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tv   Documentary  RT  January 24, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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a from a going to lead this goes, move, develop the corporation. it's quite to wishy washy. the way they phrased it. but that they said something like nuclear related co corporation. and just kind of made the statement that he made to be made to you see the thing is because a week nissan yahoo said that there will be no posting in the state to come down and said, we're not going to united with them with the south koreans and when you get to the year, it's terrible. when instead of condensing unit 2, we have trends which divide us. and yet this is a systematic process. is this across many regions, and the main contributor to that trend of those who believe the to be the most is a b in of us. they think that the, they build the us for half a millennium telling people how to live and that they're going to continue doing the same thing. this logic completely were doors to the reality of the situation
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which is objective. and that reality is the following was the former colonies, the overwhelming majority of these ex counties have gained independence. serious then now it's very much aware of the national interests they want to, but trust in national, that cultural identity use their religious identity as well. so the sex colonial states of developing, leaving the west behind as a place to so that can be applied to the brooks countries clearly. so when you're moving, so vix, colonial powers have to face up to the reality. in today's world, you shouldn't just think that you're so strong just because you have the dollar. you can strangle people with the store. you can disconnect people from the swift system or you can reject applications for i m f loans the list goes on. and this, despite the fact that you impose the system on the anti world,
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back in the data world, agreed, but then you became will you change your position? became, of course, the abuse of using this mechanism. so you, if i'm very frank, if i put it simply when we with kids, we go out to play outside after school. perhaps you have similar memories of your own childhood and the what the, what there were always younger kids and the older kids and what the older kids did . this is a disease. well, uh, sometimes some of them hooligans, uh, they made fun of the little kids. and little little kids would get upset, but then they grew up fairly quickly and then uh, they fix the situation a caleb moslin star t i'm at this point, we've got a major western outlet. bloomberg. that's running a headlines saying that europe should arm itself against the barbarians that it's
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gay and by barbarians. they are, of course, referring to russia. we also have a number of western leaders saying that they expect russia to attack nato within the next 5 years. we have a number of western leaders making that claim. i do you think that this is essentially the leaders of the western countries trying to psych up their populations for some kind of all out war against russia as that seems to be a recurring theme. we hear this rhetoric over and over gonna do stuff and get the stuff we hope that that will not be the case. status. we hope that there are some small people left they left in the room because menus, people who are west not just in history, but who have the the instinct to protect themselves. i also heard biden's saying something similar, warning that if you crane loses the war,
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then russell much on the baltic states on finland and on other nathan members. the just such statements. i mean, we're also made by lower level leaders, not just by us late as sick. i'm inclined to believe in reason in the reasonable that's usually risk of the us leadership but preschool. so should i say this as an attempt to move move, but i believe mostly to achieve short term objectives within that is search to of allocating funds to ukraine, dispersing funds to crate. they think that they can still fit in the congress, especially with these fairytales, with these concoctions. they hope that this will prompt congress to compromise and give 60000000000 to ukraine as part of an a package with some money going to israel, some money as well to set of equipment or on the board of us to send me the police
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. but i don't know, i think the people actually making these pronouncements, they understand themselves. they understand full well that these uh well, how should i put it to that? it's hogwash and president putin in fact has commented, is this on this narrative? if he did this recently, you can look up that interview, listen to it. there's no need, there's no desire, political, military, economic. we've got to go with them to put the 2 in us to a tech, anyone we, we still have that desire to do that. so there was no need for us to use that as special military operation. we wouldn't have had the need to do that unless the systems to the west allowed for the creator in february of 2014 and it did. and then it gave the, the crew participants got launched. they immediately said that the precious versus the stages of the russian language in ukraine would be revoked. they proclaimed
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people living in the done best in the crimea city level as terrace because the they opposed the bloody and constitutional cruise done by somebody. and then a was, was waged on they've done best, you know, for, and we did this because the germans, the french, the americans ask, as well, they begged us to put a stop this war to sign them in a quote. and they were in fact, to signed just here at the security council and security council chamber, they resigned unanimously. and then that would have workers who had been implemented everything would have so many things worked out. but it turned out that to, amongst the signatories, aside from present hooton's nose for pit to do that. and suddenly later on that, that's to recognize that these special much reparations gives me what's the monopoly came inevitable after many, many years. yes, yes, route, which we tried. we tried to convince the west even to deal with, but the movie was me, but that they shouldn't turn ukraine's into
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a direct extension. the threat on a board is not 10000 miles away. like the us is the say, iraq is gonna started libya, see the syria, you can solve the angles and because they said that you should have these uh states, i'm opposed to threatening to us interest. pretty sure, but we're talking about a country events of the ordering out country. it's not so in the ocean, the way of describing and to these lands russian, people develop them cheaper to you throughout the centuries and agreed to send the police, give us the of these russians live on these lands. and yet the defendants have been bad from speaking the russian language. so you have to repeat the, it's a different situation. it's a shame that somebody going down that road in europe use that they're trying to then russian, ben, russian culture. if you that's going to have to go to use of it's unbecoming for those who proclaimed themselves to be members of the e u, which they believed to be quite on. thank you very much. so for all that kind of
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what you're in new york and, and the thought process in new york, there will be the election. so there will be interaction does rusher. i suspect that these could change the relationship, the subsequent change in favor of russia. and then also printed the president for my president, tom is say the if he, he will be back in the white house. he will resolve the wars in a matter of it that days. now, do you uh, believing that this is uh, they will be able to do that. just like to use us. you know, we see easy reading. there are lots of things that happen. lots of statements to somebody from this day in day out to do more than 5 years they've published. and we can ask it the same question in relation to those. do you believe them? what don't you and i don't really want to play that game. i can't believe that it
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is something that is immaterial. it's intangible. you was time will toe will say the games goes that i'm an adult. that cuz the premiums will be prepared. zillions to agree to any kind of settlement means savanski has been discussing, relatively rude, is when he commented trumps comments. well, that's the landscape. people styles some of these 2 and in fact to the entire leadership is to someone a cruise. if you might remember these, and these are the shots, the chancellor of the gemini, well, there's some untoward comments made to by the korean leadership. these are the mr. sheldon's. he called him living sausage. they called him the result such as for the, your pin problem in selection. so those are the elections you're referring to, elections therapy and pull it together, then use them. but if each just well dismissal this political body,
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i don't know that well, excuse me, from time to time we hear there's a phobic statements, a decisions being adopted at the european parliament is i'm not particularly interested in, i'm not following those elections to good as the police, i think what's much more useful to them is where this, where you're trying to figure out which your pin countries that they need. so don't hold elections. and in those elections, the studies which countries do you like these? are these group trying to make sure that the european nations are going to be dissolved in this faceless machinery in brussels? yes, it is. my 3. that's much more interesting following that, then this to good seeing who's going to agree, who's just going to come up to with what deal to be elected to the your pin point. thank you so much. my name is a, a from cos i see from arrow muse, bailey, i'm here. so just a quick follow up on your, um, uh,
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response regarding the u. s. rush uh, relationship. um, i'm just wondering in a world, when does it to him? i think channels between your 2 countries are cut off like that. how much damage and suffering do a thing the rest of the world suffers from it when there are no relationship between your 2 countries. and what's in your opinion, with the fake for russia and the u. s. relationship to get back on some sort of a normal track. thank for the sure the levels as well as for and my concerns about the rest of the world. and this is suffering from the current situation in the us freshman relations. i don't know how to answer that. i'd like to ask you to to tell me what kind of satisfaction did the world receive from our normal relations relatively no mobile nations with us? what was the pleasuring in those relations? such looks that after them saw in the abstract sense,
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as it did great that they were talking to each other. well, that's your, that's the notion. when you do that, if you don't specify what with right now is happening and how the rest of the world is suffering from it. well, i'm sure if it seems that you can be sad that many a raising the lauren with the fact that there was greater escalation, military rhetoric with the media and then you can when you, which, but she possibly no one wants to have a big war. but she is, we have, she's been through the big words in our history multiple times. these 2 things are pretty. however, the actions are done by the, by the us, that the doctoral documents of the united states, as well as nato documents. we have it in front and trying that we are the main direct sweat in china is the main challenge on the next. in the next stage, they using these carefully worded formulas or all over the least they're trying to
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engage neutral countries. now finland is a nato. we don't know what it would gain from that is, as far as sweden is, the process is moving on yesterday. i met with them for administrative switzerland you. i mean, you know, this dumpster and she was trying to convince me eventually deal that they can do as before. now they, if they can use the mediators in any process. and i try to explain that in mediator must be unbiased and neutral. and switzerland was famous for a military neutrality and in a wider sense of neutrality, just that allowed it to be a successful capital of the un geneva. actually the government, but accessed and to host in different negotiation processes. and with that to make its contribution to the peaceful development of the world and different regions. let's go with a p said that we're still prepared to do that. we're address service as always.
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but i try to point out that right now they have an national security strategy. it has been already endorsed to a and it will date for the 2024 to 2027. and this national strategy of switzerland fleet stipulates of the switzerland is prepared and has an interest in building your pay and security use that i see a pretty not with russia, but against russia to use the with the keep it in the near future. there is such examples as well and something on a smaller scale then rushing restroom violations. you can put such examples that haven't just given it to you. they reflect how systemic set them is up. and then we use the doesn't need to understand how the systemic actions of the main grandeur of the western unity that there everyone is following the anti russian and pacific position. and that's what we're out of the thank you very much. my name is marian
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smith and i am with a, a d, german television. and i was wondering whether you've had a chance in the last couple of days. beat up with former president donald trump or with members of his campaign team. members wish to heavier, already written an article about it. not yet or slow the think god, because i haven't met with him. thank you, maria. thank you a mr. for administer law for over a my question is regarding indo, russia relationships. just recently, we heard that there has been an eastern maritime core door between the 2 sides. and i wanted to get your opinion on how russia views the potential impacts of the eastern maritime core. door on the countries trade relations with india and also it's broader economic interest in the pacific region as well. thank you. with the
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pros push in that as a group, i think this is obviously the question that requires a great answer is a big one at the bottom. but we as the overwhelming majority of the duration content and have an interest in new corey doors, that would ensure, 1st and foremost, do you feel like use cheaper logistics really boost the faster the delivery of goods can it happens right now or through this west channel or around africa into number 3. everyone has an interest in creation, also logistically and transferred chains that would not depend from the west included. that is, that there will be independent of those teachers who move with the systematically abuse their position in global trade and global transportation products. see that there was a north south corridor that would allow the school to bring from the baltic sea
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in goods and efficiently reliably to the persian gulf used loan. so you knew there was a plan to connect ports of frustrating to far east. and india used to use i q a. there is also an initiative using us, your middle east. india is up with you, but that's all it's up to the western europeans, they're promoting this topic. that's pretty good for us. and the priorities the north south quarter and it will benefit india directly will go through russia as our bridge on iran and further down to india and talk. hassan has also an interest in that use right now. there's plenty of discussions in which the northern sea food, these are of great interest to india and china,
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the northern seafood, considering the global warming factory. but he's still included with the dish and a promise that it will be very soon and very soon will be navigable as all year round and would compete with all other transportation fluids winning more time by one 3rd compared to this west channel. we've discussed that was in indian colleagues, not to our ministry, but it's up to ministry of economics, the finance pads of government as well. but it's one of the main future tasks for our regional development of the especially though. um my question is regarding of janice done recently, you mentioned the importance of target and engaging with the national resistance fund and also to establish and inclusive, inclusive government. i was wondering if you can elaborate on that
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a statement that you made and also clarify the part about the engaging with the national resistance front. and also you met with a form s or iran. i mean up to lying on yesterday. did you talk about what is going on in the red sea and the who sees if you can also give us something on the top? so is that yes, we have discussed it. there is an aggression taking place in the red sea, a direct, illegal aggression in the violation of all principles of international law. the organizes of this regression. they're a line when they're saying that this is self defense, you know, in accordance with the un charter, our mission in new york has distributed yesterday or today you quite possibly have it. they have distributed document that provides all the necessary arguments, then argumentation that was used by the u. k and the u. s. and they showing that
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this is and just pillaging and not self defense. as far as ghana, stan we've never evacuated our embassy and cobble age continues to function. we're keep in touch with the tale bond. there are people have the real power in the country. we is the rest of the when members do not officially recognize tale bonds. as they have taken upon themselves and obligation on several matters, including the respect to human rights, 1st and foremost, women and girls such as any increase even also creating inclusive government to inclusive which is in terms of ethnic background and other because there is backs topics pushed to passions and larger ratings, but politically, they're all tally bon, we're not don't talking about the ethnic composition, but if we would like to have ethnic religious inclusivity as well as political
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inclusivity, there was a former president how made car side and cheese administrator, abdulla abdulla and other non religious leaders who would like to stay in their country and they would like to help bring it back. that was, make you with and then put it back on track. as an, as you know, the us don't give up the money if the other is $9000000000.00 that could be used for it to solve. acute humanitarian social matters and have got to stand. but they've pocketed 9 billions of gather some money and they don't explain it. as for the national resistance front. indeed, it acts in the north of of got a stand by you to the, to get those of their position. he does not give us hope that will be prepared to
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enter a dialogue with tale bon but as it should be striked for him there. all of danis and where are standing for it. however, the for that, those who have an influence on the national visitors front of the national salvation front. they also need to encourage you to me from of the peaceful approach. you might have done this but not just take it as a given the continued knowledge reactions that happen from time to time. yes, thank you. my name is n a. so somebody from sky news or a be a 2 questions. the 1st one is, do you think the court is on the middle east is dead and does russia now playing an active effort to fix what happened recently? that's number one. number 2, there are multiple reports saying that the white house and the state department and the pentagon are discussion in discussion to with joe the us forces from syria. i
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don't know if you answer this before, but what do you, what is your comments on that? unless you go to the, as for the quartet, we put them into the work which you have commented on this topic in detail here in new york as well. we to lose the woods so many years which are possibly starting from the point when the road map of the student of powers house chinese rarely settlement was endorsed. it was many years ago, but it was a face. but we russia advocated for homer avenue just for a fully fledged membership of the legal, the arab states in the court has to pull pull. yeah. because it, it seemed. and so that it was half colonial with us, russia, b, u, d, u n. and no one from representative of the countries, but it was about the middle eastern settlement. the only thing that was achieved, at least in the, let's see, this was that, you know,
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the rest of the quarter to members agreed to invite from time to time to representatives, just for legal therapist, for the main discussion would have already been over and just simply informed them of what the senior partners have agreed upon and whether they have agreed or something seo with them right now when as mentioned, does into the term that we have. we have an interest in, in the new city. effective use. yeah. mediation recognize this as the big you have already. i have also noticed that the leading role should be played by the regional countries that you would have taken from my multiple discussions with these countries with jordan guitar, emory, it's and other colleagues that they are prepared to take over it section and it should as you put into spearhead, and you would not be easy since the instincts is diehards q. and the less interesting to decide is to solve all the issue on their own and to tell everyone
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what they're supposed students doesn't. what about those? and we did that, for example, in the boss should fix the point someone as a positive technical the issues protecting these instincts because some of the high to get rid of we have no issue. we have no discussions with the us on the lease. the key pretty few loose either and here, but your collective efforts and the support of the regional estates would be to quite digital in place and statements. those will be well places level. that's what it was and related. and i think that the new mechanism should consist of the tourist from the original countries. if they consider reasonable to engage russia, china and other countries from outside, it will be up to them. it will be their decision. see, i'm not the biggest that and i think that the goodies everyone would have to agree then to. but i lead to work in lock step without launching some schemes in power
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level that would distract attention from that. as for the withdrawal of the troops from syria, well, that already happened once. when donald trump then the president mentioned that they are leaving syria right away. if you, the leaders of here in democratic forces asked us and our military service men, somebody's contact to help them establish connection with damascus set. in several days the us reconsidered and the representative of the syrian democrats, the forces encouraged, stopped asking for our facilitation of contacts with damascus within the defense. they returned right away under the west wing and you saw the matter of them withdrawing or not. they're legally there, and those political forces in law industry encourage them anytime soon as you can
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expect to have the us an umbrella. and if they're there for the protection issues, they're bidding morally wrong to thank you very much for minister. i'm over here. this is should, except for another little then to go on has indicated a willingness to work with 2 kids to move away from the state of conflict. and it's referring to to k, invoking the marshal convention. and this is widely being understood as a desire to repeal the convention. what are your thoughts and this and another question is, is uh chris points. okay. one second who expressed interest pentagon, pentagon? yes. okay. and is there a plan for present person um to visit took it in the near future. thank you so much . uh, step upsets uh leave it any soon. as for the pentagon statement, as, as far as i understood it from your words, i haven't read it, but they said that they will try to get dirty, a,
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to remove what i need to change them the straight regime right now. when right now, the military, the military ships are not to enter the black sea. if they want to achieve that, then our turkish colleagues hasn't told us multiple times that as the protectors of the contract convention, they will strictly follow its provisions. i understand that the pentagon, well, what austin is back to work, right? that's why there is so active now uses as well. i don't think that they will succeed. as for this visit to the 30th i was asked about the visit to to the para case, i can say that press including has an invitation from these 2 countries, from their leaders and from many other foreign partners. the schedule is shaped by
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the kremlin and his administration was thank you very much. in writing for the last one was 2 hours. we had been following a press conference in international press conference by the russian foreign minister as a lover of and he was wrapping up his visit to the united nations security council . and with that press conference, that was so many things that he punched. and he talked about the plane crash today at today, and that was one of the major places where he started, where he talked about today. there was a terror attack on a plane, the russian plane carrying about $6.00 to $5.00 ukrainian presidents. so for, at, at the key, every gene has been accused of being behind this and that he talked about how more tar was met. so it's the key. every shame uses, you know,
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in the attack of a different uh, on different issues. and you said all the 65 people on board had died and he said there's an investigation into all of this. and that separately would get to know what is the outcome of all of that down the map. questions from so many issues and developments from the middle east between easel and have miles between the who these and the united united states. and also the allied british ally of the issues in the red sea. there were also questions from an oscar reinstalled career relationship, you know, and so on not he took his time to address so many of the issues, particularly when it comes to the issue of the solutions. all of that. the conflict between israel and i have my as all even palestine, he was saying that the only solution on the long term solution is the issue of the two's.


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