families, america and the american nubile way is the date and the date that they had to fly out to russia. and they did this such that there was no direct flight from washington to moscow. very humane here. these people are with children, including small children, on buses, more than 6 hours the travel by boston to new york with their families and or to sit on a plane that flies to mosque how this is the end of this, this has not been coming over from adults, and for a long time the we didn't respond because over the, when the donald trump is not here, it was inaugurated took up, but they all said they were outraged at this approach taken by the democrats. and we said that if you're able to redress the situation,
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let's wait and see and they were unable to do this. and so then in the summer we apologize, nobody cancelled the principle of reciprocity. otherwise of the country would simply not be respected. man, we reacted in a reciprocal way, requesting that the same number of us diplomats leave russia. so the americans are who champions of cancel culture. they cancelled what obama did. and all of the current discussions are beginning. with the 2017, our people were expelled and we did the same as the reciprocal step. so it's not really honest, the way that they operate is moved. and the 1st question has to do with, from us and that history with the, the emergence of these organizations, we discussed representatives of the islamic or the organization resolve cooperation day. remember, well, how all of this happened? the way that from us was being used in order to resist the platform in ramallah
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and in order to balance out and through come us, i want to well into the built into the details here. but what's interesting is that in 2006, when elections were being prepared in palestine a. yep. because if i were to remember 0, i spoke with kinda lisa rise, that's interest. and our assessment of the situation was most of the future that perhaps it is better to advise the opposing is to delay the elections for a little bit on your b. because uh, when, when you consider these sentiments and cars on the west bank, it was evident that there was an of a king, sharp up, up tick in the justices the popularity of those with radical co existence. including come us specifically and kind of a lease on a rice so that you said to me, no, no, no, this is how democracy works if you don't, if you and just recently hillary clinton, remember that period goes and said we should not have consented to the conduct of
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elections following which come last one. and since we agree, if we agreed, since we agreed it was incumbent upon us to do everything possible for those who we needed to win. and that's also on the question of the democratic structure of the world in those countries. so to which americans pay attention to shod. i see on there was was more of them, is it possible that they'll be a reset and relations authority of relations as well know, there are some very tedious discussions underway back and forth with the married proposals, which to me about how the diplomatic missions trip was good, how many and then the security for the gold rush and what was, what was the security detail of the us and best of what should be, which we seem to need fewer security officials to read it from best for so it's difficult to believe that these are the topics we're discussing and one more topics
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that comes up from time to time. even when you 90 those to do is uh, the american citizen. this is reminding us that the, there is a new stock agreement is in fact russia. right? so it was, it hasn't been frozen, it's a documentation. let's review this, what we've told them time and time again that it says in the agreement that it's been agreed and it's depend by the principle of advisable security, which is equal rights and mutual respect and everything else including inspections of nicholas sites, all of that stems from those principles, but the principles of been trampled into the ground by the american students and get to know who they put it simply they say, no that's, that's something entirely different. you know, from the fact that we're practically well with you about ukraine. the fact that some people have called you the enemies less than you, but someone, in fact,
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actually you said what sort of russia is an enemy? well, so the fact that we're pitching, we've picked it practically all of your up against you. just like back in the days, napoleon, he's been on the summit of good you little bit and all of europe for getting all of europe. the under his leg was to combat russian head looked at the same. wish that was it. maybe it's just bringing together a lot of tell us under the web, off of to combat restaurants. and now we have the landscape which or is bouncing each for the eastern new deal. that's ideal, a g sort of a new because they tried to make sure that everyone chose the line in that position, visit the restroom, but i had a press conference roughly a 10 days ago and had a question to put to me about this was a response to the unofficial us request a request for strategic dialogue on this and see if we just did respond in january, we expanded on our position. we don't have anything to say at this point in terms
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of the types of weapons and tried and then you start the agreement to discuss it. but the company inspections, especially given the fact when we've had cases the thing you should wear out, strategic sites, subsidies have been shouting the models by long range weapons. and that's what a new model, but the craney instead, that weapons which couldn't have reached those sites without us assistance assistance to modernize them. so i'm sort of debating question if you will be. all right, that is my answer. thank you very much. look to it slipping. this too much colder than and other bed bugs floating around. new york you a monk fence up. it's always nice to see you in this room. thank you for giving us this press conference. this for foreign
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minister. are you concerned that north korea will no longer say 3 on a vacation with south korea and are increasing tensions on the korean peninsula? a concern for moscow? and can you confirm that president who will visit the d p r k of the most of the pros, from a strange question. what else? up machine because of the relationship with the d p. okay. that's, that's the issue is uh we proceeding nicely. it's developing quite actively, so we see that the d p a k is trying to be independent, not to dumpster anybody's tune. and we also see the u. s. bringing together in new military blocks together with japan and to south korea.
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another issue with the coming together this blog and that blog is building up the military activity. it's creating large scale. it's conducting large scale exercises . and the objectives clearly stated the preparing for war with the d p i k. for years you you, we promoted the idea of establishing a security, a peace and security zone on the korean peninsula on my beloved the curriculum. and this idea was enshrined as one of the federal and goals of the so called 6 party talks. that's difficult with the video and then submitted them. it was ignored, but it was every time it came up, the americans came up with some excuse. it's premature to discuss these kinds of agreements, arrangements. we need some more time to think. so it never really got off the ground, it was do this group which would discuss mutually acceptable, secure,
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to guarantees you to confidence building measures and so on and so forth. and nobody in the door to go through it. or having said that, the rhetoric we're currently hearing from south korea with us. so we sure boy is rhetoric all of a sudden became young, even the more the style towards township commands us and that it is in japan. as wells we see, we hear the aggressive rest of it. and the seriously them that you're talking about in japan of fishing up festival, a mission, and then well, your infrastructure data infrastructure to the us of also sharing the infrastructure, setting up the infrastructure and then north atlantic infrastructure there in japan . they also talking about the fact that to the u. k. japan and the arrow k a going
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to, we've discussed, developed the corporation is quite to wishy washy. the way they phrased it. but that they said something like nuclear related co corporation. and just kind of made the statement that he made to keep in mind to you see the thing is because a week nissan yahoo said that there will be no posting in the state to come down and said, we're not going to unite with them with the south koreans and when you people have with the year it's terrible. when instead of condenser unit 2, we have trends which divide us. and yet this is a systematic process. is this across many regions. and the main contributor to that trend of those who believe the to be the most of the end of us. they think that the, they built the us for half a millennium telling people how to live and that they're going to continue doing the same thing. this logic.


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